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Evaluation Of An Online Alcohol Education Program For First-time-in-college Students

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University of Central Florida STARS Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2004-2019 2010 Evaluation Of An Online Alcohol Education Program For First-timein-college Students Elayne Reiss University of Central Florida Part of the Educational Leadership Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/etd University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Doctoral Dissertation (Open Access) is brought to you for free and open access by STARS It has been accepted for inclusion in Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2004-2019 by an authorized administrator of STARS For more information, please contact STARS@ucf.edu STARS Citation Reiss, Elayne, "Evaluation Of An Online Alcohol Education Program For First-time-in-college Students" (2010) Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2004-2019 4195 https://stars.library.ucf.edu/etd/4195 EVALUATION OF AN ONLINE ALCOHOL EDUCATION PROGRAM FOR FIRST-TIME-IN-COLLEGE STUDENTS by ELAYNE R REISS B.S University of Central Florida, 2003 M.S University of Central Florida, 2005 A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education in the Department of Educational Research, Technology, and Leadership in the College of Education at the University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida Spring Term 2010 Major Professor: Rosa Cintrón                   © 2010 Elayne Reiss       ii  ABSTRACT Alcohol use among college students has maintained its place as a major issue in American higher education since its inception Although dangerous drinking has always proliferated among college students, institutions have only provided alcohol and other drug (AOD) education and interventions encouraging students to adapt less harmful habits for a much shorter period of time During this relatively short history of postsecondary alcohol interventions, colleges and universities have shifted away from abstinence-only, educationbased methods Instead, institutions have begun to adapt cognitive behaviorcentric, motivational enhancement-based strategies emphasizing harm reduction through the use of protective behaviors In order to reach a greater number of students, alcohol intervention programs have been developed combining the harm reduction ideology with internet-based dispersion at a population level This research study addressed the behavioral changes that occurred among an entire class of first-time-in-college freshmen at a large public university before and after mandatory participation in AlcoholEdu for College, an online, population-level, harm reduction-based alcohol intervention The study expanded upon previous evaluations of the program, which addressed program efficacy among the population as a whole but did not further explore differences in effect upon students engaging in different levels of drinking Other iii  demographic factors, such as gender, ethnicity, family history of alcohol issues, and age of first consumption, were also taken into account Pre-test surveys taken by students prior to the intervention at the beginning of the academic year were matched to follow-up surveys taken four to six weeks after program completion, providing the necessary data for conducting a quantitative study The specific areas of interest within the study included (a) willingness to complete the program in a timely and complete fashion, (b) levels of consumption, (c) use of protective behavioral strategies (PBS), and (d) incurrence of negative alcohol-related consequences A combination of analytical procedures was utilized, including descriptive statistics, chi-square tests for independence, exploratory factor analysis, repeated measures ANCOVA, and nonparametric inferential tests Results were described within the framework of social cognitive theory (Bandura, 2004) as well as the CIPP program evaluation framework (Stufflebeam & Shinkfield, 2007) The analysis uncovered that three major factors determined willingness to complete the mandatory program in a timely and complete fashion: gender, age of first alcohol consumption, and drinker group Specifically, students who were male, started drinking prior to high school, or were identified as heavy episodic drinkers were less likely than peers to complete all portions of the AlcoholEdu program Both moderate and heavy episodic drinkers reduced their levels of consumption between pre-test and follow-up A large percentage of abstaining iv  students maintained this status later in the semester Light and moderate drinkers either maintained or slightly reduced their use of PBS, while heavy episodic drinkers showed increases in use of most types of PBS over time All students indicated low levels of incurrence of negative consequences in both the pre-test and follow-up periods However, while students experienced an increased number of most of these consequences between the pre-test and follow-up surveys, heavy drinkers cited a decreased rate of drinking and driving-related consequences as of the follow-up Throughout all of the analyses, important controlling factors included gender, ethnicity, and age of first alcohol consumption The results of this study can guide future development and refinement of the AlcoholEdu program, as well as provide higher education administrators and AOD education program staff with additional baseline knowledge of the change process first-time-in-college freshmen undergo when engaged in the program     v  This dissertation is dedicated to my parents   vi  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Although the cover of any dissertation holds the name of only one author, many people typically hold important roles in the process This dissertation is no exception and I would like to specifically acknowledge those individuals who have aided me in the completion of this project I would like to give my deepest respect, appreciation, and gratitude to my adviser and committee chair, Dr Rosa Cintrón, not only for challenging and supporting me through every step of the process, but also for setting such high standards for the quality of this program as a whole Your enthusiasm made me love the field of higher education even more than I already did I am honored to continue my research as a graduate of this program, in no small part due to your leadership Many thanks are also due to Dr Tammy Boyd, Dr Bernadette Jungblut, and Dr Pat Lancey for their exceptional service as committee members Dr Boyd, thank you for your careful review and consistently thoughtful feedback Dr Jungblut, thank you for being so excited and interested in my work—and equally excited that I provided you with an excuse to discuss statistics at great length! Dr Lancey, I am not sure if either of us knew back in my master’s-level graduate assistant days that you would have the opportunity to serve as my doctoral dissertation committee member, but I am so glad you agreed to hold vii  this important role I appreciate your genuine interest in my academic and professional growth over these past few years Although not a member of my committee, I would also like to thank Dr Lorrie Hoffman for introducing me as a very young undergraduate to the many unique professional possibilities that I could attain with a degree in Statistics— specifically, the opportunities in the field of education Your open invitation to assist with research so early in my postsecondary career unquestionably led to where I am today I am quite glad that even today I have such a knowledgeable statistical colleague (and great person) in my corner This study would not have been possible without the help of two wonderful AOD professionals Tom Hall, thank you for entrusting me with the privilege of analyzing the results of UCF’s AlcoholEdu implementation and for your willingness to provide advice and suggestions throughout the study Todd Wyatt, the research that you have engaged in with the rest of the team at Outside the Classroom is an extremely important contribution to the field of student affairs and I greatly appreciate your openness to allow student researchers such as myself to assist in this work From my perspective as a statistician, thank you for providing me with such well-formatted data! To my colleagues at University Analysis and Planning Support, Operational Excellence and Assessment Support, and Institutional Research at UCF, thank you for the never-ending stream of encouragement throughout this viii  process Even during the times when I was marginally awake and/or functional, you never stopped reminding me that before I knew it, this would be all over I look forward to truly enjoying my working days ahead with all of you My loyal contingency of friends, thank you for understanding why I have essentially disappeared from the planet over the past year I am excited about regaining a future of asking “where should we obtain FDA-approved consumables.” Additionally, I owe much gratitude to my extended family, near and far Knowing how overjoyed all of you would be when I finished was a much-needed driving factor in the completion of this project To my brother, Dr Jeffrey Reiss: it was totally worth four (or actually, eight, counting pre-doctoral studies) years of having professors and classmates assume that two opposite-gendered individuals in their classes with the same last name who kind of look alike must be married You did an amazing job yourself; I could not have asked for a better teammate with whom to go through this program Last, but certainly not least, much love and gratitude to my parents Mom, thank you for keeping me calm and serving as an extra voice of reason Dad, thank you for taking care of all the very many “little things” while I took on what was essentially another whole full-time job and for understanding how my brain functions Thank you both for encouraging the values that have brought me, and will continue to bring me, many successes in life ix  C. 22.Tai lieu Luan van Luan an. 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