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An investigation into elementary learner’s questioning strategies at tran hung dao foreign language center in binh thuan province m a 60 14 10

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY-HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES Faculty of English Linguistics and Literature AN INVESTIGATION INTO ELEMENTARY LEARNER’S QUESTIONING STRATEGIES AT TRAN HUNG DAO FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER IN BINH THUAN PROVINCE A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF TESOL Submitted by NGUYEN THI TOAN THANG Supervisor: NGUYEN HOANG TUAN, Ph D HO CHI MINH CITY- 2009 -1- CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I hereby certify my authorship of the thesis submitted today entitled: AN INVESTIGATION INTO ELEMENTARY LEARNER’S QUESTIONING STRATEGIES AT TRAN HUNG DAO FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER IN BINH THUAN PROVINCE in terms of the statement of Requirements for Theses in Master’s Programs issued by the Higher Degree Committee Ho Chi Minh City, December, 2009 NGUYEN THI TOAN THANG -2- RETENTION AND USE OF THE THESIS I hereby state that I, NGUYEN THI TOAN THANG, being the candidate for the degree of Master of TESOL, accept the requirements of the University relating to the retention and use of Master’s Theses deposited in the University Library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the original of my thesis deposited in the University Library should be accessible for purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the Library for the care, loan and reproduction of theses Ho Chi Minh City, December, 2009 NGUYEN THI TOAN THANG -3- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my sincere thanks to many people who have assisted my research work To my supervisor Dr Nguyen Hoang Tuan, I owe a special debt of gratitude for his scholarship, patient guidance, encouragement, and constructive supervision throughout my research My special thanks go to my evaluators Dr Luu Trong Tuan and Dr Nguyen Thai An, whose comments are of great value My special thanks also go to Mr Jean Guy Trepaniks who assisted me in revising, contributing ideas and proofreading the final draft of the thesis I take this opportunity to thank my colleagues and learners at Tran Hung Dao Foreign Language Center in Binh Thuan province for their assistance and support I am profoundly grateful to my family, especially my sister-in-law, who took all the family burden during the long period of time I spent doing my thesis This thesis is in memory of my father, who greatly inspired me in my study and work -4- ABSTRACT Questioning is an important life skill and a major learning and thinking skill As one moves from his/ her academic world into his / her occupational career, the ability to ask good questions is also considered as a soft skill, a good preparation for his/ her occupational success Questioning helps to train learners’ critical and creative thinking and promote teacher-learner as well as learner-learner interaction in the learning process It should be encouraged and promoted in language teaching and learning This research presents an investigation into elementary learners’ questioning strategies at Tran Hung Dao Foreign Language Center in Binh Thuan province The research aims to find out the reality of using questioning strategies by elementary learners, the support of teachers to promote learners’ questioning and the problems facing teachers with learners’ questioning The research hopes to raise teachers’ and learners’ awareness of using different questioning strategies in the learning process and maintaining effective questioning among learners The research ends by offering some recommendations to help teachers improve their learners’ questioning because effective questioning is believed to have a positive impact on developing learners’ confidence in language using and assisting their language proficiency -5- TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 12 1.1 Background to the study 12 1.1.1 Description of Tran Hung Dao Foreign Language Center 13 1.1.2 Description of the English speaking syllabus for elementary learners at Tran Hung Dao Foreign Language Center 14 1.2 Aims of the study 16 1.3 Significance of the study 16 1.4 Overview of the study 17 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 19 2.1 Learners’ questioning 19 2.1.1 Amount of learners’ questions 19 2.1.2 Learning benefits of questioning 21 Questioning and learners’ use of language 21 Questioning and learners’ cooperative learning 22 Questioning and learners’ active learning 23 Questioning and learners’ language fluency 23 Questioning and learners’ motivation 24 2.1.3 Types of learners’ questions 25 2.1.4 Supporting techniques for learner’s questioning 27 2.1.5 Criteria for effective questioning 28 2.1.6 Questioning skills 30 2.2 Factors influencing learners’ questioning 2.2.1 Internal factors 32 32 Age 32 -6- Personality factors 32 2.2.2 External factors 36 ` Teachers’ instructions 36 Classroom atmosphere 37 2.3 Learner roles in learner-centered approach 39 2.4 Summary 40 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 41 3.1 Research questions 41 3.2 Research design 41 3.2.1 The subjects 41 Learners 41 Teachers 42 3.2.2 Instruments 42 Questionnaires 42 Classroom observation 43 3.2.3 Data collection procedures 44 3.3 Summary 46 CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS 47 4.1 Data analysis 47 4.1.1 Responses to the questionnaires 47 Learners’ responses 47 Teachers’ responses 62 Comparison of teachers’ and learners’ responses 70 4.1.2 Results from the classroom observation 81 The frequency of learners’ question types 81 Teachers’ techniques to promote learners’ questioning 82 Teachers’ feedback 83 4.2 Findings 84 4.3 Summary 86 -7- CHAPTER 5: RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 88 5.1 Recommendations 88 5.2 Conclusions 94 5.3 Limitations of the study 95 5.4 Summary 95 BIBLIOGRAPHY 96 APPENDIX 1: THE CONTENTS OF SPEAKING 102 LESSONS IN LIFELINES-ELEMENTARY APPENDIX 2: QUESTIONNAIRES 103 APPENDIX 3: CLASSROOM OBSERVATION SHEET 114 APPENDIX 4: TRANSCRIPTS 118 APPENDIX 5: SOME EXAMPLES OF BRAINSTORMING ACTIVITIES USED IN THE CLASSROOM 133 APPENDIX 6: SOME EXAMPLES OF ACTIVITIES TO PROMOTE LEARNERS’ QUESTIONING -8- 137 LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1 The difference in ages of the learners 48 Table 4.2 The difference in seniority of learners’ studying English 49 Table 4.3 Learners’ self –evaluation of their English using ability 49 Table 4.4 Frequency of learning activities in the classroom 50 Table 4.5 Frequency of verbal communication in English 52 in the classroom Table 4.6 Learners’ actions when they not understand 53 something in the lesson Table 4.7 Learners’ preference in asking questions 53 Table 4.8 Learners’ perception towards the importance of 54 practising asking questions Table 4.9 Learners’ attitude towards practising asking questions 55 Table 4.10 Frequency of lacking confidence in asking questions 56 Table 4.11 Reasons for lacking confidence in asking questions 56 Table 4.12 Learners’ opinions about activities frequently used 57 by teachers to promote speaking Table 4.13 Teachers’ techniques to stimulate learners’ questioning 59 Table 4.14 Learners’ opinions about teachers’ 60 modification technique Table 4.15 Learners’ reflection about the frequency of 61 techniques used in giving feedback Table 4.16 Learners’ expectation in learning English 62 Table 4.17 Personal information of the teachers 63 Table 4.18 Teachers’ evaluation on the learners’ 64 proficiency in English -9- Table 4.19 Teachers’ perception towards the importance 64 of learners’ questioning strategies Table 4.20 Reasons for using questioning strategies in 65 learning speaking skill Table 4.21 The frequency of activities used by teachers 66 to promote learners’ speaking Table 4.22 Teachers’ techniques to help learners make questions 67 Table 4.23 Teachers’ habit in using modification techniques 68 Table 4.24 Teachers’ habit in giving feedback 69 Table 4.25 Common problems with learners’ questioning strategies 70 Table 4.26 Comparison of teachers’ and learners’ evaluation 71 on learners’ English proficiency Table 4.27 Frequency of speaking activities used in speaking classes 73 Table 4.28 Comparison of investigating results about teachers’ 75 techniques to promote learners’ asking questions Table 4.29 Comparison of data in learners’ and teachers’ 78 investigating results about the teachers’ habit of using modification techniques Table 4.30: Comparison of teachers’ and learners’ reflection on teachers’ giving feedback - 10 - 80 từ, phải dùng V-ing sau giới từ, em nhớ chưa? Binh, repeat it, please Binh: How about going to Doi Duong Restaurant? T: That’s good Continue, agree and ask about a time Dung, please Dung: Good idea T: Hỏi bạn muốn lúc giờ, what time ? Dung: What time you want to go? T: Well-done Continue, suggest a time Who can? Anh, please Anh: Is p.m OK? T: Good, decide on the next action Who can? Quyết định hành động tiếp theo, chẳng hạn đồng ý Can you, Huy? Huy: That’s OK T: Good, now end the conversation, Loan please Loan: Bye See you again T: Very good Now, I’d like to invite two of you to practise the dialogue again Who can? Thuy and Van, please Now, the whole class, listen to them Bây lớp nghe lại toàn đoạn đối thoại để em tự làm cho Thuy and Van , please Thuy: Let’s go out for dinner tonight Van: That would be nice Thuy: Where shall we go? Van: How about going to Doi Duong Restaurant? Thuy: Good idea What time you want to go? Van: Is p.m OK? Thuy: That’s OK See you again T: Good Do you understand? Now, work in pairs with your partners: suggest going out or away, suggest a place, a time, express agreement Are you clear? Các em hiểu chưa? Làm việc theo cặp, đề nghị đâu đó, đề nghị nơi, thời gian, diễn tả đồng ý Được chưa? - 131 - Learners: Yes (Learners work in pairs, the teacher goes around, gives help After practising the dialogues, some pairs give performance in front of the class until the end of the lesson.) - 132 - APPENDIX SOME EXAMPLES OF BRAINSTORMING ACTIVITIES USED IN THE CLASSROOM (Some are extracted from New Interchange 1) Word-mapping TV programs Music Entertainment Movies Technical work Office work Jobs Management positions Services occupations - 133 - Friendly gatherings Exhibitions Leisure activities Spectators sports Life performance Buildings Shops The city People Transport Living room Bedroom The house Kitchen Bathroom - 134 - Phrase-mapping People you were with? Description of event Last weekend What happened? Your feelings of that? When? How/ weather? - 135 - This activity is extracted from the website: http://www.eslflow.com/brainstorming.html - 136 - APPENDIX SOME EXAMPLES OF ACTIVITIES TO PROMOTE LEARNERS’ QUESTIONING Activity 1: Personalisation “Numbers in my life”, adapted from “Numbers in my life” by Griffiths, G & Keohane (2000: 138) Aims: Skill: asking “Yes/ No questions” with numbers, writing Language: Yes/ No questions with present and past simple tense Level: Elementary Organization: Pair work Materials: Paper and pencil Preparation: Time to prepare number grid Time: 10-15 minutes Procedure In class, or for homework, ask learners to divide a sheet of paper into ten squares Inside each square, ask them to write a number which is in some way significant to them When they have finished, on a separate piece of paper, they should write down the significance of the number, taking care to write these in a different order from the original list, and without actually writing the number This part of the task is likely to include information such as: House number / age/ birthday/ number of rooms in their house/ number of members in their family/ number of members in their class/ age when they started primary school/ number of kilometres from home to school Learners then give their number grid and their explanations of the significance of the number to a partner who uses both sets of information to find out why each number has been included by asking questions, for example: Did you start primary school when you were 6? Are there people in your family? - 137 - Were you born in 1996? When everybody has finished the activity, round off by asking learners to share one piece of information they learned about their partner with the rest of the class My own experience, recommended by Harmer (1991:103) Aims: Skill: forming follow-up questions Language: questions with different verb tenses Level: Elementary Organization: Pair work Materials: Pictures (movie shows, music shows, football match, sport competitions) Preparation: Teacher provides learners with questions about one’s own experience and follow-up questions “ Have you been to ?”, “What did you…?”, “When did you…?”, “Do(n’t) you like…?, etc Time: 10-15 minutes Procedures: 1.Teacher delivers pictures to each pair and directs learners to employ questions provided to build conversations to ask about the partner’s experience Teacher draws learners attention to the fact that there may be “Yes” or “No” answer to the first question and how to maintain the conversation flow using follow-up questions The conversation flow may go like this: Minh: Have you been to the movies recently? Lan: Yes or No, I haven’t Minh: What did you see? Lan: Oh, I saw Ghost’s Dance Really Don’t you like films? Yes, but I don’t have the time to go to the cinema - 138 - Minh: When did you see it? Why? Lan: Last Sunday Because I have too much school work to etc etc Learners practise asking and answering questions in pairs When learners have finished the activity, teacher invites some of them to give demonstration in front of the class Activity 2: Knowledge of others “Talking about daily activities”, adapted from “Talking about frequency of activities” by Harmer (1991:94) Aims : Skill: asking Wh-questions Language: questions with simple present tense Level: Elementary Organization: Groups of four learners Materials: Flashcards ( showing daily activities) Preparation: Time to prepare flashcards Time: 10-15 minutes Procedures Learners are provided with prepared set of flashcards The cards face downwards The first learner in each group picks up a card and has to ask another learner how often, what time, where a relative of that learner performs the activity shown on the card The drill might go in the following way L1: (Picks up a card showing a man brushing his teeth.) How often does your brother brush his teeth, Nam? L2: Twice a day, I think so L1: What time does he brush his teeth? L2: At half past five - 139 - After the second learner answers the question, he picks up another card (for example a card showing a man playing tennis) and asks the third learner in the group L2: How often does your father play tennis, Minh? L3: He doesn’t play at all 4.After the third learner answers the question, he picks up another card (for example a card showing a woman doing the shopping) and asks the fourth learner in the group L3: How often does your mother go shopping, Lan? L4: Twice a week L3: Where does she shop? L4: At the supermarket After the fourth learner answers the question, he picks up another card and asks the first learner in the group Activity 3: Imaginary situations Situation 1: adapted from Byrne (1987: 42) Aims: Skills: asking questions Language: questions with simple present and simple past tense Level: Elementary Organization: Pair work Materials: Paper Preparation: an incomplete dialogue on pieces of paper Time: 10-15 minutes Procedures: Learners are given a situation like this YOU HAVE LOST YOUR BAG GO TO THE LOST PROPERTY OFFICE TO SEE IF ANYONE HAS HANDED IT IN MAKE QUESTIONS FOR THE ANSWERS PROVIDED Teacher sets learners in pairs They are given an incomplete dialogue and - 140 - have to work about the questions One learner plays the role of the person who works in the Lost Property Office (B), the other is the person who has lost their property (A) They then take turns to ask and answer questions A:Er, I’ve lost my bag B: A bag? We’ve got dozens of bags! ?(What kind of bag?) A: It’s a handbag B: ? (What colour is it?) A: It’s black B: ? (Is it old or new?) A: It’s new B: ? (What size is it?) A: It’s small B: ?(What was in it?) A: Some money B: ? (Where did you lose it?) A: On the bus, I think so When learners have finished, teacher invites some of them perform in front of the class (without looking at their paper) Situation 2: adapted from Byrne (1976: 42) Aims: Skills: asking Yes/ No questions Language: questions with present perfect tense Level: Elementary Organization: Pair work Materials: None Preparation: None Time: 10-15 minutes - 141 - Procedures: Learners are set in pairs Learners are given a situation:“ I’ve just bought a house I haven’t much money and I’m furnishing it very slowly” The learners are then asked to form questions of their own using The Present perfect with yet to form dialogues, for example: Have you bought…yet? A: Have you bought a bed yet? B: Yes, of course, I’ve bought a bed A: Have you bought a TV set yet? B: No, I haven’t A: Have you bought a fridge yet? B: Yes, I’ve just bought one Activity 4: Oral interaction Find someone who…adapted from Harmer (1991: 105) Aims: Skills: asking questions Language: questions with different verb tenses Level: Elementary Organization: Groups of ten learners Materials: Cards Preparation: Time to prepare cards Time: 10-15 minutes Procedures: Learners are set in groups Each learner is given the following card and is requested to ask their classmates such questions as:“Do/ Did/ Have you….?” - 142 - FIND SOMEONE WHO likes chocolate _ often goes to the cinema _ has three brothers _ went to bed late last night _ has just come from his / her holiday _ All the learners then stand up and circulate, asking each other questions such as “Do you like chocolate?” If they get the answer “Yes”, they write that person’s name in the space provided They can only ask someone a question once The activity ends when a learner has got names for each question When all learners have finished, teacher invites some of them to give reports to the whole class Questionnaires: adapted from Byrne (1987: 48) Aims: Skills: asking Wh-questions Language: questions with simple present and simple past tense Level: Elementary Organization: Pair work Materials: Cards Preparation: Time to prepare cards Time: 10-15 minutes Procedures: Learners are set in pairs Each learner is given a card and is requested to ask their partner’s eating habits, using such questions as “What you often have for…?” or “What did you have for….yesterday?” Names Breakfast Lunch Minh Huong - 143 - Dinner Learners take turns to interview each other and fill in the questionnaire When all learners have finished, teacher invites some of them to give reports to the whole class Activity 5: Games, adapted from Harmer (1991: 101) “Yes/ No” game Aims: Skills: asking Yes/ No questions Language: questions with simple present tense Level: Elementary Organization: Teams Materials: Boxes covered with paper all sides, objects (stationery, plastic objects) Preparation: Time to prepare boesx and objects Time: 10-15 minutes Procedures: Learners are set in teams of ten learners Learners are given instructions: learners of each team take part in one turn One learner’s eyes are covered with a ribbon (S)he touches an object in the box covered with paper (S)he tries to identify the object in his/her mind His/Her partner (without knowing what the object is) asks “Yes/ No” questions (S)he can answer only with “Yes” or “No” until his/her partner can identify the object When the first pair finishes, the second part continues The team with more objects identified in 15 minutes is the winner Learner-made quizzes Aims: Skills: asking questions Language: questions with simple present and simple past tense Level: Elementary Organization: Teams Materials: None - 144 - Preparation: None Time: 10-15 minutes Procedures: Learners are divided into two teams Each team is given time to write a number of general knowledge questions Learners are given hints: capital city/ famous singer/ famous football player / highest mountain in Vietnam/ longest river in the world/ years of football competition, etc ( Teachers should make sure that quizzes are designed to check learners’ general knowledge) A member of team A asks a question to member of team B If the question is said correctly, team A gets one point If the member of team B gets the answer immediately, the team gets two points If he or she has to confer with the rest of the team to get the answer, the team gets one point - 145 -

Ngày đăng: 01/07/2023, 11:04


