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The analysis ò the social conflict ò the main characters in the works ò john galsworthy”

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The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my sincere thanks to many people who assisted me in my research work First of all, I would like to express my special thanks to Mrs Hoang Thi Thu Ha for all her invaluable guidance, support and advice on my topic The very useful comments and suggestions from her helped me very much to develop my ideas and complete this thesis Secondly, I would like to acknowledge my debt to my friends in class K19 of Foreign Language Department, who encouraged and helped me a lot with my work The support of my family members is immense I would not be able to complete this study without their encouragement I would like to thank my parents, my younger brother and my grandmothers for being always there, helping and supporting me during completion of the study My sincere thanks to all the lectures in Foreign Language Department for their valuable support and contributive remarks that encouraged and enabled me to fulfill this study Many thanks also go to all of you, to anyone I have forgotten to mention here Thank you very much! Thanh Hoa, May 2020 Le Thi Loc i The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy ABSTRACT In an attempt to understand more about the works of English writer John Galsworthy, the research aims to find out what the types of social conflict that John Galsworthy often used are, what the presence of these types of social conflict of the main characters in his works and what some suggestions for readers to understand social conflict are To find the answers to these questions, a survey was carried out through several steps The subjects of the study were some typical stories, novel and plays of John Galsworthy A careful collection was employed to guarantee the reliability and objectiveness of the study Based on the result of the survey, it was found that John Galsworthy often used conflict of involving social positions much more frequently than the others And in order to understand most of conflict of involving social positions, the readers should pay attention to the contexts ii The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT i ABSTRACT ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii PART ONE: INTRODUCTION .1 Reational: .1 Objectives of the study Scope of the study Methods of the study Research questions Design of the study PART TWO: DEVELOPMENT .4 CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW Concept of Conflict .5 1.1 Definition of Conflict .5 1.2 Types of Conflict: .5 Social Conflict .6 2.1 Definition 2.2 Types of Social Conflict 2.3 Effect of Social Conflict 10 John Galsworthy 11 3.1 Brief biography of John Galsworthy 11 3.2 The writing style of John Galsworthy 13 3.3 Writing career of John Galsworthy and his noticeable works 14 3.3.1 Introduction of some noticeable works: 14 3.3.2 Social conflict in the works of John Galsworthy 15 Summary 16 CHAPTER 2: SOCIAL CONFLICT OF THE MAIN CHARACTERS IN THE WORKS OF JOHN GALSWORTHY 17 Social conflict in novel: .18 1.1.Survey about expression of social conflict in The Man of property .18 iii The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy 1.2 Evaluation .25 2, Social conflict in plays: .31 2.1 Social conflict in Justice 31 2.1.1 Survey on expression of social conflict in Justice………….……………… 54 2.1.2 Evaluation 34 2.2 Social conflict in Strife 37 2.2.1 Survey on expression of social conflict in Strife 37 2.2.2 Evaluation 42 3, Social conflict in stories: 47 3.1.Social conflict in Quality 47 3.1.1 Survey on expression of social conflic in Quality 47 3.1.2 Evaluation 49 3.2 Social conflict in The Apple Tree: 51 3.2.1.Survey on expression of social conflict in The Apple Tree 51 3.2.2 Evaluation: 52 Summary: 54 CHAPTER 3: SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION 55 1.The data collected from the survey: 55 Discussion 57 Summary 60 PART III: CONCLUSION 61 1.Findings and evaluation of the study: 61 Limitation and suggestions for further study 62 REFERENCE APPENDIX iv The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy PART ONE: INTRODUCTION Rationale: Literature is the mirror of society Literature teaches us to analyse a character, allows us to reach inside his or her mind so we see what drives a character, what shapes his or her beliefs and how one relates to others Literary works are largely made up of characters and content devised by the author, which may depend on personal imagination and desires, but is not so far from reality Basically, literature and life are intimately connected, which is dynamic Warren and Wellek in their book entitled “Theory of Literature” explained the relationship between literature and society Wellek (1977:94) states that “…literature ‘represents’ ‘life’; and ‘life’ is, in large measure, a social reality, even though the natural world and the inner or subjective world of the individual have also been objects of literary ‘imitation’.” It means that literature, as with any art forms, should hold a mirror up to society and reflect what is happening there Besides using his creative imagination or the ability of writing, the writer should connect his work to the real life about what the writer sees in the society, but sometimes, a literary work does not represent life directly but it just indirectly appears that there is a social life issue portrayed inside Even ordinary books become literature when they bring us into some relationships with real life Literature has only a universal appeal when it is not only an illusion but also goes beyond it by relating to life Literature describes real things Literature describes things practically The characters portrayed in the literature are models of the real people of that time To understand the unique features and common behaviors of a society at a specific time, going through the characters and society described by literature of that time is enough Readers try to understand the forces behind these social changes by reading literature The value of literature depends on the extent to which it can represent the changing circumstances of social life Literature is not limited to any genre and any work of art reflects life and if man can identify with the characters in that work, it becomes great literature Literature becomes the vehicle of the thoughts and feelings of the common man and the working people only if it is free from its class limitations, and then it tends to become popular and public The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy English literature has a number of works of great literary legends of the British There are many great authors who have made their works a picture of the times, an autobiography that reflects people and society strongly and frankly John Galsworthy is a perfect example of that The author is one of the last representatives of critical realism in English literature The author deals with contemporary social issues He is critical of injustice, tyranny and all the evils of life, but his criticism is not destructive: he himself was too much a member of the privileged classes to wish to rebuild the world he lived in His mastery as a writer lies in his keen criticism of national prejudices, his exciting pints and a realistic Galsworthy reflects social conflict in almost all his plays, as in his novels, and short stories Each character he creates is the embodiment of classes in society, where the people of England are the prototype The main characters may be high or low in society, but they each have their own unique conflicts that are difficult to resolve in social relationships His cherished desire was to expose all the evils of society and to reveal the truth of life ,and he hoped that the profession of a writer would help him to realize his lifelong dream As a student studying English as second language, I understand how literature plays an important role in learning English as well as learning about English society over time Human characteristics, views of life as well as culture are evident in social relationships Understanding social issues is a way to go deeper to explore the foundations of a language Besides, in any era, social conflict is inevitable It is important to define and present the views of the author and individual learners, and also a factor to form critical thinking Because they bring great benefits to learners, I find it necessary to discuss the topic "The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy” Objectives of the study This study sets the objectives as follows: - The study of social conflict and its expression in literature - To investigate how John Galsworthy reflects social conflict of the main characters by surveying samples of his stories, novel and plays - To investigate the value of social conflict in the works of John Galsworthy The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy -To study about John Galsworthy's theory through reflecting social conflict and give some suggestions to the student by giving some approaches to understanding his works Scope of the study Due to the time constraint, this research concentrates on only a novel “The man of poverty”, two stories “ The Apple Tree”, “Quality” and two plays “ Strife”, “ Justice” Methods of the study To achieve the aims and objectives above, a combination of different methods was used in this study They are: + Collecting materials and data, summarizing and analyzing information from reference books as well as accessing information on web pages from the Internet + Consulting specialists + Personal evaluating the information and the result + Listing, categorizing types of information Research questions Based on the background of the study above, the problems of the study are formulated as follows: 1.How often did John Galsworthy use social confict in his works? 2.What is the most common type of social conflict in the works of John Galsworthy? 3.What are the differences among the presence of social conflict in stories, novel, and plays of John Galsworthy? Design of the study The study is organized into three parts: Part one is the introduction It includes the rationale of choosing the topic, the objectives of the study, the scope of the study, the research questions as well as the methods to be applied Part two is the development This part consists of three chapters as follows: +Chapter one discusses the literature review In this chapter, the author of this study presents the generalization of conflict and social conflict, provides some information about John Galsworthy and his writing career The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy + Chapter two investigates, analyzes and comments on how John Galsworthy reflects social conflict through the main characters in his works through the main types: novel, stories and plays + Chapter three summarizes the research questions and gives the discussion of the study Finally, the study closes with part three, the conclusion, which gives a summary of the whole study, carries out the limitation of it and provides suggestions for further study The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy PART TWO: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW Concept of Conflict 1.1 Definition of Conflict “Conflict is a struggle between individuals or collectivities, over value or claims to status, power and scarce resources in which the aims of the opponents are to neutralize, injure or eliminate their rivals”(Closer, 1964) In other words, conflict is an escalated competition at any system level between groups whose aim is to gain advantage in the area of power, resources, interests, and needs and at least one of the groups believes that this dimension of the relationship is mutually incompatible Similarly, Stagner (1967) defines conflict as: “A situation in which two or more human beings desire goals which they perceive as being obtainable by one or the other, but not by both; each party is mobilizing energy to obtain a goal, a desired object or situation and each party perceives the other as a barrier or threat to that goal” 1.2 Types of Conflict: According to Stanton (1965:16), there are two categories of conflict, namely external conflict and internal conflict External conflict is a conflict occurring between a character and something outside himself, it could be environment and also human being or other character While internal conflict is a conflict that occurred in heart or soul of characters There are various types of conflict, which can be categorized as one of the following; a physical or element conflict (conflict with nature) b social conflict (the struggle is of one person against another ) c internal psychological (struggling against himself) Whereas according to conflict sources, the explanation types that is conflict between: a.Physical or element conflict is a conflict between a person with some external forces, incident, or a condition physical nature and society and it is called internal conflict The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy b.Social conflict is a conflict between a person to another person or to a group and it is called external conflict c.Internal Psychological is a conflict between a person with his or her inward life, feeling, emotion, ideas, or thoughts and it is called internal conflict From the explanation above, we can conclude that conflict is struggle can happen in somebody consist of external and internal conflict External conflict is a struggle between two person, two groups of persons, one and his environment and even between one and nature (social conflict) While, internal conflict is conflict of an idea and others ideas, one and him selves or her selves (psychological conflict) The conflicts that usually happen in environment related to the society In this study, the writer is interested in the analysis of the social conflict Social Conflict 2.1 Definition “Social conflict is a struggle between opponents over values and claims to scarce status, power and resources” (Coser in Walker: 2005) Social conflict is the struggle for agency or power within a society It occurs when two or more people oppose one another in social interactions, reciprocally exerting social power in an effort to attain scarce or incompatible goals, and prevent the opponent from attaining them The social conflict is a conflict when happened or caused by the unsuitable or uncomfortable situation between character and his environment “Social conflict is theorized to occur when an imbalance exists regarding money, resources or power” (Skekel:2013) The conflict can happen in any setting global and industrial While research and case studies may report the detail is how, when, why and where a social conflict began or continues “Social conflict is conflict between the characters against another character” (Kenny, 1996:32) The characters have conflict in his social life in his relationship with another character The conflict happens when the actor has problem with other It is the struggle of the person against another That caused to be contraction such as: Fighting Social conflict is part of an intrinsic element in a literary work which contained some of the problems of social conflict in the surrounding environment as well as the author's own experience The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy social positions has the highest number of occurrences in the works, the conflict of role ranks the second and the conflict of interest ranks the third Besides, we can clearly see the presence of types of social conflict in the literary genres (ranks from high to low) - Conflict of involving social position: Novel (The man of property with 15 CSPs), Plays (Strife with 10 CSPs, Justice with CSPs ), Stories (Quality with CSPs, The apple tree with CSP) - Conflict of role: Novel (The man of property with CORs, Story (The apple tree with COR), Play (Strife with COR) - Conflict of interest: Novel (The man of property with COIs), Play (Justice with COI), Story (0 COI) The density of social conflict types in John Galsworthy's works: Table 1: The density of conflict of involving social positions (CSP) in the works of John Galsworthy Works Times of appearance of CSP Density(%) The man of property 15 15/113,329=0,01% Justice 2/10,751=0,02% Strife 10 10/22,733=0,04% Quality 5/2,552= 0,08% 1/19,893=0,005% The apple tree Comment: As can be seen clearly in the above table, CSP in “Quality” appears with the highest average density (0,08%); CSP in“Strife” ranks the second with 0.04%; CSP in “Justice” ranks the third with 0.02%; CSP in “The man of property” ranks the fourth with 0.01%; CSP in “The apple tree” ranks the fifth with 0.005% 56 The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy Table 2: The density of conflict of role (COR) in the works of John Galsworthy Works Times of appearance of COR Density(%) The man of property Justice 0% Strife 1/22,733=0,004% Quality 0% 1/19,893=0,005% The apple tree 2/113,329=0,001% Comment: As can be seen clearly in the above table, in , COR in “The apple tree” appears with the highest average density (0,005%); COR in “Strife” ranks the second with 0.004%; COR in “The man of property” ranks the third with 0.001% COI in “ Justice” and “Quality” not appear Table 3: The density of conflict of interest (COI) in the works of John Galsworthy Works Times of appearance of COI Density(%) The man of property 2/113,329=0,001% Justice 1/10,751=0,009% Strife 0% Quality 0% The apple tree 1/19,893=0,005% Comment: As can be seen clearly in the above table, in , COI in “Justice” appears with the highest average density (0,009%); COI in “The apple tree” ranks the second with 0.005%; COI in “The man of property” ranks the third with 0.001% COI in “ Strife” and “Quality” not appear Discussion Based on the results of the survey and analysis in the previous sections, this section focuses on the answers for the three research questions 57 The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy The answers for the questions “How often did John Galsworthy use social conflict in his works?” and “What is the most common type of social conflict in the works of John Galsworthy?” are the social conflict was used very often; he used mainly conflict of involving social positions in the works This is illustrated by the bar chart and quotations representing the specific types of social conflict in the previous sections For research question: “What are the differences among the presence of social conflict in stories, novel, and plays of John Galsworthy? We see that: • Conflict of involving social positions: The works with the number of CSP are arranged in order from high to low respectively: The man of property, Strife, Quality, Justice, The apple tree Meanwhile, the CSP in the play differs between the two works: “Strife” has more CSP appearances than in “Justice” In the story, CSP in “Quality” appears more often than CSP in “The apple tree” Regarding the density of occurrence of social conflict, we can see that the density of CSP appearing in “The man of property”, “Justice”, “The apple tree” is lower than the density appearing in “Quality” and “Strife” From these comparisons, we can see that John Galsworthy always includes social conflict in his work, regardless of the genre and content he wants to convey Novel genre, which is characterized by a large number of words and a wide range of backgrounds and characters, has been reasonably distributed by John Galsworthy so that social conflicts occur without causing difficulty for readers in understanding the details It is enough space for the characters to express their personalities clearly, which gives the novel many character lines and conflicts for readers to exploit Meanwhile, the genre of play that is created by dialogue, social position conflict is more clearly revealed through conversations and the conflict density is also more We may encounter conflicts that occur in succession lines in the drama Finally, in the story, it is quite interesting that social conflict depends on the words the author wants to convey A work with many romantic words makes more difficult for readers to find social conflict between characters than a story with real, genuine words 58 The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy • Conflict of role: We can see conflict of role only appear in the novel “The man of property”, a play “Strife” and a story “The apple tree” In particular, “The man of property” has a larger number of CORs than the CORs in the other two works In terms of appearance density, COR in “The apple tree” has the highest appearance density, COR in “Strife” ranks the second and COR in “The man of property” ranks the third As analyzed above, the writer that conflict of role has no presence in all of John Galsworthy's works It is clear that the novel has characteristics of word count and context but the presence of role conflict is still very small However, conflict of role plays a certain role in expressing the conflicts that the main characters encounter besides social position conflicts The main characters in the novel can be perceived by the reader through the conflicts in their roles, while drama and story have the same effect that draws readers through each other role that the character holds • Conflicts of interest: We can see that conflicts of interest only exist in one novel “The man of property” and one play“Justice” and one story“The apple tree” with low numbers In particular, “The man of property” has a larger number of COIs than the COIs in the other two works Regarding the density of appearance, COI in “Justice” has the highest density of appearance, COI in “The apple tree” has the second density and COI in “The man of property” has the third density From the above research, we can see that the conflict of interest is not used much in John Galsworthy's works Conflicts of interest occur mostly from the causes of social position conflicts As the writer analyzed above, novel with a large number of chapters still have the most presence of conflicts of interest, characters in addition to conflicts caused by different classes and also caused by conflicts of benefits in the relationship Similarly, in stories and plays, conflicts of interest occur very little but still play a certain role in creating drama between the main characters and creating an appeal for readers 59 The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy Summary To sum up, from the survey, we see the style of John Galsworthy when he use social conflict in three main types: stories, novel and plays The results of the study show that social conflict were used with high densities in the short stories, novels and articles of John Galsworthy Besides, John Galsworthy uses regular conflict of involving social positions in works There are differences in the number of occurrences and density of social conflicts between different types of works And even in a work like a novel, there is a significant difference in the number of occurrences of types of social conflict 60 The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy PART III: CONCLUSION This part is the findings and evaluation of the study Limitation of the study and suggestion for further study the works of John Galsworthy are presented as well 1.Findings and evaluation of the study: • Findings This study sets the objectives as follows: - The study of social conflict and its expression in literature - To investigate how John Galsworthy reflects social conflict of the main characters by surveying samples of his short stories, novel and plays - To investigate the value of social conflict in the works of John Galsworthy -To study about John Galsworthy's theory through reflecting social conflict and give some suggestions to the student by giving some approaches to understanding his works By collecting data in examining the presence and impact of social conflict in key actors in the works of John Galsworthy, the author of this study gathered the necessary information After analyzing the data, the author can come to the conclusion that social conflict is a typical feature of the John Galsworthy style He frequently uses social position conflicts in his works In addition, there are differences in the number of occurrences and density of social conflicts between different types of works Characters in fiction often have the highest number of occurrences of social conflict Besides, the conflict of social positions among characters is also exploited by John Galsworthy the most This shows that John Galsworthy always wants to show the strong conflict between social classes and the nature of the middle - upper class he lived in He honestly reflects the conflicts and tragedies that the protagonists encounter through their circumstances This gives readers a better insight into English society in the early 20th century • Evaluation of the study John Galsworthy is one of the greatest American writers whose works have influenced the writing styles of many writers As a pragmatic, social thinker and critic, Galsworthy established himself as one of the prominent and influential playwrights in the history of English literature Therefore, the writer finds that it is very lucky and interesting to learn and approach the excellent works of the famous and prominent 61 The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy writer Academically, the writer this study so that students studying English and American literature will have a better and more in-depth look at the author and the content of the work they are studying Knowing the issues mentioned in the work will be of great help in sensing and studying English literature at university well Moreover, this research will assist students and enthusiasts John Galsworthy who want to learn about his works This research will help people refer to and understand the characters, content and issues John Galsworthy aims to throughout his career In addition, John Galsworthy is also a social critic, so the problems he reflects are the pieces of English social painting in the early 20th century This research will help students or people who were interested in English society in the early 20th century better grasped social reality and the problems that existed in society at that time In terms of social awareness, the impact of John Galsworthy's works is extremely large, it helps to partially change the social view of class discrimination to this day Therefore, this study will help people have a multi-dimensional view of the society they live in, thereby changing the concept of social discrimination and promoting humanity in life Linguistically, this research helps translators understand the issues and messages John Galsworthy wants to convey in his work, so that they can provide the best translations His character will be matched with the author's intention Finally, this research contributes to the development of literary love and the desire to explore the values of literary works Literary research is the study of remnants of old society and patchwork for the good to happen in the future Limitation and suggestions for further study In this study the surveyor carried out the survey in one novel, two plays and two stories of John Galsworthy She did many things by herself The results would have been more reliable if she had had some partners collecting and categorizing the data with her Also, due to the limit of time and knowledge, errors and mistakes are unavoidable As suggested above, it is extremely necessary and useful to learn and discover the values of famous foreign authors Therefore, it is necessary to continue the study of social conflict in literary works This study has just mentioned a small area of investigating the presence of social conflict in some samples and shows the types of 62 The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy social conflict that John Galsworthy used most often In the future we would like to continue to study on the field of social conflict, the following suggestions are made to investigate the effective ways to enhance the student’s awareness on social conflict in English and Vietnamese literature * First, further investigation into the types of social conflict that the authors often used in some famous literature masterpieces * Second, further investigation into the similarities and differences between those masterpieces * Third, some suggested techniques to help students can access those masterpieces by understanding the social conflict well 63 The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy 64 The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy REFERENCE [1] Chris, MacDonald, et all, Charitable Conflicts of Interest Journal of Business Ethics (2002) [2] Dean Pruitt, Social Conflict 3RD EDITION, McGraw-Hil Publishing Company (2004) [3] Kenney, William, How to Analyze fiction New York: Harper colling publisher inc (1996) [4] Kristina, Lindemann, The Impact of Objective Characteristics on Subjective Social Position Trames (2007) [5] McClelland, Kent , Conflict theory (2000) [6] Mifflin, Houghton, New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition The American Heritage (2005) [7] Lewis A Coser, The Functions of Social Conflict: An Examination of the Concept of Social Conflict and Its Use in Empirical Sociological Research, Free Press (November 1, 1964) [8] Oberschall, Anthony, Theories of Social conflict Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Vanderbilt, University, Nashville, Tennessee (1978) [9] Ross Stagner, Psychological aspects of international conflict (Contemporary psychology series), Brooks/Cole Pub Co (1967) [10] Skekel, Donna Types Social Conflict Theories (2013) [11] Stanton, Robert, An Introduction to Fiction, New York: Holt, Rinehart dan Winston(1965) [12] Walker, Gregg, Campus Conflict Resolution Resources Project Department of Communication Manoogian Hall Wayne State University(2005) 65 The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy APPENDIX Some samples that contain social conflcit in novel “The man of property” of John Galsworthy “He had been glad to get his news out under cover of this burst of irritation He had expected a cry of dismay; the silence with which his pronouncement was received alarmed him "You don't seem interested," he was obliged to add "I knew it already." He looked at her sharply "Who told you?" "June." "How did she know?" Irene did not answer Baffled and uncomfortable, he said: "It's a fine thing for Bosinney, it'll be the making of him I suppose she's told you all about it?" "Yes." There was another pause, and then Soames said: "I suppose you don't want to, go?" Irene made no reply "Well, I can't tell what you want You never seem contented here." "Have my wishes anything to with it?" She took the vase of roses and left the room Soames remained seated Was it for this that he had signed that contract? Was it for this that he was going to spend some ten thousand pounds? Bosinney's phrase came back to him: "Women are the devil!"” (The man of property) “The qualities of both men had contributed to this notinconsider- able discrepancy On the one hand, the architect's devotion to his idea, to the image of a house which he had created and believed in had made him nervous of being stopped, or forced to the use of makeshifts; on the other, Soames' not less true and wholehearted devotion to the very best article that could be obtained for the money, had rendered him averse to believing that things worth thirteen shillings could not be bought with twelve I The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy I wish I'd never undertaken your house," said Bosinney suddenly "You come down here worrying me out of my life You want double the value for your money anybody else would, and now that you've got a house that for its size is not to be beaten in the county, you don't want to pay for it If you're anxious to be off your bargain, I daresay I can find the balance above the estimates myself, but I'm d -d if I another stroke of work for you!"” (The man of property) The evening post carried the following reply to Bosinney: 'FORSYTE, BUSTARD AND FORSYTE, 'Commissioners for Oaths, '92001, BRANCH LANE, POULTRY, E.C., 'May 17, 1887 'DEAR BOSINNEY, 'I have, received your letter, the terms of which not a little surprise me I was under the impression that you had, and have had all along, a "free hand"; for I not recollect that any suggestions I have been so unfortunate as to make have met with your approval In giving you, in accordance with your request, this "free hand," I wish you to clearly understand that the total cost of the house as handed over to me completely decorated, inclusive of your fee (as arranged between us), must not exceed twelve thousand pounds L12,000 This gives you an ample margin, and, as you know, is far more than I originally contemplated 'I am, 'Yours truly, 'SOAMES FORSYTE.' (The man of property) II The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy APPENDIX Some samples that contain social conflict in plays of John Galsworthy JAMES [Very grimly] Out, I'm afraid, Cokeson The cheque-book remained in Mr Walter's pocket till he came back from Trenton on Tuesday morning In the face of this, Falder, you still deny that you altered both cheque and counterfoil? FALDER No, sir no, Mr How I did it, sir; I did it COKESON [Succumbing to his feelings] Dear, dear! what a thing to do! FALDER I wanted the money so badly, sir I didn't know what I was doing COKESON However such a thing could have come into your head! FALDER [Grasping at the words] I can't think, sir, really! It was just a minute of madness JAMES A long minute, Falder [Tapping the counterfoil] Four days at least FALDER Sir, I swear I didn't know what I'd done till afterwards, and then I hadn't the pluck Oh! Sir, look over it! I'll pay the money back I will, I promise JAMES Go into your room (Justice) COKESON You must give them credit for the best intentions Really you must Nobody wishes you harm, I'm sure FALDER I believe that, Mr Cokeson Nobody wishes you harm, but they down you all the same This feeling [He stares round him, as though at something closing in] It's crushing me [With sudden impersonality] I know it is COKESON [Horribly disturbed] There's nothing there! We must try and take it quiet I'm sure I've often had you in my prayers Now leave it to me I'll use my gumption and take 'em when they're jolly [As he speaks the two partners come in] COKESON [Rather disconcerted, but trying to put them all at ease] I didn't expect you quite so soon I've just been having a talk with this young man I think you'll remember him (Justice) III The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy ROBERTS [To the men.] We shan't put Mr Harness off Have some champagne with your lunch, Mr Harness; you'll want it, sir HARNESS Come, get to business, man! THOMAS What we're asking, look you, is just simple justice ROBERTS [Venomously.] Justice from London? What are you talking about, Henry Thomas? Have you gone silly? [THOMAS is silent.] We know very well what we are discontented dogs never satisfied What did the Chairman tell me up in London? That I did n't know what I was talking about I was a foolish, uneducated man, that knew nothing of the wants of the men I spoke for, EDGAR Do please keep to the point ANTHONY [Holding up his hand.] There can only be one master, Roberts ROBERTS Then, be Gad, it'll be us [There is a silence; ANTHONY and ROBERTS stare at one another.] (Strife) ROBERTS [Speaking to himself.] The daughter of Mr Anthony begs me to give way a little, if it's only for our own sakes! ENID For everybody's sake; for your wife's sake ROBERTS For my wife's sake, for everybody's sake for the sake of Mr Anthony ENID Why are you so bitter against my father? He has never done anything to you ROBERTS Has he not? ENID He can't help his views, any more than you can help yours ROBERTS I really did n't know that I had a right to views! ENID He's an old man, and you -[Seeing his eyes fixed on her, she stops.] (Strife) IV The analysis of the social conflict of the main characters in the works of John Galsworthy APPENDIX Some samples that contain social conflict in stories of John Galsworthy A feeling of compassion for my creaking boots surged up in me, so well could I imagine the sorrowful long curiosity of regard which he would bend on them "Zome boods," he said slowly, "are bad from birdt If I can noding wid dem, I dake dem off your bill." Once (once only) I went absent-mindedly into his shop in a pair of boots bought in an emergency at some large firm's He took my order without showing me any leather, and I could feel his eyes penetrating the inferior integument of my foot At last he said: "Dose are nod my boods." The tone was not one of anger, nor of sorrow, not even of contempt, but there was in it something quiet that froze the blood He put his hand down and pressed a finger on the place where the left boot, endeavouring to be fashionable, was not quite comfortable "Id 'urds you dere,", he said "Dose big virms 'ave no self-respect Drash!" And then, as if something had given way within him, he spoke long and bitterly It was the only time I ever heard him discuss the conditions and hardships of his trade (Quality) “ The youth moved a pace or two nearer, and the scent of his honest heat afflicted Ashurst's nostrils "What d'yu stay yere for?" "Because it pleases me." "Twon't please yu when I've bashed yure head in!" "Indeed! When would you like to begin that?" Joe answered only with the loudness of his breathing, but his eyes looked like those of a young and angry bull Then a sort of spasm seemed to convulse his face "Megan don' want yu." A rush of jealousy, of contempt, and anger with this thick, loud-breathing rustic got the better of Ashurst's self-possession; he jumped up, and pushed back his chair "You can go to the devil!" (The apple tree) V

Ngày đăng: 17/07/2023, 23:47

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