1 bức tranh toàn cảnh về 1 nền kinh tế dưới ngòi bút của Robert sẽ cho bạn thấy được nhửng gì đang diễn ra tại Mỹ sau 40 năm.
[...]... kids to good private schools and to pay high tuitions at private universities But the rest of the nation is imperiled I’m not one of those who believes the only way to fix what s wrong with American education is to throw more money at it We also need to make improvements in how we educate students Judging teacher performance has to be squarely on the table, and teachers should be paid according to how. .. open to peaceful assembly Even in universities—where free speech is supposed to be sacrosanct—students have been met with clubs and pepper spray The threat to America is not coming from peaceful demonstrators And it s not coming from a government that’s too large It s coming from unprecedented amounts of money now inundating our democracy, mostly from big corporations and a handful of the super-rich And. .. had been planned—the single-engine fighter has been plagued by cost overruns and technical glitches—but the contractors and their friends on Capitol Hill vowed to fight the decision Meanwhile, government regulators who are supposed to protect the public too often protect the profits of big companies that supply regulators with good-paying jobs when they retire from government and that give key members... smaller government to begin with They say the reason big money is swamping our democracy is that a large government attracts big money When I debated with Congressman Paul Ryan on ABC-TV’s This Week, he said that “if the power and money are going to be here in Washington, that’s where the influence is going to go … that’s where the powerful are going to go to influence it. ” Ryan has it upside down A... long enough for him to pocket $7 million His predecessor, Carol Bartz, lasted twenty months and left with an exit package of $10.4 million You can push your company to the brink and still make a fortune Robert Rossiter, the former CEO of Lear, landed his company in bankruptcy, which wiped out his shareholders along with twenty thousand jobs, but he walked away from the wreckage with a $5.4 million bonus... billion, but he walked away with $9.2 million anyway William D McGuire was forced to resign as CEO of UnitedHealth over a stock-options scandal but left with a pay package worth $286 million It doesn’t even matter how long you’re at the helm Thomas E Freston lasted just nine months as CEO of Viacom before being terminated with an exit package of $101 million Scott Thompson lasted only four months as CEO of... Inevitably, there’s a trade-off Reasonable precaution means spending as much on safety as the probability of a particular disaster occurring, multiplied by its likely harm to human beings and the environment if it does occur But profit-making corporations have every incentive to underestimate these probabilities and lowball the likely harms This is why it s necessary to have government regulators and. .. for goods and services, which translates into lower wages in the future The basic bargain once recognized that average workers are also consumers and that their paychecks keep the economy going We can’t have a full-fledged recovery and we can’t sustain a healthy economy until that bargain is restored What happened to America? Why and how did we come apart? WHAT WENT WRONG It s estimated the economy would... economic problems and to reduce the size and scope of government But the prosperity of America’s big businesses has become disconnected from the prosperity of most Americans Without a government that’s focused on more and better jobs, we’re left with global corporations that don’t give a damn And American corporations are increasingly global, with less and less stake in America According to the Commerce... doubled their research and development investments in Asia over the last decade That’s because China has a national economic strategy designed to make it the economic powerhouse of the future China wants to create the technologies and the jobs of the future, and it has been pouring money into world-class research centers designed to lure American corporations along with their engineers and scientists The . Cataloging-in-Publication Data Reich, Robert B. Beyond outrage : what has gone wrong with our economy and our democracy, and how to fix it / Robert B. Reich. p. cm. eISBN: 97 8-0 -3 4 5-8 044 9-5 1. United. alt="" Beyond Outrage What Has Gone Wrong with Our Economy and Our Democracy, and How to Fix It Robert B. Reich VINTAGE BOOKS A Division of Random House, Inc. New York FIRST VINTAGE BOOKS EDITION,. written this book to give you the big picture of why and how our economy and our democracy are becoming rigged against average working people, what must be done, and what you can do about it.