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(Luận văn) job stress in sales department at saigon plastic packaging joint stock company

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UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY t to International School of Business ng hi ep w n lo ad ju y th yi pl Lê Thị Đoan Hạnh n ua al n va fu ll JOB STRESS IN SALES DEPARTMENT AT SAIGON PLASTIC PACKAGING JOINT STOCK COMPANY oi m at nh z z jm ht vb k MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION om l.c gm an Lu SUPERVISOR: Ph.D NGUYEN PHONG NGUYEN n va ey t re Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2018 CONTENTS t to LIST OF TABLES ng LIST OF FIGURES .6 hi ep CHAPTER w Company background n lo ad 1.1 History of company ju y th 1.2 Mission and Vision yi 1.3 SAPLASTIC.JSC organization chart (Appendix 1) pl ua al 1.4 SAPLASTIC.JSC Sales department chart (Appendix 2) n Symptom .8 va n 2.1 Symptom description fu ll 2.1.1 High turnover rate oi m 2.1.2 Low sales revenue 10 nh at 2.2 Symptom consequences 11 z z Initial cause effect map .13 vb jm ht 3.1 High goal expectation 13 k 3.2 Job Stress 15 gm l.c 3.3 Low compensation and benefits 15 om Updated cause effect map 16 an Lu Potential central problems 19 2.1 Work pressure 25 2.2 Working environment 26 ey Problem existence 23 t re Problem definition .22 n va CHAPTER 22 2.3 Career development opportunities 28 2.4 Personal relationship .29 t to 2.5 Conflic between work – life roles 31 ng hi Problem importance 33 ep 3.1 The studies relate to job stress consequences 33 w 3.2 The consequences of job stress affects to SAPLASTIC.JSC 35 n lo Performance consequence .35 ad 3.2.1 y th 3.2.2 The increasing of customer complaint 36 ju Higher training and hiring cost .37 3.2.4 The employees go to work late and ask for day-off frequently .38 yi 3.2.3 pl ua al n CHAPTER 40 va n Causes validation .40 fu Work pressure 40 1.2 Working environment 40 1.3 Career development opportunities 41 1.4 Personal relationship 41 1.5 Conflict between Work-Life roles .41 ll 1.1 oi m at nh z z jm ht vb k Solution .41 gm Work pressure 41 2.2 Working environment 43 2.3 Career development opportunities 44 2.4 Personal relationship 44 2.5 Conflict between Work-Life roles .46 om l.c 2.1 an Lu ey t re APPENDIX - SAPLASTIC.JSC’s SALES DEPARTMENT CHART 48 n va APPENDIX - SAPLASTIC.JSC ORGANIZATION CHART .47 APPENDIX – IN-DEPTH INTERVIEW – ROUND 49 APPENDIX – IN-DEPTH INTERVIEW – ROUND 53 t to APPENDIX – QUESTIONAIRE – ENGLISH VERSION 57 ng hi APPENDIX – QUESTIONAIRE – VIETNAMESE VERSION 60 ep APPENDIX – SURVEY RESULT COLLECTION 63 w REFERENCES 65 n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re LIST OF TABLES t to Table 1 - Statistics of changes in human resources in the Sales department of ng SAPLASTIC.JSC for the period of 2015 - 2017 hi ep Table - Business plan of SAPLASTIC.JSC for the period of 2015 – 2017 14 Table 1- External expressions of stress 23 w n Table 2 - Observation variables define Job stress causes at SAPLASTIC.JSC 24 lo ad Table 3– Summary of complaint cases from customers 36 y th Table - Training and hiring cost of salesman in SAPLASTIC.JSC in 2015 – 2017 ju 37 yi pl Table - Statistics of hours that staff go to work late and the number of vacations of n ua al sales department in SAPLASTIC.JSC 38 n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re LIST OF FIGURES t to Figure 1 - Chart of statistics of changes in human resources in Sales department of ng SAPLASTIC.JSC for the period of 2015 - 2017 .9 hi ep Figure - Revenue Results at SAPLASTIC.JSC for the period of 2015 - 2017 .10 Figure - Measurement of work pressure factors 25 w n Figure 2 - Evaluation of working environment factors 26 lo ad Figure - Evaluating opportunities for career development 28 y th Figure - Evaluating personal relationship factors 29 ju Figure - Evaluating the conflicting factors between work and life .31 yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re CHAPTER 1 Company background t to 1.1 History of company ng April 6th, 2001: was established with name Saigon Plastic Packaging Limited hi ep Company as forerunner and started building factory in an area 5,208 m2 February 2003, the factory had been finished, in turn the machinery was w n invested, began with gravure printing machines, laminating, slitting and bag making lo ad machines y th January of 2006, Saigon Plastic Packaging Limited Company was the first who ju granted both quality management certificates ISO 9001:2000 and environment yi pl management certificate ISO 14001:2004 al ua In 2007, the company equitized and rename to Saigon Plastic Packaging Joint n Stock Company (SAPLASTIC.JSC) va n September 2008, the share was officially listed on the stock market, as the code fu ll SPP SAPLASTIC.JSC has been invested by great investment fund, such as: BIDV m oi Investment, Vietnam Holdings, to name a few at nh In the end of 2010, SAPLASTIC.JSC invested in setting up LAB department, z became first and only packaging company which had been equipped fully and z vb modernly equipment This LAB was built with three functions: R&D activities input jm ht material checking and output product control Công ty Cổ Phần Bao Bì Nhựa Sài Gịn • English name: SAIGON PLASTIC PACKAGING JOINT STOCK COMPANY • Trading name: SAPLASTIC.JSC • Tax code: 0302272627 • Address: Lot II, 2B, Group V, Industrial Group II, Tan Industrial Zone, Tay Thanh k • om l.c gm Operation date: 01/05/2001 • Website: http://www.saplastic.com.vn • Phone number: 028 3815 5263 • General Director: Dương Quốc Thái ey t re • n Business license: 0302272627 - Date of Issue: 10/05/2001 va • an Lu Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City Fax: 028 3815 5262 • Email: info@saplastic.com.vn 1.2 Mission and Vision t to Mission: Contribute to the stable development of Vietnamese brands in the ng packaging industry, not only in South East Asia but also whole Asia Market, in order hi ep to aim at the global market in future Vision: Corporate vision for the period 2010 – 2030 is to build SAPLASTIC.JSC w to become the great interdisciplinary corporation SAPLASTIC.JSC’s business base is n lo the stable development in association with eco-friendly and social responsibility ad y th 1.3 SAPLASTIC.JSC organization chart (Appendix 1) ju 1.4 SAPLASTIC.JSC Sales department chart (Appendix 2) yi pl n va 2.1.1 High turnover rate n 2.1 Symptom description ua al Symptom fu ll Table 1 - Statistics of changes in human resources in the Sales department of SAPLASTIC.JSC for the period of 2015 - 2017 at nh 2015 Total Sales Staffs (Person) 17 2017 21 27 66.67 80.00 33.33 z 2016 k oi m Targets z jm ht vb Resigning Staff (Person) New staff (Person) Rate of increase (%) 17.65 23.81 gm Breakout Ratio / Total Sales Staff (%) om l.c (Source: Administration & Human Resources department in SAPLASTIC.JSC ) an Lu n va ey t re Figure 1 - Chart of statistics of changes in human resources in Sales department of SAPLASTIC.JSC for the period of 2015 - 2017 t to RESIGNING STAFFS ng hi ep w n lo ad ju y th yi pl 2016 2017 n ua al 2015 va n According to the figures above, the retirement status of employees at the Sales fu ll Department of SAPLASTIC.JSC has increased steadily over the years 2015 - 2017 m oi In 2015, the total number of employees in the sales department of the company nh is 17, with employees retiring accounting for 17.65% at z In 2016, the total number of employees in the sales department of the company z ht vb increased to 21, corresponding to an increase of people, corresponding to a 23.52% jm increase over 2015 But this year the number of employees leaving the department is k up to people, accounting for 23.81% compared with the total staff of the sales gm department The number of employees leaving the sales department increased to l.c people, corresponding to the increase of people compared with 2015, corresponding om to the rate of increase of 66.67% Thus, in 2016 SAPLASTIC.JSC has recruited sales an Lu staff to expand its business activities in the company's business plan But this year the employees recruited by the company This is quite dangerous and alarming situation in n va number of salespersons leaving SAPLASTIC.JSC was higher than the number of In 2017, the total number of employees in the sales department of SAPLASTIC.JSC increased to 27, in which people are recruited by the company, increasing by 28.57% compared to 2016 But the turnover status at the dales ey t re the sales department of SAPLASTIC.JSC department of SAPLASTIC.JSC is more serious when this year the number of employees leaving is up to people, accounting for 33.33%, corresponding to an t to increase of persons and an increase of 80% compared to 2016 Thus, the number of ng employees recruited to the sales department SAPLASTIC.JSC is lower than the hi number of employees leaving sales department This proves that the current demand ep for human resources in the sales department of the company is lacking and w significantly affecting the manufacturing and business activities of SAPLASTIC.JSC n lo in the past period ad y th 2.1.2 Low sales revenue ju Another alarming problem SAPLASTIC.JSC is facing is sales are tending to decrease, yi as follows: pl al 2015 2016 2016/2015 2017 332,877 422,699 Profit before tax 93,634 125,555 369,771 79,192 % +/- % 121,743 28.54 (99,291) (18.11) 89,822 26.98 (52,928) (12.52) 31,921 34.09 (46,363) (36.93) (Source: Sales Department - SAPLASTIC.JSC) at nh Total cost 448,963 oi 548,254 m 426,511 ll fu Total revenue 2017/2016 +/- n va Targets n ua Unit: million VND z z vb Cost Profit before tax k Revenue jm ht Figure - Revenue Results at SAPLASTIC.JSC for the period of 2015 - 2017 93,634 79,192 422,699 448,963 2015 2016 2017 n 548,254 va 426,511 an Lu 369,771 332,877 om l.c gm 125,555 ey t re Looking at the table above, we see the business results of SAPLASTIC.JSC fluctuating unevenly through the years 2015 - 2017 Specifically: 10 Mr Vo Quoc Hung (Human Resources Manager) He thought it was overloaded, because the sales department does not have enough employees His department is recruiting staff for the sales department to reduce the workload and avoid the current overload t to Ms Pham Thi Que (Sales Manager) I left my job in 2017 because of overwork with the department she manages, many employees quit in this year, the work of these leaving employees she had to deliver to the remaining staff in the department and everybody felt tired when the workload increased, sales of the company in 2017 dropped dramatically She was often called by the boss to the meeting and then explained the reasons for the decreased turnover too much work, stress for her At this time, she had a new baby, so she could not bear the pressure of work plus family work ng hi ep w n lo ad ju y th yi pl al n ua Quitting jobs due to geographical differences in this company mainly occurred in the factory, mainly workers after Lunar New Year holidays (mostly workers in the north) usually not return to the company to work, either Mr Tran Phu Vinh because they the family work, or they find (Sales Director) work near home But the number of employees who quit in this way is always so small because workers in the company are fully insured, they usually take leave according to regulations n va ll fu oi m at nh z z vb Ms Tran Thi Bao Tram (Deputy Sales Manager) I found the status of quitting jobs due to geographical differences only occasionally occurs in the factory, while the business department has no the status of quitting when there are geographical differences Mr Mach Thanh Hai (Sales Staff) My department has not had employees leaving their jobs when there are geographical differences since I worked in the sales department of the company Previously, I did not know Ms Pham Thi Que (Sales Manager) In my opinion, the difference in geographic location does not make the sales staff quit Mr Vo Quoc Hung (Human Resources Manager) So far, I have not seen any sales staff stopping because of geographical differences in the company k jm ht an Lu n va ey t re 54 om l.c gm Do you think that the geographic location difference makes many sales staff leave work? t to I think that this is an important factor affecting the employee's decision to quit So I myself is the manager of the sales department, I try my best to support them when necessary, to guide them in sales, work and interaction with different departments ng hi Mr Tran Phu Vinh (Sales Director) I personally also get support from Ms Hang (CEO) whenever I need it I found myself being listened to and supported by her ep w n lo My current workload is pretty much so I not support them well However, I also participated in training for them so that new employees quickly catch up and work confidently As for myself, I am happy with the support from Mr Vinh (Sales Director) When I need to ask for opinions about customers, or discuss the production arrangements, support the progress, they always listen to me and guide the best solution On the side of the board of directors, I not work directly with them, so I cannot evaluate whether they support or not ad ju y th yi pl Ms.Tran Thi Bao Tram (Deputy Sales Manager) n ua al n va ll fu Do you think the management support is important and is one of the reasons for high quitting work status in SAPLASTIC.JSC? Mr Mach Thanh Hai (Sales Staff) oi m at nh Not only I but also all employees in the sales department need the support of managers to complete the work assigned If you give work to the employees and then they it themselves, it is very stressful, and sometimes I myself are under pressure to work alone without the support of management But now the workload of the mangers is very much so that I also try to solve the problem myself I just hope the Board of Directors will invest in upgrading machinery and equipment, thereby improving the quality of the product, the arising problems will also be reduced, which makes every day work less stressful z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm Mr Vo Quoc Hung (Human Resources Manager) I think the staff must need the support of management! If managers not support, some employees will not know where they need to start from, what they do, etc and then they will feel an Lu Ms Pham Thi Que (Sales Manager) This is one of the reasons but for me it is not the main reason at SAPLASTIC.JSC When she worked at this company, she received enthusiastic support from Mr Vinh and Ms Hang on the transaction, new client development, and building proper business and marketing campaigns n va ey t re 55 t to depressed, less productive and will soon leave the company I myself not work directly in the Market Sales department, so I not know the level of support that managers there give their employees, especially new employees However, when the staff of the business department quit, I did not find anyone complaining about the management of Mr Vinh (Sales Director) or other managers ng hi ep w n lo ad ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re 56 APPENDIX – QUESTIONAIRE – ENGLISH VERSION Dear, Mr./Ms t to My name is Hanh Le Today, I am studying thesis of: “JOB STRESS IN SALES ng DEPARTMENT AT SAIGON PLASTIC PACKAGING JOINT STOCK COMPANY hi ep (SAPLASTIC.JSC)” I am looking forward to receive your support by answering this questionnaire w n I hope you answer all questions without false or true options The information lo ad you supplied will be kept secret and very useful to have clear understandings of causes y th for job stress of sales department in Sai Gon Plastic Packaging Joint Stock Company ju I PERSONAL INFORMATION: yi pl Please provide the following information by circling the answer: ua Female n Male al Gender: va Age: n From 25 to under 40 Over 40 ll fu Under 25 Post-graduate Other at nh University oi College m Education background: II CONTENT z z Please grades his/her agreement level for each question below by circling number vb jm ht respective with agreement level, and scores of scales is as follows: Strongly disagree k om Agree l.c Do not know whether agree or not (neutral) gm Disagree an Lu Strongly agree n va ey t re 57 No Category Scale t to ng hi ep Work pressure WP1 You find your work very stressful WP2 Your work is overloaded WP3 You not have enough time to finish the tasks The superiors always set out of ability tasks to you 5 5 5 5 5 WP4 w n You often think about leaving the current job at lo WP5 ad Working environment conditions y th SAPLASTIC.JSC ju The atmosphere in the workplace which is near yi Factory is hot and often exposed to the smell of pl EC1 Inadequate infrastructure, old equipment which is n va EC2 n spirit ua al solvent, glue, ink, affecting your health and working fu often ruined, affecting the speed of working settlement Workplace’s noise makes you feel stressed and tired Career development opportunities ll EC3 oi m nh There are not much opportunities to develop your at CDO1 z career at the company z Lack of training programs for promotion ht vb CDO2 company are unfair and not transparent Personal relationship PR1 You often conflict with colleagues You are not able to maintain a good relationship with 3 5 n va your superiors an Lu PR2 om l.c personal ability in the company gm You not have many opportunities to show your k CDO4 The promotion and nomination policies at the jm CDO3 superiors You have no belief in working with colleagues 58 ey PR4 You not receive support from your colleagues and t re PR3 Customers often complain and give negative feedback PR5 about you t to Conflict between work-life roles WL1 You are unable to balance work and life ng 5 5 hi Your work takes too much time and effort, so you ep WL2 not have time for personal life w n Working makes you unable to maintain relationships lo ad WL3 or other roles in a best way ju y th yi pl n ua al n va ll fu oi m at nh z z k jm ht vb om l.c gm an Lu n va ey t re 59 APPENDIX – QUESTIONAIRE – VIETNAMESE VERSION PHIẾU KHẢO SÁT t to ng Thân gửi Anh/Chị! hi Tôi tên Lê Thị Đoan Hạnh Hiện nay, thực đề tài nghiên cứu: ep “JOB STRESS IN SALES DEPARTMENT AT SAIGON PLASTIC PACKAGING w JOINT STOCK COMPANY (SAPLASTIC.JSC)” – “VẤN ĐỀ CĂNG THẲNG n lo TRONG CƠNG VIỆC TẠI PHỊNG KINH DOANH THỊ TRƯỜNG, CƠNG TY CỔ ad y th PHẦN BAO BÌ NHỰA SÀI GÒN” Rất mong hỗ trợ Anh/Chị việc ju trả lời câu hỏi bảng khảo sát yi pl Xin Anh/Chị vui lòng trả lời tất câu hỏi, khơng có câu trả lời sai ua al Những thông tin mà anh/chị cung cấp hồn tồn giữ bí mật giúp ích n nhiều việc hiểu rõ nguyên nhân gây căng thẳng công việc va phận bán hàng Công ty Cổ Phần Bao Bì Nhựa Sài Gịn n THƠNG TIN CÁ NHÂN : ll fu I oi m Anh/chị vui lịng cho biết thơng tin sau cách khoanh tròn vào câu at nh trả lời: Giới tính Anh/Chị: z  Nữ z  Nam vb  Từ 25 đến 40  Trên 40 k  Sau Đại Học  Khác om NỘI DUNG l.c II  Đại Học gm Trình độ học vấn:  TC - CĐ jm  Dưới 25 ht Độ tuổi Anh/Chị: an Lu Anh/Chị vui lòng đánh giá mức độ đồng ý anh/chị câu hỏi cách khoanh tròn vào chữ số tương ứng với mức độ đồng ý va n anh/chị, điểm thang đo sau: ey t re Rất không đồng ý Không đồng ý Phân vân- đồng ý hay không( trung lập) Đồng ý 60 Rất đồng ý t to Mã ng ep áp lực w WP2 Anh/Chị bị tải công việc Anh/Chị khơng có đủ thời gian để hồn thành WP3 cơng việc 5 5 5 5 n l.c hi WP1 Thang đo Danh mục Tính chất cơng việc áp lực Anh/Chị cảm nhận cơng việc lo ad y th anh chị yi WP4 ju Cấp đặt nhiệm vụ vượt khả pl ua WP5 al Anh/Chị thường nghĩ đến vấn đề xin nghỉ công ty SAPLASTIC.JSC n Môi trường làm việc Anh/Chị nhận thấy khơng khí nơi làm việc gần n va fu ll nhà máy nên nóng Anh/Chị thường xuyên m tiếp xúc với mùi dung mơi, keo, mực… mà oi EC1 nh at tổn hại đến sức khỏe tinh thần Anh/Chị z Anh/Chị cảm thấy công ty chưa đầu tư đắn z xuyên hư hỏng khiến Anh/Chị không giải k công việc nhanh jm ht EC2 vb vào cở hạ tầng, trang thiết bị cũ thường gm Tiếng ồn nơi làm việc (do gần nhà máy) khiến EC3 Anh/Chị mệt mỏi om an Lu Cơ hội phát triển nghề nghiệp Anh/Chị khơng có nhiều hội phát triển CDO 1 nghiệp làm việc cho công ty va Anh/Chị cảm thấy sách thăng tiến cơng CDO ty không công minh bạch ey t re 61 n Anh/Chị thấy công ty thiếu chương trình CDO đào tạo để thăng tiến Anh/Chị thấy khơng có nhiều hội chứng CDO tỏ khả thân công ty t to PR1 Mối quan hệ cá nhân Anh/Chị thường bất đồng với đồng nghiệp ng 5 5 5 hi Anh/Chị giữ mối quan hệ tốt đẹp với ep PR2 cấp w Anh/Chị không nhận hỗ trợ từ đồng n PR3 lo nghiệp cấp ad Anh/Chị khơng có lịng tin làm việc đồng y th PR4 nghiệp ju yi Khách hàng Anh/Chị thường xuyên phàn nàn công việc ua al pl PR5 n Mất cân vai trị cơng việc sống Anh/Chị khơng thể cân công việc WL1 sống n va fu ll Công việc Anh/Chị chiếm nhiều thời m oi WL2 gian cơng sức nên Anh/Chị khơng cịn thời gian cho sống cá nhân 5 at nh z Công việc khiến Anh/Chị giữ z k jm ht vb WL3 mối quan hệ hoàn thành tốt vai trò khác sống gm Chân thành cảm ơn Anh/Chị hợp tác này! Chúc Anh/Chị ngày làm việc vui l.c vẻ! om an Lu n va ey t re 62 ad y th ju APPENDIX – SURVEY RESULT COLLECTION yi pl EC2 EC3 5 3 5 3 4 4 2 5 5 5 5 3 5 3 4 3 4 5 5 4 4 3 5 4 3 4 4 4 va 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 4 5 3 3 5 4 4 2 5 4 n si ac th eg cd 63 y te re Trần Ngọc Vinh EC1 an 10 Lu Trần Xuân Trường CDO4 om CDO3 l.c Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Tiên CDO2 CDO1 gm Trần Thị Bảo Trâm WL3 k WL2 jm Nguyễn Quang Huy WL1 ht PR5 vb Phạm Công Anh PR4 z PR3 z Mạch Thanh Hải PR2 at PR1 nh Nguyễn Trung Ngọc WP5 oi ENVIRONMENT CONDITIONS m ll Lê Nho Lập WP3 fu > 40 years old < 25 years old > 40 years old < 25 years old 25 40 years old < 25 years old 25 40 years old 25 40 years old 25 40 years old 25 40 WP2 CAREER DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES n Trần Phú Vinh WP4 WORK-LIFE BALANCE PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WP1 va WORK PRESSURE n Name ua al No Age range jg hg ad 5 3 5 3 4 4 5 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 5 5 3 3 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 re 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 om 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 4.65 4.50 4.55 4.70 4.75 4.45 2.50 3.85 3.40 4.30 4.25 3.90 3.45 4.05 2.50 4.15 4.45 2.25 l.c an Lu va n y te 3.90 ac th Mean Vương Thị Phượng gm 20 k Trần Quang Khải jm 19 ht Lê Mạnh Hùng vb 18 z Phan Huy Hoàng z 17 at Hoàng Minh Thư nh 16 oi Dương Minh Truyền m ll 15 fu Nguyễn Văn Hiếu 5 n 14 va Nguyễn Thị Mỹ Dung n 13 ua al Nguyễn Quốc Khánh pl 12 yi Nguyễn Văn Sơn ju y th 11 years old > 40 years old 25 40 years old < 25 years old < 25 years old 25 40 years old 25 40 years old 25 40 years old > 40 years old 25 40 years old 25 40 years old 4.20 si eg cd 64 jg hg REFERENCES t to Lambert, E G., Hogan, N L., Paoline, E A., & Clarke, A (2005) The impact of ng hi role stressors on job stress, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment ep among private prison staff Security Journal, 18(4), 33-50 w MacLean, P J (2001) Taming Turnover: Creating Strategies for Employee n lo Retention Silver Creek Press ad Strolin, J S., McCarthy, M., & Caringi, J (2006) Causes and effects of child y th welfare workforce turnover: Current 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