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cONGHoAxAugrvryr NAM OF WETNAM SOCAL$T REPUBLIC DQc ISP-Tq do-H4nh Ph[c rndepende"_ _::;::-m _ Happiness HqP DoNG vAY voN LOAN AGREEMENT 55: 01/2021/SYT-VN No: 01/2021/SYT-W 11 nlm H6m nay, ngiy 08 th6ng i:tr";::;ruu, a*, Bf,N A/ pARTy Dia chi/ co', Ltd, we inctude: of sivoto vina Etectronics office Head the at 202r LTMTTED stYoro ELEcTRoNrcs co" A: Adress: Electronics' c6ng ty TNIIH Siyoto vina 2O2r t'tTrU s6 chinh cua Flat/RM 703, Kowloon BLDG, 555 Nathan RD, Truns Qu6c eui' r(Ans K6ng, Trung KL, H6ng Queen's Road : Central'Hong Kong LIMITED SNOTO ELECTRONICS CO., Name: TCn tdi khoin/ Account ZHU LIANG bY: Ngudi dai diOr/ Presented Cht tict/ President ChtcwlTitle: B/PARTY w 561879438838 tai khoirV Account Number: BEN st HSBCHKHHI{K}I SWIFT CODE: SO i\ HSBC Hong Kong T6n ng6n hdnglBank name: Dia chi/ Bank's Address d.l vtl FlatlRMT03,KowloonBLDG'555NathanRD'KL'HongKong'China' Tel: (f, A: CO"LTI) STYOTO VINA ELECTRONICS DiachiiAdress:I0cN15.I,DUoNGLECHAN,KHUc6NcNGHIE.PCHAUSoN, LY' HANAM' VET NAM THANH PH6 PHU PHTJONG CHAU SON, LotCN]5.],LeChanStreet,ChauSonIndustrialPark,PhuLyCity,HaNam Province, Viet Nam' Tel: T6n ng6n hnngi Bank + 0084 2263525688 Name: thuong tin Ng6n Hing TMcp Sdi Gon ( - chi nhinh Hi Nam JOJNT STOCK SAI GON THUONG TIN COMMERCIAL BANK HANAM BRANCH Ly' Hir Nam Minh Khai' TP' PhU LY MINH KHAI WARD' PHU STREET' THANH COI{G Thanh' P' 189, dudng LO C0ng Dia chi/ Bank's Address" LE 18g VIETT'{AM CITY, HA NAM PROWNCE, SGTT'fNVX SWIFT CODE: 36 tii khofln/ Account Number: $0062052259 I'{ame: TOn tiri khoirV Account VINAELECTRONICS CONC TY TNHH SIYOTO CO''LTD SffOTO WNA ELECTRONICS bY: Nguoi dai di0n/ Presented WANG, PENG SHUN and director Chi tich kiOm gi6m d6cl President Chitcvvl Title: SauLtrith6olu0n,haib6nth6ngnh6tnhusau: as the two Parties follows: After discussion, agreemeint Article 7: Content of loan USD; Bing cht: Hai tri6'u T6ng s6 v6n vay ld: 2'000'000 dO la MV' Totalloanamountis(2'000'000USD);Text:Twomillion(l'S'dollar' Article 2: The purpose of capital loan using the amount of mpc dich sau: dugc su dung cho c6c 'll be usedfor the following purposes: The loan amountwtt xu6t - Xiy dung nhir xuOng stn 56 v6n vay - sC C onstruction - Nhap kh0u offactorie s miy moc' thi6t bi sin xuAt' machines and equipment' - Importing production Didu 3: Neiv vav v6n loan Article 3: Date of caPital 11 ndm2023 11 n[m 2021 d6nth6ng th6ng ttl tC nim 02 ld Thoi gian vay v6n to November 202i' year ftom November 2021 02 is period loan The ns lir ngdY 3011112023' 202i' is date 30th November The repayment rcrm Didu 4: Lf,i suit v6n vav Han tri of capital loan Article 4: The interest rate cO dinh) Ldi su6t liLl"/omOt n[m' @Ai Interestrateisll0/oayear.(Fixedinterest) Article : The intetest PaYments ffi ^L ;Oue tv\ TNHH YOTOVINI LECTTONIC (rr'ngr.mzo23 ndmzozrd.n n6m zoz3 tri cu vio m6itheng r2himgn[m, phii tri ti€n I6i cho viro thing 11), BCn B EveryDecember BOn to6n A' 202j (in everyyear, from 2021 to B must pay interest principal in November)' Party loan Article : RePaYment of dO la M! cho BOn A phii gui trir 2'000'000 s€ 2023 arone, interest wi, be ''i cung g6c paid with the same n Party A' BCn B th6ng 11 nlm 2023 ' 2023' tlSD tu Party B in November 2'000'000 send must A Party t- ^." "ffifi /\ra.v.e " of the contract,anil its languag_e,versions ' Hi0u luc cira hqp d6ng ;;;t"r-;'*, sE dOng' b6t dnu hai b6n kj'hqp the signatures of bothparties beginwith ''onoo'twitl :;';;;:'rf"i::,^^"*;'oi^'*,i"" u6i uon giir hai bin d0 thuc hion -u^,, trA tri ph6p rj' nhu copys "ugi6 Fnch pd*v narV keeps lwo c'pvs -^t ,,ntnro va'Iue Each ' bga'I 'fw' f'r T,'*::,,I::,":::::;::::;:;;::,;'.,;;;;' implementation' EAr Dr8''N sfX A' PARTY A D4.r Dr$N nf,x g ffi cn0 rcn ZHU LIANG rcEr'rr orAr'lt o6c waNG, PENG'SIIUN D )