I E C 60 4-3 ® Edition 3.0 201 6-04 I N TE RN ATI ON AL S TAN D ARD N ORM E I N TE RN ATI ON ALE Ph otovol tai c d evi ces – Part 3: M eas u rem en t pri n ci pl es for terres tri al ph otovol tai c (PV) s ol ar d evi ces wi th referen ce s pectral i rrad i an ce d ata D i s pos i ti fs ph otovol taïq u es – Parti e 3: Pri n ci pes d e m es u re d es d i s pos i ti fs s ol res ph otovol taïq u es (PV) IEC 60904-3:201 6-04(en-fr) u s ag e terres tre i n cl u an t l es d on n ées d e l ' écl rem en t s pectral d e référen ce TH I S P U B L I C ATI O N I S C O P YRI G H T P RO TE C T E D C o p yri g h t © I E C , G e n e va , S w i tze rl a n d All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester If you have any questions about IEC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below or your local IEC member National Committee for further information Droits de reproduction réservés Sauf indication contraire, aucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite ni utilisée sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procédé, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopie et les microfilms, sans l'accord écrit de l'IEC ou du Comité national de l'IEC du pays du demandeur Si vous avez des questions sur le copyright de l'IEC ou si vous désirez obtenir des droits supplémentaires sur cette publication, utilisez les coordonnées ci-après ou contactez le Comité national de l'IEC de votre pays de résidence IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch Abou t th e I E C The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i c a ti o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I E C C atal og u e - 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webs tore i ec ch /cs c Si vous désirez nous donner des commentaires sur cette publication ou si vous avez des questions contactez-nous: csc@iec.ch I E C 60 4-3 ® Edition 3.0 201 6-04 I N TE RN ATI ON AL S TAN D ARD N ORM E I N TE RN ATI ON ALE Ph otovol tai c d evi ces – Part 3: M eas u rem en t pri n ci pl es for terres tri al ph otovol tai c (P V) s ol ar d evi ces wi th referen ce s pectral i rrad i an ce d ata D i s pos i ti fs ph otovol taïq u es – Parti e : Pri n ci pes d e m es u re d es d i s pos i ti fs s ol res ph otovol taïq u es (P V) u s ag e terres tre i n cl u an t l es d on n ées d e l ' écl rem en t s pectral d e référen ce INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION COMMISSION ELECTROTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONALE ICS 27.1 60 ISBN 978-2-8322-3294-1 Warn i n g ! M ake s u re th at you ob tai n ed th i s pu bl i cati on from an au th ori zed d i s tri bu tor Atten ti on ! Veu i l l ez vou s as s u rer q u e vou s avez o bten u cette pu bl i cati on vi a u n d i s tri b u teu r ag réé ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission Marque déposée de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale –2– I EC 60904-3: 201 © I EC 201 CONTENTS FOREWORD Scope an d obj ect N orm ati ve references Measurem ent pri ncipl es Reference solar spectral irrad i ance d istribu ti on Ann ex A (inform ati ve) U se of SMARTS 58 Bibl iograph y 59 Figu re – G l obal and d irect reference solar spectral irrad i ance d istri buti on l isted i n Table 57 Table – Reference sol ar spectral irrad iance d istri bu tion Tabl e A – I nput data for g enerati on of reference solar spectral irrad i ance d istri bu tion 58 I EC 60904-3: 201 © I EC 201 –3– I NTERNATI ON AL ELECTROTECH NI CAL COMMI SSI ON PHOTOVOLTAIC DEVICES – Part 3: Measurement principles for terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) solar devices with reference spectral irradiance data FOREWORD ) The I n tern ati on al El ectrotechni cal Comm i ssi on (I EC) i s a worl d wi d e organi zati on for stan dard i zati on com pri si n g al l n ati on al el ectrotech ni cal com m i ttees (I EC N ati on al Com m i ttees) Th e obj ect of I EC i s to prom ote i n ternati on al co-operati on on al l q uesti on s concern i ng stan d ard i zati on i n the el ectri cal an d el ectroni c fi el d s To thi s en d and i n ad di ti on to other acti vi ti es, I EC pu bl i sh es I nternati onal Stan d ard s, Techn i cal Speci fi cati ons, Tech ni cal Reports, Publ i cl y Avai l abl e Speci fi cati on s (PAS) an d Gu i des (h ereafter referred to as “I EC Publ i cati on(s)”) Th ei r preparati on i s entru sted to tech n i cal com m i ttees; any I EC N ati onal Com m ittee i nterested i n th e su bj ect deal t wi th m ay partici pate i n thi s preparatory work I nternati onal , governm ental an d n on governm en tal organ i zati ons l i si ng wi th th e I EC al so parti ci pate i n thi s preparati on I E C col l 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ti on inclu des the foll owing sig n ifican t techn ical chan ges with respect to the previ ous ed i tion: a) th e d irect beam irrad i ance correspond i n g to th e gl obal irrad iance i n Table was i nclu ded ; b) th e term “Gl obal photon i rradi ance” i n Table was ch anged to “G l obal photon fl ux”; c) th e ti tles of som e cl auses h ave been chan ged (oth ers h ave been ad d ed ) i n accord ance wi th th e usual structure of I EC stan d ards This pu bl ication contai n s an attach ed fi le in the form of an Excel spreadsh eet Th is fi l e is i nten d ed to be used as a com pl em ent an d d oes not form an integral part of th e publicati on –4– I EC 60904-3: 201 © I EC 201 The text of th is stan d ard is based on the fol lowi n g docum en ts: FDI S Report on voti n g 82/1 071 /FDI S 82/1 096/RVD Fu l l inform ation on th e voti ng for th e approval of th is stan dard can be fou nd i n th e report on voti ng in d icated in th e above table This publ icati on has been drafted i n accordance wi th th e I SO/I EC Directi ves, Part A list of all parts of th e I EC 60904 seri es, pu blish ed u nd er th e g eneral title can be fou n d on the I EC website devices, Photovoltaic The comm ittee h as deci ded that the ten ts of th is pu blicati on wi ll rem n unch anged u nti l th e stabi l i ty d ate in d icated on the I EC website un d er "h ttp: //webstore i ec ch " i n th e d ata related to th e specific pu blicati on At th is d ate, th e publ icati on wi l l be • reconfirm ed, • wi thdrawn , • repl aced by a revised ed i tion, or • am end ed I EC 60904-3: 201 © I EC 201 –5– PHOTOVOLTAIC DEVICES – Part 3: Measurement principles for terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) solar devices with reference spectral irradiance data Scope and object This part of I EC 60904 appli es to th e foll owi n g ph otovol taic devices for terrestrial appl icati ons: – – – – solar cel ls wi th or wi th out a protecti ve cover; sub-assem bl ies of sol ar cells; m odu les; and system s N OTE The term “test speci m en” is u sed to den ote an y of these devi ces The princi ples tai n ed i n th is stan d ard cover testi n g i n both n atural an d sim ulated su n li ght Photovoltaic version is spectral l y selecti ve du e to th e nature of th e sem icon d uctor m aterials used in PV solar cel ls and m od u les To com pare the rel ati ve perform ance of d ifferent PV d evices and m aterials a referen ce stan d ard sol ar spectral d istribu ti on is necessary Th is stan dard i nclud es such a reference solar spectral irrad i ance d istri bu tion This stan d ard also d escri bes basic m easu rem ent pri nciples for d eterm i n in g the electrical ou tpu t of PV d evices The pri ncipl es gi ven in th is stan dard are d esi gn ed to rel ate the perform ance rating of PV d evices to a com m on reference terrestri al sol ar spectral irrad iance d istribu tion The reference terrestri al solar spectral irrad i ance d istribu tion is g iven in th i s stan d ard i n order to classify solar sim ulators accordin g to the spectral perform ance requ irem ents tai n ed i n I EC 60904-9 Normative references The foll owing docum en ts, i n wh ole or i n part, are norm ati vel y referenced i n th is docum en t and are i n d ispensabl e for i ts appl ication For dated references, on l y the ed iti on cited appli es For un d ated references, th e l atest ed iti on of th e referenced docum en t (inclu d i ng an y am endm ents) appli es I EC 60891 , Photovoltaic devices – Procedures for temperature and irradiance corrections to measured I-V characteristics I EC 60904-1 , Photovoltaic devices – Part 1: Measurements of photovoltaic current-voltage characteristics I EC 60904-2, Photovoltaic devices – Part 2: Requirements for photovoltaic reference devices Photovoltaic devices – Part 5: Determination of the equivalent cell temperature (ECT) of photovoltaic (PV) devices by the open-circuit voltage method I EC 60904-5, Photovoltaic devices – Part 7: Computation of the spectral mismatch correction for measurements of photovoltaic d evices I EC 60904-7, –6– I EC 60904-3: 201 © I EC 201 I EC 60904-8, Photovoltaic devices – Part 8: Measurement of spectral responsivity of a photovoltaic (PV) device M easu rement pri nci pl es I n cu rrent practice th e photovol taic perform ance of a solar cel l or m odu le is d eterm i ned by exposing it at a known tem perature to stable su nli gh t, n atural or sim ulated, and m easuri n g its curren t-vol tage (I -V) ch aracteristic curve wh i l e measuri ng the m agn itu d e of both th e i nci d en t irrad iance and the PV d evice tem perature Detai led I -V cu rve m easurem en t procedures are incl u ded in I EC 60904-1 The m easured perform ances can th en be corrected to stan dard test d iti ons (STC) or oth er desired d iti ons of irrad i ance an d tem perature accord in g to I EC 60891 The corrected power outpu t at th e m axim um power vol tage an d STC is com m onl y referred to as th e rated power I nciden t irrad i ance can be m easured by m eans of a PV reference d evi ce (whose spectral responsi vity sh al l be known ) or, if m easurin g un der natural su n l i gh t, by m eans of a th erm opi le-type irrad i ance detector (pyran om eter) I f a PV reference devi ce is used , i t shal l satisfy th e req uirem en ts specifi ed in I EC 60904-2 Tem perature determi nation of th e PV device u nd er test shal l be m ad e accordi n g to I EC 60904-1 or I EC 60904-5 Since a sol ar cel l h as a wavelen gth-depen d en t response, i ts perform ance is sign ificantl y affected by th e spectral d istribu tion of th e i ncid ent rad iati on , wh ich i n n atural su n lig h t varies with factors such as location, weather, tim e of year, tim e of d ay, ori entati on of the recei ving surface, etc , an d with a sim ul ator varies with its type and d iti ons of use Regard less of wh eth er th e i rrad iance i s m easured with ei th er a therm opil e-type rad i om eter (that is n ot spectral l y selecti ve) or wi th a reference sol ar d evice, th e spectral irrad i ance d istribution of the incom ing l igh t shall be known i n order to use I EC 60904-7 to calcu late th e spectral m ism atch between the m easured perform ance an d th e pred i cted perform ance u nd er the g lobal or d irect reference sol ar spectral d istri bu tion d efi n ed in th i s stan d ard When the spectral responsi vity of th e PV d evi ce is known as d eterm i ned accordi n g to I EC 60904-8, it is also possibl e to use I EC 60904-7 to com pute th e perform ance of th at PV device wh en exposed to l i gh t of an y kn own spectral irrad i ance d istribu ti on Reference sol ar spectral i rradi ance di stri bu ti on The reference sol ar spectral d istributi ons AM1 are gi ven i n Tabl e and Fi gure Th ese are – – g lobal d istributi on (d irect + diffuse) of su nl i ght, correspond i ng to an i ntegrated irrad iance of 000 W· m –2 i ncident on a sun-facin g pl an e surface tilted at 37º to th e h ori zontal, an d th e d irect d istributi on of sun l i gh t, correspond i n g to an i n tegrated irrad iance of 900 W· m –2 i nci d en t on a su n-facing plan e surface perpend icu l ar to th e i nci d ent su n l igh t, consi d erin g th e wavelength-d epen den t al bed o of a l igh t bare soi l , u nd er th e fol l owi ng atm osph eric d iti ons: – U S stan dard atm osphere with CO concentration increased to current level (370 ppm ), a rural aerosol m od el, an d no pol luti on ; preci pitable water: , 41 cm ; – – – ozon e conten t: 0, 343 atm -cm (or 343, DU ); turbid i ty (aerosol optical depth): 0, 084 at 500 nm ; pressure: 01 , 325 kPa (i e sea l evel) – Data contai ned i n Tabl e have been gen erated usin g th e solar spectral m od el SM ARTS, Version A g eneral descri pti on of th is m od el and its su i tabi l ity to reprod uce actu al solar I EC 60904-3: 201 © I EC 201 –7– spectral irrad iance d istri bu tions can be fou n d i n “Proposed Reference I rrad i ance Spectra for Sol ar En erg y S ystem s Testin g” by C A Gu eym ard, C M yers an d K Em ery , an d in th e references th erein Table can be obtain ed usin g th e d ata contain ed in Ann ex A as an i nput to the m od el SM ARTS Version Th e resul ti ng ou tput spectral i rrad i ance val ues h ave to be m ultiplied by a norm alizati on factor (0, 997 08) in ord er to get an i n tegrated irrad iance of 000 W· m –2 in th e wavel en gth ran ge to i nfi n ity for th e global irrad iance This sam e scal i n g factor is appli ed to th e d irect spectrum gi vi ng an i ntegrated irrad i ance of 900 W· m –2 in th e wavelen gth ran ge to i nfi ni ty 0F At th e tim e of pu blicati on of th is stan d ard th e SM ARTS Version spectral m odel code is avail abl e, free of charge, subj ect to th e author's l icen se agreem en t, at http: //www n rel gov/rredc/sm arts A copy of th e m odel, n ot for d istributi on purposes, is kept un d er I EC TC 82 trol The ten ts of Tabl e are incl u ded i n an attach ed fi l e i n th e form of an Excel spreadsheet T able – Reference sol ar spectral i rradian ce distribution 1B Wavelength Global spectral i rradi an ce Global photon fl ux Cum ulati ve global integrated i rradi an ce Direct spectral irradian ce Direct photon flux Cumul ati ve direct i ntegrated i rradi an ce (nm ) (W· m –2 · nm –1 ) (m –2 · s –1 · nm –1 ) (W· m –2 ) (W· m –2 · n m –1 ) (m –2 · s –1 · nm –1 ) (W· m –2 ) 280, 4, 71 7E-23 6, 649E-5 0, 00E+ 2, 529E-26 3, 564E-8 0, 00E+ 280, , 227E-21 , 733E-3 3, 9E-22 , 089E-24 , 537E-6 2, 78E-25 281 , 5, 673E-21 8, 025E-3 2, 04E-21 6, 07E-24 8, 640E-6 2, 08E-24 281 , , 562E-1 2, 21 3E-1 4, 25E-20 2, 740E-22 3, 883E-4 7, 21 E-23 282, , 91 E-1 , 691 E+0 3, 79E-1 2, 826E-21 4, 01 2E-3 8, 47E-22 282, 4, 530E-1 6, 443E+0 2, 53E-1 , 323E-20 , 882E-2 6, 87E-21 283, , 840E-1 2, 621 E+1 , 04E-1 6, 745E-20 9, 609E-2 3, 51 E-20 283, 3, 526E-1 5, 032E+1 2, 77E-1 , 457E-1 2, 080E-1 , 05E-1 284, 7, 246E-1 , 036E+3 3, 06E-1 4, 969E-1 7, 05E+0 2, 00E-1 284, 2, 478E-1 3, 550E+3 , 41 E-1 2, 56E-1 3, 088E+1 , 3E-1 285, 7, 991 E-1 , 47E+4 4, 94E-1 8, 974E-1 , 288E+2 4, 97E-1 285, 4, 249E-1 6, 07E+4 2, 26E-1 6, 424E-1 9, 232E+2 3, 0E-1 286, , 364E-1 , 964E+5 8, 33E-1 2, 343E-1 3, 374E+3 , 34E-1 286, 8, 358E-1 , 205E+6 4, 26E-1 , 840E-1 2, 654E+4 8, 75E-1 287, 2, 729E-1 3, 942E+6 , 64E-1 7, 234E-1 , 045E+5 4, 02E-1 287, , 087E-1 1 , 573E+7 6, 30E-1 3, 651 E-1 5, 284E+5 , 93E-1 288, 6, 21 6E-1 9, 01 E+7 3, 20E-1 2, 798E-1 4, 057E+6 , 32E-1 288, , 71 E-1 2, 485E+8 , 0E-1 9, 039E-1 , 31 3E+7 5, 37E-1 289, 5, 61 0E-1 8, 62E+8 3, 56E-1 3, 488E-1 5, 074E+7 2, 04E-1 289, 2, 069E-9 3, 01 5E+9 , 25E-9 , 532E-1 2, 233E+8 8, 54E-1 290, 5, 999E-9 8, 758E+9 3, 95E-9 5, 30E-1 7, 490E+8 3, 2E-1 290, , 374E-8 2, 01 0E+1 , 03E-8 , 326E-9 , 940E+9 9, 8E-1 291 , 3, 495E-8 5, 20E+1 2, 61 E-8 3, 885E-9 5, 691 E+9 2, 64E-9 291 , , 088E-7 , 597E+1 7, 40E-8 , 438E-8 2, 1 E+1 8, 84E-9 _ C A Gu eym ard, C Myers an d K Em ery, “Proposed Reference I rrad i ance Spectra for Sol ar En ergy S ystem s Testin g ”, Solar Energy, Vol 73, N o 6, pp 443-467, 2002 –8– I EC 60904-3: 201 © I EC 201 Wavelength Global spectral irradiance Global photon flux Cumulative global integrated irradiance Direct spectral irradiance Direct photon flux Cumulative direct integrated irradiance (nm ) (W· m –2 · nm –1 ) (m –2 · s –1 · nm –1 ) (W· m –2 ) (W· m –2 · n m –1 ) (m –2 · s –1 · nm –1 ) (W· m –2 ) 292, 2, 675E-7 3, 932E+1 1 , 97E-7 4, 067E-8 5, 978E+1 2, 72E-8 292, 4, 256E-7 6, 267E+1 4, 0E-7 7, 021 E-8 , 034E+1 6, 9E-8 293, 8, 621 E-7 , 272E+1 8, 06E-7 , 571 E-7 2, 31 8E+1 1 , 33E-7 293, 2, 264E-6 3, 345E+1 , 82E-6 4, 696E-7 6, 938E+1 3, 40E-7 294, 4, 62E-6 6, 60E+1 3, 84E-6 9, 428E-7 , 395E+1 7, 91 E-7 294, 6, 572E-6 9, 743E+1 7, 06E-6 , 592E-6 2, 360E+1 , 57E-6 295, , 225E-5 , 820E+1 , 28E-5 3, 21 5E-6 4, 775E+1 3, 05E-6 295, 2, 775E-5 4, 27E+1 2, 54E-5 7, 997E-6 , 90E+1 6, 65E-6 296, 4, 776E-5 7, 1 7E+1 4, 87E-5 , 469E-5 2, 90E+1 , 38E-5 296, 7, 1 4E-5 , 062E+1 8, 39E-5 2, 324E-5 3, 469E+1 2, 52E-5 297, 9, 652E-5 , 443E+1 , 32E-4 3, 309E-5 4, 947E+1 4, 5E-5 297, , 855E-4 2, 779E+1 2, 7E-4 6, 771 E-5 , 01 4E+1 7, 23E-5 298, 2, 890E-4 4, 336E+1 3, 59E-4 , 1 0E-4 , 664E+1 , 27E-4 298, 3, 569E-4 5, 362E+1 5, 42E-4 , 423E-4 2, 38E+1 , 99E-4 299, 4, 907E-4 7, 386E+1 7, 79E-4 2, 026E-4 3, 050E+1 2, 97E-4 299, 8, 582E-4 , 294E+1 , 8E-3 3, 728E-4 5, 620E+1 4, 70E-4 300, , 01 8E-3 , 537E+1 0, 00 4, 550E-4 6, 871 E+1 0, 00 300, , 241 E-3 , 878E+1 0, 00 5, 704E-4 8, 629E+1 0, 00 301 , , 924E-3 2, 91 6E+1 0, 00 9, 66E-4 , 389E+1 0, 00 301 , 2, 684E-3 4, 073E+1 0, 00 , 31 6E-3 , 998E+1 0, 00 302, 2, 91 2E-3 4, 428E+1 0, 01 , 453E-3 2, 209E+1 0, 00 302, 4, 272E-3 6, 505E+1 0, 01 2, 85E-3 3, 327E+1 0, 00 303, 7, 074E-3 , 079E+1 0, 01 3, 722E-3 5, 678E+1 0, 01 303, 8, 953E-3 , 368E+1 0, 02 4, 790E-3 7, 31 9E+1 0, 01 304, 9, 443E-3 , 445E+1 0, 02 5, 082E-3 7, 778E+1 0, 01 304, , 92E-2 , 827E+1 0, 03 6, 449E-3 9, 885E+1 0, 01 305, , 642E-2 2, 520E+1 0, 03 8, 908E-3 , 368E+1 0, 02 305, , 866E-2 2, 870E+1 0, 04 , 01 6E-2 , 562E+1 0, 02 306, , 852E-2 2, 853E+1 0, 05 , 01 2E-2 , 559E+1 0, 03 306, 2, 05E-2 3, 247E+1 0, 06 , 53E-2 , 780E+1 0, 03 307, 2, 777E-2 4, 291 E+1 0, 08 , 520E-2 2, 349E+1 0, 04 307, 3, 553E-2 5, 500E+1 0, 09 , 941 E-2 3, 005E+1 0, 05 308, 3, 773E-2 5, 850E+1 0, 1 2, 069E-2 3, 208E+1 0, 06 308, 4, 31 E-2 6, 41 5E+1 0, 2, 268E-2 3, 523E+1 0, 07 309, 4, 042E-2 6, 287E+1 0, 2, 223E-2 3, 458E+1 0, 08 309, 4, 31 8E-2 6, 728E+1 0, 2, 360E-2 3, 678E+1 0, 31 0, 5, 079E-2 7, 926E+1 0, 20 2, 775E-2 4, 330E+1 0, 1 31 0, 6, 535E-2 , 022E+1 0, 23 3, 577E-2 5, 592E+1 0, 31 , 8, 268E-2 , 294E+1 0, 27 4, 526E-2 7, 086E+1 0, 31 , 8, 384E-2 , 31 5E+1 0, 32 4, 602E-2 7, 21 7E+1 0, 31 2, 9, 31 0E-2 , 462E+1 0, 36 5, 075E-2 7, 971 E+1 0, 20 – 06 – I EC 60904-3: 201 © I EC 201 Longueur d’ onde Éclairem en t spectral global Flux ph otonique global Éclairem en t i ntégré cumul é global Écl remen t spectral di rect Flux photon ique direct Écl remen t intégré cumu lé direct (n m ) (W· m –2 · nm –1 ) (m –2 · s –1 · nm –1 ) (W· m –2 ) (W· m –2 · n m –1 ) (m –2 · s –1 · nm –1 ) (W· m –2 ) 2265, 6, 794E-2 7, 747E+1 980, 54 6, 71 6E-2 7, 658E+1 880, 64 2270, 6, 468E-2 7, 391 E+1 980, 87 6, 395E-2 7, 308E+1 880, 96 2275, 6, 383E-2 7, 31 E+1 981 , 6, 31 2E-2 7, 229E+1 881 , 28 2280, 6, 61 0E-2 7, 586E+1 981 , 52 6, 536E-2 7, 502E+1 881 , 60 2285, 6, 290E-2 7, 235E+1 981 , 84 6, 221 E-2 7, 56E+1 881 , 92 2290, 6, 304E-2 7, 267E+1 982, 6, 235E-2 7, 88E+1 882, 22 2295, 6, 09E-2 7, 058E+1 982, 46 6, 043E-2 6, 981 E+1 882, 53 2300, 5, 865E-2 6, 791 E+1 982, 75 5, 802E-2 6, 71 8E+1 882, 82 2305, 5, 900E-2 6, 846E+1 983, 04 5, 837E-2 6, 773E+1 883, 1 231 0, 6, 368E-2 7, 406E+1 983, 35 6, 301 E-2 7, 327E+1 883, 42 231 5, 5, 797E-2 6, 756E+1 983, 66 5, 736E-2 6, 685E+1 883, 72 2320, 5, 88E-2 6, 059E+1 983, 92 5, 34E-2 5, 996E+1 883, 97 2325, 5, 605E-2 6, 560E+1 984, 5, 546E-2 6, 492E+1 884, 24 2330, 5, 666E-2 6, 646E+1 984, 47 5, 607E-2 6, 576E+1 884, 52 2335, 5, 780E-2 6, 794E+1 984, 76 5, 720E-2 6, 723E+1 884, 81 2340, 4, 570E-2 5, 384E+1 985, 01 4, 523E-2 5, 329E+1 885, 05 2345, 5, 25E-2 6, 050E+1 985, 24 5, 072E-2 5, 988E+1 885, 28 2350, 4, 42E-2 4, 899E+1 985, 47 4, 00E-2 4, 850E+1 885, 51 2355, 4, 734E-2 5, 61 2E+1 985, 68 4, 685E-2 5, 554E+1 885, 72 2360, 5, 009E-2 5, 951 E+1 985, 94 4, 958E-2 5, 890E+1 885, 97 2365, 4, 927E-2 5, 865E+1 986, 4, 877E-2 5, 806E+1 886, 22 2370, 3, 073E-2 3, 666E+1 986, 36 3, 043E-2 3, 630E+1 886, 40 2375, 4, 402E-2 5, 263E+1 986, 54 4, 358E-2 5, 21 0E+1 886, 57 2380, 4, 243E-2 5, 083E+1 986, 78 4, 201 E-2 5, 033E+1 886, 80 2385, 3, 074E-2 3, 690E+1 986, 94 3, 044E-2 3, 654E+1 886, 97 2390, 3, 700E-2 4, 452E+1 987, 3, 664E-2 4, 409E+1 887, 2395, 4, 048E-2 4, 880E+1 987, 31 4, 008E-2 4, 833E+1 887, 33 2400, 4, 402E-2 5, 31 9E+1 987, 53 4, 360E-2 5, 268E+1 887, 55 2405, 3, 350E-2 4, 056E+1 987, 71 3, 31 9E-2 4, 01 8E+1 887, 73 241 0, 3, 371 E-2 4, 090E+1 987, 87 3, 341 E-2 4, 053E+1 887, 89 241 5, 2, 722E-2 3, 309E+1 988, 01 2, 698E-2 3, 280E+1 888, 03 2420, 2, 651 E-2 3, 230E+1 988, 2, 628E-2 3, 202E+1 888, 2425, 3, 298E-2 4, 026E+1 988, 30 3, 271 E-2 3, 993E+1 888, 31 2430, 4, 497E-2 5, 501 E+1 988, 51 4, 460E-2 5, 455E+1 888, 53 2435, , 484E-2 , 81 8E+1 988, 64 , 472E-2 , 805E+1 888, 65 2440, 4, 31 2E-2 5, 297E+1 988, 78 4, 280E-2 5, 257E+1 888, 79 2445, 2, 074E-2 2, 552E+1 988, 95 2, 060E-2 2, 535E+1 888, 96 2450, , 357E-2 , 674E+1 989, 00 , 348E-2 , 663E+1 889, 01 2455, 2, 478E-2 3, 063E+1 989, 2, 462E-2 3, 043E+1 889, 1 2460, 3, 327E-2 4, 20E+1 989, 27 3, 306E-2 4, 094E+1 889, 28 2465, 2, 408E-2 2, 988E+1 989, 41 2, 394E-2 2, 971 E+1 889, 42 I EC 60904-3: 201 © I EC 201 – 07 – Longueur d’ onde Éclairem en t spectral global Flux ph otonique global Éclairem en t i ntégré cumul é global Écl remen t spectral di rect Flux photon ique direct Écl remen t intégré cumu lé direct (n m ) (W· m –2 · nm –1 ) (m –2 · s –1 · nm –1 ) (W· m –2 ) (W· m –2 · n m –1 ) (m –2 · s –1 · nm –1 ) (W· m –2 ) 2470, , 668E-2 2, 074E+1 989, 49 , 659E-2 2, 062E+1 889, 50 2475, , 641 E-2 2, 044E+1 989, 57 , 632E-2 2, 033E+1 889, 57 2480, 8, 01 6E-3 , 001 E+1 989, 62 7, 976E-3 9, 958E+1 889, 62 2485, 5, 594E-3 6, 998E+1 989, 64 5, 568E-3 6, 965E+1 889, 64 2490, 3, 501 E-3 4, 389E+1 989, 65 3, 486E-3 4, 369E+1 889, 66 2495, 2, 869E-3 3, 603E+1 989, 67 2, 856E-3 3, 588E+1 889, 67 2500, 7, 044E-3 8, 865E+1 989, 70 7, 01 2E-3 8, 825E+1 889, 70 2505, , 51 5E-3 , 91 0E+1 989, 72 , 508E-3 , 902E+1 889, 72 251 0, 2, 21 0E-3 2, 792E+1 989, 72 2, 200E-3 2, 780E+1 889, 72 251 5, 5, 73E-4 6, 549E+1 989, 72 5, 49E-4 6, 520E+1 889, 73 2520, 3, 695E-4 4, 687E+1 989, 72 3, 677E-4 4, 665E+1 889, 73 2525, 4, 27E-5 5, 246E+1 989, 72 4, 07E-5 5, 221 E+1 889, 73 2530, 6, 341 E-7 8, 076E+1 989, 72 6, 309E-7 8, 036E+1 889, 73 2535, , 745E-7 2, 227E+1 989, 72 , 736E-7 2, 21 6E+1 889, 73 2540, 3, 761 E-7 4, 809E+1 989, 72 3, 741 E-7 4, 784E+1 889, 73 2545, 5, 360E-1 6, 867E+8 989, 72 5, 331 E-1 6, 830E+8 889, 73 2550, 2, 81 4E-1 3, 61 2E+6 989, 72 2, 798E-1 3, 592E+6 889, 73 2555, , 041 E-9 , 338E+1 989, 72 , 035E-9 , 331 E+1 889, 73 2560, 3, 093E-1 3, 986E+8 989, 72 3, 075E-1 3, 963E+8 889, 73 2565, , 591 E-1 2, 054E+5 989, 72 , 580E-1 2, 040E+5 889, 73 2570, , 521 E-1 , 968E+1 989, 72 , 51 E-1 , 955E+1 889, 73 2575, , 076E-27 , 394E-8 989, 72 , 068E-27 , 384E-8 889, 73 2580, 3, 81 0E-22 4, 949E-3 989, 72 3, 782E-22 4, 91 2E-3 889, 73 2585, , 71 4E-34 2, 231 E-1 989, 72 , 701 E-34 2, 21 4E-1 889, 73 2590, 5, 463E-31 7, 23E-1 989, 72 5, 421 E-31 7, 068E-1 889, 73 2595, 2, 277E-33 2, 975E-1 989, 72 2, 260E-33 2, 952E-1 889, 73 2600, 4, 478E-28 5, 861 E-9 989, 72 4, 443E-28 5, 81 5E-9 889, 73 2605, 5, 788E-35 7, 591 E-1 989, 72 5, 742E-35 7, 531 E-1 889, 73 261 0, 5, 927E-34 7, 788E-1 989, 72 5, 880E-34 7, 726E-1 889, 73 261 5, , 1 6E-37 , 470E-1 989, 72 , 07E-37 , 458E-1 889, 73 2620, 5, 634E-29 7, 431 E-1 989, 72 5, 589E-29 7, 372E-1 889, 73 2625, 3, 857E-28 5, 097E-9 989, 72 3, 827E-28 5, 057E-9 889, 73 2630, 2, 794E-45 3, 700E-26 989, 72 2, 794E-45 3, 700E-26 889, 73 2635, 3, 891 E-1 5, 62E+3 989, 72 3, 861 E-1 5, 21 E+3 889, 73 2640, , 72E-1 , 557E+3 989, 72 , 62E-1 , 545E+3 889, 73 2645, 8, 973E-1 , 95E+1 989, 72 8, 903E-1 , 86E+1 889, 73 2650, , 425E-1 , 901 E+0 989, 72 , 41 5E-1 , 887E+0 889, 73 2655, , 31 0E-27 , 750E-8 989, 72 , 300E-27 , 737E-8 889, 73 2660, 2, 599E-25 3, 481 E-6 989, 72 2, 581 E-25 3, 455E-6 889, 73 2665, , 09E-37 , 488E-1 989, 72 , 01 E-37 , 478E-1 889, 73 2670, 0, 000E+0 0, 000E+0 989, 72 0, 000E+0 0, 000E+0 889, 73 – 08 – I EC 60904-3: 201 © I EC 201 Longueur d’ onde Éclairem en t spectral global Flux ph otonique global Éclairem en t i ntégré cumul é global Écl remen t spectral di rect Flux photon ique direct Écl remen t intégré cumu lé direct (n m ) (W· m –2 · nm –1 ) (m –2 · s –1 · nm –1 ) (W· m –2 ) (W· m –2 · n m –1 ) (m –2 · s –1 · nm –1 ) (W· m –2 ) 2675, 0, 000E+0 0, 000E+0 989, 72 0, 000E+0 0, 000E+0 889, 73 2680, 0, 000E+0 0, 000E+0 989, 72 0, 000E+0 0, 000E+0 889, 73 2685, 0, 000E+0 0, 000E+0 989, 72 0, 000E+0 0, 000E+0 889, 73 2690, , 020E-29 , 381 E-1 989, 72 , 01 5E-29 , 374E-1 889, 73 2695, 7, 08E-33 9, 643E-1 989, 72 7, 081 E-33 9, 606E-1 889, 73 2700, 0, 000E+0 0, 000E+0 989, 72 0, 000E+0 0, 000E+0 889, 73 2705, 2, 923E-42 3, 980E-23 989, 72 2, 91 9E-42 3, 975E-23 889, 73 271 0, , 22E-35 , 530E-1 989, 72 , 21 E-35 , 529E-1 889, 73 271 5, 3, 845E-26 5, 255E-7 989, 72 3, 844E-26 5, 253E-7 889, 73 2720, 5, 589E-45 7, 653E-26 989, 72 5, 589E-45 7, 653E-26 889, 73 2725, 7, 272E-22 9, 976E-3 989, 72 7, 288E-22 9, 998E-3 889, 73 2730, 6, 056E-1 8, 322E+0 989, 72 6, 075E-1 8, 349E+0 889, 73 2735, 5, 473E-21 7, 535E-2 989, 72 5, 496E-21 7, 567E-2 889, 73 2740, 2, 325E-27 3, 206E-8 989, 72 2, 337E-27 3, 223E-8 889, 73 2745, , 31 E-23 , 81 E-4 989, 72 , 31 9E-23 , 822E-4 889, 73 2750, , 660E-28 2, 298E-9 989, 72 , 671 E-28 2, 31 3E-9 889, 73 2755, 6, 707E-44 9, 301 E-25 989, 72 6, 707E-44 9, 301 E-25 889, 73 2760, 0, 000E+0 0, 000E+0 989, 72 0, 000E+0 0, 000E+0 889, 73 2765, 2, 670E-27 3, 71 6E-8 989, 72 2, 692E-27 3, 747E-8 889, 73 2770, 8, 355E-24 , 65E-4 989, 72 8, 428E-24 , 75E-4 889, 73 2775, 3, 987E-38 5, 570E-1 989, 72 4, 024E-38 5, 622E-1 889, 73 2780, 4, 793E-34 6, 707E-1 989, 72 4, 839E-34 6, 772E-1 889, 73 2785, 3, 875E-27 5, 433E-8 989, 72 3, 91 4E-27 5, 488E-8 889, 73 2790, , 21 4E-1 , 704E+3 989, 72 , 226E-1 , 722E+3 889, 73 2795, 3, 61 0E-1 5, 079E+3 989, 72 3, 648E-1 5, 34E+3 889, 73 2800, , 644E-1 2, 31 7E+7 989, 72 , 662E-1 2, 342E+7 889, 73 2805, 6, 728E-1 9, 501 E+5 989, 72 6, 803E-1 9, 606E+5 889, 73 281 0, 4, 01 2E-1 5, 675E+9 989, 72 4, 058E-1 5, 740E+9 889, 73 281 5, 2, 860E-1 4, 053E+9 989, 72 2, 893E-1 4, 00E+9 889, 73 2820, 2, 049E-1 2, 909E+8 989, 72 2, 073E-1 2, 943E+8 889, 73 2825, , 755E-7 2, 496E+1 989, 72 , 776E-7 2, 526E+1 889, 73 2830, 3, 889E-6 5, 541 E+1 989, 72 3, 936E-6 5, 607E+1 889, 73 2835, 2, 21 E-1 3, 028E+9 989, 72 2, 47E-1 3, 064E+9 889, 73 2840, , 955E-7 2, 795E+1 989, 72 , 979E-7 2, 830E+1 889, 73 2845, 4, 046E-5 5, 794E+1 989, 72 4, 095E-5 5, 866E+1 889, 73 2850, , 53E-6 , 655E+1 989, 72 , 67E-6 , 675E+1 889, 73 2855, 4, 474E-7 6, 430E+1 989, 72 4, 529E-7 6, 51 0E+1 889, 73 2860, 2, 528E-5 3, 640E+1 989, 72 2, 560E-5 3, 685E+1 889, 73 2865, , 671 E-4 2, 41 E+1 989, 73 , 692E-4 2, 441 E+1 889, 73 2870, 6, 295E-6 9, 094E+1 989, 73 6, 374E-6 9, 209E+1 889, 73 2875, 3, 906E-4 5, 653E+1 989, 73 3, 955E-4 5, 724E+1 889, 73 I EC 60904-3: 201 © I EC 201 – 09 – Longueur d’ onde Éclairem en t spectral global Flux ph otonique global Éclairem en t i ntégré cumul é global Écl remen t spectral di rect Flux photon ique direct Écl remen t intégré cumu lé direct (n m ) (W· m –2 · nm –1 ) (m –2 · s –1 · nm –1 ) (W· m –2 ) (W· m –2 · n m –1 ) (m –2 · s –1 · nm –1 ) (W· m –2 ) 2880, 2, 465E-4 3, 574E+1 989, 73 2, 496E-4 3, 61 9E+1 889, 73 2885, 4, 520E-4 6, 565E+1 989, 73 4, 577E-4 6, 648E+1 889, 74 2890, , 857E-4 2, 702E+1 989, 73 , 881 E-4 2, 736E+1 889, 74 2895, 2, 657E-3 3, 872E+1 989, 74 2, 690E-3 3, 921 E+1 889, 75 2900, 8, 092E-4 , 81 E+1 989, 75 8, 94E-4 , 96E+1 889, 76 2905, , 06E-4 , 61 8E+1 989, 75 , 20E-4 , 639E+1 889, 76 291 0, 2, 71 4E-3 3, 976E+1 989, 76 2, 749E-3 4, 026E+1 889, 76 291 5, , 254E-3 , 841 E+1 989, 77 , 271 E-3 , 864E+1 889, 78 2920, 2, 886E-3 4, 243E+1 989, 78 2, 923E-3 4, 297E+1 889, 79 2925, , 080E-3 , 591 E+1 989, 79 , 094E-3 , 61 E+1 889, 80 2930, 5, 869E-3 8, 656E+1 989, 81 5, 943E-3 8, 766E+1 889, 82 2935, 6, 471 E-3 9, 562E+1 989, 85 6, 553E-3 9, 683E+1 889, 86 2940, , 623E-3 2, 401 E+1 989, 87 , 643E-3 2, 432E+1 889, 87 2945, , 445E-3 2, 42E+1 989, 87 , 463E-3 2, 69E+1 889, 87 2950, 5, 21 2E-3 7, 741 E+1 989, 89 5, 278E-3 7, 838E+1 889, 89 2955, 2, 329E-3 3, 465E+1 989, 91 2, 359E-3 3, 509E+1 889, 91 2960, 4, 584E-3 6, 830E+1 989, 92 4, 641 E-3 6, 91 6E+1 889, 93 2965, 7, 41 6E-3 , 07E+1 989, 96 7, 509E-3 , 21 E+1 889, 97 2970, 3, 51 3E-4 5, 252E+1 989, 98 3, 557E-4 5, 31 9E+1 889, 98 2975, 8, 51 8E-4 , 276E+1 989, 97 8, 625E-4 , 292E+1 889, 98 2980, , 334E-3 2, 002E+1 989, 98 , 351 E-3 2, 027E+1 889, 98 2985, 6, 943E-3 , 043E+1 990, 00 7, 029E-3 , 056E+1 890, 01 2990, , 025E-2 , 543E+1 990, 06 , 038E-2 , 562E+1 890, 07 2995, 4, 263E-3 6, 427E+1 990, 09 4, 31 6E-3 6, 507E+1 890, 3000, 7, 824E-3 , 82E+1 990, 7, 921 E-3 , 96E+1 890, 3005, 2, 882E-3 4, 360E+1 990, 2, 91 8E-3 4, 41 4E+1 890, 301 0, 6, 828E-3 , 035E+1 990, 6, 91 2E-3 , 047E+1 890, 301 5, 5, 539E-3 8, 407E+1 990, 20 5, 607E-3 8, 51 0E+1 890, 21 3020, 6, 31 8E-4 9, 606E+1 990, 21 6, 396E-4 9, 723E+1 890, 22 3025, 7, 481 E-3 , 39E+1 990, 23 7, 573E-3 , 53E+1 890, 24 3030, 6, 058E-3 9, 240E+1 990, 27 6, 31 E-3 9, 352E+1 890, 28 3035, 2, 491 E-3 3, 806E+1 990, 29 2, 522E-3 3, 853E+1 890, 30 3040, 2, 01 8E-3 3, 089E+1 990, 29 2, 043E-3 3, 26E+1 890, 31 3045, 4, 97E-3 6, 433E+1 990, 31 4, 248E-3 6, 51 E+1 890, 32 3050, , 029E-3 , 580E+1 990, 32 , 042E-3 , 599E+1 890, 33 3055, 2, 886E-4 4, 439E+1 990, 32 2, 921 E-4 4, 492E+1 890, 33 3060, 6, 283E-3 9, 678E+1 990, 34 6, 358E-3 9, 793E+1 890, 36 3065, 2, 903E-3 4, 479E+1 990, 37 2, 937E-3 4, 532E+1 890, 38 3070, , 744E-3 2, 696E+1 990, 38 , 765E-3 2, 727E+1 890, 39 3075, 6, 005E-3 9, 295E+1 990, 40 6, 075E-3 9, 404E+1 890, 41 3080, 3, 61 2E-3 5, 600E+1 990, 43 3, 654E-3 5, 665E+1 890, 44 – 110 – I EC 60904-3: 201 © I EC 201 Longueur d’ onde Éclairem en t spectral global Flux ph otonique global Éclairem en t i ntégré cumul é global Écl remen t spectral di rect Flux photon ique direct Écl remen t intégré cumu lé direct (n m ) (W· m –2 · nm –1 ) (m –2 · s –1 · nm –1 ) (W· m –2 ) (W· m –2 · n m –1 ) (m –2 · s –1 · nm –1 ) (W· m –2 ) 3085, , 762E-3 2, 736E+1 990, 43 , 782E-3 2, 768E+1 890, 45 3090, 2, 374E-3 3, 692E+1 990, 44 2, 401 E-3 3, 735E+1 890, 46 3095, 6, 532E-4 , 01 8E+1 990, 45 6, 607E-4 , 030E+1 890, 46 31 00, 4, 388E-3 6, 848E+1 990, 46 4, 438E-3 6, 926E+1 890, 48 31 05, 9, 89E-4 , 436E+1 990, 48 9, 293E-4 , 453E+1 890, 49 31 0, 8, 432E-4 , 320E+1 990, 48 8, 528E-4 , 335E+1 890, 49 31 5, 2, 261 E-3 3, 546E+1 990, 49 2, 287E-3 3, 586E+1 890, 50 31 20, 9, 791 E-3 , 538E+1 990, 53 9, 900E-3 , 555E+1 890, 54 31 25, 3, 020E-3 4, 751 E+1 990, 56 3, 054E-3 4, 804E+1 890, 58 31 30, 5, 745E-3 9, 052E+1 990, 58 5, 808E-3 9, 51 E+1 890, 59 31 35, , 41 E-2 , 801 E+1 990, 63 , 54E-2 , 821 E+1 890, 65 31 40, 3, 31 4E-3 5, 239E+1 990, 67 3, 351 E-3 5, 296E+1 890, 68 31 45, 3, 242E-3 5, 33E+1 990, 67 3, 277E-3 5, 89E+1 890, 69 31 50, 6, 655E-3 , 055E+1 990, 70 6, 726E-3 , 067E+1 890, 72 31 55, 5, 620E-3 8, 926E+1 990, 73 5, 680E-3 9, 021 E+1 890, 75 31 60, 9, 205E-3 , 464E+1 990, 77 9, 302E-3 , 480E+1 890, 79 31 65, , 398E-2 2, 227E+1 990, 84 , 41 2E-2 2, 250E+1 890, 86 31 70, , 248E-2 , 992E+1 990, 91 , 261 E-2 2, 01 2E+1 890, 93 31 75, 9, 203E-3 , 471 E+1 990, 96 9, 298E-3 , 486E+1 890, 98 31 80, , 059E-2 , 695E+1 991 , 01 , 070E-2 , 71 3E+1 891 , 03 31 85, 8, 059E-3 , 292E+1 991 , 05 8, 41 E-3 , 305E+1 891 , 07 31 90, 4, 226E-3 6, 787E+1 991 , 08 4, 269E-3 6, 856E+1 891 , 31 95, 2, 685E-3 4, 31 8E+1 991 , 09 2, 71 2E-3 4, 362E+1 891 , 1 3200, 4, 372E-4 7, 042E+1 991 , 09 4, 41 5E-4 7, 1 2E+1 891 , 1 3205, 3, 088E-4 4, 983E+1 991 , 09 3, 1 9E-4 5, 032E+1 891 , 1 321 0, , 359E-4 2, 97E+1 991 , 09 , 373E-4 2, 21 8E+1 891 , 1 321 5, 4, 961 E-4 8, 029E+1 991 , 09 5, 009E-4 8, 07E+1 891 , 1 3220, , 604E-3 2, 600E+1 991 , 1 , 620E-3 2, 626E+1 891 , 3225, , 982E-4 3, 21 7E+1 991 , 2, 001 E-4 3, 248E+1 891 , 3230, 3, 398E-4 5, 525E+1 991 , 3, 430E-4 5, 578E+1 891 , 3235, 7, 273E-3 , 84E+1 991 , 7, 341 E-3 , 96E+1 891 , 3240, 3, 736E-3 6, 093E+1 991 , 3, 771 E-3 6, 50E+1 891 , 3245, 7, 320E-4 , 96E+1 991 , 7, 388E-4 , 207E+1 891 , 3250, 2, 599E-3 4, 252E+1 991 , 2, 623E-3 4, 292E+1 891 , 3255, 9, 909E-3 , 624E+1 991 , 22 0, 000E-3 , 639E+1 891 , 24 3260, , 221 E-3 2, 004E+1 991 , 24 , 232E-3 2, 023E+1 891 , 26 3265, 2, 439E-3 4, 009E+1 991 , 24 2, 461 E-3 4, 046E+1 891 , 26 3270, , 21 5E-3 2, 000E+1 991 , 25 , 226E-3 2, 01 8E+1 891 , 27 3275, 5, 909E-3 9, 742E+1 991 , 27 5, 958E-3 9, 823E+1 891 , 29 3280, 2, 856E-3 4, 71 6E+1 991 , 30 2, 881 E-3 4, 756E+1 891 , 32 3285, , 1 0E-2 , 835E+1 991 , 34 , 1 9E-2 , 851 E+1 891 , 36 I EC 60904-3: 201 © I EC 201 – 111 – Longueur d’ onde Éclairem en t spectral global Flux ph otonique global Éclairem en t i ntégré cumul é global Écl remen t spectral di rect Flux photon ique direct Écl remen t intégré cumu lé direct (n m ) (W· m –2 · nm –1 ) (m –2 · s –1 · nm –1 ) (W· m –2 ) (W· m –2 · n m –1 ) (m –2 · s –1 · nm –1 ) (W· m –2 ) 3290, 8, 732E-3 , 446E+1 991 , 39 8, 805E-3 , 458E+1 891 , 42 3295, , 220E-3 2, 023E+1 991 , 41 , 230E-3 2, 040E+1 891 , 43 3300, , 774E-3 2, 947E+1 991 , 41 , 789E-3 2, 972E+1 891 , 43 3305, 3, 930E-3 6, 539E+1 991 , 42 3, 963E-3 6, 594E+1 891 , 45 331 0, 3, 91 2E-3 6, 51 9E+1 991 , 45 3, 945E-3 6, 574E+1 891 , 47 331 5, , 609E-5 2, 684E+1 991 , 45 , 622E-5 2, 707E+1 891 , 47 3320, 5, 981 E-5 9, 997E+1 991 , 45 6, 032E-5 , 008E+1 891 , 47 3325, 3, 508E-3 5, 873E+1 991 , 46 3, 538E-3 5, 923E+1 891 , 48 3330, 4, 648E-3 7, 792E+1 991 , 49 4, 688E-3 7, 858E+1 891 , 51 3335, 9, 043E-3 , 51 8E+1 991 , 53 9, 20E-3 , 531 E+1 891 , 55 3340, 3, 450E-3 5, 801 E+1 991 , 56 3, 480E-3 5, 852E+1 891 , 58 3345, 3, 531 E-3 5, 945E+1 991 , 57 3, 562E-3 5, 998E+1 891 , 59 3350, 8, 004E-3 , 350E+1 991 , 60 8, 076E-3 , 362E+1 891 , 63 3355, 3, 620E-3 6, 1 4E+1 991 , 63 3, 654E-3 6, 71 E+1 891 , 66 3360, 5, 225E-3 8, 838E+1 991 , 65 5, 274E-3 8, 920E+1 891 , 67 3365, 7, 70E-3 , 21 5E+1 991 , 68 7, 238E-3 , 226E+1 891 , 71 3370, 3, 927E-3 6, 663E+1 991 , 71 3, 965E-3 6, 727E+1 891 , 74 3375, 8, 431 E-3 , 433E+1 991 , 74 8, 51 4E-3 , 447E+1 891 , 77 3380, 5, 097E-3 8, 672E+1 991 , 78 5, 47E-3 8, 758E+1 891 , 80 3385, 7, 468E-3 , 273E+1 991 , 81 7, 543E-3 , 285E+1 891 , 84 3390, 9, 827E-3 , 677E+1 991 , 86 9, 926E-3 , 694E+1 891 , 89 3395, 9, 51 9E-3 , 627E+1 991 , 91 9, 61 7E-3 , 644E+1 891 , 94 3400, , 247E-2 2, 35E+1 991 , 97 , 260E-2 2, 57E+1 892, 00 3405, 4, 446E-3 7, 622E+1 992, 00 4, 493E-3 7, 702E+1 892, 03 341 0, 7, 060E-3 , 21 2E+1 992, 03 7, 34E-3 , 225E+1 892, 05 341 5, 7, 256E-3 , 247E+1 992, 06 7, 333E-3 , 261 E+1 892, 09 3420, , 31 3E-2 2, 260E+1 992, , 327E-2 2, 284E+1 892, 3425, 9, 977E-3 , 720E+1 992, , 008E-2 , 738E+1 892, 21 3430, 8, 664E-3 , 496E+1 992, 23 8, 755E-3 , 51 2E+1 892, 26 3435, , 52E-2 , 992E+1 992, 28 , 64E-2 2, 01 3E+1 892, 31 3440, 8, 01 E-3 , 387E+1 992, 33 8, 094E-3 , 402E+1 892, 36 3445, , 29E-2 , 957E+1 992, 37 , 40E-2 , 977E+1 892, 41 3450, , 1 2E-2 , 931 E+1 992, 43 , 23E-2 , 951 E+1 892, 47 3455, 8, 285E-3 , 441 E+1 992, 48 8, 369E-3 , 456E+1 892, 51 3460, , 249E-2 2, 76E+1 992, 53 , 262E-2 2, 98E+1 892, 57 3465, 9, 789E-3 , 708E+1 992, 59 9, 887E-3 , 725E+1 892, 62 3470, , 223E-2 2, 36E+1 992, 64 , 235E-2 2, 57E+1 892, 68 3475, , 091 E-2 , 909E+1 992, 70 , 02E-2 , 928E+1 892, 74 3480, , 1 9E-2 , 961 E+1 992, 76 , 30E-2 , 980E+1 892, 79 3485, , 206E-2 2, 1 6E+1 992, 82 , 21 8E-2 2, 36E+1 892, 85 3490, , 039E-2 , 825E+1 992, 87 , 049E-2 , 843E+1 892, 91 – 112 – I EC 60904-3: 201 © I EC 201 Longueur d’ onde Éclairem en t spectral global Flux ph otonique global Éclairem en t i ntégré cumul é global Écl remen t spectral di rect Flux photon ique direct Écl remen t intégré cumu lé direct (n m ) (W· m –2 · nm –1 ) (m –2 · s –1 · nm –1 ) (W· m –2 ) (W· m –2 · n m –1 ) (m –2 · s –1 · nm –1 ) (W· m –2 ) 3495, , 223E-2 2, 52E+1 992, 93 , 235E-2 2, 72E+1 892, 97 3500, , 88E-2 2, 094E+1 992, 99 , 200E-2 2, 1 4E+1 893, 03 3505, , 78E-2 2, 078E+1 993, 05 , 89E-2 2, 098E+1 893, 09 351 0, , 93E-2 2, 08E+1 993, 1 , 204E-2 2, 28E+1 893, 351 5, , 46E-2 2, 028E+1 993, , 56E-2 2, 046E+1 893, 21 3520, , 209E-2 2, 42E+1 993, 23 , 21 9E-2 2, 60E+1 893, 27 3525, , 40E-2 2, 022E+1 993, 28 , 49E-2 2, 039E+1 893, 33 3530, , 1 0E-2 , 972E+1 993, 34 , 1 8E-2 , 988E+1 893, 38 3535, 9, 428E-3 , 678E+1 993, 39 9, 503E-3 , 691 E+1 893, 43 3540, 9, 005E-3 , 605E+1 993, 43 9, 075E-3 , 61 7E+1 893, 47 3545, 9, 51 5E-3 , 698E+1 993, 48 9, 587E-3 , 71 E+1 893, 52 3550, , 051 E-2 , 878E+1 993, 53 , 059E-2 , 892E+1 893, 57 3555, 9, 032E-3 , 61 6E+1 993, 58 9, 098E-3 , 628E+1 893, 62 3560, , 076E-2 , 929E+1 993, 63 , 084E-2 , 943E+1 893, 67 3565, , 082E-2 , 942E+1 993, 68 , 090E-2 , 956E+1 893, 73 3570, 8, 31 3E-3 , 494E+1 993, 73 8, 371 E-3 , 504E+1 893, 77 3575, 8, 61 9E-3 , 551 E+1 993, 77 8, 677E-3 , 562E+1 893, 81 3580, , 01 6E-2 , 831 E+1 993, 82 , 023E-2 , 843E+1 893, 86 3585, 9, 40E-3 , 650E+1 993, 87 9, 201 E-3 , 661 E+1 893, 91 3590, 9, 425E-3 , 703E+1 993, 91 9, 487E-3 , 71 5E+1 893, 96 3595, 9, 642E-3 , 745E+1 993, 96 9, 705E-3 , 756E+1 894, 01 3600, , 023E-2 , 854E+1 994, 01 , 030E-2 , 866E+1 894, 06 3605, , 033E-2 , 875E+1 994, 06 , 040E-2 , 886E+1 894, 1 361 0, 9, 451 E-3 , 71 8E+1 994, 1 9, 51 E-3 , 728E+1 894, 361 5, 9, 445E-3 , 71 9E+1 994, 9, 504E-3 , 730E+1 894, 21 3620, , 58E-2 2, 1 0E+1 994, 21 , 65E-2 2, 23E+1 894, 26 3625, , 021 E-2 , 863E+1 994, 27 , 027E-2 , 875E+1 894, 32 3630, 9, 926E-3 , 81 4E+1 994, 32 9, 987E-3 , 825E+1 894, 37 3635, , 027E-2 , 879E+1 994, 37 , 033E-2 , 891 E+1 894, 42 3640, , 45E-2 2, 098E+1 994, 42 , 52E-2 2, 1 0E+1 894, 47 3645, , 057E-2 , 939E+1 994, 48 , 063E-2 , 951 E+1 894, 53 3650, , 009E-2 , 855E+1 994, 53 , 01 5E-2 , 866E+1 894, 58 3655, , 095E-2 2, 01 4E+1 994, 58 , 01 E-2 2, 026E+1 894, 63 3660, , 088E-2 2, 005E+1 994, 64 , 095E-2 2, 01 7E+1 894, 69 3665, , 022E-2 , 886E+1 994, 69 , 028E-2 , 897E+1 894, 74 3670, 7, 877E-3 , 455E+1 994, 73 7, 923E-3 , 464E+1 894, 78 3675, 4, 81 5E-3 8, 907E+1 994, 76 4, 843E-3 8, 959E+1 894, 81 3680, 8, 307E-3 , 539E+1 994, 79 8, 355E-3 , 548E+1 894, 84 3685, 9, 41 E-3 , 746E+1 994, 84 9, 463E-3 , 755E+1 894, 89 3690, 9, 664E-3 , 795E+1 994, 89 9, 71 7E-3 , 805E+1 894, 94 3695, , 01 0E-2 , 879E+1 994, 94 , 01 6E-2 , 890E+1 894, 99 I EC 60904-3: 201 © I EC 201 – 113 – Longueur d’ onde Éclairem en t spectral global Flux ph otonique global Éclairem en t i ntégré cumul é global Écl remen t spectral di rect Flux photon ique direct Écl remen t intégré cumu lé direct (n m ) (W· m –2 · nm –1 ) (m –2 · s –1 · nm –1 ) (W· m –2 ) (W· m –2 · n m –1 ) (m –2 · s –1 · nm –1 ) (W· m –2 ) 3700, , 085E-2 2, 020E+1 994, 99 , 091 E-2 2, 031 E+1 895, 05 3705, , 074E-2 2, 003E+1 995, 05 , 080E-2 2, 01 4E+1 895, 371 0, 9, 337E-3 , 744E+1 995, 9, 386E-3 , 753E+1 895, 371 5, 9, 99E-3 , 720E+1 995, 9, 246E-3 , 729E+1 895, 3720, , 035E-2 , 937E+1 995, , 040E-2 , 947E+1 895, 24 3725, , 067E-2 2, 000E+1 995, 25 , 072E-2 2, 01 0E+1 895, 30 3730, 9, 244E-3 , 736E+1 995, 29 9, 290E-3 , 744E+1 895, 35 3735, 8, 559E-3 , 609E+1 995, 34 8, 601 E-3 , 61 7E+1 895, 39 3740, 8, 824E-3 , 661 E+1 995, 38 8, 866E-3 , 669E+1 895, 43 3745, , 030E-2 , 942E+1 995, 43 , 035E-2 , 951 E+1 895, 48 3750, 9, 263E-3 , 749E+1 995, 48 9, 307E-3 , 757E+1 895, 53 3755, 8, 966E-3 , 695E+1 995, 52 9, 007E-3 , 703E+1 895, 58 3760, 8, 837E-3 , 673E+1 995, 57 8, 878E-3 , 681 E+1 895, 62 3765, 8, 525E-3 , 61 6E+1 995, 61 8, 564E-3 , 623E+1 895, 66 3770, 9, 098E-3 , 727E+1 995, 65 9, 38E-3 , 734E+1 895, 71 3775, 9, 026E-3 , 71 5E+1 995, 70 9, 065E-3 , 723E+1 895, 75 3780, 9, 547E-3 , 81 7E+1 995, 75 9, 588E-3 , 824E+1 895, 80 3785, 8, 787E-3 , 674E+1 995, 79 8, 824E-3 , 681 E+1 895, 85 3790, 7, 734E-3 , 476E+1 995, 83 7, 766E-3 , 482E+1 895, 89 3795, 8, 843E-3 , 690E+1 995, 87 8, 880E-3 , 696E+1 895, 93 3800, 9, 830E-3 , 881 E+1 995, 92 9, 870E-3 , 888E+1 895, 98 3805, 9, 278E-3 , 777E+1 995, 97 9, 31 4E-3 , 784E+1 896, 03 381 0, 8, 221 E-3 , 577E+1 996, 01 8, 253E-3 , 583E+1 896, 07 381 5, 7, 734E-3 , 485E+1 996, 05 7, 764E-3 , 491 E+1 896, 1 3820, 9, 627E-3 , 851 E+1 996, 09 9, 663E-3 , 858E+1 896, 3825, 9, 478E-3 , 825E+1 996, 9, 51 2E-3 , 832E+1 896, 20 3830, 9, 565E-3 , 844E+1 996, 9, 599E-3 , 851 E+1 896, 25 3835, 7, 669E-3 , 481 E+1 996, 23 7, 697E-3 , 486E+1 896, 29 3840, 8, 949E-3 , 730E+1 996, 27 8, 980E-3 , 736E+1 896, 33 3845, 8, 755E-3 , 695E+1 996, 32 8, 784E-3 , 700E+1 896, 38 3850, 8, 802E-3 , 706E+1 996, 36 8, 831 E-3 , 71 2E+1 896, 42 3855, 8, 484E-3 , 646E+1 996, 41 8, 51 2E-3 , 652E+1 896, 46 3860, 7, 971 E-3 , 549E+1 996, 45 7, 996E-3 , 554E+1 896, 50 3865, 8, 075E-3 , 571 E+1 996, 49 8, 01 E-3 , 576E+1 896, 54 3870, 7, 339E-3 , 430E+1 996, 52 7, 362E-3 , 434E+1 896, 58 3875, 6, 742E-3 , 31 5E+1 996, 56 6, 763E-3 , 31 9E+1 896, 62 3880, 6, 51 5E-3 , 273E+1 996, 59 6, 535E-3 , 277E+1 896, 65 3885, 6, 752E-3 , 321 E+1 996, 62 6, 773E-3 , 325E+1 896, 68 3890, 6, 862E-3 , 344E+1 996, 66 6, 883E-3 , 348E+1 896, 72 3895, 7, 454E-3 , 462E+1 996, 69 7, 476E-3 , 466E+1 896, 75 3900, 7, 902E-3 , 552E+1 996, 73 7, 926E-3 , 556E+1 896, 79 – 114 – I EC 60904-3: 201 © I EC 201 Longueur d’ onde Éclairem en t spectral global Flux ph otonique global Éclairem en t i ntégré cumul é global Écl remen t spectral di rect Flux photon ique direct Écl remen t intégré cumu lé direct (n m ) (W· m –2 · nm –1 ) (m –2 · s –1 · nm –1 ) (W· m –2 ) (W· m –2 · n m –1 ) (m –2 · s –1 · nm –1 ) (W· m –2 ) 3905, 7, 904E-3 , 554E+1 996, 77 7, 927E-3 , 558E+1 896, 83 391 0, 7, 1 5E-3 , 400E+1 996, 81 7, 35E-3 , 404E+1 896, 87 391 5, 6, 966E-3 , 373E+1 996, 84 6, 987E-3 , 377E+1 896, 90 3920, 6, 926E-3 , 367E+1 996, 88 6, 946E-3 , 371 E+1 896, 94 3925, 6, 832E-3 , 350E+1 996, 91 6, 851 E-3 , 354E+1 896, 97 3930, 7, 030E-3 , 391 E+1 996, 95 7, 049E-3 , 395E+1 897, 01 3935, 7, 333E-3 , 453E+1 996, 98 7, 353E-3 , 457E+1 897, 04 3940, 7, 381 E-3 , 464E+1 997, 02 7, 401 E-3 , 468E+1 897, 08 3945, 7, 51 9E-3 , 493E+1 997, 06 7, 539E-3 , 497E+1 897, 3950, 7, 605E-3 , 51 2E+1 997, 7, 625E-3 , 51 6E+1 897, 3955, 7, 697E-3 , 533E+1 997, 7, 71 7E-3 , 537E+1 897, 20 3960, 7, 726E-3 , 540E+1 997, 7, 745E-3 , 544E+1 897, 23 3965, 7, 783E-3 , 554E+1 997, 21 7, 803E-3 , 557E+1 897, 27 3970, 7, 658E-3 , 531 E+1 997, 25 7, 677E-3 , 534E+1 897, 31 3975, 7, 488E-3 , 498E+1 997, 29 7, 506E-3 , 502E+1 897, 35 3980, 7, 366E-3 , 476E+1 997, 33 7, 383E-3 , 479E+1 897, 39 3985, 7, 41 E-3 , 487E+1 997, 36 7, 429E-3 , 490E+1 897, 42 3990, 7, 351 E-3 , 477E+1 997, 40 7, 368E-3 , 480E+1 897, 46 3995, 7, 89E-3 , 446E+1 997, 44 7, 205E-3 , 449E+1 897, 50 4000, 7, 084E-3 , 4264E+1 997, 47 7, 099E-3 , 430E+1 897, 53 ∞ 000 900 N OTE Les val eu rs d e l ’ écl rem en t i ntégré cum ul é ont été obten ues l ’ de de l a tech n i q u e d ’ i ntégrati on trapézoïd al e m od i fi ée N OTE Les val eurs su i vantes on t été pri ses en si dérati on d an s l e cal cu l des fl u x ph otoni q u es gl obal et di rect: c = 2, 997 92 ⋅ m · s − h = 6, 626 07 ⋅ –3 J · s – 115 – ,8 ⋅ ⋅ Écl rem ent spectral (W m -2 n m -1 ) I EC 60904-3: 201 © I EC 201 ,6 ,4 ,2 0, 0, 0, 0, 300 700 1 00 500 900 300 700 00 500 900 Lon gueu r d ’ ond e (nm ) IEC Figu re – Di stribution spectral e de l’ éclai rement solai re global et d irect de référence d onnée dans le Tableau – 116 – I EC 60904-3: 201 © I EC 201 Annexe A (informative) Utilisation de SMARTS Les don nées d ’ en trée su i vantes (voir Tableau A ) du m od èl e SM ARTS Version sont exig ées pour g énérer les distri bu tions spectral es de l’ éclairem ent solaire d e référence incl use dans l a présente n orm e Les val eurs d e l ’ éclai rem ent spectral d irect et gl obal d e sorti e obten u es ont été m ultipli ées par u n facteur n orm alisộ (0, 997 08) d e faỗon reprod u ire l es don nées conten u es dans l e Tabl eau La seu le d ifférence pour gén érer les deux d istri buti ons spectral es d e l 'écl airem ent est l e ch oix de sortie d ans le cham p 2c Tableau A.1 – Données d’entrée pou r générer la distribution spectrale de l’éclairement solaire de référence Identifi cateur de carte Valeur Paramètre/Description/Nom de vari able I EC 60904-3: 201 Référence Mod e d ’ en trée de pressi on (1 = pressi on et al ti tud e): I SPR 2a 01 25 Pressi on (m b) et al ti tud e (km ) d e l a stati on: SPR, ALT Sél ecti on d u profi l d’ atm osphère type (1 = atm osphère par d éfau t uti l i sée): I ATM 3a ‘U SSA’ Profi l d ’ atm osph ère type par d éfau t: ATM En trée de vapeu r d ’ eau (1 = par d éfaut du profi l d’ atm osph ère): I H 2O Cal cu l d’ ozon e (1 = par d éfaut d u profi l d ’ atm osphère): I O3 Mode d u n i veau d e pol l uti on (1 = condi ti on s n orm al i sées/san s pol l uti on ): I GAS 370 Rapport d u m él an ge d e vol u m e d e d i oxyde d e carbon e (ppm ): q CO2 7a Spectre extraterrestre (1 = S M ARTS/Gu eym ard): I SPCTR ‘S&F_RU RAL’ Profi l d’ aérosol uti l i ser: AEROS Spéci fi cati on pou r l a profon d eu r opti qu e d e l ’ aérosol /l a tu rbi d i té en entrée (0 = AOD 500 n m ): I TU RB 9a 084 Profon deu r opti q ue d e l ’ aérosol 500 nm : TAU 10 38 Don n ées de l ’ al bédo spectral d e ch am p l oi n tai n u ti l i ser (38 = sol sabl on n eu x écl ré): I ALB DX 0b Spéci fi cati on du cal cu l de l ’ i ncl i nai son (1 = ou i ): I TI LT 0c 38 37 80 Al béd o et vari abl es d’ i n cl i nai son – d on n ées de l ’ al béd o uti l i ser pou r l e ch am p proch e, avec i n cl i nai son, et l ’ azi m ut: I ALBDG, TI LT, WAZI M 11 280 4000 367 Pl age d e l ong u eu rs d’ on d e au départ, l ’ arrêt, correcti on vectori el l e du rayon m oyen, écl rem ent d u spectre sol re i ntégré: WLMN , WLMX, SU N COR, SOLARC 12 Mod e d ’ i m pressi on d es d onn ées d e sorti e spectral es séparées (2 = ou i ): I PRT 2a 280 4000 Li m i tes d ’ i m pressi on d es l ong u eurs d’ on d e d es don nées d e sorti e, départ, arrêt, tai l l e m i ni m um du pas: WPM N , WPM X, I N TVL 2b N om bre d e vari abl es d e sorti e i m pri m er: I OTOT 2c ou Cod e rel ati f au x vari abl es d e sorti e i m pri m er (8 = écl rem ent i ncl i né gl obal , = écl rem en t norm al d i rect): OU T 13 Mod e d e cal cu l ci rcum sol re (1 = oui ): I CI RC 3a Fu i te g éom étri q ue d u récepteu r, vi si on , dem i -angl es l i m i tes: SLOPE, APERT, LI M I T 14 M od e d e fon cti on d e l i ssage (0 = aucu n ): I SCAN I EC 60904-3: 201 © I EC 201 Identifi cateur de carte Valeur – 117 – Paramètre/Description/Nom de vari able 15 Mod e d e cal cu l d e l ’ écl rem en t lu m i n eu x (0 = au cu n ): I LLU M 16 Mod e d e cal cul U V (0 = aucun ): I U V 17 Mod e d e géom étri e sol re (2 = m asse d ’ r): I MASS 7a Val eu r d e l a m asse d ’ r: AMASS – 118 – I EC 60904-3: 201 © I EC 201 Bibliograph ie I EC 60904-9, Dispositifs photovoltaïques – Partie 9: Exigences pour le fonctionnement des simulateurs solaires _ I N TE RN ATI O N AL E LE CTRO TE CH N I CAL CO M M I S S I O N 3, ru e d e Va re m bé P O B ox CH -1 1 G e n e va S wi tze rl a n d Te l : + 41 F a x: + 22 91 02 1 22 91 03 00 i n fo @i e c ch www i e c ch