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(Skkn 2023) applying retelling technique in teaching postreading in tieng anh 10 (global success) at dien chau ii high school

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NGHE AN EDUCATIONAL AND TRAINING DEPARTMENT DIEN CHAU II HIGH SCHOOL TEACHING INITIATIVE TOPIC: APPLYING RETELLING TECHNIQUE IN TEACHING POSTREADING IN TIENG ANH 10 (GLOBAL SUCCESS) AT DIEN CHAU II HIGH SCHOOL Scope: Theory and Methodology of Teaching English AUTHOR: NGUYEN THI THUY GROUP: ENGLISH SCHOOL YEAR: 2022-2023 TEL: 0931362263 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale Limit of the study Research Methodology Research questions .2 Organization of the Study………………………………….…… PART II THE CONTENT Chapter THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL BACKGROUND 1.1.Theoretical background 1.1.1The definition of reading comprehension .4 1.1.2 The techniques for developing reading skills 1.2.Practical background……………………………….…………… 1.2.1.The roles of the teachers .5 1.2.2.The roles of students………………………………….………… 1.2.3.stages of teaching reading………………………………………… 1.2.4.Difficultiesin teaching reading comprehension………………… .7 1.2.5.General views on post-reading activities……………………… 1.3 The current situation of teaching reading comprehension in Tieng Anh 10 (global success) at Dien Chau High School 1.3.1 To students ……………………………… 1.3.2 To teachers………………………………… 11 1.3.3 Some difficulties in teaching post- reading…………………… 11 Chapter METHODOLOGY………………… 14 2.1 Participants……………………………………… 14 2.2 Research Instruments………………………………………… 14 2.2.1 Questionnaire……………………………… 14 2.2.2 Class Observation…………………………………… 15 2.2.3 Tests……………………………………… 15 2.3 Data Collection Procedure………………………… 15 Chapter THE SOLUTION………………………………… 16 3.1 Retelling Technique ………………………………… 16 3.2 The types of retelling technique:……………………………… 17 3.2.1 Types of Retelling and the Implementation……………………… 17 3.2.2 Benefit of Retelling Technique: 18 3.3 How to apply Retelling technique in teaching post-reading in Tieng Anh 10 (global success)………………… …………… 18 3.4 Applying retelling techniques in post- reading in some Units with Tieng Anh 10- global success………………………… 20 3.5 Demonstrations of some activities in classes after applying the retelling strategy……………………………… 24 3.5.1 the classroom observation………………………………………… 24 3.5.2 Students’ papers collections……………………… 27 3.5.3 Students’ presentations……………………………………… 27 3.6 SURVEY THE URGENCY AND FEASIBILITY OF PROPOSED SOLUTIONS 33 Chapter 3: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION……………………………… 38 PART III: CONCLUSION………………………………………… 42 REFERENCES……………………………………………………… 43 APPENDIXIES………………………………………………… 44 PART I: INTRODUCTION The rationale Many teachers at high schools in Viet Nam realized that reading is a skill which helps students not only to gain knowledge but also furthers the development of other language skills In general, English at school attempts to develop four language skills listening, speaking, reading and writing taught in secondary school One of the most important skills among those four skills is reading skill It is very important in the process of learning because reading in English helps the students learn to think in English, build English vocabulary, can encourage the students to focus on grammar or punctuation and makes them more comfortable writing in English This is the first year I have taught the new textbook Tieng Anh 10- global success to the 10th form students I have met a lot of difficulties The biggest challenges emerge from teaching reading comprehension My colleagues in my school have the same problems We usually find it difficult and hard to teach in reading lessons, especially in post- reading stage Despite the teachers’ efforts, the students’ reading skills are disappointing Most of the students not understand the texts and not complete the reading tasks well If those difficulties are not found out and no solutions to overcome are given, it is certain that reading lessons cannot be successful and it even becomes worse This has a great effect on students’ learning result Therefore, the success of teaching reading depends on the techniques used by the teacher The techniques for the students to learn reading English should be suited with the method and the approach as well There are many techniques to teach reading English Those techniques can be divided into three namely controlled technique, semi controlled techniques, free technique Through to technique in semi controlled, retelling technique is one of the best and most efficient strategies for discovering whether the students understand what he or she has read Retelling technique is process of re-memorizing what students listened to and read Some studies shows that retelling technique has many advantages According to Mulholland in her article (2018) states that retelling provides an opportunity for readers to process what they have read by organizing and explaining it to others Retelling technique develops student’s story grammar because they must identify crucial points and the support information It encourages interacting with the text from a variety of perspectives: their own, their audience’s, and the author’s Besides, retelling supports good reading because students must engage in repeated readings of the text, which supports fluency Based on the advantages of retelling and the students enjoy when they retell what they read Especially it is suitable for teachers to teach post- reading stage Based on background above, the writer wants to describe how retelling technique applied in teaching post- reading in reading comprehension skill with Tieng Anh 10 (Global Success) in the second semester The writer takes the title “Applying Retelling technique in teaching post-reading in Tieng Anh 10 (Global Success) at Dien Chau high school.” Objectives of the Study This study intended to get solution and description of the problem through analysis and study that have been previously mentioned in the research problems, they are: To describe the teacher preparation in teaching post- reading using retelling technique in Tieng Anh 10 To describe the application retelling technique process in teaching reading comprehension To describe problems faced by teacher in teaching reading comprehension using retelling technique To show the advantages of using Retelling technique in teaching post-reading Limitation of the study: This study is limited to: - the 10th form students at Dien Chau High School; - the teachers of English at Dien Chau High School; and - reading comprehension in the textbook “Tieng Anh 10- Global success” Methods of the study To achieve the aims mentioned above, quantitative and observatory method is used, and the following tasks are involved: - Collecting data for the analyses is from learners of classes: 10C1, 10C3 - Assessing what difficulties are dominant - Evaluating what techniques are best fit Research questions: What is the benefits of retelling strategy in teaching post-reading? Do the retelling strategy help students to improve their reading comprehension? To what extent, if at all, retelling products show evidence of: increased confidence in reading? or increased confidence in oral (story telling)? Organization of the Study: The study is organized as follows: Part I: Introduction, presents the rationale for the study, the aims, research questions, scope and significance, methodology and organization of the study Part II: Content, consists of the following chapters: Chapter 1: Literature review, presents the theoretical background of reading skills Chapter 2: Research Methodology, focuses on the current situations of teaching reading skills at Dien Chau High School, the participants, the instruments and data collection procedure Chapter 3: Solutions Chapter 4: Findings and discussions Part III: Conclusion: summarizes all the issues in the research and further suggestions PART II: THE CONTENT Chapter THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL BACKGROUND 1.1 Theoretical background 1.1.1 Definition of reading comprehension Reading comprehension is the ability to read text, process it and understand its meaning It relies on two, interconnected abilities: word reading (being able to decode the symbols on the page) and language comprehension (being able to understand the meaning of the words and sentences) When we make sense of a text, however, we don’t just remember the exact words and phrases we read Rather, we form a mental model of what the text describes by integrating the sense of the words and sentences into a meaningful whole, like a film that plays in our head Reading comprehension is a product of complex interactions between the properties of the text and what readers bring to the reading situation The readers must relevant their knowledge, word decoding ability, text-based and situation model-based differencing skills, competency with a variety of reading strategies, metacognitive skills, and so on Reading comprehension is a process in which the reader must decide linguistic symbol and reconstruct and reconstruct them up to a meaningful whole as intended by the writer Comprehension includes recognizing and understanding a main idea and related detail 1.1.2 The techniques for Developing Reading Skills Strategies are the tools for active, self-directed involvement that is necessary for developing communicative ability Strategies are not single event, but rather a creative sequence of events that learners actively use This definition underdoses the active role that readers take in strategic reading To achieve the desired results, students need to learn how to use a range of reading strategies that match their purpose reading According to Kellerman in Yazid ( 2009:13), a strategy is a wellorganized approach to a problem Paris, Wasik and Turner in Yazid (2009: 13) define "strategies" and "skills" accordingly: “Skills refer to information-processing techniques that are automatic, whether at the level of recognizing grapheme phoneme correspondence or summarizing a story Skills are applied to a text unconsciously for many reasons including expertise, repeated practice, and compliance with directions, luck, and naive use In contrast strategies are actions selected deliberately to achieve particular goals An emerging skill can become a strategy when it is used intentionally Likewise, a strategy can "go underground and become a skill Indeed, strategies are more efficient and developmentally advanced when they become generated and applied automatically as skills Thus, strategies are skills under consideration.” According to Paris, Wasiak and Turner in Yazid (2009: 13) there are some Strategies that can help students read more quickly and effectively, namely: Previewing: reviewing titles, section headings, and photo captions to get a sense of the structure and content of a reading selection Predicting: using knowledge of the subject matter to make predictions about content and vocabulary and check comprehension, using knowledge of the text type and purpose to make predictions about discourse structure, using knowledge about the author to make predictions about writing style, vocabulary, and content Skimming and scanning: using a quick survey of the text to get the main idea, identify text structure, confirm or question predictions Guessing from context: using prior knowledge of the subject and the ideas in the text as clues to the meanings of unknown words, instead of stopping to look them up 1.2 Practical background: 1.2.1 The roles of teachers: Being concerned with the roles of the teacher in teaching reading, Harmer (2001:213)gives an opinion that the teacher needs to create interest in the topic and task He also needs to work as an organizer, observer, feedback organizer and prompter *An observer: While students are reading, the teacher can observe their progress since it will give him valuable information about how well his students are doing individually or collectively and will tell him whether to give them extra time, or move to organize feedback more quickly than he has anticipated *A feedback organizer: When the students have completed the given tasks The teacher can lead a feedback session to check if they have completed the tasks successfully or not *A prompter: When students are reading the text, it is also necessary to draw their attention to the language features in that text He may direct his students to certain features of the text construction clarify ambiguities and make them aware of issues of the text structure which they have not come across previously In general, the teacher must be aware of what they need to in a reading lesson Playing their roles well will certainly help the teacher lead successful reading lessons 1.2.2 The Roles of the Students In communicative language teaching, the learners are regarded as the center of the lesson It is true in every reading lesson During the reading process the students play the roles of an active and creative listener and as well as reader In a reading lesson, students must take an active role as a listener They need listen to the teacher’s instructions and explanation carefully to find out the way of recognizing information and the way of deducing new words or grammatical structures The students must also be active and flexible readers, it is wise if they work on their own during the reading process, make full use of the class time to read and the exercise to achieve a full understanding of the text It is necessary for them to find out suitable reading strategy and use their background knowledge to fulfill their tasks because the significance of the text as well as the information is not always directly stated in printed pages ▪ In summary, teacher and students are interrelated to each other during the process of teaching and learning reading skills 1.2.3 Stages of teaching reading: This study focuses on teaching reading comprehension strategies which are divided into three reading stages proposed by some scholars, this includes: pre-reading stage, while reading stage and post reading stage: Pre-reading Stage According to Williams (1984: 37) The purposes of the pre-reading stage are: - To introduce and arouse interest in the topic - To motivate learners by giving a reason for reading - To provide some language preparation for the text Normally, pre-reading phase often lasts from two to ten minutes depending on each lesson Several techniques, as suggested by To et al., (2006: 158) are: using pictures, predicting from the titles, guessing and brainstorming to see what students have already know In general, in the pre-reading stage, it is necessary to get a good preparation for students, provide them the sense of what they are going to in their reading lesson While-reading Stage While-reading stage is the main part of a reading lesson Without this stage, the students will lose the chance to deal with the text to understand the writer’s purpose and clarify the text’s content in detail William (1984: 38) points out the aims of the while-reading stage: -To help understanding of the writer’s purpose -To help understanding of the text structure -To clarify text content Post-reading Stage The post-reading stage is the final but not the less important stage of a reading lesson because it is time for students to apply what they have got from the text into real life communication In other words, it is the time for students’ production What they produce will reflect how well they comprehend the text In William’s view (1984: 39), “the post-reading stage is aimed at consolidating or reflecting upon what has been said and relating the text to the learners’ own knowledge, interests or views” Normally, it takes ten or fifteen minutes to complete all activities at this stage In conclusion, the above-mentioned stages are essential for a reading lesson However, it is not necessary to carry out all these stages mechanically on every occasion Depending on the purposes of each reading lesson, the teacher may apply these stages as well as allocate time for each stage appropriately 1.2.4 Difficulties in teaching reading comprehension: In reading, it is not easy for a student to be successful in learning reading, because there are many factors affect the success such as students’ habits, attitude, motivation, exposure to the target language, textual characteristics, the way reading is taught, and the teacher’s classroom techniques or learning environment, etc Reading skill problems; Language problems; Cultural background knowledge 1.2.5 General views on post-reading activities Definitions of post-reading activities As language learning involves the acquisition of thousands of words, teachers and learners alike would like to know how vocabulary learning can be fostered, especially in EFL settings where learners frequently acquire impoverished lexicons, despite years of formal study Research indicates that reading is important but not sufficient for second-language vocabulary learning, and that it should be supplemented by post-reading activities to enhance students' vocabulary knowledge Post reading activities play an important role in language teaching and learning There are many reasons for its being important Types of post-reading activities: Post-reading activities also included: Answering higher order thinking questions, as part of a game called "Book Wheels" Role play Retelling Mock interviews in which one student portrayed a character in the story that other students would then interview Adding new words encountered while reading to a personalized vocabulary notebook (Ho & Wong, 2001) Table 3: Calculate average score 𝑥̅ by Average software TT Parameters Solutions According to the teachers, is it feasible to apply the retelling technique in teaching post- reading stage in Tieng Anh 10? In your opinion, is it feasible to apply the retelling technique in teaching post- reading stage in Tieng Anh 10? 𝑥̅ Level 3,2 Very feasible 3,8 Very feasible From the data obtained in the table above, the following observations can be drawn: Table presents the results of a survey conducted among teachers to assess the feasibility of conducting a study on enhancing students' creativity through experienced activities in project sections in English 10 The table includes a list of proposed solutions and a degree scale with four categories: Not feasible, Little feasible, Feasible, and Very feasible The numbers in the table indicate the number of respondents who chose each category for the proposed solution The average scores of the four levels are: 0.1+1.2+3.3+9.4 28 = 3,2 Table shows the responses of students regarding the feasibility of a study aimed at enhancing students' creativity through experienced activities in project section in English 10 Based on the table, it can be inferred that the majority of the students (100/125) believe that the study is very feasible, while 25/125 students find it feasible The average scores of the four levels are: 0.1+13.2+150.3+400.4 563 = 3,8 With an average feasibility score of 3.78 for teachers and 3.68 for students drawn from the survey results, it can be confirmed that the proposed solution is very feasible when put into practice 37 Chapter 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION: From the above review of previous studies, further study related to the implementation of both types of retelling strategy is still needed due to contradictory results The various results of those previous studies are affected by many factors The important influential factor is the various abilities of the teachers to implement each of the strategies The optimum implementation of both studies by the teachers is required to find out the better results of study Later on, we will be able to figure out more reliable research result on the effectiveness of both strategies Here is the result analysis: (1) Before the experiment, English learners lacked the theory direction in reading from teachers When they retell the news paragraph, they are full of fear with a low voice What is more, they not know how to reorganize the material again, which usually makes them feel at a loss By interview, the result shows that they seldom did the retelling training in class because of the time limit, and they only know remembering the words However, due to the lack of language environment, they remember words today and then forget the next day (2) After the experiment, we can see that students have made an obvious progress in retelling They can not only speak more fluently and confidently, but also seize the basic retelling strategies when they retell news Through a lot of retelling training on class, both their oral expression ability and listening ability have been improved significantly Moreover, this way has stimulated the students ‘learning interests in English The atmosphere of classroom was very lively, and students were very happy because they have opportunity to exercise their oral English in classroom (3) Inspiration and problems to teaching :In order to make more people understand the retelling method, and correctly know its importance, teachers should pay attention to the following points when applying the retelling method: Correct students‘ attitude towards the retelling method The retelling method is beneficial for English listening teaching, so the students should actively accept it But the effect of retelling method can not be reflected overnight It needs long time training so that students can achieve certain goals Obviously, teachers should give students some encouragements and instructions in daily leaning (4) Teachers should pay attention to the choice of retelling materials The length of retelling materials depends on students ‘ability In the beginning, the sentences had better not be too long, and not contain too many new words At the beginning of the retelling stage, the teacher can choose relatively easy stories to attract students ‘interest and improve their self-confidence Later, the teacher can gradually lengthen the story, add science, technology, history, geography and so on, even extend to the retelling of video materials to enhance the diversity of content, in order to adapt to different students English leaning with different levels 38 (5) Correct students ‘mistakes at the right time and give them confidence properly When students make mistakes in the process of retelling, teachers should not interrupt students until they finish retelling, otherwise their thinking will be terminated Teachers must give students proper praise What ‘s more, it is better to use euphemistic way to correct students ‘mistakes in case of hurting their passion and enthusiasm Thus, every student has confidence in taking part in activity and feels free to express himself or herself (6) Pay attention to the cooperation among students and improve their efficiency Effective teaching must be based on a harmonious relationship between teachers and students In this way, students ‘imagination and creativity can be dug out Actually, retelling is a complex task Therefore, teachers should focus on students ‘performance when retelling Thus, students can express their views and explore their own talent When students encounter difficulties, teachers should give timely guidance to help Finally, in the process of retelling, teachers should teach students how to make notes and help them develop a good habit of remembering keywords (7) Post-test results After four weeks of the experiment, the class was given a post-test which was the same as the pre-test The students’ scores have been transferred into percentages and analyzed for comparison Table 7: Post-test results No (student) Weak (0-3) Medium (4-6) Good (7-10) Total: 20 % 22 40 45 25 33 85 100 Chart 2: Post-test results 33% 22% weak 45% scores medium 39 In Table indicate that an improvement appeared in the results of the post-test of the class The number of weak students are 20 students (22%) The number of good students are 25 students (33%) The medium scores are 40 students (45%) In general, the test results after weeks have changed Chart 3: Comparison between pre-test and post-test pre-test post-test 60% 50% 40% 30% 49% 20% 10% 40% 45% 33% 22% 11% 0% weak scores medium scores good scores Looking at Chart 3, its shows that the results of the pre-test and post-test have marked changes, the post-test results better than the pre-test results The number of weak students decreased (from 40% to 22%) Besides, the number of good students increased, the pre-test only 5students achieved good scores (11%), after weeks increased 15 students (33%), equivalent to 22% difference- a big number The number of medium students also decreased (from 49% to 44%) In conclusion, reading strategies had a positive effect on the students’ reading ability In other words, what can be inferred from those findings above at the end of the experiment 4.2 Questionnaire results As mentioned in Chapter Three, the questionnaire included questions and was designed in the form of multiple-choice questions Below were the answers of the students from the classes to each question Table 8: Student's feeling about learning a reading skills Difficult Normally Easy Number of mentions 25 15 Percentage(%) 56 33 11 40 As clearly shown in Table 8, most of the students feeling about English reading skill is difficult (56%) which is a higher than the number of students feeling normally, equivalent to the difference of 23% And only 11% of students realize that English reading comprehension is not necessarily a serious and difficult problem Thus, it indicates that the students have differences in feeling about English reading comprehension skill 41 PART III: CONCLUSION The evidence in this study suggests that the retelling as a reading strategy did aid literacy growth, particularly reading, as well as their confidence in reading for English language learners in the same way the technique has been shown to be effective for mainstream English-speaking students This technique which encourages students to put their mental and creative abilities to work also helps the teacher to encourage and foster these abilities in the students From the study details above, we may say that story retelling is an important strategy which will enable students comprehend texts, retell information they get from the text and also improve their writing proficiency The study also shows that if students acquire the retelling competence, they will perform better in their academic pursuits and especially in examinations, not just in English language but in content area subjects The retelling technique helps and equips students to exercise their use of language and since they must rewrite or recreate passages which they have read, their weaknesses are brought to the fore and the teacher is therefore able to identify and address these weaknesses This technique which encourages students to put their mental and creative abilities to work also helps the teacher to encourage and foster these abilities in the students RECOMMENDATIONS Given the foregoing, it will be helpful if policy makers, teachers and other stakeholders in the education sector consider the adoption of story retelling strategy and other aspects of the literature-based instruction in the teaching of reading and writing at all levels of the school system, especially in the primary and secondary schools This will help to improve the performance of students as they will be in a better position to comprehend texts, and become better readers and writers 42 REFERENCES Aebersold, J A & Field, M L (1997) From Reader to Reading Teacher Cambridge: CUP Alderson, J.C & Urquahart, A.H (1984) Reading in a Foreign Language Essex: Longman Group Limited Clarke, M.A (1980) “The short circuit hypothesis of ESL reading – or when language competence interferes with reading performance”, Modern Language Journal 64, pp.203-209 Coady, J.A (1979) Psycholinguistic Model of the ESL Readers in a Second Language: Hypothesis, Organization and Practice Rowley, Mass, Newbury House Cook, L & Mayer, R (1989) Teaching Readers about the Structure of Scientific Text Journal of Educational Psychology Doff, A (1988) Teaching English: a Training Course for Teachers Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Douglas, D (2000) Assessing Language for Specific Purposes Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Jolly, D (Oct, 1978) The establishment of a Self-access Scheme for Intensive Reading Paper presented at the Goethe Institute, Brishtish Council Colloquium on Reading, Paris Lewis, M & Hill, J (1985) Practical Techniques for Language Teaching London Commercial Color Press 10.Munby, J (1978) Communicative Syllabus Design Cambridge: CUP 11.Nuttal, C (1982) Teaching Reading Skill in a Foreign Language Hong Kong: Macmillan Publishers Lmited 12.Nuttall, C (1996) Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language (New Edition) Hong Kong: Macmillan Publishers Lmited 13.Nutall, C (2000) Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language 2nd ed Oxford: Heinemann 14.Richard and Thomas (1987) Being an Effective Teacher Harper and Row Publishers 15.Rivers, W & Templey, M (1978) A Practical Guide to the Teaching of English as Second or Foreign Language OUP 16.Ur, P (1996) A course in Language Teaching Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 17.Van, Hoang Van Hoa, Hoang Thi Xuan Minh, Do Tuan Phuong, Nguyen Thu & Tuan, Nguyen Quoc (2006) Tieng Anh 10 Nha Xuat Ban Giao Duc 18.William, E (1984) Reading in the Language Classroom New York: Macmillan 19.Yorio, C.A (1971) “Some sources of Reading Problems for Foreign Language Learners” Language Learning, 21, 43 APPENDIXIES APPENDIX Questionnaire (For Students) Questionnaire: 1.What is the effectiveness of post-reading activities? Circle all the statements that are true for you After reading, I like to read more books by the same author After reading, I like to share my ideas and thought by writing them down After reading, I like to share my ideas and thought by talking to a friend  After reading, I like to share my ideas and thought by taking part in online chats  After reading, I like to share my ideas and thought by taking part in literature circles  After reading, I like to share my ideas and thought by taking part in class discussion  Others (please specify)………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ………………… What post-reading activities you prefer to take part in? Rank these activities in the order of your favor  Role play  Retelling the story  Character studies  Which character?  Continue the story  Others………………………………………………… …… What difficulties you face when taking part in post-reading activities?  I find it hard to express my ideas in English  I find it hard to understand the plot of the story (cultural aspect)  Some reading passages are too difficult for me to fully understand (vocabulary, structure)  Others (please specify) ………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… What you to overcome these difficulties? Ask teachers and peers for help  Study more about some Western culture  Others (please specify)………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 44 APPENDIX 2: PRE-TEST FOR STUDENTS Read the passage and choose the best answer: Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany, in 1770 His childhood was unhappy His father drank too much Beethoven's musical talent was obvious from childhood He quickly became a talented performer on the piano In 1792, he moved to Vienna, Austria, to study with Austrian composer Joseph Haydn Soon Beethoven was playing music that he wrote himself Many people admired his powerful, dramatic music Beethoven was often ill or depressed He was unable to find a woman who would marry him Just as he was becoming very successful, he started to lose his hearing Deafness is the worst fate for a musician Beethoven's performing career was over Despite Beethoven's hearing loss, he still wrote music The music he wrote became even better His music was richly expressive and revealed feelings such as joy and sadness He created one bold masterpiece after another Besides piano music, Beethoven wrote string quartets (pieces for four stringed instruments) and other kinds of chamber music Chamber music is written for small groups, and people can play it in their homes or in small halls Beethoven also wrote songs, two masses, an opera, and nine outstanding symphonies Which of the following best describes Beethoven's life according to the passage? A talented, powerful and challenging B emotional, dramatic, and outstanding C unhappy, stressful, but successful D talented, outstanding, and successful The phrase "was over" in the passage mostly means A finished B completed C started D remained What happened after Beethoven lost his hearing according to the passage? A He became a famous talented performer on the piano B He started writing music for his own performance only C His music became more and more impressive and emotional D His music was better, more impressive and varied in types Which of the following is true about Beethoven's music according to the reading? A It was strongly affected by that of other famous musicians B It helped Beethoven enjoy a life with luxuries and comforts C It expressed ideas and emotions, praised freedom and equality D It set a standard by which all other composers measured their work What did Beethoven write? A songs B two masses C An opera D All are correct 45 APPENDIX 3: POST- TEST FOR STUDENTS: Read the passage and choose the best answer: Music can be happy, sad, romantic, sleepy, spine-tingling, healing - all kinds of things But what is it? Some people define it as an artful arrangement of sounds across time Our ears interpret these sounds as loud or soft, high or low, rapid and short, or slow and smooth The sounds need to continue for a time in some sort of pattern to become music Music, like language, is a uniquely human form of communication As with language, there are many different kinds In North America, people listen to jazz, rock, classical, folk, country, and many other kinds of music Each kind of music has its own rules and “speaks” to us in its own way What we think of as music depends on where we live What Americans are used to listening to might sound strange to someone from another culture, and vice versa It might not even sound like music In Indonesia, gamelan orchestras play music on gongs, drums, and xylophones These aren't the instruments you'd find in a typical orchestra in North America Today, modern communications make it possible for us to listen to music from all over the world Music from one part of the world influences music from another part For example, gamelan music from Indonesia influenced 20th-century American composers such as John Cage Which of the following is given a definition in paragraph 1? A music B sounds C patterns D arrangement The word "interpret" in the passage is closest in meaning to A understand B refuse C treat D explain What has enabled music of one nation to influence that of another? A Languages B Modern communications C Typical rules D Original instruments Why is John Cage mentioned in last paragraph ? A To show how he has an influence on Indonesian music B To represent famous music composers in the 20th century C To illustrate how music from one region can influence that of another D To suggest that Indonesian music is related to American music Which is the best title for last paragraph? A Music depend on where we live B Music plays an important role in life C Music from one part of the world influences music from another part D Music from Indonesia 46 APPENDIX SURVEY THE URGENCY AND FEASIBILITY OF PROPOSED SOLUTIONS ( for students ) School:…………………………………………… Name:…………………………………………… Class: 10……………………………………… Read carefully and answer the following questions correctly by ticking (X) uniquely in the box of the selected option Questions Degree Question Not urgent Less urgent Urgent Very urgent Not feasible Little feasible Feasible Very feasible In your opinion, is it really necessary to adjust post-reading activity to make the lesson livelier and more attractive in Tieng Anh10? Question In your opinion, is it feasible to apply the retelling technique in teaching post- reading stage in Tieng Anh 10? 47

Ngày đăng: 27/07/2023, 07:56


