I E C TS 61 40 -2 6-3 ® Edition 201 6-08 TE C H N I C AL S P E C I F I C ATI ON colour in sid e Wi n d en erg y g e n erati on s ys te m s – IEC TS 61 400-26-3:201 6-08(en) Part 6-3: Avai l abi l i ty for wi n d power stati on s Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission TH I S P U B L I C ATI O N I S C O P YRI G H T P RO TE C T E D C o p yri g h t © I E C , G e n e va , S w i tze rl a n d All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester If you have any questions about IEC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below or your local IEC member National Committee for further information IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch Abou t th e I E C The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i c a ti o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I E C C atal og u e - webs tore i ec ch /catal og u e E l ectroped i a - www el ectroped i a org The stand-alone application for consulting the entire bibliographical information on IEC International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports and other documents Available for PC, Mac OS, Android Tablets and iPad The world's leading online dictionary of electronic and electrical terms containing 20 000 terms and definitions in English and French, with equivalent terms in additional languages Also known as the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online I E C pu bl i cati on s s earch - www i ec ch /s earch pu b I E C G l os s ary - s td i ec ch /g l os s ary The advanced search enables to find IEC publications by a variety of criteria (reference number, text, technical committee,…) It also gives information on projects, replaced and withdrawn publications 65 000 electrotechnical terminology entries in English and French extracted from the Terms and Definitions clause of IEC publications issued since 2002 Some entries have been collected from earlier publications of IEC TC 37, 77, 86 and CISPR I E C J u st P u bl i s h ed - webs tore i ec ch /j u s u bl i s h ed Stay up to date on all new IEC publications Just Published details all new publications released Available online and also once a month by email Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I E C C u s to m er S ervi ce C en tre - webs tore i ec ch /cs c If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: csc@iec.ch I E C TS 61 40 -2 6-3 ® Edition 201 6-08 TE C H N I C AL S P E C I F I C ATI ON colour in sid e Wi n d en erg y g e n erati on s ys tem s – P art 6-3: Avai l abi l i ty for wi n d power stati on s INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ICS 27.1 80 ISBN 978-2-8322-3572-0 Warn i n g ! M ake s u re th at you obtai n ed th i s pu bl i cati on from an au th ori zed d i s tri bu tor ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission –2– I EC TS 61 400-26-3:201 © I EC 201 CONTENTS FOREWORD I NTRODUCTI ON 1 Scope 2 Normative references Terms, definitions and abbreviations 3 Terms and definitions 3 Abbreviations for ‘Information available’ 3 Abbreviations for ‘Information unavailable’ I nformation model for WPS General Services I nformation category priority 20 4 I nformation model for BOP 20 I NFORMATION AVAILABLE (WPS) 21 General 21 OPERATI VE 22 I N SERVICE 23 3.1 General 23 3.2 FU LL PERFORMANCE 24 3.3 PARTI AL PERFORMANCE 25 3.4 READY STANDBY 25 OU T OF SERVICE 26 4.1 General 26 4.2 TECHN ICAL STANDBY 27 4.3 OU T OF ENVI RON MENTAL SPECI FI CATI ON 28 4.4 REQU ESTED SHUTDOWN 29 4.5 OU T OF ELECTRI CAL SPECI FICATI ON 29 5 NON -OPERATI VE 30 5.1 General 30 5.2 SCH EDULED MAIN TENANCE 31 5.3 PLANN ED CORRECTIVE ACTION 32 5.4 FORCED OUTAGE 32 5.5 SU SPENDED 33 FORCE MAJEURE 34 I NFORMATION UN AVAILABLE (WPS) 35 Annex A (informative) Entry and Exit condition overview 37 Annex B (informative) Application scenarios – examples 38 B Overview 38 B Application scenarios 38 B 2.1 Example : Normal operation – all WPS 38 B 2.2 Example 2: Normal operation – part of WPS 39 B 2.3 Example 3: Dirty WTGSs blades – all WPS 40 B 2.4 Example 4: Dirty WTGSs blades – part of WPS 41 B 2.5 Example 5: BOP limitations – all WPS 42 B 2.6 Example 6: BOP limitations – part of WPS 43 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC TS 61 400-26-3:201 © I EC 201 –3– Example 7: ‘Spinning reserve’ – all WPS 44 B 2.7 B 2.8 Example 8: ‘Spinning reserve’ – part of WPS 46 B 2.9 Example 9: Noise restrictions – Warranty related 47 B 2.1 Example 0: Noise restrictions – environmentally related 48 B 2.1 Example 1 : I ce storm on Grid – all WPS 49 Annex C (informative) Balance of plant integration 51 C.1 WPS functions and services 51 C.2 Externally required functions and services 51 C.3 I nternally required functions and services 51 C.4 Expansion of the I nformation Model for BOP functions and services 51 Annex D (informative) Determination of potential production for a WPS – examples 53 D.1 Overview 53 D.2 Primary service 53 D.3 Secondary services 53 Annex E (informative) Service availability indicators – examples 55 E Overview 55 E Time based WPS availability 55 E 2.1 General 55 E 2.2 Operational service availability (“TSO’s view”) 55 E 2.3 Operational service availability (“WPS operator’s view”) 56 E 2.4 Technical service availability (“WPS maintenance provider’s view”) 57 E Production-based service availability indicators – examples 58 E 3.1 Overview 58 E 3.2 System operational production-based availability (“WPS operator’s view”) 58 E 3.3 System operational production-based availability (“TSO’s view”) 59 E 3.4 System operational production-based availability (“WPS maintenance provider’s view”) 60 Annex F (informative) Examples of optional level categories 62 F Overview 62 F Example of level definitions 62 F 2.1 General 62 F 2.2 NOT CURTAI LED 64 F 2.3 NOT CURTAI LED – WARN ING 65 F 2.4 U P-RATED 66 F 2.5 DERATED – OTH ER 66 F 2.6 DERATED – GRID WPS OPERATOR 67 F 2.7 DERATED – GRID TSO 68 F 2.8 DERATED – GRID CONTROL 69 F 2.9 DERATED – NOI SE 70 F 2.1 DERATED – TEMPERATURE 71 F 2.1 DERATED – STRUCTURAL LOAD 72 F 2.1 DERATED – WI ND 73 F 2.1 DEGRADED – OTH ER 74 F 2.1 DEGRADED – DI AGN OSTIC 75 F 2.1 DEGRADED – N OISE 76 F 2.1 DEGRADED – COMPONENT 77 F 2.1 DEGRADED – TEMPERATURE 78 F 2.1 DEGRADED – STRUCTURAL LOAD 79 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission –4– F F 2.20 F 2.21 F 2.22 F 2.23 F 2.24 F 2.25 F 2.26 F 2.27 F 2.28 F 2.29 F 2.30 F 2.31 F 2.32 F 2.33 F 2.34 F 2.35 F 2.36 F 2.37 F 2.38 F 2.39 F 2.40 F 2.41 F 2.42 F 2.43 F 2.44 F 2.45 F 2.46 F 2.47 F 2.48 F 2.49 F 2.50 F 2.51 F 2.52 F 2.53 F 2.54 F 2.55 F 2.56 F 2.57 F 2.58 F 2.59 F 2.60 F 2.61 F 2.62 F 2.63 F 2.64 F 2.65 F 2.66 F 2.67 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC TS 61 400-26-3:201 © I EC 201 OTH ER READY STANDBY 80 OTH ER TECHN ICAL STANDBY 81 LU BRICATION 81 DE-ICING 82 DRY OU T 82 CABLE UNTWI ST 83 OTH ER ENVI RON MENTAL 84 CALM WINDS 84 H IGH WIND 85 TEMPERATURE 85 OTH ER REQU ESTED SHU TDOWN 86 EN VIRONMENTAL 86 GRID – WPS OPERATOR 87 GRID – TSO 88 NOI SE 88 FLICKER 89 WILDLIFE 90 STRUCTURAL LOAD 90 OTH ER OUT OF ELECTRI CAL SPECIFICATION 91 FREQUEN CY 92 VOLTAGE LEVEL LOW 92 VOLTAGE LEVEL H IGH 93 ASYMMETRY 93 SCH EDULED MAIN TENANCE 94 OTH ER CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 94 U PGRADE 95 I N SPECTION S 95 RETROFI T 96 REPAIR WORK 96 OTH ER FORCED OU TAGE 97 FAI LURE REPAIR 97 DI AGNOSTI C 98 LOGI STIC WPS MAINTEN ANCE PROVIDER 99 LOGI STIC WPS OPERATOR 99 RESPON SE WPS MAI NTEN ANCE PROVI DER 00 RESPON SE WPS OPERATOR 01 OTH ER SUSPEN DED – SCH EDULED MAIN TENANCE 01 PERSONN EL SAFETY – SCH EDULED MAIN TENANCE 02 EN VIRONMENT – SCHEDULED MAI NTEN ANCE 03 I T ACCESS – SCH EDULED MAI N TEN ANCE 04 OTH ER SUSPEN DED – PLANN ED CORRECTIVE ACTION 05 PERSONN EL SAFETY – PLANN ED CORRECTIVE ACTION 06 EN VIRONMENT – PLANN ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 07 I T ACCESS – PLANN ED CORRECTIVE ACTION 08 OTH ER SUSPEN DED – FORCED OUTAGE 09 PERSONN EL SAFETY – FORCED OUTAGE 1 EN VIRONMENT – FORCED OU TAGE 1 I T ACCESS – FORCED OU TAGE 1 I N ACTI VE RESERVE 1 I EC TS 61 400-26-3:201 © I EC 201 –5– MOTH BALLED 1 F 2.68 F 2.69 RETIRED 1 F 2.70 FORCE MAJEURE 1 F 2.71 I NFORMATI ON UN AVAILABLE 1 Bibliography 1 Figure – Data stakeholders for a wind power station Figure – Information category overview for a WPS Figure – Example of a model split-up in active power, reactive power high and low frequency compensation services Figure – Information category priority for WPS 20 Figure – Mandatory INFORMATION AVAI LABLE categories for WPS 22 Figure – OPERATI VE category 23 Figure – IN SERVICE category 24 Figure – FULL PERFORMANCE category 24 Figure – PARTI AL PERFORMANCE category 25 Figure – READY STANDBY category 26 Figure 1 – OU T OF SERVICE category 27 Figure – TECHN ICAL STANDBY category 28 Figure – OU T OF ENVI RON MENTAL SPECI FI CATI ON category 28 Figure – REQU ESTED SHUTDOWN category 29 Figure – OU T OF ELECTRICAL SPECI FI CATI ON category 30 Figure – NON -OPERATI VE category 31 Figure – SCH EDULED MAIN TENANCE category 31 Figure – PLANN ED CORRECTI VE ACTION category 32 Figure – FORCED OUTAGE category 33 Figure 20 – SU SPENDED category 34 Figure 21 – FORCE MAJEURE category 35 Figure 22 – I NFORMATION UN AVAILABLE category 36 Figure A.1 – Overview of the entry and exit conditions of all mandatory information categories described in this document 37 Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table B.1 – Scenario, Example : Normal operation – all WPS 38 B.2 – Scenario, Example 2: Normal operation – part of WPS 39 B.3 – Scenario, Example 3: Dirty WTGSs blades – all WPS 41 B.4 – Scenario, Example 4: Dirty WTGSs blades – part of WPS 42 B.5 – Scenario, Example 5: BOP limitations – all WPS 43 B.6 – Scenario, Example 6: BOP limitations – part of WPS 44 B.7 – Scenario, Example 7: ‘Spinning reserve’ – all WPS 45 B.8 – Scenario, Example 8: ‘Spinning reserve’ – part of WPS 46 B.9 – Scenario, Example 9: Noise restrictions – all WPS 47 B.1 – Scenario, Example 0: Noise restrictions – all WPS 48 B.1 – Scenario, Example 1 : I ce storm on Grid – all WPS 49 D – Examples on how to determine Potential production 54 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission –6– Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table I EC TS 61 400-26-3:201 © I EC 201 F.1 – Example of level definitions 62 F.2 – NOT CURTAI LED category 65 F.3 – NOT CURTAI LED – WARN ING category 65 F.4 – U P-RATED category 66 F.5 – DERATED – OTH ER category 67 F.6 – DERATED – GRID WPS OPERATOR category 68 F.7 – DERATED – GRID TSO category 69 F.8 – DERATED – GRID CONTROL category 70 F.9 – DERATED – NOI SE category 71 F.1 – DERATED – TEMPERATU RE category 72 F.1 – DERATED – STRUCTURAL LOAD category 73 F.1 – DERATED – WIND category 74 F.1 – DEGRADED – OTH ER category 75 F.1 – DEGRADED – DI AGNOSTIC category 76 F.1 – DEGRADED – N OISE category 77 F.1 – DEGRADED – COMPON ENT category 78 F.1 – DEGRADED – TEMPERATURE category 79 F.1 – DEGRADED – STRUCTU RAL LOAD category 80 F.1 – OTH ER READY STANDBY category 81 F.20 – OTH ER TECHN ICAL STANDBY category 81 F.21 – LU BRICATI ON category 82 F.22 – DE-ICING category 82 F.23 – DRY OU T category 83 F.24 – CABLE UNTWI ST category 83 F.25 – OTH ER ENVI RON MENTAL category 84 F.26 – CALM WINDS category 84 F.27 – H IGH WIND category 85 F.28 – TEMPERATURE category 85 F.29 – OTH ER REQU ESTED SHU TDOWN category 86 F.30 – EN VIRONMENTAL category 87 F.31 – GRID – WPS OPERATOR category 87 F.32 – GRID – TSO category 88 F.33 – NOI SE category 89 F.34 – FLI CKER category 89 F.35 – WILDLI FE category 90 F.36 – STRUCTURAL LOAD category 91 F.37 – OTH ER OUT OF ELECTRICAL SPECI FICATION category 91 F.38 – FREQUENCY category 92 F.39 – VOLTAGE LEVEL LOW category 92 F.40 – VOLTAGE LEVEL H I GH category 93 F.41 – ASYMMETRY category 93 F.42 – SCH EDULED MAI N TENANCE category 94 F.43 – OTH ER CORRECTI VE ACTI ON category 94 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC TS 61 400-26-3:201 © I EC 201 Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table F.44 F.45 F.46 F.47 F.48 F.49 F.50 F.51 F.52 F.53 F.54 F.55 F.56 F.57 F.58 F.59 F.60 F.61 F.62 F.63 F.64 F.65 F.66 F.67 F.68 F.69 F.70 F.71 –7– – U PGRADE category 95 – I N SPECTION S category 95 – RETROFI T category 96 – REPAIR WORK category 96 – OTH ER FORCED OU TAGE category 97 – FAI LURE REPAIR category 98 – DI AGNOSTI C category 98 – LOGI STIC WPS MAINTEN ANCE PROVIDER category 99 – LOGI STIC WPS OPERATOR category 00 – RESPON SE WPS MAINTEN ANCE PROVIDER category 00 – RESPON SE WPS OPERATOR category 01 – OTH ER SUSPEN DED – SCH EDULED MAIN TENANCE category 02 – PERSONNEL SAFETY – SCH EDULED MAIN TEN ANCE category 03 – EN VIRONMENT – SCHEDULED MAI NTEN ANCE category 04 – I T ACCESS – SCH EDULED MAIN TEN ANCE category 05 – OTH ER SUSPEN DED – PLANN ED CORRECTIVE ACTION category 06 – PERSONNEL SAFETY – PLANN ED CORRECTIVE ACTI ON category 07 – EN VIRONMENT – PLANN ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON category 08 – I T ACCESS – PLANN ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON category 09 – OTH ER SUSPEN DED – FORCED OUTAGE category 1 – PERSONNEL SAFETY – FORCED OU TAGE category 1 – EN VIRONMENT – FORCED OU TAGE category 1 – I T ACCESS – FORCED OU TAGE category 1 – I N ACTI VE RESERVE category 1 – MOTH BALLED category 1 – RETIRED category 1 – FORCE MAJ EURE category 1 – I NFORMATI ON UN AVAI LABLE category 1 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission –8– I EC TS 61 400-26-3:201 © I EC 201 I NTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNI CAL COMMI SSI ON WI N D E N E RG Y G E N E RAT I O N P a rt - : S YS T E M S – Av a i l a b i l i t y fo r w i n d p o we r s t a t i o n s FOREWORD ) The I ntern ati onal El ectrotechnical Commi ssi on (I EC) is a worl d wid e org anizati on for standard izati on comprisi ng all nati onal electrotech nical committees (I EC N ational Comm ittees) Th e object of I EC i s to promote i nternati on al co-operati on on al l q u esti ons cernin g standard izati on i n the el ectrical and el ectronic fi el ds To this end an d in ad di ti on to other acti vi ti es, I EC pu blish es I nternati onal Stan d ards, Technical Speci fi cati ons, Technical Reports, Pu blicl y Availabl e Speci ficati on s (PAS) and Gu i d es (hereafter referred to as “I EC Pu blicati on(s)”) Their preparati on is entru sted to technical committees; any I EC N ati onal Committee i nterested i n the subject d eal t wi th may parti ci pate i n thi s preparatory work I nternati onal , governmen tal and nongovernm ental organizations l iaisi ng wi th the I EC al so participate i n this preparati on I EC coll aborates cl osel y wi th th e I n ternational Organizati on for Stand ard izati on (I SO) i n accordan ce wi th cond i ti ons d etermined by agreement between th e two org anizati ons 2) Th e form al d ecision s or ag reements of I EC on technical m atters express, as n earl y as possibl e, an i nternati onal consensus of opi ni on on the rel evan t su bjects si nce each technical committee has representati on from all i nterested I EC N ati on al Commi ttees 3) I EC Pu blications have th e form of recommend ati ons for internati onal u se and are accepted by I EC N ati onal Comm ittees i n th at sense While all reasonabl e efforts are mad e to ensu re that the technical content of I EC Pu blicati ons is accu rate, I EC cann ot be hel d responsi bl e for the way in wh i ch they 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obtained for the publication of an I nternational Standard, despite repeated efforts, or the subject is still under technical development or where, for any other reason, there is the future but no immediate possibility of an agreement on an I nternational Standard Technical specifications are subject to review within three years of publication to decide whether they can be transformed into I nternational Standards IEC TS 61 400-26-3, which is a technical specification, has been prepared by IEC technical committee 88: Wind energy generation systems Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission – 06 – I EC TS 61 400-26-3: 201 © I EC 201 T a b l e F – O T H E R S U S P E N D E D – P L AN N E D C O R R E C T I V E AC T I O N I n fo rm a t i o n M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry c a t e g o ri e s O pti o n a l M a n d a to ry L e ve l L e ve l L e ve l L e ve l L e ve l O pti o n a l L e ve l P ri o ri t y P ri o ri t y OTH ER SU SPEN DED – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 54 PERSON N EL SAFETY– SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 55 EN VI RON M EN T – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 56 I T ACCESS – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 57 OTH E R S U SPE N D E D P L AN N E D – C O RRE C T I VE 58 PERSON N EL SAFETY – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 59 EN VI RON M EN T – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 60 I T ACCESS – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 61 OTH ER SU SPEN DED – FORCED OU TAGE 62 PERSON N EL SAFETY – FORCED OU TAGE 63 EN VI RON M EN T – FORCED OU TAGE 64 I T ACCESS – FORCED OU TAGE 65 I N ACTI VE RESERVE 66 M OTH BALLED 67 RETI RED 68 SU SPEN DED (I AN OS) N ON -OPERATI VE (I AN O) AC T I O N (I A) I N FORM ATI ON AVAI LABLE c a t e g o ry 11 Entry point – N one of the other underlying categories of SU SPENDED can be used and exit point is related to PLANN ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON Exit point – The conditions for being in OTH ER SU SPENDED – PLANN ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON no longer exist F 60 P E R S O N N E L S A F E T Y – P L AN N E D C O R R E C T I V E AC T I O N Definition – The category PERSONN EL SAFETY – PLANNED CORRECTI VE ACTION covers all situations when activities in PLANN ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON have to be interrupted or cannot be initiated due to conditions which compromise personal safety The PERSONN EL SAFETY – PLANN ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON category is an underlying category of SU SPENDED and has no predefined underlying mandatory or optional information categories The PERSONN EL SAFETY – PLANN ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON category is optional Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC TS 61 400-26-3:201 © I EC 201 – 07 – T a b l e F – P E R S O N N E L S A F E T Y – P L AN N E D C O R R E C T I V E AC T I O N I n fo rm a t i o n M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry c a t e g o ri e s O pti o n a l M a n d a to ry L e ve l I AN O IA L e ve l L e ve l I AN O S SU SPEN DED ( ) L e ve l N ON -OPERATI VE ( ) ( ) I N FORM ATI ON AVAI LABLE L e ve l c a t e g o ry P ri o ri t y O pti o n a l L e ve l P ri o ri t y OTH ER SU SPEN DED – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 54 PERSON N EL SAFETY – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 55 EN VI RON M EN T – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 56 I T ACCESS – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 57 OTH ER SU SPEN DED – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 58 P E R S O N N E L S AF E T Y – P L AN N E D 11 C O RRE C T I VE 59 AC T I O N EN VI RON M EN T – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 60 I T ACCESS – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 61 OTH ER SU SPEN DED – FORCED OU TAGE 62 PERSON N EL SAFETY – FORCED OU TAGE 63 EN VI RON M EN T – FORCED OU TAGE 64 I T ACCESS – FORCED OU TAGE 65 I N ACTI VE RESERVE 66 M OTH BALLED 67 RETI RED 68 Entry point – This category is entered by manual intervention when work is suspended due to compromise of personal safety and exit point is related to PLANN ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON Exit point – The conditions for being in PERSONN EL SAFETY – PLANN ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON no longer exist F 61 E N VI R O N M E N T – P L AN N E D C O R R E C T I V E AC T I O N Definition – The category EN VIRON MEN T – PLANN ED CORRECTIVE ACTI ON covers all situations when activities in PLANNED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON have to be interrupted or cannot be initiated due to environmental (WIND, WAVE, LIGHTNIN G, etc.) conditions The EN VIRON MENT – PLANN ED CORRECTI VE ACTION category is an underlying category of SU SPENDED and has no predefined underlying mandatory or optional information categories The EN VIRON MENT – PLANN ED CORRECTIVE ACTI ON category is optional Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission – 08 – Tab l e F – E N V I R O N M E N T – P L AN N E D C O R R E C T I VE AC T I O N I n fo rm a t i o n M a n d a to ry I EC TS 61 400-26-3: 201 © I EC 201 M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry c a t e g o ri e s M a n d a to ry O pti o n a l L e ve l I AN O IA L e ve l L e ve l I AN O S SU SPEN DED ( ) L e ve l N ON -OPERATI VE ( ) ( ) I N FORM ATI ON AVAI LABLE L e ve l c a t e g o ry P ri o ri t y 11 O pti o n a l L e ve l P ri o ri t y OTH ER SU SPEN DED – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 54 PERSON N EL SAFETY – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 55 EN VI RON M EN T – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 56 I T ACCESS – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 57 OTH ER SU SPEN DED – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 58 PERSON N EL SAFETY – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 59 E N VI RO N M E N T – P L AN N E D C O RRE C T I VE 60 AC T I O N I T ACCESS – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 61 OTH ER SU SPEN DED – FORCED OU TAGE 62 PERSON N EL SAFETY – FORCED OU TAGE 63 EN VI RON M EN T – FORCED OU TAGE 64 I T ACCESS – FORCED OU TAGE 65 I N ACTI VE RESERVE 66 M OTH BALLED 67 RETI RED 68 Entry point – This category is entered by manual intervention when work is suspended due to environmental conditions and exit point is related to PLANN ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON Exit point – The conditions for being in EN VI RON MEN T – PLANN ED CORRECTIVE ACTI ON no longer exist F 62 I T AC C E S S – P L AN N E D C O R R E C T I VE AC T I O N Definition – The category IT ACCESS – PLANN ED CORRECTIVE ACTI ON covers all situations when activities in PLANNED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON have to be interrupted or cannot be initiated due to I T access issues The IT ACCESS – PLANN ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON category is an underlying category of SU SPENDED and has no predefined underlying mandatory or optional information categories The I T ACCESS – PLANN ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON category is optional Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC TS 61 400-26-3:201 © I EC 201 – 09 – T a b l e F – I T AC C E S S – P L AN N E D C O R R E C T I V E AC T I O N I n fo rm a t i o n M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry c a t e g o ri e s M a n d a to ry O pti o n a l L e ve l I AN O IA L e ve l L e ve l I AN O S SU SPEN DED ( ) L e ve l N ON -OPERATI VE ( ) ( ) I N FORM ATI ON AVAI LABLE L e ve l c a t e g o ry P ri o ri t y 11 O pti o n a l L e ve l P ri o ri t y OTH ER SU SPEN DED – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 54 PERSON N EL SAFETY – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 55 EN VI RON M EN T – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 56 I T ACCESS – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 57 OTH ER SU SPEN DED – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 58 PERSON N EL SAFETY – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 59 EN VI RON M EN T – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 60 I T AC C E S S – P L AN N E D 61 C O RRE C T I VE AC T I O N OTH ER SU SPEN DED – FORCED OU TAGE 62 PERSON N EL SAFETY – FORCED OU TAGE 63 EN VI RON M EN T – FORCED OU TAGE 64 I T ACCESS – FORCED OU TAGE 65 I N ACTI VE RESERVE 66 M OTH BALLED 67 RETI RED 68 Entry point – This category is entered by manual intervention when work is suspended due to I T access issues and exit point is related to PLANN ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON Exit point – The conditions for being in IT ACCESS – PLANN ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON no longer exist F 63 O T H E R S U S P E N D E D – F O R C E D O U T AG E Definition – The category OTH ER SU SPENDED – FORCED OUTAGE is when one of the other categories underlying SUSPENDED related to forced outage can not be used The OTH ER SU SPENDED – FORCED OUTAGE category is an underlying category of SU SPENDED and has no predefined underlying mandatory or optional information categories The OTH ER SU SPENDED – FORCED OU TAGE category is optional Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission – 110 – I EC TS 61 400-26-3: 201 © I EC 201 T a b l e F – O T H E R S U S P E N D E D – F O R C E D O U T AG E c a t e g o ry I n fo rm a t i o n M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry c a t e g o ri e s M a n d a to ry O pti o n a l L e ve l I AN O IA L e ve l L e ve l I AN O S SU SPEN DED ( ) L e ve l N ON -OPERATI VE ( ) ( ) I N FORM ATI ON AVAI LABLE L e ve l O pti o n a l L e ve l P ri o ri t y 11 P ri o ri t y OTH ER SU SPEN DED – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 54 PERSON N EL SAFETY – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 55 EN VI RON M EN T – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 56 I T ACCESS – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 57 OTH ER SU SPEN DED – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 58 PERSON N EL SAFETY – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 59 EN VI RON M EN T – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 60 I T ACCESS – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 61 OTH E R S U SPE N D E D – 62 F O RC E D O U T AG E PERSON N EL SAFETY – FORCED OU TAGE 63 EN VI RON M EN T – FORCED OU TAGE 64 I T ACCESS – FORCED OU TAGE 65 I N ACTI VE RESERVE 66 M OTH BALLED 67 RETI RED 68 Entry point – None of the other underlying categories of SU SPENDED can be used Exit point – The conditions for being in OTH ER SU SPENDED – FORCED OUTAGE no longer exist F 64 P E R S O N N E L S A F E T Y – F O R C E D O U T AG E Definition – The category PERSONN EL SAFETY – FORCED OU TAGE covers all situations when activities in FORCED OU TAGE have to be interrupted or cannot be initiated due to conditions which compromise personal safety The PERSONN EL SAFETY – FORCED OUTAGE category is an underlying category of SU SPENDED and has no predefined underlying mandatory or optional information categories The PERSONN EL SAFETY – FORCED OU TAGE category is optional Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC TS 61 400-26-3:201 © I EC 201 – 111 – T a b l e F – P E R S O N N E L S A F E T Y – F O R C E D O U T AG E c a t e g o ry I n fo rm a t i o n M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry c a t e g o ri e s M a n d a to ry O pti o n a l L e ve l I AN O N ON -OPERATI VE ( ) IA L e ve l L e ve l I AN O S L e ve l SU SPEN DED ( ) I N FORM ATI ON AVAI LABLE ( ) L e ve l P ri o ri t y 11 O pti o n a l L e ve l P ri o ri t y OTH ER SU SPEN DED – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE PERSON N EL SAFETY – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE EN VI RON MEN T – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE I T ACCESS – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE OTH ER SU SPEN DED – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON PERSON N EL SAFETY – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON EN VI RON M EN T – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 I T ACCESS – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 61 OTH ER SU SPEN DED – FORCED OU TAGE 62 P E R S O N N E L S AF E T Y – F O RC E D 63 O U T AG E EN VI RON M EN T – FORCED OU TAGE 64 I T ACCESS – FORCED OU TAGE 65 I N ACTI VE RESERVE 66 M OTH BALLED 67 RETI RED 68 Entry point – This category is entered by manual intervention when work is suspended due to compromise of personal safety and exit point is related to FORCED OU TAGE Exit point – The conditions for being in PERSONN EL SAFETY – FORCED OUTAGE no longer exist F 65 E N VI R O N M E N T – F O R C E D O U T AG E Definition – The category EN VIRONMEN T – FORCED OUTAGE covers all situations when activities in FORCED OU TAGE have to be interrupted or cannot be initiated due to environmental (WIND, WAVE, LI GH TN ING, etc.) conditions The ENVIRON MENT – FORCED OUTAGE category is an underlying category of SU SPENDED and has no predefined underlying mandatory or optional information categories The EN VIRON MENT – FORCED OUTAGE category is optional Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission – 112 – I EC TS 61 400-26-3: 201 © I EC 201 T a b l e F – E N V I R O N M E N T – F O R C E D O U T AG E c a t e g o ry I n fo rm a t i o n M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry c a t e g o ri e s M a n d a to ry O pti o n a l L e ve l I AN O IA L e ve l L e ve l I AN O S N ON -OPERATI VE ( ) L e ve l SU SPEN DED ( ) ( ) I N FORM ATI ON AVAI LABLE L e ve l P ri o ri t y 11 O pti o n a l L e ve l P ri o ri t y OTH ER SU SPEN DED – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 54 PERSON N EL SAFETY– SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 55 EN VI RON M EN T – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 56 I T ACCESS – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 57 OTH ER SU SPEN DED – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 58 PERSON N EL SAFETY – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 59 EN VI RON M EN T – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 60 I T ACCESS – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 61 OTH ER SU SPEN DED – FORCED OU TAGE 62 PERSON N EL SAFETY – FORCED OU TAGE 63 E N VI RO N M E N T – F O RC E D 64 O U T AG E I T ACCESS – FORCED OU TAGE 65 I N ACTI VE RESERVE 66 M OTH BALLED 67 RETI RED 68 Entry point – This category is entered by manual intervention when work is suspended due to environmental conditions and exit point is related to FORCED OU TAGE Exit point – The conditions for being in EN VIRONMEN T – FORCED OU TAGE no longer exist F 66 I T AC C E S S – F O R C E D O U T AG E Definition – The category IT ACCESS – FORCED OUTAGE covers all situations when activities in FORCED OUTAGE have to be interrupted or cannot be initiated due to I T access issues The I T ACCESS – FORCED OUTAGE category is an underlying category of SUSPEN DED and has no predefined underlying mandatory or optional information categories The I T ACCESS – FORCED OUTAGE category is optional Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC TS 61 400-26-3:201 © I EC 201 – 113 – T a b l e F 6 – I T AC C E S S – F O R C E D O U T AG E c a t e g o ry I n fo rm a t i o n M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry c a t e g o ri e s M a n d a to ry O pti o n a l L e ve l L e ve l I AN O IA L e ve l I AN O S N ON -OPERATI VE ( ) L e ve l SU SPEN DED ( ) ( ) I N FORM ATI ON AVAI LABLE L e ve l P ri o ri t y 11 O pti o n a l L e ve l P ri o ri t y OTH ER SU SPEN DED – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 54 PERSON N EL SAFETY– SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 55 EN VI RON M EN T – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 56 I T ACCESS – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 57 OTH ER SU SPEN DED – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 58 PERSON N EL SAFETY – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 59 EN VI RON M EN T – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 60 I T ACCESS – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 61 OTH ER SU SPEN DED – FORCED OU TAGE 62 PERSON N EL SAFETY – FORCED OU TAGE 63 EN VI RON M EN T – FORCED OU TAGE 64 I T AC C E S S – F O RC E D 65 O U T AG E I N ACTI VE RESERVE 66 M OTH BALLED 67 RETI RED 68 Entry point – This category is entered by manual intervention when work is suspended due to I T access issues and exit point is related to FORCED OU TAGE Exit point – The conditions for being in IT ACCESS – FORCED OU TAGE no longer exist F 67 I N AC T I V E R E S E R V E Definition – some action may be needed, typically few days, to prepare the group for service because it had been sitting idle for a period of time and some equipment parts have deteriorated or need replacing before the group can be operated The group may have also experienced a series of mechanical problems for which management may wish to wait for a period of time to determine if the group should be repaired or retired The WPS/WTGS shall be out of service or non-operative for more the 60 days before they can enter this category (N ERC – IR) The I N ACTIVE RESERVE category is an underlying category of SU SPENDED and has no predefined underlying mandatory or optional information categories The INACTI VE RESERVE category is optional Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission – 114 – I EC TS 61 400-26-3: 201 © I EC 201 T a b l e F – I N AC T I VE R E S E R VE c a t e g o ry I n fo rm a t i o n M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry c a t e g o ri e s M a n d a to ry O pti o n a l L e ve l I AN O IA L e ve l L e ve l I AN O S N ON -OPERATI VE ( ) L e ve l SU SPEN DED ( ) ( ) I N FORM ATI ON AVAI LABLE L e ve l P ri o ri t y 11 O pti o n a l L e ve l P ri o ri t y OTH ER SU SPEN DED – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 54 PERSON N EL SAFETY – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 55 EN VI RON M EN T – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 56 I T ACCESS – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 57 OTH ER SU SPEN DED – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 58 PERSON N EL SAFETY– PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 59 EN VI RON M EN T – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 60 I T ACCESS – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 61 OTH ER SU SPEN DED – FORCED OU TAGE 62 PERSON N EL SAFETY – FORCED OU TAGE 63 EN VI RON M EN T – FORCED OU TAGE 64 I T ACCESS – FORCED OU TAGE 65 I N AC T I V E 66 RE S E RVE M OTH BALLED 67 RETI RED 68 Entry point – This category is entered by manual intervention when the WPS/WTGS has been idle for more than 60 days and will need a few days service to be prepared for operation again Exit point – The conditions for being in IN ACTI VE RESERVE no longer exist F 68 M O TH B AL L E D Definition – some action may be needed, typically weeks or months, to prepare the group for service because it had been sitting idle for a period of time and some equipment parts have deteriorated or need replacing before the group can be operated The group may have also experienced a series of mechanical problems for which management may wish to wait for a period of time to determine if the group should be repaired or retired The WPS/WTGS shall be out of service or non-operative for more than 60 days before they can enter this category (N ERC – MB) The MOTHBALLED category is an underlying category of SU SPENDED and has no predefined underlying mandatory or optional information categories The MOTH BALLED category is optional Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC TS 61 400-26-3:201 © I EC 201 – 115 – T a b l e F – M O T H B AL L E D c a t e g o ry I n fo rm a t i o n M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry c a t e g o ri e s M a n d a to ry O pti o n a l L e ve l I AN O IA L e ve l L e ve l I AN O S N ON -OPERATI VE ( ) L e ve l SU SPEN DED ( ) ( ) I N FORM ATI ON AVAI LABLE L e ve l P ri o ri t y 11 O pti o n a l L e ve l P ri o ri t y OTH ER SU SPEN DED – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 54 PERSON N EL SAFETY – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 55 EN VI RON M EN T – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 56 I T ACCESS – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 57 OTH ER SU SPEN DED – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 58 PERSON N EL SAFETY – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 59 EN VI RON M EN T – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 60 I T ACCESS – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 61 OTH ER SU SPEN DED – FORCED OU TAGE 62 PERSON N EL SAFETY – FORCED OU TAGE 63 EN VI RON M EN T – FORCED OU TAGE 64 I T ACCESS – FORCED OU TAGE 65 I N ACTI VE RESERVE 66 M O T H B AL L E D 67 RETI RED 68 Entry point – This category is entered by manual intervention when the WPS/WTGS has been idle for more than 60 days and will need a few weeks or months service to be prepared for operation again Exit point – The conditions for being in MOTH BALLED no longer exist F 69 RE T I RE D Definition – The state in which a group or individual WTGS is unavailable for service and not expected to return to service in the future (N ERC – RU ) The RETI RED category is an underlying category of SUSPENDED and has no predefined underlying mandatory or optional information categories The RETIRED category is optional Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission – 116 – I EC TS 61 400-26-3: 201 © I EC 201 T a b l e F – R E T I R E D c a t e g o ry I n fo rm a t i o n M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry c a t e g o ri e s M a n d a to ry O pti o n a l L e ve l L e ve l I AN O IA L e ve l I AN O S N ON -OPERATI VE ( ) L e ve l SU SPEN DED ( ) ( ) I N FORM ATI ON AVAI LABLE L e ve l P ri o ri t y 11 O pti o n a l L e ve l P ri o ri t y OTH ER SU SPEN DED – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 54 PERSON N EL SAFETY – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 55 EN VI RON M EN T – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 56 I T ACCESS – SCH EDU LED M AI N TEN AN CE 57 OTH ER SU SPEN DED – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 58 PERSON N EL SAFETY – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 59 EN VI RON M EN T – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 60 I T ACCESS – PLAN N ED CORRECTI VE ACTI ON 61 OTH ER SU SPEN DED – FORCED OU TAGE 62 PERSON N EL SAFETY– FORCED OU TAGE 63 EN VI RON M EN T – FORCED OU TAGE 64 I T ACCESS – FORCED OU TAGE 65 I N ACTI VE RESERVE 66 M OTH BALLED 67 RE TI RE D 68 Entry point – This category is entered by manual intervention when the WPS/WTGS is not expected to be operational ever again Exit point – The conditions for being in RETIRED no longer exist F.2.70 F O R C E M AJ E U R E Definition – The category FORCE MAJ EURE covers all situations where an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond the control of the parties involved, prevents the parties from fulfilling their obligations FORCE MAJ EURE is a common clause in contracts which essentially frees concerned parties from their liability or obligation when an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond the control of the parties occurs FORCE MAJ EURE is not intended to excuse negligence or other malfeasance of a party, as where non-performance is caused by the usual and natural consequences of external forces or where the intervening circumstances are specifically contemplated Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC TS 61 400-26-3:201 © I EC 201 – 117 – The FORCE MAJ EURE information category is underlying the INFORMATI ON AVAI LABLE information category on level and has no underlying mandatory information categories The FORCE MAJEURE category is mandatory T a b l e F – F O R C E M AJ E U R E c a t e g o ry I n fo rm a t i o n M a n d a t o ry M a n d a to ry M a n d a t o ry c a t e g o ri e s M a n d a t o ry M a n d a to ry Op ti o n a l L e ve l L e ve l L e ve l L e ve l I N FORM ATI ON AVAI LABLE L e ve l FORCE M AJ EU RE ( ) P ri o ri t y 12 I AF M ( ) O pti o n a l L e ve l P ri o ri t y F O RC E M AJ E U R E 69 IA Entry point – This category is entered by manual intervention when a force majeure situation is detected according to contract text Exit point – this category is terminated by manual intervention when a force majeure situation has been cleared according to contract text F 71 I N F O RM AT I O N U N A VA I L A B L E Definition – The category I NFORMATI ON UN AVAI LABLE covers all time periods when the category INFORMATI ON AVAI LABLE is not applicable The INFORMATION UNAVAI LABLE information category is on level and as such has no overlying information category I n addition this information category has no underlying mandatory information categories The INFORMATI ON UNAVAI LABLE category is mandatory Tabl e F – I N F O R M AT I O N I n fo rm a t i o n M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry M a n d a to ry U N A VA I L AB L E c a t e g o ry c a t e g o ri e s M a n d a to ry M a n d a t o ry Op ti o n a l L e ve l L e ve l L e ve l L e ve l I N FORM ATI ON U N AVAI LABLE ( ) IU L e ve l P ri o ri t y 13 O pti o n a l L e ve l P ri o ri t y I N F O R M AT I O N 70 U N AV AI L AB L E Entry point – I t is not possible to determine, log or store the level categories of the WPS/WTGS Exit point – The WPS/WTGS operating status data is available to the extent that a WPS/WTGS category at level can be determined, logged and stored Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission – 118 – I EC TS 61 400-26-3: 201 © I EC 201 Bibliography Wind turbines – Part 1: Design requirements I EC 61 400-1 2-1 :2005, Wind turbines – Part 12-1: Power performance measurements of electricity-producing wind turbines I EC 61 400-1 2-2:201 3, Wind turbines – Part 12-2: Power performance of electricity-producing wind turbines based on nacelle anemometry I EC 61 400-25-1 :2006, Wind turbines – Part 25-1: Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants – Overall description of principles and models I EC 61 400-25-2: 201 5, Wind turbines – Part 25-2: Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants – Information models I EC 61 400-25-3: 201 5, Wind turbines – Part 25-3: Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants – Information exchange models I EC 61 400-25-4: 2008, Wind turbines – Part 25-4: Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants – Mapping to communication profile I EC 61 400-25-5: 2006, Wind turbines – Part 25-5: Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants – Conformance testing IEC 61 400-25-6:201 0, Wind turbines – Part 25-6: Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants – Logical node classes and data classes for condition monitoring ISO 3977-9:1 999, Gas turbines – Procurement – Part 9: Reliability, availability, maintainability and safety I EEE 762-2006 , IEEE Standard for Definitions for Use in Reporting Electric Generating Unit Reliability, Availability, and Productivity I EC 61 400-1 , _ Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSI ON 3, rue de Varembé PO Box 31 CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel: + 41 22 91 02 1 Fax: + 41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission