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The nature and effects of informal accountability for others

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Florida State University Libraries Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations The Graduate School 2006 The Nature and Effects of Informal Accountability for Others M Todd (Matthew Todd) Royle Follow this and additional works at the FSU Digital Library For more information, please contact lib-ir@fsu.edu THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF BUSINESS THE NATURE AND EFFECTS OF INFORMAL ACCOUNTABILITY FOR OTHERS By M TODD ROYLE A Dissertation submitted to the Department of Management in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Degree Awarded: Fall Semester, 2006 The members of the Committee approve the Dissertation of M Todd Royle defended on July 26, 2006 Wayne A Hochwarter Professor Directing Dissertation G Stacy Sirmans Outside Committee Member Gerald R Ferris Committee Member Jack Fiorito Committee Member Angela T Hall Committee Member Approved: Caryn L Beck-Dudley, Dean, College of Business The Office of Graduate Studies has verified and approved the above named committee members ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I have received immeasurable support from my parents Throughout the years, their support was both financial and emotional I have been so blessed to have parents to talk to when the days were long I knew my father stood behind me and would understand the long hours I knew my mother would simply offer a kind, embracing word to the weary, and assure me that what I was doing was worth the sacrifice A special place in my heart, and in this document is reserved for Kirstin Orphan She has lent her care, support, and ideas to me on many occasions She has the patience to both help troubleshoot technical aspects of my documents and to tolerate me I sincerely appreciate what she does to buoy my spirits and calm me when times are troubling Thank you Kirstin, my words are not enough My brothers are also a source of both strength and inspiration It has been my pleasure to grow up their “big brother” and an even greater pleasure to get to know them as men Gentlemen, our surfing, diving, and golfing trips have been some of the best times of my life Thanks Many years from now when I look back on my life and career, I think Dr Wayne Hochwarter will figure as one of the most influential people I ever met It was he who is largely responsible for bringing me into the doctoral program, and it was he who most strongly influenced the work I have done here at Florida State University Thank you so much for taking countless hours to tutor me and develop my skills as an academic I am also grateful for the guidance of Dr Jack Fiorito He was the first person to take me under his wing, and let me help him write I would also like to thank Dr Gerald Ferris for all his support, guidance, encouragement, mentoring, and financial generosity for conference travel Their work ethics set the finest of examples for young researchers I would also like to thank Dr Angela T Hall for her guidance and support She is as close to sister as a man from a family of all boys will ever get She has given me so much support and information in the course of my doctoral studies that I feel almost embarrassed thanking her She is a wonderful sounding board, and a great friend Few individuals have her character and keen wit I would also be remiss if I did not thank the following individuals: Jason Stoner, N Paul Harvey, Kenneth Harris, Jim Zboja, and Clay Vorhees Each of them has been iii both a good friend and a wonderful colleague I would not have made it through this program without them iv TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables vii List of Figures ix Abstract x INTRODUCTION Implications for Theory and Practice Overview of Relationships Organization LITERATURE REVIEW Uncertainty as an Underpinning Models of Accountability 11 Summary 21 MODEL AND HYPOTHESES 23 Antecedents of Informal Accountability for Others 24 Moderating Effects of Control on the Outcomes of IAFO 35 Conceptual Underpinnings 36 METHOD 44 Method Study 45 Method Study 51 RESULTS 55 Results of Study 55 Results of Study 58 DISCUSSION 62 Predictors of Informal Accountability for Others 62 The Moderating Effects of Control on IAFO-Job Outcome Relationships 68 Conclusion 84 APPENDICES Appendix A: Employee Cover Letter and Opinion Questionnaire 99 Appendix B: Supervisor Cover Letter and Evaluation Questionnaire 107 Appendix C: Human Subjects Committee Approval Letter 108 v REFERENCES 109 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH 129 vi LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Study Scale Statistics, Means, Standard Deviations, and Results of Confirmatory Factor Analysis 86 Table 2: Study Scale Statistics, Means, Standard Deviations, and Results of Confirmatory Factor Analysis 87 Table 3: Study Results of Hierarchical Regression Analysis for Testing the Effects of Independent Variables on IAFO 88 Table 4: Study Hierarchical Regression Analysis Testing the Effects of Independent Variables on IAFO 89 Table 5: Study Moderated Regression Analysis of Control on the IAFO – Job Outcomes Relationships 90 Table 6: Study Moderated Regression Analysis of Control on the IAFO – Job Outcomes Relationships 91 Table 7: Results of Simple Slope Analysis for Significant Interactions for Study 92 Table 8: Summary of the Tests of Hypotheses for Study 93 Table 9: Summary of the Tests of Hypotheses for Study 94 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Model of Informal Accountability for Others 95 Figure 2: Interaction Graph of Contextual Performance Regressed on IAFO and Conservation of Resources for Organizational Sample 96 Figure 3: Interaction Graph of Tension Regressed on IAFO and Self-Regulation for Organizational Sample 97 Figure 4: Interaction Graph of Job Satisfaction Regressed on IAFO and Self-Regulation for Organizational Sample 98 viii ABSTRACT Accountability is an important organizational phenomenon that has been recognized by both academicians and practitioners as a fundamental element in the successful operation of organizations (Tetlock, 1985; 1992; Ettore, 1992) Prior research has focused on different ways in which individuals are affected by accountability conditions However, research has heretofore overlooked the possibility that individuals seek informal accountability for others Phenomenological researchers (Tetlock, 1985, 1992), Frink and Klimoski (1998) called for the development models of accountability that include both external (to the person) and internal conditions, objective and subjective factors, and formal accountability mechanisms (e.g., accounting procedures) and informal accountability mechanisms (e.g., norms and culture) The current research has attempted to enfold these ideas as well as to examine informal accountability for others as a tool of social influence with attendant job and individual outcomes ix Ganster, D C., & Schaubroeck, J (1991) Work stress and employee health Journal of Management, 17, 235-271 Geen, R G (1991) Social motivation Annual Review of Psychology, 42, 377-399 Gioia, D A., Thomas, J B., Clark, S M., & Chittipeddi, K (1994) Symbolism and 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