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Ministry of Education and Training Ho Chi Minh University of Economics Luong Thi Thu Huong Citizen Participation on Budgeting Process Major: Economic Law Code 9380107 Ho Chi Minh City 2023 Dissertation completed in Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics (UEH) Supervisors Professor Dr Vo Tri Hao Professor Dr Bui Ngoc Son Reviewer Nr 1: Reviewer Nr 2: Reviewer Nr 3: Dissertation defended and approved by Defense Committee at University Level at Ho Chi Minh University of Economics (UEH) On date: ……………… Month …………………… Year 2023 The dissertation is available in Vietnam National Library, 31 Trang Thi, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi Ho Chi Minh University of Economics (UEH) Library, 279 Nguyen Tri Phuong, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City Content Introduction The necessity for the research topic Objective and Tasks of research topic Scope of research The new findings and contribution of the research The structure of the dissertation Chapter 1: Literature overview 1.1Overview on literature published in Vietnam and abroad 1.2Research questions, research hypothesis, and research methodologies Chapter 2: Theoretical background on the citizen participation in budgeting process 2.1 The concept of citizen participation in budgeting process 2.2 Some characteristics of citizen participation in budgeting process 2.3 The role of citizen participation in budgeting process 2.4 The content of the citizen participation in budgeting process Chapter 3: Legal Regulations in Vietnam on citizen participation in budgeting process 3.1 Political background for legal regulation on citizen participation in budgeting process 3.2 Recognition of citizen participation in budgeting process in Vietnam Constitutions 3.3 The current status of legal regulation on citizen participation in budgeting process Chapter 4: Shortcomings and Suggestions to Improve the law on citizen participation in budgeting process 4.1 Shortcomings in political foundation 4.2 Shortcomings in legal regulations on citizen participation in budgeting process and suggestion to improve the law 4.2.1 Shortcomings in law relating on citizen participation in budgeting process in the Ordinance on grassroot democracy in ward level 4.2.2 Shortcomings in law on citizen participation in budgeting process in Law on Budget 4.2.3 Some suggestion to improve the law relating to the right of citizen to participate in budgeting process References Introduction 1.1 The necessity of dissertation research topic Citizen participation in budgeting process always catches attention of researchers To improve the citizen participation in budgeting process is a means to improve the quality of public service in general, and of the budgeting process in particular, that fact is verified both by theories and practices Furthermore, citizen participation in budgeting process appears to be a characteristic of the state A nation which respect and institutionalized the citizen participation in budgeting process is considered as democratic, respects the power of the people as fundament for the operation of the state, all activities of the state shall serve the development of the citizen Globally, citizen participation in budgeting process is implemented in many countries; that process helped to achieved the following values and effects: First, to accelerate the economic development Citizen participation in budgeting process is co-related with transparency, and accountability of government Together, these three principles help to control more strictly and more efficient the state budget Second, citizen participation in budgeting process helps to improve and renew the public governance Third, the citizen participation in budgeting process proved to create just and equality in allocation of public resources and services In Vietnam, citizen participation in budgeting process is named differently, such as grassroots democracy, based on the Party direction on “citizen know, citizen discuss, citizen participate, citizen supervise” That direction was announced at VI National Party Congress in 1986 The Party direction was then further elaborated through the Resolution No 03/NQ/HDTW dated 18 June 1997 at the third Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam The topic of this Resolution was about the citizen participation and on building of the socialist state of Vietnam The state shall be free of corruption (clean), effective and efficient Further, the Communist Party Vietnam (CPV) issued the Direction 30CT/TW on grassroots democracy and on democracy regulation All that to verify the purpose to build a democratic state, fighting against abuse of public power, fighting against corrupt bureaucracy Based on these political foundation, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly issued Resolution 54/1998/NQ-UBTVQH dated 26 February 1998 That was the first legal rule on citizen participation in Vietnam Based on the Resolution 54/1998/NQ-UBTVQH as quoted, the Government issued the Decree 29/1998/ND-CP dated 11 May 1998 on grassroots democracy at ward level This Degree 29 was then replaced by the Decree 79/2003/ND-CP dated 07 July 2003 on Regulation of Grassroots Democracy at ward level The Decree was then subsequently replaced by the Ordinance on Grassroots Democracy in 2007 This Ordinance is the current applicable law, up to the date when it will be replaced by the Law on Implementation of Democracy 2022 Responding to the real changes in practice and initiating by reform policies of Communist Party Vietnam, grassroots democracy was institutionalized in 1998 On budgeting process, at grassroots level, the participation of citizen is divided into areas That included: the budget at ward level, the budget used by state owned enterprises, and the budget used in public utilities entities (such as public hospital, school, universities) Previously, the citizen participation in budgeting process in Vietnam is formal and relatively narrowed But, after the VI Party Congress of CPV, Vietnam economic institutions changed dramatically Private economy is encouraged to develop and contributed to essentially improvement in Vietnam’s public finance Vietnam achieved success in poverty reduction, and reached the low-income level of developing countries Besides economic success, the country successfully reformed its legal system, redefining the relationship between citizens and the government Vietnam declares as a socialist state ruled by law, recognizes the fundamental citizen and individual human rights In the previous Constitutions of Vietnam, the citizen participation in budgeting process was recognized under the different names But currently, integrated deeply in the global economy, for the first time, the 2013 Constitution clearly prescribed that the citizen participation in budgeting process in Vietnam is a human basic right, together with the right to access to information, the liberty to create associations, and the more Not only recognized as a constitutional principle, the citizen participation in budgeting process in Vietnam is implemented by different law, for instance Article 16 of the Law on State Budget 2015 Accordingly, the citizen shall have the right to participate in supervision of budget through the representatives in the communes In summary, the citizen participation in budgeting process in Vietnam was recognized by law in Vietnam since almost 25 years Despite this legal recognition, the country faces rampant corruption, inefficiency in public investment, unjust allocation of public resource, and shortcomings in transparency, that being rated at low range at international standards These facts raise the questions why invites into the research for the causes and reasons to explain the shortcomings in the citizen participation in budgeting process in Vietnam Why this reality sustains for quite long time? These and other puzzles need to be explained That why the author of this thesis had chosen the topic to be the dissertation: the citizen participation in budgeting process in Vietnam The purpose of this research is to study for the theoretical foundation of the citizen participation in budgeting process, to study the legal framework for this participation in Vietnam, at least from DOI MOI (renovation) period until now The dissertation also attempts to make assessment of the citizen participation in budgeting process, and in case of shortcomings, to explain the reason why it is not yet effective and efficient as expected Finally, the dissertation proposed legal recommendations to improve the citizen participation in budgeting process Objectives and research tasks This dissertation explains and clarifies the law on the citizen participation in budgeting process as a right granted by Vietnam law, how this right is prescribed in the law, and how it is or being implemented in the reality Subject and Scope of research Research Subject This dissertation deals with legal theoretical issues relating to the principles of and the right relating to the citizen participation in budgeting process It includes the legal regulation and its implementation in reality Scope of Research On substantial issues, the dissertation is limited to the following areas: - Theories on the citizen participation in budgeting process, The means, tools or methodologies how citizens may participate in budgeting process, Evaluate the efficiency of the citizen participation in budgeting process in accordance with Vietnam law, Make suggestions and proposals tom improve the efficiency of the citizen participation in budgeting process On spatial limitation of research, the dissertation is limited to two aspects, first the citizen participation in budgeting process as a right, a basic right granted by law, in accordance with international commitments and the national law of Vietnam Second, the citizen participation in budgeting process is considered as means and tools within public governance and to facilitate economic development The dissertation is based on principles recognized worldwide on good governance, for instance represented by OECD, IMF, UNDP, and others Furthermore, such principles are also implemented by Vietnam law, through legal provisions in different legislations in Vietnam On time limitation, The dissertation focuses on assessment of the citizen participation in budgeting process in Vietnam since Doi Moi (renovation) at VII Party Congress (i.e., since 1991) up to date However, in the parts relating to the context and historical circumstances leading to the participation, particularly the citizen participation in budgeting process, the dissertation extends to literature back to constitutional development as proved by the Constitution 1946, 1959, 1980, 1992 (revised 2001) and the current 2013 Constitution The inventive and new contributions and finding of the dissertation The dissertation gained the following new findings: First, the dissertation clarifies and determines the characteristics of the citizen participation in budgeting process, that is under the leading rule of the Communist Party of Vietnam The CPV directs, leads, supervises entirely and comprehensively the content of the citizen participation in budgeting process It is considered by the Party as part of democracy socialist oriented Citizen may participate through the collectives they belong to The participation is prioritized through state led organizations and forms The level of the citizen participation in budgeting process is low, basically stops at the level of access of information: citizen are entitled to access to information The most popular means to participate is to supervise the budget, i.e., the supervision of budget through communities (communal supervision) Second, the dissertation analyses and makes assessment of the legal provision on the citizen participation in budgeting process in Vietnam, highlighting its achievements and shortcomings, and explaining the causes, reasons why its efficiency is limited Third, the dissertation proposed suggestions to improve the law on the citizen participation in budgeting process, and enhances its effectiveness in reality The structure of the dissertation Content Introduction Chapter 1: Literature review Chapter 2: Theoretical background on the citizen participation in budgeting process Chapter 3: Legal Regulations in Vietnam on citizen participation in budgeting process Chapter 4: Shortcomings and Suggestions to Improve the law on citizen participation in budgeting process Chapter 1: Literature review 1.1 Overview of international and domestic literature on the citizen participation on budgeting process Internationally, The group of literature on the concept of the participation on budgeting process, and on the citizen participation The publications in this field include the followings: Participatory Governance and the Millennium Development Goal (MDGs) by UN in 2008; the book Accountability, Transparency, Participation and Inclusion A New Development Consensus? by Thomas Carothers & Saskia Brechenmacher, published by Carnegie Endowment For International Peace in 2014; The book : Participatory Budgeting published in 2007 by World Bank And others, like: Participation and Development: Perspectives from the Comprehensive Development Paradigm by Joseph E Stiglitz published by Review of Development Economics in 2002 The group of literature on stakeholders and key impact actors on the citizen participation on budgeting process The publications in these fields include the book The Impacts of Fiscal Openness by Paolo de Renzio and Joachim Wehner published by Oxford in 2017; the article The Rationalization of Public Budgeting in China: A Reflection on Participatory Budgeting in Wuxi by Y Wu & K Wang published in Public Finance and Management in 2011; the research Transparency, participation, and accountability practices in open government: A comparative study by Teresa M Harrison & Djoko Sigit Sayogo, published by Government Information Quarterly in 2014; the article Citizen Participation in Budgeting: A Trade-Off between Knowledge and Inclusiveness? by Sounman Hong Yonsei at South Korea University published in Public Administration Review in 2015; article Participatory Budgeting: Core Principles and Key Impacts by Brian Wampler, published in 2012 at Journal of Public Deliberation, and others The group of research relating to means and tools of the citizen participation on budgeting process This group includes the following publications: Participatory Budgeting in Midwestern States: Democratic Connection or Citizen Disconnection? by Aimee L Franklin, Alfred T Ho & Carol Ebdon, published in 2009; the author Archon Fung published the article Varieties of Participation in Complex Governance at Public Administration Review in 2006 The group of research relating to the extent and efficiency participation of citizen in budgeting process This group includes the book A ladder of citizen participation by Sherry R Arnstein; the article The rise of rights by Eyben R published in 2003; André Pierre in 2012 published the Citizen Participation The group of research relating to the role and importance of the citizen participation on budgeting process That include the following publications: “Direct democracy and local public goods: Evidence from a field experiment in Indonesia.” by Benjamin A Olken in 2006; the research Traditional Governance, Citizen Engagement, and Local Public Goods: Evidence from Mexico by Alberto Di’Az- Cayeros, Beatriz Magaloni & Alexander RuizEuler The article published in 2013 by Elsevier; The article The Effects of Participatory Budgeting on Municipal Expenditures and Infant Mortality in Brazil by Sosnia Gonỗalves on World Development in 2014; Participation and Development: Perspectives from the Comprehensive Development Paradigm by Joseph E Stiglitz on Review of Development Economics in 2002 Domestically publication: The group of publication relating on the history of the citizen participation on budgeting process Ho Ngoc Chung published the article Quyền tham gia quản lý nhà nước công dân hiến pháp Việt Nam (the participation in Vietnam constitutions) published by Social Sciences in 2015, Vu Van Men & Phan Dang Thuan published on Tính tự trị làng xã Việt Nam qua hương ước (local autonomy of Vietnam villages through villages’s charter), also in Social Science 2016 The group of research on citizen participation in public areas That group include the following publications: The book on Citizen participation in constitutional process by Dao Tri Uc, Nguyen Thi Mo, Nguyen Van Thuan, Vu Cong Giao, jointly co-edited in 2013 The dissertation written by Phan Van Tuan at Ho Chi Minh Political Academy on the topic: The means and methodologies of the citizen participation on public policy Further, Huynh Ngoc Chuong published an article in 2016 at Social Science, Truong Van Dung on the citizen participation in state management and human development in Human Research Journal in 2008 Further Do Thi Kim Tien, National Academy of Public Administration published one article on the citizen participation and social management Nguyen Trung Kien & Le Ngoc Hung published article on participation in 2012, and others The group of research relating to the citizen participation on budgeting process That group includes a publication by Social Science Academy in 2006 on Policy Dialog on Strengthening the Democracy and the Citizen Participation in Vietnam, further the Vietnam 2035, a publication jointly by WWB and Vietnam Ministry for Planning and Investment (MPI) in 2016 WB also published a series of policy papers relating to public finance in 2017, on Vietnam update in 2020, and others General overview and review of literature Worldwide, the publications build a solid foundation for the citizen participation on budgeting process, such as the definitions, the characteristics, the importance, the levels of participation, the means and methods to participate, the actors which impact the efficiency of the participation Domestically in Vietnam, the publications provide knowledge of participation in public areas, particularly when the state provides public services and the citizen may have a chance to participate The principles and guidance issued by the ruling Communist Party Vietnam were also extensively analyzed All that based on socialist democracy concept Despite that, there are no specific treatment of the citizen participation on budgeting process according to Vietnam law 1.2 The research question, research methodologies hypothesis, and research Research Questions: The dissertation focuses on the following questions: The citizen participation on budgeting process in Vietnam: How it is regulated by law, how is it implemented within Vietnam legal system? In order to answer this wicked questions, the dissertation will clarify the followings: First, what is the citizen participation on budgeting process, and why the citizen have to participate in this process? Second, based on international best practice, which actors may impact the implementation of the citizen participation on budgeting process or its effectiveness? Third, how is the law in the citizen participation on budgeting process being implemented? Forth, what shortcomings the current Vietnam legal system may have relating to the citizen participation on budgeting process? Research hypotheses First, the citizen participation on budgeting process is a basic human right, at the same time, a tool to reach efficiency in state governance Second, the citizen participation on budgeting process is under the comprehensive rule and leadership of the CPV, particularly in forms, and the levels of participation Third, the law of Vietnam already recognized the citizen participation on budgeting process, at lower level, and not appropriate in terms of contents and the means of participation Forth, the implementation of the citizen participation on budgeting process depend on may actors, particularly on the leadership of the CPV and the legal institutions Chapter 2: Theoretical background of the citizen participation budgeting process 2.1 The concept of the citizen participation on budgeting process 10 on Definition of the citizen participation on budgeting process: the citizen participation on budgeting process is a basic human right, according to that, the citizen, with diverse means and tools, may interact directly with the state, to impact on issues related to budgetary process 2.2 The main characteristics of the citizen participation on budgeting process First, the citizen participation, in general, and on budgeting process in particularly, is a basic human right, recognized by the 1966 Convention on Civil and political rights, at Article 25, Point a Second, the citizen participation on budgeting process is the foundation of the democratic system Third, the citizen participation on budgeting process is being used alike a tool to improve the state governance Fourth, the citizen participation on budgeting process is the most important way to participate in public areas 2.3 Importance or role of the citizen participation on budgeting process The citizen participation on budgeting process may have important roles, such as, accelerating economic development, improving the state efficiency, enhancing the equality of resource allocation and of public service 2.4 The content or scope of the citizen participation on budgeting process The level 1: access to information on budgeting process The level 2: May be involved in the consultation process of budget Level 3: Discussion on budgetary procedure The level 4: May be involved in implementing of budget The level 5: May be involved in deciding on budget The level 6: May be involved in in supervision of the budget Chapter 3: The law on the citizen participation on budgeting process in Vietnam 3.1 Political foundation for the citizen participation on budgeting process 11 First, based on socialist legality, the citizen participation on budgeting process is a kind of socialist democracy The citizen are the owner of all political power, that because the citizens have the right to participate In Vietnam, citizen are encouraged to participate through collective and mass organization under state supervision Second, under the pressure of globalization and the need to reform itself, the CPV flexibly accept and recognized the citizen participation on budgeting process and reforms the law in harmonization with international law Such as, issuance of law on access to information (transparency), accepting the concept of direct participation, accepting the citizen may be the center of all development strategies Third, the citizen participation on budgeting process stops at lower level, some means of participation remain uncertain and unclear, some concept are ambiguous, such as citizen supervise and own That formal participation seems to be direction or orientation, but poorly being implemented 3.2 Recognition of the citizen participation on budgeting process in Vietnam Constitutions The constitution 1946, 1959, 1980: Directly or indirectly have recognized the participation of citizens, but all remain not correct, the level of participation remain low These constitutions don’t content the guaranties to implement the participation The constitution 1992 (revised 2001): the citizen participation on budgeting process changed significantly, based on socialist law That enables further improvement The constitution 2013: the citizen participation on budgeting process remains at lower level and being focus on collective means to participate Individual participation is limited 3.3 The current law on the citizen participation on budgeting process Access to information: Citizen have the right to know This is also known as transparency of budget The law provides for the content, the forms, the subjects, and the time to disclose information on budget 12 Disclose is required by all budget level, by budget suggestion estimations of all budgetary units which are funded by state budget, and disclose is required for all programs, project, funded by state budget, particularly in infrastructure The right to be consulted in budgetary process: The Vietnam law is silent on these issues This content is not recognized at current law The right to discuss budget: At budget level (local and central), the law is also silent For units estimating budget, the law is also silent Only in accordance with Article 25 paragraph of the 2022 Law on Grassroots Democracy Implementation, the citizen participation on budgeting process is required for programs and projects funded by state budget The law provides also for the forms of budget discussions Jointly implementation of budget with the state: That is provided by government decree for programs and projects funded by budget The citizen participation on budgeting process in this regard is concretized in more details, in comparison to other forms of participation The citizen decide on the budget: The law is currently silent on this level of participation Budgetary supervision: This level of participation is most comprehensive regulated Including the purposes, the forms of supervision, the subject entitled to supervise at all budget levels, the units funded by the budget, and all programs or projects funded by the state budget Chapter 4: Shortcomings and some Suggestions to Improve the Law on the citizen participation on budgeting process 4.1 Shortcomings in political foundation First, the CPV encourages and oriented the undirect participation (through representatives) at all levels of budgetary process Second, because of the silence of the law, the citizen don’t have the legal base to participate directly and effectively on budgeting process Third, citizen are encouraged to participate through collectives Fourth, there is a lack of mechanisms for actively direct participation 13 Suggestions: The participation shall be flexible, applicable to both direct and indirect participation Second, the CPV resolutions and guidance must be institutionalized in legal documents 4.2 Shortcomings in legal provisions on the citizen participation on budgeting process and suggestion to improvement 4.2.1 Shortcomings in law relating to the citizen participation on budgeting process in Ordinance on grassroots democracy at ward level 2007 With regard to access to information: The data on budget is basically provided, but the usefulness of the date is limited Forms, time, location to participate is designed, but conflicting to each other, that don’t allow efficient participation Inconsistency in using legal terms make the implementation difficult With regard to budget discussions, the Ordinance contents some vage, formal provisions, therefore the effectiveness of participation is impossible With regard to making decision on the budget: The Ordinance is silent, the Article 10 narrows the decision only on parts of the budget contributed by the citizen That don’t reflect the true nature of the citizen participation on budgeting process With regard to budget implementation: The Ordinance is silent, don’t content any rule on this issues With regard to budget supervision: The Ordinance don’t define the supervision, don’t content any rule on this issue Citizen face difficulties when realize this right, albeit with the help of other regulations In summary, during the long period, as from 2007 when issuing the Ordinance No 34, up to now, the citizen participation on budgeting process remains low The impact of participation on budget of ward level is low The law don’t support the more active participation As a result, the budget process remains closely accessible only to some state agencies 4.2.2 Shortcomings in the law on the citizen participation on budgeting process in budget law 14 With respect to programs or project funded by the state, information is only disclosed when they are approved That is precisely the mean obstacle for participation and explain why this participation is not effective With respect to budget supervision of the communities These are some obstacles: First, there is no exact definition on budget supervision by communities Second, the supervision is not effective as strong as enough, because the law is weak, it is not support the communities to take lead during the supervision Third, the results of supervision are not binding, but only for consideration purposes The National Fatherland Front has only the power to make suggestion, it cannot intervene or make pressure on budgetary process Fourth, the selection of members of supervision team or delegation from People Inspection Board, Communities Monitoring Board is not independent and may be subject to be controlled 4.2.3 Some Suggestions to Improve the Law on the citizen participation on budgeting process With regard to Access to Information: First, the Article 23 paragraph of the Law on Access to Information must be specifically concretized through guidance or interpretations in detail Second, it is suggested that guiding regulations must be issued to disclose on programs/projects being funded by state budget Third, it is recommended that disclose to information as provided by Article 14 Law on Public Investment 2019 must be added by law, similarly as regulated by Circular 346/2016 by Ministry of Finance With regard to deciding on budget: First, at ward level, it should be piloted that, at least in projects directly impacted the livelihood of the citizen, so the citizen shall have the right to co-determine the budget 15 Second, it shall be issued a legal document explaining projects or programs at ward, or sub-ward levels in accordance with Article 15 paragraph Law on Implementation of Grassroots Democracy 2022 With regard to budget supervision: First, to add the definition what is communities supervision at Article 52 Decree 163/2016 implementing the Law on Budget Second, to add the subjects empowering to supervise the budget, including people with knowledge in accountants or auditors, requiring these people to attend the supervisory team Third, the selection of members for communities supervision team or people inspection board is subject only to the leadership of the Party at the same administrative level Fourth, enhance the independence of the National Fatherland Front, particularly in finance and organization, to be independent on budget of the local or ward level, which is subject of the supervision Fifth, the Fatherland Front shall have more authority, not only just to make recommendations, but also some power to temporally suspend the implementation of Programs/Project which may be proved as in violation with the law List of publications: Danh mục cơng trình cơng bố Lương Thị Thu Hương (2015), Nâng cao vai trò Quốc Hội quy trình ngân sách, Tạp chí Nghiên cứu lập pháp số 12 (292) Lương Thị Thu Hương (2016), Sự tham gia người dân vào quy trình ngân sách, Tạp chí Nghiên cứu lập pháp, số 11(315) tháng năm 2016 Tran Van Long; Luong Thi Thu Huong (2020), The Principle of Public Participation in the Constitution of Vietnam ICBF 2020, 7-28 August 2020 (Trần Vân 16 Long; Lương Thị Thu Hương Sự tham gia người dân Hiến Pháp Việt Nam, Hội thảo quốc tế ICBF, tháng năm 2020, Đại Học Kinh Tế TP.HCM Lương Thị Thu Hương (2021), Sự tham gia người dân vào quy trình ngân sách nhà nước bối cảnh xây dựng quyền thị TP.HCM Định hướng phát triển TP.HCM thời kỳ 2021 – 2030 tầm nhìn 2045 Kỷ yếu Hội thảo khoa học UBND TP.HCM, Tháng năm 2021 Lương Thị Thu Hương (2021), Sự tham gia người dân vào quy trình ngân sách nhà nước – nhân tố đổi quản trị quốc gia hiệu theo định hướng Nghị Quyết XIII Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam, Kỷ yếu Hội Thảo trọng điểm: Diễn Đàn Luật Học Phát Triển – Nghị Đại hội Đảng lần thứ XIII vấn đề đặt cho việc xây dựng hoàn thiện nhà nước pháp quyền xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam, Đại học Luật Hà Nội, tháng năm 2021 Lương Thị Thu Hương (2022), Sự tham gia người dân TP.HCM vào quy trình ngân sách nhà nước bối cảnh áp dụng quyền thị, Tạp chí Nghiên cứu Lập pháp, số 06 tháng năm 2022 Lương Thị Thu Hương (2022), Hồn thiện mơ hình quyền thị TP.HCM đáp ứng yêu cầu xây dựng nhà nước pháp quyền xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam, Kỷ yếu Hội Thảo trọng điểm: Diễn Đàn Luật Học Phát Triển – Những vấn đề tổ chức, hoạt động máy nhà nước nhà nước pháp quyền xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam nay, Đại Học Luật Hà Nội, tháng năm 2022 17