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Design of automatic attendance register system and hand santizer with temperature sensing

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION FACULTY FOR HIGH QUALITY TRAINING ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY DESIGN OF AUTOMATIC ATTENDANCE REGISTER SYSTEM AND SANITIZED WITH TEMPERATURE SENSING LECTURER: TRUONG NGOC SON STUDENT : LA GIA KIET QUANG CHI PHUONG SKL 0 Ho Chi Minh City, August, 2020 HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION FACULTY FOR HIGH QUALITY TRAINING - - GRADUATION THESIS MAJOR: ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY DESIGN OF AUTOMATIC ATTENDANCE REGISTER SYSTEM AND HAND SANITIZER WITH TEMPERATURE SENSING ADVISOR: Assoc.Prof TRUONG NGOC SON STUDENT: LA GIA KIET 18161019 QUANG CHI PHUONG 18161135 Ho Chi Minh City, August, 2022 HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION FACULTY FOR HIGH QUALITY TRAINING - - GRADUATION THESIS MAJOR: ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY DESIGN OF AUTOMATIC ATTENDANCE REGISTER SYSTEM AND HAND SANITIZER WITH TEMPERATURE SENSING ADVISOR: Assoc.Prof TRUONG NGOC SON STUDENT: LA GIA KIET 18161019 QUANG CHI PHUONG 18161135 Ho Chi Minh City, August, 2022 i THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence - Freedom - Happiness *** Ho Chi Minh City, July, 2022 GRADUATION THESIS ASSIGNMENT Student name: La Gia Kiet Student ID: 18161019 Student name: Quang Chi Phuong Student ID: 18161135 Major: Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Technology Class: 18161CLA Advisor: Assoc.Prof Truong Ngoc Son Date of assignment: 05/04/2022 Date of submission: 01/08/2022 Thesis title: Design of automatic attendance register system and hand sanitizer with temperature sensing Initial materials provided by the advisor: - Hoang Tri, “Design and construction of a model system that combines solar and wind energy to generate power”, Faculty of Electronic, Ha Noi University of Industry, 9/2019 - Po-Wei Huang, “An Embedded Non-Contact Body Temperature Measurement System with Automatic Face Tracking and Neural Network Regression” 2016 International Automatic Control Conference (CACS), 2016 ii Content of the thesis: • Refer to document, read and summarize to find the development direction of the thesis • Block diagram design and description • System design and implementation with ESP8266 NodeMCU, RFID module, and GY-906 MLX90614 sensor • Hardware design and construction, circuit assembly • Write a program for the controller as well as display information of employee on website • Assemble and complete the module • Running and testing the system for completing • Write a report and prepare slides for defense Final product: The model of automatic attendance register system and hand sanitizer with temperature sensing powed by a solar energy system Information about temperature displayed on LCD screen and employee attendance which performed on the website CHAIR OF THE PROGRAM ADVISOR (Sign with full name) (Sign with full name) iii THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence - Freedom - Happiness *** -Ho Chi Minh City, July 2022 ADVISOR’S EVALUATION SHEET Student name: La Gia Kiet Student ID: 18161019 Student name: Quang Chi Phuong Student ID: 18161135 Major: Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Technology Thesis title: Design of automatic attendance register system and hand sanitizer with temperature sensing Advisor: Assoc.Prof Truong Ngoc Son EVALUATION Content of the thesis: - Thesis has chapters with 69 pages - Implementation of temperature measurement, hand sanitizer and attendance system - The real system is successfully completed following the objectives in the proposal Strengths: Weaknesses: Approval for oral defense? (Approved or denied) Overall evaluation: (Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor) Mark: ……………… (in words: ) Ho Chi Minh City, month ADVISOR iv day year THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence - Freedom - Happiness *** -Ho Chi Minh City, July 2022 PRE-DEFENSE EVALUATION SHEET Student name: La Gia Kiet Student ID: 18161019 Student name: Quang Chi Phuong Student ID: 18161135 Major: Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Technology Thesis title: Design of automatic attendance register system and hand sanitizer with temperature sensing Name of Reviewer: Dr Pham Ngoc Son EVALUATION Content and workload of the thesis: - Thesis has chapters with 69 pages - Implementation of temperature measurement, hand sanitizer and attendance system - The real system is successfully completed following the objectives in the proposal Strengths: - Clear presentations - Thesis includes mathematical manipulations for the design and selections - The hardware and software of the proposed model are implemented completely, and look like to work well Weaknesses: - Basic knowledge is presented too long Approval for oral defense? (Approved or denied) - Approved Overall evaluation: (Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor) Mark: …………… (in words: ) Ho Chi Minh City, month 08 day 07 year 2022 REVIEWER Dr Pham Ngoc Son v A GUARANTEE We here with formally declare that this thesis is our research and implementation We have not copied from any published articles without quoting the source If there is any violation, we accept full responsibility Student implement La Gia Kiet - 18161019 Quang Chi Phuong - 18161135 vi GRATITUDE Foremost, we would like to express our sincere thanks to the lectures in the Faculty of High Quality Training During the time of studying at school, teachers were dedicated to teaching and imparting out team knowledge, experience, and motivation in the learning process Moreover, we would like to express my gratitude for his continued support and encouragement: Associate Professor Truong Ngoc Son We consider that: His guidance and advice are the best opportunity for us to complete this thesis Another, we would like to thank our friends who share knowledge and valuable experiences during the implementation of the thesis Finally, we would like to thank our families who have put in the time, effort, and support our team during the implementation of this thesis Sincerely thank you! HCMC, Date Month Year 2022 Student implementation vii ABSTRACT In the current COVID-19 epidemic, the entrance of offices and companies are equipped with bottles for hand sanitizer The fact that everyone must come and touch with the bottle that leading create a possible source of infection On the other hand, technology is increasingly developed, the green energy gradually becoming an essential ingredient so it is impossible not to mention that the abundant energy that is available and does not cause harm to the earth’s environment is the source of solar energy Currently, buildings and commercial areas all the use solar energy as the main fuel source to convert electricity That's why our team chose the topic: “Design of automatic attendance register system and hand sanitizer with temperature sensing” to contribute a little effort to join hands with the community to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic and ensure everyone's health The system uses the central microcontroller ESP8266, non-contact infrared temperature sensor GY-906, module RFID, solar panel, storage battery and the pump, etc Furthermore, the thesis has designed a webserver to recognize attendance of employees by using module RFID and ESP8266 to convert WIFI so that can display information about the time-in time-out of employees that admins can use it more conveniently and can monitor when place have WIFI The result after the thesis is that the temperature measurement, hand sanitizer and attendance system works stably as the goal of the topic The system has the advantage of minimize the spread of covid-19 and being able to support admins to monitor attendance of employee through the webserver, have longer capacity thanks to the use of solar energy However, the system also has the disadvantage that our team is working on a model, so some aesthetic problems are not high, but sill ensure water resistance when the device is operating outdoors viii We use solar panel to charge the reserve battery box with an input voltage of 4.48V with satisfied for the input voltage of IC TP4006 Then the red LED will light up indicating that the circuit is charging the battery shown in figure 5.7 Figure 5.7: The solar panel charge for reserve battery 5.1.3 Software installation For employee attendance, we use a magnetic card containing an ID number which the system will transmit information via Wi-Fi to the webserver For the normal temperature, the RFID module will operate and for the temperature exceeds to higher than threshold, the attendance mode will be closed When the user puts the card into the RFID module, the system will confirm the ID of the card, if the card has the correct code, the buzzer will sound time and vice versa if the card has the wrong code, the buzzer will sound for seconds to warning shown in figure 5.8 59 Figure 5.8: The ID card is shown on LCD screen a Main screen interface of employee attendance on website The website is designed to be used with modes: Enrollment and Attendance in the Your Devices section When admin uses Attendance mode, the employee's time-in can be viewed when the first successful card scan is completed and the second card scan will display the time-out through the RFID module and demonstrated in figure 5.9 and figure 5.10 Figure 5.9: Time-In of employee Figure 5.10: Time-Out of employee 60 b Add, Update and Delete the employee functionalities The admin using enrollment mode in figure 5.11 which will be able to add, update and delete employee information including Name, Gender, Serial Number, Department in the Manage Users section Figure 5.11: Change to Enrollment mode When the admin selects the Card UID, the employee's information is displayed in figure 5.12 Figure 5.12: Information of employee in Manage Users section 61 Figure 5.13 demonstrates that when the admin successfully added the new card's information, it will show the Card UID is 8310512517, Name is None and Gender is None After that, the information will be updated with the employee's name is Nguyen Huy Long, Serial number is and Gender is Male Figure 5.13: Result of added a new employee Figure 5.14 shows when the admin wants to change the information of old employee with Card UID of 8310512517, Name is Nguyen Huy Long and Gender is Male After that, the information will be updated successfully with the name of new employee is Ta Quoc Thinh with Serial number and Gender is Male 62 Figure 5.14: Result of updated an employee When the admin wants to delete the information of employee with the Name is Ta Quoc Thinh Select the Card UID than employee's information will appear then select the mode delete user that demonstrates in figure 5.15 Figure 5.15: Result of deleted an employee 63 c Data export The employee can view attendance information through file excel that exported from the admin including ID, Name, Serial Number, Card UID, Device ID, Device Department, Date log, Time-In, Time-Out Figure 5.16: Result of exported to file excel d User log filter The website is designed to filter employee information including Filter by Date, Filter By Time-In Time-Out, Filter By User and Filter By Device Department shown in figure 5.13 64 Figure 5.17: User filter by name 5.2 DISSCUSION After the testing process, the table of experimental results has been shown Table 5.1 is the result of the temperature measurement based on the number of tests and the results of those tests Table 5.1: Experimental data of temperature measurement No Process Number of tests Number of successes Normal temperature 20 20 High temperature 20 20 The non-contact infrared temperature sensor GY-906 specified in the datasheet with an accurate measuring distance of 1-3cm and an error from the manufacturer of 0.2 degrees Celsius is shown in figure 5.18 and figure 5.19 65 Figure 5.18: Line chart of normal temperature Figure 5.19: Line chart of High temperature After temperature measurement, the relay and employee attendance will be operated Subsequent testing and getting results, we collected the number of relay operations and confirm the ID card for employee attendance in table 5.2 66 Table 5.2: Experimental data of Relay and Employee attendance No Process Number of tests Number of successes Relay 20 18 Employee attendance 20 20 After all, testing and evaluation of the system, the circuit works relatively stable and the standard error for temperature measurement in experiment practice is approximately 0,3 degrees Celsius However, the relay cannot activate fluently because the circuit is designed and manufactured by ourselves, so the power and line will not be stable and circuit costs are still high due to retail production Therefore, if the module produced in large quantities, the circuit cost may be reduced to an acceptable level 67 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION AND FUTHER WORK 6.1 CONCLUSION The model of a thesis “Design of automatic attendance register system and hand sanitizer with temperature sensing” has been completed and can work well, this system has a high application In terms of hardware, the system using the main microcontroller is ESP8266 NodeMCU to communicate with the noncontact temperature measurement sensor GY-906 MLX90416 to receive information about temperature, infrared signal which display on LCD and activate the pump Besides that, RFID module receives information of employee for checking attendance through webserver Microcontrollers, modules are properly connected to the designed schematic diagram and operate with high stability The algorithm flowcharts and programing for microcontroller and RFID are designed to perform the system’s functions, designed the interface for the admin can control through selections on a webserver The result is satisfied the original objective of the thesis The non-contact temperature measurement and hand sanitizer system works for a long time in a stable manner Besides that, admin can manage attendance of employees by accessing the webserver The system has all the basic functions of a temperature measurement, hand sanitizer and attendance system such as display the user temperature, environment temperature and ID card on LCD screen Furthermore, the system using solar energy known as fresh-energy that reduce the cost and environmental friendliness 6.2 FUTHER WORK According to the previous mentioned part, the thesis also has certain limitation For the model to be more completed and applicable in usual life, the temperature measurement, hand sanitizer and attendance system needs to be improved in term of higher applicability The system can update the temperature of the employee with a fever on the webserver and alert the admin to promptly handle it according to the 5K principle and can integrate voice for convenience In the future, the system by using 68 solar energy will be more developed, the product after being improved inapplicability will be applied in an industry with low cost 69 REFERENCE [1] T Andrasto, “The effectiveness of disinfectant spraying based on 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Ngày đăng: 05/05/2023, 14:33