Learning android(2011)
[...]... Table 1-1 helps explain that Table 1-1 Android versions through Android 2.3 Android version API level Nickname Android 1.0 1 Android 1.1 2 Android 1.5 3 Cupcake Android 1.6 4 Donut Android 2.0 5 Eclair Android 2.01 6 Eclair Android 2.1 7 Eclair Android 2.2 8 Froyo (frozen yogurt) Android 2.3 9 Gingerbread Android 2.3.3 10 Gingerbread Android 3.0 11 Honeycomb The Android version number itself partly tells... Example 3-1 AndroidManifest.xml Strings This is another XML file that... Keep in mind the distribution of Android versions on real devices out there Figure 1-1 shows a snapshot of the Android Device Dashboard from mid-2010 Figure 1-1 Historical Android version distribution through January 2011 You may notice that there are not a lot of users of Android 1.5 and 1.6 You may also notice that not a lot of users have the latest and greatest Android 2.3, but the number of 2.x... regardless of whether you use OS X, Linux, or Windows Installing the Android SDK The Android Software Development Kit (SDK) is all you need to develop applications for Android The SDK comes with a set of tools as well as a platform to run it and see it all work You can download the Android SDK for your particular platform from the Android SDK Download page 15 Once you download it, unzip (or on Linux,... folder that is easy to get to Further examples in the book will assume your SDK is in the folder ~ /android- sdk If it’s in a different location, use that location instead of ~ /android- sdk For example: Windows C:\apps \android- sdk-windows Linux /home/YourUserName /android- sdk-linux_86 Mac OS X /Users/YourUserName /android- sdk-mac_86 For Windows users, I strongly recommend choosing directories without spaces... recommend putting android- sdk in a top-level directory that you create, such as C:\apps However, on Windows Vista or 7, you can simply extract android- sdk into C:\Users\YourUserName Setting Up a PATH to Tools The Android SDK has a folder that contains all its major tools Since we’re going to use these tools from the command line, it is very helpful to add your ~ /android- sdk/tools/ and your ~ /android- skd/platform-tools/... this URL: https://dl-ssl.google.com /android/ eclipse/ 5 Click OK 6 Back in the Available Software view, you should now see “Developer Tools” added to the list Select the checkbox next to Developer Tools, which will automatically select the nested tools Android DDMS and Android Development Tools Click Next 7 In the resulting Install Details dialog, the Android DDMS and Android Development Tools features... of the Android platform you are building for In here you should see a list of available platforms and add-ons you have installed as part of your SDK Go ahead and pick one of the newer ones, such as Android 2.2 (but don’t choose the targets named Google APIs—those are Google’s proprietary extensions to the Android platform) For our purposes, we’ll stick to Android Open Source versions of the Android. .. moment The first version of the Android SDK was released without an actual phone on the market The point of this is that you don’t really need a phone for Android development There are some exceptions (hardware sensors, telephony, etc.), but for the most part the Android SDK contains everything you’ll need for developing on this platform Android Versions Like any software, Android is improved over time, . find this book fairly comprehen- sive and that you find the example-based learning reasonably motivating. The goal of Learning Android is to get you to think in Android terms. What’s Inside Chapter. Nutshell Handbook logo, and the O’Reilly logo are registered trademarks of O’Reilly Media, Inc. Learning Android, the image of a Little Owl, and related trade dress are trademarks of O’Reilly.