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Site layout optimization using novel hybrid ant lion optimizer (alo) algorithm

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FEBRINA VIENNA SOULISA SITE LAYOUT OPTIMIZATION USING NOVEL HYBRID ANT LION OPTIMIZER (ALO) ALGORITHM TỐI ƯU HĨA BỐ TRÍ MẶT BẰNG THI CƠNG SỬ DỤNG THUẬT TOÁN LAI GHÉP KIẾN SƯ TỬ - (ALO) MỚI Major: CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Major code: 8580302 MASTER’S THESIS HO CHI MINH CITY, DECEMBER 2022 THIS RESEARCH IS COMPLETED AT: UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY – VNU – HCM CITY Instructor: PhD/Associate Prof Pham Vu Hong Son Examiner 1: Assoc Prof Dr Luong Duc Long Examiner 2: Dr Nguyen Van Tiep Master’s thesis is defended at HCM city University of Technology, VNUHCM City on December 7th, 2022 The board of the Master’s Thesis Defense Council includes: President: Dr Do Tien Sy Secretary: Assoc Prof Dr Tran Duc Hoc Counter-argument member 1: Assoc Prof Dr Luong Duc Long Counter-argument member 2: Dr Nguyen Van Tiep Council member: Dr Nguyen Thanh Viet Verification of the Chairman of the Master’s Thesis Defense Council and the Dean of faculty of Civil Engineering after the thesis being corrected (If any) CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNCIL DEAN OF FACULTY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING ………………… ………………… i VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HO CHI MINH CITY HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence – Freedom - Happiness THE TASK SHEET OF MASTER’S THESIS Full name: FEBRINA VIENNA SOULISA Student code: 2070288 Date of birth: 03/02/1994 Place of birth: Bandung, Indonesia Major: Construction Management Major code: 8580302 I THESIS TOPIC: Site layout optimization using novel hybrid ant lion optimizer (ALO) algorithm Tối ưu hóa bố trí mặt thi cơng sử dụng thuật tốn lai ghép kiến sư tử - (ALO) II TASKS AND CONTENTS: Site layout optimization using artificial intelligence in Construction Management III TASKS STARTING DATE: March, 2022 IV TASKS ENDING DATE: December, 2022 V INSTRUCTOR: PhD/Associate Prof Pham Vu Hong Son HCM City, December, 2022 INSTRUCTOR PhD/Assoc Prof Pham Vu Hong Son HEAD OF DEPARTMENT ………………… DEAN OF FACULTY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING ………………… i ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I want to express my gratitude to all the lecturers (both Vietnamese and Japanese), admins (both academic and OISP), and classmates, especially my fellow CEP students (John, Zei, and Poe) of the International Master Program at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology for the continuous support and help given during the program The completion of this research is possible thanks to my respectful and kind thesis instructor and advisor, Ph.D./Associate Prof Pham Vu Hong Son, for his guidance and assistance The constructive feedback, advice, suggestions, and shared knowledge helped me a lot during the process of making this thesis research I would like to send my special thanks to the Japan International Cooperation Agency Project for ASEAN University Network / Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (JICA project for AUN-SEED-Net) for the scholarship of Collaborative Education Program (CEP) that allows me to pursue my master's degree and have the opportunity to broaden both my knowledge and connection with people within the construction industry Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my family members (Reviyani Malinda Soulisa, Acung, Genu) and friends, especially Addinda, Precelia, Alver, and Aurora, for their continuous support I am also forever thankful for my favorite characters Suna Rintarou, Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, and Kokonoi Hajime, for being my source of motivation ii iii ABSTRACT The layout of a construction site must be properly planned to guarantee safe and effective operations Planning the construction site's layout has a significant impact on a project's productivity, budget, and timeline An effective process for optimization models has been developed using a number of different algorithms Artificial intelligence-based solutions, such as metaheuristic algorithms, have been studied in depth for the site planning problem in the construction industry However, the Ant Lion Optimization (ALO) algorithm has limited research in solving site layout optimization problems although proven consistent for problem that require an optimization approach Moreover, a novel hybrid ALO algorithm is necessary to produce a more optimal solution with better runtime Thus, this study developed a novel hybrid Ant Lion Optimizer (ALO) algorithm and applied it to a case study representing the site layout problem to determine the optimal site layout and travel distance Overall, the proposed algorithm outperformed other algorithms in terms of consistency and efficiency and can be used to solve site layout problem Keywords: Construction, Site Layout, Optimization, Novel Hybrid Ant Lion Optimizer (ALO), Algorithm iii iv TÓM TẮT LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ Bố trí mặt thi cơng cơng trường phải lên kế hoạch xác để đảm bảo hoạt động diễn an toàn hiệu Việc lên kế hoạch xếp mặt thi công công trường ảnh hưởng quan trọng đến hiệu suất, ngân sách thời gian thực dự án Các thuật tốn trí tuệ nhân tạo sử dụng để tạo lập mơ hình tối ưu hóa mặt thi cơng Các giải pháp dựa trí tuệ nhân tạo, chẳng hạn thuật toán metaheuristic, nghiên cứu chuyên sâu cho việc bố trí bề mặt cơng trường ngành xây dựng Tuy nhiên, nghiên cứu thuật toán tối ưu kiến sư tử (ALO) hạn chế việc giải vấn đề tối ưu hóa bố cục chứng minh quán vấn đề tối ưu hóa tồn cục Hơn nữa, thuật toán ALO lai ghép cần thiết để tạo giải pháp tối ưu với thời gian chạy tốt Do đó, nghiên cứu phát triển thuật toán lai ghép kiến sử tử (ALO) áp dụng vào nghiên cứu điển hình đại diện cho vấn đề bố cục lại bề mặt cơng trường xây dựng để tối ưu hố khoảng cách di chuyển Nhìn chung, thuật tốn đề xuất vượt trội so với thuật tốn khác tính quán, hiệu sử dụng để giải vấn đề tối ưu bố trí mặt thi cơng cơng trường Từ khóa: Xây dựng, Bố trí mặt thi cơng, Tối ưu hóa, Thuật tốn lai ghép kiến sư tử (ALO) iv v AUTHOR’S COMMITMENT The undersigned below: Name : Febrina Vienna Soulisa Student ID : 2070288 Place and date of born : Bandung, Indonesia, February 3, 1994 Address : Ho Chi Minh City With this declaring that the master thesis entitled “Site Layout Optimization Using Novel Hybrid Ant Lion Optimizer (ALO) Algorithm” is done by the author under supervision of the instructor All works, ideas, and material that was gain from other references have been cited in the corrected way Ho Chi Minh City, December 14, 2022 Febrina Vienna Soulisa v vi TABLE OF CONTENTS THE TASK SHEET OF MASTER’S THESIS i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .ii ABSTRACT iii TÓM TẮT LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ iv AUTHOR’S COMMITMENT v TABLE OF CONTENTS vi LIST OF FIGURES ix INTRODUCTION 1.1 Problem Statement 1.2 Research Objectives 1.3 Scope of Study 1.4 Research Methodology 1.5 Academic and Practical Significances 1.5.1 Academically 1.5.2 Practically LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Construction Site Layout Optimization 2.2 Ant Lion Optimizer (ALO) Algorithm 2.3 Related Studies 11 DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION 15 3.1 Application of Ant Lion Optimizer (ALO) 15 3.2 Novel Hybrid Ant Lion Optimizer (NH-ALO) 18 3.3 Tournament selection 20 3.4 Opposition-based learning (OBL) 20 3.5 Mutation and crossover 21 vi vii CASE STUDIES 24 4.1 Objective Function and Parameter 24 4.2 Case Study 24 4.3 Case Study 30 4.4 Case Study 34 4.5 Case Study 39 CONCLUSION 44 5.1 Conclusion 44 5.2 Future Research 45 REFERENCES 46 APPENDICES 52 Appendix MATLAB Coding 53 ALO.m 53 caseStudy1.m 56 caseStudy2.m 57 caseStudy3.m 58 caseStudy4.m 59 CrossOverU.m 60 graphResult.m 60 initialization.m 60 main_cs1.m 61 main_cs1.m (2) 62 main_cs2.m 63 main_cs3.m 64 main_cs4.m 65 mutation.m 66 vii viii Random_walk_around_antlion.m 66 show_result.m 68 TournamentSelection.m 69 Appendix MATLAB Command Window Result 70 Case study command window result 70 Case study command window result (2) 71 Case study command window result 76 Case study command window result 77 Case study command window result 78 Appendix MATLAB Excel result 79 Case study 1, 2, 3, & excel result 79 Case study (2) excel result 80 viii 67 67 68 show_result.m 68 69 TournamentSelection.m 69 70 Appendix MATLAB Command Window Result Case study command window result 70 71 Case study command window result (2) 71 72 72 73 73 74 74 75 75 76 Case study command window result 76 77 Case study command window result 77 78 Case study command window result 78 79 Appendix MATLAB Excel result Case study 1, 2, 3, & excel result Recap of objective function value per iteration from excel file for case study 1, 2, 3, and Iteration 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Case 12578 12578 12578 12546 12546 12546 12546 12546 12546 12546 12546 12546 12546 12546 12546 12546 12546 12546 12546 12546 12546 12546 12546 12546 12546 12546 12546 12546 12546 12546 Case 39254 39254 39254 39254 39184 39184 39184 39184 39184 39184 39184 39184 39184 39184 39184 39184 39184 39184 39184 39184 39184 39184 39184 39184 39184 39184 39184 39184 39184 39184 79 Case 4044 4044 4044 4044 4044 3946 3946 3946 3946 3946 3946 3946 3946 3946 3946 3946 3946 3946 3946 3946 3946 3946 3946 3946 3946 3946 3946 3946 3946 3946 Case 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 26680 80 Case study (2) excel result Recap of objective function value per iteration from excel file for case study (2) Iteration Value Iteration Value Iteration Value Iteration Value Iteration Value 12696 41 12546 81 12546 121 12546 161 12546 12696 42 12546 82 12546 122 12546 162 12546 12696 43 12546 83 12546 123 12546 163 12546 12546 44 12546 84 12546 124 12546 164 12546 12546 45 12546 85 12546 125 12546 165 12546 12546 46 12546 86 12546 126 12546 166 12546 12546 47 12546 87 12546 127 12546 167 12546 12546 48 12546 88 12546 128 12546 168 12546 12546 49 12546 89 12546 129 12546 169 12546 10 12546 50 12546 90 12546 130 12546 170 12546 11 12546 51 12546 91 12546 131 12546 171 12546 12 12546 52 12546 92 12546 132 12546 172 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12546 34 12546 74 12546 114 12546 154 12546 194 12546 35 12546 75 12546 115 12546 155 12546 195 12546 36 12546 76 12546 116 12546 156 12546 196 12546 37 12546 77 12546 117 12546 157 12546 197 12546 38 12546 78 12546 118 12546 158 12546 198 12546 39 12546 79 12546 119 12546 159 12546 199 12546 40 12546 80 12546 120 12546 160 12546 200 12546 80 81 PROFILE Full name : Febrina Vienna Soulisa Date of birth : February 3, 1994 Place of birth : Bandung, Indonesia Address : Ho Chi Minh City Email : febrina.soulisa.imp20@hcmut.edu.vn TRAINING PROCESS (Starting from university to now): 08/2012 - Now WORKING PROCESS (Starting from university to now): 04/2016 - Now 81

Ngày đăng: 02/06/2023, 13:41

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