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Destination c1c2 unit 2

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Giải thích chi tiết từ vựng Destiation C1C2: Phrasal verbs + Idioms có dịch nghĩa tiếng anh và ví dụ chi tiết, Collocations bao gồm dịch nghĩa tiếng anh, tiếng việt và ví dụ sát với từ vựng, hỗ trợ việc ghi nhớ và áp dụng từ vựng vào thực hành

UNIT 2: I Quality and the arts Phrasal verbs  brush up (on) practice and improve your skills or knowledge of something Eg: I took a class to brush up (on) my German before the trip  come (a)round (to) change your opinion or decision because someone has persuaded you to agree with them Eg: I didn’t agree at first but I’ve come (a)round to the idea now  come up with think of something such as an idea or a plan Eg: Is that the best you can come up with?  face up to accept something and try to deal with it Eg: He was the only one who faced up to the problem  figure out be able to understand something or solve a problem or understand what someone is like and why they behave in the way they Eg: We had to figure out the connection between the two events  hit upon - suddenly have an idea Eg: They hit upon the idea of celebrationg the occasion with a concert - discover something by chance Eg: She was scared he might hit upon the truth  make out - see, hear or understand someone or something with difficulty Eg: Can you make out a face here in the photograph? - suggest, imply Eg: It’s not as simple as some people make out  mull over think carefully about something over a period of time Eg: They’ll need time to mull over the proposals  piece together learn the truth about something by considering all the separate bits of information you have Eg: Detectives are still piecing together the circumstances surrounding the incident  puzzle out solve a confusing or complicated problem by thinking carefully about it Eg: She seemed to be trying to puzzle out who the caller might be  read up (on/about) get information on a particular subject by reading a lot about it Eg: I need to read up on my British history  swot up (on) study something very hard, especially for an examination Eg: I’ve got to swot up the French Revolution for tomorrow’s test  take in include something Eg: The tour takes in some incredible scenery  think over consider a problem or decision carefully Eg: Let’s think over his proposal before we see him again  think through consider the facts about something in an organised and thorough way Eg: Have you have time to think things through?  think up invent or imagine something, especially an excuse Eg: She’d have to think up a good reason for being late II Idioms  go to your head if success goes to your head, it makes you think that you are better or more important than you really are Eg: I hope getting that scholarship doesn’t go to Carol’s head  have your wits about you be able to think quickly and make sensible decisions Eg: You’ve got to have your wits about you when dealing with pushy salespeople  in the dark (about) not knowing very much about something, because other people are keeping it secret from you Eg: The Prime Minister kept even his closest colleagues in the dark about when he would call a general election  know what's what know the important facts about a situation Eg: Ask Tony about the proposed changes He knows what’s what  not have a leg to stand on not have any way of proving that you are right about something Eg: George tried to argue that the world was flat, but of course he didn’t have a leg to stand on  not see the wood for the trees used for saying that someone cannot understand what is important in a situation because they are thinking too much about small details Eg: Many people can’t see the wood for the trees when talking about joining the eurozone; they just think about what’s on the notes and coins and don’t think about the economic benefits  put two and two together guess what is happening or what something means based on what you have seen or heard Eg: He didn’t tell us he was retiring, but we could all put two and two together  quick / slow on the uptake taking a very short/long time to understand or realise something Eg: I’m sure Chad understood what you were suggesting, he’s very quick on the uptake  ring a bell something that rings a bell sounds familiar to you, although you cannot remember the exact details Eg: The name rings a bell but I’m not sure if I’ve ever met her  round the bend crazy Eg: That noise driving me round the bend!  split hairs argue or worry about very small details or defferences that are not important Eg: Whether you call them “terrorists” or “freedom fighters” is just splitting hairs – the point is that they’re killing people!  take stock (of) spend some time thinking about the situation you are in before you decide what to next Eg: Let’s take a couple of days to take stock of the situation and then we’ll make a decision III ACCOUNT ASSOCIATE BALANCE Phrases, patterns and collocations Account for to explain the reason for sth (give) an account of Tường thuật lại Take into account Xem xét kĩ trước đưa định Take account of Xem xét đến On account of Because of By all acounts according to what other people say On sb’s account only for or because of one person Associate with Liên kết/ kết hợp với (hang) in the balance to be in doubt Strike a balance thỏa hiệp , đáp ứng yêu cầu bên Upset/alter/redress the balance Đảo lộn/thay đổi/khôi phục cân Balance between/of Sự cân giữa/của She couldn’t account for her mistake His lawyer gave an account of what happened that night We will take your experience into account when we decide who will get the job You should take account of his disadvantaged He doesn't drink alcohol on account of his poor health By all accounts, it was a very useful meeting I'm not very hungry, so please don't cook on my account (= don't cook just for me) Natural gas may occur alone or associated with oil The success of this project is hanging in the balance It's a question of striking the right balance between quality and productivity New tax measures are designed to redress the balance between rich and poor We must strike a balance between reckless spending and pennypinching BASIS BELIEF BRAIN On balance Sau cân nhắc Off balance Surperised or confused Basis for Là tảng cho On a daily/temporary basis Hàng ngày/tạm thời On the basis of/that Dựa cở sở Express belief(s) Bộc lộ niềm tin Belief in/that Niềm tin vào điều Contrary to popular belief Trái với suy nghĩ nhiều người Beyond belief Ngoài tưởng tượng In the belief that với niềm tin rằng… Popular/widely held/widespread belief Niềm tin rộng rãi Firm belief niềm tin vững vàng Strong belief Tin Growing belief Ngày có niềm tin… Pick sb’s brain(s) Hỏi ý kiến Rack your brain(s) to think very hard The brains behind người chịu trách nhiệm cho kế hoạch/hành động Brainless Stupid Brainchild (of) Brainstorm an original idea, plan, or invention Động não/triển khai vấn đề Brainwash Tẩy não Brainwave a sudden clever idea The job offer had some advantages, but on balance he thought he was better off where he was Her remark seemed to catch her mother off balance (= surprise her) This document will form the basis for our discussion I organize my notes on a daily basis Decisions were often made on the basis of incorrect information We should always express our beliefs in life openly! His belief in God gave him hope during difficult times Contrary to popular belief, these animals are not really dangerous to humans Her son's skin improved beyond belief She bought the rug in the belief that it was a real antique, not a fake Despite popular belief, the widespread experience of grandparenthood is a recent phenomenon It is my firm belief that that is so This is certainly my own strong belief Yet he has a growing belief this could be the year he wins the title Can I pick your brain about how you got rid of those weeds? I've been racking my brains all day but I can't remember her name He was the face of the brand but his sister was the brains behind the operation What sort of brainless idiot would that? The project was the brainchild of one of the students The team got together to brainstorm (the project) Their government is trying to brainwash them into thinking that war cannot be avoided I couldn't see how I could get home CONCLUSION Bring sth to a conclusion Đưa đến kết luận cuối Come to/arrive at/ reach a conclusion Đi đến kết luận Jump/leap to conclusion Vội vã đưa kết luận In conclusion Tóm lại Conclusion of the final part of something Logical conclusion Foregone conclusion CONSIDERATION Take into consideration Give consideration to Show consideration for Under consideration For sb’s consideration Out of consideration for DOUBT Doubt that Have your doubts about Cast doubt on Raise doubts In doubt Doubt as to/about from the station - then I had a brainwave The case was finally brought to a conclusion last week At first I thought he was a bit shy, but I've come to the conclusion that he's simply unfriendly! Don't jump to conclusions! Perhaps it was his daughter he was dancing with In conclusion, I would like to thank our guest speaker Be careful not to introduce new ideas in the conclusion of your essay Kết luận có lý a result that is obvious The result of the election seems to to everyone even be a foregone conclusion before it happens There have been some serious allegations against him and we will Xem xét certainly take them into consideration That's an interesting job offer - I'd Suy nghĩ kĩ vấn đề give it some serious consideration if I were you Turn your music down and show a Chú ý đến little consideration for the neighbours! Three sites are presently under Đang xem xét consideration for the new hotel I've put my proposition to the để đền bù, đáp lại cho company director for his consideration We didn't publish the details, out of For the sake of (vì lợi consideration for the victim's ích của) family I never had any doubt (that) you Nghi ngờ điều would win Băn khoăn/khơng I'm having doubts about his ability chắn to the job Làm dấy lên nghi ngờ unlikely to continue or to be successful Nghi ngờ This latest scandal has raised doubts about whether he could win the election The future of the stadium is in doubt because of a lack of money If there's any doubt about the Beyond (any) doubt (a) reasonable doubt Without a doubt Open to doubt DREAM Dream of/about/that Giấc mơ Have a dream Có giấc mơ A dream to Giấc mơ làm Beyond your wildest dreams A dream come true FOCUS Ngoài sức tưởng tượng Giấc mơ thành thực It was, without doubt, the worst restaurant I'd ever eaten in Whether it will ever be finished is now open to doubt I had a very strange dream about you last night Paul had a dream that he won the lottery It's always been my dream to have flying lessons The plan succeeded beyond my wildest dreams For her, making the Olympic team was a dream come true Dave, buy you a car? In your dreams! The whole plan worked like a dream It's important to focus on your strengths and to minimize your weaknesses I think Dave likes to be the focus of attention Make sure the image is in focus These photographs are out of focus In your dreams Mơ Like a dream Như giấc mơ/ tốt dự kiến Focus on Tập trung vào The focus of/for Là trung tâm In focus Out of focus Rõ nét Mờ a group of people who have been brought together to discuss a The agency commissioned a study particular subject in using focus groups to gather order to solve a opinion on five labelling schemes problem or suggest ideas The main focus, again, is on the Trọng tâm connection between structural rules and sharing The press gave the world a false gây/tạo ấn impression of life in the tượng sai/giả dối countryside She does a really good impression Bắt chước of the president ảnh hưởng đến All our warnings made little Focus group Main/primary/major focus IMPRESSION Chắc chắn Đủ chứng để kết tội used to emphasize your opinion / khơng cịn nghi ngờ not definite, and perhaps not even likely rocket's engines, we ought to cancel the launch His honesty is beyond doubt Her guilt was established beyond a reasonable doubt Have/give the (false) impression that Do an impression (of) Create/make an impression (on sb) MENTAL MIND Under the impression that Có cảm tưởng First impressions Make a mental note (of/about) Mental arithmetic Mental illness ấn tượng đầu Mental age Tuổi trí tuệ Mental health Sức khỏe tâm thần Make up your mind Quyết định Corss/slip your mind Nghĩ đến Have/bear in mind Hãy nhớ Have a one-track mind to think about one particular thing and nothing else Take your mind off Thư giãn/khơng nghĩ đến điều Bring to mind In two minds about Prey on your mind State of mind Narrow-minded Broad/open-minded Absent-minded MISAPPREHENSION Under the misapprehension that PERSPECTIVE Put into perspective From another/a different/sb’s perspective From the perspective of In perspective Cố gắng nhớ Tính nhẩm Tâm bệnh impression on him I was under the erroneous impression that they were married I don't tend to trust first impressions I made a mental note of her address Although Andrew is 25, he has a mental age of six I haven't made up my mind where to go yet It never once crossed my mind that she might be unhappy Bearing in mind how young she is, I thought she did really well And no, Bill, I wasn't talking about sex - you have a one-track mind! The good thing about running is that it takes my mind off any problems I have Làm bạn nhớ đến điều That music brings to mind our first date unable to make a I was in two minds about whether decision to invite him to the wedding I lost my temper with her the other think about sth and day and it's been preying on my worry about it a lot mind ever since I was not in the right state of mind Tâm trạng to laugh at his jokes Hẹp hòi, nhỏ nhen Tư tưởng rộng rãi Hay quên He was under the misapprehension Hiểu lầm that those chemicals were banned to compare sth to Let's look at how some other other things so that it businesses are doing to put our can be accurately and results in some sort of perspective fairly judged Local versus global learning can be Theo góc nhìn analyzed from a different khác/ của… perspective From the perspective of cultural Từ góc nhìn của… psychology, protocols can still be useful research tools Cân xứng với tổng thể Make sure that the figures are in Out of perspective A sense of perspective PRINCIPLE QUESTION Have principles Ability to see the whole of sth Sống có nguyên tắc Stand by/stick to your principles Tuân theo nguyễn tắc Principle of sth Nguyên tắc Principle that Nguyên tắc In principle Nhìn chung A matter/an issue of principle Vấn đề đạo đức Against sb’s principle Trái với nguyên tắc Set of principles Bộ quy tắc Beg the question Đặt câu hỏi Raise the question (of) Đặt câu hỏi a question of to be necessary to a particular thing No question of Certain In question Being discussed Out of the question not possible or not allowed Without question Beyond question SENSE Không cân xứng Certain, no doubt Some question over/as to/about Câu hỏi Awkward question Sense that Câu hỏi hóc búa Có cảm giác perspective The painting had a naive, out-ofperspective style Humor gives us a sense of perspective on our problems She doesn't have any principles Throughout this time, he stuck to his principles and spoke out against injustice The machine works according to the principle of electromagnetic conduction The organization works on the principle that all members have the same rights In principle I agree with the idea, but in practice it's not always possible I never gamble, as a matter of principle I knew I could lie to help him, but it would be against my principles Spending the summer travelling around India is a great idea, but it does beg the question of how we can afford it The proposals also raise questions about when employers would be able to force workers to retire It's simply/just a question of working hard for a month and then you can relax There's no question about (= it is certain) whose fault it is I stayed at home on the night in question The class ends at 2, and leaving before then is out of the question She is without question the best singer here Her loyalty is beyond question Boehner has broken it before, but there's some question over whether he would it again Do you have the sense that you are loved by the public? See sense Make sense (of) Have the sense to Come to your senses A sense of In a/one sense Common sense SIDE Side with sb Take sides See both sides (of an argument) Look on the bright side On the plus/minus side By sb’s side On sb’s side On either side (of) STRAIGHT Set/put sb straight about Set/put the record straight Get/come straight to the point Get sth straight Think/see straight Straight talking to be reasonable and have good judgment We talked to her for an hour, but we couldn't make her see sense I've read the letter twice, but I can't Understand sth make sense of it Có khả đánh giá, I hope they'll have the sense to shut nhận biết the windows before they leave It's time you came to your senses start to use your good and realized that they are not going judgment to help you Khái niệm He has no sense of right and wrong according to one In a sense it may have been the explanation or view; only possible solution to a certain extent Anyone with any common sense Hiểu biết would have known what to The judge sided with workers who Support sb were sacked for refusing to use unsafe equipment to support one person My mother never took sides when or opinion over my brother and I argued another Nhìn thấy mặt You have a fair mind and can see vấn đề both sides of an argument to find good things in Look on the bright side - no one a bad situation was badly hurt On the minus side, the job doesn't Mặt tích cực/tiêu cực pay very well, but on the plus side, the hours are very convenient Bên cạnh, trung His wife stood by his side thành với throughout the scandal Get that employee on your side and Về phe then work together towards a solution On either side of the temple, there bên is a small entrance I had to set him straight about what Cho biết thật really happened She's decided to write her memoirs Làm xác thực điều to set the record straight once and bị hiểu sai for all Đi thẳng vào vấn đề I know you are very busy, so I will get straight to the point Can you go through the procedure Làm hiểu again, just to make sure we've got it straight? Suy nghĩ bình tĩnh, I was so tired, I couldn't think chín chắn straight Nói thẳng I want some straight talking around VIEW Straight answer Trả lời thẳng thắn View sth as Xem Take the view that Có ý kiến Take a dim/poor view of Xem khơng thể chấp nhận Come into view Có thể nhìn In view of Because of / considering With a view to + Ving Với mục đích View on/about/that Quan điểm In sb’s view Theo quan điểm Viewpoint Point of view Quan điểm here! Politicians never give you a straight answer They always beat about the bush (vòng vo) She is viewed as a strong candidate for the job Many people take the view that children should not be physically punished I take a very dim/poor view of this kind of behaviour The cloud lifted, and the tops of the mountains suddenly came into view In view of what you've said, I think we should reconsider our proposed course of action These measures have been taken with a view to increasing the company's profits It's my view that the price is much too high In my view, her criticisms were completely justified

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2023, 09:03

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