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Embedded System Design - Embedded Systems Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems, and the Internet of Things (Fourth Edition)

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Embedded Systems Peter Marwedel Embedded System Design Embedded Systems Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems, and the Internet of Things Fourth Edition Embedded Systems Series editors Nikil D Dutt, Irvine, CA, USA Grant Martin, Santa Clara, CA, USA Peter Marwedel, Dortmund, Germany This Series addresses current and future challenges pertaining to embedded hardware, software, specifications and techniques Titles in the Series cover a focused set of embedded topics relating to traditional computing devices as well as hightech appliances used in newer, personal devices, and related topics The material will vary by topic but in general most volumes will include fundamental material (when appropriate), methods, designs, and techniques More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/8563 Peter Marwedel Embedded System Design Embedded Systems Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems, and the Internet of Things Fourth Edition 123 Peter Marwedel TU Dortmund Dortmund, Germany ISSN 2193-0155 ISSN 2193-0163 (electronic) Embedded Systems ISBN 978-3-030-60909-2 ISBN 978-3-030-60910-8 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-60910-8 1st edition: Springer US 2006 2nd edition: Springer Netherlands 2011 3rd edition: Springer International Publishing 2018 © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2021 This book is an open access publication Open Access This book is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license and indicate if changes were made The images or other third party material in this book are included in the book’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material If material is not included in the book’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use The publisher, the authors, and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland This book is dedicated to my family members Veronika, Malte, Gesine, and Ronja Preface Why Should You Read This Book? While this book was written, i.e., in the year 2020, the so-called smart and intelligent systems were becoming available in increasing numbers Such systems use computers and other forms of information and communication technology (ICT) to provide services to humans, partially employing various kinds of artificial intelligence (AI) For example, recently introduced cars are increasingly capable of driving autonomously In avionics and rail-based transportation, driver-less transportation is already available or on the horizon The power grid is becoming smarter and the same applies to buildings All these systems are based on a combination of ICT and physical systems called cyber-physical systems (CPS) Such systems can be defined as “engineered systems that are built from and depend upon the synergy of computational and physical components” [412] Due to the direct interface between the physical and the cyber-world, cyber-physical systems have to be dependable The physical world also plays a key role in the definition of the related term “Internet of Things” (IoT), referring to the physical world as “things.” IoT “describes a variety of devices able to interact and cooperate with each other to reach common goals” [185] Examples of IoT applications include sensor networks or E-bikes that can be recollected due to available GPS information Both terms, CPS and IoT, are generalizing and extending the earlier term “embedded systems” (ES) Embedded systems are information processing systems that are embedded into an enclosing product [371] Compared to the term “embedded systems,” the terms CPS and IoT place more emphasis on physical objects, e.g., cars, airplanes, or smart devices The steep rise in the availability of embedded and, correspondingly, also cyberphysical systems was already predicted in 2001: “Information technology (IT) is on the verge of another revolution networked systems of embedded computers have the potential to change radically the way people interact with their environment by linking together a range of devices and sensors that will allow information to be collected, shared, and processed in unprecedented ways The vii viii Preface use throughout society could well dwarf previous milestones in the information revolution.” This citation from a report of the National Research Council in the USA [410] describes very nicely the dramatic impact of information technology in embedded systems This revolution has already had a major impact and is still continuing Terms like pervasive and ubiquitous computing, ambient intelligence, and “Industry 4.0” are also referring to the dramatic impact of changes caused by information technology This importance of embedded/cyber-physical systems and IoT is so far not well reflected in many of the current curricula However, designing the mentioned systems requires interdisciplinary knowledge and skills beyond the traditional boundaries of disciplines Obtaining an overview of such broad knowledge is very difficult, due to the wide range of relevant areas This book aims at facilitating the acquisition of knowledge from a kernel of relevant areas It is already a challenge to identify the kernel of this knowledge The book aims at being a remedy in this situation It provides material for a first course on such systems and includes an overview of key concepts for the integration of ICT with physical objects It covers hardware as well as software aspects This is in-line with the ARTIST1 guidelines for curricula of embedded systems: “The development of embedded systems cannot ignore the underlying hardware characteristics Timing, memory usage, power consumption, and physical failures are important” [85] This book has been designed as a textbook However, the book provides more references than typical textbooks and also helps to structure the area Hence, this book should also be useful for faculty members and engineers For students, the inclusion of a rich set of references facilitates access to relevant sources of information The book focuses on the fundamental bases of software and hardware Specific products and tools are mentioned only if they have outstanding characteristics Again, this is in-line with the ARTIST guidelines: “It seems that fundamental bases are really difficult to acquire during continuous training if they haven’t been initially learned, and we must focus on them” [85] As a consequence, this book goes beyond teaching embedded system design by programming micro-controllers The book presents the fundamentals of embedded systems design, which are needed for the design of CPS and IoT systems With this approach, we would like to make sure that the material taught would not be outdated too soon The concepts covered in this book should be relevant for a number of years to come The proposed positioning of the current textbook in engineering curricula related to ICT is explained in a paper [372] We want to relate the most important topics in this area to each other This way, we avoid a problem mentioned in the ARTIST guidelines: “The lack of maturity of the domain results in a large variety of industrial practices, often due to cultural habits curricula concentrate on one technique ARTIST is the acronym of an European network of excellence for embedded systems (see http:// www.artist-embedded.org and http://www.emsig.net) Preface ix and not present a sufficiently wide perspective As a result, industry has difficulty finding adequately trained engineers, fully aware of design choices” [85] The book should also help to bridge the gap between practical experiences with programming micro-controllers and more theoretical issues Furthermore, it should help to motivate students and teachers to look at more details While the book covers a number of topics in detail, others are covered only briefly These brief sections have been included in order to put a number of related issues into perspective Furthermore, this approach allows lecturers to have appropriate links in the book for adding complementary material of their choice Due to the rich set of references, the book can also be used as a comprehensive tutorial, providing pointers for additional reading Such references can also stimulate taking benefit of the book during labs, projects, and independent studies as well as a starting point for research The scope of this book includes specification techniques, system software, application mapping, evaluation and validation, hardware components, and the interface between the cyber- and the physical world (the cyphy-interface) as well as exemplary optimizations and test methods The book covers embedded systems and their interface to the physical environment from a wide perspective but cannot cover every related area Legal and socio-economic aspects, human interfaces, data analysis, application-specific aspects, and a detailed presentation of physics and communication are beyond the scope of this book The coverage of the Internet of Things is limited to areas linked to embedded systems Who Should Read the Book? This book is intended for the following audience: • Computer science (CS), computer engineering (CE), and electrical engineering (EE) students as well as students in other information and communication technology (ICT)-related areas who would like to specialize in embedded/cyberphysical systems or IoT The book should be appropriate for third-year students who have a basic knowledge of computer hardware and software This means that the book primarily targets senior undergraduate students.2 However, it can also be used at the graduate level if embedded system design is not part of the undergraduate program or if the discussion of some topics is postponed This book is intended to pave the way for more advanced topics that should be covered in follow-up courses The book assumes a basic knowledge of computer science EE students may have to read some additional material in order to fully understand the topics of this book This should be compensated by the fact that some material covered in this book may already be known to EE students This [411] is consistent with the curriculum described by T Abdelzaher in a report on CPS education x Preface • Engineers who have so far worked on system’s hardware and who have to move more toward software of embedded systems This book should provide enough background to understand the relevant technical publications • PhD students who would like to get a quick, broad overview of key concepts in embedded system technology before focusing on a specific research area • Professors designing a new curriculum for the mentioned areas How Is This Book Different from Earlier Editions? The first edition of this book was published in 2003 The field of embedded systems is moving fast, and many new results became available Also, there are areas for which the emphasis shifted In some cases, a more detailed treatment of the topic became desirable These changes were considered when the first German edition of the book was published in 2007 Corresponding updates were also incorporated into the second English edition published in the late 2010/early 2011 In the last decade, more technological changes occurred There was a clear shift from single core systems toward multi-core systems Cyber-physical systems (CPS) and the Internet of Things (IoT) gained more attention Power consumption, thermal issues, safety, and security became more important Overall, it became necessary to publish a third edition of this textbook The changes just described had a major impact on several chapters of the third edition This edition included and linked those aspects of embedded systems that provide foundations for the design of CPS and IoT systems The preface and the introduction were rewritten to reflect these changes Partial differential equations and transaction-level modeling (TLM) were added to the chapter on specifications and modeling The use of this book in flipped classroom-based teaching led to the consideration of more details, in particular of specification techniques For the third edition, the chapter on embedded system hardware includes multi-cores, a rewritten section on memories, and more information on the cyphy-interface (including pulse-width modulation [PWM]) Descriptions of field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) were updated and a brief section on security issues in embedded systems included The chapter on system software was extended by a section on Linux in embedded systems and more information on resource access protocols In the context of system evaluation, new subsections on quality metrics, safety/security, energy models, and thermal issues were included For this edition, the chapter on mapping to execution platforms was restructured: a standard classification of scheduling problems was introduced, and multi-core scheduling algorithms were added The description of hardware– software codesign was dropped The chapter on optimizations was updated and graphics were improved Assignments (problems) and a clearer distinction between definitions, theorems, proofs, code, and examples were added The current fourth edition is the first edition, which is available under an Open Access license This change reflects the increasing importance of access to knowledge via the Internet A key benefit is that this textbook becomes available to 406 References 62 Bouwmeester, D., Ekert, A., Zeilinger, A (eds.): The Physics of Quantum Information: Quantum Cryptography, Quantum Teleportation, Quantum Computation Springer, Berlin (2000) 63 Bouyssounouse, B., Sifakis, J (eds.): Embedded Systems Design, The ARTIST Roadmap for Research and Development 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