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(Luận văn) the attitudinal resources in english and vietnamese news on the social violence

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING QUY NHON UNIVERSITY LÊ YẾN NHI lu an n va tn to p ie gh THE ATTITUDINAL RESOURCES IN ENGLISH AND d oa nl w VIETNAMESE NEWS ON THE SOCIAL VIOLENCE ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh Field: English Linguistics z m co l gm @ Code: 22 02 01 an Lu Supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr Trần Văn Phƣớc n va ac th si BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƢỜNG ĐẠI HỌC QUY NHƠN LÊ YẾN NHI lu an n va gh tn to NGUỒN NGÔN NGỮ ĐÁNH GIÁ p ie THÁI ĐỘ TRONG NHỮNG BẢN TIN TIẾNG ANH d oa nl w VÀ TIẾNG VIỆT VỀ VẤN ĐỀ BẠO LỰC XÃ HỘI ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh Chuyên ngành: Ngôn ngữ Anh z m co l gm @ Mã số: 22 02 01 an Lu Ngƣời hƣớng dẫn: PGS.TS Trần Văn Phƣớc n va ac th si I STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP I certify that I am the sole author of this master thesis I have not used any sources with exception of those listed in the bibliography and identified as references I further confirm that I have not submitted this thesis at any other institution so as to obtain a degree Quy Nhon, 2020 lu an va n Le Yen Nhi p ie gh tn to d oa nl w ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si II ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to sincerely thank for the cooperation and support of the Department of Postgraduate Training and the Department of Foreign Languages of QNU I gratefully acknowledge my greatest thanks to my supervisor, Assoc Prof Dr Tran Van Phuoc, who has given me helpful advice and patient guidance Without his enthusiastic support, this thesis would not have been lu completed an I am also grateful for the lecturers who have provided me with va n important knowledge and foundation for this master thesis to gh tn I would like to say thanks to all the members in my family for their help and encouragement p ie Last but not least, I would like to thank my mother for her continual in my study d oa nl w encouragement and her generous devotion so that I could invest a lot of time ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si III ABSTRACT This thesis is a comparative study on evaluative language in English and Vietnamese news on the social violence based on the framework of Appraisal Theory developed by Martin and White The main purposes of this study are to find out how linguistic features expressing Affect is used in journalistic discourses about social violence and what the similarities and dissimilarities between two languages are The collection of 12 articles (06 lu English articles and 06 Vietnamese ones) randomly chosen from online press an is analyzed through the adoption of quantitatively and qualitatively va n descriptive and contrastive methods The results of this thesis have revealed gh tn to that English journalists have used different ways to express a typical sub-type of Attitude in Appraisal Theory, namely Affect and they also preferred to ie p negatively but explicitly express Affect through verbal groups Hopefully, the nl w findings of this study may contribute to the field research in journalism and d oa will be useful knowledge for those who are interested in relating topics ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si IV TABLE OF CONTENTS STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS II ABSTRACT III TABLE OF CONTENTS IV ABBREVIATIONS VII LIST OF TABLES .VIII LIST OF FIGURES X lu CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Aims and objectives of the study an n va 1.2.2 Objectives of the study gh tn to 1.2.1 Aims of the study p ie 1.3 Research questions w 1.4 Scope of the study d oa nl 1.5 Significance of the study 1.6 Organization of the study va an lu CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Theoretical background u nf 2.1.1 Appraisal Theory ll 2.1.2 Affect m oi 2.1.3 Linguistic features of Affect Semantic features z at nh Discourse features z @ Lexico-grammatical features 12 gm 2.2 Overview of Social Violence 15 m co l 2.2.1 Definition of Social Violence 15 2.2.2 Forms of Social Violence 15 an Lu 2.3 Previous studies 16 2.4 Summary 18 n va ac th si V CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 19 3.1 Research methods 19 3.1.1 Data collection 19 Sources 19 Sampling 20 Data collection and coding procedure 20 3.2 Data analysis 21 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 22 4.1 Linguistic features of Affect in English news on social violence (ENOSV) 22 lu an 4.1.1 Semantic features in ENOSV 22 4.1.2 Discourse features in ENOSV 25 n va to Positive and Negative Affect resources 25 gh tn Explicitness and Implicitness 27 ie 4.1.3 Lexico-grammatical features in ENOSV 29 p Words 30 nl w Groups 32 d oa 4.2 Linguistic features of Affect in Vietnamese news on social violence (VNOSV) 33 4.2.1 Semantic features in VNOSV 33 an lu u nf va 4.2.2 Discourse features in VNOSV 36 Positive and Negative Affect resources 36 ll oi m Explicitness and Implicitness 38 z at nh 4.2.3 Lexico-grammatical features in VNOSV 40 Words 41 z Groups 42 l gm @ 4.3 Similarities and differences in linguistic features expressing Affect in ENOSV versus VNOSV 44 4.3.1 Semantic features 46 m co 4.3.2 Discourse features 47 an Lu 4.3.3 Lexico-grammatical features 48 4.4 Summary 49 n va ac th si VI CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION 50 5.1 Conclusion 50 5.2 Implications 54 5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Study 54 REFERENCES I APPENDICES V APPENDIX A – LINKS OF THE VIETNAMESE NEWS v APPENDIX B – LINKS OF THE ENGLISH NEWS vi lu APPENDIX C – SAMPLE ENGLISH NEWSPAPER ANALYSIS vii APPENDIX D – SAMPLE VIETNAMESE NEWSPAPER ANALYSIS xii an n va p ie gh tn to d oa nl w ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si VII ABBREVIATIONS lu an n va : Negative (+) : Positive AT : Appraisal Theory Adj : Adjective Adv : Adverb E : English ENOSV : English news on social violence EVNs : English and Vietnamese news Ex : Explicit Im : Implicit gh tn to (-) N : Noun : Nominal group : Group nl : Prepositional group d oa PG w Grp p ie NG : Vietnamese Ve : Verb VNOSV : Vietnamese news on social violence VG : Verbal group Wd : Word class ll u nf va an lu V oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si VIII LIST OF TABLES Table Page Title number Number Grammatical realizations of Affect (Martin & White, 2.1 2005, p 46) The system of Affect (Marti & White, 2005, pp 48- 2.2 51) and (Ngo & Unsworth, 2015) lu an n va List of English electronic newspapers 19 3.2 List of Vietnamese electronic newspapers 19 4.1 Four sub-types of Affect in ENOSV 22 4.2 Positive and Negative Affect resources in ENOSV 25 Explicitness and Implicitness in ENOSV 27 gh tn to 3.1 p ie 4.3 Three factors of Lexico-grammatical features in 29 w 4.4 oa nl ENOSV The distribution of each word class as Lexico- d 30 lu 4.5 an grammatical features expressing Affect in ENOSV The distribution of each word group as Lexico- va 32 u nf 4.6 ll grammatical features expressing Affect in ENOSV m Four sub-types of Affect in VNOSV 34 4.8 Positive and Negative Affect resources in VNOSV 36 4.9 Explicitness and Implicitness in VNOSV 38 oi 4.7 z at nh z Three factors of Lexico-grammatical features in @ VNOSV 40 l gm 4.10 The distribution of each word class as Lexico- m co 4.11 41 grammatical features expressing Affect in VNOSV an Lu n va ac th si 55 Suggestions for further researchers may include: - A comparative analysis of Engagement resources in English and Vietnamese news on the Social Violence - A comparative analysis of Graduation resources in English and Vietnamese news on the Social Violence lu an n va p ie gh tn to d oa nl w ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si i REFERENCES A ENGLISH Auman, C (2014) An appraisal analysis of British, French and Belgian online and print press coverage of the rise of the 'Red Devils' Unpublished M.A Thesis Ghent: Ghent University Bednarek, M (2006a) Evaluation in Media Discourse: Analysis of a Newspaper Corpus New York/ London: Continuum lu Bednarek, M (2008) Emotion Talk Across Corpora London/New York: an Palgrave Macmillan va n Bednarek, M (2009) Language patterns and Attitude Functions of to gh tn Language, 16(2), 165-192 Bednarek, M (2010) Evaluation in the news Australian Journal of p ie Communication, 37(2), 15-50 nl w Downing, A., & Locke, P (2006) English Grammar: A University Course d oa (2nd ed.) New York: Routledge an lu Duc, V D (2011) Style, structure and ideology in English and Vietnamese u nf va business hard news reporting: a comparative study Summary of Ph.D Thesis The University of Adelaide ll z at nh London: Edward Arnold oi m Halliday, M A (2004/1994) An Introduction to Functional Grammar Halliday, M A K., & Matthiessen, C M I M (2014) Halliday's z Introduction to Functional Grammar (4th ed.) New York: Routledge @ l gm Hien, N T (2014) A Comparative Study of Interpersonal Meaning in Hotel Brochures Written in English and Vietnamese - Appraisal Approach m co Unpublished M.A Thesis Quy Nhon: Quy Nhon University an Lu n va ac th si ii Kelly, S (2014, January 31) "Overview and Summary: Societal Violence: What is Our Response?" OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 19(No 1) doi:10.3912/OJIN.Vol19No01ManOS King, R (2000) The Lexical Basis of Grammatical Borrowing : A Prince Edward Island French case study Amsterdam: Benjamins Publishing Labov, W (1972) Language in the Inner City: Studies in the Black English Vernacular Philadelphia: Pennsylvania University Press Liu, X.H., & Thompson, P (2009) Attitude in Students‟ Argumentative lu Writing: A Contrastive Perspective Language Studies Working Papers an Martin, J R & Rose, D (2003) Working with Discourse: Meaning Beyond va n the Clause London: Continuum Appraisal in English New York: Palgrave Macmillan p ie gh tn to Martin, J R & White, P R R (2007/2005) The Language of Evaluation: Martin, J R., & Rose, D (2007) Working with discourse: Meaning beyond oa nl w the clause (2nd ed.) London: Continuum Martin, J R., & Rose, D (2007a) Working with discourse: Meaning beyond d an lu the clause (2nd ed.) London: Continuum u nf va Ngo, T., & Unsworth, L (2015) Reworking the appraisal framework in ESL research: refining attitude resources Functional Linguistics, 2(1) ll oi m doi:10.1186/s40554-015-0013-x z at nh Ngoan, N Q., & Loc, L H (2019, 12 22) Affect in expressive speech acts by the judges of the voice UK versus the voice VIetnam VNU Journal of z gm @ Foreign Studies, 35(No.6), 28-46 Ngoc, P T (2017) Evaluative Language in Advertisements: An Investigation l m co into Linguistic Features Expressing Affect in English Advertisements of Product Unpublished M.A Thesis Quy Nhon: Quy Nhon University an Lu n va ac th si iii Nguyen, T L (2017) A Study on the Attitudinal Resources in English and Vietnamese Travellers' Holiday Reviews Unpublished Master's Thesis Quy Nhon University Organization, W H (2002) World report on violence and health Retrieved from www.who.int/violence_injury_prevention/violence Phuoc, T V (2019, 20) An investigation into Vietnamese high school students‟ reflections on using evaluative language in writing English paragraphs Hue University Journal of Sciences: Social Science and lu Humanities, 128(6B), 115-141 doi:10.26459/hueuni- an jssh.v128i6B.5435 va n Phuoc, T V (2019, 20) Choices of evaluative language source for affect in to gh tn some Vietnamese short stories Language & Life, 9(289), 3-15 p ie Poynton, C (1996) Amplification as a grammatical prosody: attitudinal modification in the nominal group In C B M Berry, Meaning and oa nl w Form: Systemic Functional Interpretations Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Rose, D B (1996) Nourishing Terrains: Australian Aboriginal Views of d an lu Landscape and Canberra: Australian Heritage Commission u nf va Tilakaratna, N L., & Mahboob, A (2013) Appraisal in the time of conflict: Coding evaluation through textual and contextual analysis Linguistics ll oi m and the Human Sciences, 8.1, 63-90 doi:10.1558/lhs.v8i1.63 R (2001) Appraisal: An Overview Retrieved from z P Website Retrieved from z at nh White, www.grammatics.com/appraisal P R (2015b) The Appraisal gm @ White, http://www.grammatics.com/appraisal/appraisalguide m co l B VIETNAMESE an Lu Lê Quang Thiêm (2004) Nghiên cứu đối chiếu ngôn ngữ, NXB Đại học n va ac th si iv Quốc gia Hà Nội lu an n va p ie gh tn to d oa nl w ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si v APPENDICES APPENDIX A – LINKS OF THE VIETNAMESE NEWS https://dantri.com.vn/giao-duc-khuyen-hoc/hoc-sinh-lop-7-up-sot-raclen-dau-ban-roi-chup-hinh-cau-like-20180513095309893.htm https://dantri.com.vn/giao-duc-khuyen-hoc/nu-sinh-lop-7-danh-ban-battinh-20181001153010423.htm lu https://dantri.com.vn/xa-hoi/tranh-cho-tren-may-bay-hai-hanh-khach- an va danh-nhau-chay-mau-mui-20171121100934466.htm n http://cand.com.vn/Ban-tin-113/Mau-thuan-tren-ban-nhau-vac-dao-di- to gh tn danh-thi-bi-dam-tu-vong-473365/ p ie http://giadinh.net.vn/phap-luat/mau-thuan-vo-chong-con-re-danh-bo-vo- w tu-vong-20170812093341253.htm oa nl https://tuoitre.vn/vo-su-bi-to-hanh-hung-vo-moi-sinh-con-den-muc- d phai-nhap-vien-20190827111133885.htm ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si vi APPENDIX B – LINKS OF THE ENGLISH NEWS https://www.nwitimes.com/news/state-and-regional/indiana/year-oldindiana-boy-admits-to-may-school-shooting/article_721eb1d8-db145935-a001-c6fd0690c847.html https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/may/18/texas-schoolshooting-santa-fe-high https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/nov/05/christopher-boon- lu jailed-murdering-wife-stepdaughter an n va https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/oct/29/man-stabbed-wife- https://apnews.com/c05f75caec6241788553cca4561353fb gh tn to 49-times-in-front-of-child-jailed-for-life-london p ie https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/postnation/wp/2018/03/09/polic w e-respond-to-reports-of-gunfire-and-hostages-taken-at-california- d oa nl veterans-home/ ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si vii APPENDIX C – SAMPLE ENGLISH NEWSPAPER ANALYSIS 13-year-old Indiana Boy Admits to May school shooting (E1) No Clausse A 13-year-old boy … (who) admitted Monday to shooting [E1.01.01] and wounding [E1.01.02] a classmate and a teacher at a suburban Indianapolis school A 13-year-old boy … apologized during a daylong juvenile court hearing … for [E1.02.03] school shootings [E1.02.04] and testimony lu an from the teacher credited with halting the May attack [E1.02.05] hearing (that) included details of his online searches for school n va tn to shootings and testimony from the teacher credited with halting the gh May attack The boy (dressed in an orange-and-white striped jumpsuit), w He admitted to shooting [E1.06.06] seventh-grade science teacher oa nl The boy…sat next to his parents during the hearing p ie d Jason Seaman and 13-year-old classmate Ella Whistler lu The admission would be a guilty [E1.07.07] plea if he had been charged [E1.08.08] as an adult in the May 25 attack u nf va an ll [E1.08.09] at Noblesville West Middle School, about 20 miles (32 m oi kilometers) north of Indianapolis z at nh Seaman, (who) was shot [E1.09.10] three times, 10 Seaman … attended Monday's hearing with his wife 11 and later (Seaman) testified 12 Whistler, (who) was shot [E1.12.11] seven times, 13 Whistler ….did not attend 14 The boy apologized [E1.14.12] to Seaman and Whistler through a z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si viii statement lu an n va (a statement) his attorneys read 16 where he said,… 17 "If I could, 18 I would take [E1.18.13] it back 19 I'm sorry [E1.19.14] for the pain [E1.19.15] 20 I've caused you." 21 Hamilton Circuit Court Judge Paul Felix said… 22 he would not render a decision Monday on the disposition in the case, 23 the disposition (which) would be a sentencing [E1.23.16] 24 if the boy was charged [E1.24.17] as an adult 25 His options include ordering the boy to spend time in a mental [E1.25.18] health treatment center 26 or (the boy) to be held at a state juvenile detention [E1.26.19] center p ie gh tn to 15 w The boy's defense [E1.27.20] attorneys requested … 28 that he be sent to a residential program rather than a juvenile facility, 29 (The boy's defense attorneys) saying… 30 he could be influenced [E1.30.21] by older teenagers there 31 Prosecutors told the court… 32 the boy found the keys to a basement safe in his family's home, 33 (the boy) unlocked it 34 and (the boy) removed two handguns [E1.34.22] and more than 100 d oa nl 27 ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co an Lu The Indianapolis Star reported l 100 rounds of ammunition (that) he brought to the school in a backpack, 36 gm 35 @ rounds of ammunition [E1.34.23] n va ac th si ix lu 37 The Associated Press isn't using the boy's name 38 because he's charged [E1.38.24] as a juvenile 39 Prosecutors said… 40 the shooting [E1.40.25] unfolded 41 after the boy finished a quiz early in Seaman's science class 42 and (the boy was) asked to leave the room 43 The teen went to his locker, 44 (The teen) got his backpack 45 and (the teen) returned with two handguns [E1.45.26] and a knife an n va [E1.45.27], after (the teen) leaving his backpack in a bathroom, 47 prosecutors said ie gh tn to 46 Seaman testified… 49 that he was helping another student 48 p w when the boy began firing [E1.50.28] 51 He said… 52 he threw a small basketball… at the student, 53 (a small basketball) he often carries with him 54 then (he) tackled him, 55 even as the boy continued firing [E1.55.29] 56 Seaman said… 57 he pinned him to the floor 58 and (he) eventually forced the boy to the drop the weapon 59 He disarmed him of a second gun [E1.59.30] 60 after (he) telling his other students to run from the classroom and call d oa nl 50 ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu 911 n va ac th si x lu an "I think… 62 it'd be appropriate… 63 that (the boy) be detained [E1.63.31] 64 and (the boy be) removed from society [E1.64.32] 65 until it is 100 percent certain [E1.65.33]… 66 he is not a danger [E1.66.34] to himself or anyone else," 67 he said 68 Whistler's father, Cory Whistler, testified… 69 that he hopes… 70 the boy receives the "maximum sentence [E1.70.35] " for the shooting n va 61 the shooting (which) left his daughter with severe damage [E1.71.37] 71 to an artery in her right arm 72 The boy sat stoically [E1.72.38] for much of the hearing p ie gh tn to [E1.70.36], w but (the boy) began to tear up [E1.73.39] 74 when his mom took the stand 75 and (his mom) apologized [E1.75.40] to Seaman, 76 (his mom) prompting his dad to hand him a tissue 77 Prosecutors said… 78 that the day before the shooting [E1.78.41] the boy had filmed a video d oa nl 73 ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh in his family's basement in a video (which) he made threats [E1.79.42] of violence [E1.79.43] 80 and (he) showed two handguns [E1.80.44] 81 "Tomorrow's Friday,….what that means 82 you know… 83 I have to take other people's lives [E1.83.45] z 79 m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si xi 84 before I take my own [E1.84.46]," 85 prosecutors said… 86 the boy says in the video 87 Investigators testified… 88 that the boy's online history was filled with searches for school shootings [E1.88.47] lu an n va and that the day before the shooting [E1.89.48] he searched for:… 90 "What was the largest mass shooting [E1.90.49] in America" 91 and (he) looked for a "blueprint" of the school 92 If the boy had been charged [E1.92.50] as an adult, 93 he would have faced [E1.93.51] 11 counts, including attempted tn to 89 murder [E1.93.52] and aggravated battery [E1.93.53] p ie gh d oa nl w ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si xii APPENDIX D – SAMPLE VIETNAMESE NEWSPAPER ANALYSIS Mâu thuẫn bàn nhậu, vác dao đánh bị đâm tử vong (V6) No Clause lu an Trong lúc nhậu, Tuấn Trường xảy mâu thuẫn [V6.01.01] dẫn đến (Tuấn Trường) đánh [V6.02.02] (Tuấn) người can ngăn Tuấn vác dao [V6.04.03] (Tuấn) tìm Trường để đánh [V6.05.04] tiếp (Tuấn) bị Hiếu đâm [V6.06.05] tử vong [V6.06.06] va Chiều 4/1, thông tin từ Cơ quan điều tra Công an huyện Ea Hleo, tỉnh n đơn vị khởi tố [V6.08.07] vụ án, ie (đơn vị) bắt tạm giam [V6.09.08] khẩn cấp Đặng Minh Hiếu gh tn to Đắk Lắk cho biết… p (18 tuổi,….) để điều tra làm rõ hành vi Giết người [V6.09.09] w (Đặng Minh Hiếu) trú thị trấn Ea Đrang, huyện Ea Hleo) oa nl 10 d Theo thông tin ban đầu, vào khoảng 21h hôm 3/1, lúc (Vũ Anh lu Tuấn Bùi Phi Trường) ngồi nhậu quán ốc thị trấn Ea u nf Đrang va an 11 Vũ Anh Tuấn (16 tuổi,….) Bùi Phi Trường… xảy mâu ll m thuẫn [V6.12.10] dẫn đến đánh [V6.12.11] oi 12 z at nh (Vũ Anh Tuấn) trú thị trấn Ea Đrang) 14 (Bùi Phi Trường) cịn gọi “Tít”, 18 tuổi, 15 (Bùi Phi Trường) trú xã Ea Khal, huyện Ea Hleo) 16 Vụ việc sau người can ngăn 17 nên nhà 18 Sau (Tuấn) đến nhà, z 13 m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si xiii lu an n va (Tuấn) ấm ức [V6.19.12] việc mâu thuẫn với Trường, 20 Tuấn vào nhà lấy dao rựa [V6.20.13] 21 (Tuấn) rủ thêm Trịnh Bá Đạt (21 tuổi, 22 (Trịnh Bá Đạt) trú thị trấn) 23 (Tuấn Đạt) tìm Trường để đánh [V6.23.14] 24 Khi Tuấn Đạt đến trước quán karaoke thị trấn Ea Đrang 25 (Tuấn Đạt) gặp Đặng Minh Hiếu 26 (Hiếu) thấy Tuấn cầm dao [V6.26.15], 27 Hiếu liền hỏi:… 28 “Mày vác dao [V6.28.16] tìm ai?” 29 Tuấn nói:… 30 “Tao tìm thằng “Tít” để đánh [V6.30.17]” ie gh tn to 19 (Hiếu) nghe vậy,… 32 Hiếu liền xông vào [V6.32.18] 31 p w (Hiếu) dùng tay chân đánh [V6.33.19] Tuấn 34 Trong lúc (Hiếu Tuấn) đánh [V6.34.20], 35 Hiếu rút dao [V6.35.21]…ra 36 (con dao) thủ sẵn người 37 (Hiếu) đâm [V6.37.22] nhát trúng vào bụng Tuấn 38 (Đạt) thấy bạn bị đâm [V6.38.23], 39 Đạt hô hào người 40 (mọi người) vào can ngăn 41 (mọi người) đưa Tuấn cấp cứu [V6.41.24] 42 vết thương [V6.42.25] (của Tuấn) nặng, 43 Tuấn tử vong [V6.43.26] đường đến bệnh viện 44 Sau (Hiếu) biết Tuấn tử vong [V6.44.27], d oa nl 33 ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si xiv 45 46 đến khoảng 23h ngày, Hiếu người nhà đưa đến Công an huyện Ea Hleo (để) đầu thú [V6.45.28] Vụ án [V6.46.29] Công an huyện Ea Hleo tiếp tục điều tra làm rõ lu an n va p ie gh tn to d oa nl w ll u nf va an lu oi m z at nh z m co l gm @ an Lu n va ac th si

Ngày đăng: 20/07/2023, 09:47