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(Luận văn) antecedents and outcomes of customer incivility a study of frontline employees in vietnam’s retail industry

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t to ng hi UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY ep International School of Business w n lo ad ju y th yi pl al n ua Bùi Xuân Quỳnh n va ll fu oi m ANTECEDENTS AND OUTCOMES OF CUSTOMER INCIVILITY: at nh z z A STUDY OF FRONTLINE EMPLOYEES IN VIETNAM’S RETAIL INDUSTRY k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION n va ey t re 1    th Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2018 t to ng hi UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY ep International School of Business w n lo ad ju y th yi pl al n ua Bùi Xuân Quỳnh n va ll fu oi m ANTECEDENTS AND OUTCOMES OF CUSTOMER INCIVILITY: at nh z z A STUDY OF FRONTLINE EMPLOYEES IN VIETNAM’S RETAIL INDUSTRY k jm ht vb an Lu SUPERVISOR: Dr NGUYỄN THỊ MAI TRANG om l.c gm MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION n va   th 2  ey Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2018 t re ID: 22150054 t to Acknowledgement ng hi ep Apart from the efforts of me, the on time completion of the thesis largely on the w encouragement and guidelines of many others I take this opportunity to express my n lo ad gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful completion of this ju y th thesis yi I would like to express my appreciation to Dr Nguyễn Thị Mai Trang – my pl n ua al instructor She provided me with tremendous support, help and motivations Without her n va instructions and guidance, I would not materialized this thesis ll fu The guidance and supports received from ISB, classmates, friends and family are m oi also very important to me I am grateful for their constant support and help at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re th 3    t to Antecedents and outcomes of customer incivility: ng A study of frontline employees in Vietnam retail industry hi ep w Abstract n lo ad One of the big challenges of retail industry is improve the service quality to catch up with y th the growth of economics In order to improve the service quality, mandatory corporate ju yi emotional expression rules commonly employed; which is in turn, affect the frontline pl n ua al employee emotional well-being and increase turn-over intention – another big challenge n va of retail industry Workplace incivility and emotional labor somehow exist in the middle ll fu of this conflict; where they have been attended by researchers, and receiving more m oi attention as its practical potential and importance The study examined five constructs nh at including: experienced supervisor incivility, experienced co-worker incivility, customer z z incivility, emotional labor and quality of work life; which are possible antecedents, vb jm ht mediators and outcome of customer incivility A face-to-face survey with the target of k 300 valid samples conducted with frontline employees in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam gm l.c The results support all hypotheses; whereas experienced supervisor incivility and om experienced co-worker incivility are antecedents of customer incivility; customer an Lu incivility is found related to quality of work life – a non-negative outcome Surface acting n va and deep acting, the two dimensions of emotional labor are found as mediators in the ey t re relation between customer incivility and quality of work life with inconsistent effects which further study should attend 4    th addressing the importance of workplace incivility and positive roles of emotional labor t to Table of Contents ng hi ep Introduction Theoretical background and hypotheses 13 w n 2.1 Customer incivility and its antecedents 13 lo ad 2.2 Emotional labor 21 y th ju 2.2 Quality of work life 24 yi Research method 25 pl ua al 3.1 Procedure and sample 25 n 3.2 Measurements 26 va n 3.3 Data collection 27 fu ll 3.4 Measurement refinement 28 m oi Data analyses results 30 nh at 4.1 Confirmatory Factor Analysis 30 z 4.2 Hypotheses testing – Structural Equation Model (SEM) 31 z vb ht Discussion 33 k jm 5.1 Implications for theory and research 35 gm 5.2 Implications for managers 37 l.c 5.3 Conclusions 38 om 5.4 Limitations and implications for future research 38 an Lu Support information 40 References 73 5    th 6.4 Analyses results 71 ey 6.3 Vietnamese questionnaire 67 t re 6.2 English questionnaire 63 n va 6.1 Qualitative data collection procedures, guidelines and transcripts 40 t to List of figures and tables ng hi ep Table 1: Recent studies of workplace incivility antecedents 18 Figure 1: Research model 24 w n Table 2: Sample characteristics 27 lo ad Table 3: Data collection 28 y th ju Table 4: EFA results 29 yi Table 5: CFA Model fit 31 pl ua al Table 6: Validity 31 n Table 7: SEM Model fit 32 va n Table 8: Structural paths – SEM 32 fu ll Table 9: Mediation tests 33 oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re th 6    t to Introduction ng Retail industry holds a very important part in the economic; in 2016, total retail sales hi ep worldwide estimated to reach 22.049 trillion US$ and forecasted to continue to grow w (“Total retail sales worldwide, 2015-2020 (trillions and % change)”, 2017) As other n lo ad industries, retail industry facing multiple challenges; which two noticeable challenges are y th the necessity to improve the retail service quality when the growth of economics pushing ju yi the growth of retail industry (Vargo, Maglio, & Akaka, 2008), and retaining salespeople pl n ua al or service employees, who interact face-to-face with customers and often referred to as n va frontline employees, as high turnover is recognized as critical problem to the industry ll fu (Freemen, 2017; Kern & Grandey, 2009; Han, Bonn, & Cho, 2016) In order to improve m oi the retail service quality, retailers often apply strict and strong mandatory emotion nh at expression rules to their frontline employees; however, mandatory emotion expression z z rules often associate with faking emotions which may negatively affect the frontline vb intention (Grandey, 2003; Kim, Jung-Eun Yoo, Lee, & Kim, 2012) k jm ht employees and reduce the job outcomes of frontline employees, increase turnover gm l.c The retail industry of Vietnam shows quite similarities; where the economy is om forecasted to continue to grow (Thanh Thom, 2017), and considered as a transition an Lu market which in the world’s top 30 countries with most attractive retail market Vietnam n va industry revenue of 2017 is estimated to reach almost 130 billion US$ (Hùng Lê, 2018); 7    th frontline and providing services to customer directly with face-to-face contact High ey labors (Nguyên Vũ, 2016), in which a large portion of these employees are working at the t re and holds at least 50% of total businesses registered and employs almost three million t to turnover is addressed as a critical challenge to Vietnam retailers, results of a recent ng hi survey show that 28% of employers in retail industry find frontline employees not have ep long-term commitment and 49% address that frontline employees are not persistent when w approached by another retail employer (Nam Dương, 2017) Vietnam retailers also n lo ad employ mandatory emotion expression rules for their frontline employees to improve y th ju retail service quality; and not an exception, Vietnam retailers still not yet paid sufficient yi pl attention to the affects maybe produced and harm their business as well as the well-being n ua al of their frontline employees n va Concern the negative effects on the well-being of frontline employees; in 2016, ll fu there are many cases of customer aggressions made the news in Vietnam (Quốc Huy, m oi 2016; Hoàng Đan, 2016; Tuấn Phùng, 2016); these are highlighted physical aggressive nh at actions where the customers punched and slabbed the frontline employees which involve z z single or few individuals where the victims (frontline employees) were traumatized ht vb k jm and/or hospitalized; the lower intensity cases which involve large crowd of Vietnamese gm were gone unreported However, when using keywords “Supermarket culture of om l.c Vietnamese” searching on the internet, the results will show multiple news articles on the “bad habits” or “bad behavior” of Vietnamese in supermarket or public places (Bảo an Lu Phương, 2016; Thu Hà, 2016; T.Anh, 2012), which mostly concern the “uncivilized”   th 8  ey meanwhile, supermarket employees or more broadly – frontline employees are possibly t re Though, they are customers, they only experience these behaviors occasionally; n customers upon the occurrence of their discomforting emotions in such circumstances va behavior of Vietnamese in supermarket and public places through the viewpoint of other t to have to experience these behaviors with a much higher frequency These behaviors are ng hi considered as “interpersonal mistreatment” and “sub-form of counterproductive” ep (Vagharseyyedin, 2015, p 116); which often addressed as workplace incivility and w recognized as counterproductive work behavior which reduce the productivity of the n lo ad organization and employee (Fox, Spector, & Miles, 2001; Anderson & Pearson, 1999) y th ju Evidences of the negative relationship between workplace incivility and employee’s well- yi pl being have been found in multiple industries and contexts (Cortina, Magley, Williams, & al n ua Langhout, 2001; Han, Bonn, & Cho, 2015), and “comparable with low intensity stress” n va which can have emotionally and physically negative effect (Han et al., 2016) Customer ll fu incivility is identified as one of the negative factors which relates to the use of emotion of m oi frontline employees and increase turnover intention; which has been gathered substantial nh at attention of researchers (Grandey, 2003; Han et al., 2016) z z The incivility behavior occurred in workplace has not been well attended, and ht vb k jm Vietnam is not an exception; because the corporate as well as the employee are not fully gm aware of its harmful potential to the whole organization (Torkelson, Holm, Backstrom, & om l.c Schad, 2016) Furthermore, the incivility behavior could be produced due to the lack of norms of civility and uncivility (Walsh, Magley, Reeves, Davies-Schrils, Marmet, & an Lu Gallus, 2012); especially in a growing market like Vietnam where the retail service   th 9  ey Hur, Moon, and Han (2015, p 407); and Walker, Jaarsveld, and Skarlicki (2014) t re incivility; recently, the suggestion of “family incivility” and “employee incivility” by n under three dimensions: supervisor incivility, co-worker incivility and customer va quality standard is continuously increased Workplace incivility is studied by researchers t to Previous studies found noticeable effects of customer incivility on frontline service ng hi employees (Cho, Bonn, Han, & Lee, 2016; Han et al., 2016; Laschinger, Leiter, Day, & ep Gilin, 2009; Hur et al., 2015); the related factors studied as increase turnover intention w (Han et al., 2016), decrease service performance (Cho et al., 2016), recruitment and n lo ad retention (Laschinger et al., 2009) y th ju The studies of customer incivility have been conducted in Asia countries such as yi pl Korea (Cho et al., 2016), China (Chen, Ferris, Kwan, Yan, Zhou, & Hong, 2013), al n ua Malaysia (Santos, Mustafa, & Gwi, 2014), and Thailand (Akkawanitcha, Patterson, n va Buranapin, & Kantabutra, 2014) where negative effects are found However, only little ll fu studies attempted to find the antecedents of workplace incivility and especially customer m oi incivility (Hershcovis & Barling, 2010; Bartlett, Bartlett, & Reio, 2008; Lanzo, Aziz, & nh at Wuensch, 2015; Hur, Moon, & Jun, 2016) Lanzo et al (2015, p 175) note “An z z examination of the antecedents of workplace incivility is a novel area of study”, “did not ht vb gm should examine the instigator of the workplace incivility k jm address the question who likely to be uncivil as a result of stress” and future research om l.c Workplace incivility is proved to have strong relation with emotional exhaustion and mediated by surface acting and deep acting which are the two dimensions of an Lu emotional labor (Hur et al., 2015) Decreasing in service performance, increase turnover   th 10  ey previously proved to have negative effects on individual (employee) as well as t re which is a form of emotional regulation but different to emotional intelligent; and n incivility (Cho et al., 2016) Emotional labor concept was initiated by Hochschild (1983), va intention, and reducing organization commitment are studied outcomes of customer ng hi ep Ô số 1: Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý w Ơ số 5: Hồn tồn đồng ý n lo Cịn mức độ khác đánh vào ô số 2, tương ứng ad Hồn tồn khơng đồng Khơng đồng ý Trung dung Đồng ý Hoàn toàn đồng ý t to Xin Anh/Chị cho biết mức độ đồng ý phát biểu sau X cách đánh dấu (√) vào ô tương ứng, với: ju y th Sự khiếm nhã cấp trên: Cấp bạn có hay thực hành vi tháng vừa qua Hạ thấp bạn hay lên giọng, trịch thượng bạn 02 Thờ với lời nói (phát biểu) bạn thể quan tâm đến ý kiến bạn 03 Đưa nhận xét mang tính hạ thấp hay xúc phạm bạn 04 Nhắc đến (gọi) bạn danh xưng không chuyên nghiệp, cách không khai không công khai 05 Phớt lờ hay bỏ qua bạn mối quan hệ nơi làm việc 06 Nghi ngờ định bạn vấn đề mà bạn người chịu trách nhiệm 07 Có hành vi cố ý lơi kéo bạn tham gia vào việc nói vấn đề cá nhân mà bạn không muốn yi 01 pl n ua al va n fu ll oi m at nh z z jm ht vb k Sự khiếm nhã đồng nghiệp: Đồng nghiệp bạn có hay thực hành vi tháng vừa qua Hạ thấp bạn hay lên giọng, trịch thượng bạn 09 Thờ với lời nói (phát biểu) bạn thể quan tâm đến ý kiến bạn 10 Đưa nhận xét mang tính hạ thấp hay xúc phạm bạn 11 Nhắc đến (gọi) bạn danh xưng không chuyên nghiệp, cách không khai không công khai 12 Phớt lờ hay bỏ qua bạn mối quan hệ nơi làm việc 5 om an Lu n va ey t re th 68    l.c gm 08 t to ng 13 hi ep 14 Nghi ngờ định bạn vấn đề mà bạn người chịu trách nhiệm Có hành vi cố ý lơi kéo bạn tham gia vào việc nói vấn đề cá nhân mà bạn không muốn w Sự khiếm nhã khách hàng: Bạn có thường gặp phải khách hàng có hành vi tháng vừa qua n lo Khách hàng xem bạn (nhân viên) thể họ cỏi ngu ngốc 16 Khách hàng cho thấy họ khó chịu kiên nhẫn 17 Khách hàng không tin tưởng vào thông tin mà bạn cung cấp cho họ yêu cầu nói chuyện với người có thẩm quyền cao 18 Khách hàng trịch thượng bạn 19 Khách hàng đưa nhận xét có tính nghi ngờ lực bạn 20 Khách hàng cơng kích cá nhân lời nói bạn 21 Khách hàng có mối quan hệ với công ty khách hàng thông thường có u cầu khơng hợp lý 22 Khách hàng nhận xét cách thức làm việc bạn ad 15 ju y th yi pl ua al n n va ll fu oi m nh at z z Thể cảm xúc: Bạn thường có phản ứng cảm xúc bạn nhận thấy bị khách hàng xem thường (hoặc cơng kích cách khơng trực tiếp) jm ht vb 23 Tôi kiềm chế thể cảm xúc thật 24 Giả vờ thể cảm xúc mà bạn khơng thực có 25 Giấu cảm xúc thật bạn tình 26 Thử cảm nhận cảm xúc mà bạn cần để thể cho người khác (khách hàng) 27 Cố gắng trải nghiệm cảm xúc mà bạn phải thể 28 Thực cố gắng cảm nhận cảm xúc mà bạn phải thể công việc bạn k 5 an Lu n va ey t re th   om l.c gm Chất lượng sống làm việc: Trong ngành nghề bạn, bạn thường xuyên trải qua thiếu tôn trọng từ khách hang (hoặc cơng kích cách 69  t to không trực tiếp), bạn nhận định chất lượng sống làm việc mình: ng hi Tơi hài lịng với tơi trả cho cơng việc 30 w Cơng việc tơi có cấp dưỡng (quyền lợi) sức khỏe tốt ep 29 Công việc tốt cho gia đình tơi 32 Tơi có bạn bè tốt nơi làm việc 33 Tơi có đủ thời gian để làm việc để tận hưởng thứ khác sống 34 Tôi cảm thấy đánh giá cao công việc 35 Tôi cảm thấy công việc cho phép tơi nhận tiềm 36 Cơng việc cho phép rèn luyện kỹ nghề nghiệp 37 Công việc giúp phát triển sáng tạo n 31 lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu m oi at nh z PHẦN 3: THÔNG TIN CÁ NHÂN z □ Nam □ 23-30 tuổi □ Đại học, Cao đẳng □ Trên triệu □ Khác:……… om □ Có gia đình, có □ Có gia đình, khơng □ Độc an Lu Tình trạng hôn nhân: thân □ Cấp □ 5-9 triệu l.c Trình độ học vấn: □ Trên 45 tuổi gm Mức thu nhập bình quân/tháng: □ Dưới triệu □31-45 tuổi k □ Nữ □ 18-22 tuổi jm Giới tính: Nhóm tuổi: ht vb Xin Anh/Chị vui lịng cho biết số thơng tin khác để tổng hợp liệu thống kê n va ey t re Xin chân thành cảm ơn hợp tác Anh/Chị th 70    t to 6.4 Analyses results ng hi Figure 1: CFA Results ep w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z jm ht vb k Notes: SA, surface acting; DA, deep acting are second other constructs, dimensions of emotional labor SV, survival needs; BL, belonging needs; and KN, knowledge needs are three components of quality of work life EL, emotional labor; ECI, experienced coworker incivility; QoWL, quality of work life; ESI, experienced supervisor incivility; CI, customer incivility om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re th 71    t to Figure 2: SEM Results ng hi ep w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z Notes: SA, surface acting; DA, deep acting are second other constructs, dimensions of emotional labor SV, survival needs; BL, belonging needs; and KN, knowledge needs are three components of quality of work life EL, emotional labor; ECI, experienced coworker incivility; QoWL, quality of work life; ESI, experienced supervisor incivility; CI, customer incivility z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re th 72    t to References ng Abid, G., Khan, B., Rafiq, Z., & Ahmed, A (2015) Workplace Incivility: Uncivil hi ep Activities, Antecedents, Consequences, and Level of Incivility w Akkawanitcha, C., Patterson, P., Buranapin, S., & Kantabutra, S (2015) Frontline n lo ad employees’ cognitive appraisals and well-being in the face of customer aggression y th in an Eastern, collectivist culture Journal of Services Marketing, 29(4), 268-279 ju yi Anderson, L M., & Pearson, C M (1999) Tit for tat? 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