[...]... techniques in their 3D application of choice General 3D techniques are not necessarily the same as 3D game techniques Creating economic and correctly structured 3D assets and textures is an absolutely critical part of creating games in Unity Why Maya? Well, Maya isn't even my favorite 3D package However, it does have an amazing market penetration and without a doubt is one of the most powerful 3D tools out there... tighter, and better to work within Unity So here we go In the following few chapters the art assets will come together, and these assets will be imported into Unity to allow for exploration and refinement Although these are largely Maya- based 10 Asset Creation: Maya Scenography Modeling tutorials, the assumption is that you are familiar with the basic Maya tools (Move, Scale, Rotate) as well as how to select... move to give away a free version of Unity Indie Suddenly, everyone could get their hands on a game engine and anyone with the will to learn could start making games Unity further empowered the masses by making Unity a viable development platform for iDevices (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad), Mac, PC, Xbox 360, Wii, and now Android and PlayStation 3 Web deployment further democratized the 3D development and. .. will cement ideas and strengthen technique before you move on Book Paradigm and Assumptions Although Creating Unity3 D Games is meant to be holistic, it is not comprehensive of everything involved in creating 3D games It is assumed that you have the following things: • Unity and Maya: At the publication of this book, the latest versions of this software will be Maya 2011 and Unity 3.2 The Unity 3.2 Indie... understand these concepts, it will be worth your while at least to watch the introductory videos that are included with your Maya installation A Bit of 3D Theory Although we assume you know something about Maya' s tools, it will be vital that the basic theory of 3D is understood Without this baseline understanding of how digital 3D works, it will be impossible to appropriately construct assets to be... Because I don't own the rights to these images, they can't be included in the book; however, before we get started, be 7 Creating Games with Unity and Maya sure you do a quick Internet search for “balaklava ukraine submarine” and you will be led to a great collection of web sites with background information, and loads and loads of great photographs It will be worth your while to collect images of the space,... Maya interface, or basic tools You should know how to navigate the camera controls and how to conduct basic functions of moving, rotating, and scaling objects This book will be focusing on very game-specific techniques to modelling, texturing, and animating, and so some general knowledge of Maya will be of great help, although not critical • Love and Knowledge of Games: No need to be a game geek But,... game presented here, but to equip you with the skills and tools to create your own game after xviii Introduction finishing this tome, there will be frequent “breaks” in the tutorials to do some explaining Watch for: Tips and Tricks Warnings and Pitfalls Why? These will be the important notes that get you beyond the confines of the tutorials, and on to your own million-dollar games Finally, navigating... your project The Team “The Team” refers to the Design and Production Team—the group of people that actually make the game This doesn't include the important roles of publishers, financial teams, marketing teams, or even quality assurance teams Although all Creating Games with Unity and Maya © 2011 by Elsevier Inc All rights reserved 1 Creating Games with Unity and Maya of these are important for a profitable... then able to combine these assets to create the game So, you assemble games in Unity, but most games and all games with any level of visual complexity—make heavy use of lots of other applications in the process Just as there are lots of different ways to create 3D assets (some will choose Maya, others 3DS Max, for instance), there are multiple game engines as well Unity is particularly flexible and accessible; . alt="" Creating Games with Unity and Maya This page intentionally left blank Creating Games with Unity and Maya How to Develop Fun and Marketable 3D Games Adam Watkins AMSTERDAM • BOSTON • HEIDELBERG. Adam. Creating games with Unity and Maya : creating games with Unity and Maya : how to develop fun and marketable 3D games / Adam Watkins. p. cm. ISBN 978-0-240-81881-8 1. Computer games Programming have been some new (and really nice) books released to get people into Unity and it is true that Unity provides some nice downloadable projects and some tutorials attached to those projects (which