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NĂM HỌC 2022 2023 HỌC KÌ II MÔN ANH A GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Theme Gender Equality, Vietnam and International Organisations, New ways to learn, Protecting the environment▪ Talking about career choices Talk[.]

NĂM HỌC 2022-2023 HỌC KÌ II - MƠN: ANH A GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Theme: Gender Equality, Vietnam and International Organisations, New ways to learn, Protecting the ▪ environment - Talking about career choices - Talking about programmes for communities - Talking about the advantages and disadvantages of online learning - Talking about environmental solutions Grammar: ▪ - Passive voice with modals ▪ - Comparison - Relative clauses: defining and non-defining - Reported Speech PRACTICE TESTS PHONETICS Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions A advantages B experiences C finishes D provides A treated B performed C married D offered A educated B dentist C trade D hardware A improved B attracted C exported D provided A blended B improved C sighted D visited A contaminate B deforest C pollute D protect A physical B domestic C kindergarten D pilot A commit B promote C economic D poverty A regional B gender C surgeon D singular 10 A essential B expert C experience D economic 11 A distract B tablet C strategy D exchange 12 A immediate B schedule C blended D lesson 13 A schedule B research C charming D exchange 14 A discuss B purpose C upload D understand 15 A original B strategy C advantage D gorilla 16 A protection B control C pollution D forest 17 A biodiversity B climate C gorilla D giant 18 A tortoise B ecosystem C biodiversity D promotion 19 A discuss B issue C fossil D classroom 20 A pesticide B impact C remind D practical Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the primary stress in each of the following questions A promote B support A aware B protect A control B exchange A upload B prepare A rural B gender A invest B product A connect B distance A combine B harmful A patient B eyesight Trang the word that differs from the other three in the position of C research C impact C focus C discuss C labour C respect C knowledge C disease C mistake D nature D danger D install D textbook D promote D promote D access D destroy D pilot 10 A solution B habitat C endangered D awareness 11 A serious B influence C energy D pollutant 12 A disappear B average C consequence D negative 13 A environment B electrical C ecosystem D material 14 A natural B chemical C atmosphere D solution 15 A technical B encourage C personal D confident 16 A connection B internet C suitable D digital 17 A experience B interaction C responsible D familiar 18 A equality B parachute C violence D secretary 19 A essential B poverty C quality D regional 20 A traditional B communicate C economic D intelligence Choose the best answer 1.Girls must all be sent to school because will provide better opportunities A education B beliefs C rights D politics 2.Birth control methods have women from the endless cycle of childbearing and rearing A free B freely C freedom D freed 3.Thanks to the women's liberation women can take part in _ activities A social B society C socially D socialize 4.In some most Asian countries women are undervalued and they never have the same as men A formality B basis C limit D status A child receives his early from their parents A educate B education C educator D educative 6.Mrs Pike is a feminist, who that women should be offered the same job opportunities as men A varies B advocates C leads D votes 7.It is against the law to on the basis of sex, age, marital status, or race A suit B discriminate C believe D gain 8.Women's status in different countries and it depends on the cultural beliefs A varies B employs C fixes D establishes 9.Women's contribution to our society has been _ better these days A differently B.naturally C significantly D.intellectually 10. more and more chances are offered to women nowadays A General B.General speaking C On the whole D.At the end 11.To preserve that , it was necessary to preserve the people that had created it A civil B civilize C civility D civilization 12.The Prime Minister is to consider changes to sexually laws to enforce equal opportunities A discriminate B.discrimination C discriminatory D.discriminated 13.In former days , women were considered not to be suitable for becoming a A politics B political C politically D politician 14.At any competition, everyone is A the same B equal C common D significant 15.If you have the in an election, you have the legal right to indicate your choice A status B individual C vote D equality 16.When a woman works outside the home and makes money herself, she is independent from her husband A financially B.politically C.philosophically D.variously 17.Not all women can two jobs well at the same time: rearing children and working at office A educating B.taking care of C.homemaking D.giving a birth 18.There have been significant changes in women's lives since the women's liberation movement A controlled B economic C important D natural 19.Childbearing is the women's most wonderful role A.Giving birth to a baby B.Having no child C.Bring up a child D.Educating a child 20.The forces behind the women's liberation movement vary from culture to culture, from individual to individual A advocate B equalize C power D change 21.I think that up to now there has not been a real between men and women A.equal B.equally C equality D equalize 22.Western women are more than Asian women Trang A.independently B.independent C.dependent D.depend 23.In some communities a husband's over his wife is absolute A.power B.powerful C powerfully D powered 24.Most people consider it women's to take care of children and housework A limit B relationship C responsibility D respect 25.Women used to have _ or no access to education A little B few C any D some 26.In our modern time, the _ of women has shifted from homemaker to outside worker A role B period C right D pay 27.Thanks to the _ labor-saving devices, women are free from housework A mechanized B mechanic C machinary D.mechanism 28.Women are considered to be better suited for childbearing and homemaking rather than for involvement in the public life of business or politics A education B advocate C participation D recognition 29.Women's taking part in politics has got widespread objections from male statesmen in many parts of the world A intensive B extensive C inside D slight 31.It took women a long time to struggle _ the right to vote A for B with C against D upon 32.We have to struggle _ poverty and illeteracy A for B with C against D upon 33.The gender in education in Yemen is among the highest in the world A gap B generation C sex D male 34 Gender equality _ only when women and men enjoy the same opportunities A will achieve B achieves C achieve D will be achieved 35 International Women's Day is an occasion to make more towards achieving gender equality A movement B progress C improvement D development 36 In Muslim countries, changes _ to give women equal rights to natural or economic resources, as well as access to ownership A may make B will make C must be made D can make 37 Women are more likely to be victims of _ violence A domestic B household C home D family 38 In order to reduce gender inequality in South Korean society, women more opportunities by companies A will prove B.should provide C.may be provided D.should be provided 39 In Korea, many people still feel that women should be in charge of after getting married A housekeeping B.homemaker C.house husband D.householder 40 Discrimination on the basis of gender _ from workplaces A would be removed B must be removed C can be removed D will be removed 41 Married women should be encouraged a career of their preference A pursued B pursue C to pursue D from pursuing 42.Nga: “ _?” - Minh: “Once a week.” A How often you go shopping B How much you want C Are you sure D When will you get there 43 Experiences at work help women to widen their knowledge The word “widen” is OPPOSITE in meaning to A eliminate B restrict C broaden D spoil 44 She is the most girl in our class A intelligent B intelligentest C tall D tallest 45: That laptop, I often use to search for information, is very expensive A which B that C what D Ø 46: Joining the WTO has helped Viet Nam its economic growth A provide B prevent C predict D promote 47: Governments, organisations and individuals must work together to win gender equality The word “win” is CLOSEST in meaning to A lose B attempt C achieve D respect 48: Thanks to the women's liberation women can _ social activities A take part in B takes after C take out D takes in Trang 49: The programme gives children with disabilities a chance to get access and benefit from a quality education A on B to C in D with 50: Both genders should be provided with equal to education, employment and healthcare A incomes B power C rights D energy 51: The WTO is the world's largest international organisation A economy B economic C economically D economist 52 Having good education enables women equality A to achieve B achieve C to achieving D Achieved 53 A lot of things need to be done gender equality in education, employment and healthcare A promoting B in promoting C for promoting D to promote 54 ~ Nam: “Which gender is better at team sports?” ~ Lan: “…… ” A Women are better at individual sports B Both men and women can sports C Physically, men are stronger than women D Certainly, men are better 55 ~ Lan: “What clothing is appropriate for women but not for men?” ~ Nam: “…… ” A They are long dresses and skirts B Men are also changing their fashion styles C Many clothes now are uni-sex D Men should never wear women’s clothes 56 opportunities in education bring important changes in society A Equality B Unequality C Equal D Unequal 57 To become a (an) _ besides welcoming and serving customers, you must have good persuasion skills A cosmonaut B shop assistant C airline pilot D firefighter 58 UNDP provides technical support, _advice and training to help people in developing countries have a better life A expert B good C important D necessary 60 You won’t be a doctor _ have medical knowledge A If you don’t B Unless you don’t C Provided you D if you didn’t 61 We enjoy part in an International organization A taking B to take C take D took 62 We need _ the quality of goods and services so that they can enter new markets A to improve B improving C to improving D to be improved 63 The economy of Viet Nam a high growth level since our country became a member of WTO A has achieved B achieved C have achieved D was achieving 64 UNICEF supports _ children all over the world A the more disadvantaged B the most disadvantaged C More disadvantaged D Most disadvantaged 65 The EU markets are than the ASEAN markets A competitive B competitive C more competitive C more competitiver 66 Cooking class next week because there are not enough people to enroll A may cancel B may be cancelled C may cancelled D may be cancelling 67 Educated women are becoming less dependent their husbands’ decisions A about B.of C.on D for 68 Gender discrimination must in order to create a better society A eliminate B be eliminating C be eliminated D Eliminated 69 This company can .for wage discrimination among workers of different genders A be sued B be suing C sue D Sued 70 A: "Would you like to join this Green Project with us?" - " ” A Yes, I would B Why not? C I'd love to D It doesn't matter Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions The United Kingdom still faces challenges in gender equality A fairness B inequality C discrimination D protection Both male and female students in my class perform very well A assign B work C communicate D entertain Students decided to get involved in a charity event to provide practical help for those in need A impractical B unexperienced C useful D educate Our programme aims to provide food and warm clothes for children in mountainous areas A ban B support C trade D introduce Trang One advantage of learning going digital is that students no longer have to carry the weight of papers and textbooks with them to school A online B electric C computer-based D modernized The animal lives in deep, wild forests which are not damaged by human activities A protected B prevented C preserved D destroyed In the 1990’s, public awareness of preserving the environment began to develop A understanding B intelligence C benefit D development The list of endangered species includes nearly 600 fishes A harmful B at risk C dangerous D destroyed A sustainable forest is a forest where trees that are cut are replanted and the wildlife is protected A adaptable B maintainable C flexible D comfortable 10.Increased consumption of water has led to rapid depletion of groundwater reserves A make up B caused C produce D begin 10 I help people learn about the environmental impact of tourism A advantage B benefit C influence D cause 11 Nam believes that illegal hunting can be prevented by banning wildlife trade A banned B legal C allowed D imortant 12 In addition, this problem leads to global warming and climate change A results from B causes C suffers D destroy 13 Catching too many fish and killing animals can upset the natural balance of ecosystems A destroy B harm C disturb D face 14 I think online learning has more advantages than disadvantages A drawbacks B strategies C problems D benefits 15 Global warming can have serious consequences such as rising sea levels, polar ice mealting and extreme weather events A results B advantages C problems D causes 16 People should stop illegal hunting and fishing to protect our endangered animals A trading B raising C growing D capturing 17 Much of the work of WWF focuses on the survival of endangered animals and the protection of their natural habitat A death B existing C livable D protected 18 The aim of sustainable tourism is to protect the environment and respect local culture A profit B knowledge C goal D impact 19 The participation of women in the labour market in Iceland is one of the highest in the world A protection B competition C activities D involvement Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions Much has to be done to achieve gender equality in employment opportunities A attain B obtain C reach D abandon A good attitude won’t solve the problems associated with a learning disability , but it can give your child hope and confidence A strength B weakness C illness D achievement I believe that educated women will have many opportunities to be successful in the future A literate B illiterate C experienced D successful I want to upload data to the computer network storage from my office computer A download B search C log D click There is a growing concern over the protection of species’ habitat and biodiversity A preservation B destruction C deforestation D support Harmful gases from the factories are the main causes of air pollution in our city A origin B reasons C consequences D solutions I help local businesses make a profit A advantage B benefit C effect D loss People can take part in a number of activities to raise awareness of environmental problems A boost B improve C increase D reduce Trang Our women’s football team has gained some significant achievements since it was established in 1990 A important B unimportant C reliable D successful 10.Several outbreaks of infection have been traced to contaminated food A clean B dirty C polluted 11 When he has a problem, he often asks for answers or help immediately a later B at short notice C closely D poisonous D likely 12 One of the advantages of online learning is that students not have to go to school, so it helps students save time a protect B improve C waste D distract 13 The government has set up an inquiry to investigate bribery in local elections a established B opened C created D close down 14 It can damage the natural habitats of many animals and put wildlife in danger a emergency B safety C risk D loss 15 Harmful gases combine with the water in the air, they come down as rain or snow, which can damage all forms of life a protect B destroy C lose D upset 16 I think people have to be responsible for the disappearance of many species a arrival B banning C loss D leaving 17 It’s a form of sustainable tourism because it has a positive impact on the environment a significant B remarkable C negative D reliable 18 What an adorable hat she is wearing ! a lovely B ugly C lovable D kind 19 When you take part in an eco tour, you learn more about the cultural traditions of the local people and the natural habitat of some rare animals a participate in B conduct C enjoy D get out of 20 Eat as many fresh products as possible rather than relying on tinned and packed foods A leaning B counting C liberating D depending Find out the mistake In the near future, more (A) jobs (B) must (C)be created for (D) women and girls but I am not sure In the last few years, Viet Nam has become (A) one of (B) more (C) popular destinations for (D) foreign visitors No one in (A) our class works (B) as hard(C) than (D) Mai (A) It is clear that (B) gender differences (C) cannot prevent a person to pursue(D) a job Traditional (A) women were mainly (B) responsible to doing housework (C) and looking (D) after their husbands and children (A) Doing housework (B) every day (C) is really boring and (D) tiring (A) In the past, (B) women was often (C) passive and dependent (D) on their husbands (A) Women usually (B) get less pay (C) as men for (D) doing the same job Before I (A) came to England, I (B) hadn't had the opportunity to (C) speak to people (D) their native tongue is English 10 No one (A) has said (B) anything (C) would persuade me (D) to change my mind 11 The woman (A) sitting on the red chair (B) is the person (C) to who you (D) must give this envelope 12 (A) There are some teachers in our school (B) try (C) to improve the quality of teaching by (D) making use of hi-tech devices Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions They may complete the report on gender equality by April A The report on gender equality may be complete by April B The report on gender equality may be completed by April by them C The report on gender equality may be completed by April D The report may be completed by April on gender equality 2“Will Mary be here for five days?, Tom asked Thư A Tom asked Thư will Mary be here for five days B Tom asked Thư how long would Mary be there C Tom asked Thư whether Mary would be there for five days D Tom asked Thư how long Mary would be there Trang 3“Where are you going Nam?”, Lan asked A.Lan asked Nam where he was going B Lan asked Nam where he is going C Lan asked Nam where to go D Lan asked Nam where you were going 4“Where does your father work?”, the teacher asked me A.The teacher asked me where your father worked B The teacher asked me where my father worked C The teacher asked me where did my father work D The teacher asked me where did my father work 5.“How far is it from Hồ Chí Minh City to Vũng Tàu?”, a tourist asked A.A tourist asked how far is it from Hồ Chí Minh City to Vũng Tàu B.A tourist asked how far it is from Hồ Chí Minh City to Vũng Tàu C.A tourist asked how far was it from Hồ Chí Minh City to Vũng Tàu D.A tourist asked how far it was from Hồ Chí Minh City to Vũng Tàu 6“How many people are there in your family?”, he asked Lan A.He asked Lan how many people are there in my family B.He asked Lan how many people there are in my family C.He asked Lan how many people there were in her family D.He asked Lan how many people were there in her family 7.How long will you stay in England?”, Tâm’s friends asked him A.Tâm’s friends asked him how long will he stay in England B.Tâm’s friends asked him how long he will stay in England C.Tâm’s friends asked him how long he would stay in England D.Tâm’s friends asked him how long would he stay in England 8.“We are very tired ”, they said A.They said we were very tired B They said they were very tired C They said we are very tired D They said they are very tired 9.They wanted to know in the area A how long would he stay B If he would stay how long C how long he will stay D how long he would stay 10.“His sister said, “I don’t buy this book ” A His sister said I don’t buy this book B His sister said she didn’t buy this book C His sister said I didn’t buy that book D His sister said she didn’t buy that book REPORTED SPEECH “Can I borrow your pen please, Sam?”, said Gillian A Gillian asked Sam if she can borrow his pen B Gillian asked Sam if she could borrow his pen C Gillian asked Sam she can borrow his pen D Gillian asked Sam she could borrow his pen “Where did you go last night, Nam?”, said Hoa A Hoa said to Nam where had he gone the night before B Hoa said to Nam where he had gone the night before C Hoa told Nam where he had gone last night D Hoa asked Nam where he had gone the night before “What were you doing last night, Mr John?” The police asked A The police asked what were you doing last night, Mr John B The police asked Mr John what he had been doing the night before C The police asked Mr John what had he been done the night before D The police asked Mr John what he had done the night before He said he would it A yesterday B the following day C the previous day D the day before He proved that the earth -round the Sun A had gone B was going C goes D would go Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions Trang 1.“Are you fond of watching television?”, Miss Ngân said to Mr Bình A.Miss Ngân told Mr Bình if he is fond of watching television B.Miss Ngân asked Mr Bình if he was fond of watching television C.Miss Ngân invited Mr Bình to be fond of watching television D.Miss Ngân suggested Mr Bình to watching television 2.Many teenagers like facebooking more than doing sport A Many teenagers like doing sport as much as Facebooking B Many teenagers don’t like Facebooking as much as doing sport, C Many teenagers like doing sport more than Facebooking D Many teenagers don’t like doing sport as much as Facebooking 3.Paul likes reading comic books more than watching cartoons A.Paul doesn’t like watching cartoons as much as reading comic books B.Paul likes watching cartoons as much as reading comic books C.Paul likes watching cartoons more than reading comic books D.Paul doesn’t like reading comic books as much as watching cartoons I like reading books more than surfing the Internet a I like surfing the Internet more than reading book b I like reading book less than surfing the Internet c I don’t like reading book as much as surfing the Internet d I don’t like surfing the Internet as much as reading books 5.My father likes reading newspaper more than watching TV A.My father doesn’t like reading newspaper as much as watching TV B.My father likes watching TV as much as reading newspaper C.My father doesn’t like watching TV as much as reading newspaper D.My father likes watching TV more than reading newspaper 6.In Vietnam, football is more popular than basketball a In Vietnam, basketball is not as popular as football b In Vietnam, basketball is more popular than football c In Vietnam, football is not as popular as basketball d In Vietnam, football is as popular as basketball 7.My boss works better when he’s pressed for time A.The more time my boss has, the better he works B.The less time my boss has, he works better C.The less time my boss has, the better he works D.The less time my boss has, he works the better 8.I’ve never seen such a nice bouquet of wedding flowers A.This bouquet of wedding flowers is the nicest that I’ve ever made B This is the nicest bouquet of wedding flowers that I’ve ever seen C I’ve never seen the nicest bouquet of wedding flowers so far D Nothing I’ve seen is nicer than this bouquet of wedding flowers Some students prefer a strict teacher This teacher tells them exactly what to A Some students prefer a strict teacher, who tells them exactly what to B Some students prefer a strict teacher who tells them exactly what to C Some students prefer a strict teacher, that tells them exactly what to D All are correct 10 Many devices offer apps These apps use voice recognition technology A Many devices offer apps whose use voice recognition technology B Many devices offer apps, which use voice recognition technology C Many devices offer apps which use voice recognition technology D Many devices offer apps in which use voice recognition technology 11 This is my new tablet It uses the latest digital technology A This is my new tablet that uses the latest digital technology Trang B This is my new tablet which uses the latest digital technology C This is my new tablet, which uses the latest digital technology D This is my new tablet, that uses the latest digital technology SPEAKING Complete the conversation with the correct question " " - "That's a good idea." A What about recycling water for gardening? B Sorry, can I say something? C Glad to work with you D Excuse me, I want to add something "Would you like to join this Green Project with us?" - " ” A Yes, I would B Why not? C I'd love to D It doesn't matter Nam: for arriving so late af the meeting this morning Mr Lam I got stuck in traffic Mr Lam: No problem But try to leave for school earlier next time A l'd like to apologise B I'd like to say C I'd like to invite D I'd like to have Lan: I'm sorry but I'm unable to attend the club meeting tomorrow I have to revise for my exam Lien: You can join us another time A Don't worry about it B That's a good idea C You're welcome D Same to you Nam: "How important is tourism to our country?" Lan: “ ” A More and more companies are advertising about ecotourism B It really helps to create more jobs for a lot of people C Tourism is also an industry D It is hard to develop without learning about tourism READING COMPREHENSION Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word that best fits each of the numbered blanks Ecotourism is booming and many tour operators say this is helpful to nature Every year, millions of people visit protected (1) areas to observe rare species However, a new report casts doubt on this form of tourism The report, (2) in the journal "Trends in Ecology and Evolution", suggests that ecotourism damages more than (3) nature Researchers believe tourists disrupt animals in their natural (4) They point to a recent (5) in Costa Rica where turtles had problems laying their eggs because of the many tourists who had gathered on the beach to watch them A nature B natural C naturally D naturism A publicized B publicizing C published D publishing A helps B help C helpful D helpless A habitable B habitation C habit D habitat A even B event C eventful D eventual Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions WHAT IS YOUR LEARNING STYLE? If you find yourself learn better by making notes during the lecture, or when the teacher uses a new word, you want to see it written immediately, then you are very likely to be a more visual learner You prefer to see the written words You learn by reading and writing Visual learners often think in pictures If you find a particular task or text difficult, look for sources that will suit your learning style, e.g sources with illustrations, charts, tables, or videos If you prefer recording the lecture and listening again to taking notes, or you memorize something by repeating it aloud instead of writing it out several times, you are probably a more auditory learner You prefer to learn by listening and speaking Auditory learners often learn best from lectures, discussions, by reading aloud, and by listening to audio material However, it is probably that you, like most people, learn through a mixture of styles Sometimes you may prefer to learn by reading, at other time by listening Ask yourself which is the best style for the particular task you are doing Which of the following is probably NOT preferred by a visual learner? A reading aloud B sources with illustrations C sources with videos D making notes What does the word "it" in paragraph refer to? A the lecture B the new word C the note D the written word The word “visual” in paragraph is closest in meaning to Trang A picturesque B written C illustrative D seeable Which of the following statement is TRUE? A Auditory learners hate taking notes B Auditory learners prefer listening to speaking B Most people are auditory learners C When learning something by heart, an auditory learner prefers reading it out loud The word "auditory” in paragraph can be best replaced by A discussive B noisy C audible D recordab Trang 10

Ngày đăng: 25/04/2023, 03:43

