How markets really work by laurence a connors

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How markets really work by laurence a connors

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HOW MARKETS REALLY WORK Trắc nghiệm kiến thức Forex : HOW MARKETS REALLY WORK 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Laurence A Connors Conor Sen Connors Research Group ™ PUBLISHING GROUP Trắc nghiệm kiến thức Forex : Copyright © 2004, Connors Research Group ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher and the author This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered It is sold with the understanding that the author and the publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or in the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by The Connors Group, Inc., provided that the U.S $7.00 per page fee is paid directly to The Connors Group, Inc., 1-213-955-5858 ISBN 0-9755513-1-0 Printed in the United States of America Trắc nghiệm kiến thức Forex : Disclaimer It should not be assumed that the methods, techniques, or indicators presented in this book will be profitable or that they will not result in losses Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results Examples in this book are for educational purposes only The author, publishing firm, and any affiliates assume no responsibility for your trading results This is not a solicitation of any order to buy or sell The NFA requires us to state that “HYPOTHETICAL OR SIMULATED PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE CERTAIN INHERENT LIMITATIONS UNLIKE AN ACTUAL PERFORMANCE RECORD, SIMULATED RESULTS DO NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL TRADING ALSO, SINCE THE TRADES HAVE NOT ACTUALLY BEEN EXECUTED, THE RESULTS MAY HAVE UNDER- OR OVERCOMPENSATED FOR THE IMPACT, IF ANY, OF CERTAIN MARKET FACTORS, SUCH AS LACK OF LIQUIDITY SIMULATED TRADING PROGRAMS IN GENERAL ARE ALSO SUBJECT TO THE FACT THAT THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAT ANY ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFITS OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN.” Trắc nghiệm kiến thức Forex : To Bill James, the inspiration behind this book Trắc nghiệm kiến thức Forex : CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER xi MARKET EDGES SHORT-TERM HIGHS AND SHORT-TERM LOWS HIGHER HIGHS AND LOWER LOWS 21 UP DAYS IN A ROW VS DOWN DAYS IN A ROW 35 MARKET BREADTH 53 VOLUME 75 ix Trắc nghiệm kiến thức Forex : x CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER 10 11 LARGE MOVES 83 NEW 52-WEEK HIGHS, NEW 52-WEEK LOWS 95 PUT/CALL RATIO 107 VOLATILITY INDEX (VIX) 119 USING THE INFORMATION IN THIS BOOK 137 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 143 Trắc nghiệm kiến thức Forex : ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Special thanks to Ed Allen, Eddie Kwong, Brice Wightman, Judy Brown and Michael Chalapong for their assistance in helping us with this book xi Trắc nghiệm kiến thức Forex : CHAPTER MARKET EDGES 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 For many of us, Michael Lewis’ 1989 best-selling book Liar’s Poker was the first inside look at what day-to-day life was like at a major Wall Street trading firm Lewis described in detail, the wheeling and dealing of some of the famous (and infamous) Wall Street titans who oversaw billions of dollars of transactions every trading day during the 1980s The book remains a classic today but 14 years after it was published, Lewis outdid himself In 2003, he published Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game The book chronicles the success of the Oakland A’s, who under the guidance of their General Manager, Billy Beane, used massive amounts of statistical data to help them successfully run their ball team The A’s essentially turned their backs on the old school of thinking, much of which was intuitive, and attempted to turn baseball into a science Players who should have been 15th-round draft picks were being chosen by the A’s near the top of the draft (and signed very cheaply) These types of players were chosen not because they “looked good” or the scouting reports said they “couldn’t miss.” They were chosen because the statistics said that these players had an edge and that this edge had a better chance of playing itself out than the “guessing” that had gone into past selections Essentially, Billy Beane and the A’s turned baseball upside down and by relying upon numbers instead of opinion, they have been able to successfully compete against teams that had far more money to spend on talent Trắc nghiệm kiến thức Forex : Chapter The godfather behind this move to relying upon numbers instead of gut is a brilliant gentleman by the name of Bill James In the 1970s James began publishing studies and then books on player evaluation and baseball strategy Up until a few years ago, James was all but ignored by mainstream baseball Hall of Fame Manager Sparky Anderson, who is the only manager to win a World Series in both the National League and the American League, referred to James as “a fat guy with a beard who knows nothing about nothing.” And in spite of the success that the A’s and a few other teams have had relying upon statistics, the debate still rages as to its effectiveness But, as this is being written, baseball has begun the process of turning away from the Sparky Anderson school of knowledge and accepting the thinking of people like Bill James General Managers are being hired by teams not for their baseball playing careers nor their baseball prowess, but for their ability to analyze baseball statistics and make correct decisions using these statistics Teams like the Red Sox and the Dodgers now have GMs who are only in their early thirties Why are they entrusted with franchises that are valued in the hundreds of millions of dollars? It’s because these guys don’t guess They know numbers and their understanding of these numbers provides them with an edge And in some cases, this edge is substantial What does this have to with trading? A lot After we read Moneyball, we remarked that it’s amazing that baseball has gone this route yet most of Wall Street still has not If baseball has quantified mainstream parts of the game such as batting average, on base percentage, errors, steals, walks, etc., why hasn’t Wall Street done the same with the indicators it relies upon every day? Trading day after trading day, we are bombarded with information from the media “The market rose for the third straight day as the bulls are taking charge.” What does this mean? It sounds good, doesn’t it? It sure feels like the market is going to continue to rise A market rising three days in a row is usually rising because of good news Isn’t that a precursor of things to come? What about advancing issues and declining issues? On days the market drops sharply and declining stocks far outnumber advancing stocks, the press and the analysts tell us this is bad Poor market breadth is supposedly a sign of future weakness It seems to make sense But is it true? (You’ll soon see it’s not.) Just as old school baseball used to think that a guy who was 6’3" and could run fast and hit the ball a mile was a “can’t-miss prospect,” much of old school Wall Street still thinks that good news and market strength is a sign of future upward price movement and bad news and poor mar- Trắc nghiệm kiến thức Forex : Volatility Index (VIX) Figure 10-12 Trắc nghiệm kiến thức Forex : 133 134 Chapter 10 See page 17 for column descriptions Trắc nghiệm kiến thức Forex : Volatility Index (VIX) Trắc nghiệm kiến thức Forex : 135 136 Chapter 10 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION In summary, the VIX acts as a barometer to guide you as to how aggressive you should be on the long side, short side, locking in long gains and locking in short gains As the VIX moves further above its moving average, the likelihood of a market rally increases The opposite is true when it moves further below its 10-period moving average As you can see from the time charts, these finding have been fairly consistent and steady for the past 14 years Trắc nghiệm kiến thức Forex : Special Offer      Special Offer    Free 7‐day Trial of Larry Connors’  Daily Trading Service    TradingMarkets Daily Battle Plan for Stocks    If you enjoyed this chapter and would like to receive  set‐ups each day based upon the concepts in How  Markets Really Work, try a free trial to the  TradingMarkets Daily Battle Plan for Stocks  published by Larry Connors.     For your free trial click below or go to:   or    Call toll free 1‐888‐484‐8220, ext 1  (Outside the U.S. call 213‐955‐5858 ext. 1)      Special Offer  Trắc nghiệm kiến thức Forex : CHAPTER 11 USING THE INFORMATION IN THIS BOOK 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 By now we suspect you realize that a lot of the information found in this book flies in the face conventional wisdom In Chapter we discussed how Bill James’ findings, chronicled by Michael Lewis in Moneyball, and now successfully used by a number of baseball teams, defied decades of thinking in the baseball world The findings in this book the same for the financial world Just as old school baseball attempted to use the imprecise art of gut and intuition to make decisions, Wall Street and the media does the same when it comes to interpreting markets Decades of lore, repeated over and over again has become fact, without a shred of quantitative evidence And, as we have seen from the behavior of the market over the past one and one half decades, much of what is thought to be true is simply wrong The statistics prove this out There is a wealth of information in this book And there are many ways you can use this information But, one theme that is very, very obvious is that there has been one consistent way that the market has worked over the past 15 years It is that buying market weakness has been superior to buying strength And it also is very apparent that selling into strength has been 137 Trắc nghiệm kiến thức Forex : 138 Chapter 11 better than selling into weakness We came to these conclusions after we looked at the market using some of the most popular indicators These conclusions were confirmed many different ways, by comparing multiple-days’ highs to multiple-days’ lows; comparing multiple days of the market rising to multiple days of the market declining; comparing multiple days of the markets rising higher intraday to declining lower intraday; looking at the days when the market rose strongly to the days it declined sharply; studying days when advancing issues were much stronger than declining issues; looking at the put/call ratio, and studying the effects of prices when VIX stretched to extremes The test results, many using over 3,500 days of trading, all point us in the same direction—it has been smarter, wiser, and more profitable to be buying weakness and selling strength in stocks, than vice versa There are no assurances that any of these findings will hold up in the future There is no guarantee of the market ever acting in any one manner But, if the past history does hold, there are edges here for you to consider in your trading and short-term investing How can you use these results? One could probably write multiple books on this, but we’ll provide you with some direction Should you decide to apply this research to your trading, you should not use any of these indicators blindly and without stops No matter how big the edge has been during some of these times, there have also been large drawdowns in many along the way Prudent money management and portfolio management (risk control and position size) is a must In fact, they may be as important if not more important as any trading strategy We used static time frames for the exit (this means in most cases we used one day, two day and one week exits) The results can likely be improved by using dynamic exits such as price movement or with additional indicators Again, this is something we encourage you to pursue further An example is buying the SPX when it hits a new 10-day low and is above its 200-day moving average By exiting on the close of the day the SPX closed above its 10-day simple moving average, you would have made 797.31 points (hypothetical with no slippage and commission) 80.87% of the trades were profitable with the average gain of 87% per trade You are only in the market 19% of the time One can potentially find hundreds of combinations such as this one within this book Trắc nghiệm kiến thức Forex : Summary If you believe that markets move from overbought to oversold and oversold to overbought, you will want to structure your entire thought process around this This means looking to be buying the times when the market has had a statistical edge to the long side and looking to exit when the edge is exhausted This is especially true in bull markets, meaning markets that are trading above their 200-day moving average And, if you short stocks, you should be looking to be a seller when the market has shown strength, especially when it’s trading below its 200-day moving average As you have seen, historically this has been where some of the biggest edges have existed Having multiple signals indicating the same thing will likely improve the performance of many of the indicators We gave you the results of these indicators as they stood alone We encourage you to use them in combination Based on the results in this book (along with our own observations) we personally will likely never buy short-term strength again, nor sell short into short-term weakness And, if we have our way, our kids and their kids never will either To us, the statistics are too strong to otherwise What about fundamental analysis? Good question We were only looking at the validity of common entry techniques and indicators Fundamentals may improve results but what has always been interesting to us is the fact that fundamentals are probably one of the easiest areas to test, as the information is vast Yet in spite of the fact that Wall Street research (both from the brokerage firms and the independent research firms) is overwhelmingly fundamentally driven, there still remains today little quantified evidence that their research actually has a statistical edge Our research focused only on looking at the market over the very short-term Successful short-term trading is made up of taking advantage of small edges and executing properly from there It’s very difficult to make money trading if you’re buying into periods that have historically produced negative returns We’ve touched upon this fact throughout the book and we need to touch on it again Don’t get caught up in the hype, especially the hype that the media creates, when the market is very strong or when it’s very weak The press has a habit after a few down days of quoting analysts who pronounce that “the market is breaking down,” “things Trắc nghiệm kiến thức Forex : 139 140 Chapter 11 look bad,” “the breadth is terrible,” etc And after the market has had a number of strong up-days, just the opposite happens: They’re jumping up and down with excitement Markets absolutely not move in one direction neither short-term nor long term They move from overbought to oversold and vice versa (this has been shown over and over again throughout this book) Yes, there has been a 100-year upward long-term bias but it’s filled with times the market has sold off and sometimes sold off sharply You only have to think back a few years to 2000–2002 to know this If strength was always followed by strength the market would be at infinity, not at the 10,500 level as of this writing And if weakness always followed through, we would be at zero Sorry, not only is the concept that strong markets always lead to strong markets illogical, but this book statistically proves otherwise The media and the analysts most times have it wrong, especially at extremes Once again, the stock market moves from overbought to oversold and vice versa, over and over again The statistics prove this out It’s happened in one way or another for the past 100 years and in our opinion, it will happen for the next 100 years The key from here is to “properly identify” when the market really is overbought and when it really is oversold Hopefully, this book solidifies the process of getting you there Trắc nghiệm kiến thức Forex : Trắc nghiệm kiến thức Forex : Trắc nghiệm kiến thức Forex : SPECIAL REPORTS The following reports will provide you with specific strategies to trade the concepts from this book Many of these strategies have up to 15 years of historical back-tested results, which quantify their potential effectiveness Each report is written in a simple to understand style and nearly all of the information can be applied immediately to your trading Applying How Markets Really Work to Trade the SPYs, QQQ, and SMHs $200 Applying How Markets Really Work to the Options Market— An In-depth Strategy Guide $200 How Markets Really Work—Strategies to Trade the E-mini Market $200 All Reports-$500 To order call toll free 1-888-484-8220 Ext or go to Trắc nghiệm kiến thức Forex : Trắc nghiệm kiến thức Forex : ABOUT THE AUTHORS Laurence A Connors is the managing director and founder of Connors Capital LLC, a money management firm based in Los Angeles, California He is also Chairman, CEO and co-founder of The Connors Group, Inc The Connors Group, Inc is a financial markets publishing company which publishes daily commentary and insight concerning the financial markets Mr Connors has authored top-selling books on market strategies and volatility trading, including Street Smarts (co-authored with Linda Raschke), Investment Secrets of a Hedge Fund Manager, Connors On Advanced Trading Strategies and Trading Connors VIX Reversals Street Smarts was selected by Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities magazine as one of “The Classics” for trading books written in the past century His books have been published in German, Italian, Russian and Japanese Mr Connors’ opinions and insights have been featured or quoted in: The Wall Street Journal; The New York Times; Barron’s; Bloomberg Television; Bloomberg Radio; Dow Jones Newswire; Yahoo Finance Vision; Los Angeles Times; E-Trade Financial Daily; Futures Magazine; Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities; and others Conor Sen is a Reasearch Analyst with Connors Capital LLC He has dual degrees in computer science and economics from Harvey Mudd College 145 Trắc nghiệm kiến thức Forex : Special Offer      Special Offer    Receive the best stock market  set‐ups each night based upon  How Markets Really Work   Start your free trial today.      For your free trial click below or go to:   or    Call toll free 1‐888‐484‐8220, ext 1  (Outside the U.S. call 213‐955‐5858 ext. 1)      Special Offer  Trắc nghiệm kiến thức Forex :

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