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visual c++ and mfc programming

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Visual C++ and MFC Fundamentals Table of Contents © FunctionX, Inc. 1 an action creates a document and this document must reside somewhere. Visual C++ and MFC Programming Table of Contents Visual C++ and MFC Fundamentals 2 © FunctionX, Inc. Visual C++ and MFC Fundamentals Table of Contents © FunctionX, Inc. 3 Table of Contents TABLE OF FIGURES 13 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION TO MICROSOFT VISUAL C++ 15 1.1 The Microsoft Visual C++ Environment 16 1.1.1 Introduction 16 1.1.2 The Integrated Development Environment 17 1.1.3 The Title Bar 17 1.1.4 The Main Menu 18 1.1.5 The Toolbars 21 1.1.6 The Studio Windows 23 1.2 Floatable and Dockable Windows 26 1.2.1 Description 26 1.3 Visual C++ Projects and Files 27 1.3.1 Creating a New Project 27 1.3.2 Creating Files 28 1.3.3 Adding Existing Files to a Project 29 1.3.4 Adding Classes 30 1.3.5 Opening Files 31 1.3.6 Opening Existing Projects 33 1.4 Getting Help 34 1.4.1 Online Help 34 1.4.2 Other Help Types 35 CHAPTER 2: INTRODUCTION TO MFC 37 2.1 The Microsoft Foundation Class Library 38 2.1.1 Introduction 38 2.1.2 CObject, the Ancestor 38 2.1.3 The Basic Application 39 2.2 Frames Fundamentals 42 2.2.1 Introduction 43 2.2.2 Reference to the Main Window 44 2.2.3 Introduction to Macros 47 2.2.4 Windows Styles 48 2.2.5 Windows Location 51 2.2.6 Windows Size 53 2.2.7 Windows Dimensions 54 2.2.8 Windows Parents 57 2.3 Message Boxes 58 2.3.1 Definition 58 2.3.2 Message Box Creation 59 2.3.3 Message Box Implementation 59 2.3.4 The Box’ Message 60 2.3.5 The Message’ Title 62 2.3.6 Message Box Options 63 2.3.7 The Message’s Return Value 66 CHAPTER 3: WINDOWS RESOURCES 69 Table of Contents Visual C++ and MFC Fundamentals 4 © FunctionX, Inc. 3.1 Introduction to Resources 70 3.1.1 Introduction 70 3.1.2 Converting a Resource Identifier 71 3.2 Icons 73 3.2.1 Icons Overview 73 3.2.2 Icons Design 74 3.3 Menu Fundamentals 80 3.3.1 Overview 80 3.3.2 The Main Menu 80 3.3.3 Main Menu Design 81 3.4 Toolbars 85 3.4.1 Overview 85 3.4.2 Creating a Toolbar 85 3.5 Accelerators 85 3.5.1 Access Keys 86 3.5.2 Shortcuts 86 3.5.3 Accelerator Table 87 3.6 Version Information 88 3.6.1 Overview 88 3.6.2 The Version Information Editor 88 3.7 Cursors 89 3.7.1 Overview 89 3.7.2 Creating and Using Cursors 90 3.8 The String Table 92 3.8.1 Description 92 3.8.2 Creating and Using a String Table 92 3.9 Other Techniques of Creating Windows 94 3.9.1 Window Registration and Standard Resources 94 3.9.2 Window Registration and Custom Resources 95 3.9.3 Frame Loading 97 CHAPTER 4: MESSAGES AND EVENTS 101 4.1 Introduction to Messages 102 4.1.1 Overview 102 4.1.2 A Map of Messages 102 4.2 Windows Messages 104 4.2.1 Window Creation 105 4.2.2 Window's Showing State 106 4.2.3 Window Activation 108 4.2.4 Window Painting 112 4.2.5 Window Sizing 114 4.2.6 Window Moving 116 4.2.7 Window Destruction 119 4.3 Command Messages 119 4.3.1 Definition 120 4.3.2 Creating a Command Message 120 4.4 Keyboard Messages 120 4.4.1 Introduction 120 4.4.2 The Key Down Effect 122 4.4.3 The Key Up Effect 124 4.5 Mouse Messages 124 4.5.1 Introduction 124 4.5.2 Mouse-Down Messages 124 4.5.3 The Mouse-Up Messages 127 4.5.4 The Double-Click Message 129 Visual C++ and MFC Fundamentals Table of Contents © FunctionX, Inc. 5 4.5.5 Mouse Moving 130 4.6 Anytime Messages 130 4.6.1 Introduction 130 4.6.2 Sending Messages 131 CHAPTER 5: THE DOCUMENT/VIEW ARCHITECTURE 133 5.1 Overview of the Document/View Architecture 134 5.1.1 Introduction 134 5.1.2 The View 134 5.1.3 The Document 134 5.1.4 The Frame 134 5.1.5 The Document/View Approach 135 5.2 The Single Document Interface (SDI) 136 5.2.1 Overview 136 5.2.2 Creating a Single Document Interface 137 5.3 SDI Improvements 143 5.3.1 SDI Improvements: The Application 143 5.3.2 SDI Improvements: The Document 146 5.3.3 SDI Improvements: The Frame 150 5.3.4 SDI Improvements: The View 151 5.4 The Multiple Document Interface (MDI) 151 5.4.1 Overview 151 5.4.2 Creating a Multiple Document Interface 154 5.4.3 The Visual C++ AppWizard 157 5.5 The AppWizard 157 5.5.1 An SDI With AppWizard 158 5.5.2 An MDI With AppWizard 161 CHAPTER 6: THE GRAPHICAL DEVICE INTERFACE 163 6.1 Introduction to the GDI 164 6.1.1 The Device Context 164 6.1.2 Grabbing the Device Context 164 6.2 The Process of Drawing 165 6.2.1 Getting a Device Context 165 6.2.2 Starting a Device Context's Shape 165 6.3 GDI Lines and Shapes 167 6.3.1 Lines 167 6.3.2 Polylines 170 6.3.3 Multiple Polylines 173 6.3.4 Polygons 175 6.3.5 Multiple Polygons 176 6.3.6 Rectangles and Squares 177 6.3.7 A Rectangle With Edges 179 6.3.8 Ellipses and Circles 180 6.3.9 Round Rectangles and Round Squares 183 6.3.10 Pies 184 6.3.11 Arcs 185 6.3.12 The Arc's Direction 187 6.3.13 Angular Arcs 190 6.3.14 Chords 191 6.3.15 Bézier Curves 192 CHAPTER 7: GDI ACCESSORIES AND TOOLS 197 7.1 Colors 198 Table of Contents Visual C++ and MFC Fundamentals 6 © FunctionX, Inc. 7.1.1 Overview 198 7.1.2 The Color as a Data Type 199 7.1.3 Color Palettes 200 7.2 Drawing With Colors 201 7.2.1 Coloring a Pixel 201 7.2.2 Rectangles With 3-D Effect 201 7.2.3 Drawing Text 202 7.3 Bitmaps 205 7.3.1 Introduction 205 7.3.2 Bitmap Creation 206 7.4 Fonts 209 7.4.1 Introduction 209 7.4.2 Font Selection 209 7.4.3 Font Creation 209 7.4.4 Font Retrieval 215 7.5 Pens 216 7.5.1 Introduction 216 7.5.2 The Fundamentals of a Pen 216 7.5.3 Creating and Selecting a Pen 216 7.5.4 Retrieving a Pen 220 7.6 Brushes 220 7.6.1 Introduction 220 7.6.2 Solid Brushes 221 7.6.3 Hatched Brushes 225 7.6.4 Patterned Brushes 227 7.6.5 Logical Brushes 229 CHAPTER 8: GDI ORIENTATION AND TRANSFORMATIONS 231 8.1 The Default Coordinate System 232 8.1.1 Introduction 232 8.1.2 Changing the Coordinate System 234 8.2 The Mapping Modes 238 8.2.1 Mapping Mode Choices 238 8.2.2 Unit and Coordinate Systems Options 243 CHAPTER 9: STRINGS 249 9.1 Fundamentals of Strings 250 9.1.1 Null-Terminated Strings 250 9.1.2 The Standard string Class 251 9.1.3 The Length of a String 252 9.1.4 String Formatting 253 9.2 Operations of Strings 255 9.2.1 String Copy 255 9.2.2 String Concatenation 257 9.3 The Characters of a String 259 9.3.1 Access to Characters 259 9.3.2 Sub-Strings 260 9.4 The CString Class 260 9.4.1 Introduction 260 9.4.2 String Initialization 261 9.4.3 The String and its Length 261 9.5 Working with Individual Characters 263 9.5.1 Character Indexing 263 9.5.2 Character Insertion 264 9.5.3 Finding a Character 264 Visual C++ and MFC Fundamentals Table of Contents © FunctionX, Inc. 7 9.5.4 Character Identification 265 9.5.5 Removing Characters 265 9.6 Sub Strings 266 9.6.1 Introduction 266 9.6.2 Finding a Sub String 267 9.6.3 Character and String Removal 268 9.6.4 Replacing String Occurrences 268 9.6.5 String Formatting 269 9.7 Operations on Strings 270 9.7.1 About Constructing a String 270 9.7.2 String Assignment 270 9.7.3 String Copy 271 9.7.4 Strings and Their Cases 271 9.8 String Comparisons 272 9.8.1 Case Sensitivity 272 9.8.2 Case Insensitivity 273 CHAPTER 10: CHARACTERISTICS OF A WINDOW'S FRAME 277 10.1 Introduction to Win32 Library 278 10.1.1 Overview 278 10.1.2 The Framework 279 10.1.3 A Window's Instance 280 10.1.4 The Command Line 281 10.1.5 Frame Display Options 282 10.1.6 Window Class Initialization 282 10.1.7 Window Registration 291 10.2 Window Creation 292 10.2.1 The Main Window 292 10.2.2 The Window Class Name 294 10.2.3 The Window Name 296 10.2.4 Windows Styles 297 10.2.5 Window's Location and Size 298 10.2.6 Window's Parenting 305 10.2.7 The Window's Menu 306 10.2.8 Window Display 309 10.2.9 Considering Window's Messages 310 10.3 The Mini Frame Window 314 10.3.1 Introduction 314 10.3.2 Creation of a Miniframe Window 314 CHAPTER 11: INTRODUCTION TO WINDOWS CONTROLS 317 11.1 Controls Fundamentals 318 11.1.1 Introduction 318 11.1.2 The Parent-Child Window Relationship 320 11.2 Parent Controls 321 11.2.1 Definition 321 11.2.2 Parent Windows Styles 321 11.3 Windows Controls 321 11.3.1 Introduction 322 11.3.2 Control Creation Options 322 11.3.3 The Control's Class Name 325 11.3.4 The Control's Window Name 327 11.4 Controls Styles and Common Properties 327 11.4.1 Childhood 327 11.4.2 Visibility 328 Table of Contents Visual C++ and MFC Fundamentals 8 © FunctionX, Inc. 11.4.3 Availability 329 11.4.4 Borders 330 11.4.5 Tab Sequence 331 11.5 Extended Styles 332 11.5.1 Introduction 332 11.5.2 Left Text Alignment 333 11.5.3 Right Text Alignment 333 11.5.4 Extended Borders 334 11.5.5 Controls Location and Dimensions 336 11.5.6 Parenthood 339 11.5.7 Control Identification 339 CHAPTER 12: DIALOG-BASED WINDOWS 343 12.1 Dialog Boxes 344 12.1.1 Overview 344 12.1.2 Dialog Box Creation 346 12.1.3 Dialog Box Location 347 12.1.4 Dialog Box Dimensions 348 12.1.5 Windows Styles for a Dialog Box 350 12.1.6 Dialog Box Styles 355 12.1.7 Extended Windows Styles for a Dialog Box 356 12.1.8 Creating the Dialog Resource File 359 12.1.9 Creating a Class for the Dialog 360 12.1.10 Dialog Box Methods 361 12.2 Modal Dialog Boxes 362 12.2.1 Dialog-Based Applications 362 12.2.2 The MFC Wizard for a Dialog-Based Application 364 12.2.3 A Modal Dialog Box in an Application 366 12.3 Property Sheets and Wizards 367 12.3.1 Introduction to Property Pages 367 12.3.2 Creating Property Pages 368 12.3.3 Property Sheets 374 12.3.4 Wizard Pages 378 CHAPTER 13: CONTROL DESIGN 381 13.1 Forms 382 13.1.1 Introduction 382 13.1.2 Form Creation 382 13.2 Dialog Box Messages and Events 384 13.2.1 The Dialog Box as a Control Initializer 384 13.2.2 Other Dialog-Based Windows Messages 388 13.2.3 Control-Related Messages 389 13.3 Floating Windows 389 13.3.1 Introduction 390 13.3.2 The Modeless Dialog Box 390 13.3.3 Modeless Property Sheets 395 13.4 Control Design 399 13.4.1 Controls Selection and Addition 399 13.4.2 Control’s Location and Size Using Grids 400 13.4.3 Control’s Location and Size Without Grids 401 13.4.4 Selecting Controls on a Parent Window 404 13.4.5 Controls Resizing 406 13.4.6 Controls Positions 408 13.4.7 Tab Ordering 409 Visual C++ and MFC Fundamentals Table of Contents © FunctionX, Inc. 9 CHAPTER 14: CONTROLS FUNCTIONALITY 411 14.1 Handling Controls 412 14.1.1 Introduction 412 14.1.2 Control's Control Variables: 414 14.1.3 The Control’s Data Exchange 417 14.1.4 Control’s Value Variables 418 14.1.5 Controls Event Handlers 420 14.2 Controls Management 421 14.2.1 Control’s Identification 421 14.2.2 The Client Area 424 14.2.3 The Screen and Client Coordinates 428 14.2.4 The Window: Its Location and Dimensions 432 14.2.5 The Handle or Pointer to a Window 435 14.2.6 The Text of a Control 436 14.2.7 Controls Values Update 441 14.2.8 Window’s Focus 443 14.2.9 The Window’s Visibility 444 14.2.10 The Window’s Availability 446 14.3 Access to a Controls Instance and Handle 447 14.3.1 The Instance of an Application 447 14.3.2 The Handle to a Window 447 14.4 Getting Access to a Control 448 14.4.1 Retrieving Control Information 449 14.4.2 Changing Control Information 450 CHAPTER 15: FUNDAMENTAL CONTROLS 453 15.1 Static Controls 454 15.1.1 Introduction 454 15.1.2 Static Control Properties 454 15.1.3 The Picture Control 456 15.2 Animation Controls 458 15.2.1 Overview 458 15.2.2 Animation Control and Properties 459 15.2.3 Animation Methods 460 15.3 Group Boxes 463 15.3.1 Introduction 463 15.3.2 Group Box Properties and Data Exchange 463 15.4 Command Buttons 464 15.4.1 Overview 464 15.4.2 Command Buttons Properties and Methods 464 15.4.3 Buttons Messages 467 15.5 Property Sheet and Wizard Buttons 471 15.5.1 Property Sheet Buttons 471 15.5.2 Wizard Buttons 483 15.6 Bitmap Buttons 485 15.6.1 Overview 486 15.6.2 Bitmap Button Implementation 486 CHAPTER 16: TEXT-BASED CONTROLS 491 16.1 Labels 492 16.1.1 Overview 492 16.1.2 Drawn Labels 494 16.1.3 Static Labels 496 16.2 Edit Controls 498 Table of Contents Visual C++ and MFC Fundamentals 10 © FunctionX, Inc. 16.2.1 Introduction 498 16.2.2 Edit Control Characteristics 500 16.2.3 Multiline Edit Boxes 509 16.2.4 Edit Control Messages 510 16.3 The Rich Edit Control 514 16.3.1 Overview 514 16.3.2 A Rich Edit Control 514 16.3.3 Rich Edit Properties 516 CHAPTER 17: TRACK-BASED CONTROLS 523 17.1 Spin Button 524 17.1.1 Overview 524 17.1.2 Creating a Spin Button 526 17.1.3 The Spin Button Properties 528 17.1.4 Methods of Managing an UpDown Control 529 17.1.5 The Spin Button Events 535 17.2 The UpDown Control 538 17.2.1 Overview 538 17.2.2 Using an UpDown Control 540 17.2.3 The UpDown Control Events 543 17.3 Slider Controls 545 17.3.1 Overview 545 17.3.2 Slider Creation 550 17.3.3 Slider Properties 551 17.3.4 Slider Methods 554 17.3.5 Slider Events 557 CHAPTER 18: PROGRESS-BASED CONTROLS 559 18.1 Timers 560 18.1.1 Overview 560 18.1.2 The Timer Control 561 18.1.3 The Timer Messages and Methods 562 18.1.4 The Tick Counter 564 18.2 Progress Controls 567 18.2.1 Overview 567 18.2.2 Progress Bar Properties 568 18.2.3 Progress Control Methods and Events 569 18.3 Progress Bars 572 18.3.1 Introduction 572 18.3.2 Creating Progress Bars 572 18.3.3 Progress Bars Methods and Events 575 18.4 Scroll Bars 577 18.4.1 Introduction 577 18.4.2 Creating Scroll Bars on Views and Dialog Boxes 578 18.4.3 Creating a Scroll Bar Control 583 18.4.4 ScrollBar Properties 586 18.4.5 Scroll Bar Methods 589 18.4.6 Scroll Bar Events 593 18.5 Flat Scroll Bars 596 18.5.1 Overview 596 18.5.2 Flat Scroll Bar Properties 596 18.5.3 Flat Scroll Bar Methods and Events 598 CHAPTER 19: SELECTION-BASED CONTROLS 599 [...]... Visual C++ and MFC Fundamentals Chapter 1: Introduction to Visual C++ Chapter 1: Introduction to Microsoft Visual C++ ? The: Microsoft Visual C++ Environment ? Floatable and Dockable Windows ? Visual C++ Projects and Files ? © FunctionX, Inc Help 15 Chapter 2: Introduction to MFC 1.1 Visual C++ and MFC Fundamentals The Microsoft Visual C++ Environment 1.1.1 Introduction Microsoft Vis ual C++ is a programming. .. Learning: Launching Microsoft Visual C++ ?? To start Microsoft Visual C++ or Visual Studio, on the Taskbar, click Start (All) Programs -> Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 -> Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 16 © FunctionX, Inc Visual C++ and MFC Fundamentals Chapter 1: Introduction to Visual C++ Figure 1: Microsoft Visual Studio IDE 1.1.2 The Integrated Development Environment After Microsoft Visual Studio has been... Borland Delphi project are not the same for a Visual C++ project and Visual C++ would not need to use such a project Therefore, any attempt to open an unrecognizable project would produce an error Here is a message box resulting from trying to open a Delphi project: Figure 14: A Microsoft Visual C++ Message Box © FunctionX, Inc 33 Chapter 2: Introduction to MFC Visual C++ and MFC Fundamentals Visual C++. .. Alt Then press G Ctrl + H Press and hold Ctrl While you are still holding Ctrl, press H once Then release Ctrl Ctrl + Shift + E Press and hold Ctrl Then press and hold Shift Then press E once Release Ctrl and Shift 20 © FunctionX, Inc Visual C++ and MFC Fundamentals Chapter 1: Introduction to Visual C++ One of the differences between Microsoft Visual C++ 6 and Microsoft Visual Studio Net is that, on... When opening a file that is not a “native” C++ or Visual C++ file, the main menu and toolbar of its parent application take over the top area of the Visual C++ environment This gives you all the features of the application For example, you can open a word © FunctionX, Inc 31 Chapter 2: Introduction to MFC Visual C++ and MFC Fundamentals processing document and use it as if you were working from the... its own Visual C++ projects that have the dsw or mdp extensions Additionally, you can open a Win32 project that was created using Visual C++ (you may not be able to open a Win32 project created using Borland C++ Builder) You can also open Visual C++ and Win32 projects created with previous versions of Visual C++ To open a project, if you have used it as one of the previous 8 projects, when Visual Studio... done and sometimes why it is done like that This is where you will need help There are three primary types of help you can use: online, Microsoft, and others 34 © FunctionX, Inc Visual C++ and MFC Fundamentals Chapter 1: Introduction to Visual C++ When Microsoft Visual C++ 6 gets installed, it asks you whether you want to install the MSDN library This is because, besides the CDs that hold Visual C++. .. on the Standard toolbar Figure 3: Customizing the IDE Resources 17 Release the mouse 18 To add another toolbar button, while the Customize dialog box is still displaying, on the main menu, click File 22 © FunctionX, Inc Visual C++ and MFC Fundamentals Chapter 1: Introduction to Visual C++ 19 Press and hold Ctrl Click and hold Open Workspace… Then drag it and position it anywhere on the Standard toolbar... this ebook, you must have installed either Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 or Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Although Microsoft Visual C++ Net provides two programming environments for the price of one, in this book, we will use Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 and we will cover only Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) library programs After installing it, to use the programming environment, you must first open it To... back the IDE, on the Task bar, click Microsoft Visual C++ 17 Chapter 2: Introduction to MFC Visual C++ and MFC Fundamentals 3 The main section of the title bar displays Microsoft Visual C++ This starting title displays in the beginning until you decide to create a particular type of application, then the title changes You will experience it once we start some programming assignments 4 The main section . C++ ? The: Microsoft Visual C++ Environment ? Floatable and Dockable Windows ? Visual C++ Projects and Files ? Help Chapter 2: Introduction to MFC Visual C++ and MFC Fundamentals . Visual C++ and MFC Fundamentals Table of Contents © FunctionX, Inc. 1 an action creates a document and this document must reside somewhere. Visual C++ and MFC Programming. click Microsoft Visual C++ Chapter 2: Introduction to MFC Visual C++ and MFC Fundamentals 18 © FunctionX, Inc. 3. The main section of the title bar displays Microsoft Visual C++. This starting

Ngày đăng: 31/05/2014, 13:48