88 Water Scenario (SC4) Energy Food Water Nexus Scenario (SC5) Low carbon Energy Food Water Nexus Scenario (SC6) Further details about these scenarios are provide in Chapter 5 4 4 Input Output A[.]
88 Water Scenario (SC4) Energy-Food-Water Nexus Scenario (SC5) Low-carbon Energy-Food-Water Nexus Scenario (SC6) Further details about these scenarios are provide in Chapter 4.4 Input-Output Analysis This research’s core methodology involves applying input-output modelling to quantify the I-O and price models Figure illustrates a five-step modelling process with a focus on the model’s mathematical formulation, which is briefly described below Identification of baseline scenario Implementation of I-O coefficients to reflect technological changes Assessment of technological changes’ social, economic and environmental impacts and E-F-W security Figure 4-2: Input-Output Modelling Approach Determination of price elasticity due to input factor substitution (multi-tier calibration of nested production functions) Assessment of price impacts due to technological changes