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dragon magazine số 113

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[...]... to them to escape this “moebius strip” effect The River Styx is wide (¼ mi.), swift, and deep, and has special properties of its own, in keeping with its status as an interplanar nexus (cf Bifrost, DRAGON Magazine issue #90, p 36) Some of these properties are detailed under the “Charon” entry in the Monster Manual II, p 28 In addition, the Styx radiates an anti-magic field that temporarily negates the... Asimov Ace 0-441-58633-3 $2.95 Apparently by coincidence, The Norby Chronicles reached paperback displays not long before Sherri Gilbert’s article on developing science-fiction campaigns appeared in DRAGON Magazine, issue #109 Appropriately enough, the two works complement each other beautifully Janet and Isaac Asimov have created a diverse, likeable group of adventurers and a fascinating universe for... (C) Astral spell — See cleric spell Audible glamer — (I) Banishment — (P); spell is ineffective, but if attempted it will attract the attention of Hades, who will dispatch the Oinodaemon to investigate DRAGON 19 Binding — (P); spell will succeed only in attracting the attention of Hades, who will dispatch either the Oinodaemon (30% chance) or 2-8 arcanadaemons (70%) to investigate Blink — (P); X; no... plane Fear — (C); (I) Feeblemind — See druid spell Feign death — See cleric spell Find familiar — If successful, this spell will only be answered for neutral evil magic-users, and will call a nalg (see DRAGON #86) Fire charm — (L); (C); see druid spell charm person or mammal Fire shield — (L) Fire trap — (L) Fireball — (L) Firewater — (U), (L); spell works only on materials transported from the Prime... nearby becomes much more noticeable and important when a PC halfling’s vineyard is in the affected area — and the party will be much more anxious to set off on a quest in search of the disgruntled faerie dragon responsible for the problem Second, the players desirous of exploring this new aspect of the campaign may find themselves fired up with a new enthusiasm for the campaign and for otherwise mediocre... or more of the PCs’ business projects to an adventure can provide a new spark of enthusiasm and excitement in the game Some months back, one of the DMs in our group ran the excellent little module from DRAGON issue #75 Our introduction to it came through the loss of one of my character’s merchant ships to the pirates Needless to say, I was very anxious to deal with the situation and got a great amount... subtract from the base figure For example, a 30 gp plot of land in a large town may be entitled to a reduction of up to 75% from the listed cost if the plot of land happens to be within a less desirable por- DRAGON 29 tion of town, such as the thieves’ quarter Conversely, if the plot of land is located in a highly desirable area, such as on or near a major street or marketplace, the base cost could increase... game in Erebus, unless protected by Hades or Persephone, and most encounters will result in combat More powerful beings will always send lesser minions into the fray first, if possible Detailed notes on DRAGON 13 encounters follow the table below (Note: All random encounters will occur beyond a ½-mile radius of the house of Hades, this area around the palace being sacrosanct.) Erebus encounter table Encounter... stories that make up The Norby Chronicles, policewoman Albany Jones joins the group as it attempts to thwart Ing’s conquest of Manhattan Island The second tale expands Norby’s horizons to include the dragon- populated planet Jamya and brings him closer to the elusive Others, a vanished race of aliens who apparently created parts of Norby as well as seeding both Earth and Jamya The Asimovs handle the... Piers Anthony’s lighter works It’s an apt observation; Noel has a wickedly pun-laced ear for place names and acronyms, and the book’s flavor isn’t far removed from that of Anthony’s Xanth series (Alert DRAGON readers will recognize a name from these pages in one reference to the Jefferson Putnam Swycaffer Institute of Applied Abstractions And, for that matter, Noel is a name from these pages herself . 6-31-4 Satsuki-So 2F #5 T 272 Japan DRAGON Magazine (ISSN 0279-6848) is published monthly by TSR, Inc. The mailing address for all material except subscription orders is DRAGON Magazine, P.O. Box 110, Lake. material published in DRAGON Magazine becomes the exclusive property of the publisher, unless special arrangements to the contrary are made prior to publication. DRAGON Magazine welcomes unsolicited submissions. happen in one day. For dragons, the new system makes almost no sense. If you have to give players the exact size of a dragon, you have problems. When I play an encounter with a dragon, my players

Ngày đăng: 08/06/2014, 19:04

Xem thêm: dragon magazine số 113


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