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WORD FORM 1 The kitchen can be a place for children (danger) 2 If you don’t pay the bill on time, your will be cut off (electric) 3 Rooney could not play that match because of a knee (injure) 4 Surviv.

WORD FORM The kitchen can be a _ place for children (danger) If you don’t pay the bill on time, your will be cut off (electric) Rooney could not play that match because of a knee _ (injure) Survivors of the wreck were brought to by a helicopter (safe) John can play both the acoustic and guitar (electricity) ‘What is the Symbol for gold?’ ‘It’s Au’ (chemistry) The drunk man was driving _ in the heavy traffic (danger) Fortunately, nobody was badly in the accident (injure) My money is _ kept in a bank (safe) 10 Doctors and nurses were on the scene of the accident to take care of the _ people (injure) 11 Xuan hopes to go to medical school, so she’s trying to study _ (chemical) Lan was praised for her good in class (behave) She showed her parents her report card (proud) I’m doing a lot of for tomorrow’s history examination (revise) The teacher praised him for his active in every class discussion (participate) Do you understand the English saying: ‘ _ makes the heart grow fonder’? (absent) His _ was hurt when he lost the game (proud) This document needs the _ of yours and your wife (sign) Unfortunately, there was no _ in his work at school (improve) The purpose of the meeting is to improve the between parents and the school (co-operate) 10 Nam has been always an active _ in class discussions (participate) 11 Success in sports is a source of national _ (proud) 12 He didn’t give the reason for his from work (absent) Thanks to the of our parents, we have almost everything we like (generous) I like people who have a sense of (humorous) My younger brother draws _ He wishes to become an artist (beauty) The car hit a lamp post , no one was hurt (lucky) Many _ have taken part in the Green Summer Program (voluntary) Your son is rather reserved He should more (sociable) Each of them solved the problem _ (different) We were all amazed at the of the river (beautiful) We need your help! Please give ! (generous) 10 Did he help you or did you ask him to it? (volunteer) I don’t think it is _ to go sailing in this stormy weather (wisdom) Her words had a effect on him (magic) He was very _ about driving the first car of his own (excite) I don’t like people who are to animals (cruelty) ‘Banh chung’ is a _ Vietnamese cake which is often eaten at New Year (tradition) The sawed the girl into two halves (magic) It was for the campers that the rain stopped (fortune) My heart was thumping with _when I heard the good news (excite) Grandmothers tell fairy stories to their grandchildren before bedtime (tradition) 10.The teacher wanted to say a few words of _to his students before the examination (wise) 11.I got stuck in tho traffic, but I arrived at the airport in time to catch the plane (fortune) 12.I want to help you, but there’s nothing I can (fortune) The experiment was _ , so they had to it again (success) What is the _ between the Moon and the Earth? (distant) There was a wave of from Europe to America in the 19th century (emigrate) Thomas Watson worked as the only to Alexander G Bell, (assist) The supporters of the team cheered when the referee blew the whistle (finally) Alexander G Bell was among the greatest _ of all times (invent) This program is a live from the Olympic Games (transmit) Alexander Bell’s invention was _- _ successful (commerce) This gives young artists an opportunity to display their work (exhibit) 10.The cost of schooling should be an - _ between the school and parents (arrange) 11 I have warned him _ times, but he won’t listen (count) 12 Confidence is an important element of _ (succeed) Good can help people get rid of poverty (educate) Are there any youth _ in your country? (organize) These plants can grow in poor soils (nature) The teacher asked the students to choose a partner for the next (act) ‘When is the in this school?’ ‘It’s the ílrst week of August.’ (enroll) ‘Who is your favorite _ , Lan?’ ‘I think it’s Tom Hank.’ (act) If you want to be a member of the club, please fill out this form (apply) Are the scouting programs _ from one another in each country? (differ) There is some _ in the way the two groups work (similar) 10.Are there both single-sex and schools in yoưr country? (educate) 11.The festival was well- ; everybody was pleased with it (organize) 12.Boys and girls may act _ in this situation (differ) It is a great to live near a good school and a shopping mall.(convenient) Most land in this area is in private _ (owner) He spends all his time on the Computer He feels more _ with the Computer than with people (comfort) The aim of the government is to keep good relations with countries (neighbor) Customers have chance to win a new car when they buy this new _ (produce) Most of the in my neighborhood are very friendly (reside) These plants need heat and to grow well (humid) A _ of her short stories will be published soon (select) The chair looks nice, but it’s very to sit on (comfort) 10 It was really _ to phone her at midnight! (convenient) 11 They quarreled so loudly that the whole could hear them (neighbor) 12 Do you have your _ room or you share it with anyone? (owner) People in remote villages not have good care (medicine) Money cannot buy true _ (friend) The child was sleeping _ in its baby carriage (peace) The island is only by boat (access) The authorities are trying to solve the problem of in the city (crowd) The authorities of the city are practicing an open-door policy for workers (migrate) The television is a great source of _ (entertain) In this _ city, every small piece of land is worth kilos of gold (crowd) It is often _ to think about the mistakes we have made (pleasant) 10.One of the advantages of living in the country is that it is so _ (peace) 11.That remote area is by car You can only get there by helicopter (access) 12.You may think Sally is , but she isn’t; she’s just shy (friend) He was knocked down by a taxi and lost _ (conscious) The doctor explained _ what she should at the time (patient) His speech was so boring that everybody felt very (sleep) When she saw the accident, she called the police and an ambulance (calm) The war between the two countries was short but (blood) His knee forced him to leave the match so early (injure) I lost _ with her whimsical behavior (patient) The _ soldiers were rescued by a helicopter (wound) Fortunately, nobody was in the car accident (injure) 10 He spoke to the children and tried to make them feel safe with his _ (calm) 11 When the ambulance arrived, the victim was still _ (consciousness) 12 I was almost exhausted after a night (sleep) This novel is not _ of ạll his works (represent) The outbreak of the flu epidemic resulted in a sharp in the number of tourists (reduce) Recycling programs have helped to solve some of the _ problems (environment) These plants grow well in soil by the river (fertilize) This book is very interesting; it contains lots of information (use) The river has been used for many years as an _waste dump (industry) All of the students in my class elected Huong ạs our (represent) The silence and of the house made the children feel frightened (empty) Farmers use different kinds of _ to enrich the soil (fertilize) 10 We are very surprised at the speed of the of the city (industrial) 11 Companies are encouraging people to buy more by the prices of their Products, (reduce) 12 The money should be more spent on the recycling plan (use) We had a four-day vacation in that Coastal town , it rained hard almost every day.(fortunate) You can get all _ you need on the Internet, (inform) That region in the North of the country is very _ (mountain) ‘Does the price of the holiday include ?’ I asked the tourist officer (accommodate) I was amazed by the of the scenery (magnificent) The hotel is located in the _district of the city (center) My hobbies are traveling and _ (photo) He was _ in having some good friends to help him (fortune) The new hotel can 600 guests at a time (accommodation) with six nice chairs around (center) 10 The table was placed _ with six nice chairs around (center) 11 This dictionary is a little too expensive for me, but it is extremely _ (inform) 12 I think you are very _ You look very nice in these photos (photo) It is that your European friends can easily eat with chopsticks (surprise) She seemed never to forget her husband for the rest of her life (depart) She could feel the _ of the child’s hand in her own (warm) I prefer the dry season to the _ season because I don’t like very wet weather (rain) The children were -_ well behaved all that morning (surprise) Many people go into the film industry to look for and fortune (famous) We have had no news from him since his _ from the town (depart) A Computer screen shows the and departure times of the planes (arrive) Our team won most of the medals in the _- events (gymnast) 10 He traveled across the fields by sleigh (snow) 11 I was almost at her early arrival (surprise) 12 She greeted all the guests _when they arrived (warm) This singer is quickly winning with teenagers (popular) The piano in her living-room was just She hardly ever played it (decorate) Colin seems _ for this job No one can it better him (suit) Winning the was the great pride of the school (compete) She gave an exact _ of her attacker, so the police easily caught him soon afterwards (describe) His bad temper made him with the students (popular) Thank you very much for your , but I’m afraid I cannot come because I’ll be out of town at that time (invite) Over 300 _ entered the race last year (compete) They just finished building their new house, but it still needs a lot of _ (decorate) 10 People who stutter are _for a teaching career (suit) 11 The smell of hot coffee was very on such a cold morning (invite) 12 The soccer player Kiatisak was known as ‘Zico of Thailand’.(popular) It is believed that children learn languages more _ than adults (easy) Mr Kruger is a very man in this town (honor) The children quickly got _ with staying indoors (bore) Goods are displayed in shop windows at Christmas (attract) The of a dictionary requires a lot of patience and knowledge.(compile) Ha Long Bay has been nominated as one the natural _ of the world (wonderful) Phan Thiet has several resorts along the seashore (attract) Learning English Online is an escape from the _ of her daily life (bore) The countrvside has been urbanized very quickly (surround) 10.The doctor gave me some tablets to _ my pain (easy) 11.Divorce is contrary to her _ beliefs (religion) 12.Nancy enjoys her job as a reporter She’s never found it (bore) Role-play is very in teaching and learning English (help) A basic understanding of the Computer is _ for this job (necessity) We live in an age of rapid advance (technology) This ticket permits you to travel any where, without (restrict) Your printer must be _ to the Computer, (connect) Her office is in the Central area (locate) The shop-assistant showed me some different kinds of computers (help) The tour guide showed us our _ on the map (locate) The laptop is a _ for his career as a reporter (necessary) 10 Do you have any problems with your Internet _? (connect) 11 Many teachers are about the new teaching method (skeptic) 12 We need a Computer _ to repair our Computer system (technology) English is an _ language in many countries (office) Thousands of will be released on the occasion of the Independence Day (prison) Jason is very smart He also has a highly mind (invent) ‘If you again, I’ll make you stand at the front of the class,’ the teacher told the boy (behave) She lost a lot of after her sickness (weigh) There was a colorless in the bottle that looked like water (liquefy) The new bridge will be open by the end of this year (office) Fax machines were a wonderful _ in the late 20th century (invent) Concrete is a of sand and cement (mix) 10 A child should be rewarded for good _ (behave) 11 The man was sentenced to life for murder (prison) 12 She thinks she must go on a diet because she is a bit _ (weigh)

Ngày đăng: 04/05/2023, 18:26
