An entrepreneur can only be successful if his partner supports his plans and more tips to be a great entrepreneurs
10 TIPS FOR STARTING ENTREPRENEURS Hi, my name is Bart. I work at web agency Netlash. and a few other companies: [...]... Show me the money 7 Find your niche 3 Be a ‘Mensch’ 8 Set your goals 4 Be easy to work with 9 Cherish your talents 5 Build alliances 10 Follow your passion Your accountant Your accountant Choose him carefully Make sure his office is within a 15 minute drive Do not go for the cheapest! Your accountant And whatever you do Your accountant And whatever you do Do NOT take a friend or a member of your family... goals 4 Be easy to work with 9 Cherish your talents 5 Build alliances 10 Follow your passion Watch your cash-flow Watch your cash-flow No matter how profitable you are, if you run out of cash, it’s Watch your cash-flow No matter how profitable you are, if you run out of cash, it’s GAME OVER Billing Send out your bills asap Follow them up for payment Be firm but friendly! Ask advances Oh, and should I mention:... goals 4 Be easy to work with 9 Cherish your talents 5 Build alliances 10 Follow your passion Mensch (Yiddisch: מענטשmentsh) means “a person of integrity and honor” Wikipedia Build your rolodex Networking Don’t network to build business The network of your network is far more important! “Pay it forward.” 1 Your new best friend 6 Get a sparring partner 2 Show me the... Build alliances 10 Follow your passion Availability Availability Answer your phone, answer your e-mail Reply to RFP’s within the hour! Be reliable, make good on your promises Communicate often and clearly 1 Your new best friend 6 Get a sparring partner 2 Show me the money 7 Find your niche 3 Be a ‘Mensch’ 8 Set your goals 4 Be easy to work with 9 Cherish your talents 5 Build alliances 10 Follow your . 10 TIPS FOR STARTING ENTREPRENEURS Hi, my name is Bart. I work at web agency Netlash. and a few other companies: