carbon nanotubes. basic concepts and physical properties, 2004, p.220

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carbon nanotubes. basic concepts and physical properties, 2004, p.220

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S Reich, C Thornsen, J Maultzsch Carbon Nanotubes Basic Concepts and Physical Properties S Reich, C Thornsen,J Maultzsch Carbon Nanotubes Basic Concepts and Physical Properties W I LEYVCH WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & CO.KGaA Authors Prof Christian Thornsen Technische Universillt Berlin, Germany Dr Stephanie Xeich [Jniversrty of Cambridge, UK Dipl Phys J a n k i Muulczsch Technische Univcrsitat Bcrlin, Germany Cover Picture The cover shows an electronic wave function of a (19,O) nanotube; white and blue are for different sign.The background is a contour plot ot the conduction band in the graphenc Brillouin zone First Reprint 2004 Th~r hook was carelully produced Nevertheless, authors and publisher not warrant the information containcd therein to be tree of errors Readers are adviscd to kccp in mind that qtatemenls, dala, illustrations, procedural details or other items may inadvertenlly be inaccurate Library of Congress Card No.: applied for Rritish Library Cataloging-in-PublicationData: A catalogue record lor this book is available from the Rritish Library nihliographic information published by Die Deotsrhe Eihliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the Internet at 82004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA, Wcinhcim All rights resewed (including thosc of translation into olher languages) No part of this book may be reproduced in any form - nor transmitted or translated into machine language without written permission from the publishers Kcgistcrcd names, trademarks, etc used in lhis book, even when not specifically markcd as such, are not to be considered unprotected by law Prinled in the Federal Republic of Germany Printed on acid-free paper Printing betz-Druck GmbH, Darmstadt Bookbinding GroRbuchbinderei J Schaffer GmbH & Co KG, Griinstadt ISBN 3-527-40386-8 Preface This book has evolved from a number of years of intensive research on carbon nanotubes We feel that the knowledge in the literature in the last five years has made a significant leap forward to warrant a comprehensive presentation, Large parts of the book are based on the Ph.D thesis work of Stephanie Reich and Janina Maultzsch All of us benefited much from a close scientific collaboration with the group of Pablo Ordej6n at the Institut de Cibncia de Materials dc Barcelona, Spain, on density-functional theory Many of the results presented in this book would not have been obtained without him; the band-structure calculations we show were performed with the program Sicsta, which he co-authored We learnt much of the theory of line groups from an intense scientific exchange with the group of Milan Damnjanovik, Faculty of Physic3, Belgrade, Serbia and Monte Negro Christian Thomsen thanks Manuel Cardona from the Max-Planck Institut fiir Festkorperforschung in Stuttgart, Germany, for introducing him to the fascinating topic of Raman scattering in solids and for teaching him how solid-state physics concepts can be derived from this technique We acknowlegde the open and intense discussions with many colleagues at physics meetings and workshops, in particular the Krchberg meetings organized by Hans Kuzmany, Wicn, Austria, for many years and thc Nanotcch series of confcrcnces Stephanie Reich thanks the following bodies for their financial support while working on this book, the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, Germany, the Oppenheimer Fund, Cambridge, UK, and Newnham College, Cambridge, UK Janina Maultzsch acknowledges funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Marla Machhn, Peter Rafailov, Sabine Bahrs, Ute Habocck, Harald Schecl, Michacl Stoll, Matthias Dworzak, Riidcgcr Kiihler (Pisa, Italy) gave us serious input by critically reading various chapters of the book Their suggestions have made the hook clearer and better We thank them and all other members of the research group at the Technische Universitat Berlin, who gave support to the research on graphite and carbon nanotubes over the years, in particular, Heiner Perls, Bernd Scholer, Sabine Morgner, and Marianne Heinold Michael Stoll compiled the index We thank Vera Palmer and Ron Schulz from Wiley-VCH for their support Stephanie Reich Berlin, October 2003 Christian Thomsen Janina Maultzsch Contents Preface v Introduction Structure and Symmetry 2.1 Structure of Carbon Nanotubes 2.2 Experiments 2.3 Symmetry of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes 2.3.1 Symmetry Operations 2.3.2 Symmetry-based Quantum Numbers 2.3.3 Irreducible representations 2.3.4 Projection Operators 2.3.5 Phonon Symmetries in Carbon Nanotubes 2.4 Summary Electronic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes 3 12 12 15 I8 21 27 30 Graphene 3I I Tight-binding Description of Graphcne Zone-folding Approximation Electronic Density of States 3.3.1 Experimental Verifications of the DOS Beyond Zone Folding - Curvature Effects 3.4.1 Secondary Gaps in Metallic Nitnotubes 3.4.2 Rehybridization of the cr and 7c States Nanotube Bundles 3.5.1 Low-energy Properties 3.5.2 Visible Energy Range Summary 31 31 33 41 44 47 50 50 53 60 60 62 64 Optical Properties 4.1 Absorption and Emission 4.1.1 Selection Rules and Depolarization 4.2 Spectra of Isolated Tubes 4.3 Photoluminescence Excitation - (nl,n z ) Assignment 4.4 4-A-diameter Nanotubes 67 67 68 72 73 77 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 v~ll Contents 4.5 Bundles of Nanotubes 4.6 Excited-state Carrier Dynamics 4.7 Summary Electronic Transport 79 80 83 5.1 Room-temperature Conductance of Nanotubes 5.2 Electron Scattering 5.3 CoulombBlockade 5.4 LuttingerLiquid 5.5 Summary 85 85 88 93 96 99 Elastic Properties 6.1 Continuum Model of Isolated Nanotubes 6.I Abinitio Tight.binding and Force-constants Calculations 6.2 Pressure Dependence of the Phonon Frequencies 6.3 Micro-mechanical Manipulations 6.4 Summary 101 101 105 107 111 114 Rarnan Scattering 7.1 Raman Basics and Selection Rules 7.2 Tensor Invariants 7.2.1 Polarized Measurements 7.3 Raman Measurements at Large Phonon q 7.4 Double Resonant Raman Scattering 7.5 Summary - 115 115 119 121 123 126 133 Vibrational Properties 135 8.1 Introduction 136 8.2 Radial Breathing Mode 141 8.2.1 The REM in Isolated and Bundled Nanotubes 142 8.2.2 Double-walled Nanotubes 149 8.3 The Defect-induced D Mode 152 8.3.1 The D Mode in Graphite 153 8.3.2 The D Mode in Carbon Nanotubes 154 8.4 Symmetry of the Raman Modes 158 8.5 High-energy Vibrations 159 8.5.1 Raman and Infrared Spectroscopy 162 8.5.2 Metallic Nanotuhes 167 8.5.3 Single- and Double-resonanceInterpretation 172 8.6 Summary 174 8.7 What we Can Learn from the Raman Spectra of Singlc-walled Carbon Nanotubes 174 Appendix A Character and Correlation Tables of Graphene Appendix B Raman Intensities in Unoriented Systems 181 Contents Appendix C Fundamental Constants Bibliography Index Introduction The physics of carbon nanotubes has rapidly evolved into a research field since their discovery by lijima in multiwall for111in 1991 and as single-walled tubes two years later Since then, theoretical w d experimental studies in different fields, such as mechanics, optics, and electronics have focused on both the fundamental physical properties and on the potential applications of nanotubes In all fields there has been substantial progrcss over the last decade, the first actual applications appearing on the market now We prescnt a consistent picture of experimental and thcoreiical studies of carbon nanotubes and offer the reader insight into aspects that are not only applicable to carbon nanotubes but are uscrul physical concepts, in particular, in one-dimensional systems The book is intended for graduate students and researchers interested in a comprehensive introduction and review of theoretical and experimental concepts in carbon-nanotube research Emphasis is put on introducing the physical conccpts that frequently differ from common understanding in solidstate physics because of the one-dimensional nature of carbon nanotubes The two focii of the book, electronic and vihrational properties of carbon nanotubes, rely on a basic understanding of the symmetry of nanotubcs, and we show how symmetry-related techniques can be applied to one-dimensional systems in general Preparation of nanotubes is not treated in this book, Tor an overview we refer the reader to excellent articles, e.g., Seo rt nl.ll.'l on CVD-related processes Wc also not trcal multiwall carbon nanotubes, because dimensionality affects their physical properties to be much closer to those of graphite Nevcttheless, for applications of carbon nanotuhes they are extrcmely ~] valuable, and we refer to the literature for reviews on this topic, e.g., Ajayan and ~ h o u [ ' for more information on the topic The textbook Fundamentals of Semiconductors by Y and Cardona['." and the series of u volumes on Light-Scattcring in ~ o l i d d41 was most helpful in developing several chapters ' in this book We highly recommend thcse books for rurther reading and for gaining a more basic understanding or some of the advanced conccpts presented hcrc when needcd There are also a number of excellent books on various topics related to carbon-nanotube research and applications that have appeared bcfore We mention the volume by Dresselhaus et d.,[' the ' book by Saito eta(.,' 1.61 thc book by ~ a r r i s [71 and thc collection of articles that was edited by Drcsselhaus ~t They offer valuable introductions and overvicws to a number of carbon nanotube topics not treated hcre Beginning with the structure and symmetry properties of carbon nanotubcs (Chap 2), to which many results are intimately connectcd, we present thc electronic band structure of single isolated tubes and of nanotube bundles as one of the two focii of this book in Chap The optical and transport properties of carbon nanotuhes arc then treated on the basis oS the Introduction electronic hand structure in the optical range and near the Fermi level (Chaps and 5) We introduce the reader to thc elastic properties of nanotubes in Chap and lo basic concepts in Raman scattering, as needed in the book, in Chap The carbon-atom vibrittions are related to the electronic band structure through single and double resonances and constitute the second main focus We treat the dynamical properties of carbon nanotuhes in Chap 8, summarizing what we rccl can be learnt from Raman spectroscopy on nanotubes 202 Chapter 17.251 A Alexandrou, M Cardona, and K Ploog, "Doubly and triply resonant Raman scattcring by LO phonons in GaAsIAlAs superlatticcs", Phys Rev B 38, R2196 (1988) L7.261 S Reich and C Thornsen, "Comment on 'Polarized Raman study of aligned multiwalled carbon nanotubes"', Phys Rev Lett 85, 3544 (2000) [7.27] A M Rao, A Jorio, M A Pimenta, M S S Dantas, R Saito, G Dresselhaus, and M S Dresselhaus, "Rao et al reply", Phys Rev Lett 85,3545 (2000) [7.28] M Cardona, "Folded, confined, interface, and surface vibrational modes in semiconductor superlattices", in Lectures on Surfuce Sci~nce,edited 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atomic-force microscopes, 12 axial strain, 106 backscattering geometry, 123 backscattering, absence of, Xc) ballistic transport, 89, 93 hand structure, see electsonic band structure and tight binding bearings, 112 Bloch function, 34 Brillouin zonc, 6-9, 123, 125 trigonal shape, 75 bucky paper, 113 bundles absorption, 79 carricr lifetime, 80 electron~c properties, 60-h4,79 radial breathing mode, 146 capacitance of a nanotuhe, 95 carbon-c;arbon interaction energy, 36,40 character table L16h and ~ u b ~ u 177~ , p Qjh, 22 line group notation, 23 charging cnergy, 95 chemical vapor deposition, 72 chiral angle, 4, 124 chiral index, assignment, 73,75 determination, 10, 11,73, 145 chiral vector, chirality distribution, 79 circular dichroism, circular polari~ation,120 circumferential strain, 106 Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, 181 coherence length of electrons, 95 complex conductivity, 71 compressibility, 106 conductance, 85 conductance quantum, 85 continuum model, 101-106,11 I correlatinn tables, 177 Coulomb blockade, 93-96 current, limiting, 92 curvature effects a-n mixing, 56 on electronic bands, 50-59 on optical transitions, 76, 77 on phonons, 138 radial breathing mode, 144 cylinder, narrow, 70 D mode, 123, 126, 152-157, 172 carbon nanotubes, 154 graphite, 153 Index K point, 154 177 detcct concentrahon, 165, 173 defect-mduced process, 123, 128 defect\, 132, 154 deflection measurements, L 13 density of states electronic, 44-50 vibrational, 123, 128, 139 depolarization, 70,71, 111 depolarimtion ratio, 120, 122, 158 diameter, 5,9, 11, 12,44 diametcr dependence clcctronic band structure, 46 RRM, 141, 143 diarnetcr distribution, 3,79 diameter-selective resonance, 145, I63 diamond, 124 dielectric function, 67, 71 dipole appmxmation, 68 dipolc matrix element, 68,78 displacerncnt, dielectric, 67 doping, XX nos, w e electronic density of statcs double resonance, 125-132, 152, 153, 164, 170, 172-173 condition for, 130 double-walled nanotubes, 149-152 dynamical equation, 107 &h, eigenvector, phonon, 27-29, 107, 110 elastic constants, 102, 105 elastic scattering, 92 elastic-constant tensor, 102 clastic-continuum model, I05 elcctric field, external, 67 electron diffraction, 10 electron scattering, in transport, 88-93 electron-hole interact~ons, 76 electron-phonon interaction, 88,90, 115 electronic hand structure, S P P also tightbinding uh initio, 42, 53, 56,58, 62,77 curvature, 50-59 in zone folding, 43 tight binding, 3 electronic bands linear, 1, 86, 127, 129 electronic density of states, 44-50, 132 ah initio, 59 in bundles, 63 Mintmire and White's approximation, 45 clectronic states, symmetry, 52 electronic transport, ah initio, 90 electronic wave function, 88 emission, 72 Euler's angle, 119 excitation energy, see laser-cnergy dependence excitonic cffects, 76 extinction coefficicnt 68 Fermi gas, 98 Fcrmi velocities, 129, 131 field-cffect transistors, 88 force-constants modcl, 102, 124 Fresnel rhomb, 122 frozen-phonon calculations, 144 Griineisen parameter, 107, I O X graphcne n and cr energies, 32 electronic bands, 1-41 phonons, 137 symmetry, 177 graphite, 124 phonon dispersion, 125, 154 group projector technique, I18 helical quantum numbers, 17, 138 high-cncrgy modes, 159-173 metallic tubes, 167-1 72 high-pressurc optical absorption, 110 high-temperaturc superconductor, 123 HiPCo process, 72 Hookc's law, 102 hydrostatic pressure, 103, 104, 107 impurity, see defects incoming resonance, 128 infrared active phonon, 28, 136 infrared spectroscopy, 167 irreducible representations, sep also character tables, 16, 19,20,69 isotropic invariant, 120 joint density of states, 49,68,69 Kramcrs-Kronig transform, 78 laser-energy depcndence, 163-1154, 170, 172 lattice hardening, 25 lattice softening, 24 lattice-dynamical calculations, 124 LDA problem, 78 lifetime, clecironic, 50, 80, I6 linc group, 12-27 character tablc, 23 elements, 13 irreducible representations, 8-2 notation, 20 luminescence, 73, efficiency, 72 Luttinger liquid, 96-99 matrix element, 34, 116, 128 mean free path, 92 metallic tubes, 72, 168, 172 pseudo gap, 61 secondary gap, conductance, X5,87 metallic tubes, condition for, 41 micelles, 72, l micro-mechanical manipulations, 111-1 14 mirror parity, 16, 19, 21, 69, 89 mirror plane, 13, 14,28, 29 mixing of modes, 29, 30, 144 mod=+ familic'i, 74 (nl ,nz) assignment, see chiral index nanotube hundles, see bundles nanotubes aligned in zcolite crystals, 71, 77 bundled, see bundles isolated, 72, 165, 166 neutron scattering, 125 normal modes, see eigenvector, phonon optical ahsorption, 67.7 1, 72, 78 complex conductivity, 71 high pressure, 110 LDA, time dependent, 78 optical activity, 71 outgoing resonance, 128 overlwnding, 124, 125, 136, 171 overlap matrix, 34 ?c hands, 1,54 parity quantum numbers, 16, 19, 1, 69 pentagon-heptagon defect, 89, 99 perpendicular absorptions, 78 phonon acoustic, 28, 90 eigenvectors, 21 -30, 107, 110 eigenvectors, wobbling, I I I infrared active, 28 optical, 90 optically active, 136 Raman active, 28,29, 136 symmetry, 27-30 phonon density of states, 123, 128, 139 phcmon dispersion, 125, 127, 128, 131, 136139, 154, 170 phonon-deformation potentials, 107, 108 photoemission time-resolved, 80 photoluininescence, 72,73 photoluminescencc excitation spectrum, 73 plasmon, 79, 169, 171 point group, isogonal, 14 Poisson's ratio, 102 polarizability, polarization, 67 polarization chagcs, 70 power-law, in Luttinger liquids, 97 pressure depcndence, phonon, 107-1 11 projection operators, 1-27 pseudo gap in armchair tubes, 61 pulsed-laser evaporation, 75 pump-and-probe cxperirnent two color, 80 q = 2k rule, 130 quantization of wavc veclors, 7, 8,43 along k,, 95 quantum numbers, sre also scleclion rules, 1521 helical, 17, 138 linear, 16 quantum yicld, 75 quasi-metallic nanotubes, 50 radial hreathing mode, 75, 137, 141-152, 173 bundles, 146-1 49 double-walled nanotubes, 14%152 r-component, 144 Raman active phonon, 28, 136 Raman cross section, I 16, 129 Index Raman intensity, I 16, 18, 121, 13 , 132 antisymmetric contribution, 121 Raman process, 115 Raman scattering, 49, 140 anti-Stokes, 153 Dmode, 123, 126,152-157, 172 defect-induced process, 123 double resonance, 126, 164 high-energy modes, 162-1 66, 173 large wave vectors, 123- 26 mctallic tubes, 168, 170, 172 non-resonant scattering, 127 polarization, 158, 173 second order, 123, 131 single resonance, 127, 145, 163, 172173 Raman spectrum of CC14, 122 Raman tenwr, 118, 119, 180, 181 Raman tensor invariants, 19, 182 rapid transfer processes, 72 ratio problem, 76 recombination, non-radiative, XO reflection, 67 reflectivity, infrared, 61 refractive index, 6% rehybridization, 53-59,77 resiqtance, 85, 92 resonant Raman scattering, 73 reversal coefficient, 120, 22 rotation matrix, 181 cr bands, 32,54 scanning probe microscopy, 11 scanning tunneling spectroscopy, 47, 52, 59, 61 scattering configuration, 117 Schottky barriers, 87 screening, 77 second'ary gap by curvature, 50, 86 selection rules, 20, 68-69, 116 optical, 68-69 Raman, 15-1 18, 180 Raman, q = 0, 117 Raman, q > 0, 118 semiconducting tubes, 72 conductance, 85, 87 semiconducting tubes, condition for, 41 Si, 124 single resonance, 127, 145, 163, 172-173 sodium dodecyl sulfate, 72 Stokes scattering, 15 strain, 101-1 11 stress, 101-1 11 STS, 47,52,59,61 surface conductivity, sword-in-sheath, 112 symmetric anisotropy, 120, 123 symmetry, sre line group, see selection rules, 12-30 phonon eigenvectors, 27-30 Raman modes, 158-159 synchrotron radiation, 125 tensor invariants, 120, 121, 123, 158, 159 tight binding, 3 , 1,74 linear hands, 45 ncarest neighbors, 35-38,42 parameters, 36,40 third neighbors, , , transmission electron microscopy, 9,72 transport electron scattering, 88-93 electronic, 85-1 00 transport measurements, 86 trigonal warping, 44 tuhe-tube interaction, 79 tunneling, 87,93,97 end, bulk etc., 9X twiston, 1, 137 Umklupp process, 17, 16 unit cell, 4-6 unoriented material, experiments on, 19, 158 V shape, 74,75 van-der-Waals interaction, 102, 147 van-Hove singularities, 44,46,59, 73, 80 in Raman, 49 in STS, 47,59 wave function, 57 wave vector allowed of a tube, 8,43 Wigner-Eckart theorem, 120 work function 88 X-ray monochromator, 125 xy-polarized light, 69 Index Young's modulus, 102 z-polarized lighl, 69 zeolite crystals filling fraction, 78 nanotubes in, 1,77, 144 zone folding, X,4144,53, 77, 123, 136, 160 phonon dispersion, 125, 117 ...S Reich, C Thornsen, J Maultzsch Carbon Nanotubes Basic Concepts and Physical Properties S Reich, C Thornsen,J Maultzsch Carbon Nanotubes Basic Concepts and Physical Properties W I LEYVCH WILEY-VCH... of experimental and thcoreiical studies of carbon nanotubes and offer the reader insight into aspects that are not only applicable to carbon nanotubes but are uscrul physical concepts, in particular,... students and researchers interested in a comprehensive introduction and review of theoretical and experimental concepts in carbon- nanotube research Emphasis is put on introducing the physical

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