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Outcomes 1 elementary Vocabulary

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Vowel li l see lsi:l Itl win lwnl lil very I'vetil lel every I'evtil lal cat lk@tl lo.I farm lfo:m/ lo I clock /klok/ lt. I wall lwt) I lul book lbukl lu'.l moon /mu:n/ lnl cup lknpl 13 l world lwildl lal letter /'leta/ Guide to Pronunciation Symbols Consonant lpl tbt Itl tdt tkt lsl Itt lsl lzl ttt lml tht t0t tbt ilt ltl t{t tBt l\l Sounds pet bed time dog king garden fox, leaf van same zebra, is lig ht mat name hot red you ng what bath weather fashion television / pet/ lbedl llatm I ldosl lkrtl I go.danl lfoksl,llif I lvanl /sell"r,l I zebral,lrzl llaftl lma-tl I netm I lhotl lredl I irrr) I lwotl lbo 0l /we6a/ l'falanl / , telr'vBan/ l{i pl, lka{l I'B,^mpal lsprr4l cheap, catch jumper spring Stress is shown with marks like these ' 'showstheprimarystress inaword.Forexample, l' qo danl ghz . shows the secondary stress. For example, / . tell'vBan/ bbdLkw Remember! Sound is not the same as spelling, for exam ple, the word 'r'finishes with the letter 's' but the soond is lzl lzl iL When writing the sound of a word (its phonemic transcription), always put lines like these //on either side of the word: lva-nl m INTRODUCTION TO OUTCOMES VOCABUARY BUILDER Learning new language helpsyou to growyour vocabulary and become more fluent.The best wayto learn vocabulary is to do a little revision regula rly.That's whatthe Outcomes Vocabulary Builder (OVB) will help you with. What each entry contains . Aftereachentrythereisaspace.Writethetranslationoftheentryinyourlanguage. . Thereisthenalistofuptosixtypical collocationsandphrasesthatthewordisusedwith. . Regularwordbuildingboxesgiveextrainformationoncommonverbs,forexample,do,make,giveandgo. capital Modrid is the capital of Spain. What's the - of Cermany? / l'm from the - / I live in the - / the ^ ** d€*-f-=#J -d* d How the OVB is organised It is organised to make it quick and easyto use in class and to revise at home. . EachunitintheOVBcontainsthemostimportantnewwordsfromexercises,textsandlisteningsintheunlt ofthe 5tudent's Book. . TheunitsarethendividedaccordingtoeachdoublepageoftheStudent'sBookandthewordswithinthose pages are written in alphabetlcal order. . At the end ofeach unit there are exercises to do. . There is an answer key at the back ofthe book. Ways you can use the OVB Read theword listbeforeyou studythe unit in the book. Translate all the wordsyou don't know based on the explanation. Check the collocations for each word. Do they make sense? Are any different to your language? ln ciass, if you have forgotten a word, look it up again.Write out the collocation list and add one of your own Cover words in the list and say or write phrases with the word.Then compare with the collocation list. Choose five to ten words from the list to learn each day. Put eight new words in a story using the collocations listed. Do the exercises at the end of each u n it some lime after you've done it ln class. Then check the a nswers in the key. Write a list of the wordsyou find difficult to remember and write sentences usingthe words. (two vowels together) letl wait /wert/ laal phone lfeanl latl mine lmanl laal house /haus/ l>tl noise lnttzl lDl near lntal leal hair lheol laa I pu re lpiao I Paces 16-tl capital _: Madrid is the capital of Spoin. / what s the - af Aermany? / l'm from the - / I live in the-/the-city class _: Miguel is in my class. / the people in my - / everyone in my - / study after each - / what timc is the - tomorrow? come ." "" '" "_: Come in and sit down. / please - in / doyou wantto - in? / - and sit next to me / - here / - and see me after the class country : Brazil is a great country. / which part ofthe - are you from? / I live in the north ofthe - / a big - / a small - / travel to dffirent countries east _: / live in the east of Hungary. / it's in - London / in the north ofthe country / in the south The opposite is west: ltt west ofTokyo everyone " :Say the names of everyone in the class. / talk to - / - enjoys working here / where is -? family " " _: My family name3 Hernandez. / there arefour people in my - / I comeJrom a big - / o small - / they are a nice - / meet her - first _: My first nome's Maria. / what's your - name? / my - day at school / the - ofJanuary / win - prize / who's -? / who wants to go -? grandparents _: I live with my grandparents. / visit my - at the weekend / where are your - from? / I don't see my - very oJten interview : Miguel has an interview at a language school. / listen to the - / an - for a job / a lab - / an - with a fomous person. lnterview is also a verb: interview someone for a job / - me live _: / live in Lisbon. / where do you -? / l- in aflat / l- with myfamlly / l- an my awn / I - near ttte river / I don't - far from here meet *: Nice ta meet yau. / I - lots of interesting people / - me at the cinema / - me in ten minutes / what time do you want to -? 2 OUTCOMES middle : 1 live in the middte of the country. / the - af Paris / in the - ofthe night / my - nome need _: I need some help. / I - d job / I - to learn English / l - a drink / I don't - it n t(e Nice to meet you. / it's a - city / some - shops / a - hotel / a - beach / a - place north '.' " : I live in the north of Brazil. / in the east of the country / the - west / I come from the - The opposite is south: it's in South America pair _: Work in pairs. / repeat the conversation in -s / a - of shoes / a - of glasses parente _: I live with my parents. / where areyour -from? / my - arefrom Cosablanca / Lame cnd meet my' / my - are very nit e part _: Which part of Slovakia are you from? / peaplefrom dffirent -s oJthe world / the first - ofthefilm pf ace ' _: Describe the place where you live. / Bern is a very nice - / it's a great - to live say " _:5ay the names of everyone in your class. / - that again / how do you - that in English? / the newspaper -s the fllm s good sit ' " : Come in. Sit down. / do you want ta - down? / - on thefloor / - near the windaw / - next to yau student ' : l'm a student. / talk ta the other -s / a - at Manchester University / live in a -Jlat try ' Try to say his name. / - to learn / - to help / - to wcrk / do you want to - this cake? Pacrs 18-19 art gallery '' : There's an att gallery in the city centre. / visit an - / go to an - / there are two ort galleries in the city / o modern - beach church There's a church in my town. / on old - / go to - / look round the - / a - service cinema _: What's on at the cinema today? / go to the - to see a film / there are two -s in the town / meet at the - / a small - / a biq - ctty _: Paris is a beautiful cily. / a big - / a small - / travel round the - / work in the - centre / the capital - compare : Compare the photos - are they the same or dtfJerent? / - your ideas with a partner / - yaur answers crime :There's o lot oJ crime in some parts ofthe city. / not much - here / the problem of - / a lot ofviolent - / see o - /Jight - factory ""._: I work in a factory. / a job in a - / a big - / a small - / an old - / a modern - / a car - / a clothes - / apen a new - / close the - famous _: lt's a very Jamous building. / - people / a - actor / a - singer / the city is -for its palace/aworld-hotel great " _: lt's a great place to live! / some - shops / a - beach / a -film / I like him - he's -! / - Jun! / you look -! fhere's a hotel near the qallery. / a cheap - / afive-star - / a big - / a small - / stay in a - / arrive at the - / check in at the - idea lhat's a qood idea! / a qreat - / some interesting -s / a bad - / I have qn - / I don't agree with the - / compare your -s information _: I want some infurmation aboutthe city./ askfor more - / I need more - / useful - / lookfor - on the lnternet / the - desk iob _' There are a lot of jobs at thefactory. / a - in a restaurdnt / a very boring - / a good - / have a - / lookfor a - / get a new - near ' _:The hotel is near the beach. / a city - the sea / I live - the park / it's quite - the river / myflat is - the station / I live - here nice _: There's a nice beach. / some - shops / he's very - / a - place to live / -food / - weather / have a - day / you look - today / he seems very - / the soup tastes - old _: My grandparents are very old now. / some beautiful - buildings / - people / an - car / an -film / - clothes / how - are you? palace ""." " _:The king lives in a palace in the capitcl. / a beautiful old - / visit the - park Theres a nice park in the town. / take the kids tothe - / some lovely -s / a big - / c small - / go to the - / have a picnic in the - partner ' ' ' _: Work with a partner. / compare answers with a - / my tennis - / I live with my - people tThere are 75 people in my class. / a lot of - / meet some interesting - / old - / young - restaurant _: We sometimes go to a restaurantfor lunch. / have a meal in a - / an Italian - / a cheap - / an expensive - / a nice - river : The river goes through the city. / a beautiful - / ga across the - / swim in the - safe :The city isn't saJe.There's a lot of crime / it isn't - at night / a very - place to live / I dontfeel - shopping _: I often go shopping at the weekends. / there are some great places to go - / I need to go - / I love -! / I hate -! / spend all day - small _: Romney is a small town. / a - hotel / a - caJd / a - house / a - building / a - school. The opposite isbig: a biq city / a big house station : Do you want to meet at the truin station? / the bus - / the police - town _: I live in a small town near Prague. / a very nice - / a - in the north / go shopping in - traffic _:There's a lot of tralfic in the city. / heovy - / stop at the - lights fhere are a lot oftrees in the park. / some very big -s / tall -s / an old - / sit under a - t climb -s / plant some -s / cut down a - Pacss 20-21 angry_tSometimes lget angry with the kids. / lfeel - / l'm - with him / I'm very - about boring _: I don't enjoy my job. lt's boring. / a -Jilm / a - book / he's - / a - class.Iheopposite is interestingl rn interesting baok boss _: lf I don't do my work. my boss gets angry. / a good - / a nice - / I need to askthe - / have a meeting with the - / you're the -! brother _: I have two btother' and a sister. / an older - / a younger - / a twin - / a baby fhe opposite is sister bus _r / usually walk to work or get the bus. / miss the - / get on the - / get ofJ the - / wait at the - stop / there's a good - service clea ner l'm a cleaner in a hotel. / work as a - / a hospital - / a school - / an ofJice - It's a nice sandy beach. / go ta the- for the day / there are some lovely -es / sit on the - / a day at the - / swim at the - beautiful " " _:There's a beauttful old church. / a - building / a - woman / o - city / - music / some - countryside / a - park / it looks - best : I love New York! lt's the best place to live! / the - beaches are in the south / my - friend / where's the - place to go? The opposite is worst: the worst job in the world! building _:The cathedral is o very big building. / same beoutiful old -s / new - / a tall - / what's that -? / lwork in that - / go tnto the - caf€ _: Let's go to a cafdfor a drink. / a small - / a nice - / meet afriend in a - / sit in a - cathedral :There's a cathedral in the city. / a lovely old - / visit the - / go to the - a setvice in the - / look round the - / sit in the - cheap " : lt is a cheap hotelfor students. / a - restauront / - clothes / a - cafd / a - place to live. The opposite is expensive: an expensive rcstaurant / expensive shops clinir I m a ndrsP in a (linic. / go lo a . / an appotntment at a - / a private - clothes _: I enjoy buying new clothes. / go shopping Jor - / old - / designer - / a - shop (ompany " " : Microsoft is a big company. / a small - / a multi-national - / workfor a - construction _: I workfor a - company / the - ofa new hotel / a new school is under -,/ department _: lworkfor a government department. / the traffic - / the - of Education department store _ t l'm a shop assistant in a big department store. / work in a - / go to o - designer : I want to work as a designer. / a fashion - / a clothes - / a qorden - / - clothes different _: Are the photos the same or dffirent? / I want a -job / I workJor a - company naw / it's very - here / we go to - schools doctor " "' "" | He\ a doctor in the hospital. / o very good - / go to the - / call the - early "." "" " _: I don't want to get up - it's too early! / start - in the morning / leave - / get an - Ua i n. f he opposite is late: a r rive I ate VOCABUTARY BUITDER 3 I I engineer _: He wants to be an engineer. / work as an - / qet a job as an - / an electrical - enjoy _: Do you enjoy your job? / I don't - working here / l- sport / l-watchingfilms / l- shopping / - your meal / - your holiday football _: Football's my favourite sport. / he loves - / play - / have a game of - / o - shirt free _: My class finishes at three, so l'm free then. / are you - this evening? / l'm - this afternoon / what do you do in your - time? get up ." _t I get up at seven in the morning. / whot time do you -? / - early / - late government : I workfor the government. / the local - / elect a new - / I don't agree with the - help _: I sometimes help him with his homework. / I'll - you with your work. / can you - me? Help ts also a noun: do you need some help? home "" "" " _: Some people work at home. / live at - with yaur parents / go - / stay at - / leave - / your - address hospital " "" " " : l'm a nurse and I work at the hospital. / she's in - / goto - / take him to - hours _: What hours do you work? / I wark long-/lworkstrange- important : A doctor is a very important job. / this is very - / an - letter / an - meeting / some very - people / it's - to listen carefully interesting _: I enjoy my job. lt's interesting. / meet some - people / an - idea / an - book / an - magazine / it's really - / this looks - / it sounds The opposite is boring: a boring 1ob journalist _: He's a journalist Jor the Times Newspaper. / work as a - / wont to be a - / a newspaper - / a sports - / a television - kid _: They are married ond they've got two -s / he's a great - / I don't want -s / I love -s leave ." _: I leave the house at eight every morning / the train -s at 9.15 / it's time to - / - work at six o'clock / - home / - school local _: The kids go to the local school. / a - newspaper / my - shops / the - people Iong _: lt's a long film -four hours! / a - holidoy / wait a - time / work - hours.Ihe opposite is shoft: a short journey / o short fllm love _: i /ove my job. / he -s his kids / I - shopping! / I - that book / I - ltalianfood / I - you! The opposite is hate: I hate shopping! magazine _: I enjoy reading fashion magazines. / a women's - / a gardening - / a travel -/reada-/buya- manager _: I'm a manager for a construction company. / work as a - / the - of the restaurant / a bank - / the department - morning _: I start work at eight in the morning. / good -! / what a lovely -! / work all - / spend the - shopping / see you tomorrow - / mother _: I live with my mother and father. / my - is a doctor / a single - / she's a very good - 4 OUTCOMES night _: lfinish work at eight at night. / work all - / on Saturday - / good -! nothing _:There's nothing to do in this town. / there's - in thefridge / there's - to eat / do - all day play _, Do you ploy football? / - tennis / - ruqby / - the piono / - the guitar / - well police _: The police flght crime. / a - olficer / go to the - station t call the - read _: I love reading magazines. / - the newspaper / learn to - / I want to - that book school ' _: My mother is a teacher. She works in a school in Brussels. / a language - / a big - / a small - / a very good - / go to - / leave - / work hard at - / learn English at - I work long hours, so I don't see my Jamily very ofien. / - you tomor{ow / - some friends in the park / go and - a film at the cinema shop""." " " "" "." : I work in a shop. / a - assistant / a clothes - / a shoe - / aJood - / same great -s in the city / go to the -s / go into the - shout ".""._: Sometimes he gets angry and shouts at me. / stop -ing! / -Jor help speak _: I speak French and English. / do you - English? / sorry, I don't - Spanish / - slowly /-quietly/-toSara The film starts at 8.40. / the classes - tomorrow / what time does the film -? / - work at eight.Start is also a noun: the start ofthe race strange "." "." " _: I don't work from nine to five every day - I work sirange hours. / she has some - ideas sametimes / that's a bit - / he seems very - studio " _: He works in a studio. / a design - / a television - / a film - / go to my - swimming " " ""_, t oJlen go >wimming on Saturdays. / I love - / - in the sea / areyou good at -? / a - costume / a - pool / a - race take _: I usually walk or take the bus. / - the train to work / - a plane from Landon / - a taxi tax office _: She works in the tax office. / ga to the - / write to the - / a letter from the - teach ' ' : l'm a teacher. I teoch English. / what do you -? / where do you -? / - French / - in a language school / - young kids to swim train " _:You can get a train at the station. / take the - to work / go by - / travel by - / get on 7L, - t geL olf lhe - / a long - purney university : I want to go to university when I leave school. / a biq - / a small - / a good - / study Enqlish ot - / leave - / a - student weekend ' ' " ' : I don't work at the weekend. / see you at the - / hove a nice - / meet friends at -s wife _: He's got a wife and three kids. / this is Sara, my - / his - is o doctor work 1 wark in a haspital. / - in a shop / - from nine to five / - at weekends / - long hours / - on Sundays / - hard / -for a small company.Work is also a noun: start work at eight / go to - EXERCISES Pn g postttolv s Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 1 l'm the north of ltaly. 2 Paris is the capital France. 3 I live my two daughters. 4 I meet lots interesting people in my job 5 How many students are your class? 6 Do you want to go an art gallery? 7 There's a good film the cinema. 8 You have the best job the world! Choose the co[ect preposition. L l have a job in / oyfa resta u ra nt. 2 \Ne goto /forlhe park on Sundays. 3 I leave lhe office on / al Sp.m. 4 I want to go away Jor / in the weekend. 5 I h;s street isn t safe in / ot night. 6 She goes to school on r by train. 7 I work from 83o of / to S:3o. Wono Farvrnres Look at the underlined words. Are they verbs or nouns? 1 I have a job interview on Friday. 2 We don't interview people on the phone. 3 Can I help you? 4 You can always ask for hej. 5 We have an early 5QIL tomorrow. 6 I start work at 8:3o a.m Cor.r.ocarrorus Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Look up the verbs if you need heIp. go start miss meet loof liyg so need 1 Do you want to first? 2 Ni.eto you. 3 I think he a drinkl 4 What tlrne do you work? 5 You greatl 6 a nice day. 7 I don't want to the bus. 8 lt's time to home. Complete the sentences with the nouns in the box. Look up the nouns if you need help, mother office address costume job manager help meal 1 He has a nine-to-five 2 I here's a letter from the tax 3 I need a new swimming 4 5he's a sing1e 5 He's a bank 6 What's your home ? 7 Doyou need some ? 8 Enjoy your Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the box. Look up the adjectives if you need help. free first middle violent nice electrical five star best time? Congratulationsl You win p(ize Eden is my name. She's very You'll like her He's my friend What do you do in your 1 2 3 4 5 1 I love 2 How old 3 You're 4 That's a bit 5 | work 6 He's a 7 See you 8 Call the 6 There's a lot of crime in this area. 7 We're staying in a hotel. 8 He's an engineer. Match the two halves of the sentences. a) long hours b) strange. c) the boss! d) areyou? e) youl f) police. g) tomorrow. h) great kid. VOCABULARY BUILDER 5 Paars 22-23 busy " " _: 5o rry, l'm busy. / l'm alwoys - on Mondoys / hove a - life / o - doy / a - week / it's - in town today / a - shop / o - restauront chat _: Do you like chatting on the lnternet? / - to friends / - about music / - for two hours. Chat is also a noun: have a chat / o little- / a long - computer _: Do you like ploying computer gomes? / ploy on the - / work on the - / be on the - oll doy / - software / o - progrom / need o new - dance I like dancing, / - to the music / - together / want to - / have a */ be good at dancing / go out dancing dinner " " _: Do you wont to go outfor dinner? / have - ot eight o'clock / have - in o restauront / have - with friends / cook - / a - porty / whot'sJor -? / the - table / go for a wolk afier - each other " _ _: A,sk each ather questions. / tdlk ta - / listen to - / look at - expensive ' : I like expensive clothes. / buy - things / on - restauront / an - hotel / going out is - / the food's really - there.fhe opposite is cheap: a cheap hotel / cheap tickets film _r I like watching films on TV. / a good - / a greot - / a long - / a really boring - / o horror - / a love - / the - starts at seven / the -rtnishes at ten food _: Doyou like ltalianfood? / Chinese - / nice - / lovely - / buy some - / cook - / eot - / have some - lun _: Dancing is goodfun. / it's really good - / it's gredt - / have - with friends / have a lot of - together / play computer gamesJor - game _: Do you like playing computer gomes? / o - oJfootboll / o - oJ tennis / have o - of cards / win the - / lose the - 6 OUTCOMES Ploy.an mean different things Look at the exarnples below. Translate them. How rnany different verbs in your language do you use? game / sport: do you ploy tennis? / I like playing Jootball / I ploy (.otds children: lht: kids ploy in the park / plo.y nicely / sirt cioesn t wLtnt lo play / ploy outside / he ployt lty lttrnself Jor hours inrtruments: I ploy the piona / he plays the guitor rcolly well / I run ltlay the woirn a bit / ldon'l play dnylhntg musi(/CD/record: can I ploy o CD? / ploy o record / play some music act / pretend: [ont Ctuise plays tltt: ht,ro in the film / wlro plays the old womon in the Jtln)? / ploy dead get ' " _: We want to get a seat at the cinema. / - o new phone / - a job / - some money / - on email / - some information / go ond - help go out _: We sometimes go outJor dinner. / - withfriends / - dancing / - to the cinemo / often - at the weekend like _: Do you like wotching TV? / - playing computer games / - dancing / - this hotel / - ltalian food.The opposite is hatet I hate shopping! listen _: / like listening to music. / - to rock music / - to a radio programme / - to the news on the radia / - to songs in English / - to the teqcher / - carefully / a listening exercise I like listeninq to music. / rock - / clossical - / doyou like this -? / play some - / put some - on the CD ployer / donce tothe - / write - / read - outside We usuolly meet outside the train station. / - the cinema / sit - / eat - / go - to smoke seat " _: We need to get there early ta get a seat. / getgood -s / a - bythewindow / isthis -free? / come in and toke a - / thefront - oJ a car / the bock - shopping _: Do you want to go shopping? / like - / love - / hate - / go - for dothes / a - trip into town / do my - at the supermorket / o - centre /a-bag sound _: That sounds nice. / it -s good / it -s interesting / it -s likefun / it -s like a great idea / she -s like o nice girl sport _: Do you like doing sporl/ / watch - on TV / love - / hote - / be good ot - / be very bad at - / o -s progromme on TV / a -s centre study _: Do you study Englishl / - for two hours / usually - ot the weekend / - for an exom / like -ing tennis : / like playing tennis. / have a gome of - / wotch the - on TV / o - ball / o - racket / o - ployer walk _: Do you like walking? / go -ing / - home / - to school / - through the park / - to the cinemo.Walkis also a noun:gofor a walk / a lonq - watch _: / like watching TV. / - a Jaotboll match / - o film / - a movie / - the news on TV / - o rock concert / - TV shows in English Pacts 24-25 afternoon _: I sometimes have a sleep in the oJtemoon. / ot three in the - / on Fridoy - / do you wont to go shopping this -? / see you tomorrow - bed _: I usuolly go to bed ot 11 o'clock. / go to ^ eorly / gato - late / be in - / lie in - / get out of - in the morning / a single - / a double - / rnukeyour - beer _, I never drink beer. / a drink oJ - / o glass oJ - / a bottle of - / a pint of - / two -s, please / do you want a -? big _: I work in a big department store. / a - TV / a - house / o - city / o -family / o - drink / a - breakfast.f he opposite ts small:a small house / a smallfamily breakfast "_: I have breakfast at seven o'clack. / what doyou usually hovefor -? / have a big * / a quick - / a full English - / - cereal I want to buy a new car. / a biq - / an expensive - / a sm0ll - / drive a - / get into the - / get out afthe - / go by - coffee _, / usually have a coffee afier my lunch. / a black - / o white - / o cup of - / twa -s, please / do you wont a -? / drink a lot of - concert _: lsometimes go to concerts. / get ticketsJor a - / be at a - / o rock - / a pop - / a - hall/o-tour countryside _: I like going for walks in the countryside. / live in the - / beautiful - / the - around Cambridge drink ,' _: / never drink beer. / - tea / - coffee / hove something to - . Drink is also a nout do you want a drink? / have o - / a - oJ whisky earn ' "'-" _: I have a job to earn money. / how much do you -? / - fn an haur / - a lot / work hard to - your living exercise .''.' _: I do exercise every day. / do regular - / get a lot oJ - / walking is very good - / a good form of - finish _: What time does the film Jinish? / school -es atJour o'clock / - your homework / - e ati n g d i n n e r. f he opposite is starl: t h e fi I m sto rts of seven o'clock / school starts at nine I do a lot of exercise to keep fit. / be very - / be physically - / swimming keeps you Fhe opposite rs unfit: I'm so unfitl get _r I get home atJour o'clock. / - to work / - to the cinemo at eight / how do I - to the station? homework : When do you usually do your homework? / do exercise three for - / we get a lot of - / he gives us a lot of - / English - / maths - keep _: I go to the gym to keepfit. / - warm / - busy / try to - awake / - the childrcn happy / - your room tidy life _. I hove a veryr busy liJe. / a busy sociol - / daily - / your privote - /family - / your love - / the hoppiest days of your - lunch ' "."_: I have lunch at one o'clock. / go out for - / go to a restaurant for - / have d sandwich for - / what s for -? / eat - / cook - / meet alter - news ' _r / u suolly watch the news on TV. / listen to the - on the rodio / the ten o'clock - / a piece of - / some good - / some bad - novel "" " _: i /ike reading novels. / o gaod - / d great - / write a - / a - by Charles Dickens / a - about liJe in China own _: / have my own business. / have your - home / earn your - money / use your - ideas piano _: Do you play the piono? / play music on the - / - music / - lessons / aJamous - player quiet ."" """ " _: Be quiet! / she seems very - / d - child / a - park / a - street / the shops are - today / a - restautant / a - day / a - week relax , llstening to music helps me relox. / - ot the weekend / sit down and - / try to - shopping centre _: We sometimes meet in the shopping centre in town. / o big - / on out of town - / buy clothes at the - / the shops in the - short I hove a \hort sleep in the afiernoon: / o - conversotion / a -film / a - novel / a - meeting / a - walk to the station.fhe opposite is long:a long sleep / a longflm shower _: I olways have o shower in the morning. / o hot - / a cold' / a quick - / be in the -/a-cubicle sleep _: I sleepfor eight hours a night. / - late on Sundoys / - well.Sleep is also a noun:go fo sleep / have a short - / hove a good night's - / get some - / tolk in your - social I hdve o busy social liJe. / o - event spend _: How do you spend your lree time? / - two hours watching TV / - the afternoon reading / - all day in bed / - money / - f100 on clothes ticket _: I wont to buy a ticketfor the concert. / get -sfor a show / o - to see Lady Gogo / book the -s online / get cheap -s / o cinemo - / a bus - / a trdln - ta London / the - ofJice tired _: l'm always tired in the eveninqs. / I'm really - / l'm a bit - /Jeel very - / you look - / he seems - / walking mokes me - / lfeel - after oll that wine _: / n ever drink wine. / hove some - / red - / white - / French - / a glass of - / a bottle of - fit VOCABULARY BUITDER 7 Paces 26-27 pencil _: i don't like writing in pencil. / coloured -s / use a - / sharpen a - / picture " """ : Match the words to the pictures. / a question? / checkyour -s / compateyour -s with beautiful - / a - oJa house / some -s onthe wall / a parlnet t Lhe tighl - / the wrong Answer is dtawa-/painta- also a verb: try to answer all the questions / - your practise _: I practise the piano every day. / answer " _: What's the answer to this mobile phone blind _: i want to buy a new blind for the window. / a window - / open the - / close the - the- / can't see the - check _: Check your answers. / - your exercise _. Da exercise A. on page 22. / a listening - / a grammar - / a dilficult - /flnish find : Look in the dictionary tofind new early be Jive minutes early Jor the meeting lined _: / usually write on lined paper.Ihe opposite is plain: a sheet of plain paper your - / turn offyour - paper _r Do you have any paper? / lined - name on the piece of - / toilet - / wrapping - partner __ _t Compare your answers with o - your pronunciation / - yaur English / -Jor a concert.The noun is practice: do a lot oJ practice / two hours of music practice TV / a qood - / an interestinq - / a - about Mexico rubber _: Do you have a rubber? / use a - / / sing a - / write a - / it's a great - / myfavourite - / a pap - / a love - / hear a greot - on the radio sorry _:sorry lh late. / |m - / lh really - / -,\'m busy / -,I don't understand / -,what's your toilet _: Can I go to the toilet? / I need to go to the - / he's in the - / can I use your -? / the men's - / the ladies' - / a public - / - poper out ofthe - / see someone through the - / open the - / close the - / a car - / a shop - words. / match the -s to the pictures / what does this - mean? / the Fnglish - for 'madre' / how do PREPosrfloN5 A Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 1 I chat friends on the lnternet. 2 Do you play games your computer? 3 My sisler's good swimming. 4 I usually have breakfast 7 otlock. 5 I like going to movies friends. 6 5he likes listening classical music. 7 I go to the gym the afternoon. 8 Do you want t a glass water? B Choose the correct preposition 1 She works ln ,/ on a clothing store. 2 I have tickets/or / withthefootball game. 3 Do you wantlo gofor / in a walk? 4II eot/in Barcelona. 5 My cou rse is a lot of / from work. 6 I usually have cerealJor / on breakfast. 7 There's a programme with / about Chile onfY 8 I usually study ot / in the evening. WoRD FAMTUES A Look at the underlined words. Are they verbs or nouns? 1 We had a g[4! on the lnternet 2 I often chat to my parents on the phone. 3 I drink lots oftea every day 4 Do you want to go for a drink; 5 I have a !93p in the afternoon. 6 I sleep late on Sundays. / I can'l ans\ryel that question Wono Burr"oltrtc A We use the wod,playindifferent ways. Complete the sentences below with your own ideas. 1 I like games. I play 2 The actor plays in the fi1m . 3 When I relax, I usually play CDs. 4 My friend is in a band. He plays the 5 ln the afternoons, my little brother plays CottocarroNs A Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Look up the verbs if you need help. make try get have get keep sit listen 1 We have a problem. Please go and hel p. 2 This is im portant so careful ly. 3 lt's a nice day to outside. 4 Co early ifyou want to good seats. 5 She always her bed in the morning 6 I some good news. 7 I play sport to fit. 8 to relax. Everything will be OK. B Complete the sentences with the nouns in the box. Look up the nouns if you need help. programme life board centre work radio paper 1 I always listen to the news on the ) who wants to be a millionoire is my favourite TV 3 Excuse me. Do you have a piece of ? 4 I don't want to be lale for . . 5 The class times are on the notice 6 He has an interesting socia1 7 There's a post office at the shopping C Match the two halves of the sentences. l Afull a) take a seat. 2 That sounds like b) ofcoffee? board _: Write the words on the board. / a programme _: I usually watch that black- / a white- / a notice- / cleanthe - / lookat programmeeveryweek./aTV - / a radio - / a - on passport/ -thetirket:/- lhel;meoflhslrsin / - buya - /borrowa - iJyou're right ruler ' _: Do you have a 3)-centimetre ruler? / coloured _:lsometimes usecoloured pencils./ a long - /ashart- / a new- / useo - / measure - pens / - paper it with a - dictionary '.'."" " :Lookinthedictionarytofind scissors_:Doyouhavesomescissorstocutthe new words. / an English - / an English-French - / a paper? / a pairoJ- / doyou have any - ? / sharp- bilingual - / look in your - / that word isn't in my - song _: / sometimes listen to songs in Fnglish. words./ - a bag inthe park/ - ojob / -thestation name?/ say -forbeing late / - a cheaphotel / - a good restaurantfor lunch tissue_:Haveyou gotatissue? / a packof -s late _il'msorryl'mlate./tenminutes- /bea /aboxoJ-s/cleanitwitha- /blowyournose bit - / be -for school / -forwork. The opposite is on a - / use a - match _: M atch the words to the ptctures. / - tu rn off _: Turn off your mobile phone, please the cities with the countries / your clothes don't - / -theTV / -the rcdio / -your computer.Ihe rnean _: What does that word mean? / it -5 opposite is turn on:turn on the lights / turn on very happy your mobile phone nrobile phone tlsometimes speakto him on understand _:Sorry, ldon't understand. / I my mobile phone / haveyou gota -/ / geto new don't-thisword / doyou -? / - howa mobile - /talktoheronyour- / call himon my - / usea phoneworks / my parents don't - me - / chargeyour - / have credit onyour - /turn on window _:lliketo sit by the window. / look 8 What'stheanswertonumberthree? 4 Doyoufeel like d) Englishbreakfast 3 Come in and c) dinner? 5 What's for e) earn a living. 6 Doyou want a cup f) a good idea 7 We work to g) a game oftennis / plain - / a pieceoJ- / a sheetof - / writeyour 'ruord _: Lookinthe dictionarytoJind new 8 She reads to keep h) busy. partner. / workwith a - / atennis - / a business - you pronouncethis -? / a big - / a comman - pen '' ' '.*: Do you have a black pen? / a red - / a workbook _: Do exercise A in your workbook. / coloured - / a ballpoint - / write your name in - an English - / a maths - /finish your - 8 OUTCOMES VOCABIiIARY EUILDER 9 ma? _, Can you Jind Berlin an the mop? / a - ofthe world / a - of France / a street - of London / a tourist - / look at the - / read a - / draw a - museum _:There's a good museum in the town / go ta the - / visit the - / look round the - / the - of Modern Art / where's the -? newsagent's _: You can buy them of the newsagent's. / go to the - / is there a - near here? / work in a - / the local - package " """" "_: lt's expensive to send a big package. / send a - to him / a big - / a small - / a - for you / get a - / open the - / what's in the -? post office _: I want to go to the post olfice to send a package. / buy stamps at the - / is there a - near here? / go to the - road _: I live on this road. / at the end of this - / go down this - / cross the - / on the other side ofthe - / a big - / a small - / a busy - / the - to Birmingham/a-map salad "' " *: / sometimes have a salad for lunch. / eat a - / a small - / a big - / afresh - / a green - / afruit - / a nice - / a lovely - sandwich Plces 30-31 area _: There are some nice places ta eat in this area of the city. / the -you live in / work in this - / move intothe - / my local - / a nice - / an expensive - / a historic - aspirin .".""."" _: Take an aspirin if you've got a headoche. / have an - / buy some - at the chemist's / have you got any -? / give someone an-/acoupleof-(two) bank _, ls there a bank near here? / go ta the - to get some money / there's a - on this street / take money out ofthe - / borrow moneyJrom the - / work in a - / my - account bookshop "."" _: They have some good books in that bookshop. / is there a - near here? / ga to the - / work in a - /Jind a - / a big - / a small - boots buy some new boots. / wear - / put on your - / take offyour - / leather - change " _: change maney at the bank. / - your shoes / - jobs / - classes / - the music / - troins. Change is also a noun: a change of clothes chemist's _: A et som e a spi ri n Jrom th e ch e m i st's. / there's a - on the corner / is there a - near here? / go ta the - /Jind a - / work in a - / ask in the - cup " " _: Do you want a cup of tea? / have a - oJ coffee / make a - aJtea / twa -s ofcoffee, please / o small - / a big - / the -'s broken I dan't eat meat. / find a qood place to - / - in a restaurant / go out to - / get something to - / need to - something / - a sandwich / - together / what time do you usually -? facilities _:Whotfacilities are there in your area? / use the local - / have good - / sports - / shower - / the - atthe hotel / no -for kids jacket _: I usually wear a jacket to work. / buy a new - / put an your - / take ofr your - / a nice - / an expensive - / a smart - / a - and trousers 10 OUTCOMES I usually have a sandwich for lunch. / make a - / buy a - / have a quick - / a cheese - send _r I want to go to the post office to send a package. / - a package to your porents / - o letter / - a postcord / - an emoil / - a text shampoo " "." _: You can buy shampoo at the chemist's. / need to get some - / use - shirt ' "" : / u sually wear a white shirt to work. / buy a new - / put on a - / take off your - / a nice - / a smort - / I likeyour - / changeyour - / a - and tie I need some new shoes. / buy some -s at the shae shap / wear brown -s / put on your -s / take offyour -s / nice -s / expensive -s / smart -s / clean your -s / I like your -s show _: Show me your photos. / - me the station on the mop / - your photos to the class / - me where you live / - us where to sit / - us round stamp : / need ta buy some stamps at the post office. / put a - on / afirst class - / collect -s I sometime hcve a steak for dinner. / caok - / - and chips / a nice - / a big - supermarket : I need to go to the supermarket. / buyfood at the - / do your shopping ot the - / work at the - / a big - / the local - / a - trolley He nevc, Loll' abottt his fomily. . abaut yaur job / - to friends / - to your teacher / want to - to you / we need to - / - to you later. Talk is also a nount give a tolk to your class tea "'' _: Do you want a cup of tea? / drink - / have -Jor breakJast / moke some - / two -s, please / the -'s cold / I dan't like - / black - / have milkinyour-/a-bag think _: lthink he lives in Boston. / I - it's a great film / yes. I - so / - about your family / - bejore you answer / - carefully talk toothpaste tYou can buy toathpaste at the chemist's. / I always use this - / a tube oJ - / put some - on yaur toothbrush / run out of - wine _; Do you want some wine with your dinner? / a glass of - / a bottle oJ - / I never drink - / red - / white - / cheap - / expensive - / nice - Paces 32-33 alarm clock : I usually wake up when the alarm clock goes off. / do you have an -?/ set the - Jor seven / hear the - / the - isn't very loud annoy _: My brother annoys me! / it -s me when the trains are late / that really -s me away _, My hause is ten minutes away Jrom here. / it's notJar - / only afew kilometres - / walk - / run - / go - for the weekend / go - on holiday / bathroom : Can I use your bathroom?/ I need to go to the - / my bedroom has its own small - / a big - / the - is upstairs / there's a - downstairs / lhe - only ho: a showeu the mtrrot bedroom _: lt's a big house with Jive bedrooms. / share a - with my sister / have my awn - / he's in hts - / o big - / a small - / have a TV in your - / sleep in the spare - / the - cupboard bolh _: My parents are both doctors. / they - speak English / I like them - / they're - very nice brush _: I always brush my teeth at night. / I just need to - my hair / - my teeth / - the dog. Brush is a lso a noun. give your teeth a good brush t buy a new a loolh- / a hait- clean _: Yo u need to clean your bedroom. / - the toble after dtnner / - the hause / - thefloor / - the windows / - your teeth / - your shoes / - the car Clean is also an adjediveta clean towel / - clothes cupboard _: Put things back in the cupboard. put the things in the - / its in the - / put it back in the - / the kitchen - / the bedroom - / a big - / a small - t lhe - under lhe sinl I cut my finger- / - yourself / - some vegetables / I can't - it / need some scissors to - it / - my hoir / - it with a kniJe / - some brcad / - it into pieces / - it in half dressed : I have a shower and then get dressed. / get - in the morning / don't came in - l'm not - / a man - in a jacket and trousers / she's alwoys well - drive _: lwant to learn to drive a car. / - a bus / - a taxi / I can't - / it takes an hour to - there / - to Paris / - into town / - toofast / - careJully email ' _: I need to check my emails. / read your -s./ get an -from afriend / send on - / toyour porents / write on - / a short - / your - address. Email is also a verb: lcan emailyou later / - me ff at _: I live in a flat. / share a - with Jriends / have your own - / move into a - / have a - in Budapest / a small - / a big - / a - in the city centre / a block of -s / go back to your - f ridge _: Put the milk back in thefridge, please. / there's some meat in the - / it s in the - / get the milk out ofthe - / there's nothing in the'! / the - is empty go back _:We go backto ourJamily house at the weekend. / - to your flat / - home / - to your own country / - later / - next week hair _: / n eed to wash my hair / brush your - / cut your - / have long - / have short - / brown - / blonde - / lovely - / a girl with long dark - house "." _: We live in a big house. / my - is near the river / come to my - for dinner / a small - / a new - / an old - / a nice - / yourfamily - / buy a - / share a - with Jriends / go back to my - / my - isn'tJarfrom the park kitchen _, We usually have breakJast in the kitchen. / he's in the - / a big - / a small - / a modern - / spend a lot oftime in the - / clean the - / the - cupboards / the - table / the - sink make-up " ".""-: I olways put on make up before I go out. / I never wear - / put on her - / take olf your - / eye - / the - department mersy "" " _: Hisflat's really messy. / a - bedroom / the kitchens really - / our house is always - / my room\ d bit minute The dasses are 45 minutes lonq. / see you in five -s / talk ta you in a - / I live ten -s away / a ten- drive into tawn / it takes Jive -s to get there / sit down for a - / wait d - mirror _: / don't like looking at myselJ in the mirrcr. / seeyourself in the - / have a small - / o - on the wall / the bathroom - mountain :They have a house in the mountains. / go walking in the -s / climb a - / go up a - / qo to the top ofthe - / a high - / a big - / - roads photo _: That's o photo oJ myfamily. / that's a nice - / can you take a - far us? / find some old -s / show you my -s plate The plates are in the cupboard. / wash the -s afier lunch / the dirty -s / put thefood on the -s / a big - / a small - / the -'s broken prefer " " _: Do you prefer small shops or big shops? / - colfee to tea / - soul music to jazz / - walking to driving / which one do you -? put on _: lget up and put on my clothes in the morning. / - a jacket / - your shoes / - my boots /- some make-up / - a coat when you go out. The opposite islake off:take offyour shoes Our house is next to the sea. / live by the - / go to the beach ond swim in the - / go out on the - in a boat / the - is lovely and warm / the - is really cold! / the Mediterranean - share _: I share a flat with friends. / - a flat with two other people / - a room with my sister / - a sandwich / - a pizza / - your things / we - everything / - thefood between us / - my sandwich with you / - a pizza VOCABULARY BUITDER 11 sink _: You can wash your hands in the sink. / the kitchen - / wash your hands in the - / leove the dirty plotes in the - / the cupboord under the - sofa _: There s a big sofo in the living room. / sit on the - / a small - / an old - / buy a new - / o comfortable - / lie on the - / relax on the - spend : I spend two hours o day doing homework. / - all doy shopping / - the weekend with my family / - the morning working / - the afternoon at home / - the evening with Jriends table _: There are four plates on the table. / it's on the - / the kitchen - / set the -Jor dinner / clean the -/ a big - / a small - / a dining - teeth _: / olwoys btush my teeth before I go to bed. / cleon your - / hove big - / have beautiful - / I ov e ly w h ite The si n gu la r ts tooth: fa I I a nd break a tooth tidy _: My room is nice and tidy. / the house isn't very - / it looks very - / keep your bedroom - / get the kitchen nice ond Tidy is also a verb:tidy your room / - the house towel _: There's o clean towel in the bothroom. / need a - to dry myself / hove d clean - / the -'s wet / leove your - on thefloor aJter you use it / a beach / can I use this -? turn ' " "*: We take turns to cook. / we take it in - to clean theflot / it'syour - next / my - to cleon / wait till it's your - vegetables _: I eat a lot of vegetobles. / fresh - / green - / wash the - / cut the - / cook the - / hove meat and - for dinner / grow your own - wash _: /t's your turn to wash the plates afier dinner. / I need to - my hands / - some dirty clothes / - my hair / - the plates / - the car.Wash is also a nouni have o wosh in the morning / give this dress o - washing-up _t lt's your turn to do the woshing-up after dinner. / help with the - / leove the - until later Paces 34-35 air-conditioning ' : The house has oir- conditioning. / is the - on?/ turn the - on / turn up the - / turn down the - / turn offthe -/ whot temperature is the - on? bread _: / need to buy some bread at the supermorket. / need to get some - / do you want some -? / hove - with your meol / - ond butter / white - / brown - / a piece oJ - / a loaf of - break _:8e corqulyou don't breok it. / - o gloss / - the window / - your leg / - your orm.f he adjective is brcket the TV's broken cold _: l'm cold! / it's - in herel / my Jlat's - / it's - outside / wosh in - water / the sea is really - / I feel - / it gets - here in winter / my coffee's gone The opposite ishot: a nice hot shower 12 OUTCOMES concentrate " _:furn the TV down. I con't concentrote. / I need to - / it's hard to - / try to - / music helps me - / - on rny work dirty _: lt's your turn to wash the dirty plates / some - clothes / a - towel / take offyour - shoes / the car's - / get - / don't get your clothes - dry _: I need a towel to dry myself. / - my hair / - the plates / put the clothes outside to - / leave it to Oty is also an adjective: a dry towel. Ihe opposite is w el: the Jl oor's wet f loor Don't leave your dirty clothes on the floor! / sit on the - / clean the - / there's some water on the - / the - s ditty / the kitchen - / the bathroom - hand _: I olways wash my honds beJore dinner. / use my lefi - to write / my right - / have a book in your - / hold his - / shake -s hear _,Con you turn the TV up? I cdn't heor it. / lcan't - you / can't - the music / can't - very well / - a car outside / - a noise / - your mobile phone / - the alarm clock / - what he soys hol _: Con you open the window? I'm hot! / it's - in here! / the house is quite - / it's - outside / - water / a lovely - shower / the food\ - / I feel - / it gets - here in summer. The opposite is cold: cold water key _: This is the key to my flat. / I con't find my -s / my cot -s / my house - / lock the door with the - / forget my -s / a bunch of -s Don't leove your towel on theJloor! / - the dirTy dishes in the sink / - your kqls ot home / - your bag in the restauront / - your coat on / - the TV on / - the door open put _: Put the plates on the table, please. / - the dirty plates in the sink / - on your shoes / - things bock in the cupboard / - sugor in your coffee / - a mirror on the wall / - some photos on your computer / - some music on yaur iPod reach "." " "._: / con't reach the cupboord. / con you - the lop shelf? / it can - 40o in summer sel _: Con you set the table for dinner? / - your alarm clock / - the olarm for seven-thirty / - the oir-conditioning ot 20o temperature _: The temperoture is 32" outside, / whot - is the air-conditioning on? / the - goes up during the day / the - falls at night / she hos a high - / keep it at a low - turn down : Can you turn down the air- conditioning? / - theTV / - the music / turn the sound down.fhe opposite is turn up:turn up the TV / turn up the sound use _tcon I -your bathroom? / - a towel to dry yourself / - your mobile phone / - the computer / - a dictionory / - oll your money yourself _: Be careful you don't cut yourse$ / introduce - to other people / buy some new clothes for - / cook o meal for - / cleon the house -/doit-/ EXERCISES Pnrposrrrors Complete the sentences with the correct PrePosition. 1 I live in the old part the city. 2 I need to get some things the supermarket 3 The post office is the corner 4 I don't wear a tie work. 5 Do you want to go the museum? 6 Our office is at the end the street. 7 I live five minutes here. 8 I share a flat my brother. choose the correct preposition. 1 I spend a lot to / o/time working. 2 I can't find the key to / on my cat. 3 lt's hot ln / at here. 4 Can you help me on / with my homework? 5 Your bag is in / onthetable. 6 I usually spend Sundaysfor / with friends. 7 The plates are at / in the dishwasher 8 lt! a small housefrom / with one bedroom. Wono Famrtrrs Look at the underlined words. Are they verbs or nouns? 1 I forgot to bring a chanee of clothes. 2 Doyou want me to change the music? 3 People sometimes give talks in the library 4 I need to talttoyou 5 Can you email that to me? 6 I can send you an emq!]. 7 My car needs a ry45[. 8 I never ry4$ my car CotLocATtoNs A Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Look uP the vetbs if you need help. 7 Canyou the milk out of the fridge, please? 8 a minute. I forgot something inside. Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the box. Look up the adjectives if you need help. well red brown green high spare Jining 1 He's not feeling well and he has a , temperature. 2 We eat together at the table. 3 My boss is always , dressed. 4 My flat has a bedroom. 5 Can I have a salad, please? 5 There's some wine in the kitchen. 7 Do you want white or bread with your breakfast? Match the two halves of the collocations. A i { I 1- set the 2 a tube of 3 brush your 4 dnv 5 a block of 6 a beach 7 bread and PHnasar Vrnes a) teeth b) butter c) towel d) table e) toothpaste f) flats g) d ishes I can you a map of the way to my house. me a text when you're ready to go. Do you want me to you round the town? I stamps in my free time. Are you busy? We to talk. Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal verb, 1 I need to take some money out qfl on my bank account. 2 Doyou wanttotakeoff/ upyour coall 3 I usually go on / out on Friday nights. 4 I sometimes run out / offof money before the end of the month. 5 Can you turn the sound up / in, please? 6 Come ot / in and take a seat. collect show need get draw wait set send 2 3 4 5 6 The alarm is for 6 a.m VOCABULARY BUILDER 13 Pacrs 36-37 arrange " "_t I phoned you to arrange to play tennis. / - to meet / - an appointment at the doctor band __: We saw lots of bands. / they're my favourite - / a great - / a rock - boat _: Yau can rent a boat and go on the lake. / a big - / a small - / go across the loke in a - / take people out in a - / get onto the - / get olfthe - / go by - / a rowing - / afshing - / a motor - cold _: I have a bod cold. / get o - / catch o - / be in bed with a - / be offworkwith a - / ldon't want ta give you my - concert _: There's a Jree concett in town. / a rock - / go to a - / get ticketsfor a - cook I con cook lunchfor everyone. / - dinner / - a meal / - meot / - vegetobles / enjoy -ing / learn to - / we take turns to - / - a meal forfriends documentary : I like watching documentaries on TV / see o - / a - about crime / an interesting - /aTV-/makea- else _: Who else did you see? / what - did you do? / who - wos there? / do something - exam _: I need to studyfor my English exom. / have an - / take on - / pass an - festival _t I went to o rockfestivol last summer. / o music - / a jazz - / afilm - / a big - / go to a rock - / get ticketsfor a music - / a - of American music free " "".""" _: The tickets arefree. / a - concert / a - meal / do the workJor - / it's - to get into the museum / children get in - / children travel - on the trains headache _: I hove a headache. / I get o - iJ I drink coffee / colJee gives me a - / get o lot of -s / a bad - / a slight - / toke on aspirin for a - 14 OUTCOMES ill _: I stoyed at home because lwas ill. /Jeel - / you look - / somefoods moke me - / feel really - / he's seriously - in hospital / slightly - lake " ,' _: We went out on the lake in a boot- / a big - / o small - / a beautiful - / go soiling on the - / swim in the - / o hotel by the - / Lake Victoria last _: I went out last night. / I saw that film - week/-year/-time lovely _: lt was lovely. Really nice. / a - day / - weather/hovea-time market We went to the market to buy some clothes. / o street - / a Sunday - / a fish - match _: I wotched a good football motch on TV. / o tennis - / play a - / win the - / losethe - / a good - / an exciting - / a - between Manchester United and Arsenal party ." _: Everyone went to Paul's porty. / a good ploce to have a - / go to a - ot the weekend / can you come to the - on Soturdoy?/ come to my - / it wos o great - / a birthday - / o student - past _: Talk about things you did in the past. / tolk about your - / remember the - / someone from her - / I know nothing obout his - / it's all in the - now / they re a thing ofthe - now picnic _: We wentfot 0 picnic in the park. / have a - on the beach / we run take a - with us / a lovely-/o-lunch rain _: lt rained all doy yesterdoy. / it -ed every doy / - heovily / staft -ing / stop -ing.Rain is also o noun: we had a lot of roin / o bit of - / a few drops of - / some heavy - rent : We rented a boot and went on the lake. / - a car / - a flat / - a house / - a room rock _: / went to a rockfestival last summer. / a - concert / doyou like - music? / play - music / listen to - music / o - singer / a - stor / o - band / - ond roll show _: / showed them the city. / - you round the town / - you round the house / - you to your room / - you my photos / - you my new jacket / - you where t he bathroom is stay ' '."' ''.,.*: lt's expensive to stay in hotels. / - in a bed and breakfast / - with friends / - near the city centre / where did you -? / how long did you -? / - for ofew doys / -for a week / -for dinner / - the night. Stay is also a noun: enjoy your stay together _: We ploy tennis together. / wolk - / go to the cinema - / work - usual I do all the usual things like watch TV. / let's meet in the - place / have lunch in the - restaurant / get up at seven as - / Tam's late as The adverb is usually, we usually meet after wark / the restourant is usually busy visit "' ' _:5omefriends come to visit me. / - yout grondporents / - the cathedrol / - the museum / - o website / go and - friends in New York.Visil is also a noun: , shorl visil / enjoy yout - whether _: I can't decide whether to go to the party or not. / discuss - you like staying ot home or going out / soy - you enjoy it or not Pacrs fg-fg annoyed ,' '^,'-t My parent's were annoyed because lwas lote. / don't get - / lwas a bit - autumn *: I start school in autumn. / o lovely - doy / it's still quite warm in - birthday _: When is your birthday? / my - : in May / my 21't - / it's my - today / hoppy -! / hove a nice - / o - potty / a - coke / a - cord / o - present clear _: /t was very clear ond sunny. / a lovely - day / a - sky / the photo isn't very - / what he said wasn't very - cloud _: There wasn't a cloud in the sky. / some thick -s / dork -s / black -s / rain -s / a - aJ block smoke date _: Whot's the dote todoy? / write the - / the - ofthe next meeting dead _: My grondporents are both dead. / we don't know iJ he s - or alive / the Day oJ the Dead / a-body/o-tree famous ' ,.'.'_:1 hat s a vcry Iamods old buildir,g. / - people / o - writer / a -film star / he's very - / want to become - one day few " _: There ore o Jew good restourants. / invite o - friends / go away for o - doys / see you in a - minutes / only a - people were there fire _: We mode a flre on lhe beach. / light a - / start a - / a big - / a lovely warm - / sit round the - / put outthe - / be careJul your clothes don't catch - flower _: I got some flowers for my birthday. / lovely -s / some beautiful -s / grow -s in your gorden / pick some -s from the garden / buy -s for someone / give her some -s get in _, / broke a window to get in. / they gol in through the window / you need a key to - / he opened the cot door and I got in holiday ' ,,___: I usually go to France on holiday. / go on - in August / tell us aboutyour - / did you hove a good -? / a greot - / a lovely - / a long - / o short - / a summer - / have a two- week - laugh '._: Everyone laughed. / lwanted to - / I started -ing / I tried notto - / can't stop -ing / suddenly burst out -ing / we can - about it now / - ot hisjokes / stop -ing at me.Laugh is also a raunt have o gaod laugh together mrSs next _: Who has o birthday next? / I want to go there - week / - yeor / do it - present _: They gove me a presentfor my birthdoy. / buy someone a - / send someone a - / I got o lot of -s / some lovely -s / open the - / o birthdoy - public "._: There's no school on Monday - it's a public holiday. / a - toilet / meet in o - place / - buildings / - transport sad _: lt was sod.l cried. / a - film / a - story /o-day sea50n Summer is myJovourite season / thefour -s / the rainy - / the holiday - / the footboll - sing _: let's sing a song. / - the national anthem / she -s really well / she -s beautifully / I can't - / hear the birds -ing.fhe past tense is sang: we all sang songs snow " _: There's a lot oJ snow in the winter. / deep - / thitk - / fresh - / 20 centimetres of - / ploy in the - / - started to fall / make a snowmon / throw snowballs. Snow is also a verbt it storted to snow summer .' lt's very hot in summer / go on holiday in - / the - holiday / it's - there now sunny _: it is a lovely sunny day. / it's hot and - / w0rm and - / it's very clear and - / a - garden / a - place ta sit spring _: Spring is the best time of year / - s coming/alovely-doy time " " "_: We had a great time on holidoy. / did you have a good -? / have a nice - / a Jantastic - treat _: They always treat us very well. / he -s her badly / - everyone fotrly / they - their animals well / don't - me like o child unfriendly :\ome oJ the other students were unJriendly. / don't be - / they're a bit - / - neighbours / some people were - towards me.fhe opposite is ftiendly : eve ryo ne's re a I ly frie n d ly view " " : There's o great view from the hotel window. / we had lovely -sJrom our room / beautiful -s / a - of the mauntains / a room with a sea - / have a good - of the cancert I he seo was quite wa, m. - wotet / it wosn't very - / a lovely - room / a - fire / we1r - clothes / weor o coot to keep - / keep your food - winter " _: Winter is very cold here. / a long - / o - s day / it can be minus 20 in - women _: Most of our customers are women. / men give - presents / -'s clothes / the -'stoilet / o -'s mogaTine. I ne singular is womant a Voung waman / an old womon / a beoutiful woman / a woman do.tor I was lote so I missed my train. / - the bus / - your plane / I was out last night sa I -ed the programme / I -ed the first port of the film neighbour _: We get on well with our neighbours. / talk to the -s / our next-door -s / hove good -s / nice -s / friendly -s VOCABUTARY BUITDER 15 Pacrs 40-41 bed and breakfast _, We stayed in o bed and breakJast. / find o - for the night / a - in the town centre / a - near the station / a small - / a cheap - /averynice-/alovely- everything _:Tell me everything about it. / see - / eat - / my mum does - in the house fantastic _: We had a Jontastic time. / it wos - / a - concert / a - meal / a -Jilm / o really - holiday / you look -! / feel - afier your holiday first class _: We always fly first class. / fly to NewYork - / travel - / a - ticket / - seats / sit in - llal _: I rent a flat in London. / stay in a - / shore o - withfriends / a small - / a big - / a very nite - / a lovely - / a holiday - fly_, You canflyfrom Manchesterto Helsinki. / - from Poris to Rome / -Jrom Heathrow / - into Schiphol airport / - first class / - with British Airways fruit _: / eat a lot of fruit. / eat lots of - and vegetables /fresh - / lovely - / o piece oJ - / buy - at the market / drink - juice / a - yoghurt fun _: / iike swimming it'sJun. / it s good - / it's greot - / have - with yourfriends / have a lot of - / do it just fo( - / it's a - city hot _: /t was really hot and sunny. / a - day / - weather / it's - in the sun / stay out oJthe - sun / a - shower / a nice - bath / -Jood / a - meal / a cup oJ - coffee nightlife _: lt's a great city - the nightlife is Jantastic. / the -'s great / we went thereforthe - / really enjoyed the - / the city isfamousfor its - / o small town with no - quiet _: /t was lovely and quiet in the mountoins. / o - weekend / a - evening / the village is very - / my room's nice and - / she's very - / you're - today / he seems - today / be -! quite _: Ih e hotel was quite cheap. / - expensive / get up - eaily / it s - hot today / - cold / - big / - small / itwos - nice / the people are -friendly rice _: They eat a lot of rice. / I like - / cook some - / meat with - / boiled - / fried - sightseeing _: We went sightseeing every day. / go - in Berlin / do some - / spend the doy - taxi " _: We can take a taxi to the station. / get a - home / qo by - / call a - / phonefor a - / pay for the - tell _: I don't tell my parents everything I do. / Itold you before / - me about it later weather _. The weather was lovely. / hove good - / bad - / what's the - like there? whole _: The whole holiday was great. / it rained the - time / can't see the - city in a few doys / drink o - bottle oJwater / discuss it with the - closs Io*e can mean different things. Look at the examples below. Translate them. How many different verbs in your language do you use? transport: it's best to toke the bus there / I usuolly toke the train to wotk / I don't wont to take the cat / take o toxi from the airport do: I want to take o course in cookinq / you toke on exom at the end of the course / can you take o photo of us? / take o seat move / carry to a place: my dad tokes us to school in the cot / I con take you to the station / toke my bog to the room how long: It tokes three houts to get there from here / the coke tokes jo minutes to cook / it tokes o long time to speak English well remove: can you take your papers olf the table? / don't take anything without asking / take your coot off hold: can you toke my coat fot o second? / toke the umbrello / toke my hond drugs: toke an aspirin fot you headoche / toke two of these with yow meol / never take drugs EXERCISES Pnrpostrtolus A Complete the sentences with the correct PrePosition. 1 She's in bed a cold. 2 Most my classmates are Asian. 3 We went , a film last night. 4 | often stay work late. 5 He likes talking books. 6 | have family Australia. 7 What did you get your birthday? 8 Tell me your holiday. B Choose the corect preposition 1 How much doyoupayfor / aboutataxi? 2 | drink a lot of / in water. 3 We stayed in New York on /Fr a few days. 4 You can take thetain by/from London to Paris 5 | want a rcom with / on a view. 6 Some in / of my classmates are from Japan. 7 Are you laughtng on / at me? 8 I bought some chocolate to / for you. Complete the sentences with the nouns in the box, Look up the nouns if you need help. 1 We stayed in a and breakfast. 2 The children made a snow in the garden. 3 The French have a beautiful national 4 I don't drive. I take public 5 Our next-door. make a lot of noise. 6 Did you buy lohn a birthday ? 7 My favourite music is rock and 8 l've got a bad C Match the two halves of the sentences. 1 lt's all in 2 There wasn't a 3 lt wasn't very 4 Don't treat me 5 lfeltafew 6 Enjoy a) clear. b) like a child. c) drops of rain. d) the past now. e) cloud in the sky f) your stay. Wono Burlouuc The word take can mean different things. Complete the sentences below with your own ideas. 1 How doyou get to school? I usuallytake 2 Before you leave, don't forget to ta ke your . 3 I finish school thisyear. Nextyear I wanttotake 4 How long does it take to ? 5 lfelt sick so I took 6 Excuse me, sir, can I take your ? Cor.r.oclttolus A Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Look up the verbs if you need help. 1 2 , 4 5 We always turns to wash the dishes you soon. Take care. I woke up late and the bus. Did you ., a good time? o 7 L some flowers and put them in a vase. We often a fire in the winter. l'm not well. I think I a cold. Pxnasar Venss A Choose the correct word to complete the phrasal verb. 1 I get awoy / off the bus at the next stop. 2 I usually get up / over at around 7 a.m. 3 Do you get in / on well with your classmates? 4 Don't forget to ?uttheflre oIf / out. 5 fhey went awoy / obout fot the weekend. 6 We didn't go in / on holiday last year. headache neigh bou rs 15 OUTCOMES VOCABULARY BUILDER 17 Prces A+-+S apple _: ( on I hov? \ome apples. plca\e? / how much are the -s? / this -'s nice / o kilo of -s / red -s / qreen -s / fresh -s / o tosty - / eot an - / bread '.,',' : I need to buy some bread at the supermarket. / this - tastes great / do you wont some -? / hsve some * and butter / brown - / sliced - / o loof of - / a slice of - / make - brown ,' _: He3 wearing brown shoes. / dressed in - / - hoir / look very - afier your holiday cake " _: Can I have some coke, please? / what's this - made of? / those -s look nice / have a piece of - / o slice oJ - / chocolote - / make a - cheese Do you want some cheese? / can I have some ofthat -, please? / buy some - / this - tastes nice / bread and - / they have a lot of dffirent -s / strong - / a piece oJ - / this - is nice colour _: Red's myJavourite colour / what - is it? / what - ore your eyes/ / a lot of dffirent -s / t like that - / it's a nice - / o lovely - / bright - / dark - / light - cotton " : ls thot shitL coltan? / it \ mode of - / 140% - / itJeels like - dress _:5he's wearing a blue dress. / a red - / a cotton - / buy o - / need a new - / put on o - / that'sa nice - / a lovely - especially _:Those apples look ni(e, e,peciolly the red ones. / I like cheese, - strong cheese / I weor a lot of dark colours, - black fish _: I don't eot meat, but I eot fish. / have - for dinner /fresh - / cook - / I don't like - / it has - in/-andchips green , ,,,.,, _: Those green apples laok nice. / d - dress / hove - eyes / a - shirt / dork - / light - / you look nice in - half _: I'd like half a kilo of apples, pleose. / meet at - past seven / seeyou in - an hour / an hour and a - / only see - theJilm / cut it in - 18 OUTCOMES how many " " : How mony apples would you like? / - brothers and sister doyou have? / - hours a day do you study? / - people were there? how much -" _: How much coke would you like? / - milk do we need? / - money do you haveT / - does it cost? / - arethe opples? / - is it? jeans *: He's wearing jeans and a T-shirt. / I like those - / how much are those -? / where did you get your-? / a pair of - / need o new pair oJ - kilo _: A kilo of apples, pleose. / two -s / holf a - of tomatoes / they're f2 o - / need a - ond a holJ lady _: / think this lady is next. / who's thot - over there? / the - in the red dress / talk to the - at the information desk / the ladies'toilet leather _: I wont to buy a leother jocket. / o - bag / o - belt / it's mode of - little _: I speak a ltltle English. r I have very - money / just 0 - milk in my cofree, please made of "._:These shoes ore mode oJ leather. / - wood / - paper / - glass / - cotton / whot's it -? material " _: Wood is quite a strong moteriol. / we use dffirent -s / a new - / natural - s meat _: I dan t eat rneat. / eot a lot of - / has it got - in it? / cook the - slowly medium _:We've got them in smoll, medium and large. / con I hove one in -? / lh a - / the - was too big / a sized house / a sized car / he's height newspaper ' ,, _: I read the newspaper every day. / which - doyou reod/ / buy a - / pass methe - / o notional - / the local - / today\ - / the - soid Pass _: Can you poss me the newspoper? ,/ ran yau - me the water? / can you - the salt, please? / - on the information to the police piece _: Would you like a piece of cake? / a smoll - / a big - / o - oJ cheese / a - oJ chocolote / a - of bread / cut the cake into -s / a - of paper / a - of land / a - oJ inJarmation plastic _: Put your dirty clothes in a plostic bog. / o - cup / it's made of - red ,' _: Those red apples look nice. / "-'s my fovourite colour / wearing o - dress / you look nice in - / it's - and blue / bright - / dark - round _: He's got a round face. / a - tdble / a - mirror / big - eyes shape _: What shape is it? / it's round in - / it's square in - / o cake in the - of o boat / people oJ all -s and sizes size , " _; Whdt size are those shoes? / what - do you take? / what - are you? / what - do you wont? / they dont have one in my - / need a dffirent - / big -s / smoll -s / the - ofthe building square , " """_: The roams are all small and square. / a -table / it's - in shape.Square is also a noun:a square of wood / o small - of gross taste _: This cake tastes greot. / iL -s lovely / - nice / - Jontastic / whot does it - like? / it -s like Jish / it -s of apple / do you wont to taste it? Taste is a so a noun: it's got a lovelytaste / a really nice - top _: Write your name ot the top of the page / the bathroom's at the - of the stairs / climb to the - ofthe mountain.Topis also an adjective: it's on the top shelf / our flot is on the - floor.f he opposite is bottom: the bottom ofthe poge window ".""."." '_: How much are those shoes in the window? / the shop - / the bakefs - ls this floor reol wood? / a piece of - / cut some - / put some - on they're. The adjective is wooden: a wooden table / o wooden floor wool _: /s it made of wool? / pure - / it's 100% - / I can't wear Ihe adjective is woollen: o woollen coat / a woollen jocket yellow _: Yellow is my favourite colour. / a - dress / o - shirt / bright - / point the wall - Paces 46-47 close They're closing the shop. / the shop -s at six / whot time does the chemist\ -? / con you - the door? / - the window / - yout eyes / - your book customer _: lt s the job of o shop assistant to help customers. / serve o - / tty to sell things that -s like / our regulor -s future _: What do you want to do in the future? / I'd like to go to China in the - / what are your plansfor the -? / no one can see into the - give _: He's giving o talk on Canada. / - o speech / - a presentotion / - o lecture.Ihe past tense is gavei he gave a very interesting talk grow _: The company is growing. / the economy is -ing / this problem is -ing / some trees - very slowly / babies - quickly happy _: I'm always happy when lfnd a borgain. / yau seem - todoy / you look - / l'm very - with my exam results / - about getting a job / try to make her - .The opposite is unhappy:she looks unhappy hard _: I'm working really hard ot the moment. / try - / hit it - / push - on the door improve _: lwant to improve my English. / to - my tennis / practise a lot to - / l'm improving / we want to - the school / a plon to - the city leave _, / wc nt to leave my job and get o new one. / - the compony / - college / - home.fhe past tense is lefl: I lefi home when I was 19 look for _: |m looking for Tom do you know where he is? / help me - my keys / look everywhere formypassport/-ajob lose _: The company is losing money. / - your job / don't - your ticket / I want to - five kilos. The past tense is lost: I lost my job / we lost the match 3-0 manage _: Who manoges the shop? / - the company / - o deportment store / - the business / - a restouront / - thef7ctory open _r ls the shop open? / the librory stays - until eiqht / come in - the door's - / leave the window f he opposite is closed: / m aJraid we're closed on Sundays / the shop's closed today opportunity _: There are lots oJ opportunities for work. / a lot ofjob opportunities / it's a greot - / on - to travel / get the - to go to lapon reduced _t The price was reduced from 60 euros to 30. / prices are - by 15% / this jacket wos - to {55 / all tickets ore now - to [25 retire _: My granddad retired when he was 65. / - from work / - from teaching / - at 50 / - eorly sale _: The shop's having o sole this week. / go to the -s / there's a - on at the department store / buy clothes in the -s / the summer -s / the winter -s slay _:The shop is stoying open lote tonight. / try ond - calm / - owake all night / - where you are thousand _: There were more than a thousand people there. / twa - pounds / -s of people / hove -s in the bank Prces 48-49 basement _: Children's clothes are in the basement. / go down to the - / o - room / o - flat bottom _: lt's on the bottom shelJ. / the - floor of the building / the - half ofthe poge. Bottom is also a nou n: Write your name at the bottom ofthe page / therc's a door ot the - pJ.the 5t irs. The oppositeislopzthetop oJthe stairs / the top of o mountain / the top loor cable I need o computer cable to connect il / an electricity - / a telephone - / connect the - to your computer / plug in the - changing room ' _: Where ore the chonging rooms, pleose? / the - is over there / toke it into the - / try it on in the - / the men's - / the ladies'- continue " : I want to continue living here. / - to work / - talking / we can - for a few more hours / - with you( studies / - our journey tomorrow cream _: I'm looking for some sun creom. / face - / hand - / the doctor gove me some - She's playing with her dolls. / buy her a - as a present / a little - / a plastic - / a wooden - /ochina-/obaby- entrance " _: You can go in through the main entrance. / thefront - / the back - / meet you at the - / the - to the cinema escalator _: Oo up the escalator to theflrst floor. / go down the - / where's the -? / ot the top ofthe - / ot the bottom ofthe - / the - isnt working face _: 5h e has a beautiful face. / a lovely - / a thin - / o round - / hdve o smile on your - / wash yout - / - cream / meet - to - fashion _: I'm quite interested in foshion. / the latest -s / short hoir is in - atthe moment / long dresses are out of - / a - campany / a - mogazine /a-show VOCABULARY BUITDER 19 [...]... A 1 call 2 miss 3 hold 4 save 5 lose 6 look 7 break 8 turn B L 2 mobile 3 foreign 4 classical 5 deep physical 6 perfect 7 bass 8 legal c Lc 2e 3 a" 4b 5g 6h 7l 8d for VOCABUTARY BUILDER 67 9 EXPERIENCES 10 TRAVET 11 FOOD 12 FEELINGS 13 NATURE PREPosriloNs PREPosriloNs PREPoSITIONS PREPo$iloN9 14 oPrNlONS Pnrposrrroxs 15 TECHNOLOGY PREPosriloNs A A A 1in 2of 3in A Lon 2on A L for A 1of 2in 1in 2at 1in... speech 6 A 1on 7 8 trade article opinion accident c 1 2 bad 3 second 4 Modern wrcng 5 special 6 emotional 7 flexible 8 4on 5 out rights job degree primary D 1d 2f 3a back 3up A A 1 takinB 1 Pxnrgar Venes But[Dtilc noun B 1d 2f 3g 4b 5a 6c 7h 8e 8on verb plastic D of with L leather 6 moment 7 crcam 8 manager from 8 Lof 2 for 3to 4of 2 3 2 2 WoRD 6 B Answers willvary 4 5 6 main with A c 1 6 OUTCOMES with... Pnpposrrrors A A 5 SHOPS PREPostfloNs A 1 with Lto 3 at 5 with 7in 2on 4 6 atlfrom to 8of B 1of PREPosrrtoNs 2at 4to 6of 5on 2to 4 with 6 with 7in 8 B 5to 7 from 8 with B 1in 3for 5of 7 about zfor 4in 1of 3in 6for 8 in with A 1at lof 3in 5at 2of 3to 4at 5 about 5in 7 for 8 about 3on 6 STUDYING A 4 HOTIDAYS PREPostflorrts 2 FREE TIME 2 for FAMTLTES 1 noun 3 verb 5 noun B 7 1by 8to 2 for 4on B about 5in 3 2of... moment / come to - in 2008 / returned to - in 2 010 / lost - otthe generol election / politicol have a lot oJ economic powerful lt's one of the most powerful countries in the world / o very - orgonisotion / o man / a - leader / o - machine / _: infavour ofthe ideo / - against the new law / - to roise the oge limit / voting will take place next week PAcEs 11 0 -11 1 allyear round -: ll's warm and sunny allyear... 2on A L for A 1of 2in 1in 2at 1in A 1 from 4 fot 5 with 4by 3 about 4 with 5of 6to 7of 8 about 3to 4 fot 2of 3on 4 for 4 bylabout 5in 6 about 7 5on with of on of about with for for out 6bv 8by 4in 2 in 4W 6 in 8 at 2 6 8 with for for 8of 5in 6of 7in 8of B B B 1 in 2of Lof 2of 1 into 2 with 5on WoRD FaMruEs 3 4 for 6 A 5 with 7of 6 about 7to 8 about B B 1in 2at 1on 1 with 2in 20f 3 for 4in 4 from 5 6... death 6 7 8 put c 3 follow 5 varied 6 7 natural 7 8 solar c 1e 2d 3a 4f 5h 6g 7b 8c limited Pxnasar Vrnas c 2on D A 1c 2g ld 4a 5b 6e 7f 1uP 1f 2d 3b 4a 5c 6e 7E 3up 4on 5 forp/ard t heavy 2 wild I national 4 cultural 2 out 3up 4 out 5in 6 out 7on left t make d B b 1 long 2 digital 3 full I 5a 6c 7e 4 postal 5 online PHRASAT VERBT 6 7 good A common 1uP 6uP 7 down down out VOCABUI.ARY BUILDER 69 INFINITIVE... Look up the verbs if you need he1p have worry get talk take 1 My friend's grandma die suddenly yesterday The funeral is on Frlday 2 l'm just a quick break 3 I have no idea what you're about 4 We were really busy but things are back to normal now 5 He , a very high opinion of you 6 Relax There's nothinS to about 24 OUTCOMES VOCABULARY BUITDER 25 Plces 60- 61 - l'm no good at telling jokes... advice Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the box Look up the adjectives if you need he1p classical perfect lrlv'iirr legal deep bass foreign mobile Wono Famnres 1 I sent a message to Look at the underlined words Are they verbs or nouns? 1 Do you want to join me for a 1q4? 2 We usuallyl!! about'rS ki1ometres 3 The bank is going to cut interest rates 2 I don't do your phone much exercise... 1 get B 2 listen 1 job 3 2 3 office 4 get 5 makes 6 have 7 keep costume 4 mother 5 manager 6 address 7 help 8 meal c 8 sit Try B L first 2 3 4 middle best 1 radio 2 programme 3 paper 4 work 5 board 6 life 5 6 7 free 7 violent five-star 8 electrical c 1d 2{ 3a 4g 5c 6b 7e 8h nice D Le 2d 3c 4b 5a 6h centre 4 collect 5 need 6 set 7 get 8 Wait B t high 2 3 dining well 4 spare 5 green 6 red 7 brown c 1d... great 7 driving c 18 2d 3a 4b 5c 6e 7f PHRASAt vERBS A off out uP out included noun f 2 A L walking leave 2 shook verb 3 3 fell 7 noun 4 doing lost 4 take 8 verb 5 write falling stop Answers will vary 6 7 5 6 put 7 looking CorLocATtoNs B WonD BurtDlNG 2 signed 3 book 4 Pay 5 stop 6 called 7 Pay B 1 2 direct first 3 return 4 public 5 nice 6 wide 7 live c 1d 2a 3e 4b 5g uP up 68 OUTCOMES 7f 1 2 3 4 dairy . not to be late 22 OUTCOMES l'm good at arts subjects. / do well buy: (rilr)(,lirrr1 ,/(/lrrri!,'r' i ittlt :: ',, 't ;1, 1"i titLl rt t1 itt I iitt.,li|'. back on Saturday / - 70 eurosJor o shirt 20 OUTCOMES EXERC!SES Pneposrrrons Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 1 Can I have a ki1o bananas, please? 2 We're having lasagne. weekend. 6 We didn't go in / on holiday last year. headache neigh bou rs 15 OUTCOMES VOCABULARY BUILDER 17 Prces A+-+S apple _: ( on I hov? ome apples. plcae? / how much are

Ngày đăng: 24/05/2014, 16:53