[...]... j \ ••.•:••••••• q ••.?ji.i;A •••;W:;:= %•• •••s (C) Tim,i.T.Tiii- [ Txoiff-T /-" fr - ,V-" S' '-' A"rtTy TA ', •_• - ="• '- .-: •"•.I^'i- • •; "•.,„ •i-.-i' ft • •"• ' f ',ivS 1 •••-i', !•• '••t;' ••• '•':•• ""'•f.'li-''\ ,-, ' ^ ••'j.i'riri> tTi'A .-. T, 1 ifVi -T.' .-. 'iKtoffli;. f i ' .-> - .!.=.« ?, • ii.-Wiiima'bViT.iv (d) Fig 2.9 Rendering a lobby [267]: rebinned Concentric Mosaic (a) at the rotation... 18 Image- Based Rendering Camera path ^ Manifold mosaic mmMmmmmmw^'^^'m^^^^^mwMmw^//^^^^ •''f/fJ.Vf//J.Vf//JA" tix'iri 1 li "vf-JiO" •.0.'>" ••'._.•• •,'1KWT \^'ii, ; 'W?iK -1 ' S f t •.' iVi-.W i-iTftiiv-.f :• .- ': ''• I.' f' .-. iV !i (Vij , i ; \ - ' I ,.•• ' - I -' -ff !\>'S '- V • " i i ' ••!'!'? '.'.' •.'.•.".•.:• •• .-. r' 'ii'-rt'itf • •' .if '"f "-. -^ "i,-m 'C •'••' ' '•' ••:T.Vri t^. !-. .. industry were created using image- based rendering techniques described in this book Image- based modeling and rendering techniques have received a lot of attention as a powerful alternative to traditional geometry -based techniques for image synthesis These techniques use images rather than geometry as the main primitives for rendering novel views Previous surveys related to image- based rendering (IBR) have... meshes.) We describe well-known concepts such as forward and backward mapping and rayselection strategies We also discuss hardware rendering issues in this chapter 8 Image- Based Rendering Additional Notes on Chapters A significant part of Chapter 2 is based on the journal article "Survey of image- based representations and compression techniques," by H.-Y Shum, S.B Kang, and S.-C Chan, which appeared in... generating global 3D models on a per-timeframe basis versus view-dependent layered geometries, and freeform shapes versus model -based ones The different design decisions result in varying rendering complexity and quality The type of rendering depends on the type of representation In Chapter 4, we partition the type of rendering into point -based, layer -based, and monolithic -based rendering (By monolithic, we... rendering 3.6 Model -based rendering 3.6.1 Free viewpoint video of human actors 3.6.2 Markerless human motion transfer 3.6.3 Model -based multiple view reconstruction of people 3.7 Layer -based rendering 3.7.1 Hardware system 3.7.2 Image- based representation 3.7.3 Stereo algorithm 3.7.4 Rendering 3.8 Comparisons of systems 3.8.1 Camera setup 3.8.2 Scene representation 3.8.3 Compression and rendering 3.9 Challenges... technique based on how image- centric or geometry- Image- Based ^ Rendering Less geometry Rendering with no geometry More geometry Rendering with implicit geometry Rendering with explicit geometry iMitiitiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiMiii 8 Light fiekl Conccriliiu mosaics Mosaicing I^uriiigraph LDIs Transfer metliods View morphing View interpolation Texlurc-riiappctl imidels 3D warping View-dependent... few images In an image- based rendering system with depth maps (such as 3D warping [189], and layered-depth images (LDI) [264], and LDI tree [39]), the model consists of a set of images of a scene and their associated depth maps The surface light field [323] is another geometry -based IBR representation which uses images and Cyberware scanned range data When depth is available for every point in an image, ... geometric impostor Image- based representations also have special requirements of random access and selective decoding 4 Image- Based Rendering for fast rendering As subsequent chapters will reveal, geometry has been used as a means for encoding coherency and compressing image- based representations 1.4 Organization of book This book is divided into four parts: representations and rendering techniques,... 1997, pp 33 8-3 43 ©1997 IEEE Although many previous image- based rendering techniques (such as view interpolation and 3D warping) were developed for perspective images, they can be applied to manifold mosaics as well For example, 3D warping has been used to reproject a multiple-center-of-projection (MCOP) image in [240, 2161 where each pixel of an MCOP image has an associated depth 2.1.5 Image mosaicing . Shing-Chow Chan University of Hong Kong Sing Bing Kang Microsoft Research USA Library of Congress Control Number: 2006924121 ISBN-10: 0-3 8 7-2 111 3-6 e-ISBN-10: 0-3 8 7-3 266 8-5 ISBN-13: 97 8-0 38 7-2 111 3-8 . alt="" Image- Based Rendering Image- Based Rendering Heung-Yeung Shum Microsoft Research Asia Shing-Chow Chan University of Hong Kong Sing Bing Kang Microsoft Research USA Springer Heung-Yeung. suggested characterizing a technique based on how image- centric or geometry- Image- Based Rendering ^ Less geometry More geometry Rendering with Rendering with Rendering with no geometry implicit