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chatterjee, siarry - computational intelligence in image processing

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Cấu trúc


    • Preface 5

    • Part I Image Preprocessing Algorithms

      • 1 Improved Digital Image Enhancement Filters Based on Type-2 Neuro-Fuzzy Techniques 3

      • 2 Locally-Equalized Image Contrast Enhancement Using PSO-Tuned Sectorized Equalization 21

      • 3 Hybrid BBO-DE Algorithms for Fuzzy Entropy-Based Thresholding 37

      • 4 A Genetic Programming Approach for Image Segmentation 71

    • Part II Image Compression Algorithms

      • 5 Fuzzy Clustering-Based Vector Quantization for Image Compression 93

      • 6 Layers Image Compression and Reconstruction by Fuzzy Transforms 107

      • 7 Modified Bacterial Foraging Optimization Technique for Vector Quantization-Based Image Compression 131

    • Part III Image Analysis Algorithms

      • 8 A Fuzzy Condition-Sensitive Hierarchical Algorithm for Approximate Template Matching in Dynamic Image Sequence 155

      • 9 Digital Watermarking Strings with Images Compressed by Fuzzy Relation Equations 173

      • 10 Study on Human Brain Registration Process Using Mutual Information and Evolutionary Algorithms 187

      • 11 Use of Stochastic Optimization Algorithms in Image Retrieval Problems. 201

      • 12 A Cluster-Based Boosting Strategy for Red Eye Removal 217

    • Part IV Image Inferencing Algorithms

      • 13 Classifying Pathological Prostate Images by Fractal Analysis 253

      • 14 Multiobjective PSO for Hyperspectral Image Clustering 265

      • 15 A Computational Intelligence Approach to Emotion Recognition from the Lip-Contour of a Subject 281

    • Index 299


    • A

      • Adaptive fuzzy switching filter, 12

      • Adaptive median filter, 12

      • Affine multimodality, 187

        • 188

      • Affine transformation, 189

        • 192

        • 194

        • 196

      • Alpha-trimmed mean-based filter, 12

      • Ant colony, 211

      • Average distortion, 132

        • 142

        • 150

    • B

      • Bacterial foraging optimization, 131

        • 133

        • 137

        • 139

      • Biogeography-based optimization (BBO), 45

      • Bitrate, 232

      • Box plot, 34

    • C

      • C-means, 94

      • Center-weighted median filter, 4

      • Chemotaxis, 137

        • 138

      • CIELAB, 227

        • 229

      • Classifier, 259

      • Cluster, 94

      • Cluster center, 285

      • Clustering, 268

      • Color cast, 221

      • Computed tomography, 188

      • Computer vision, 71

        • 89

      • Content-based image retrieval, 201

      • Contrast enhancement, 21

      • Contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE), 33

      • Correlation, 189

        • 193

        • 195

      • Crisp membership degree, 96

      • Crisp VQ, 94

      • Criterion, 98

      • Crossover, 287

      • Cumulative histograms, 25

    • D

      • Data density, 292

      • Decision tree, 161

        • 162

      • Depth of field, 229

      • Desaturation, 227

        • 228

      • Differential evolution (DE), 286

      • Discontinuities, 27

      • Dispersal, 139

      • Distance metric, 157

      • Distortion, 94

      • Diversity, 208

    • E

      • Edge detecting median filter, 12

        • 15

      • Edge detection, 224

      • Element-wise maximization, 28

      • Elimination, 139

      • Emotion recognition, 282

      • Entropy, 29

        • 38

        • 161

      • Evolutionary, 203

      • Experiments compute on demand, 102

      • distortion comparison, 100

      • literature comparison, 102

      • PSNR comparison, 101

      • utility analysis, 102

      • Exposure time, 229

    • F

      • False positive, 231

      • Feature selection, 269

      • Figures computational time, 102

      • testing Images, 100

      • transition from fuzzy to crisp mode, 97

      • utility measures distributions, 102

      • Fitness, 30

        • 203

      • Fitness function, 287

        • 289

      • Flash, 218

        • 223

        • 229

      • Flash/no flash, 229

      • FLVQ, 95

      • Fractal dimension, 256

      • Fuzzy, 131

        • 133

        • 134

        • 136

      • Fuzzy c-means, 94

        • 95

        • 98

        • 174

        • 187

        • 188

        • 190

        • 192

        • 284

      • Fuzzy entropy, 37

        • 54

      • Fuzzy filter, 12

      • Fuzzy membership degree, 96

      • Fuzzy relation, 108

        • 111

        • 115

        • 117

      • Fuzzy relation equation, 174

      • Fuzzy set, 38

        • 40

        • 131

        • 135

        • 158

      • Fuzzy transform, 107

        • 111

        • 115

        • 117

        • 122

        • 129

      • Fuzzy VQ (FVQ), 94

        • 95

    • G

      • Gaussian, 228

      • Gaussian membership distribution, 159

      • Genetic algorithm, 187

        • 195

        • 211

      • Genetic programming, 71

        • 72

      • Gleason grading system, 254

      • Global histogram equalization, 25

      • Golden eyes, 219

    • H

      • Hierarchical feature matching, 161

      • Hierarchical template matching, 156

      • Histogram equalization, 24

      • HSL, 222

      • HSV color mode HSV color model, 166

      • Hue-saturation-value (HSV), 24

      • Human brain, 187-190

      • Hyperplane, 290

    • I

      • Illuminant, 221

      • Image compression, 93

        • 131

        • 132

        • 134

        • 149

        • 232

      • Image segmentation, 37

        • 38

        • 40

        • 42

        • 71

        • 72

        • 75

        • 77

        • 89

      • Image-layer, 108

        • 114

      • Impulse detector, 4

        • 13

      • Information gain, 162

      • Inpainting, 228

        • 233

    • J

      • JPEG, 232

    • K

      • K-means, 206

      • Kernel function, 291

      • Kiss curve, 283

      • Kurtosis, 158

    • L

      • LBG, 94

      • Learning process, 98

      • Leave-one-out cross validation, 292

      • Lens aperture, 229

      • Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, 10

      • Likelihood function, 270

      • Linear classifier, 290

      • Lip-contour, 282

        • 283

      • Lipschitz condition, 108

      • Lossless compression, 93

      • Lossy compression, 93

        • 84

      • Lukasiewicz t-norm, 174

        • 179

    • M

      • Mean, 157

      • Mean filters, 5

      • alpha trimmed, 12

      • minimum-maximum exclusive, 15

      • signal-dependent rank-ordered, 12

      • Mean squared error criterion, 12

      • Median filters adaptive, 12

      • center-weighted, 4

      • edge detecting, 12

        • 15

      • multistate, 12

      • progressive switching, 12

      • standard, 4

        • 12

        • 15

      • switching, 12

      • tri-state, 12

      • weighted, 4

      • Membership, 158

      • Membership degrees, 97

      • Membership function, 133

        • 135

      • Migration, 98-100

      • Minimum-maximum exclusive mean filter, 15

      • Morphological operators, 223

        • 229

      • Multistate median filter, 12

      • Mutation, 287

      • Mutual information, 189

        • 192

        • 195

    • N

      • Noise, 229

        • 232

    • O

      • Object recognition, 71

        • 75

        • 89

      • Objective function, 93

        • 96

    • P

      • Pairing verification, 224

      • Particle-swarm optimization (PSO), 30

        • 204

      • Performance evaluation metric, 289

      • Postprocessing, 219

      • Preflash, 218

      • Progressive switching median filter, 12

      • Prostate carcinoma, 254

      • PSNR, 100

        • 108

        • 113

        • 119

        • 124

        • 131

        • 142

        • 174

        • 175

        • 182

        • 183

    • Q

      • Query-by-example, 208

    • R

      • Red eyes, 218

      • Redness map, 222

      • Region of interest, 187

        • 224

      • Registration, 187

        • 189

        • 190

        • 194

      • Relevance feedback, 208

      • Remote sensing, 265

      • Resolution, 224

      • RGB, 221

    • S

      • Sector-based equalization, 25

      • Segmentation, 190

        • 232

      • Selection, 287

      • Self organizing map, 206

      • Semantic gap, 202

      • Signal-dependent rank-ordered mean filter, 12

      • Similarity metric, 187

        • 193

        • 194

      • Skin detection, 221

        • 223

      • Standard deviation, 158

      • Standard median filter, 4

        • 12

        • 15

      • Statistical separability measures, 270

      • Support vector machine (SVM), 207

        • 289

      • Support vectors, 290

      • Swarming, 138

      • Switching median filter, 12

    • T

      • Tables distortion mean values, 100

      • literature comparison results, 102

      • PSNR mean values, 101

      • Template, 157

        • 224

      • Template matching, 156

      • Termination criteria, 31

      • Texture feature, 255

      • Theta, 97

      • Thresholding, 38

        • 42

      • Tristate median filter, 12

      • applications in image processing, 5

      • as a noise detector, 13

      • as a noise filter, 11

      • definition, 3

      • sugeno type, 6

    • U

      • Uniform histogram, 24

      • Utility, 93

        • 94

        • 98

    • V

      • Vector quantization (VQ), 93

        • 131

        • 142

      • Vigenere algorithm, 174

        • 177

        • 185

    • W

      • Watermarking, 174

        • 177

        • 183

        • 185

      • Weighted median filter, 4

      • Weighted-sum scheme, 25

    • Y

      • YCC, 222

Nội dung

[...]... shows the three training images used for the noise-detection application: the original training image, the noisy training image and the noise-detection image from left to right The rst two images, the original and the noisy training images, are the same as the ones used in the noise-ltering application The third image, the noise-detection image, deserves a little explanation It is obtained from the difference... functions in type-2 systems are also M E Yỹksel (B) Department of Biomedical Engineering, Erciyes University, Kayseri 38039, Turkey e-mail: yuksel@erciyes.edu.tr A Baátỹrk s Department of Computer Engineering, Erciyes University, Kayseri 38039, Turkey e-mail: ab@erciyes.edu.tr A Chatterjee and P Siarry (eds.), Computational Intelligence in Image Processing, DOI: 10.1007/97 8-3 -6 4 2-3 062 1-1 _1, â Springer-Verlag... Hangzhou 310023, China e-mail: sy@ieee.org A Chatterjee and P Siarry (eds.), Computational Intelligence in Image Processing, DOI: 10.1007/97 8-3 -6 4 2-3 062 1-1 _2, â Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013 21 22 N M Kwok et al algorithm is adopted in the proposed image enhancement method This algorithm helps optimize the Gaussian weighting parameters for discontinuity removal and determine the local region... the original training image and the noisy training image Locations of the white pixels in this image indicate the locations of the noisy pixels Hence, it is not difcult to see that the images in Fig 1.8c and b are used as the target (desired) and the input images for noise detection training process, respectively The enhanced ltering process of a given noisy input image comprises three stages In the... the noisy input image is fed to the noise lter, which generates a repaired image at its output In the second stage, the noisy input image is fed to the type-2 NF impulse detector, which generates a noise-detection image at its output The noise-detection image is a black-and-white image that is similar to the target training image (Fig 1.8c) In the third stage, the pixels of the noisy input image and... 1.3.6 Processing the Input Image The overall procedure for processing the input image may be summarized as follows: 1 A 3 ì 3 pixel ltering window is slid over the image one pixel at a time The window is started from the upper-left corner of the image and moved sideways and progressively downwards in a raster scanning fashion 2 For each ltering window position, the appropriate pixels of the ltering window... removing the noise from the image and does not necessarily exist in reality What is necessary for training is only the output of the ideal noise lter, which is represented by the target training image Figure 1.4 shows the training setup for the noise lter application and Fig 1.5 shows the images used for training The training image shown in Fig 1.5a is a computer-generated 40 ì 40 pixel articial image. .. Applications of type-2 fuzzy logic systems [5565] in digital image processing have shown a steady increase in the last decade Type-2 fuzzy logic-based image processing operators are usually more complicated than conventional and type-1 based operators However, they usually yield better performance Successful applications include gray-scale image thresholding [66], edge detection [6770], noiseltering [7174],... Each square box in this image has a size of 4 ì 4 pixels and the 16 pixels contained within each box have the same luminance value, which is an 8-bit integer number uniformly distributed between 12 M E Yỹksel and A Baátỹrk s Fig 1.5 Training images: a Original training image, s b Noisy training image (Reproduced from [73] with permission from the IEEE â 2008 IEEE.) (a) (b) Fig 1.6 Test images: a Baboon,... (a) (b) (c) (d) 0 and 255 The image in Fig 1.5b is obtained by corrupting the image in Fig 1.5a by impulse noise of 30 % noise density The images in Fig 1.5a and b are employed as the target (desired) and the input images during training, respectively Several ltering experiments are performed to evaluate the ltering performance of the presented type-2 NF operator functioning as a noise lter The experiments . h0" alt="" Computational Intelligence in Image Processing http://avaxho.me/blogs/ChrisRedfield Amitava Chatterjee • Patrick Siarry Editors Computational Intelligence in Image Processing 123 Editors Amitava. Engineering, Erciyes University, Kayseri 38039, Turkey e-mail: ab@erciyes.edu.tr A. Chatterjee and P. Siarry (eds.), Computational Intelligence in Image Processing, 3 DOI: 10.1007/97 8-3 -6 4 2-3 062 1-1 _1,. the purpose of image inferencing. Part I: Image Preprocessing Algorithms This section of the book presents representative samples of how state-of-the-art computational intelligence- based techniques

Ngày đăng: 05/06/2014, 12:03