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PREDICTING THE EFFECTOF SHOT PEENINGONWELDFATIGUELIFE Se-Tak Chang and F. V. Lawrence. Jr. Department of Metallurgy and Mining Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, USA ABSTRACT An analytical model was developed to predict the effectof shot peeningonthefatiguelifeof a weld. The total fatiguelifeof a weld was considered to be composed of a crack initiation and crack propagation period. Residual stresses and the material properties ofthe peened surface were considered in the estimation ofthe crack initiation life but not in the crack propagation life. The shot-peened weld toe was considered to be a strain hardened and heavily plastic-deformed surface layer with altered material properties and high compressive residual stresses. Fatigue notch factors (Kf) were estimated using Peterson's equation and the Kf maximum concept. The max1mum compressive residual stresses at weld toe introduced by shotpeening were estimated from experimental data. Neuber's rule was used to determine the local stress-strain behavior and the mean stress established during the set-up cycle at weld toe. Fatigue tests of A514 grade F/E110 steel butt welds in theshot peened and as-welded conditions were conducted to verify the analytically predicted total fatigue lives. KEYWORDS Fatigueof weldments; shot peening; fatiguelife predictions; fatigue. IMPROVING THEFATIGUE RESISTANCE OF WELDS Thefatigue resistance of welds is generally less than that ofthe plain plate members which they join. Figure 1 shows the output of a fatigue data bank compiled by Munse (1) for mild steel butt welds. As shown in Fig. 1 for mild steel, the average fatigue strength of plain plate is significantly greater than that of welds. This loss in fatiguelife can be reduced by one of several methods: altering theweld geometry, c~mtrolling weld residual stresses or by improving the material properties which promote greater fatigue resistance. As will be discussed in this study, shotpeening is a very effective post-weld treatment which lengthens thefatiguelife by the latter two means. Thefatigue resistance of a weldment can never exceed thefatiguelifeofthe plain plate which it joins; therefore, no weldfatiguelife improvement scheme can lead to lives in excess ofthe plain plate fatigue resistance. This fact leads to the concept of maximum recoverable life, the difference between plain plate and weldment fatiguelife at a given stress (see Fig. 2). SP- f_E 461 462 PREDICTINGTHEFATIGUE RESISTANCE OF WELDS To permit the accurate prediction of weldment fatigue reistance and to provide a means of interrelating the parameters which improve thefatiguelifeof welds, an analytical model for estimating the total fatiguelifeof welds has been developed (2) which assumes that the total fatiguelifeof a weldment {NT) is composed of a fatigue crack initiation period {NI) and a fatigue crack propagation period {Np) such that: 100 80 60 40 <J> 20 -"' 0 <J> <J> ~ Ui x 0 ;:;: Fig. l. ~ U) 100 <J 80 ., "' 60 c 0 0: "' 40 "' ~ U) 20 10 4 10 Fig. 2. Mild Steel R = 0 AW = Butt Welds, As Welded PP = Plain Plate Lower Tolerance Limit- 99 '7o Survival 50'7o Confidence Level 95'7. Confidence Level Cycles To Failure, In Thousands Stress range versus cycles to failure for mild steel butt welds subjected to zero-to-tension loading. Thefatigue resistance of as-welded butt welds is generally less than thefatigue resistance of plain plate. A514/EIIO Bull Weld R=O t = 12.7mm (l/2in.) o- AW(<T, =+ Sy) Ktm =3.13 .p=90° 8=45° - PP(<T, =0) 1000 c a BOO ;:;: ui _ 600 <J _ ., 400 "' c 0 0: "' "' 200 ~ Ui 100 5 6 7 10 10 10 Reversals To Failure , 2N 1 The maximum recoverable lifeof ASTM A514/Ell0 butt welds. 463 The initiation portion oflife (N 1 ) is estimated using strain-control faigue data and is considered to consist ofthe number of cycles for the initiation of a fatigue crack(s) and its (their) early growth and coalescence into a dominant fatigue crack. Thefatigue crack propagation portion oflife (N ) is estimated using (long-crack) fatigue-crack propagation data assuming the "gppropriate" value ofthe initiated crack length (a 1 ). The base metal of a weld is seldom involved in thefatigue crack initiation pro- cess (Fig. 3); most fatigue cracks initiating at internal defects do so in tempered weld metal; toe cracks will initiate in the grain-coarsened heat affected-zone (high wetting angles) or in untempered, highly diluted weld metal (low wetting angles). Test data onweld metal and heat affected zone materials are generally unavailable and difficult to obtain experimentally, but it is possible to estimat~ roughly thefatigue strength coefficient (a;), the transition fatiguelife (2Ntr) , thefatigue strength exponent (b) and the mean stress relaxation exponent (k) from hardness (Fig. 4) determined by measurements performed in the region which thefatigue crack is expected to initiate (3). 5 For long-life fatigue (N 1 > 10 cycles), cyclic hardening and softening effects can usually be ignored, and generally elastic conditions may be asssumed. For such cases, N 1 can account for the major portion ofthe total fatiguelife and can be estimated using the Basquin relationship (4): where: aa = (a.f - a 0 ) [2N 1 Jb (2) aa is the stress amplitude, a.f is thefatigue strength coefficient, a 0 is the mean stress including weld residual as well as remote mean stress, 2N 1 is the reversals to fatigue crack initiation, and b is thefatigue strength exponent. The notch-root stress amplitude, the stress at the critical region in theweld (weld toe or internal defect), can be taken as ~S/2 Kf so that Eq. 2 becomes: ~S Kf = (a.f - a 0 ) [2N 1 Jb (3) where: 65 is the remote stress range, and Kf is thefatigue notch factor (also Kfmax)· A difficulty in proceeding with thelife estimation calculation suggested by Eq. 3 is determining the appropriate value of Kf for theweld toe. This difficulty arises from the fact that the notch-root radius of a discontinuity such as theweld toe is unknown and variable. Microscopic examination ofweld toes reveals *The transition fatigue life, Ntr• is defined as thefatiguelife at which the elastic and plastic strains are equal. 464 that practically any value of radius can be observed (see Fig. 7); thus, notches such as weld toes must be considered to have all possible values of notch-root radius which conclusion has led to the idea of a maximum value of Kf for a given weld shape, Kfmax (2). Kf can be estimated using Peterson's equation: K - 1 K 1+-t __ f = 1 + ~ r (4) where: Kt is the elastic stress concentration factor, 5 _2 for steels (mm), a is a material parameter(~ 1.08 x 10 Su ), r is the notch-root radius (mm), and Su is the ultimate strength (MPa). The elastic stress concentration factor (Kt) can be estimated using finite element methods as a function of assumed notch root radii (r) for a given we 1 d geometry (Fig. 5). Assuming the general form of Kt for welds (5): where: lj2 Kt = 1 + a ( t I r) ( 5) a is a constant determined by theweld geometry and type of loading and t is the plate thickness. Fig. 3. Typical locations offatigue crack initiation in a butt weld. Fatigue cracks can initiate: in diluted, untempered weld metal (A); in the heat affected zone close to the line of fusion (B); and in tempered weld metal (C). 465 10 4 "' 0 10 3 E "' > "' b Cl: - z C\1 _.,.,"'~+50 2 -log 2N 1 =-Q00633BHN +5.463 ll SAE 1045 ll SAE 1045 ll 0 o SAE 950 C o SAE 950 C o SAE 950 X 10 o SAE 950 X • Van- 80 • Van -80 • A36 (BM, HAZ, WM) ol A36 (BM, HAZ, WM) e A514 (BM, HAZ, WM) e A514 (BM, HAZ, WM) 00 I 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Hardness, BHN Hardness, BHN -0.14 -0.5 -b., _J._ log ( 2(BHN+IOO)) ll<l2 A36 Group A514 Group 6 BHN (•m = ±0.005) (•m = ± 0.004) ll SAE 1045 ±0.002 ll 0 -0.12 0 o SAE 950 C -0.4 f- ±0.003 • o SAE 950 X ±0004 'V 0 • Van -80 0 ol A36(BM,HAZ,WM) e A514 (BM,HAZ, WM) c "' -0.10 c -0.3- 0 'V a. ll " 'V w -'V .c c .2 'V -0.08 0 -0.2- ll " __,___ 0 .2 "' Cl: 0 ll ~~ -0.06 -0.1- ll 0 1\ • • -0.040 0 ~~ I I 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Hardness, BHN Hardness, BHN Fig. 4. Variation of of' b, 2Ntr' and k with Brinnel Hardness (BHN). Substituting this into Eq. 4 and differentiating with respect to (r) to obtain the maximum value of Kf, Kfmax= 1J2 lj2 ) ( ) Kfmax = 1 + (a/2}(t/a) " 1 + .0015a Sut (for steel 6 466 As seen in Fig. 5, Kt always increases with decreasing (r), but Kf passes through a maximum (Kfmaxl at rcrit equal to "a" in Peterson's equation (Eq. 4). Kfmax should be the largest possible value of Kf for theweld shape and material 1n question. Because "a" is dependent upon the ultimate strength (Su), higher strength steels will have higher values of Kfmax for the same weld shape. In addition, Kfmax depends upon the shape oftheweld and the type of loading to which it is subjected (a), and upon the size or scale ofthe weldment (t). Using Eq. 6 and the observed variation in fatigue properties with hardness (Fig. 4), Eq. 3 can be rewritten: where: s = a Su + 344 - crr 1+.0015a Sut I thefatigue strength at 2N 1 (R = -1), and crr is the residual stress at weld toe. (7) Thefatigue strength of steel weldments predicted by Eq. 7 is a function of Su and is plotted in Fig. 6 6 for three assumptions ofweld toe residual stress (crr) at a fatiguelifeof 10 cycles. 5.0 , , , , 0 4> = 90° 8 = 60° I t = 25mm I s I I I \(Kt 180-8 \ ~ (Ktlmax = 3.31 \ \ \ '\ - (Ktlmax = 2.68 ' ', r (mm) s Fig. 5. Variations of Kfmax with strength level (Su) and consequent changes in the material parameter a. 467 For the assumption of no residual stress, it can be seen that thefatigue resistance of a steel weldment continues to increase with increasing Su even though the increase in ~f due to the increase in Su is partially offset by a larger Kfmax· Under the assumption of positive residual stresses equal to the base metal yield strength (cr = + S ), thefatigue limit is no longer a strong function of s but increasesronly srightly and then, for the case considered, decreases wit~ increases in Su above 550 MPa. Thus, increasing the strength (Su) of weldments in the as-welded condition may actually decrease their fatigue strength due to the combined effects of increasing Kfmax and crr· When the mean stress relaxes during cycling, the current value of mean stress (a 0 ) may be estimated by (6): where: cro (2Ni - l)k 0 os cro current value of mean stress, 0 os initial value of mean stress, 2Ni elapsed reversals, and k relaxation exponent (a function of strain amplitude). Su , MPa 100 200 400 600 1000 200 400 IOOr-~~ ~~, +~~rrTr~ ,~~_,~;, 600 0 (f) Fig. 6. ~-8 s~s Ktmox r 50 Su, ksi 400 200 100 ct' 80 :::;: 60 cn° 40 20 10 Predicted influence of ultimate strength (Su) onthefatigue strength of a steel butt weld at 106 cycles. (8) 468 Assuming that the notch-root strains are essentially elastic (2N 1 > 2Ntr) the damage per cycle is: 1 2Ni (9) Using the Palmgren-Miner rule of cumulative damage and Eqs. 8 and 9, thefatigue crack initiation life under conditions of relaxing mean stress can be calculated by integrating the equation below using approximate methods (6): and solving for the upper limit of integration 1 1 ( :: r (~ ( 2N. )k )b 0 os 1 , d(2N.) of 1 1 Fig. 7. Appearance of as-welded weld toe (above) and shot-peened weld toe(below)at 45x. (Scanning electron microscope micrographs) (10) 469 The total fatiguelife {NT) is considered to be the sum ofthe crack initiation life and thefatigue crack propagation life {Eq. 1). When initiation occurs at an obvious defect such as a pore, slag pocket or deep notch, the size ofthe initiated crack length (ai) may be taken as the dimension ofthe defect. Thus, thefatigue crack propagation life {Np} may be calculated taking the defect size as ai and added to the estimate of NI using Eq. 3 (naturally in the case of serious defects NI may be rather short) to obtain NT· Problems arise in the instance ofweld aiscontinuities such as weld toes which are serious defects but not deep notches. In this case, the value ofthe initiated crack length (ai) is not clear. It has been past practice to assume arbitrarily that ai was .01-in. regardless ofthe stress level or the material (2). Recent work by Chen (7} has provided an alternative strategy for the definition of ai. For fatigue failure to occur, an ai just greater than the length of a non-propagating crack (ath) must be provided by the process offatigue crack initiation. Thus, at long lives, ai should be just a little larger than ath· INFLUENCE OFSHOTPEENINGONTHEFATIGUELIFEOF WELDMENTS The analytical model discussed in the previous section provides a means of exploring ways to improve thefatigue resistance of weldments. Since thefatigue crack initiation life {NI} dominates at long lives for low Kt notches such as weld toes, the long lifefatigue resistance of weldments can be improved principally by increasing NI, that is by: reducing the severity ofthe critical notch (i.e., reducing Kf to va 1 ues 1 ess than Kfmax or reducing the abso 1 ute va 1 ue of Kfmax through the production of less severe weldment shapes); by controlling resldual stresses; and by improving material properties. Thus reducing the height oftheweld crown (e = 45°+15°) should increase thefatigue strength from 0 +A in Fig. 6. Stress relief (o = +S + 0} should increase thefatigue strength from 0 + B. Over-sfressi~g in tension should induce compressive residuals (or= +S +- S) and increase thefatigue strength as much as from 0 + C, while shot ~eening should increase the strength ofthe material in the region offatigue crack initiation and induce very large compressive residual stresses and thus result in the largest ofthe above improvements, 0 + D. To apply the analytical model for weldment fatiguelife it is assumed that the Kfma~ condition occurs for shot-peened weldments. Scanning electron microscope exam1nations ofthe peened weld toes have shown that the peened surfaces are very rough and consist of overlapping shot impact craters: see Fig. 7. The values ofthe compressive residual stresses induced by shotpeening have been measured (8} and found to be a function ofthe initial hardness ofthe peened metal {Fig. 8}. Thefatigue properties of' b and k were estimated from the hardness ofthe peened material at theweld toe at a depth of 200 ~m: see Figs. 4 and 9. FATIGUE TESTS ON SHOT-PEENED ASTM-A514 WELDMENTS ASTM-A514 structural steel weldments were fabricated for a study ofthe effects ofshotpeeningonfatigue resistance. The material properties are given in Tables 1, 2, and 3. The A514 steel plates were ground to remove mill scale. Bead-on plate weldments were fabricated by depositing a weld bead on one side of a steel plate using a semi-automatic GMA welding apparatus (process parameters are given in Table 4). Shotpeening was performed on these weldments prior to final machining. Test pieces were saw-cut from the welded and post-welded treated plates and machined to dimensions shown in Fig. 10. Shotpeeningoftheweld toe region was performed by a local shotpeening company. Total peening coverage was insured by Peenscan {8}. All process parameters suggested by theshotpeening company are listed in Table 5. 470 UTS(MPol 1000 1500 2000 -150r r : _;,:;_;:-: =: ;.:: ; 1000 0 "' Q_ ""' :::;: - "' 900 .; "' ! "' ~ (f) (j, 0 0 ::> "0 ::> ·u; "0 "' ·u; 0:: "' 0:: >< x 0 0 :::;: 800 :::;: •100 700 100 200 300 UTS (ksi l 17 34 43 50 57 Rc Fig. 8. Relationship between ultimate strength and max- imum residual stress induced by shotpeening (8). TABLE 1 Chemical Compositions of Base Metal and Welding Electrode Base Metal Weldin9 Elect rode Element (%) A514* EllO* Mn .82 1.70 p .012 .005 s .019 .009 Si .23 .46 Cu .27 Ni .76 2.40 Cr .54 .05 Mo .47 .50 v .06 .02 B .004 A1 .003 Ti .025 *Ladle compositions supplied by the manufacturers [...]... Professor JoDean Morrow ofthe Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics for his advice and help and Patrick Murzyn for his help in the experimental portions ofthe study and for providing the SEM micrographs The authors are particularly indebted to the Metal Improvement Company {Chicago Division) for shotpeeningthe weldments and supplying a great deal of technical information onthe shot- peening. .. Peened -Shot- Peened (Cycled) \ z > I , 300- 200 0 TOE Fig 9 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Distance (p.m) Vickers hardness (VHN) inward from theweld toe for as-welded and (cycled and uncycled) shot- peened specimens 473 A comparison ofthe experimental results and predictions of the effects ofshotpeeningonthefatigue resistance of ASTM A514 weldments using Eqs 1 and 10 is given in Fig 11 The predicted... at the new toe nearly equa to the Kf and thereby give complete recovery Shot- peening is particularly effective in incre~sin~ thefatiguelifeof a weldment up to its plain plate life for ratios of Kf /Kf in the range 1 to approximately 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was principally supported by the University of Illinois Fracture Control Program which is funded by a consortium of midwest industries The. .. lives ofthe shot- peened and as-welded specimens agree well with the experimental observations THE CONCEPT OF MAXIMUM RECOVERABLE LIFEThe maximum possible improvement in weldment fatiguelife (maximum recoverable life or MRL) can be predicted using the analytical model discussed (Eq 3): ~ [ 1 t::.S ( 0 I f p Kf p - t::.S bp ]0 ( 11) p) o w Kf 2 (of W- o~) J 1 bw when: p w 2NI, 2NI Initiation life of. .. performed on several of the peened weldments (Fig 9) Peening produced no observable changes in the microstructure but induced a great increase in hardness at approximately 500 vm below the surface SEM investigations ofweld toes showed sufficient surface discontinuities to use the Kf(max) condition for all cases (Fig 7) Fatigue failures initiated at the original weld toes \ \ \ \ As-Welded - - - Shot- ... Total fatiguelife predictions for shot- peened and as-welded ASTM A514/Ell0 bead -on- plate weldments together with experimental results for T.I.G dressed ,shot- peened and as-welded bead -on- plate weldments w (14) ~1here: S0 remotely applied mean stress and 475 weld toe residual stress Therefore, Equations 13 and 14 result in: K/ < crfW_ crr K p f ,P0 f (15) Equation 15 shows the quantitative relation between... to both sides of each specimen to monitor bending stresses A proper distance from theweld toe to the strain gauges was maintained to guarantee that the monitored strains would be independent oftheweld toe stress concentration and would approximate the nominal surface strain Specimens were fatigue tested in a 100 kip MTS machine under load control (R=O) at 5Hz The bending strain due to nominally... assuming that cr' " 1 5 crf: , the ranges of Kf /Kf which will permit the maximum possible imprbvement in weldment fatigue l1fe are given in the table below: TABLE 6 Estimated Effectof Post Weld Treatments Treatment crr Range of K~/K~ for MRL stress relief 0 1 over stressing SUBM -Sy "'- -2- 1 reduction in Kf SUBM Sy -2- shot- peening w -0.5 (Jf = 0 1.5 + 2 + 1+ 1 + 3 Thefatigue notch factor (Kf) can... relation between the three controllable factors for completely regaining the recoverable fatiguelife (MRL = 0) and implies that recovery does not depend on stress range (6S) or R (= Smi /Smax) ratio, but strongly depends onthe factors of geometry (Kf), residua~ stress (crr) and material property (crf) If Eq 15 is applied t~ several ~ost -weld treatment~ fo~ improving weldfatigue life, assuming that... and weldment, respectively, p w Kf' Kf Fatigue notch factor for plain plate and weldment, respectively, ,p ,w of ' ofFatigue strength coefficient for plain plate and weldment HAZ, (after post weld treatment) respectively, p w oo ' oo Mean stress for plane plate and weld toe, respectively, bp bw Fatigue strength exponent for ~lane plate and weldment HAZ, respectively, and t::.S Remote stress range The . predict the effect of shot peening on the fatigue life of a weld. The total fatigue life of a weld was considered to be composed of a crack initiation and crack propagation period and the material properties of the peened surface were considered in the estimation of the crack initiation life but not in the crack propagation life. The shot- peened weld toe. the weld toe for as-welded and (cycled and uncycled) shot- peened specimens. 473 A comparison of the experimental results and predictions of the effects of shot peening on the