BS EN 60216 2 covers fm Li ce ns ed C op y M r U ni ve rs iti T ek no lo gi M al ay si a U se r, U ni ve rs iti T ek no lo gi M al ay si a, 0 6/ 08 /2 01 3 13 3 7, U nc on tr ol le d C op y, ( c) T he[.]
Licensed Copy: Mr Universiti Teknologi Malaysia User, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 06/08/2013 13:37, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) The British Standards Institution 2013 BRITISH STANDARD Electrical insulating materials — Thermal endurance properties — Part 2: Determination of thermal endurance properties of electrical insulating materials — Choice of test criteria The European Standard EN 60216-2:2005 has the status of a British Standard ICS 17.220.99; 29.035.01 12&23