CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE THESIS Thesis topic: Customer relationship management in motor vehicle physical insurance business in Vietnamese non-life insurance companies Major: Business Administration (Marketing) Major Code: Research Student: Nguyen Hoai Long Student code: NCS29.41MA Supervisor: Nguyen Van Thuong Professor, Ph.D Vu Huy Thong Associate Professor, Ph.D The new contributions of thesis: The new contributions about academic and theoretical aspect Detecting the desired level of customer about customer relationship management in motor vehicle physical insurance business of Vietnamese non-life companies on the group of factors: the quality of information that customer received before insuring, the quality of implementation of the commitments of the insurance company, support activities and regular customer care, the quality of activities of insurance company when incurred loss, the quality of the insurance company's personnel (compare to group of customers that incurred loss and the one that have never incurred loss) Detecting some behaviour characteristics of customer participated motor vehicle physical insurance: the passive of the insured, the level of preference about contact methods to insure, the factors governing the decision to purchase insurance and the choice of transacting to enterprises/ mining employee insurance Detecting the biggest dominant factor for decision of renewal the motor vehicle physical insurance contract of Vietnamese customer: the commitments of the insurance company The new proposals have withdrawaled from the study result: Pointing out the reality in awaring of managers and staffs in Vietnamese non-life insurance companies about CRM: incorrect and incomplete Pointing out the reality of implementing the CRM activities in motor vehicle physical insurance business in Vietnamese non-life insurance companies: there is no clear strategy, operation of customer relationship management is done scatteredly in different parts, lack of cohesion between departments and units in the implementation of customer relationship management The strategy of customer relationship management in motor vehicle physical insurance business in Vietnamese non-life insurance companies: commit and make the commitment of individualized value to each customer The solutions of customer relationship management in motor vehicle physical insurance business in Vietnamese non-life insurance companies includes the contents: building, management and exploitation of the customer database system, customer portfolio management; creating experience for customer, creating value for customer, customer lifecycle management