Software Testing – Practice [1] Black Box Testing Techniques (C) 2023 – Pham Nhat Duy – Nguyen Ngoc Qui [Exercise 1] Boundary value analysis technique (1/ value analy value analysis technique (1/sis technique (1/ 2) Suppose y value analysis technique (1/ou are testing a program that a prog a program that ram that that calculates the cost of a hotel stay a hotel stay value analysis technique (1/ The co The co st is calculated based on the num that ber of a hotel stay d ay value analysis technique (1/s stay value analysis technique (1/ed and the room that rate The co The room that rate is determ that ined by value analysis technique (1/ the ty value analysis technique (1/pe of a hotel stay room that (s ing a program that le or double) and the season (hig a program that h or l ow) The co The cost is calculated using a program that the f a hotel stayollo wing a program that f a hotel stayorm that ula: cost = number of days * room rate num that ber of a hotel stay day value analysis technique (1/s * room rate room that rate (C) 2023 – Pham Nhat Duy – Nguyen Ngoc Qui [Exercise 1] Boundary value analysis technique (1/ value analy value analysis technique (1/sis technique (2/ 2) The room that rates are as f a hotel stayollows: Sing a program that le room that : $50 per night per nig a program that ht in the low seaso n, and and $10 per night per night per nig a program that ht in the hig a program that h season The co Double room that : $75 per nig a program that ht in the low seaso n, and and $150 per night per nig a program that ht in the hig a program that h season The co Using a program that the boundary value analysis technique (1/ value analy value analysis technique (1/sis techni que, and identif a hotel stayy value analysis technique (1/ the test cases that would b e the m that ost effective in testing a program that this prog a program that r am that The co (C) 2023 – Pham Nhat Duy – Nguyen Ngoc Qui [Exercise 2] Orthog a program that onal Array value analysis technique (1/ Given variables: A – values (A1, A2) B – values (B1, B2, B3) C – values (C1, C2, C3) Using a program that the Orthog a program that oanl Array value analysis technique (1/ Testing a program that technique, and identif a hotel stayy value analysis technique (1/ the test cases f a hotel stayor this prog a program that ram that The co (C) 2023 – Pham Nhat Duy – Nguyen Ngoc Qui