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(Luận văn) the study of consumers perceptions of corporate social responsibility toward consumers trust, attiude and purchase intention, evidence from vietnam

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UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business t to ng hi ep w TRAN THANH DANG SON n lo ad ju y th THE STUDY OF CONSUMERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY TOWARD CONSUMERS’ TRUST, ATTITUDE AND PURCHASE INTENTION: EVIDENCE FROM VIETNAM yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z vb k jm ht MASTER OF BUSINESS (Honours) om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2015 UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business t to ng hi ep w TRAN THANH DANG SON n lo ad y th ju THE STUDY OF CONSUMERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY TOWARD CONSUMERS’ TRUST, ATTITUDE AND PURCHASE INTENTION: EVIDENCE FROM VIETNAM yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z ID: 22130062 z vb jm ht MASTER OF BUSINESS (Honours) k SUPERVISOR: DR NGUYEN THI MAI TRANG om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2015 Acknowledgement This final thesis concluded my academic study at University of Economics t to ng Ho Chi Minh City on the International School of Business (UEH-ISB) Although it hi ep was challenging, I am grateful to have been given this opportunity to study at UEH- ISB and to conduct this final research With this work, I have gained a good w n lo knowledge of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which is a new field of ad study Nonetheless, it has received noticeable attention from the academics and y th I hope this study will be ju scholars for its recognized roles in the economy yi pl beneficial to the companies when it comes to CSR related decisions al n ua I offer my sincere appreciation for the invaluable learning opportunities n va provided by the committee during thesis process I would like to personally express ll fu my gratitude to Dr Nguyen Thi Mai Trang who has actively guided and provided m oi me with valuable insights and suggestions to my dissertation Your thorough nh review of my dissertation has definitely made it perfect I am also deeply grateful at z to my course mate Ms Nguyen Thi Ha, who is resourcefulness to me My family, z vb education, upbringing and my life in general k jm ht especially my wife, deserves special thanks for their valueless contribution to my om l.c gm Tran Thanh Dang Son an Lu n va ey t re Abstract Corporate social responsibility (“CSR”) is currently becoming an emerging t to trend in many developing countries over the world Although the concept of CSR is ng a very new-born and unfamiliar with many people; however, Vietnamese consumers hi ep have recently demonstrated their perceptions of CSR through their environmental w concerns, their “go-green” protection, their understanding about the activities of n lo educational assistance and building houses for the poor performing by enterprises, ad ju y th etc yi This quantitative research is to examine the factors that encourage pl Vietnamese consumers’ purchase intention toward CSR enterprises’ products The ua al n research is to develop hypothetically suitable theoretical model that is then va n empirically tested through an internet survey of 224 respondents in Vietnam The fu ll respondents are chosen from diverse backgrounds Structural Equation Modeling m oi technique is deployed in this study The results show that Vietnamese consumers’ nh at CSR perceptions and their trust of CSR have positively relationship with their z z attitude toward firm and their purchasing intention toward products of enterprises with CSR activities The research implications and ht engaged vb that are jm k recommendations provide specific discussion about findings and future research om l.c gm n a Lu n va y te re TABLE OF CONTENTS t to ng CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION hi ep RESEARCH BACKGROUND 1.2 RESEARCH OBJECTIVE 1.1 w SCOPE OF THE RESEARCH n 1.3 lo SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY y th STRUCTURES OF THE RESEARCH ju 1.5 ad 1.4 yi CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW pl ua al Introduction CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (“CSR”) 2.2 PURCHASE INTENTION 17 2.3 CONSUMERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF CSR 19 2.4 CONSUMERS’ TRUST OF CSR 22 2.5 ATTITUDE TOWARDS FIRM 24 2.6 CONSUMER DEMOGRAPHICS 25 2.7 RESEARCH MODEL 27 Summary 27 n 2.1 n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb gm l.c CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 28 om Introduction 28 an Lu RESEARCH DESIGN 28 3.2 MEASUREMENT SCALES 30 3.3 DATA ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY 32 Summary 36 n va 3.1 ey t re CHAPTER 4: RESULTS OF DATA ANALYSIS 37 Introduction 37 t to ng hi ep 4.1 DATA COLLECTION 37 4.2 RESPONDENTS’ DEMOGRAPHICS 38 4.3 RELIABILITY STATISTICS BY CRONBACH’S ALPHA 40 FACTOR ANALYSIS 43 w 4.4 n lo ad 4.5 CONVERGENT VALIDITY 45 ju y th 4.5.1 CONFIRMATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS (“CFA”) 45 DISCRIMINANT VALIDITY 46 4.5.3 MODEL FIT 46 4.6 STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELING (“SEM”) 48 4.7 EFFECTS OF DEMOGRAPHICS IN THE RESEARCH MODEL 49 Summary 51 yi 4.5.2 pl n ua al n va ll fu m oi CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS, IMPLICATIONS AND LIMITATIONS 53 nh CONCLUSIONS 53 5.2 MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS 53 5.3 LIMITATIONS 56 at 5.1 z z jm ht vb k REFERENCES 59 gm APPENDIX A – Questionnaires in Vietnamese 64 l.c om APPENDIX B – Questionnaires in English 68 an Lu APPENDIX C: In-Depth Interview 72 n va ey t re Overview of tables t to Table 2.1.1 Economic and legal components of Corporate Social Responsibility (Carroll, ng 1991) 10 hi ep Table 2.1.2 Ethical and philanthropic components of Corporate Social Responsibility (Carroll, 1991) 10 w n lo Table 3.2 Measurement scales 30 ad Table 3.3 Cronbach’s Alpha 33 y th ju Table 4.1 Source of data collection 38 yi pl Table 4.2 Respondents’ characteristics 38 al 409 n item) ua Table 4.3.1 Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients for each measurement scale (before eliminated va n Table 4.3.2 Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients for each measurement scale (after eliminated fu 40 ll item) m oi Table 4.4.1 KMO and Bartlett's Test 43 nh at Table 4.4.2 Total Variance Explained 43 z z Table 4.4.3 Pattern Matrix 44 vb jm ht Table 4.5.1 Convergent Validity 45 k Table 4.5.2 Discriminant Validity 46 gm Table 4.5.3 Key goodness-of-fit indices 46 l.c om Table 4.6.1 Unstandardized Regression Weights (SEM) 48 an Lu Table 4.6.2 Summary of hypothesis and structural equation model analysis results 51 n va ey t re Overview of figures t to Figure 2.1 The pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility 10 ng hi Figure 2.7 Research Model 27 ep Figure 3.1 Research Process 28 w Figure 4.5 Confirmatory Factor Analysis (Standardize estimates) 47 n lo ad Figure 4.6 Structural results (standardized estimates) 48 ju y th Gender yi Figure Multi group analysis 76 pl n Age ua al Figure Constant group analysis 76 va n Figure Multi group analysis 77 fu ll Figure Constant group analysis 77 oi m Income nh at Figure Multi group analysis 78 z z Figure Constant group analysis 78 k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION t to ng 1.1 RESEARCH BACKGROUND hi ep Today, more companies are aware of the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and as such, have started to engage with responsible actions w in different magnitudes CSR puts a company in a more advantageous position n lo compared to its competitors These advantages can be in the form of better ad y th customer engagement, employee engagement, brand differentiation, customer ju retention, cost savings, publicity and media opportunities, and sometimes, access to yi other investment and funding opportunities (Porter & Kramer, 2006) Different pl ua al ways of committing to CSR are available from which companies can choose Some n companies may provide funding and resources for worthwhile causes, some others va would produce products or provide services that are in the best interest of society n ll fu such as job creation and economic development, use of safe materials and oi m processes, integration of ethical practices into supply chain activities, etc at nh According to Tian, Wang and Yang (2011), companies can derive enormous benefits when they are perceived as being socially responsible by their z z stakeholders Among all the stakeholders, one important group that appears to be vb jm ht particularly susceptible to a company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives is its consumers (Bhattacharya & Sen, 2004) The question today is no k gm longer whether companies should incorporate CSR into their activities, but rather l.c how they should this Research indicates that consumers seem to care about om CSR and therefore it is in the best interest of the company to so as well an Lu (Boulstridge & Carrigan, 2000) Nevertheless, studies indicate that nowadays most consumers expect companies to go beyond delivering economic outcomes and influence on consumers’ evaluations and purchase intentions of company’s product | Page ey A growing body of academic research attests that CSR has positive t re will support them if they so (Sen & Bhattacharya, 2001) n va contribute to society’s welfare, and sustainability by being socially responsible and (Mohr & Webb, 2005; Sen & Bhattacharya, 2001), enhancing trust and t to strengthening relationship between consumers and business (Porter & Kramer, ng 2006) More companies are willing to increase their CSR investment and integrate hi ep it into the long-term strategic plan to maintain or even enhance long-term market performance (Mahoney & Thorne, 2005) w n lo The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility was first introduced widely ad in Vietnam in recent years through various activities of international Non- y th ju Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and multinational companies According to a yi CSR Survey conducted by SRI Vietnam (as cited in Pham, 2010), there are 90% of pl ua al interviewees misunderstand the idea of CSR and related issues This survey reported that Vietnamese consumers’ perception toward CSR as well as other n n va ethical behaviors remains virtually unknown 40% of interviewees consider CSR as ll fu a social obligation of businesses, which mainly consists of community works and oi m events While the level of awareness about CSR of Vietnamese is still low, the nh suspicion of the media continues to add up to the difficulty in dealing with general at public Lack of in-depth knowledge and professional research about CSR in z z Vietnam has led to incomplete information provided, which then turns into vb ht inaccurate news and articles that can influence consumers and governmental k jm departments CSR programs are often cited as PR (Public Relations) activities, gm another communication concept in Vietnam, that is frequently misinterpreted as l.c negative as well As a result, the main challenge is to raise the level of awareness of an Lu choice of products to buy and to relate CSR with social concerns om CSR among consumers, increase their appreciation of CSR and associate it in their major cause for the current situation Many local companies resist to change and incentives to make money, therefore using CSR as a branding tool is in fact more | Page ey measured by simple and more visible metrics They are more driven by short term t re still maintain their conventional thinking system, in which business performance is n va On the business side, lack of resources and commitment for CSR is the điều trị nha khoa miễn phí điểm trường địa phương; tổ chức phẫu thuật t to miễn phí cho em bị dị tật sứt môi, hở hàm ếch ng Công ty X xây dựng 13 sân chơi công viên 300 sân chơi trường hi tiểu học khắp nước, giúp 3,5 triệu trẻ em vui chơi với sân chơi tiêu ep chuẩn quốc tế nhằm tăng cường giáo dục thể chất hoạt động vui chơi ngoại w khóa cho trẻ em Việt Nam với tổng chi phí 12 tỷ đồng/năm n lo Công ty X tài trợ 19 tỷ đồng/ năm cho hoạt động hỗ trợ cho hộ gia đình ad nghèo, cận nghèo, hộ gia đình dân tộc thiểu số tỉnh có thêm nguồn vốn y th để phát triển kinh tế gia đình, giúp phụ nữ nghèo cải thiện chất lượng sống ju yi BẢNG CÂU HỎI KHẢO SÁT Cơng ty X có hoạt động hỗ trợ cho cộng đồng * pl al n ua Hoàn toàn đồng ý n va Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý ll fu Cơng ty X hoạt động có trách nhiệm vấn đề môi trường * oi m Hoàn toàn đồng ý at nh Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý z Cơng ty X có nhận thức vấn đề mơi trường.* ht vb z Hoàn tồn đồng ý k jm Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý Hoàn toàn đồng ý om Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý l.c gm Công ty X thực trách nhiệm xã hội doanh nghiệp mình.* 65 | P a g e ey Cơng ty X hành động có trách nhiệm xã hội * t re Hoàn toàn đồng ý n Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý va an Lu Cơng ty X sử dụng lợi nhuận để đóng góp hoạt động có ích cho xã hội * Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý Hồn tồn đồng ý t to Các hoạt động Công ty X đóng góp thiết thực cho cộng đồng xã hội * ng hi ep Hoàn tồn đồng ý Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý w Các hoạt động Công ty X có đóng góp to lớn cho cộng đồng * n lo ad Hoàn tồn đồng ý ju y th Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý yi Tôi nghĩ Công ty X có nhiều nổ lực trách nhiệm việc đóng góp cho cộng pl đồng xã hội.* al n ua Hoàn toàn đồng ý n va Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý ll fu 10 Tơi nghĩ Cơng ty X có trách nhiệm với xã hội.* oi m Hoàn toàn đồng ý at nh Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý z 11 Dựa đóng góp trên, Cơng ty X công ty thành công xã hội * z ht vb Hồn tồn đồng ý k jm Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý Hoàn toàn đồng ý Hoàn toàn đồng ý 66 | P a g e ey 14 Do có hoạt động đóng góp cho xã hội hoạt, … Công ty X * t re Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý n va an Lu 13 Tơi nghĩ Cơng ty X có uy tín đóng góp lợi ích cho cộng đồng * om l.c gm 12 Dựa đóng góp trên, Công ty X công ty đáng tin cậy * Hồn tồn khơng u thích Hồn tồn thích t to 15 Nếu tơi có kế hoạch mua (dầu gội, sữa tắm), chọn sản phẩm Công ty X ng hi ep Hồn tồn đồng ý Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý w n 16 Xác suất mua sản phẩm Công ty X lo ad y th Rất thấp Rất cao ju yi 17 Tôi chấp nhận trả giá cao chút mua sản phẩm hàng hóa pl Cơng ty X al Hồn tồn đồng ý n va Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý n ua ll fu Thông tin cá nhân oi m Giới tính * Nữ z  at Nam nh  z  Từ 40 - 55 tuổi Từ 20 triệu đến 29 triệu đồng  Từ 30 triệu đồng trở lên 67 | P a g e ey  t re Từ 10 triệu đến 19 triệu đồng n  va Dưới triệu đồng an Lu  om Thu nhập * l.c Từ 28 - 39 tuổi gm  k Từ 18 - 27 tuổi jm  ht vb Tuổi * APPENDIX B – Questionnaires in English t to Part 1: Case study ng hi The Company X operates in fast moving consumed goods industry (“FMCG”) in ep Vietnam with the essential consumer products such as shampoo, shower milk, w toothpaste, soap, detergent, etc The bellows are activities that the Company X n lo implements during the past years up to now: ad y th The Company X supports 10 billion/ year by providing free clean ju washing hand soaps, and animated guidance for the washing hand yi properly for children and people over 50 provinces across the country pl ua al in order to raise the habit of washing hands with soaps to fight germs n The Company X supports 13.01 billion/ year by providing free kits of va tooth brush and tooth paste for the pupils, animated guidance for the n ll fu brushing teeth properly, providing free service of examination and oi m treatments at school points at local community, and providing free confident at nh surgery to help people have a good breath, white teeth and being z z The Company X builds 13 public gardens and 300 school yards in vb jm ht primary schools across the country to help 3.5 million of pupils have chance to play in international standard yards to help increasing k gm physical health and participate in extracurricular activities for om per year l.c Vietnamese children with the investment costs more than 12 billion an Lu The Company X supports 19 billion per year by providing finance supports to the poor in provinces to help them improving their 68 | P a g e ey forest in the North West region of Vietnam This activity aims not t re The Company X supports 4.9 billion VND for covering with trees of n va household economics and improving quality of life only raising awareness of people in protection environment, but also t to helps alleviating poverty in these provinces from the wood ng hi ep Part - Questionnaires Company X supports good causes w n lo Strongly agree ad Strongly disagree y th Company X behaves responsibly regarding the environment ju yi pl Strongly agree ua al Strongly disagree n Company X is aware of environmental issues n va fu Strongly agree ll Strongly disagree oi m at nh Company X fulfills its social responsibility z z Strongly agree ht vb Strongly disagree 5 Strongly agree ey to society 69 | P a g e t re I think Company X’s socially responsible actions sincerely aimed at contributing n va Strongly disagree an Lu om Company X acts in a socially responsible way l.c Strongly agree gm Strongly disagree k jm Company X gives back to society Strongly disagree Strongly agree t to I think Company X’s socially responsible practices made a substantial ng hi contribution to the society ep w Strongly agree n Strongly disagree lo ad I think the Company took a lot of effort to be socially responsible y th ju Strongly agree yi Strongly disagree pl n ua al 10 The Company is a socially responsible company va Strongly agree n Strongly disagree fu ll 11 The Company is a successful company oi m at nh Strongly disagree Strongly agree z 13 The Company is an honorable company that benefits society Strongly agree Favorable 15 If I am planning to buy a product of this type, I will choose this product (from 70 | P a g e ey t re Unfavorable n va 14 Rate your feelings toward the Company an Lu Strongly disagree om l.c gm Strongly agree k Strongly disagree jm ht vb z 12 The Company is a trustworthy company Company X) t to ng hi Strongly disagree Strongly agree ep 16 There is a great possibility that I will buy this product (from Company X) w n lo Very high ad Very low y th 17 I am willing to pay a little more for this product (from Company X) ju yi pl Strongly agree n ua al Strongly disagree n va Part - General information fu ll Gender * at Female nh  oi Male m  z from 40 - 55 years old Income * from 20 to 29 million VND/month  from 30 million VND/month and above 71 | P a g e ey  t re from 10 to 19 million VND/month n  va Below million VND/month an Lu  om l.c gm  k from 25 - 39 years old jm  ht from 18 - 24 years old vb  z Age * APPENDIX C: In-Depth Interview t to List of respondents ng hi ep Name Degree/ Academic title Age w Mr Toan Nguyen Bachelor 35 Bachelor 35 Bachelor 30 Bachelor n 36 lo ad Ms Quyen Bui ju y th yi Mr Lam Nguyen pl n ua al Mr Phuc Tran n va fu 30 Bachelor Mr Phong Tran 34 Master Mr Tuan Tran 35 Master Mr Chau Duong 35 Doctor ll Ms Anh Le Job title/ Place of work oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb General Director at Parker Randall Vietnam Company Limited Branches Operation Supporting Officer at MDB Bank Head of Internal Audit and Compliance at Prudential Vietnam Company Limited Inspection and Compliance Manager at AnheuserBusch Inbev Vietnam Co., Ltd Head of Internal Audit and Compliance at Unilever Vietnam Company Limited Operation Manager at Schlumberger Vietnam Company Limited Program Director at Clever CFO Training Center Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance at University of East London, United Kingdom n ey t re 72 | P a g e Original Original Final measurement Vietnamese Comments measurement scales version scales Appreciate for the study I think this study is necessity and has the meaning for the development of society and community No additional comments for revision va Mr Toan Nguyen an Lu Respondent’s information om l.c gm Results t to ng hi Mr Lam Nguyen All the questionnaires are readable and understandable No additional comments for revision Mr Phuc Tran All the questionnaires are readable and understandable No additional comments for revision ep All the questionnaires are readable and understandable No additional comments for revision w Mr Tuan Tran n lo ad All the questionnaires are readable and understandable No additional comments for revision Ms Anh Le ju y th yi Company X gives back to society pl Đề nghị sửa thành Tôi nghĩ hoạt động trách nhiệm xã hội Cơng ty nhằm mục đích đóng góp chân thành cho cộng đồng xã hội 14 Đánh giá cảm tình tơi Cơng ty Đề nghị sửa thành n ua al Công ty X hoàn trả lợi tức lại cho xã hội va n fu ll oi m at nh z z vb Đề nghị sửa thành k jm ht 14 Do có hoạt động đóng góp cho xã hội, … Công ty X Đề nghị sửa thành Công ty X sử dụng lợi nhuận để đóng góp hoạt động có ích cho xã hội n va ey t re 73 | P a g e Cơng ty X hồn trả lợi tức lại cho xã hội an Lu Ms Quyen Bui Company X gives back to society om l.c gm I think Company X’s socially responsible Mr Phong Tran actions sincerely aimed at contributing to society 14 Rate your feelings toward the Company Công ty X sử dụng lợi nhuận để đóng góp hoạt động có ích cho xã hội Các hoạt động Công ty X đóng góp thiết thực cho cộng đồng xã hội t to ng hi ep w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va Đề nghị sửa thành Các hoạt động Cơng ty X đóng góp thiết thực cho cộng đồng xã hội Đề nghị sửa thành Các hoạt động Cơng ty X có đóng góp to lớn cho cộng đồng 10 Cơng ty cơng ty có trách nhiệm với xã hội Đề nghị sửa thành 10 Tơi nghĩ Cơng ty X có trách nhiệm với xã hội Đề nghị sửa thành 11 Dựa đóng góp trên, Cơng ty X công ty thành công xã hội 12 Dựa đóng góp trên, Cơng ty X công ty đáng tin cậy 13 Tôi nghĩ Công ty X có uy tín đóng góp lợi ích cho cộng đồng fu Tôi nghĩ hoạt động trách nhiệm xã hội Cơng ty nhằm mục đích đóng góp chân thành cho cộng đồng xã hội Tơi nghĩ Cơng ty có đóng góp to lớn cho hoạt động trách nhiệm xã hội cộng đồng ll oi m nh 11 Công ty công ty thành công at z z k jm ht vb I think Company X’s socially responsible actions sincerely aimed at contributing to society I think Company X’s socially responsible practices made a substantial contribution to the society 10 The Company is a socially responsible company 11 The Company is a successful company Đề nghị sửa thành 13 The Company is an honorable company that benefits society 13 Cơng ty cơng ty vinh dự có đóng góp lợi ích cho cộng đồng Đề nghị sửa thành om 12 Công ty công ty đáng tin cậy l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re 74 | P a g e 12 The Company is a trustworthy company t to ng hi ep w n lo ad ju y th Mr Chau Duong Đề nghị sửa thành 15 Nếu tơi có kế hoạch mua ( ), chọn sản phẩm Cơng ty X 16 Có khả Đề nghị sửa cao thành mua sản phẩm Công ty X 16 Xác suất mua sản phẩm Công ty X … 17 Tôi sẵn Đề nghị sửa lòng để trả cao thành chút cho sản phẩm Công ty X 17 Tôi chấp nhận trả giá cao chút mua sản phẩm hàng hóa Cơng ty X 15 Nếu tơi có dự định mua sản phẩm loại này, chọn sản phẩm Công ty X yi 15 If I am planning to buy a product of this type, I will choose this product (from Company X) 16 There is a great possibility that I will buy this product (from Company X) 17 I am willing to pay a little more for this product (from Company X) pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re 75 | P a g e GENDER t to Figure Multi group analysis ng hi ep w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh Figure Constant group analysis z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re 76 | P a g e AGE t to Figure Multi group analysis ng hi ep w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu m oi Figure Constant group analysis at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re 77 | P a g e INCOME t to Figure Multi group analysis ng hi ep w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m nh at Figure Constant group analysis z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re 78 | P a g e CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập – Tự – Hạnh phúc -o0o - t to ng BẢN CAM ĐOAN hi ep Họ tên học viên: TRẦN THANH ĐĂNG SƠN Ngày sinh : Nơi sinh : TP.HCM 26/04/1981 w n Ngày trúng tuyển đầu vào năm : 2013 lo ad Là tác giả đề tài luận văn : The study of consumers’ perceptions of ju y th corporate social responsibility toward consumers’ trust, attitude and purchase intention: Evidence from Vietnam yi pl Giáo viên hướng dẫn : Dr Nguyễn Thị Mai Trang al Mã số : 22130062 ua Ngành : Master of Business (MBUS) n Bảo vệ luận văn ngày : 15/01/2016 va n Điểm bảo vệ luận văn : Trường Đại học Kinh tế TP.HCM, sở 59C Nguyễn ll fu Đình Chiểu, Quận 3, TP.HCM m oi Tôi cam đoan chỉnh sửa nội dung luận văn thạc sĩ kinh tế với đề tài trên, theo at nh góp ý Hội đồng chấm luận văn thạc sĩ z TP Hồ Chí Minh, ngày 17 tháng 02 năm 2016 z Chủ tịch Hội đồng chấm luận văn ht vb Người cam đoan k jm om Trần Hà Minh Quân n a Lu Hội đồng chấm luận văn 05 (năm) thành viên gồm : l.c gm Trần Thanh Đăng Sơn n va Chủ tịch : PGS.TS Trần Hà Minh Quân Thư ký : PGS.TS Nguyễn Đình Thọ Ủy Viên : TS Phạm Phú Quốc y Phản biện 2: PGS.TS Nguyễn Đăng Lâm te re Phản biện 1: PGS.TS Phạm Ngọc Thúy

Ngày đăng: 28/07/2023, 16:21

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