[...]...the #116 issue of DRAGON Magazine really stirred me up My initial reaction to this short passage was one of overwhelming sadness (then, later, anger) There is nothing worse than this sort of attitude toward an enthusiastic... to open between the device and the caster At this time, the device will take on its component appearance, which was how the device looked prior to its very first enchantment (reference the DMG and DRAGON Magazine issue #101 for these descriptions) Now the spell caster must cast the proper spells upon the same component of the device that originally accepted the charges at the time of manufacture Note... together this list, it seemed wise to round out the druids spell capabilities by also including a set of ceremonial spells, as Len Lakofka did for the cloistered cleric NPC in DRAGON issue #68 and for clerics in general in DRAGON issue #58 Some PCs are unlikely to be interested in such things: Of what use are they in your basic adventure? Yet the working druid in his community would be expected to... Summer Decompose Effervescence Rainbow 2nd level Ceremony: Witness 5th level Ceremony: Autumn Fertilize Geyser 3rd level Ceremony: Spring Snapdragon 6th level Blossom Ceremony: Winter Control lycanthropes Decay Otherworld 7th level Call Hunt Ceremony: Anointing DRAGON 33 them Druids and people also process between the fires, waving shoots of grain The fiery sun is associated with health and the destruction... good fortune.” If you have questions about a TSR ® game, send them to: Sage Advice, TSR, Inc., PO Box 509, Lake Geneva WI 53147 Your gaming questions will be answered in the Sage Advice column in this magazine Please enclose a selfaddressed, stamped envelope if you desire a personal reply TSR is a trademark of TSR, Inc ©1987 TSR, Inc All Rights Reserved by David Bunnell I cheered when the AD&D® game’s... after his lord died, wished to commit suicide with his family in the traditional manner only this type of action had become illegal under the Tokugawa rule This points out that it is necessary to go DRAGON 19 by David Zeb Cook In the two years since I finished Oriental Adventures, my enthusiasm for Oriental topics has not waned Having read Mr Bunnell’s additional readings, I would like to add a... culture that today, even though the mountains and seas have been explored extensively without evidence of any such mythical beings, those beings continue to exist in symbolic fashion From the heraldic dragon to the boogeyman that hides behind the closet door at night, the beings imagined by our ancestors remain a part of our culture Over the past two decades, there has been a resurgence of interest... downward-pointing tusks Despite its saurian configurations, the nzefu-loi sports a long, hairy tail like that of a horse The nsanga looks very much like the komodo monitor lizard, which is officially DRAGON 23 the worlds largest lizard, growing to a length of 10-12’ The nsanga beats that record, as some of them have been reported to stretch as long as 15 Its lifestyle is similar to that of the crocodile,... Bunyan and Finn MacCool Their bows were made from the trunks of palm trees, and their stature was such that they could carry an elephant on their shoulders Unlike the Rom, the Sao were highly cultured, and DRAGON 25 were willing to pass their knowledge on to the little people they encountered Also unlike the Rom, the Sao did not die out in competition with normal humans, One day, the Sao simply moved on... trampled The chepekwe can only charge once per turn This creature cannot be trained or domesticated except by magic SILWANE-MANZI FREQUENCY: Rare NO APPEARING: 1-4 ARMOR CLASS: 4 MOVE: 9//12 HIT DICE: 3 DRAGON 27 % IN LAIR: 20% TREASURE TYPE: Nil NO OF ATTACKS: 1 bite and 2 claws DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-8/2-5/2-5 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nil SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard INTELLIGENCE: SemiALIGNMENT: . Admins should not (continued on page 67) Game of kings Dear Dragon: I just got a back issue of DRAGON Magazine issue #100 and I liked the DRAGONCHESS™ game. I intend to make a board and obtain the pieces. Australia AUSTRALIA Chartwell Hamilton NEW ZEALAND DRAGON Magazine (ISSN 0279-6848) is published monthly by TSR, Inc. The mailing address for all material except subscription orders is DRAGON Magazine, P.O. Box 110, Lake. material published in DRAGON Magazine becomes the exclusive property of the publisher, unless special arrangements to the contrary are made prior to publication. DRAGON Magazine welcomes unsolicited