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Intrinsic motivation in studying listening

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VIETN AM NA T ION A L UN IV E RS IT Y - HGvlC UN IV E RS IT Y OF SOCI AL SC IENC ES AN D HWvlA NITIES DAo NHU NGUYf~N INTRINSIC MOTIVATION IN STUDYING LISTENING SUBMITTED I PAR TI AL F UL FILMENT OF THE REQ UIR Er'vI ENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF M ASTER OF TESOL SUPERVISOR: NGUYEN HUYNH OAT, M.A HO C HI i\I IN H C IT Y 2005 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I hereb y ce rtify my a utho rship of the the sis submitte d tod a y e ntitled: INTRINSIC MOTIVATION IN STUDYING LISTENING In terms of the Stat e ment of Requirements for Th e se s in Maste r' s Programs iss ued by the Highe r De gre e Co mmittee Ho Chi M inh City, M ar ch , 200 BAa N HLf NGU Y~N RETENTION AND USE OF THE THESIS I hereby sta te that I, Da o Nhir Ngu yen, bein g the ca ndida te for the de gr e e of Master of TESOL, accept the requirements of the Uni versit y relat ing to the retention and use of Ma ster' s These s dep osited in the Library In terms of the se conditions, I agre e that the origina l of my the sis dep osited in the Librar y sho uld be accessible for the purpose s of study and re sear ch, in acc ord an ce with the normal condition s es ta blished by the Lib rar y for ca re, loan, or reprodu cti on of the se s Ho Chi Minh Cit y, March, 2005 B aa Nhu Nguyen II ABSTRACT This the sis al ms at ide ntifyi ng the e leme nts of intrin sic mot ivation, a nd advance s to verifyi ng the invo lvement of each e lemen t in the study of listen ing Th e significance of this study lie s in the fac t that it pro ve s a nd/or discusse s the underl yin g fac tors of classro om proce dure s as we ll as classroo m initia tives, es pe cia lly for the listenin g subject The re se ar ch wa s carri ed out by mean s of a questi onn aire to the Engli sh majors at Non g Lam Universi ty to gai n an insight int o: - First, the le vel of intrinsic mot ivati on in stude nts, re ve al ed throu gh their pe rce ption of fac tors such as le arn er auto nomy, le arne r strate gie s, le arn er creativi ty and risk-taking, le arner se lf-confide nce , coopera tive le an in g, authe ntic mate rial s, and an intrinsica lly motiva ting curriculum - Se cond , the co rre lation between each of the se fa ctors, whic h a re associa ted with intrins ic motivation, and le arn e r' s achieve ment Th e questionnaire s were distributed to 270 Engli sh maj or s of differen t cla ss le vel s: first yea r, se cond year, and third ye ar In each class le vel , the stude nts were di vided into three gra de gro ups Th e study starte d out as a sea rch for ev ide nce that the high er-grade group would sho w a high er le vel of intrin sic moti vati on In the pro ce ss, it simulta neous ly had a grea t potential in id entifyin g the probl ems co nce rning the te achin g and le arnin g co ntext at the uni versit y The re sults stro ng ly link le arner autono my, learn er crea tiv ity and risktakin g, and an intrin sicall y motiva ting curric ulum to le arne r ac hieve me nt, while not show a correspondence between learner stra te gies , learner se lfconfide nce and coope tive le arnin g and le arn e r' s achievemen t, which in fact IV re ve al the difficultie s and problems the Eng lish major s at Nong Lam Universi ty have in study ing listenin g Impli cat ion s from the re search re sults foc us on: I) Building le arn er a utonomy by - Raisin g le arner's awa re ne ss of a utonomy - Sh owin g le arn ers how to le arn by te aching strate gies - Assisting le arn e r's se lf study by intro du cing mat eri al s and so urces - Enco uragi ng le arn er cre ati vity and risk-takin g 2) Providing for variety and authentici ty of both cla ssro om input and activitie s 3) Creat ing a rel axing and e njoya ble classroom atmos phere v ABBREVIATIONS The following abbre viations are used mostly in cha pte rs 3, , & 5: 1M EM 1\1sts 2nd sts 3'd sts GGI GG2 GG3 : intrins ic moti vati on : e xtrinsic moti vat ion : first -ye ar stude nts : second -year stude nts : third -ye ar students : grade group I : gra de gro up : grade gro up VI 4.3.1 Auth e nticity 34 4.3.2 Intrinsicall y Mo tiva ting Cur riculu m 37 Listen ing Comprehen sion 40 5.1 Wha t are listen ers doing whe n the y listen ? 40 5.2 Bottom-up and Top-dow n Listen ing Technique s 42 5.3 Wha t Mak es Liste ning Difficult? 43 5.4 Microskills of Liste ning Co mpre he nsio n 45 5.5 Listen ing Techniques 46 5.6 Types of Listen ers' Responses 47 Chapter III: METHODOLOGY 48 Resear ch Goals and Meth ods 48 1.1 The Questionn aire Study 48 1.2 The Me asurement: 1M Le vel Thro ugh the Factors 49 1.3 Th e Resear ch Procedure 49 Resear ch Design 50 Subjects of the Stud y 50 2.2 Instruments 50 2.2 Th e Grade Group s 50 2.2.2 The Que stionn aire Design 51 2.2.3 The Questionn aire 52 Dat a Co llecting and Synth esizing Meth od Chap ter 1V: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIO N 57 59 Statistical Pre sentation Orde r 59 Det led Ana lysis 60 Learner Autonom y 60 2.2 Learne r Strategie s 64 2.3 Learn er Cre ati vity and Risk-takin g 70 2.4 Learn er Sel f-confiden ce 71 2.5 Cooperati ve Le arnin g 74 2.6 Authe ntic Mater ials 75 2.7 Intrin sicall y Moti vating Cu rriculum 77 viii Chapte r IV: SUMMARY , REC OMM END ATIO N, AND CON CLUSION I Summar y 83 83 1.1 Ve rifying Results 84 1.1.1 Learner Autono my 84 1.1.2 Learne r Cre ati vity a nd Risk-ta king 84 1.3 Intrinsicall y Motivat ing Curriculum 85 1.1.4 Susten ance of Sel f-stud y 85 1.2 Re verse Re sults 85 1.2.1 Probl em with Learn er' s Perce ption of Tea cher' s Role 85 1.2.2 Problem with Lea rner Strategies 86 1.2.3 Prob lem with Learne r Confiden ce 86 1.2.4 Cooperati ve Learning 87 1.3 Other Results 87 Recommendation 88 Concerning Intrinsic Motivation in Stud yin g Listen ing 1.1 Building Le arn er Autonomy Raisin g Le arn er' s Awar en ess of Autonomy 88 88 89 1.1.2 Showin g Learners How to Le arn by Teaching Stra tegies 90 1.1.3 Ass isting Learner' s Se lf-Study by Introducing Mate rials and Source s 94 1.1.4 Encour aging Learne r Cre ati vity and Risk-takin g 95 2.1.2 Providing for Vari et y and Authe nticity 97 2.1.2 Vari et y 98 1.2.2 Authe nticit y 99 1.3 Creating a Re laxing a nd Enjoyab le Cla ssroom Atmosphere 2.2 Concernin g Furt he r Re searc h Concl usion 102 103 103 3.1 Contributi ons of the Research 103 3.2 Intrinsic Motivation Values 105 IX LIST OF FIGURES Figure : Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs 15 LIST OF TABLES Table A : Teacher' s Attitudes Towards Teaching 26 Tabl e B : From Extrin sic to Intrin sic Motivation in Educational Institution s 38 Table C : Good Language Learners 89 Table D : Ten "commandments" for Good Language Learning 90 Table s 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 : Learn er Autonomy 60 Tables 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 : Learner Strate gies 65 Table 2.4 : Familiar Tasks 67 Table 2.5 : Unf amiliar Tasks 68 Table 2.6 : Familiar Techniques 68 Table 2.7 : Unfamiliar Techniqu es 69 Tables 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 : Learn er Creativity and Risk-taking 70 Tables 4.1 , 4.2, 4.3 : Learner Self-c onfidence 72 Tables 5.1,5 2,5.3 : Cooperative Learning 74 Table 6: The Students' Likes 78 Table 7: The Students' Dislikes 78 Table 8: The Stud ents ' Suggesti ons 79 Tables 1, 9.2, 9.3 : Intrinsically Motivating Curriculum rd Table 10: Retention of Intrinsic Moti vation - sts x 80 82 Questionnaire On Learner Motivation In St udying Listening Ban Dich 1- Tai ban d n hoc man nghe ? a."Toi chi d n qua duoc man nghe va du di€m d~u b Kha nang tieng Anh rat quan cho cong viec cua toi urong lai c Khi c6 th€ nghe hic:!u tien g Anh, toi c6 th~ tlm hi€u v~ loi song ciing nhirvan h6a (1 cac mtoc n6i tieng Anh (qua cac phirong tien truyen thong hoac qua cac co hQi giao tiep.) d Dc:! thoa man chinh minh : toi luon thay thich thti toi c6 th€ hi€u dUQc nguoi d n noi tieng Viet d€ gia rn bd t cang thang c C6 - No giup kh oi dQng viec xi'r Iy tieng Anh tro ng dau cu a ban , von di ng la mlJt phan luyen ngh e qu an d C6 - Toi thi ch tim each dirong da u vd i thi'r thach 10- Khoanh tron (cac) cau dien ta each ban hoc tien g Anh a Neu tai khong hi~u het moi tir cGng kh on g b Toi khong lay lam bu on neu co 10 m ac loi y tra Wi sai c Toi thich nhirng bai t~p man g tinh thi'r thach, d Toi chi tlnh nguyen neu toi biet c hao d i u tra loi e Toi luon nh o ngtrci kh ac gi th ich nhirng di eu rna toi kh on g hieu, f Toi thirong cam tha y nan toi tiep xtic vd i tien g Anh q ua kh6 doi vdi toi 11 - E)i~u gi lam cho ban cam th a y nr tin ? (Ban co th~ c6 han mQt lira cho n) , a Khong thu gia n va it ap lire lo p hoc b 51! khic h I~ va thong hi ~u c ua giao vien , c Khi c6 ban be va giao vie n ga n ben d€ gi up dB toi d C6 dLtQc mQt giao vie n co th~ lam cho ba i hoc tra ne n de da ng ch o toi e Biet each duong dau vdi kho khan f Cam thay tin nrdn g VaG kha na ng tieng A nh va each hQC cua toi , g Khi toi dat diroc tha nh qu a, hoac co duoc nh irng no luc ban tha n sa ng tao 12- Ban co nhfrng kh o kh an nao tron g hoc nghe? (Ba n co th~ c6 han rno: hra chon) a Toi khong th~ rut dLtQc y c hi nh c ua bai ngh e b Toi khon g biet da u la nhirng y chi nh c Ta i khong th~ hi~u va nh d diroc nh ieu chi tiel d Toc dQ n6i va cac gio ng di a ph uon g cua ngiro! ban xu luon gay kh6 khan cho toi e Toi khong th~ kiern c he' su 10 lang h6i hop c ua minh f Toi khong thirc hanh duo g Toi khong biet loai sach tai lieu, hay ngu6n th am kh ao nao thi ch h

Ngày đăng: 01/07/2023, 11:27
