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MỤC LỤC A GIẢI THÍCH CHI TIẾT ĐÁP ÁN TEST PASSAGE 1: NUTMEG – A VALUABLE SPICE PASSAGE 2: DRIVERLESS CARS PASSAGE 3: WHAT IS EXPLORATION? 14 TEST 22 PASSAGE 1: COULD URBAN ENGINEERS LEARN FROM DANCE? 22 PASSAGE 2: SHOULD WE TRY TO BRING EXTINCT SPECIES BACK TO LIFE? 28 PASSAGE 3: HAVING A LAUGH 34 TEST 42 PASSAGE 1: HENRY MOORE (1898 - 1986) 42 PASSAGE 2: THE DESOLENATOR: PRODUCING CLEAN WATER 47 PASSAGE 3: WHY FAIRY TALES ARE REALLY SCARY TALES 52 TEST 60 PASSAGE 1: THE RETURN OF THE HUARANGO 60 PASSAGE 2: SILBO GOMERO – THE WHISTLE ‘LANGUAGE’ OF THE CANARY ISLANDS 66 PASSAGE 3: ENVIRONMENTAL PRACTICES OF BIG BUSINESSES 72 B TỪ VỰNG HỮU ÍCH TRONG BÀI ĐỌC 78 TEST 78 PASSAGE 1: NUTMEG TREE 78 PASSAGE 2: DRIVERLESS CAR 82 PASSAGE 3: WHAT IS EXPLORATION? 86 TEST 92 PASSAGE 1: COULD URBAN ENGINEER LEARN FROM DANCING? 92 PASSAGE 2: SHOULD WE TRY TO BRING EXTINCT SPECIES BACK TO LIFE? 97 PASSAGE 3: HAVING A LAUGH 102 TEST 107 PASSAGE 1: HENRY MOORE (1898-1986) 107 PASSAGE 2: THE DESOLENATOR: PRODUCING CLEAN WATER 111 PASSAGE 3: WHY FAIRY TALES ARE REALLY SCARY TALES 114 TEST 119 PASSAGE 1: THE RETURN OF THE HUARANGO 119 PASSAGE 2: SILBO GOMERO - THE WHISTLE ‘LANGUAGE’ OF THE CANARY ISLANDS 122 PASSAGE 3: ENVIRONMENTAL PRACTICES OF BIG BUSINESSES 126 Lời mở đầu Giải thích chi tiết Reading Cam 15 chuỗi ebooks giải thích chi tiết đề Reading mắt DMC IELTS với mong muốn hỗ trợ bạn thí sinh q trình ơn luyện IELTS Cuốn sách gồm phần A Giải thích chi tiết đáp án Bao gồm dịch câu hỏi, vị trí chứa câu trả lời đọc, giải thích tổng hợp paraphrase từ khoá (theo phương pháp keyword table) B Từ vựng hữu ích đọc In đậm dịch nghĩa từ vựng hữu ích Giúp bạn học hiểu kỹ nội dung đọc tích luỹ từ vựng Hướng dẫn sử dụng sách: Bước 1: Làm đề Reading IELTS 15 Bước 2: Xem phần “A Giải thích đáp án” đối chiếu kiểm tra xem lại sai Bước 3: Xem phần “B Từ vựng” để hiểu đọc học từ vựng Hi vọng ebook giúp ích bạn q trình ôn luyện IELTS Nhận thêm nhiều tài liệu hay khác Fanpage: DMC IELTS Nhận nhiều tài liệu luyện thi miễn phí khác fanpage: DMC IELTS Tel: 070809 6288 – Add: 207/38 Đường 3/2, Phường 11, Quận 10 A GIẢI THÍCH CHI TIẾT ĐÁP ÁN TEST Passage 1: Nutmeg – a valuable spice Questions 1-4: Note completion: ONE WORD ONLY Question The leaves of the tree are .in shape (Lá có hình _) Đối với câu này, cần tìm đoạn thơng tin liên quan đến đặc điểm nhục đậu khấu Trong đoạn 1, dịng 3-4 chứa thơng tin “The tree is thickly branched with dense foliage of tough, dark green oval leaves” Vậy nhục đậu khấu có hình bầu dục (oval) Do đáp án oval Question The surrounds the fruit and breaks open when the fruit is ripe ( _ bao phủ nhục đậu khấu vỡ chín.) Cần điền danh từ vào chỗ trống Dòng 5-6 đoạn chứa thông tin: “The fruit is encased in a fleshy husk When the fruit is ripe, this husk splits into two halves along a ridge running the length of the fruit.” ● Encased in = surrounded by ● Splits into two halves = break opens Do đó, đáp án husk Questions & The is used to produce the spice nutmeg, ( sử dụng để sản xuất hạt gia vị nhục đậu khấu.) The covering known as the aril is used to produce Nhận nhiều tài liệu luyện thi miễn phí khác fanpage: DMC IELTS Tel: 070809 6288 – Add: 207/38 Đường 3/2, Phường 11, Quận 10 DMC IELTS | (Lớp bên gọi “aril” dùng để sản xuất .) Ở dịng 6-9 đoạn có chứa thơng tin “These are the sources of the two spices nutmeg and mace, the former being produced from the dried seed and the latter from the aril.” The former spice nutmeg, the latter mace Do đó, vế sau câu có nghĩa ‘Spice nutmeg’ tạo từ ‘the dried seed’ cịn ‘mace’ tạo từ ‘aril’ Hay nói ngắn gọn: Seed tạo spice nutmeg aril tạo mace Do đó, đáp án câu seed đáp án câu mace Questions 5-7: TRUE, FALSE, NOT GIVEN Question 5: In the Middle Ages, most Europeans knew where nutmeg was grown (Thời Trung cổ, phần lớn người Châu Âu biết nơi trồng nhục đậu khấu.) Để trả lời câu hỏi này, ta cần tìm từ khố “Middle Ages” “Europeans” Ở đoạn 2, dịng chứa từ khố “Nutmeg was a highly prized and costly ingredient in European cuisine in the Middle Ages, and was used as a flavouring, medicinal, and preservative agent Throughout this period, the Arabs were the exclusive importers of the spice to Europe They sold nutmeg for high prices to merchants based in Venice, but they never revealed the exact location of the source of this extremely valuable commodity.” Theo đoạn văn Người Ả Rập bán hạt nhục đậu khấu cho người châu Âu, đặc biệt người Venice, Ý, họ không để lộ nguồn gốc hạt cho người khác biết Điều nghĩa Người Châu Âu nhìn chung nơi trồng loại → Ngược với thông tin đề cập câu hỏi Đáp án: FALSE Question 6: The VOC was the world’s first major trading company (VOC công ty thương mại lớn giới.) Nhận nhiều tài liệu luyện thi miễn phí khác fanpage: DMC IELTS Tel: 070809 6288 – Add: 207/38 Đường 3/2, Phường 11, Quận 10 DMC IELTS | Ta tìm thấy từ khố VOC đoạn “In 1602, Dutch merchants founded the VOC, a trading corporation better known as the Dutch East India Company By 1617, the VOC was the richest commercial operation in the world.” Đoạn văn có đề cập thời gian thành lập VOC công ty thương mại giàu giới vào năm 1617 Tuy nhiên, thơng tin đề cập cơng ty thương mại giới → Khơng có thơng tin đề cập Đáp án: NOT GIVEN Question Following the Treaty of Breda, the Dutch had control of all the islands where nutmeg grew (Theo Hiệp định Breda, người Hà Lan kiểm sốt tồn đảo nơi nhục đậu khấu trồng.) Ta tìm từ khố “Treaty of Breda” đoạn 5, dịng 11-17 “After decades of fighting for control of this tiny island, the Dutch and British arrived at a compromise settlement, the Treaty of Breda, in 1667 Intent on securing their hold over every nutmegproducing island, the Dutch offered a trade: if the British would give them the island of Run, they would in turn give Britain a distant and much less valuable island in North America The British agreed.” Theo đoạn văn, ban đầu Người Hà Lan chưa hoàn toàn độc quyền nhục đậu khấu quần đảo Banda số đảo có tên Run nằm kiểm sốt người Anh Sau đó, bên ký hiệp định Breda vào năm 1667, người Hà Lan có đảo Run từ phía Anh đồng ý đổi cho Anh đảo Manhattan Bắc Mỹ từ người Hà Lan có quyền kiểm sốt hồn tồn có giao thương độc quyền hạt nhục đậu khấu → Đúng với thông tin đề cập câu hỏi Đáp án: TRUE Questions 8-13 Table completion: ONE WORD ONLY Question Middle Ages: Nutmeg was brought to Europe by the _ (Thời Trung cổ: Hạt nhục đậu khấu mang đến châu Âu _) Nhận nhiều tài liệu luyện thi miễn phí khác fanpage: DMC IELTS Tel: 070809 6288 – Add: 207/38 Đường 3/2, Phường 11, Quận 10 DMC IELTS | Dòng 1-3, đoạn “Nutmeg was a highly prized and costly ingredient in European cuisine in the Middle Ages, and was used as a flavouring, medicinal, and preservative agent Throughout this period, the Arabs were the exclusive importers of the spice to Europe.” Theo đoạn văn vào thời Trung Cổ, người Ả Rập độc quyền bán hạt gia vị nhục đậu khấu đậu đến châu Âu Do đó, đáp án là: Arabs Question 17th Century: Demand for nutmeg grew, as it was believed to be effective against the disease known as the _ (Thế kỷ 17: Nhu cầu cho hạt nhục khấu đậu tăng cao người ta tin chữa loại bệnh biết đến .) Cần tìm tên loại bệnh điền vào chỗ trống Đoạn 2, dòng 4-6: “At the same time, thousands of people across Europe were dying of the plague, a highly contagious and deadly disease Doctors were desperate for a way to stop the spread of this disease, and they decided nutmeg held the cure Everybody wanted nutmeg, and many were willing to spare no expense to have it.” Theo đoạn văn hàng nghìn người châu Âu chết đại dịch (the plague) bác sĩ nghiên cứu đưa kết luận hạt nhục đậu khấu chữa khỏi bệnh Mọi người muốn có loại hạt có người sẵn sàng dốc hết hầu bao để mua Do đáp án là: plague ● At the same time (in 1617) = 17th century ● Demand for nutmeg grew = Everybody wanted nutmeg ● Nutmeg held the cure = nutmeg was believed to be effective against plague Question 10 17th Century: The Dutch – put on nutmeg to avoid it being cultivated outside the islands Nhận nhiều tài liệu luyện thi miễn phí khác fanpage: DMC IELTS Tel: 070809 6288 – Add: 207/38 Đường 3/2, Phường 11, Quận 10 DMC IELTS | (Thế kỷ 17: Người Hà Lan cho lên hạt nhục khấu đậu để không cho chúng gieo trồng nơi khác bên ngồi quần đảo.) Đoạn 5, dịng 7-9, “In addition, all exported nutmeg was covered with lime to make sure there was no chance a fertile seed which could be grown elsewhere would leave the islands.” Theo đoạn văn Hạt nhục đậu khấu xuất phủ lớp vôi (lime) để chúng nảy mầm trồng nơi khác bên quần đảo Do đó, đáp án là: lime ● nutmeg was cover with lime = lime was put on nutmeg ● make sure there was no chance a fertile seed which could be grown elsewhere = avoid it being cultivated outside the islands Question 11 17th Century: The Dutch – finally obtained the island of _ from the British (Thế kỷ 17: Người Hà Lan cuối có đảo _ từ phía Anh Quốc.) Ta cần điền tên đảo vào chỗ trống Ở cuối đoạn 5, dòng 9-15: “The Dutch and British arrived at a compromise settlement, the Treaty of Breda, in 1667 Intent on securing their hold over every nutmeg-producing island, the Dutch offered a trade: if the British would give them the island of Run, they would in turn give Britain a distant and much less valuable island in North America The British agreed.” Theo đoạn văn sau Hiệp ước Breda năm 1667, người Hà Lan có hịn đảo Run từ phía Anh; ngược lại, họ phải trao cho Anh hịn đảo Manhattan Do đó, đáp án là: Run Question 12 Late 18th Century: 1770 – nutmeg plants were secretly taken to _ (Cuối kỉ 18: 1770: nhục đậu khấu bí mật đưa đến _.) Nhận nhiều tài liệu luyện thi miễn phí khác fanpage: DMC IELTS Tel: 070809 6288 – Add: 207/38 Đường 3/2, Phường 11, Quận 10 DMC IELTS | Ta cần điền địa điểm vào chỗ trống Ở đoạn “Then, in 1770, a Frenchman named Pierre Poivre successfully smuggled nutmeg plants to safety in Mauritius, an island off the coast of Africa.” Theo đoạn văn năm 1770, người Pháp buôn lậu thành công nhục đậu khấu đến Mauritius, đảo ngồi khơi châu Phi Do đó, đáp án là: Mauritius ● smuggled = secretly taken Question 13 Late 18th Century: 1778 – half the Banda Islands’ nutmeg plantations were destroyed by a (Cuối kỉ 18: 1778: nửa đồn điền nhục đậu khấu quần đảo Banda bị phá hủy .) Ở đoạn 6, dòng 3-4 “Next, in 1778, a volcanic eruption in the Banda region caused a tsunami that wiped out half the nutmeg groves.” Do đó, đáp án là: tsunami ● wiped out = were destroyed ● nutmeg groves = nutmeg plantations Nhận nhiều tài liệu luyện thi miễn phí khác fanpage: DMC IELTS Tel: 070809 6288 – Add: 207/38 Đường 3/2, Phường 11, Quận 10 DMC IELTS | Passage 2: Driverless Cars Questions 14-18: Which section contains the following information? Question 14 reference to the amount of time when a car is not in use (đề cập đến lượng thời gian xe không sử dụng) Phần C, dịng có chứa thơng tin “At present, the average car spends more than 90 percent of its life parked.” Theo đoạn văn Trung bình xe dành 90% tuổi đời hoạt động bãi đỗ xe Do vậy, đáp án C ● The amount of time = 90 percent of its life ● Not in use = parked Question 15 mention of several advantages of driverless vehicles for individual roadusers (Đề cập đến vài lợi ích xe khơng người lái cá nhân di chuyển đường.) Phần B có chứa thơng tin “more than 90 percent of road collisions involve human error as a contributory factor, and it is the primary cause in the vast majority Automation may help to reduce the incidence of this If the vehicle can some or all of the driving, it may be possible to be productive If the vehicle can the driving, those who are challenged by existing mobility models - such as older or disabled travellers - may be able to enjoy significantly greater travel autonomy.” Theo đoạn văn, số lợi ích đề cập xuyên suốt đoạn B giảm tai nạn giao thông, tiết kiệm thời gian cho người, giúp đỡ cho người già người khuyết tật việc lại Do vậy, đáp án B Nhận nhiều tài liệu luyện thi miễn phí khác fanpage: DMC IELTS Tel: 070809 6288 – Add: 207/38 Đường 3/2, Phường 11, Quận 10 DMC IELTS | tales in human society Now Tehrani has evolutionary (adj) tiến hoá found a way to test these ideas, borrowing biologists (n) nhà sinh học a technique from evolutionary biologists To work out the evolutionary history, organism (n) sinh vật development and relationships among characteristics (n) đặc điểm groups of organisms, biologists compare approach (n) cách tiếp cận the characteristics of living species in a related versions: phiên liên quan process called ‘phylogenetic analysis’ discover (v) phát Tehrani has used the same approach to evolve (v) tiến hoá compare related versions of fairy tales to element (n) thành phần, yếu tố discover how they have evolved and which elements have survived longest Tehrani’s analysis focused on Little Red analysis (n) phân tích Riding Hood in its many forms, which forms (n) hình thức include another Western fairy tale known as variant (n) biến thể The Wolf and the Kids Checking for oral (adj) lời nói, truyền miệng variants of these two tales and similar once: stories from Africa, East Asia and other establish (v) xác định regions, he ended up with 58 stories indeed: thực recorded from oral traditions Once his alter (v) thay đổi phylogenetic analysis had established that they were indeed related, he used the same methods to explore how they have developed and altered over time First he tested some assumptions about assumption (n) giả định which aspects of the story alter least as it aspect (n) khía cạnh evolves, indicating their importance indicate (v) Folklorists believe that what happens in a central (adj) trọng yếu story is more central to the story than the character (n) nhân vật characters in it - that visiting a relative, only in disguise: nguỵ trang to be met by a scary animal in disguise, is fundamental (adj) more fundamental than whether the visitor is a little girl or three siblings, or the animal is a tiger instead of a wolf However, Tehrani found no significant significant difference: khác biệt đáng difference in the rate of evolution of kể Nhận nhiều tài liệu luyện thi miễn phí khác fanpage: DMC IELTS Tel: 070809 6288 – Add: 207/38 Đường 3/2, Phường 11, Quận 10 DMC IELTS | 116 incidents compared with that of characters rate (n) tốc độ ‘Certain episodes are very stable because incidents (n) cố (trong ngữ cảnh they are crucial to the story, but there are “incidents” ám kiện câu lots of other details that can evolve quite chuyện) freely,’ he says Neither did his analysis certain (adj) định support the theory that the central section of episode (n) tập phim (trong ngữ cảnh a story is the most conserved part He “episode” ám “phần, nội dung”) found no significant difference in the stable (adj) ổn định flexibility of events there compared with crucial (adj) quan trọng the beginning or the end conserved (adj) giữ gìn flexibility (n) linh hoạt But the really big surprise came when he cautionary elements: yếu tố cảnh báo looked at the cautionary elements of the hunter-gatherer: săn bắt - hái lượm story ‘Studies on hunter-gatherer folk folk tales: câu chuyện dân gian tales suggest that these narratives include narrative (n) câu chuyện (kể lại, tường really important information about the thuật lại) environment and the possible dangers that seemingly (adv) như, dường may be faced there - stuff that’s relevant to trivial (adj) nhỏ bé, không quan trọng survival,’ he says Yet in his analysis such reproduce (v) tái tạo lại elements were just as flexible as seemingly trivial details What, then, is important enough to be reproduced from generation to generation? The answer, it would appear, is fear-blood ear (n) nỗi sợ thirsty and gruesome aspects of the blood-thirsty: khát máu story, such as the eating of the gruesome (n) kinh khủng grandmother by the wolf, turned out to be aspect (n) khía cạnh the best preserved of all Why are these turn out: hoá details retained by generations of preserved (v) giữ gìn storytellers, when other features are not? retain (v) giữ lại Tehrani has an idea: ‘In an oral context, a feature (n) đặc tính, đặc điểm story won’t survive because of one great oral (adj) lời nói teller It also needs to be interesting when context (n) bối cảnh it’s told by someone who’s not necessarily teller (n) người kể a great storyteller.’ Maybe being swallowed necessarily (adv) thiết whole by a wolf, then cut out of its stomach gripping (adj) hấp dẫn Nhận nhiều tài liệu luyện thi miễn phí khác fanpage: DMC IELTS Tel: 070809 6288 – Add: 207/38 Đường 3/2, Phường 11, Quận 10 DMC IELTS | 117 alive is so gripping that it helps the story remain popular, no matter how badly it’s told Jack Zipes at the University of Minnesota, unconvinced (adj) không bị thuyết phục Minneapolis, is unconvinced by Tehrani’s views (n) quan điểm views on fairy tales ‘Even if they’re stick (v) dính (trong ngữ cảnh “stick” có gruesome, they won’t stick unless they nghĩa là: tồn tại, không bị đi) matter,’ he says He believes the perennial matter (v) có ý nghĩa, quan trọng theme of women as victims in stories like perennial (adj) vĩnh cửu, đời đời Little Red Riding Hood explains why they this is often the case: điều thường continue to feel relevant But Tehrani points out that although this is often the case in villain (n) kẻ xấu, kẻ gian ác Western versions, it is not always true elsewhere In Chinese and Japanese versions, often known as The Tiger Grandmother, the villain is a woman, and in both Iran and Nigeria, the victim is a boy Mathias Clasen at Aarhus University in findings (n) phát Denmark isn’t surprised by Tehrani’s morals (n) đạo đức findings ‘Habits and morals change, but seek out: tìm kiếm the things that scare us, and the fact that constant (adj) không thay đổi we seek out entertainment that’s designed resistance (n) sức chống cự to scare us - those are constant,’ he says Clasen believes that scary stories teach us what it feels like to be afraid without having to experience real danger, and so build up resistance to negative emotions Nhận nhiều tài liệu luyện thi miễn phí khác fanpage: DMC IELTS Tel: 070809 6288 – Add: 207/38 Đường 3/2, Phường 11, Quận 10 DMC IELTS | 118 TEST Passage 1: The return of the huarango The arid valleys of southern Peru are arid (adj) khô cằn welcoming the return of a native plant strip (n) dải đất dài squeezed: kẹp The south coast of Peru is a narrow, 2,000- fragile (adj) mong manh kilometre-long strip of desert squeezed ecosystems (n) hệ sinh thái between the Andes and the Pacific Ocean hardly ever: không It is also one of the most fragile year-round: suốt năm ecosystems on Earth It hardly ever rains stretch (v) kéo dài, trải dài there, and the only year-round source of suck up water: hút nước lên water is located tens of metres below the subsoil: lớp đất bề mặt surface This is why the huarango tree is so suited to life there: it has the longest roots of any tree in the world They stretch down 50-80 metres and, as well as sucking up water for the tree, they bring it into the higher subsoil, creating a water source for other plant life Dr David Beresford-Jones, archaeobotanist (n) người nghiên cứu xác archaeobotanist at Cambridge University, thực vật sót lại điểm khảo cổ has been studying the role of the huarango landscape (n) quang cảnh tree in landscape change in the Lower lea withstand (v) chống chịu Valley in southern Peru He believes the drought (n) hạn hán huarango was key to the ancient people’s gradually (adv) diet and, because it could reach deep water replace (v) thay sources, it allowed local people to woodland (n) rừng withstand years of drought when their erosion (n) xói mịn other crops failed But over the centuries huarango trees were gradually replaced with crops Cutting down native woodland leads to erosion, as there is nothing to keep the soil in place So when the huarangos go, the land turns into a desert Nhận nhiều tài liệu luyện thi miễn phí khác fanpage: DMC IELTS Tel: 070809 6288 – Add: 207/38 Đường 3/2, Phường 11, Quận 10 DMC IELTS | 119 Nothing grows at all in the Lower lea Valley now For centuries the huarango tree was vital to vital (adj) quan trọng the people of the neighbouring Middle lea neighbouring (adj) láng giềng Valley too They grew vegetables under it seed pods: vỏ hạt and ate products made from its seed pods bark (n): vỏ Its leaves and bark were used for herbal herbal (adj) thảo dược remedies, while its branches were used remedies (n) chữa trị for charcoal for cooking and heating, and branches (n) nhánh its trunk was used to build houses But now charcoal (n) than củi it is disappearing rapidly The majority of trunk (n) thân the huarango forests in the valley have rapidly (adv) nhanh chóng already been cleared for fuel and clear (v) chặt bỏ agriculture - initially, these were initially (adv) ban đầu smallholdings, but now they’re huge farms smallholdings (n) nông trại nhỏ producing crops for the international crops (adj) mùa vụ, trồng market ‘Of the forests that were here 1,000 years botanist (n) nhà thực vật học ago, 99 per cent have already gone,’ says ethnobotanist (n) người nghiên cứu kiến botanist Oliver Whaley from Kew Gardens thức phong tục nông nghiệp in London, who, together with nhóm người ethnobotanist Dr William Milliken, is pioneering (adj) tiên phong running a pioneering project to protect and restore (v) phục hồi restore the rapidly disappearing habitat the rapidly disappearing habitat: môi In order to succeed, Whaley needs to get trường sống biến nhanh chóng the local people on board, and that has overcome (v) vượt qua meant overcoming local prejudices prejudice (n) định kiến ‘Increasingly aspirational communities aspirational (adj) đầy khát vọng think that if you plant food trees in your process (n) trình, quy trình home or street, it shows you are poor, and resuscitation (n) hồi sinh still need to grow your own food,’ he says reinstate (v) khôi phục lại In order to stop the Middle lea Valley going a sense of pride: cảm giác tự hào the same way as the Lower lea Valley, eco-heritage: di sản sinh thái Whaley is encouraging locals to love the huarangos again ‘It’s a process of cultural resuscitation,’ he says He has already set Nhận nhiều tài liệu luyện thi miễn phí khác fanpage: DMC IELTS Tel: 070809 6288 – Add: 207/38 Đường 3/2, Phường 11, Quận 10 DMC IELTS | 120 up a huarango festival to reinstate a sense of pride in their eco-heritage, and has helped local schoolchildren plant thousands of trees ‘In order to get people interested in habitat restoration (n) phục hồi lại restoration, you need to plant a tree that is attempt (v) nổ lực useful to them,’ says Whaley So, he has sustainable (adj) bền vững been working with local families to attempt foodstuffs (n) thực phẩm to create a sustainable income from the boil up: luộc lên huarangos by turning their products into thick brown syrup: xi-rô nâu đặc foodstuffs ‘Boil up the beans and you get molasses (n) mật đường this thick brown syrup like molasses You stews (n) hầm can also use it in drinks, soups or stews.’ grind-ground-ground (n) xay thành bột The pods can be ground into flour to make seeds (n) hạt cakes, and the seeds roasted into a sweet, roast (v) rang chocolatey ‘coffee’ ‘It’s packed full of vitamins and minerals,’ Whaley says And some farmers are already planting certified (adj) chứng nhận, công huarangos Alberto Benevides, owner of lea nhận Valley’s only certified organic farm, which organic farm: trang trại hữu Whaley helped set up, has been planting relatively (adv) tương đối the tree for 13 years He produces syrup and flour, and sells these products at an organic farmers’ market in Lima His farm is relatively small and doesn’t yet provide him with enough to live on, but he hopes this will change ‘The organic market is growing rapidly in Peru,’ Benevides says “I am investing in the future.” But even if Whaley can convince the local convince (v) thuyết phục people to fall in love with the huarango threat (n) mối đe doạ again, there is still the threat of the larger break up: phá vỡ farms Some of these cut across the forests corridors (n) dải đất dài and break up the corridors that allow the essential (adj) thiết yếu essential movement of mammals, birds pollen (n) phấn hoa and pollen up and down the narrow forest strip (n) miếng đất, dải đất Nhận nhiều tài liệu luyện thi miễn phí khác fanpage: DMC IELTS Tel: 070809 6288 – Add: 207/38 Đường 3/2, Phường 11, Quận 10 DMC IELTS | 121 strip In the hope of counteracting this, counteract (v) chống lại, đảo ngược lại he’s persuading farmers to let him plant woodland (n) rừng forest corridors on their land He believes evaporation (n) bốc the extra woodland will also benefit the refuge (n) nơi trú ẩn farms by reducing their water usage bio-control insects: trùng kiểm sốt through a lowering of evaporation and lẫn (về mặt sinh học) providing a refuge for bio-control insects ‘If we can record biodiversity and see how biodiversity (n) đa dạng sinh học it all works, then we’re in a good position to habitat (n) môi trường sống move on from there Desert habitats can rainforest (n) rừng nhiệt đới reduce down to very little,’ Whaley explains huge expanse: khoảng đất rộng ‘It’s not like a rainforest that needs to have confine (v) giới hạn this huge expanse Life has always been exploit (v) khai thác confined to corridors and islands here If model (n) mơ hình you just have a few trees left, the population roll out (v) tung can grow up quickly because it’s used to fragile (adj) mong manh exploiting water when it arrives.’ He sees his project as a model that has the potential to be rolled out across other arid areas around the world ‘If we can it here, in the most fragile system on Earth, then that’s a real message of hope for lots of places, including Africa, where there is drought and they just can’t afford to wait for rain.’ Passage 2: Silbo Gomero - the whistle ‘language’ of the Canary Islands La Gomera is one of the Canary Islands volcanic island: đảo núi lửa situated in the Atlantic Ocean off the mountainous (adj) vùng núi, nhiều núi northwest coast of Africa This small steep (adj) dốc volcanic island is mountainous, with slopes (n) dốc núi steep rocky slopes and deep, wooded ravines (n) khe núi, thung lũng hẹp ravines, rising to 1,487 metres at its peak (n) đỉnh núi Nhận nhiều tài liệu luyện thi miễn phí khác fanpage: DMC IELTS Tel: 070809 6288 – Add: 207/38 Đường 3/2, Phường 11, Quận 10 DMC IELTS | 122 highest peak It is also home to the best transmit (v) chuyển giao, truyền known of the world’s whistle ‘languages’, a adapted (adj) thích nghi means of transmitting information over extreme terrain (n) địa hình khắc nghiệt long distances which is perfectly adapted to the extreme terrain of the island This ‘language’, known as ‘Silbo’ or ‘Silbo whistle (n) tiếng huýt sáo Gomero’ - from the Spanish word for shed light on something: làm sáng tỏ điều ‘whistle’ - is now shedding light on the language-processing abilities of the language-processing abilities: khả human brain, according to scientists xử lý ngôn ngữ Researchers say that Silbo activates parts activate (v) kích hoạt of the brain normally associated with associated with: liên quan đến spoken language, suggesting that the brain remarkably flexible: linh hoạt đáng kể is remarkably flexible in its ability to interpret (v) diễn dịch, giải thích interpret sounds as language dedicated (adj) dành riêng cho scope (n) khoảng, phạm vi ‘Science has developed the idea of brain co-author (n) đồng tác giả areas that are dedicated to language, and associate professor: phó giáo sư we are starting to understand the scope of psychology (n) tâm lý học signals that can be recognised as language,’ says David Corina, co-author of a recent study and associate professor of psychology at the University of Washington in Seattle Silbo is a substitute for Spanish, with substitute (n) người/vật thay individual words recoded into whistles recode (v) giải mã lại which have high- and low-frequency tones frequency (n) tần số A whistler — or silbador - puts a finger in pitch (n) cao độ his or her mouth to increase the whistle’s cup (v) khum tay lại pitch, while the other hand can be cupped ambiguity (n) mơ hồ, không rõ ràng to adjust the direction of the sound ‘There distinguish (v) phân biệt is much more ambiguity in the whistled rely on (v) dựa vào signal than in the spoken signal,’ explains repetition (n) lặp lại lead researcher Manuel Carreiras, awareness (n) nhận thức psychology professor at the University of La context (n) bối cảnh Laguna on the Canary island of Tenerife Nhận nhiều tài liệu luyện thi miễn phí khác fanpage: DMC IELTS Tel: 070809 6288 – Add: 207/38 Đường 3/2, Phường 11, Quận 10 DMC IELTS | 123 Because whistled ‘words’ can be hard to distinguish, silbadores rely on repetition, as well as awareness of context, to make themselves understood The silbadores of Gomera are traditionally shepherds: người chăn cừu shepherds and other isolated mountain isolated (adj) bị cô lập folk, and their novel means of staying in mountain folk: người dân miền núi touch allows them to communicate over novel (adj) lạ, độc đáo distances of up to 10 kilometres Carreiras commands (n) mệnh lệnh explains that silbadores are able to pass a prove (v) chứng tỏ surprising amount of information via their occur (v) xảy whistles ‘In daily life they use whistles to vital (adj) quan trọng communicate short commands, but any Spanish sentence could be whistled.’ Silbo has proved particularly useful when fires have occurred on the island and rapid communication across large areas has been vital The study team used neuroimaging contrast (v) so sánh equipment to contrast the brain activity of left temporal lobe: thuỳ thái dương trái silbadores while listening to whistled and engage (v) tham gia spoken Spanish Results showed the left frontal lobe: thuỳ trước temporal lobe of the brain, which is usually respond (v) trả lời, đáp lại associated with spoken language, was sign language: ngôn ngữ ký hiệu engaged during the processing of Silbo activation (n) kích hoạt The researchers found that other key regions in the brain’s frontal lobe also responded to the whistles, including those activated in response to sign language among deaf people When the experiments were repeated with non-whistlers, however, activation was observed in all areas of the brain ‘Our results provide more evidence about evidence (n) chứng the flexibility of human capacity for flexibility (n) linh hoạt language in a variety of forms,’ Corina says human capacity: lực người Nhận nhiều tài liệu luyện thi miễn phí khác fanpage: DMC IELTS Tel: 070809 6288 – Add: 207/38 Đường 3/2, Phường 11, Quận 10 DMC IELTS | 124 ‘These data suggest that left-hemisphere left-hemisphere: bán cầu trái language regions are uniquely adapted for communicative (adj) giao tiếp communicative purposes, independent of modality (n) phương thức, cách thức the modality of signal The non- Silbo grab onto (v) nắm lấy speakers were not recognising Silbo as a multiple (adj) nhiều language They had nothing to grab onto, activated (adj) kích hoạt so multiple areas of their brains were activated.’ Carrefras says the origins of Silbo Gomero origins (n) nguồn gốc remain obscure, but that indigenous obscure (v) mờ mịt, không rõ ràng Canary Islanders, who were of North indigenous (adj) địa African origin, already had a whistled conquer (v) chinh phục language when Spain conquered the scientifically (adv) cách khoa học volcanic islands in the 15th century adaptation (n) thích nghi Whistled languages survive-today in Papua dense (adj) rậm rạp, dày đặt New Guinea, Mexico, Vietnam, Guyana, define (v) định nghĩa China, Nepal, Senegal, and a few represent (v) đại diện mountainous pockets in southern Europe There are thought to be as many as 70 whistled languages still in use, though only 12 have been described and studied scientifically This form of communication is an adaptation found among cultures where people are often isolated from each other, according to Julien Meyer, a researcher at the Institute of Human Sciences in Lyon, France ‘They are mostly used in mountains or dense forests,’ he says ‘Whistled languages are quite clearly defined and represent an original adaptation of the spoken language for the needs of isolated human groups.’ But with modern communication technology threaten (v) đe doạ now widely available, researchers say extinction (n) tuyệt chủng whistled languages like Silbo are dwindling (adj) teo tóp, suy giảm bớt threatened with extinction With authority (n) quyền Nhận nhiều tài liệu luyện thi miễn phí khác fanpage: DMC IELTS Tel: 070809 6288 – Add: 207/38 Đường 3/2, Phường 11, Quận 10 DMC IELTS | 125 dwindling numbers of Gomera islanders ensure (v) đảm bảo still fluent in the language, Canaries’ seek (v) tìm kiếm authorities are taking steps to try to ensure assistance (n) hỗ trợ its survival Since 1999, Silbo Gomero has declare (v) tuyên bố been taught in all of the island’s elementary preserve (v) giữ gìn schools In addition, locals are seeking humanity (n) nhân loại assistance from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) ‘The local authorities are trying to get an award from the organisation to declare [Silbo Gomero] as something that should be preserved for humanity,’ Carreiras adds Passage 3: Environmental practices of big businesses The environmental practices of big practice (n) phương pháp làm việc, thói businesses are shaped by a fundamental quen fact that for many of us offends our sense fundamental (adj) of justice Depending on the offend (v) xúc phạm circumstances, a business may maximize justice (n) công bằng, công lý the amount of money it makes, at least in maximize (v) tối đa the short term, by damaging the that is still the case: điều environment and hurting people That is unmanaged: không quản lý still the case today for fishermen in an fishery (n) trang trại nuôi cá unmanaged fishery without quotas, and quotas (n) hạn ngạch for international logging companies with logging: khai thác gỗ short-term leases on tropical rainforest land leases: thuê in places with corrupt officials and corrupt (adj) tham nhũng unsophisticated landowners When officials (n) quan chức government regulation is effective, and unsophisticated (adj) thiếu hiểu biết when the public is environmentally aware, landowners (n) chủ đất environmentally clean big businesses may regulation (n) quy định out-compete dirty ones, but the reverse is environmentally aware: có nhận thức môi trường Nhận nhiều tài liệu luyện thi miễn phí khác fanpage: DMC IELTS Tel: 070809 6288 – Add: 207/38 Đường 3/2, Phường 11, Quận 10 DMC IELTS | 126 likely to be true if government regulation is out-compete (v) vượt qua người khác ineffective and if the public doesn’t care cạnh tranh reverse (n) điều ngược lại ineffective (adj) không hiệu It is easy for the rest of us to blame a blame (v) đổ lỗi business for helping itself by hurting other unlikely: ít/khơng có khả people But blaming alone is unlikely to ignore (v) mặc kệ, phớt lờ produce change It ignores the fact that charity (n) từ thiện businesses are not charities but profit- profit-making companies: công ty making companies, and that publicly tạo lợi nhuận owned companies with shareholders are publicly owned companies: công ty under obligation to those shareholders to sở hữu công chúng maximize profits, provided that they so shareholders (n) cổ đông by legal means US laws make a under obligation (n) có nghĩa vụ company’s directors legally liable for provided that: miễn something termed ‘breach of fiduciary legal means: phương tiện, cách thức hợp responsibility’ if they knowingly manage a pháp company in a way that reduces profits The liable (adj) chịu trách nhiệm car manufacturer Henry Ford was in fact breach (n) vi phạm successfully sued by shareholders in 1919 fiduciary (adj) uỷ thác for raising the minimum wage of his workers sue (v) kiện to $5 per day: the courts declared that, courts (n) án while Ford’s humanitarian sentiments declare (v) tuyên bố about his employees were nice, his humanitarian (n) nhân đạo business existed to make profits for its sentiments (n) quan điểm stockholders exist (v) tồn stockholders (n) cổ đông Our blaming of businesses also ignores the blaming (n) đổ lỗi ultimate responsibility of the public for ultimate (adj) cuối creating the conditions that let a business responsibility (n) trách nhiệm profit through destructive environmental profit (v) có lợi nhuận policies In the long run, it is the public, destructive (adj) phá huỷ, phá hoại either directly or through its politicians, that environmental (adj) môi trường has the power to make such destructive policies (n) sách policies unprofitable and illegal, and to the long run: lâu dài politicians (n) trị gia Nhận nhiều tài liệu luyện thi miễn phí khác fanpage: DMC IELTS Tel: 070809 6288 – Add: 207/38 Đường 3/2, Phường 11, Quận 10 DMC IELTS | 127 make sustainable environmental policies unprofitable (adj) lợi nhuận profitable illegal (adj) bất hợp khác sustainable (adj) bền vững The public can that by suing businesses spill (v) tràn, làm đổ for harming them, as happened after the poor track records: lịch sử xấu, tệ Exxon Valdez disaster, in which over ashamed (adj) hổ thẹn, xấu hổ 40,000 m3 of oil were spilled off the coast award (v) trao (giải thưởng) of Alaska The public may also make their valuable contracts: hợp đồng có giá trị opinion felt by preferring to buy sustainably a good environmental track record: lịch harvested products; by making employees sử tốt môi trường of companies with poor track records feel press (v) hối thúc ashamed of their company and complain to pass (v) thông qua their own management; by preferring their enforce (v) thi hành governments to award valuable contracts to businesses with a good environmental track record; and by pressing their governments to pass and enforce laws and regulations requiring good environmental practices In turn, big businesses can exert powerful exert (v) áp, đặt pressure on any suppliers that might suppliers (n) nhà cung cấp ignore public or government pressure For concerned (adj) quan tâm instance, after the US public became spread (n) lây lan concerned about the spread of a disease transmit (v) truyền known as BSE, which was transmitted to infected meat: thịt bị nhiễm bệnh humans through infected meat, the US demand (v) yêu cầu, đòi hỏi government’s Food and Drug abandon (v) từ bỏ Administration introduced rules demanding meat packers: người đóng gói thịt that the meat industry abandon practices refuse (v) từ chối associated with the risk of the disease obey (v) tuân theo spreading But for five years the meat plummet (v) giảm sâu packers refused to follow these, claiming comply (v) tuân thủ that they would be too expensive to obey identify (v) nhận định, xác định However, when a major fast-food company links (n) mối liên kết then made the same demands after supply chain: chuỗi cung ứng customer purchases of its hamburgers sensitive (adj) nhạy cảm Nhận nhiều tài liệu luyện thi miễn phí khác fanpage: DMC IELTS Tel: 070809 6288 – Add: 207/38 Đường 3/2, Phường 11, Quận 10 DMC IELTS | 128 plummeted, the meat industry complied gold miners (n) người đào vàng within weeks The public’s task is therefore to identify which links in the supply chain are sensitive to public pressure: for instance, fast-food chains or jewelry stores, but not meat packers or gold miners Some readers may be disappointed or outraged (adj) xúc phạm outraged that I place the ultimate place (v) đặt responsibility for business practices necessity (n) cần thiết harming the public on the public itself I also sound (adj) đắn, có sở believe that the public must accept the in accordance with: phù hợp với necessity for higher prices for products to moral principles: nguyên tắc đạo đức cover the added costs, if any, of sound reduction (n) giảm bớt environmental practices My views may politically complex: phức tạp mặt seem to ignore the belief that businesses trị should act in accordance with moral arise-arose-arisen: phát sinh principles even if this leads to a reduction precisely (adv) xác in theft profits But I think we have to explicit (adj) rõ ràng recognize that, throughout human history, in enforce (v) thi hành all politically complex human societies, government regulation has arisen precisely because it was found that not only did moral principles need to be made explicit, they also needed to be enforced To me, the conclusion that the public has empowering (adj) trao quyền the ultimate responsibility for the behavior rather than: thay of even the biggest businesses is moralistic (adj) đạo đức empowering and hopeful, rather than admirable (adj) đáng ngưỡng mộ disappointing My conclusion is not a reward (v) thưởng moralistic one about who is right or wrong, essential (adj) quan trọng, thiết yếu admirable or selfish, a good guy or a bad guy In the past, businesses have changed when the public came to expect and require different behavior, to reward businesses for behavior that the public wanted, and to make things difficult for businesses Nhận nhiều tài liệu luyện thi miễn phí khác fanpage: DMC IELTS Tel: 070809 6288 – Add: 207/38 Đường 3/2, Phường 11, Quận 10 DMC IELTS | 129 practicing behaviors that the public didn’t want I predict that in the future, just as in the past, changes in public attitudes will be essential for changes in businesses’ environmental practices Nhận nhiều tài liệu luyện thi miễn phí khác fanpage: DMC IELTS Tel: 070809 6288 – Add: 207/38 Đường 3/2, Phường 11, Quận 10 DMC IELTS | 130

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