239 Food security SC3 involves a food centric policy with the objective of increasing productivity and food output by expanding the share of food processing and maximizing the application of mechani[.]
239 Food security SC3 involves a food-centric policy with the objective of increasing productivity and food output by expanding the share of food processing and maximizing the application of mechanization in agriculture Consequently, overall food security in Vietnam is expected to significantly improve in SC3 compared to the base year (2014) The overall food security score for SC3 is 100; this is 18.4 points higher than SC2 (81.5), 16.4 points higher than SC1 (83.7), and 13 points higher than the base year (87)—thus ranking highest among the various scenarios (Figure 7-3) Likewise, increased investment in transportation systems will effectively support the industrial manufacturing sector and improve the food accessibility index For example, the share of investment in transportation systems increases to 3.3% of total investment in SC3, which is equal to that of SC1 and higher than the 1.6% share in SC2 Meanwhile, the food index value differs significantly from the other scenarios: the 100 points for SC3 reflect a 14.7 increase from the base year (85.3), 19 points increase from SC1 (81), and 20 points increase from SC2 (Table 7-3) As the result of increases in total food output and food accessibility, food affordability is expected to improve accordingly, resulting in the country being less dependent on food imports Overall, the maximum value of food security in this scenario constitutes the lowest energy security value, while the water security value is also alarming Therefore, the development of individual factors is not tenable for sustainable development and harmony in the future Water security Water security will similarly be affected by investment in agricultural sectors, and Vietnam may experience poor water security in SC3, which has a value of 68.1—just 3.1 points higher than SC2 (65) Mechanization and food industrialization require a huge amount of investment in both water resources and sewage treatment in order to satisfy the increasing number of industrial and agricultural factors in the economy In SC3, the government will impose technologies and policies that focus solely on improving food productivity, without sustainable investment in other resources and supportive components For example, despite there being no significant modification to water efficiency in 2030, the high demand of industries and agriculture for water will result in a modest drop in water stress and affordability Indeed, the water stress index is 79.1 points in SC3—9.2 points lower than the base year (88.3) and 4.7 points lower than SC1