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Nữ giới thực dụng, bị đàn ông hóa, nữ quyền cực đoan, cũng là nguyên nhân tại sao họ ít lựa chọn. Càng ít lựa chọn, họ lại càng cực đoan. Càng cực đoan, họ lại càng ít lựa chọn. Càng ít lựa chọn, lại càng cực đoan. Họ càng chìm sâu trong sự rối bời, bất mãn, huyễn hoặc không lối thoát—sâu thẳm rất thèm tình yêu nhưng bên ngoài luôn tỏ ra “không cần”. Bên ngoài tỏ ra “không cần” nhưng do cái tôi chi phối dẫn đến họ càng phải gồng để xoa dịu cái tôi lớn.

No sacrifice, no victory STEAM ENGLISH CLUB BRIDGE TO THE FUTURE WRITTEN BY TRUNG KEVIN https://www.facebook.com/groups/steamenglishclub/ No sacrifice, no victory STEAM ENGLISH CLUB LỚP TIẾNG ANH THỰC HÀNH Tôi tên là: ……………………………………………………………… CAM KẾT Tơi tâm hồn thành xuất sắc học khóa học Tôi tuân thủ tuyệt đối làm theo hướng dẫn giáo viên Tôi tâm học đầy đủ buổi học, ghi chép nhật ký học tập hàng ngày Tôi tâm nộp tập đầy đủ trước 06:30 sáng Nếu không làm tập cam kết nộp phạt 20.000 vnd/ lần thiếu tập Tôi ưu tiên học Tiếng Anh nghiêm túc thực hành đủ thời gian 42 ngày liên tục Hà nội, ngày …… tháng …… năm……… (ký ghi rõ họ tên) https://www.facebook.com/groups/steamenglishclub/ No sacrifice, no victory STEAM ENGLISH CLUB NHẬT KÝ HỌC TẬP Ngày Học Cùng GV Nghe Tự học Có Livestream tập Khơng Hồn thành K hoàn thành 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- https://www.facebook.com/groups/steamenglishclub/ No sacrifice, no victory 15- STEAM ENGLISH CLUB 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 23- 24- 25- 26- 27- 28- 29- 30- https://www.facebook.com/groups/steamenglishclub/ No sacrifice, no victory 31- STEAM ENGLISH CLUB 32- 33- 34- 35- 36- 37- 38- 39- 40- 41- 42- 43- 44- 45- 46 https://www.facebook.com/groups/steamenglishclub/ No sacrifice, no victory STEAM ENGLISH CLUB CLASSROOM RULES Be on time Be friendly Be humble Be serious Be positive https://www.facebook.com/groups/steamenglishclub/ No sacrifice, no victory STEAM ENGLISH CLUB LESSON 1: INTRODUCTION “I have learnt to be even more patient” I VOCABULARY My cup of tea Ex: Reading books is my cup of tea Be keen on doing something Ex: He is really keen on travelling A big fan of Ex: I am a big fan of football Have a passion for Ex: I have a passion for travelling Be well-known for = be famous for Ex: Hai Phong is well-known for spicy breads Open – minded Ex: I consider myself as a friendly and open minded person Active and dynamic Ex: I am an active and dynamic person Major in ['meɪdʒə(r)] (v,n) = specialize in something Ex: I major in banking and finance https://www.facebook.com/groups/steamenglishclub/ No sacrifice, no victory II STEAM ENGLISH CLUB REVIEW IPA 44 Basic sounds  20 vowels  12 monophthongs  Dipthongs  24 consonants  unvoiced sounds  15 voiced sounds III DISCUSSION Divide into or groups then discuss some questions below Can you introduce a little about yourself? How the people around tell about you? Tell me a little about your hometown? Why you want to study English? What is your goal in life? https://www.facebook.com/groups/steamenglishclub/ No sacrifice, no victory IV STEAM ENGLISH CLUB ASSIGNMENT I am Mina I am a student I am from South Korea I am twenty years old I study English I live in an apartment I live in the city I take the bus to school V ROLE-PLAY Let watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3yqbdN-lMc Read the dialogue below Evens: So, you’re from ITALY? Moretti: Yes, I am Evens: And you’re travelling to TOKYO? Moretti : Yes Evens : Well, welcome to TOP NOTCH travel agency Let me introduce you to my staff, then we’ll talk about TOKYO Marie, I’d like you to meet… Marie : Giorgio Moretti! Evens : Oh, you know him Moretti : It’s very nice to meet you What’s your name? Marie : My name? Um….UH Evens : Marie Marie : Marie, I’m Marie Lepage VI PRONUNCIATION Moretti : Very nice to meet you, Marie Evens : Marie is our receptionist She’s from Paris Mr Moretti is a new client He’s from ITALY https://www.facebook.com/groups/steamenglishclub/ No sacrifice, no victory STEAM ENGLISH CLUB Learn how to pronounce the sounds /i:/ and /i/ correctly /i/ /i:/ Ship /ʃɪp/ Fish /fɪʃ/ Hit /hɪt/ It /ɪt/ Skill /skɪl It is an important skill Please /pliːz/ Easy /ˈiː.zi/ See /siː/ Agree /əˈɡriː/ Receive /rɪˈsiːv/ I can see you on the sea Link videos about two sounds /i/ and /i:/ Âm /i/: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsKWHxhSwnc&list=PL7YqrWXed1a bz3FwdKMZEwclWMZ2cMHio&index=26 Âm /i:/: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjnoeDmSO_w&list=PL7YqrWXed1ab z3FwdKMZEwclWMZ2cMHio&index=27  Greeting and introduction OBJECT Name ORDINARY I am = I‟m +…/ My name is + … -Let me introduce something about = Allow me to introduce smt about… Hometown I‟m from +… I come from +… Hobbies -My hobbies are… -I like… -I‟m interested in… Schools -I‟m a first/second/third/final… year student Dreams I‟m quite into English because I want to be an English teacher in the near future https://www.facebook.com/groups/steamenglishclub/ NOTE -Ask more formally: May I have your name? I‟m from Hanoi, which is the capital city -Which is well-known for… -Which is located in … Use some other ways: -… is my cup of tea -I‟m really/quite into + N/Ving -I‟m a big fan of N/Ving Use some paraphrases -I‟m a freshman /'freʃmən/=1 st -I‟m a sophomore /'sɔfəmɔ:/=2 nd -I‟m a junior /'dʤu:njə/=3 rd -I‟m a senior /'si:njə/=4 th Talk about what you want to be 10 No sacrifice, no victory  Ending a conversation STEAM ENGLISH CLUB + Watch out for signals that your listeners want to end the conversation Sometimes these signs can be read in the listener‟s body language of lack of interest in your conversation + Take control of conversation when you want it to end (anyway, I need be off Nice to talk to you! + Let the other speaker know that you have enjoyed the conversation + If you have to or want to end the conversation, explain why you have to go Assignment  Learn all the new words in the lesson today and from the videos  Make a video which you need to imitate the video https://www.facebook.com/groups/steamenglishclub/ 56 No sacrifice, no victory STEAM ENGLISH CLUB LESSON 10: JOBS I VOCABULARY A massive income Ex: It is a really massive income To apply for a job Ex: I already applied for this job in NET‟s company To cover my bills Ex: I need to earn a lot of money in order to cover my bills Hectic schedule Ex: He has a hectic schedule On payday Ex: On payday, I often go out to drink with friends To get promoted Ex: I just got a promotion last month but I don‟t like this job A nine- to- five job Ex: I don‟t want to find a nine-to-five job Up to my ears Ex: I was up to my ears in work, so I don‟t have time for my boyfriend To be on probation I am on probation, so I need to work hard to take this job https://www.facebook.com/groups/steamenglishclub/ 57 No sacrifice, no victory II STEAM ENGLISH CLUB ROLE-PLAY Let’s watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FavPokce8Ag Work in pairs Anne Jane She is probably on her way to practice Yes, she practices very hard Anne! tennis What you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a singer in the future Oh, really? I bet you can it You are really better in dancing and singing than all of us Thank you! But you think I can You dance and sing every day I’m it? pretty sure you can make it Thanks! What you want to be in I love animals! I want to work in the the future? zoo Do you want to be a vet? Not really a vet, but instead, I want to feed animals and take care of them https://www.facebook.com/groups/steamenglishclub/ 58 No sacrifice, no victory III STEAM ENGLISH CLUB PRONUNCIATION Learn how to pronounce two sounds /b/ and /p/ correctly Âm /b/ Âm /p/ Bad /bæd/ People /ˈpiː.pəl/ Book /bʊk/ Pick /pɪk/ Body /ˈbɒd.i/ Please /pliːz/ Busy /ˈbɪz.i/ Pencil /ˈpen.səl/ Job /dʒɒb/ Hope /həʊp/ Club /klʌb/ Shop /ʃɒp/ He got a job at the pub There are people in my shop The word “remember” is a verb Stop giving me opinion Link the videos  Sound /b/: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCenV8TgWpQ&index=3&list=PL7 YqrWXed1abz3FwdKMZEwclWMZ2cMHio  Sound /p/: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxtAwAfEhao&list=PL7YqrWXed1 abz3FwdKMZEwclWMZ2cMHio&index=2 IV DISCUSSION OR CHALLENGE What is your job? Why did you choose that type of job? Do you enjoy your job? What you like about your job? What you dislike about your job? What you want to be in the future? https://www.facebook.com/groups/steamenglishclub/ 59 No sacrifice, no victory V STEAM ENGLISH CLUB EXTRA LEARNING Let’s watch the video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_cFAHVn_A4W7hh02jbqqPa4DLo8hYg8p/vie w?usp=sharing https://www.facebook.com/groups/steamenglishclub/ 60 No sacrifice, no victory VI STEAM ENGLISH CLUB REVIEW AND ASSIGNMENT Review  Vocabulary – Pronunciation –Grammar –Fluency  Fix some common mistakes and give advice  Share the way how to remember new words  Dùng từ biết để nhớ từ chưa biết (ví dụ nhớ từ fellow qua từ follow, nhớ từ ideal qua từ idea, nhớ từ butterfly qua từ butter and fly…)  Sử dụng flash card mang khắp nơi rảnh mở xem (nên tự làm)  Dùng note stick dán lên vị trí hay nhìn thấy gương  Đặt nhiều ví dụ, cố gắng sử dụng sau học  Dùng mind map, dán lên nơi dễ thấy  Sử dụng từ điển sau (1 từ nghe lần): https://youglish.com/ Assignment  Learn all the new words in the lesson today and from the videos  Make a video which you need to imitate the video https://www.facebook.com/groups/steamenglishclub/ 61 No sacrifice, no victory STEAM ENGLISH CLUB LESSON 11: FOODS AND EATING I VOCABULARY This food always kills To be picky eater Ex: I am not picky eater at all Eat like a horse Ex: When I came back home, I ate like a horse because of delicious dishes that my mom had prepared before Drink like a fish Ex: He drinks like a fish To follow a recipe Ex: I think cooking is boring because you need to follow a recipe To be on a balanced diet Ex: I have a crack at following a balanced diet so that I can live healthily and live longer Bold flavors Ex: I‟m a big fan of the bold flavors used in Vietnamese dishes To dine in>< to dine out Ex: I prefer to dine in with my family rather than dine out with my friends https://www.facebook.com/groups/steamenglishclub/ 62 No sacrifice, no victory II STEAM ENGLISH CLUB ROLE-PLAY Let’s watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJXaDXpYDT8&index=3&list=UUkH 9XWgXCqWen1vA5Pny5ww Work in pairs Bob Jane What kind of food you like? I like all kinds of food Really? Can you eat spicy food? I love the spicy food The hotter the better You are so lucky Why am I lucky? It is terrible when I eat pepper Can you eat Thai or Mexican food? Yes, I can But only if it really bland Do you eat out very often? Sometimes Do you have a favorite restaurant? I have a favorite vegetarian restaurant Are you a vegetarian? Yes, I am So you don‟t eat chicken or pork? No chicken, no pork but I eat fish Are you vegetarian for health reason or for religious reason? Mostly for health reasons All the talk about food made me hungry Are you hungry? Yes, I am Would you like to go to my What is good there? favorite vegetarian restaurant? Well, of course The fresh vegetables Sounds delicious Let‟s go! are outstanding https://www.facebook.com/groups/steamenglishclub/ 63 No sacrifice, no victory III STEAM ENGLISH CLUB PRONUNCIATION Learn how to pronounce two sounds /ʧ/ and /ʤ/ correctly /ʧ/ /ʤ/ Cheap Child Cheese Change Catch Watch /tʃiːp/ /tʃaɪld/ /tʃiːz/ /tʃeɪndʒ/ /kætʃ/ /wɑːtʃ/ Which one you choose? I‟ll have a cheese sandwich Any questions for me, please Age Joke Jam July /eɪdʒ/ /dʒəʊk/ /dʒæm/ /dʒuˈlaɪ/ Enjoy College /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ /ˈkɑːlɪdʒ/ There‟s some juice in the fridge Languages are bridges between people What did you major in? Link two sounds /ʧ/ and /ʤ/ Sound /ʧ/:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIvIrCzk1M&list=PL7YqrWXed1abz3FwdKMZEwclWMZ2cMHio&index=16 Sound /ʤ/:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eITzidHxBOE&index=3&list=PLXtjywQTI ROxA2Ekj6aeZxwBGK-OE8Czd  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8jaDyWq4zk&index=17&list=PL7Yq rWXed1abz3FwdKMZEwclWMZ2cMHio IV DISCUSSION OR CHALLENGE What kind of food you like? Do you prefer dine in to dine out? Is there any food you don‟t like? Is food important to you? What kinds of food are the most popular in your country? Do you like cooking? Why or why not? Who usually does the cooking in your home? https://www.facebook.com/groups/steamenglishclub/ 64 No sacrifice, no victory V STEAM ENGLISH CLUB REVIEW AND ASSIGNMENT Review  Vocabulary – Pronunciation –Grammar –Fluency  Fix some common mistakes and give advice  Share the way how to make a sentence related to food topic  Get + disease: mắc bệnh Ex: I get obesity because I’m too lazy to exercise  Impact on = Influence on: ảnh hưởng tới Ex: Our eating routine impacts on/influences on our weight obviously  Prevent smt: Phịng ngừa điều  Prevent + sb + from + doing smt: ngăn cản làm việc Ex: A healthy diet helps me to prevent various diseases It prevents me from countless eating  Keep sb on track: giữ tiếp tục hướng Ex: My parents always want to keep me on track when I start a healthy lifestyle Assignment  Learn all the new words in the lesson today and from the videos  Make a video which you need to imitate the video https://www.facebook.com/groups/steamenglishclub/ 65 No sacrifice, no victory VI STEAM ENGLISH CLUB TỪ VỰNG MỞ RỘNG (Tự học nhà) – bacon: thịt muối – donut: bánh rán – beef: thịt bò – fruit juice: nước ép hoa – chicken: thịt gà – fruit smoothie: sinh tố hoa – lamb: thịt cừu – hot chocolate: ca cao nóng – mince or minced beef: thịt bị xay – soda: nước có ga – sausages: xúc xích – lemonande: nước chanh – pork: thịt lợn – smoothies: sinh tố – veal: thịt bê – avocado smoothie: sinh tố bơ – butter: bơ – tomato smoothie: sinh tố cà chua – cheese: phô mai – mineral water: nước khống – goats cheese: phơ mai dê – orange squash: nước cam ép – margarine: bơ thực vật – iced tea: trà đá – yoghurt: sữa chua – Grape squash: Nước ép nho – fast food: đồ ăn nhanh – Mango smoothie: Sinh tố xoài – hamburger: bánh kẹp – Pineapple squash: Nước ép dứa – hotdog: xúc xích nóng – Papaya smoothie: Sinh tố đu đủ – condiments: đồ gia vị – Plum juice: Nước mận – ketchup: nước sốt cà chua nấm – Apricot juice: Nước mơ – mustard: mù tạt – Peach juice: Nước đào – pickle: hoa dầm – Rambutan juice: Nước chôm chôm – sandwich: bánh kẹp – Coconut juice: Nước dừa – potato chip: khoai tây chiên – Dragon fruit squash: Nước long – popcorn: ngô rang – Lychee juice: Nước vải https://www.facebook.com/groups/steamenglishclub/ 66 No sacrifice, no victory STEAM ENGLISH CLUB LESSON 12: HEALTH I VOCABULARY A health check Ex: We should have a health check frequently Do plenty of exercises Ex: He does plenty of exercises every day A health problem Ex: It might cause health problems if you eat a lot of fast-food Have a healthy lifestyle Ex: Do you have a healthy lifestyle? Relieve stress Ex: I often join in STEAM ENGLISH CLUB to relieve stress after a long day at work Physical health and mental health Ex: Being a healthy person means you have both physical health and mental health Have a sedentary lifestyle Ex: It is easy to get obese for those who have a sedentary lifestyle Heart attack Ex: Doing exercise does wonders for avoiding disease such as heart attack, obesity https://www.facebook.com/groups/steamenglishclub/ 67 No sacrifice, no victory II STEAM ENGLISH CLUB ROLE-PLAY Let’s watch the video then you need to imitate the reader Group 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQ3QndKvTvA&t=24s Group 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GsjEPRMzdw&t=236s III PRONUNCIATION Learn how to pronounce ending sounds correctly V + ED /t/ _ed phát âm /t/ sau động từ kết thúc âm vô (trừ âm /t/) /k/: cooked, talked, hitchhiked,… /s/: missed, kissed, forced,… /p/: hoped, slipped, stopped,… /f/: coughed,… /θ/: breathed,… /ʃ/: finished, pushed, punished,… /tʃ/: watched, touched, snatched,… /id/ _ed phát âm /id/ sau động từ kết thúc /t/ /d/ /t/: suggested, waited, started, visited, chatted, interrupted,… /d/: succeeded, pretended, intended, avoided, traded, demanded /d/ _ed phát âm /d/ sau động từ kết thúc âm hữu (trừ âm /d/) (bao gồm nguyên âm) /v/: lived, arrived, loved,… /m/: climbed, seemed,… /n/: cleaned, happened, learned… /l/: pulled, called, killed,… /ʤ/: changed, encouraged,… /g/: begged, shrugged,… /ð/: bathed,… /z/: increased, used, /b/: robbed, grabbed Vowels: tried, cried, played,…  When the people asked me when I started to learn English, I answered: “As I remembered, I learned when I entered the primary school”  I ended my exhausted day with a lot of things needed to be finished I washed dishes, cooked meals and climbed the trees to catch my cat because she visited some mice there when she was under the weather  Yesterday, I bathed my pets even they cried and begged me They intended to avoid me but I snatched an opportunity and succeeded to get them cleaned https://www.facebook.com/groups/steamenglishclub/ 68 No sacrifice, no victory IV STEAM ENGLISH CLUB DISCUSSION OR CHALLENGE Do you think you are healthy? In what way you try to stay healthy? Are you careful about what you eat? What are the benefits of playing sports? What are the most popular ways of keeping healthy in your country? V REVIEW AND ASSIGNMENT Review  Vocabulary – Pronunciation –Grammar –Fluency  Fix some common mistakes and give advice  Share the way how to improve your speaking skills  Sử dụng phương pháp shadowing (phương pháp vừa cải thiện phát âm, ngữ điệu cách sử dụng ngôn ngữ người ngữ)  Chọn video phù hợp với trình độ để nghe nói theo (ví dụ như: VOA learning English, Extra movies, Tedtalk,… )  Dành thời gian tập 15 phút ngày Assignment  Learn all the new words in the lesson today and from the videos  Make a video which you need to imitate it https://www.facebook.com/groups/steamenglishclub/ 69 No sacrifice, no victory STEAM ENGLISH CLUB HÃY BẮT ĐẦU TỪ NHỮNG VIỆC NHỎ NHẤT ĐỂ ĐẠT ĐƯỢC NHỮNG ĐIỀU LỚN LAO NHẤT! CHÚC CÁC BẠN THÀNH CÔNG! https://www.facebook.com/groups/steamenglishclub/ 70

Ngày đăng: 26/06/2023, 15:01

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