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Ideas For Ielts Writing 7+ With 19 Topics And 34 Subtopics.pdf

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Ideas ​for ​IELTS Writing Band 7+​ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by ​Tu Pham 8 5 IELTS​ See more of his works on ​fb com/phamquangtu​ | ​bit ly/tuphamyoutube Environment & the Natural World 3 Role of indi[.]

Ideas f​ or ​IELTS Writing Band 7+​ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by T ​ u Pham 8.5 IELTS​ - See more of his works on f​ b.com/phamquangtu​ | b ​ it.ly/tuphamyoutube      Environment & the Natural World Role of individuals in solving environmental problem 3 Environment and the Natural world Protecting wild animals 4 Environment and the Natural World Travelling to remote areas 5 Society Overpopulation 5 Society Ageing population 6 Education and Young people Governmental budget for education 7 Education and Young people Student accommodation 7 Education and Young People Doing unpaid work, helping poor communities 8 Energy Exploit energy in remote places 9 Energy Increasing the cost of fuel 10 10 Energy Cutting down the consumption of fossil fuels 11 11 Food 12 Ideas f​ or ​IELTS Writing Band 7+​ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by T ​ u Pham 8.5 IELTS​ - See more of his works on f​ b.com/phamquangtu​ | b ​ it.ly/tuphamyoutube  Taxing fast food 12 Food 12 Role of the government and individuals in ensuring a healthy diet for everyone 12 Sports 13 Team vs Individual sports 13 Technology 14 Library vs computer 14 Technology 14 Online meetings 14 Research 15 Government vs Private Companies doing research 15 Transport 16 Punishments to improve road safety 16 Work and Study 16 Qualifications vs Experience 16 Work and Study 17 Working and travelling in the gap year 17 Homes & Urban planning 18 Architecture of new buildings 18 Homes & Urban planning 19 Intended use vs outward appearance 19 Homes & Urban planning 19 Moving companies to the countryside 19 Ideas f​ or ​IELTS Writing Band 7+​ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by T ​ u Pham 8.5 IELTS​ - See more of his works on f​ b.com/phamquangtu​ | b ​ it.ly/tuphamyoutube  Art, Culture & History 20 Local vs International Literature 20 Art, Culture & History 21 Governmental funding for art & culture 21 Art, Culture & History 21 Art vs technology 21 Health Care 22 Prevention vs treatment 22 Technology 23 Technology and the income gap 23 Media 24 Stories on the news 24 Tourism 24 International tourism creating tension 24 Modern life 25 Life in the city 25 Modern Life 26 Modern lifestyle and family relationships 26 Business & The economy 26 Shopping malls replacing smaller shops 26 Business & The economy 27 Consumerism 27   Ideas f​ or ​IELTS Writing Band 7+​ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by T ​ u Pham 8.5 IELTS​ - See more of his works on f​ b.com/phamquangtu​ | b ​ it.ly/tuphamyoutube    Topic  Subtopic  Question  Ideas  Vocab to learn  Environment &  the Natural  World  Role of  individuals in  solving  environmental  problem  Some people think that  environmental problems  are too big for individuals  to solve Others believe  individuals can also do  some things to solve  these problems.  Big problems:     Discuss both views and  give your own opinion.  - ​Global warming​, which happens on a ​global scale​ ->  should be solved by the ​international community​ (not  individuals)  - ​Seawater pollution​, caused by the activities of large  companies (e.g Formosa, a Taiwanese steel company,  dumping ​untreated chemical waste​ into the sea in the  middle of Vietnam) -> should be solved by the  government (not individuals)  Small problems:  - (1) Switch from cars and motorbikes to p ​ ublic  transport​ => (2) reduce the amount of t​ raffic emissions  => (3) mitigate a ​ ir pollution  - (1) Recycle ​waste materials​ => (2) reduce the amount  of waste which is b ​ uried underground​ in l​ andfill sites  => (3) alleviate s ​ oil pollution  Ideas f​ or ​IELTS Writing Band 7+​ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by T ​ u Pham 8.5 IELTS​ - See more of his works on f​ b.com/phamquangtu​ | b ​ it.ly/tuphamyoutube  Protecting wild  Environment  and the Natural  animals  world  Some people think that a  huge amount of time and  money is spent on the  protection of wild animals,  and that this money could  be better spent on the  human population To  what extent you agree  or disagree with this  opinion?    Approach: balanced opinion – Disagree     Reasons to agree:  Wild animals conservation areas are often  extremely costly to build and operate  The government should spend an adequate  amount of money on healthcare and education for  citizens  Reasons to disagree:  - Maintain ecological balance/ biodiversity  Some rare animals are of great importance to  biological research / are a great source of information  for biological research    Ideas f​ or ​IELTS Writing Band 7+​ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by T ​ u Pham 8.5 IELTS​ - See more of his works on f​ b.com/phamquangtu​ | b ​ it.ly/tuphamyoutube  Travelling to  Environment  and the Natural  remote areas  World  Organized tour to remote  areas and community is  increasingly popular Is it a  positive or negative  development for the local  people and the  environment?  Approach: Balanced opinion – Positive     Negative​:  These tours may d ​ amage the environment​.  Tourist waste may threat the life of the ​flora and fauna  in the destination  Visitors may disturb the n ​ ormal lifestyle​ of l​ ocal  citizens  Positive​:  Tourists may provide f​ inancial benefits​ for local  people and companies  The local authorities may ​impose environmental  tax​ on tourists and use this tax money to protect the  environment    Society  Overpopulation  Overpopulation of urban  Problems:  areas has led to numerous  - ​Traffic congestion​ (overpopulation -> a vast number  problems.  of p ​ rivate vehicles​ -> high ​traffic density​ -> traffic     congestion)     Identify one or two serious  - Public services (hospitals, schools) are overloaded  ones and suggest ways  Solutions:  that governments and  Ideas f​ or ​IELTS Writing Band 7+​ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by T ​ u Pham 8.5 IELTS​ - See more of his works on f​ b.com/phamquangtu​ | b ​ it.ly/tuphamyoutube  individuals can tackle  these problems.  - The government should build s ​ atellite cities​ and  encourage citizens to​ move to these new cities  (​urban-rural migration​)  - Individuals: Each family should have a smaller number  of children -> reduce the f​ ertility rate​ -> slow down  population growth​.  Society  Ageing  population  In the developed world,  average life expectancy is  increasing.  What problems will this  cause for individuals and  society?  Suggest some measures  that could be taken to  reduce the impact of  ageing populations.  Problems:     - To society: there may be a ​shortage of​ h ​ uman  resources   - To individuals: individuals have to pay more tax to  provide​ e ​ lderly care​ ​for​ the old who are s ​ usceptible to  various e ​ lderly health problems  ​Solutions:  - Increase t​ he retirement age  - Encourage families to g ​ ive birth to​ more children (​by  means of p ​ roviding ​maternity benefits​, c ​ hildcare  allowances​, free education for children)  Ideas f​ or ​IELTS Writing Band 7+​ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by T ​ u Pham 8.5 IELTS​ - See more of his works on f​ b.com/phamquangtu​ | b ​ it.ly/tuphamyoutube  Education and  Young people  Governmental  budget for  education  Children's education is  Advantages:     expensive In some  - Citizens have to p ​ ay more tax money​ so that the  countries, the  ​ xtra budget​ for education  government pays some or  government would have an e all of the costs.  - Some students may ​take education for granted​, not  something they must pay to receive, and not try to  Do the advantages  achieve​ good ​academic results  outweigh its  disadvantages?  - If too many students go to school at the same time,  the education system will be overloaded   Disadvantages:  - Students from all ​financial backgrounds​ may have  equal access to​ education  - Parents are ​relieved from the burden of​ paying for  children's education  Education and  Young people  Student  It is better for college  accommodation  students to live in schools  than to live at home with  their parents.  Living at home     - Students may feel ​a sense of security​ because they  can get f​ amily support​ when they ​suffer from illnesses  - Students and their families may ​save​ a considerable  amount of ​money​ (unlike students living in schools who  Do you agree or disagree?  have to pay for their accommodation)     Living in schools:  Ideas f​ or ​IELTS Writing Band 7+​ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by T ​ u Pham 8.5 IELTS​ - See more of his works on f​ b.com/phamquangtu​ | b ​ it.ly/tuphamyoutube  - Students may ​have easy access to​ ​learning facilities  such as libraries, laboratories and group study areas.  - Students may learn to l​ ive independently​ This is a  crucial living skill​ for their future.  - Students may save t​ ravelling time​ to school everyday.  - Students ​are exposed to​ a variety of cultures  - Students may ​create a network of relationships​ with  people from various c ​ ultural backgrounds  Education and  Young People  Doing unpaid  work, helping  poor  communities  More and more young  people from wealthy  countries are spending a  short time in communities  in poorer countries doing  unpaid work such as  teaching or building  houses Why? Who  benefit from this, the  community or these  young people?  Why:     - The young this to s ​ how​ the r​ esponsibility​ ​towards  impoverished communities​ in ​low-income countries  - This may ​enable​ the young t​ o​ a ​ cquire valuable  knowledge​ (about cultures and languages) and s ​ kills  (communication and teamwork)  Benefits are for both the community and these  young people:  - The k ​ nowledge​ and s ​ kills​ the young g ​ ain​ from this  voluntary activity​ may bring them a c ​ ompetitive edge  in the ​job market​ in the future.  - Communities in d ​ eveloping countries​ may also  benefit from​ this because they a ​ re provided with  Ideas f​ or ​IELTS Writing Band 7+​ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by T ​ u Pham 8.5 IELTS​ - See more of his works on f​ b.com/phamquangtu​ | b ​ it.ly/tuphamyoutube  various f​ orms of support​ (financial, medical and  educational).  Energy  Exploit energy  The demand for energy  in remote places  sources such as oil and  gas is increasing.  (a) Should people be  looking for sources of oil  and gas in remote and  untouched places?  (b) Do the advantages of  this outweigh the  disadvantages of  damaging such areas?  Should or should not:     - The only benefit is an ​extra supply​ of f​ uels​ for humans  to ​consume  - The e ​ nvironmental cost​ is substantial: ​the flora and  fauna​ (along with their habitats) will be damaged,  ecological balance​ of the place where fuels are  exploited will be d ​ isturbed  Advantages vs disadvantages:  - The benefit of having an extra source of fuels is  temporary, because ​energy sources​ in ​remote places  will soon be ​exhausted​.  - ​Damage​ on ​natural habitats​ are often l​ ong-lasting  or even i​ rreversible​, as humans could little to  restore the original status​ of these habitats  Ideas f​ or ​IELTS Writing Band 7+​ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by T ​ u Pham 8.5 IELTS​ - See more of his works on f​ b.com/phamquangtu​ | b ​ it.ly/tuphamyoutube  Technology  Library vs  computer  Maintaining public  libraries is a waste of  money since computer  technology can replace  their functions Do you  agree or disagree?  Approach: strong opinion - disagree | Reading  traditional books should not be replaced by  electronic books Reasons:  -    T ​ raditional books not h ​ arm human eyes  P ​ eople reading ​traditional books​ are not  interrupted by notifications​ from ​social network  applications​ such as Facebook  Public libraries are places that are worth visiting.  Reasons:  A ​ place when people can​ share their love for  knowledge  -Ad ​ esignated place​ for r​ eading experiences  Technology  Online  meetings  Research shows that  business meetings,  discussions and training  are happening online  nowadays Do the  advantages outweigh the  disadvantages?  Approach: advantages outweigh disadvantages     Disadvantages​:  It is not easy for people to​ express themselves​ on  online platforms​ in forms of b ​ ody language​ and f​ acial  expressions​ so ​online business communication​ may  not be ​as effective as​ traditional business  communication  Online meetings, discussions and trainings may be  ruined by a ​ ​poor internet connection  14 Ideas f​ or ​IELTS Writing Band 7+​ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by T ​ u Pham 8.5 IELTS​ - See more of his works on f​ b.com/phamquangtu​ | b ​ it.ly/tuphamyoutube  Advantages​:  - Save a large amount of cost for companies  Convenient for participants from all around the  world    Research  Government vs  Private  Companies  doing research  Scientific research should  be carried out and  controlled by the  governments rather than  private companies Do you  agree or disagree?    Approach: Balanced opinion – disagree     Some research should be conducted by the  government  Some research does not guarantee ​financial  benefits​ and thus is not attractive to private ​for-profit  companies  Some research requires a large amount of resources  that only the government can provide  Some research should be conducted by private  companies  Research is more practical because for-profit  companies care about cost-effectiveness  - ​Research findings​ are more likely to be applied to the  real world  15 Ideas f​ or ​IELTS Writing Band 7+​ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by T ​ u Pham 8.5 IELTS​ - See more of his works on f​ b.com/phamquangtu​ | b ​ it.ly/tuphamyoutube  Transport  Punishments to  improve road  safety  The only way to improve  safety of our roads is to  give much stricter  punishments for driving  offences What extent do  you agree or disagree?    Approach: Balanced opinion – Disagree     This is a good way Reasons:  This d ​ eters people from committing driving  offences​ as people are afraid of ​strict punishments  Offenders are ​discouraged from​ committing their  offences again  It is not the best way Other solutions are better:  Road safety should be taught at school as a  compulsory subject  - The mass media should spread images and videos of  victims of traffic accidents​, should may have a greater  deterrent impact​ than stricter punishments do  Work and  Study  Qualifications vs  Nowadays, some  Experience  employers think that  formal academic  qualifications are more  important than life  experience or personal  qualities when they look  for new employees Why is  it the case? Is it a positive  or negative development?  ​Reasons:     A ​ cademic qualifications​ are often a ​reliable  proof of one’s ability  Some jobs such as researchers and professors  require a high level of ​academic knowledge​, which is  often r​ eflected by q ​ ualifications  The act of choosing an employee based on their  qualifications may​ save a great amount of time​ for  recruiters, while ​personal qualities c ​ an only be  16 Ideas f​ or ​IELTS Writing Band 7+​ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by T ​ u Pham 8.5 IELTS​ - See more of his works on f​ b.com/phamquangtu​ | b ​ it.ly/tuphamyoutube    demonstrated if a candidate comes to an interview or  work as a trainee  Positive/ negative: negative  Qualifications given by some schools are  unreliable E.g name of any bad school in your country  Some recruiters may overlook applications of  potential workers​ who may not have decent  qualifications    Work and  Study  Working and  travelling in the  gap year  Some students prefer to  take a gap year between  high school and  university, to work or to  travel.  Do the advantages of this  outweigh the  disadvantages?  Advantages:     - Travel => ​acquire social​ and c ​ ultural​ ​knowledge  - Work => ​gain working experience​ and ​skills  (teamwork, leadership etc)  Disadvantage:  - Some students may choose not to go back to school  after the gap year -> they may ​lose the chance​ of  acquiring a degree and academic knowledge​ in the  university level  - Students who choose to take a gap year may f​ ail to  recall t​ he knowledge they learned at high school when  they enter university  17 Ideas f​ or ​IELTS Writing Band 7+​ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by T ​ u Pham 8.5 IELTS​ - See more of his works on f​ b.com/phamquangtu​ | b ​ it.ly/tuphamyoutube     Homes & Urban  Architecture of  new buildings  planning  Some people think that  newly built houses should  follow the style of old  houses in local areas.  Others think that people  should have freedom to  build houses of their own  style Discuss both these  views and give your own  opinion.    Old style:     maintain the uniformity of the ​architectural style  of the whole neighbourhood, making the area look  special, a ​ ttracting tourists​ E.g Hanoi  - s ​ ave architectural design cost  Own style:  Each individual has their own different purposes/  needs when building a house  Old houses may not be as convenient as houses  built according to ​modern architecture  Old houses may not be​ as energy-efficient as  new houses (people may i​ nstall solar panels​ on the  roof of modern houses)    Homes & Urban  Intended use vs  outward  planning  appearance  When designing a  building, the most  important factor is  intended use of the  building rather than its  outward appearance To  Outward appearance is important Reasons:     -  A building may attract more visitors ​when  it has an attractive outward appearance  18 Ideas f​ or ​IELTS Writing Band 7+​ (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by T ​ u Pham 8.5 IELTS​ - See more of his works on f​ b.com/phamquangtu​ | b ​ it.ly/tuphamyoutube  what extent you agree  or disagree?    -  People  love  a  building  with  an  attractive  appearance ​for aesthetic reasons  Intended use is more important Reasons:  -  Each  individual  has  ​their  own  different  needs​,  so  the  outward  appearance  should  be  designed  according  to  these  needs.  E.g.  if  the  house  owner  prioritises  ​energy  saving  when  designing  the  house,  they  may  ​install  solar  panels​ on the roof  -  If  the owner prioritises outward appearance, the  consequence  might  be  that  their  houses  are  inconvenient  to  live.  E.g.  In  Hanoi,  many  ​villas  owners  want  ​big  sculptures  ​in  front  of  the main  door,  which  takes  up  a  large  amount  of  space,  reducing the living space     Homes & Urban  Moving  companies to  planning  the countryside  Traffic and housing  problems could be solved  by moving large  companies, factories and  their employees to the  countryside Do you agree  or disagree?    Approach: strong opinion – agree     This solves traffic problems:  People ​migrate to the countryside​ -> fewer  private vehicles​ in big cities -> lower ​traffic density​ in  big cities -> relieve ​traffic congestion  This solves housing problems:  19 ... vs outward appearance 19 Homes & Urban planning 19 Moving companies to the countryside 19 Ideas f​ or ? ?IELTS Writing Band 7+? ?? (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by T ​ u Pham 8.5 IELTS? ?? - See more of his... schools) are overloaded  ones and suggest ways  Solutions:  that governments and? ? Ideas f​ or ? ?IELTS Writing Band 7+? ?? (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by T ​ u Pham 8.5 IELTS? ?? - See more of his works... education for children)  Ideas f​ or ? ?IELTS Writing Band 7+? ?? (19 topics, 34 subtopics) by T ​ u Pham 8.5 IELTS? ?? - See more of his works on f​ b.com/phamquangtu​ | b ​ it.ly/tuphamyoutube  Education and? ?

Ngày đăng: 14/03/2023, 18:09

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