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makkar IELTS English for SOLVED GRAPHS Exams FROM THE PAST EXAMS Dr Kiranpreet Kaur Makkar GRAPHS FROM THE PAST EXAMS By: Dr Kiranpreet Kaur Makkar MBBS D.G.O Makkar HosPita! Ph Er lndrooP Sin$h Makkar MSinlE&OR Pen nsylva nia I l State Un iversitY ) ,* First published in lndia in 2016 by makkarIELTS Edition October 2016 Wriften by: Kiranpreet Kaur Makkar Contributions: Sumeet Kaur, tndroop Singh Cover Illustration: Amrit PaI Singh Cover Page Image Courtesy: John Cobb Copyright @ Kiranpreet Kaur Makkar 2016 All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanicil including photocopying recording or by any information storage and retrievar system lvithout *itt"i, permission from the author, except for the inclusior, oi b.iuf quotations in a review ISBN Visit our website: www.makkarielts.com S ecial Thanks Many people have helped, encouraged and had the patience of standing by my side during the process of writing this book am particularly grateful to my sister and colleague Sumeet Kaur, who has discussed most of the content in this book with me for more hours than I can remember Sumeet is CELTA certified ffhisisthe"gold I standard" qualification for teaching English to non4ntioe sPeakers and is recognized all ooer the my asset a world It is designed by the llnioersity of Cambridge), and is big for centre Singtu my co-author in this book, who first took the initiative about three years ago and began writing sample answers for the graphs, which were reproduced by our sfudents after the exam I am also grateful to my son Indroop I am also grateful to Ravpreet singtu who worked into the minutest details of this book, and without whom this book would not have been possible Kiranpreet Kaur Index of Gra hs Book Vocabulary related to graphs - A-I Page I Graph TyPe percentage o adulfs of diffurent age groups in the UK who u*d dre Internet everyday from 200}2006 Column lumn umn 31 28 APAC I voutu.be/D BPZ0kpAhT4 ow num rof Columns working hours per week, in industrial sector, in four European countries in 2002 APAC httDs./ / voutu-be / cBMl2ZXmiPI below expenditure on three caEgories among different age groups of reddents in the UK in 2004 10 APAC https: / /voutu be/vxVwB mTeqzk ows percentage o whole world population in four countries fmm 1950 b 2m0, with proiections till 2050 httDs: I When seen 2015 APAC https: / / youtu.be / Cx5ppvw bIdU al developed countries to developing countries from 2008-2010 lumn https : / /voutu.be HilvHv low ln rmation on €ra wde disposal in a European country from lumn APAC 26 2072 APAC an5bzn8 https / / ),outu.be / sV00YGdUWZE gives ation a ut growth of urban population in certain parts of the world including the prediction of the futrrEhttDs: / o umn 10 207 APAC / voutu.be/V oLRUMFR3 to ges m e plaes wlrere people used to surf the Intemet i Column 2015 China years 1998, 200[.2002 and 2004 ln tu.be h percentages umn China male and female students getting toP grades in 1996 and 2000 10 11 72 13 https: / / voutu.be i I aRMrhiVRsk average class WS low 8fa size in six countries and compares it with the world average class size in 2006 https: / /voutu.be lSvLDITFAi5M t rmation ow ows e from two students 60 of favourite subiects schools, school A and school B https: I lvoutu.be / UsxWibtoiec four categories graP below citrus fruits and the top three countries to which these were exPorted in 2012 https: / /y outu.be / 5-5IsYXnSxe e averaSe graP in 2004 women men and retirement age for and 2008 in six different countries ou h 14 low 2015 umn China umn 15 China umn 11 2015 China Column 24 APAC P4Y be efcu percentage o dependents in 2000 and the predicted figures in 2050 in five countries and also gives the graP 2015 WS olumn 1.7 20"1 APAC world average / / voutu.be/ 3teexX6lBts information re lating to Bar e people within 15 minute drive service in a particular region in UK It also comPares the people living in urban areas and PeoPle living in rural areas httDs: 15 .16 https: / /voutu.be lla FbBnOdqA percentage graP be ow adults according to age and gender who not any physical activity in Australia h tu.be ll tA 20"13 India umn 2073 India 77 18 79 low t a survey of young people in four European countties on the most effective solution of global warming SraP S res https: / / voutu beldb6XEzlQvaU ows wav ln w SraP be ow men and women used the internet in Canada in 2000 https: I lvou tu.be/ZuHsC STQIIc ows num ro trips SIAP made by children in one country to havel to and from school in 1990 and 2010 using various modes of transport tu.be C 16V L0Cc ar a ver a8e ours o f housew ork d one by o men unem oyed P part time employed and full time employed) and full-time working men 10 2013 India I at 10 12 India Column 15 14 India h 20 21 22 23 25 https:/ / youtu.be/hiB DbqM0U-Y below clnema attendance of people on different days of the week in 2003, 2005 and 2007 htDs: / lyontu.be I gOBz79v24tO gra d"P ct e re ty of print and non-print academic materials as voiced by undergraduates and postgraduates at different British universities o umn APAC Column co umn 19 201.2 India umn https:/ /voutu.belSO1m CSI4NE below ustrates e res British survey taken in 2005 umn April India https: I lvoutu.belMt zLc4I AZw owlnS graP ustrate e c Column gaming trends in South Korea in 2006 The first outlines gamer age groups and gender demographics The second indicates game lll L2 201.2 APAC https:/ /voutu.be / tpVPWseB3m4 ow ows average ne 8r intake per person in eight countries in 2003 tsofa J April 2012 India India rence type https: / /voutu bel r SraP rPF wou teracy rates India for a number of nations in 2004 27 eu5D c ou P Pa per t) od the EI o Perl cup production at fa cto ry year of one 28 lpv E4 bixl http s: / /voutu.be proportion o two 14-16-year-old students studying a modern foreign language in an English speaking be h umn 12 APAC co umns 2AP 11 country, and the top three popular foreign 29 LvlwPV tu.be h gr a p magazmes r o n SO ld ln d i fferen t C oun tdes 1n S lumn 11 28 these years tu.be h 30 7G amount o tea different four coffee imPorted bY 8ra and umn 20'12 15 countries tWN4 AiWU averaSe Co umn wsa out ar children bom per woman in countries in tu.be h 31 ^12 13 APAC 1970 and 2000 https:l ly outu.be 132 bGao74PR0 d la 8r am sha re of total Percen tage o or d P rod u ction of he a t by lumn 15 14 APAC Asia, Europe and other part of the world from the years 1840 to 2000 I tu.be i06ZtHv percentage co umn graP comPares of males in a Particular country who prefer watching sPorts to males who prefer h 33 participating in sPorts h tu.be aZLfnL t] tv Co umn 24 20"14 Australia IA bar graP sales ln billions of dollars) of different types of digital umn a13 games between 2000 and 2006 h tu S: R e grap 35 kinds of emission sources (oil greenhouse gas in the UK / coal I umn gas) of h e 37 outu.be 68W grap be ow ows 2013 Australia https: / lvoutu.be / iPLbVp0 bOYE o 8r a P Pa rti cl P a tion Australian chil d Ien ln s ports ou tsi de schoo hours in 2014 36 "12 umn i 16 China 191312016 India IO sales of children's books, adult fiction rne and educational books between 2002 and 2006 in one country 20 APAC https: outu.bel IW 5-iIKa DIU 8r a P be on Pop size, birth rate and the death rate of England and Wales from 1200 to 2000 38 ht 39 oufu.be vl dk c ow sPen rng on rese arch n to rene ab le sou rces of energy ln fo u r co untrie s betw een 975 and 000 rne aP outu.be EWL ar e o\4/ o t crlm e n E.g land an d 2005 e c 1Nv4 d ifferen t types w a le s from 970 o Line outu.be/ Iisen xR8cE elow e total SIAP s and the deaths in a European country from 1950 to 2050 outu.be Kx 8FRH1z44 China Line 12 20t5 China 1.31212016 India https: h 201 79 S h 41 20 SoUiOR6B e SraP low num o overseas visitors who came to the UK for different purposes between 19g9 and 2009 h 40 tu S 27 India e 10 2015 China 201[ 43 past given grap the of proiected figures Sovemment spending as a Percentage of GDP for the Line 27 India yeals 2000 to 2025 in three areas M 3nVmo https: / / voutu.be/9 num 1^/S be students from the US, the UK and Australia who studied in universities in other countries from 2002 to 2007 8ta by age in Great Britain' APAC Zwk https: / /voutu.be /wMiXD 45 Line clnema a 47 num made office information tourist to enquiries by telephone, letter/email, and in person from January 2001 to fune 2001 https: / /voutu.be /uzDoL- 1aO8 nitrogen given gra vehicles four by produced emissions oGrWTC M percentage o four countries in water good quality river from 1995 to 2010 It also shows the tu.be am h 48 S Srap 't_9 APAC https: / / voutu.be / qu6mKe28RGU 46 201 Line line 20"t2 Line 2010 Jan Line - USA 15 Australia 301712016 China prediction for 2015 tu.be N e graP and Srve vehicle the about forecast information and numbers and CO2 emission in England and Wales between 2000 and 2020 t2 h 49 Line column 11 APAC https: / /voutu be i Bei3CDCbd34 50 ows Percentage o 18- Line 25 year olds in universities in four different EraP 1.4 2016 India countries 51 https: / /voutu bel 0Xr9RskC5x4 of Line num ows diagram below marriages in the UK between 1951 and 2001 The data given is for all marriages, vi 30 I India 1.6 754 The flowchart below compares three methods to recruit new employees Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant lArrtl-ri -*t t A.irx{.r.rt r ! csnFry rla tlr F- Sho.dbr ET Lthod E-,lrl rGdtr.d g ic, A.i tL r.rl lliitr tl cqn rry Adi.rt-Er t {.rEy I atqfr F-.rlbd r hdo,.r l' r", l ET The flowcharts compare the three approaches of recruiting employees for a particular comPany The first method of finding a suitable person for the company is to publish announcements for relevant jobs Qualified workers would be added to the shortlis! and then enter the next step of being interviewed by HR or managers Those who are eligible get the iob in the end The second method is to place recruitment adverts in the papers Similarly, the names of suitable applicants could be seen on the shortlist , and these applicants are divided into two groupsi the first would be interviewed directly whereas the second group would have to sit for the exam As a result, candidates who pass the exam would get the job they want as well as those who passed the interview Also, companies would use recruitment agencies for the staf6ng strategy The agencies not only cooperate with headhunters, but also advertise the recruitment The following steps are similar to the first method Overall, these three approaches are quite simple and similar in order to find qualified employees for the company, but the first one may save more time and money 154 155 The following are two filter systems Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant, l{rite at least 150 words 6.aa t cficn fltut Ir*r Scd flh Thy rtql' 2q, Lrd Ccrtd3 PlD ]Ea.r oirt r ,l rli?4 ortd.r faht rFttrr ord Tq tturdrtr Soid Sfq.o, For iultehold ur The given process compares the steps of purifying water by two types of filter systems It is clear from the graph that the basic principal of purifying water in both systems is filtration In the first system there is a 200 litre water container which has an inlet on the top through which dirty water is sent in The top one third has sand to filter the water Below the sand are tiny stones and below the layer of stones are pipes with holes After passing through the three layers the water which comes out is pure and fit for drinking The second system is a bit more advanced The untreated water is stored in a container which has a tap and from that container the water is sent to another container with sand After being filtered through the sand the water is again stored in another container with a tap from which the water is finally used for household PurPos€s So, it can be seen that water can be purified for household use using a very simple and inexpensive method of filtration 155 155 The graphs below show the Percentage of household energy used and the amount of greenhouse gases produced in Australia Summarise the information making comparisons where relevant The percentage ofhousehold energ/usage in Australia Cooldtr& s% Stand by, S% Water heatin& 23% Llgh6n& 11% ReHgeratlon,l2% 2+Vo Hertingand coolln& zo9h The percentage ofgreenhouse gas produced in Australia St.dtr3 Other eppllances, 16% 3A The given pie charts compare the energy consumPtion for various domestic areas with the emission of greenhouse gases through these sources in Australia- The most striking feature of the graph is that a fitrJ: (20%) of energy is used for heating and cooling whereas the greenhouse gas emission through this is about two fifths (38%) which is just about double Greenhouse gas emissions because of water heating is 25/, which is also slightly more than the usage at 23% The least amount of energy is used for cooking and for stand-by purPoses 5% energy is used for each of these two PurPoses The emission of greenhouse gases is also approximately similar from both these sources at and,3% respectively Approximately a tenth of the energy is used for lighting and a similar amount for refrigeration However, these two areas are the most energy efficient as the greenhouse gas emission through bolh is 7'/ Approximately a quarter of the energy is used for other appliances and the greenhouse gas emission through these is only 15% which is slightly over a fifth Overall it can be seen that heating and cooling contribute the most to global warming whereas cooking and standby appliances contribute the least 156 1.57 The graph below shows the weekly spending of an average family in a European country Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant 1987 2047 housing 11 transport 31o/o fuel & power tobacco 160/o 10o/o 15o/o W2o/o other goods serytces food 160/0 SYo l The given bar graph compares the expenditure per week of an average family in Europe It is dear from the graph that the spending on housing and transport increased over a period of two decades whereas the expenditure on all other things decreased or remained the same The most striking difference is seen in the money spent on transport which grew almost threefold (11% to 31%) from 1987 to 2007 The expenditure on housing also increased from 15% to 3ii|% which is also a very significant change It is interesting to note that the expenditure on fuel and power decreased slightly from 78/o to 15% There was a considerable decrease in the spending on tobacco from 7% to 2% which is obviously a good thing The weekly spending on food also halved fuom 70% to 5% However, the spending on other goods and services not mentioned in the graph remained stable at 16% Overall, housing and transport became costlier over the period and so people had to spend more on them L57 The first chart below shows the value of goods that Australia imported from China and those exP orted to China from Auskalia The second chart shows the types of goods imPorte d from China Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main feature s, and make comparisons where relevant 158 The value ofSoods that Australia imported from China and those exported to China from Australia 60 r lmpofted lo D20 N 6:om China Exported to china 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2001 Types ofgoods imported from china in 2003 and 2oo4 10 2003 R 200+ The given column graphs provide some detailed information about the importation lnd of goo-ds'between Australia and China It is clear from the graph that "*pol,"rio',r Australia imported more things from China than it exported' Australia imported goods worth $20 billion in 1998 The imports increased steadily and reached M0 billion by 2006 In contrast, the exports to China were worth 10 billion dollars in 1998, but the exports grew rapidly and reached $30 billion dollars by 2006 billion dollars worth of comPuters and fumiture each were imported from China $4 billion of clothes were imported ftom China Tel-ecommunication equipment imports accounted for $3 billion The least imports were of toys and sports equiPment, which were of the value of $2 billion' In 2003, approximately $5 ^ imports of all things increased, except for clothes, which remained the same There was a slight increase of $1 million in the import of computers and fumiture The greatest change can be seen in the import of toys/ sport equipment and ielecommunications equipment, which grew from $2 and $3 billion in 2(x)3 to $7 and $8 billion respectively in 2004 ln 2004, Overall, toys/sports and telecommunication equipment saw a huge surge in imPorts to Australia from China in iust one year 158 159 The graph below shows the percentage of self employed workers of the total workforce in five countries in 1998 and 2008 Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main feafures, and make comparisons where relevant Percentage ofSelfEmployed Workers ofthe total workforce 6o0/o 5Oo/o 40o/o 3Oo/o ! 1998 20o/o t: 2008 loo/o Oo/o Russian Slovakia Republic Czech Greece Turkey Republic The given column graph illustrates the percentage of workers who were doing tleir own work, out of all employed people in five countries, in 199g and 200g It is manifest from the graph that the Turks and Greeks were more interested in entrepreneurship than the Russians, Slovakians and the Czechs The percentage of self-employed people from the Russian Repubric, slovakia and the Czech Republic was 5%,7% and 71% respectively, in 199g However, in just a decade the percentage rose in all three countries and reached z%, 12% and 14/o respectively, by 2008 The people of Greece and Turkey doing own business were 43% and, 56,i respectively, but decreased to 35% and 39% respectively by 200g overall, it is interesting to see that although the percentage of entrepreneurs in the Russian Republic, slovakia and the Czech Republic were much lesser than those in Greece and rurkep their interest in doing their own work grew with time whereas, the people of Greece and rurkey were much more who were running their own business, but their interest in doing their own work dwindled with time 159 160 The table below gives infonnation about the weekly consumption of ordinary milk and butter, and high and low fat alternatives of milk and butter among different age Broups in one European country Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant Age group Milk (ml) t a single graph has been taken The sample descriptions are just one way to wril n m nd , :T:::Ii:;iJ:i:ffstudent * '",:",:::?:T:,]ffi::J:n"; j :::xh n::j"l.n: [TH:;:'t T il:T: fi : * j: : jl ;,r Our other useful titles makkar IELTS EDglrsl.t for E\.t nts ACADEMIC ESSAYS FRoM pasr exaui For any other ,,.,, ,, , ,."*:* makkar IELTS English for Exams GT- ESSAYS & LETTERS FROM pasr exemt makkar IELTS Eng lish for Exams SPEAKING FROM PAST EXAMS inforn ::",,f tol,,Hliil:: i::li rartners.This pubrication has us 'ntac, at +s, suo"o4432z f:11:* :'n*o'*.makkarierts,com/ 0"","'t" I neither 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