ASME B18.24-2004 (Supersedes ASME B18.24.1, B18.24.2, and B18.24.3) Part Identifying Number (PIN) Code System Standard for B18 Fastener Products A N A M E R I C A N N AT I O N A L STA N DA R D ASME B18.24-2004 (Supersedes ASME B18.24.1, B18.24.2, and B18.24.3) Part Identifying Number (PIN) Code System Standard for B18 Fastener Products COMMERCIAL AND GOVERNMENT ENTITY (CAGE) CODE FOR ASME: 05047 AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Three Park Avenue • New York, NY 10016 Date of Issuance: May 31, 2005 The 2005 edition of this Standard is being issued with an automatic addenda subscription service The use of an addenda allows revisions made in response to public review comments or committee actions to be published as necessary The next edition of this Standard is scheduled for publication in 2010 ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspects of this Standard Interpretations are published on the ASME Web site under the Committee Pages at as they are issued ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American National Standards The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to assure that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate The proposed code or standard was made available for public review and comment that provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry, academia, regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large ASME does not “approve,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any items mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability for infringement of any applicable letters patent, nor assumes any such liability Users of a code or standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted as government or industry endorsement of this code or standard ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this document issued in accordance with the established ASME procedures and policies, which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990 Copyright © 2005 by THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS All rights reserved Printed in U.S.A CONTENTS Foreword Committee Roster Correspondence With the B18 Committee viii ix x Introductory Notes General Guidance PIN Code Structure Tables 1-1 Fastener Family and Type/Base PIN 2-1 Thread Type 2-2 Thread and Point Options for Tapping Screws 3-1 Inch Thread 3-2 Inch Size 3-3 Metric Thread 3-4 Metric Size 3-5 Miniature Screw Thread 3-6 Inch Tapping Screw Thread 3-7 Metric Tapping Screw Thread 3-8 Inch Hex Socket Head Shoulder Screw Size 3-9 Metric Hex Socket Head Shoulder Screw Size 3-10 Inch Spline Socket Set Screw Thread 3-11 Inch Trim Head Machine Screw Size 3-12 Inch Wood Screw Thread 3-13 Inch Lag Screw Thread 3-14 Inch Rivet Size Weight 3-15 Inch Rivet Size Number 3-16 Inch Rivet Size 3-17 Inch Rivet Size/Length 3-18 Inch Pin Size 3-19 Inch Pin Size 3-20 Retaining Ring Size Number 3-21 Inch Retaining Ring Size 3-22 Inch Washer Size 3-23 Inch Washer Size 3-24 Inch Washer Size 3-25 Inch Washer Size 3-26 Metric Washer Size 3-27 Metric Washer Size 3-28 Metric Key Size 3-29 Metric Key Size 4-1 Inch Length/Other 4-2 Metric Length/Other 4-3 Inch Miniature Screw Length 4-4 Insert Length 4-5 Inch Pin Length 4-6 Inch Eyebolt Overall Length 5-1 Material and Treatment: ASTM Material Specifications iii 22 22 22 22 23 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 34 35 35 35 35 36 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 7-7 7-8 7-9 7-10 7-11 7-12 7-13 Material and Treatment: UNS Carbon and Alloy Steels Material and Treatment: UNS Heat and Corrosion Resisting Steel Material and Treatment: UNS Non-Ferrous Materials Material and Treatment: SAE Material Specifications Material and Treatment: ISO Material Specifications Material and Treatment: IFI Material Specifications Plating, Coating, and Passivation: Plain, Unfinished Plating, Coating, and Passivation: ASTM Finish Specifications Plating, Coating, and Passivation: Government Finish Specifications Plating, Coating, and Passivation: SAE Finish Specifications Plain: No Additional Features Misc Features for Externally Threaded Fasteners General Point Options Features for Metric Flange Screws Features for Metric 12-Spline Screws Neck Options for Large Rivets Cotter Pin Type Pin Type Sems Washer Components Wood Screw Thread Types Misc Features for Socket Head Cap Screws Self-Locking Elements for Set Screws Thread Class for Track Bolts and Nuts 68 73 78 80 81 81 82 82 92 93 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 95 95 95 95 Nonmandatory Appendices A B18.24.1, B18.24.2, and B18.24.3 PIN Succession Instructions B B18.24.1, B18.24.2, and B18.24.3 PIN Succession Tables 97 102 Figure A-1 Instructions 98 Tables B-1 Fastener Family B-2 Fastener Type: Externally Threaded B-3 Fastener Type: Internally Threaded and Nonthreaded B-4 Thread Series: Externally Threaded B-5 Thread Series: Internally Threaded B-6 Inch Size: Externally Threaded B-7 Inch Size: Internally Threaded B-8 Metric Size: Externally Threaded B-9 Metric Size: Internally Threaded B-10 Inch Miniature Screw Size B-11 Inch Length: Externally Threaded B-12 Metric Length: Externally Threaded B-13 Inch Miniature Screw Length B-14 Length: Internally Threaded B-15–B-133 Dimensions/Other Characteristics: Nonthreaded B-134 Material and Treatment A B-135 Material and Treatment B B-136 Plating, Coating, and Passivation B-137 Additional Features: Externally Threaded B-138 Additional Features: Internally Threaded B-139 Additional Features: Nonthreaded B-140 Cross Reference: Table 2-2 Tapping Screw Point AB iv 102 102 116 117 117 117 117 118 118 118 118 118 119 119 119–134 134 137 139 140 140 140 140 B-141 B-142 B-143 B-144 B-145 B-146 B-147 B-148 B-149 B-150 B-151 B-152 B-153 B-154 B-155 B-156 B-157 B-158 B-159 B-160 B-161 B-162 B-163 B-164 B-165 B-166 B-167 B-168 B-169 B-170 B-171 B-172 B-Index Cross Reference: Table 2-2 Tapping Screw Point B Cross Reference: Table 2-2 Tapping Screw Point BF Cross Reference: Table 2-2 Tapping Screw Point BP Cross Reference: Table 2-2 Tapping Screw Point BT Cross Reference: Table 2-2 Tapping Screw Point C Cross Reference: Table 2-2 Tapping Screw Point D Cross Reference: Table 2-2 Tapping Screw Point F Cross Reference: Table 2-2 Tapping Screw Point G Cross Reference: Table 2-2 Tapping Screw Point T Cross Reference: Table 2-2 Tapping Screw Point U Bridge to Table 3-6 for AB, B, BF, BP, BT Bridge to Table 3-6 for C, D, F, G, T Bridge to Table 3-7 for AB, B, BF, BT Bridge to Table 3-7 for D, F, T Bridge to Table 3-10 Bridge to Table 3-12 Bridge to Table 3-13 Cross Reference: Table 7-9 Washer Component Cross Reference: Table 7-9 Washer Component Cross Reference: Table 7-9 Washer Component Cross Reference: Table 7-9 Washer Component Cross Reference: Table 7-9 Washer Component Cross Reference: Table 7-9 Washer Component Cross Reference: Table 7-9 Washer Component Cross Reference: Table 7-9 Washer Component Cross Reference: Table 7-9 Washer Component Cross Reference: Table 7-9 Washer Component 10 Cross Reference: Table 7-9 Washer Component 11 Cross Reference: Table 7-9 Washer Component 12 Bridge to Table 3-11 Bridge to Table 3-4 Bridge to Table 7-10 B18.24 Legacy Table References From B18.24.1, B18.24.2, and B18.24.3 v 140 140 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 FOREWORD A joint Government and ASME B18 meeting was held November 4, 1977 at Defense Industrial Supply Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania A planning group was established to eliminate road blocks to the Government acceptance and use of national voluntary standards Designated the Ad Hoc Fastener Planning Group, the Group’s first meeting was held February 2, 1978 at ASTM Headquarters in Philadelphia At the meeting, Government appendixes to ASME B18 metric product standards were endorsed In addition, an ANSI Metric Log was established to prevent duplicate efforts and provide the latest status of 18 metric fastener projects The U S Army Armament Research Development and Engineering Center was tasked to provide Government appendixes for metric fastener standards on an as-needed basis At the ASME B18 Standards Committee meeting on December 5, 1991, based on a B18 Subcommittee 24 suggestion, the B18 Standards Committee unanimously approved a motion that, “Subcommittee 24 Industry/Government Liaison be reactivated and tasked by B18 to address the issue of how to best handle needed changes to the various Government appendixes.” At the Subcommittee 24 meeting, May 12, 1993 at ASME Headquarters in New York City, the Part Identifying Number (PIN) Code System concept for B18 product standards was agreed to The need was expressed that a PIN code system be made available for all users, not just limited to Government users This was based on the recognition that 28 B18 metric and in (ANSI B18.2.1) standards contained “Government Appendixes” for Department of Defense (DOD) PIN acquisition usage and were not considered part of the B18 standard Again, the premise based on the aforementioned proposal was to provide a B18 Code System for all users without exception Based on the B18 Standards Committee mandate, a Subcommittee 24 Task Group was formed to develop B18.24.1 (externally threaded fasteners) first, then proceed with B18.24.2 (internally threaded B18 fasteners) and B18.24.3 (nonthreaded fasteners) standards During the April 2003 B18 Subcommittee 24 and B18 Standards Committee meetings, it was agreed to draft a new standard, ASME B18.24, “Part Identifying Number (PIN) Code System Standard for B18 Fastener Products” to replace existing ASME B18.24.1, B18.24.2, and B18.24.3 standards This was based on users’ expressed need to reduce the 21 digit PIN code to a code with 18 digits, to accommodate the 18-digit maximum file name length constraint inherent with widely used computer aided design (CAD) software platforms ASME B18.24-2004 was approved by the B18 Standards Committee on December 25, 2003 ASME B18.24-2004 was approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) on April 16, 2004 vi ASME B18 STANDARDS COMMITTEE Standardization of Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, Screws, Washers, and Similar Fasteners (The following is the roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Standard.) OFFICERS D A Clever, Chair R D Strong, Vice Chair S W Vass, Vice Chair R L Crane, Secretary COMMITTEE PERSONNEL J Altman, Rotor Clip Co J B Belford, Lawson Products, Inc V Cartina, Aztech Locknut D A Clever, Deere and Co A P Cockman, Ford Motor Co T Collier, Cam-Tech Industries R L Crane, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers A C Dicola, Wrought Washer Co B A Dusina, Federal Screw Works D S George, Ford Motor Co J Greenslade, Greenslade and Co J J Grey, Fastener Consulting Services, Inc B Hasiuk, Defense Supply Center – Philadelphia A Herskovitz, Consultant J Hubbard, Rockford Fastener, Inc J F Koehl, Spirol International Corp W H Kopke, ITW Assembly Components L L Lord, Consultant, Corresponding Member W J Lutkus, Heli Coil Emhart A D McCrindle, Canadian Fasteners Institute K E McCullough, Consultant M D Prasad, General Motors Corp W L Sakowski, Account Managers, LLC S Savoji, ITW Medalist W Schevey, BGM Fastener Co., Inc W R Stevens, Ramco R D Strong, General Motors Corp S W Vass, Nova Machine Products C B Wackrow, MNP Corp R G Weber, Fairfield University W K Wilcox, Consultant C J Wilson, Industrial Fasteners Institute R G Wright, Wright Tool Co J G Zeratsky, National Rivet & Manufacturing Co M Levinson, Alternate, ITW Assembly Components J H Slass, Alternate, Rotor Clip Co J G Langenstein, Consultant, Member Emeritus SUBCOMMITTEE 24—INDUSTRY/GOVERNMENT LIAISON A Herskovitz, Chair, Consultant M Keller, Vice Chair, Para CAD Technology R L Crane, Secretary, ASME W H Kopke, ITW Assembly Components M Levinson, ITW Assembly Components H Lo, Defense Supply Center – Philadelphia W J Lutkus, Heli Coil Emhart L C Schroeder, Kansas Dept of Transportation E Schwartz, Consultant W R Stevens, Ramco R D Strong, General Motors Corp S W Vass, Nova Machine Products C J Wilson, Industrial Fasteners Institute J A Buda, SPS Tech A P Cockman, Ford Motor Co R L Crane, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers M Dailey, Barnes & Reinecke, Inc J S Foote, Trade Association Management, Inc D S George, Ford Motor Co B Hasiuk, Defense Supply Center – Philadelphia A Herskovitz, Consultant J Jennings, Naval Surface Warfare Center M Keller, Para CAD Technology vii CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE B18 COMMITTEE General ASME Standards are developed and maintained with the intent to represent the consensus of concerned interests As such, users of this Standard may interact with the Committee by requesting interpretations, proposing revisions, and attending Committee meetings Correspondence should be addressed to: Secretary, B18 Standards Committee The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Three Park Avenue New York, NY 10016-5990 Proposing Revisions Revisions are made periodically to the Standard to incorporate changes that appear necessary or desirable, as demonstrated by the experience gained from the application of the Standard Approved revisions will be published periodically The Committee welcomes proposals for revisions to this Standard Such proposals should be as specific as possible, citing the paragraph number(s), the proposed wording, and a detailed description of the reasons for the proposal, including any pertinent documentation Interpretations Upon request, the B18 Committee will render an interpretation of any requirement of the Standard Interpretations can only be rendered in response to a written request sent to the Secretary of the B18 Standards Committee The request for interpretation should be clear and unambiguous It is further recommended that the inquirer submit his/her request in the following format: Subject: Edition: Question: Cite the applicable paragraph number(s) and the topic of the inquiry Cite the applicable edition of the Standard for which the interpretation is being requested Phrase the question as a request for an interpretation of a specific requirement suitable for general understanding and use, not as a request for an approval of a proprietary design or situation The inquirer may also include any plans or drawings which are necessary to explain the question; however, they should not contain proprietary names or information Requests that are not in this format will be rewritten in this format by the Committee prior to being answered, which may inadvertently change the intent of the original request ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of any interpretation when or if additional information that might affect an interpretation is available Further, persons aggrieved by an interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME Committee or Subcommittee ASME does not “approve,” “certify,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity Attending Committee Meetings The B18 Standards Committee regularly holds meetings, which are open to the public Persons wishing to attend any meeting should contact the Secretary of the B18 Standards Committee ASME B18.24-2004 PART IDENTIFYING NUMBER (PIN) CODE SYSTEM FOR B18 FASTENER PRODUCTS INTRODUCTORY NOTES GENERAL GUIDANCE 1.1 Scope 2.1 Optional Coverage Each individual ASME B18 fastener product standard provides for optional B18 PIN coverage under “Designation” or “Ordering” data 1.1.1 This Standard is intended to provide all users (manufacturers, distributors, design and configuration, parts control inventory control, test and maintenance functions) with the capability to identify externally threaded, internally threaded, and nonthreaded fastener products by a preselected order of coding as specified herein 2.2 Alpha “I” and “O” Alpha “I,” “O,” and “-” are not used in PIN field coding configuration 1.1.2 The B18 PIN is a self-contained code, with distinct identification linkage to individual ASME B18 fastener product standards The PIN code concept provides for direct traceability back to the applicable B18 product standard In case of conflict with this document and the B18 product standard, the B18 product standard shall take precedence 2.3 Characteristics The B18 PIN Code shall identify only those characteristics specified in the B18 product standards 1.1.3 This Standard is not intended for use as a substitute for the correct usage of the B18 standards for fastener selection and specification The PIN code is intended as an alternative to the plain text product callout as prescribed in the “Designation” or “Ordering” section of the source B18 product standard The existence of a PIN code for B18 fastener description is not intended to imply that all products described are available 2.4 Succession of B18.24.1, B18.24.2, and B18.24.3 21 Character PIN Codes Appendices A and B provide instructions and resources for determining the superseding B18.24 18character PIN code for any cancelled ASME B18.24.1, ASME B18.24.2, and ASME B18.24.3 21-character PIN code NONMANDATORY APPENDIX B Table B-126 Dimensions/Other Characteristics: Nonthreaded (Cont’d) PIN21 0053NN 0056NN 0059NN 0062NN 0065NN 0068NN 0071NN 0075NN 0077NN 0078NN 0081NN 0084NN 0086NN 0087NN 0090NN 0093NN 0096NN 0098NN 0100NN 0102NN 0103NN 0106NN 0109NN 0112NN 0115NN 0118NN 0121NN 0125NN 0128NN 0131NN 0134NN 0137NN 0140NN 0143NN 0145NN 0146NN 0150NN 0156NN 0157NN 0162NN 0165NN 0168NN 0175NN 0181NN 0185NN 0187NN 0193NN 0200NN 0204NN 0206NN 0212NN 0216NN 0218NN 0225NN 0231NN 0237NN 0243NN 0244NN Table B-126 Dimensions/Other Characteristics: Nonthreaded Table B-126 Dimensions/Other Characteristics: Nonthreaded Table B-127 Dimensions/Other Characteristics: Nonthreaded Table B-127 Dimensions/Other Characteristics: Nonthreaded PIN21 PIN21 PIN21 PIN21 PIN18 531000 562000 594000 625000 656000 687000 718000 750000 777000 781000 812000 843000 866000 875000 906000 938000 968000 987000 A00000 A02000 A03000 A06000 A09000 A12000 A15000 A18000 A21000 A25000 A28000 A31000 A34000 A37000 A40000 A43000 A45000 A46000 A50000 A56000 A57000 A62000 A65000 A68000 A75000 A81000 A85000 A87000 A93000 B00000 B04000 B06000 B12000 B16000 B18000 B25000 B31000 B37000 B43000 B44000 ASME B18.24-2004 0250NN 0253NN 0256NN 0262NN 0267NN 0268NN 0275NN 0281NN 0283NN 0287NN 0293NN 0295NN 0300NN 0306NN 0312NN 0314NN 0318NN 0325NN 0331NN 0334NN 0337NN 0343NN 0350NN 0354NN 0356NN 0362NN 0368NN 0374NN 0375NN 0381NN 0387NN 0393NN 0400NN 0406NN 0412NN 0418NN 0425NN 0431NN 0433NN 0437NN 0443NN 0450NN 0452NN 0456NN 0462NN 0468NN 0472NN 0475NN 0481NN 0487NN 0492NN 0493NN 0500NN 0511NN 0512NN 0525NN 0537NN 0550NN 0551NN PIN18 B50000 B53000 B56000 B62000 B67000 B68000 B75000 B81000 B83000 B87000 B93000 B95000 C00000 C06000 C12000 C14000 C18000 C25000 C31000 C34000 C37000 C43000 C50000 C54000 C56000 C62000 C68000 C74000 C75000 C81000 C87000 C93000 D00000 D06000 D12000 D18000 D25000 D31000 D33000 D37000 D43000 D50000 D52000 D56000 D62000 D68000 D72000 D75000 D81000 D87000 D92000 D93000 E00000 E11000 E12000 E25000 E37000 E50000 E51000 PIN18 E62000 E70000 E75000 E87000 E90000 F00000 F12000 F25000 F29000 F37000 F50000 F62000 F69000 F75000 F87000 G00000 G08000 G12000 G25000 G37000 G48000 G50000 G62000 G75000 G87000 H00000 H25000 H26000 H46000 H50000 H75000 H85000 J00000 J05000 J25000 J44000 J50000 J75000 K00000 K02000 K05000 K07000 K10000 0562NN 0570NN 0575NN 0587NN 0590NN 0600NN 0612NN 0625NN 0629NN 0637NN 0650NN 0662NN 0669NN 0675NN 0687NN 0700NN 0708NN 0712NN 0725NN 0737NN 0748NN 0750NN 0762NN 0775NN 0787NN 0800NN 0825NN 0826NN 0846NN 0850NN 0875NN 0885NN 0900NN 0905NN 0925NN 0944NN 0950NN 0975NN 1000NN 1025NN 1050NN 1075NN 1100NN Table B-127 Dimensions/Other Characteristics: Nonthreaded PIN21 PIN18 500000 512000 562000 625000 688000 750000 777000 0050NN 0051NN 0056NN 0062NN 0068NN 0075NN 0077NN 133 0081NN 0086NN 0087NN 0090NN 0093NN 0100NN 0102NN 0106NN 0112NN 0118NN 0125NN 0131NN 0137NN 0143NN 0145NN 0150NN 0156NN 0162NN 0165NN 0168NN 0175NN 0181NN 0185NN 0187NN 0193NN 0200NN 0206NN 0212NN 0218NN 0225NN 0231NN 0237NN 0244NN 0250NN 0253NN 0256NN 0262NN 0268NN 0275NN 0281NN 0283NN 0287NN 0300NN 0306NN 0312NN 0315NN 0325NN 0334NN 0346NN 0350NN 0354NN 0356NN 0362NN 0375NN 0387NN 0393NN 0400NN 0412NN 0425NN PIN18 812000 866000 875000 901000 938000 A00000 A02000 A06000 A12000 A18000 A25000 A31000 A37000 A43000 A45000 A50000 A56000 A62000 A65000 A68000 A75000 A81000 A85000 A87000 A93000 B00000 B06000 B12000 B18000 B25000 B31000 B37000 B44000 B50000 B53000 B56000 B62000 B68000 B75000 B81000 B83000 B87000 C00000 C06000 C12000 C15000 C25000 C34000 C46000 C50000 C54000 C56000 C62000 C75000 C87000 C93000 D00000 D12000 D25000 0433NN 0450NN 0462NN 0475NN 0500NN 0525NN 0537NN 0550NN 0575NN 0600NN 0625NN 0650NN 0662NN 0675NN 0700NN 0725NN 0750NN 0775NN 0800NN 0825NN 0850NN 0875NN 0900NN 0925NN 0950NN 0975NN 1000NN 1025NN 1050NN 1075NN 1100NN 1125NN 1150NN 1175NN 1200NN 1225NN 1250NN 1275NN 1300NN 1325NN 1350NN 1375NN 1400NN 1425NN 1450NN 1475NN 1500NN PIN18 D33000 D50000 D62000 D75000 E00000 E25000 E37000 E50000 E75000 F00000 F25000 F50000 F62000 F75000 G00000 G25000 G50000 G75000 H00000 H25000 H50000 H75000 J00000 J25000 J50000 J75000 K00000 K02000 A50000 K07000 K10000 K12000 K15000 K17000 K20000 K22000 K25000 K27000 K30000 K32000 K35000 K37000 K40000 K42000 K45000 K47000 K50000 Table B-128 Dimensions/Other Characteristics: Nonthreaded PIN21 0004NN 0005NN PIN18 40M000 50M000 ASME B18.24-2004 Table B-128 Dimensions/Other Characteristics: Nonthreaded (Cont’d) PIN21 0006NN 0007NN 0008NN 0009NN 0010NN 0011NN 0012NN 0013NN 0014NN 0015NN 0016NN 0017NN 0018NN 0019NN 0020NN 0021NN 0022NN 0023NN 0024NN 0025NN 0026NN 0027NN 0028NN 0030NN 0032NN 0034NN 0035NN 0004NN 0005NN 0006NN 0007NN 0008NN 0009NN 0010NN 0011NN 0012NN 0013NN 0014NN 0015NN 0016NN 0017NN 0018NN 0019NN 0020NN 0021NN 0022NN 0023NN 0024NN 0025NN Table B-129 Dimensions/Other Characteristics: Nonthreaded Table B-130 Dimensions/Other Characteristics: Nonthreaded PIN21 PIN21 PIN18 60M000 70M000 80M000 90M000 010000 011000 012000 013000 014000 015000 016000 017000 018000 019000 020000 021000 022000 023000 024000 025000 026000 027000 028000 030000 032000 034000 035000 Table B-129 Dimensions/Other Characteristics: Nonthreaded PIN21 NONMANDATORY APPENDIX B PIN18 40M000 50M000 60M000 70M000 80M000 90M000 010000 011000 012000 013000 014000 015000 016000 017000 018000 019000 020000 021000 022000 023000 024000 025000 0026NN 0027NN 0028NN 0029NN 0030NN 0032NN 0034NN 0036NN 0038NN 0040NN 0042NN 0043NN 0045NN 0046NN 0048NN 0050NN 0052NN 0054NN 0055NN 0057NN 0058NN 0060NN 0062NN 0065NN 0068NN 0070NN 0072NN 0075NN 0078NN 0080NN 0082NN 0085NN 0088NN 0090NN 0095NN 0100NN PIN18 026000 027000 028000 029000 030000 032000 034000 036000 038000 040000 042000 043000 045000 046000 048000 050000 052000 054000 055000 057000 058000 060000 062000 065000 068000 070000 072000 075000 078000 080000 082000 085000 088000 090000 095000 100000 Table B-130 Dimensions/Other Characteristics: Nonthreaded PIN21 PIN18 015000 016000 018000 020000 022000 025000 0015NN 0016NN 0018NN 0020NN 0022NN 0025NN Table B-131 Dimensions/Other Characteristics: Nonthreaded PIN21 PIN18 010000 011000 012000 013000 014000 015000 016000 017000 018000 019000 020000 022000 025000 027000 028000 030000 032000 035000 038000 040000 045000 050000 0010NN 0011NN 0012NN 0013NN 0014NN 0015NN 0016NN 0017NN 0018NN 0019NN 0020NN 0022NN 0025NN 0027NN 0028NN 0030NN 0032NN 0035NN 0038NN 0040NN 0045NN 0050NN Table B-132 Dimensions/Other Characteristics: Nonthreaded PIN21 0003NN 0004NN 0005NN 0006NN 0007NN 0008NN 0009NN 0010NN 0011NN 0012NN 0013NN 0014NN 0015NN 0016NN 0017NN 0018NN 0019NN 0020NN 0022NN 0023NN 0024NN 0025NN 0026NN 0028NN 0030NN 0032NN 0035NN 0036NN 0038NN 0040NN 0042NN 0045NN 0048NN 0050NN 0052NN 0055NN 10M000 20M000 30M000 40M000 50M000 60M000 70M000 80M000 90M000 010000 011000 012000 013000 PIN18 40M000 50M000 60M000 70M000 80M000 90M000 010000 011000 012000 013000 014000 015000 0004NN 0005NN 0006NN 0007NN 0008NN 0009NN 0010NN 0011NN 0012NN 0013NN 0014NN 0015NN 134 Table B-134 Material and Treatment A PIN21 PIN18 015NN 016NN 017NN 018NN 019NN 020NN 021NN 022NN 023NN 024NN 025NN 026NN 027NN 028NN 029NN 030NN 031NN 032NN 033NN 034NN 035NN 036NN 037NN 038NN 039NN 040NN 041NN 042NN 043NN 044NN 045NN 046NN 047NN 048NN 049NN 050NN 051NN 052NN 053NN 054NN 055NN 056NN 070NN 071NN 072NN 073NN 074NN 075NN 076NN 077NN 078NN 079NN 080NN 081NN 082NN 083NN 084NN 085NN 086NN 087NN GB5 GB6 GB7 GB8 GB9 GC0 GC1 GC2 GC3 GC4 GC5 GC6 GC7 GC8 GC9 GD0 GD1 GD2 GD3 GD4 GD5 GD6 GD7 GD8 GD9 GE0 GE1 GE2 GE3 GE4 GE5 GE6 GE7 GE8 GE9 GF0 GF1 GF2 GF3 GF4 GF5 GF6 GF7 GF8 GF9 GG0 GG1 GG2 GG3 GG4 GG5 GG6 GG7 GG8 GG9 GH0 GH1 GH2 GH3 GH4 PIN18 30M000 40M000 50M000 60M000 70M000 80M000 90M000 010000 011000 012000 013000 014000 015000 016000 017000 018000 019000 020000 022000 023000 024000 025000 026000 028000 030000 032000 035000 036000 038000 040000 042000 045000 048000 050000 052000 055000 Table B-134 Material and Treatment A PIN21 PIN18 001NN 002NN 003NN 004NN 005NN 006NN 007NN 008NN 009NN 010NN 011NN 012NN 013NN 014NN GA1 GA2 GA3 GA4 GA5 GA6 GA7 GA8 GA9 GB0 GB1 GB2 GB3 GB4 PIN18 PIN21 0001NN 0002NN 0003NN 0004NN 0005NN 0006NN 0007NN 0008NN 0009NN 0010NN 0011NN 0012NN 0013NN Table B-133 Dimensions/Other Characteristics: Nonthreaded NONMANDATORY APPENDIX B Table B-134 Material and Treatment A (Cont’d) PIN21 PIN18 088NN 089NN 090NN 091NN 092NN 093NN 094NN 095NN 101NN 102NN 103NN 104NN 105NN 106NN 107NN 108NN 109NN 110NN 111NN 112NN 113NN 114NN 115NN 116NN 117NN 118NN 119NN 120NN 121NN 122NN 123NN 124NN 125NN 126NN 127NN 128NN 129NN 130NN 131NN 132NN 133NN 134NN 140NN 141NN 142NN 143NN 144NN 145NN 146NN 147NN 148NN 149NN 150NN 151NN 152NN 155NN 156NN 157NN 158NN GH5 GH6 GH7 GH8 GH9 GJ0 GJ1 GJ2 GJ3 GJ4 GJ5 GJ6 GJ7 GJ8 GJ9 GK0 GK1 GK2 GK3 GK4 GK5 GK6 GK7 GK8 GK9 GL0 GL1 GL2 GL3 GL4 GL5 GL6 GL7 GL8 GL9 GM0 GM1 GM2 GM3 GM4 GM5 GM6 WD1 WD2 WD3 WD4 WE0 WD5 WD6 WD7 WD8 WD9 WE1 WE3 WE4 GM7 WA8 WA9 WB0 ASME B18.24-2004 Table B-134 Material and Treatment A Table B-134 Material and Treatment A Table B-134 Material and Treatment A Table B-134 Material and Treatment A PIN21 PIN18 PIN21 PIN18 PIN21 PIN18 PIN21 PIN18 159NN 160NN 161NN 162NN 163NN 164NN 165NN 166NN 167NN 183AN 183BN 193A1 193A2 193A3 193A4 193A5 193A6 193A7 193A8 193AN 193B1 193B2 193B3 193B4 193B5 193B6 193BN 193C1 193C2 193C3 193C4 193C5 193C6 193CN 193D1 193D2 193D4 193D5 193D6 193DN 193E1 193E2 193E5 193E6 193EN 193F1 193F2 193F5 193F6 193FN 193G1 193G2 193G5 193G6 193H2 193H5 193H6 193J2 193J5 193K2 WB5 WB8 WA1 WA2 WA3 WA4 WA5 WA6 WA7 AA1 AA2 AA9 AB6 AC6 AC9 AD3 AE2 AF0 AF2 AA3 AB0 AB7 AC7 AD0 AD4 AE3 AA4 AB1 AB8 AC8 AD1 AD5 AE4 AA5 AB2 AB9 AD2 AD6 AE5 AA6 AB3 AC0 AD7 AE6 AA7 AB4 AC1 AD8 AE7 AA8 AB5 AC2 AD9 AE8 AC3 AE0 AE9 AC4 AE1 AC5 200NN 201NN 202NN 203NN 204NN 205NN 206NN 207NN 208NN 209NN 210NN 211NN 212NN 213NN 214NN 215NN 216NN 217NN 218NN 219NN 220NN 221NN 222NN 223NN 224NN 225NN 226NN 227NN 228NN 229NN 230NN 231NN 232NN 233NN 234NN 235NN 236NN 237NN 238NN 239NN 240NN 241NN 242NN 243NN 244NN 245NN 246NN 247NN 248NN 249NN 250NN 251NN 252NN 253NN 254NN 255NN 256NN 257NN 258NN 259NN GN1 GN2 GN3 GN4 GN5 GN6 GN7 GN8 GN9 GP0 GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 GP5 GP6 GP7 GP8 GP9 GQ0 GQ1 GQ2 GQ3 GQ4 GQ5 GQ6 GQ7 GQ8 GQ9 GR0 GR1 GR2 GR3 GR4 GR5 GR6 GR7 GR8 GR9 GS0 GS1 GS2 GS3 GS4 GS5 GS6 GS7 GS8 GS9 GT0 GT1 GT2 GT3 GT4 GT5 GT6 GT7 GT8 GT9 GU0 260NN 261NN 262NN 263NN 264NN 265NN 266NN 267NN 268NN 269NN 270NN 271NN 272NN 273NN 274NN 275NN 276NN 277NN 278NN 279NN 280NN 281NN 282NN 283NN 284NN 285NN 286NN 287NN 288NN 289NN 290NN 291NN 292NN 293NN 294NN 295NN 296NN 297NN 298NN 299NN 301NN 302NN 303NN 307AN 307BN 307CN 310NN 311NN 312NN 313NN 320A1 320A2 320A3 320B1 320B2 320B3 320C1 320C2 320C3 320D1 GU1 GU2 GU3 GU4 GU5 GU6 GU7 GU8 GU9 GV0 GV1 GV2 GV3 GV4 GV5 GV6 GV7 GV8 GV9 GW0 GW1 GW2 GW3 GW4 GW5 GW6 GW7 GW8 GW9 GX0 GX1 GX2 GX3 WE2 WE5 WE6 WE7 WE8 WF9 WF0 GX4 GX5 GX6 AP5 AP6 AP7 GX7 GX8 GX9 GY0 AS0 AT6 AV2 AS2 AT8 AV4 AT0 AU6 AW2 AS6 320D2 320D3 320E1 320E2 320E3 320F1 320F2 320F3 320G1 320G2 320H1 320H2 320JN 320KN 320LN 320MN 320NN 320NN 320PN 321NN 322NN 323NN 324NN 325AM 325AN 325BN 325CM 325NN 326NN 327NN 330NN 331NN 354AN 354BN 394AN 394BN 394CN 394DN 400AN 400CN 401AN 401CN 402AN 402CN 403AN 403CN 404AN 404CN 405AN 405CN 406AN 406CN 407AN 407CN 408AN 408CN 409AN 409CN 410AN 410CN AU2 AV6 AS8 AU4 AV8 AS4 AU0 AW0 AT2 AU8 AT4 AV0 AP8 AQ0 AQ2 AQ4 WB1 AR4 AR8 WB2 WB3 WB4 WB6 AW6 AW4 AW5 AW7 WB7 WB9 WC0 WC1 WC2 AW8 AW9 AX0 AX1 AX2 AX3 SA1 SA2 SA3 SA4 SA5 SA6 SA7 SA8 SA9 SB0 SB1 SB2 SB3 SB4 SB5 SB6 SB7 SB8 SB9 SC0 SC1 SC2 135 ASME B18.24-2004 NONMANDATORY APPENDIX B Table B-134 Material and Treatment A (Cont’d) PIN21 PIN18 411AN 411CN 412AN 412CN 413AN 413CN 414AN 414CN 415AN 415CN 416AN 416CN 417AN 417CN 418AN 418CN 419AN 419CN 420AN 420CN 421AN 421CN 422AN 422CN 423AN 423CN 424AN 424CN 425AN 425CN 426AN 426CN 427AN 427CN 428AN 428CN 429AN 429CN 430AN 430CN 431AN 431CN 433AN 433CN 434AN 434CN 435AN 435CN 436AM 436AN 436BM 436BN 436CN 436DN 437AN 437CN 438AN 438CN 439AN SC3 SC4 SC5 SC6 SC7 SC8 SC9 SD0 SD1 SD2 SD3 SD4 SD5 SD6 SD7 SD8 SD9 SE0 SE1 SE2 SE3 SE4 SE5 SE6 SE7 SE8 SE9 SF0 SF1 SF2 SF3 SF4 SF5 SF6 SF7 SF8 SF9 SG0 SG1 SG2 SG3 SG4 SG5 SG6 SG7 SG8 SG9 SH0 BD8 SH1 BD9 BD7 SH2 BD6 SH3 SH4 SH5 SH6 SH7 Table B-134 Material and Treatment A PIN21 PIN18 439CN 449AN 449BN 449CN 450FN 450RN 451FN 451RN 452FN 452RN 453A1 453A4 453B2 453B3 453C4 453C5 453D6 453D7 454FN 454RN 455FN 455RN 456FN 456RN 457FN 457RN 458FN 458RN 459FN 459RN 460FN 460RN 461FN 461RN 462FN 462RN 4681A 4681M 4681N 4681S 4682A 4682M 4682N 4682S 4683A 4683M 4683N 4683S 4684A 4684M 4684N 4684S 4685A 4685M 4685N 4685S 4686A 4686M 4686N 4686S SH8 AX4 AX5 AX6 SH9 SJ0 SJ1 SJ2 SJ3 SJ4 AX9 AX7 AY0 AY1 AY2 AY3 AY4 AY5 SJ5 SJ6 SJ7 SJ8 SJ9 SK0 SK1 SK2 SK3 SK4 SK5 SK6 SK7 SK8 SK9 SL0 SL1 SL2 BX5 CE0 BX4 CE1 BX7 CE2 BX6 CE3 BX9 CE4 BX8 CE5 BY1 CE6 BY0 CE7 BY5 CE8 BY4 CE9 BY7 CF0 BY6 CF1 Table B-134 Material and Treatment A PIN21 PIN18 BY9 CF2 BY8 CF3 BY3 CF4 BY2 CF5 BS7 BZ2 BS6 BZ3 BS9 BZ4 BS8 BZ5 BT1 BZ6 BT0 BZ7 BT3 BZ8 BT2 BZ9 BT5 CA0 BT4 CA1 BT7 CA2 BT6 CA3 BT9 CA4 BT8 CA5 BU1 CA6 BU0 CA7 BU3 CA8 BU2 CA9 BU5 CB0 BU4 CB1 BU7 CB2 BU6 CB3 BU9 CB4 BU8 CB5 BV1 CB6 BV0 CB7 4687A 4687M 4687N 4687S 4688A 4688M 4688N 4688S 468AA 468AM 468AN 468AS 468BA 468BM 468BN 468BS 468CA 468CM 468CN 468CS 468DA 468DM 468DN 468DS 468EA 468EM 468EN 468ES 468FA 468FM 468FN 468FS 468GA 468GM 468GN 468GS 468HA 468HM 468HN 468HS 468JA 468JM 468JN 468JS 468KA 468KM 468KN 468KS 468LA 468LM 468LN 468LS 468MA 468MM 468MN 468MS 468NA 468NM 468NN 468NS 136 Table B-134 Material and Treatment A PIN21 468PA 468PM 468PN 468PS 468QA 468QM 468QN 468QS 468RA 468RM 468RN 468RS 468SA 468SM 468SN 468SS 468TA 468TM 468TN 468TS 468UA 468UM 468UN 468US 468VA 468VM 468VN 468VS 468WA 468WM 468WN 468WS 468XA 468XM 468XN 468XS 468YA 468YM 468YN 468YS 470MN 470SN 471MN 471SN 472MN 472SN 473MN 473SN 474MN 474SN 475MN 475SN 476MN 476SN 477MN 477SN 478MN 478SN 479MN 479SN PIN18 BV3 CB8 BV2 CB9 BV5 CC0 BV4 CC1 BV7 CC2 BV6 CC3 BV9 CC4 BV8 CC5 BW1 CC6 BW0 CC7 BW3 CC8 BW2 CC9 BW5 CD0 BW4 CD1 BW9 CD4 BW8 CD5 BX1 CD6 BX0 CD7 BX3 CD8 BX2 CD9 SL3 SL4 SL5 SL6 SL7 SL8 SL9 SM0 SM1 SM2 SM3 SM4 SM5 SM6 SM7 SM8 SM9 SN0 SN1 SN2 Table B-134 Material and Treatment A PIN21 480MN 480SN 481MN 481SN 482MN 482SN 483MN 483SN 484MN 484SN 485MN 485SN 486MN 486SN 487MN 487SN 488MN 488SN 489AN 489BN 489CN 490AM 490AN 490CM 490CN 500NN 519HN 519PN 520HN 520PN 521HN 521PN 522HN 522PN 523HN 523PN 524HN 524PN 525HN 525PN 541AN 568AM 568BM 568CM 568DM 568EM 568FM 568GM 568HM 568JM 568KM 568LM 568MM 574NM 574NN 593A1 593A2 593A3 593A4 593B1 PIN18 SN3 SN4 SN5 SN6 SN7 SN8 SN9 SP0 SP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 SP5 SP6 SP7 SP8 SP9 SQ0 AY6 AY8 AY7 AZ2 AZ0 AZ3 AZ1 SQ1 SQ3 SQ2 SQ5 SQ4 SQ7 SQ6 SQ9 SQ8 SR1 SR0 SR3 SR2 SR5 SR4 CF8 CF9 CG0 CG1 CG2 CG3 CG4 CG5 CG6 CG7 CG9 CH0 CH1 BC4 BB3 CH2 CH3 CH5 CH4 CH6 NONMANDATORY APPENDIX B Table B-134 Material and Treatment A (Cont’d) PIN21 PIN18 593B2 593B3 593B4 593C1 593C2 593C3 593C4 593D1 593D4 593E5 593E6 593F5 593F6 593G7 593GN 600NN 601NN 602NN 603NN 604NN 605NN 606NN 607NN 608NN 609NN 610NN 611NN 612NN 613NN 614NN 615NN 616NN 617NN 618NN 619NN 620NN 621NN 622NN 623NN 624NN 625NN 626NN 627NN 629NN 630NN 631NN 635NN 636NN 637NN 640NN 650NN 651NN 652NN 653NN 654NN 655NN 656NN 657NN 658NN CH7 CH9 CH8 CJ0 CJ1 CJ3 CJ2 CJ4 CJ5 CJ6 CJ7 CJ8 CJ9 CK0 CK1 UA7 UB7 UC8 UA1 UD1 UD3 UD6 UE0 UE1 UE4 UE6 UE8 UF0 UF1 UF2 UF3 UF4 UF6 UF5 UB0 UG3 UC0 UC7 UA2 UD9 UG5 UG9 UH0 UG6 UG7 UG8 UA3 UA4 UA5 UA6 UH1 UH2 UH3 UH4 UH5 UH6 UH7 UH8 UH9 ASME B18.24-2004 Table B-134 Material and Treatment A PIN21 PIN18 659NN 660NN 661NN 662NN 663NN 664NN 665NN 666NN 667NN 668NN 669NN 670NN 671NN 672NN 673NN 687NN 738A2 738B1 738D2 738E1 738G2 738H1 738K2 738L1 738M4 738N5 738P6 738Q5 738R6 738S4 738T5 738U6 738V7 835NM 835NN 837AM 837AN 837BM 837BN 837CM 837CN 84453 879AM 879AN 879BM 879BN 880AM 880AN 880BM 880BN 901AN 901BN 901CN 912NM 912NN 959AM 959AN 959BM 959BN UJ0 UJ1 UJ2 UJ3 UJ4 UJ5 UJ6 UJ7 UJ8 UJ9 UK0 UK1 UK2 UK3 UK4 BD5 CZ6 CZ7 CZ9 DA0 DA2 DA3 DA5 DA6 DA7 DA8 DA9 DB0 DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB5 DG6 DG5 DX8 DR0 DX9 DR2 DY0 DR6 EA1 EC0 EA2 EC1 EA3 EF8 ED8 EF9 ED9 EH8 EH9 EJ0 EJ2 EJ1 EJ5 EJ3 EJ6 EJ4 Table B-135 Material and Treatment B PIN21 PIN18 GA1 GA2 GA3 GA4 GA5 GA6 GA7 GA8 GA9 GB0 GB1 GB2 GB3 GB4 GB5 GB6 GB7 GB8 GB9 GC0 GC1 GC2 GC3 GC4 GC5 GC6 GC7 GC8 GC9 GD0 GD1 GD2 GD3 GD4 GD5 GD6 GD7 GD8 GD9 GE0 GE1 GE2 GE3 GE4 GE5 GE6 GE7 GE8 GE9 GF0 GF1 GF2 GF3 GF4 GF5 GF6 GF7 GF8 GF9 GG0 001NNN 002NNN 003NNN 004NNN 005NNN 006NNN 007NNN 008NNN 009NNN 010NNN 011NNN 012NNN 013NNN 014NNN 015NNN 016NNN 017NNN 018NNN 019NNN 020NNN 021NNN 022NNN 023NNN 024NNN 025NNN 026NNN 027NNN 028NNN 029NNN 030NNN 031NNN 032NNN 033NNN 034NNN 035NNN 036NNN 037NNN 038NNN 039NNN 040NNN 041NNN 042NNN 043NNN 044NNN 045NNN 046NNN 047NNN 048NNN 049NNN 050NNN 051NNN 052NNN 053NNN 054NNN 055NNN 056NNN 070NNN 071NNN 072NNN 073NNN 137 Table B-135 Material and Treatment B Table B-135 Material and Treatment B PIN21 PIN18 PIN21 PIN18 074NNN 075NNN 076NNN 077NNN 078NNN 079NNN 080NNN 081NNN 082NNN 083NNN 084NNN 085NNN 086NNN 087NNN 088NNN 089NNN 090NNN 091NNN 092NNN 093NNN 094NNN 095NNN 101NNN 102NNN 103NNN 104NNN 105NNN 106NNN 107NNN 108NNN 109NNN 110NNN 111NNN 112NNN 113NNN 114NNN 115NNN 116NNN 117NNN 118NNN 119NNN 120NNN 121NNN 122NNN 123NNN 124NNN 125NNN 126NNN 127NNN 128NNN 129NNN 130NNN 131NNN 132NNN 133NNN 134NNN 140NNN 141NNN 142NNN 143NNN GG1 GG2 GG3 GG4 GG5 GG6 GG7 GG8 GG9 GH0 GH1 GH2 GH3 GH4 GH5 GH6 GH7 GH8 GH9 GJ0 GJ1 GJ2 GJ3 GJ4 GJ5 GJ6 GJ7 GJ8 GJ9 GK0 GK1 GK2 GK3 GK4 GK5 GK6 GK7 GK8 GK9 GL0 GL1 GL2 GL3 GL4 GL5 GL6 GL7 GL8 GL9 GM0 GM1 GM2 GM3 GM4 GM5 GM6 WD1 WD2 WD3 WD4 144NNN 145NNN 146NNN 147NNN 148NNN 149NNN 150NNN 151NNN 152NNN 155NNN 156NNN 157NNN 158NNN 159NNN 160NNN 161NNN 162NNN 163NNN 164NNN 165NNN 166NNN 167NNN 19401A 19401B 19401C 19402A 19402B 19402C 19403A 19403B 19403C 19404A 19404B 19404C 19405A 19405A 19405B 19405C 19407A 19407B 19407C 19408A 19408B 19408C 19409A 19409A 19409B 19409C 19411A 19411B 19411C 19412A 19412B 19412C 19413A 19413B 19413C 19414A 19414B 19414C WE0 WD5 WD6 WD7 WD8 WD9 WE1 WE3 WE4 GM7 WA8 WA9 WB0 WB5 WB8 WA1 WA2 WA3 WA4 WA5 WA6 WA7 AF5 AF5 AF5 AF7 AF7 AF7 AF9 AF9 AF9 AG1 AG1 AG1 AG5 AG3 AG3 AG3 AG7 AG5 AG5 AG9 AG7 AG7 AH1 AH3 AG9 AG9 AH5 AH1 AH1 AH9 AH5 AH5 AJ1 AH7 AH7 AJ3 AH9 AH9 ASME B18.24-2004 NONMANDATORY APPENDIX B Table B-135 Material and Treatment B (Cont’d) PIN21 19415A 19415B 19415C 19416A 19416B 19416C 19417A 19417B 19417C 19418A 19418B 19418C 19419A 19419B 19419C 19420A 19420B 19420C 19421A 19421B 19421C 19422A 19422B 19422C 19423A 19423B 19423C 19424A 19424B 19424C 19425A 19425B 19425C 200NNN 201NNN 202NNN 203NNN 204NNN 205NNN 206NNN 207NNN 208NNN 209NNN 210NNN 211NNN 212NNN 213NNN 214NNN 215NNN 216NNN 217NNN 218NNN 219NNN 220NNN 221NNN 222NNN 223NNN 224NNN 225NNN Table B-135 Material and Treatment B Table B-135 Material and Treatment B PIN21 PIN18 PIN21 PIN18 PIN21 226NNN 227NNN 228NNN 229NNN 230NNN 231NNN 232NNN 233NNN 234NNN 235NNN 236NNN 237NNN 238NNN 239NNN 240NNN 241NNN 242NNN 243NNN 244NNN 245NNN 246NNN 247NNN 248NNN 249NNN 250NNN 251NNN 252NNN 253NNN 254NNN 255NNN 256NNN 257NNN 258NNN 259NNN 260NNN 261NNN 262NNN 263NNN 264NNN 265NNN 266NNN 267NNN 268NNN 269NNN 270NNN 271NNN 272NNN 273NNN 274NNN 275NNN 276NNN 277NNN 278NNN 279NNN 280NNN 281NNN 282NNN 283NNN 284NNN 285NNN GQ7 GQ8 GQ9 GR0 GR1 GR2 GR3 GR4 GR5 GR6 GR7 GR8 GR9 GS0 GS1 GS2 GS3 GS4 GS5 GS6 GS7 GS8 GS9 GT0 GT1 GT2 GT3 GT4 GT5 GT6 GT7 GT8 GT9 GU0 GU1 GU2 GU3 GU4 GU5 GU6 GU7 GU8 GU9 GV0 GV1 GV2 GV3 GV4 GV5 GV6 GV7 GV8 GV9 GW0 GW1 GW2 GW3 GW4 GW5 GW6 286NNN 287NNN 288NNN 289NNN 290NNN 291NNN 292NNN 293NNN 294NNN 295NNN 296NNN 297NNN 298NNN 299NNN 301NNN 302NNN 303NNN 310NNN 311NNN 312NNN 313NNN 320NNN 321NNN 322NNN 323NNN 324NNN 325NNN 326NNN 327NNN 330NNN 331NNN 400ANN 400CNN 401ANN 401CNN 402ANN 402CNN 403ANN 403CNN 404ANN 404CNN 405ANN 405CNN 406ANN 406CNN 407ANN 407CNN 408ANN 408CNN 409ANN 409CNN 410ANN 410CNN 411ANN 411CNN 412ANN 412CNN 413ANN 413CNN 414ANN GW7 GW8 GW9 GX0 GX1 GX2 GX3 WE2 WE5 WE6 WE7 WE8 WF9 WF0 GX4 GX5 GX6 GX7 GX8 GX9 GY0 WB1 WB2 WB3 WB4 WB6 WB7 WB9 WC0 WC1 WC2 SA1 SA2 SA3 SA4 SA5 SA6 SA7 SA8 SA9 SB0 SB1 SB2 SB3 SB4 SB5 SB6 SB7 SB8 SB9 SC0 SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5 SC6 SC7 SC8 SC9 414CNN 415ANN 415CNN 416ANN 416CNN 417ANN 417CNN 418ANN 418CNN 419ANN 419CNN 420ANN 420CNN 421ANN 421CNN 422ANN 422CNN 423ANN 423CNN 424ANN 424CNN 425ANN 425CNN 426ANN 426CNN 427ANN 427CNN 428ANN 428CNN 429ANN 429CNN 430ANN 430CNN 431ANN 431CNN 433ANN 433CNN 434ANN 434CNN 435ANN 435CNN 436ANN 436CNN 437ANN 437CNN 438ANN 438CNN 439ANN 439CNN 450FNN 450RNN 451FNN 451RNN 452FNN 452RNN 454FNN 454RNN 455FNN 455RNN 456FNN PIN18 AJ5 AJ1 AJ1 AJ7 AJ3 AJ3 AJ9 AJ5 AJ5 AK1 AJ7 AJ7 AK3 AJ9 AJ9 AK5 AK1 AK1 AK7 AK3 AK3 AK9 AK5 AK5 AL1 AK7 AK7 AL3 AK9 AK9 AH7 AH3 AH3 GN1 GN2 GN3 GN4 GN5 GN6 GN7 GN8 GN9 GP0 GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 GP5 GP6 GP7 GP8 GP9 GQ0 GQ1 GQ2 GQ3 GQ4 GQ5 GQ6 Table B-135 Material and Treatment B 138 PIN18 SD0 SD1 SD2 SD3 SD4 SD5 SD6 SD7 SD8 SD9 SE0 SE1 SE2 SE3 SE4 SE5 SE6 SE7 SE8 SE9 SF0 SF1 SF2 SF3 SF4 SF5 SF6 SF7 SF8 SF9 SG0 SG1 SG2 SG3 SG4 SG5 SG6 SG7 SG8 SG9 SH0 SH1 SH2 SH3 SH4 SH5 SH6 SH7 SH8 SH9 SJ0 SJ1 SJ2 SJ3 SJ4 SJ5 SJ6 SJ7 SJ8 SJ9 Table B-135 Material and Treatment B PIN21 456RNN 457FNN 457RNN 458FNN 458RNN 459FNN 459RNN 460FNN 460RNN 461FNN 461RNN 462FNN 462RNN 46701N 46701S 46702N 46702S 46703N 46703S 46704N 46704S 46705N 46705S 46706N 46706S 46707N 46707S 46708N 46708S 46709N 46709S 46710N 46710S 46711N 46711S 46712N 46712S 46713N 46713S 46714N 46714S 46715N 46715S 46716N 46716S 46717N 46717S 46718N 46718S 46719N 46719S 46720N 46720S 46721N 46721S 46722N 46722S 46723N 46723S 46724N PIN18 SK0 SK1 SK2 SK3 SK4 SK5 SK6 SK7 SK8 SK9 SL0 SL1 SL2 BE0 BE1 BE2 BE3 BE4 BE5 BE6 BE7 BE8 BE9 BF0 BF1 BF2 BF3 BF4 BF5 BF6 BF7 BF8 BF9 BG0 BG1 BG2 BG3 BG4 BG5 BG6 BG7 BG8 BG9 BH0 BH1 BH2 BH3 BH4 BH5 BH6 BH7 BH8 BH9 BJ2 BJ3 BJ4 BJ5 BJ6 BJ7 BJ8 NONMANDATORY APPENDIX B Table B-135 Material and Treatment B (Cont’d) PIN21 46724S 46725N 46725S 46726N 46726S 46727N 46727S 46728N 46728S 46729N 46729S 46730N 46730S 46750M 46750T 46751M 46751T 46753M 46753T 46754M 46754T 46755M 46755T 46756M 46756T 46757M 46757T 46758M 46758T 46759M 46759T 46760M 46760T 46761M 46761T 46762M 46762T 46763M 46763T 46764M 46764T 46765M 46765T 46766M 46766T 46767M 46767T 46768M 46768T 46769M 46769T 46770M 46770T 46771M 46771T 46772M 46772T 46773M 46773T ASME B18.24-2004 Table B-135 Material and Treatment B PIN21 PIN18 BJ9 BK0 BK1 BK2 BK3 BK4 BK5 BK6 BK7 BK8 BK9 BL0 BL1 BL4 BL5 BL6 BL7 BL8 BL9 BM0 BM1 BM2 BM3 BM4 BM5 BM6 BM7 BM8 BM9 BN0 BN1 BN2 BN3 BN4 BN5 BN6 BN7 BN8 BN9 BP0 BP1 BP2 BP3 BP4 BP5 BP6 BP7 BP8 BP9 BQ0 BQ1 BQ4 BQ5 BQ6 BQ7 BQ8 BQ9 BR0 BR1 46774M 46774T 46775M 46775T 46776M 46776T 46777M 46777T 46778M 46778T 46779M 46779T 470MNN 470SNN 471MNN 471SNN 472MNN 472SNN 473MNN 473SNN 474MNN 474SNN 475MNN 475SNN 476MNN 476SNN 477MNN 477SNN 478MNN 478SNN 479MNN 479SNN 480MNN 480SNN 481MNN 481SNN 482MNN 482SNN 483MNN 483SNN 484MNN 484SNN 485MNN 485SNN 486MNN 486SNN 487MNN 487SNN 488MNN 488SNN 500NNN 519HNN 519PNN 520HNN 520PNN 521HNN 521PNN 522HNN 522PNN 523HNN PIN18 BR2 BR3 BR4 BR5 BR6 BR7 BR8 BR9 BS0 BS1 BS2 BS3 SL3 SL4 SL5 SL6 SL7 SL8 SL9 SM0 SM1 SM2 SM3 SM4 SM5 SM6 SM7 SM8 SM9 SN0 SN1 SN2 SN3 SN4 SN5 SN6 SN7 SN8 SN9 SP0 SP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 SP5 SP6 SP7 SP8 SP9 SQ0 SQ1 SQ3 SQ2 SQ5 SQ4 SQ7 SQ6 SQ9 SQ8 SR1 Table B-135 Material and Treatment B PIN21 PIN18 SR0 SR3 SR2 SR5 SR4 AZ4 BB0 BB0 BB0 AZ5 BB1 BB1 AZ9 BA0 AZ6 BB2 BB2 AZ7 BB3 BB3 AZ8 BB4 BA2 BB8 BA3 BB9 BA4 BC0 BA5 BC1 BA6 BC2 BA7 BC3 BA8 BC4 BA9 BC5 BB0 BC6 BB1 BC7 BB2 BC8 CR6 CR4 CS0 CR8 CS4 CS2 CS7 CS6 CS8 CT0 CT2 CT3 UA7 UB7 UC8 UA1 523PNN 524HNN 524PNN 525HNN 525PNN 56301A 56301B 56301C 56301D 56302B 56302C 56302D 56303C 56304C 56305B 56305C 56305D 56306B 56306C 56306D 56307B 56307C 56320J 56320K 56321J 56321K 56322J 56322K 56323J 56323K 56324J 56324K 56325J 56325K 56326J 56326K 56327J 56327K 56328J 56328K 56329J 56329K 56330J 56330K 59401A 59401D 59402A 59402D 59403A 59403D 59404A 59404D 59405E 59406E 59407C 59407F 600NNN 601NNN 602NNN 603NNN 139 Table B-135 Material and Treatment B PIN21 604NNN 605NNN 606NNN 607NNN 608NNN 609NNN 610NNN 611NNN 612NNN 613NNN 614NNN 615NNN 616NNN 617NNN 618NNN 619NNN 620NNN 621NNN 622NNN 623NNN 624NNN 625NNN 626NNN 627NNN 629NNN 630NNN 631NNN 635NNN 636NNN 637NNN 640NNN 650NNN 651NNN 652NNN 653NNN 654NNN 655NNN 656NNN 657NNN 658NNN 659NNN 660NNN 661NNN 662NNN 663NNN 664NNN 665NNN 666NNN 667NNN 668NNN 669NNN 670NNN 671NNN 672NNN 673NNN 83601A 83601D 83602B 83603C 83604A PIN18 UD1 UD3 UD6 UE0 UE1 UE4 UE6 UE8 UF0 UF1 UF2 UF3 UF4 UF6 UF5 UB0 UG3 UC0 UC7 UA2 UD9 UG5 UG9 UH0 UG6 UG7 UG8 UA3 UA4 UA5 UA6 UH1 UH2 UH3 UH4 UH5 UH6 UH7 UH8 UH9 UJ0 UJ1 UJ2 UJ3 UJ4 UJ5 UJ6 UJ7 UJ8 UJ9 UK0 UK1 UK2 UK3 UK4 DG8 DG7 DG9 DH0 DH2 Table B-135 Material and Treatment B PIN21 83604D 83605B 83606C 83607A 83607D 83608B 83609C 83610A 83610D 83611E 83612F 83613E 83614F 83615E 83616F 83617G PIN18 DH1 DH3 DH4 DH6 DH5 DH7 DH8 DJ0 DH9 DJ1 DJ2 DJ3 DJ4 DJ5 DJ6 DJ7 Table B-136 Plating, Coating, and Passivation PIN21 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 0G 0H 0J 0K 0L 0M 0N 0P 0Q 0R 0S 0T 0U 0V 0W 0X 0Y 0Z 10 11 12 PIN18 DV DW DX DY DZ E0 E1 E2 E3 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF DG DH DJ DK DL DM DN DP DQ DR DS DT DU E4 E5 E6 ASME B18.24-2004 NONMANDATORY APPENDIX B Table B-136 Plating, Coating, and Passivation (Cont’d) PIN21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 Table B-136 Plating, Coating, and Passivation PIN21 PIN18 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF EG EH EJ EK EL EM EN EP EQ ER ES ET EU EV EW EX EY EZ F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF FG FH FJ FK FL FM FN FP FQ FR FS FT FU FV FW FX 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 AA AB BA CA CB CC CD CE CF CG CH CJ CK CL CM CN CP CQ CR DA DB DC DD DE DF DG DH DJ DK DL DM EA EB EC EF PIN18 FY FZ G0 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 GA GB GC GD GE GF GG GH GJ GK GL GM GN A1 A3 A2 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AJ AK AL AM AN AS AT AU AP AV AQ AW AR AX AY AZ B0 B1 Table B-136 Plating, Coating, and Passivation PIN21 PIN18 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF BG BH BJ BK BL BM BN BP BQ BR BS BT C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF CG CH CJ CK CL CM CN CP CQ CR CS CT CU CV CW CX CY CZ D0 D1 D2 EG EH FA FB FC FD FE FF FG FH FJ FK FL FN GA GB GC GD GE GF GG GH GJ GK GL GM HA HB HC HD HE HF HG HH HJ HK HL HM HN HP HQ HR JA JB JC KA KB KC KD KE KF KG LA LB LC LD LE LF LG LH 140 Table B-136 Plating, Coating, and Passivation PIN21 PIN18 D3 D4 L7 L8 L9 LJ LA LB LC LD LE LF LG LH LS LT LU LV LW LX LY LZ LN LP LQ LR LK LL LM BU BV BW BX BY BZ C0 C1 C2 M0 M1 LJ LK MA MB MC MD NA NB NC ND NE NF NG NH PA PB PC PD PE PF PG PH QA QB QC QD RA RB RC SA SB SC SD SE SF SG SH SJ TA TB Table B-138 Additional Features: Internally Threaded PIN21 1 Table B-139 Additional Features: Nonthreaded PIN21 PIN21 H PIN18 B PIN18 1 2 2 Table B-140 Cross Reference: Table 2-2 Tapping Screw Point AB PIN21 T PIN18 A Table B-141 Cross Reference: Table 2-2 Tapping Screw Point B PIN21 Table B-137 Additional Features: Externally Threaded PIN18 T PIN18 B Table B-142 Cross Reference: Table 2-2 Tapping Screw Point BF PIN21 T PIN18 L NONMANDATORY APPENDIX B Table B-143 Cross Reference: Table 2-2 Tapping Screw Point BP PIN21 T PIN18 P Table B-144 Cross Reference: Table 2-2 Tapping Screw Point BT PIN21 T PIN18 R Table B-145 Cross Reference: Table 2-2 Tapping Screw Point C PIN21 T PIN18 C Table B-146 Cross Reference: Table 2-2 Tapping Screw Point D PIN21 T PIN18 D Table B-147 Cross Reference: Table 2-2 Tapping Screw Point F PIN21 T PIN18 F ASME B18.24-2004 Table B-149 Cross Reference: Table 2-2 Tapping Screw Point T PIN21 T PIN21 T PIN18 G T Table B-150 Cross Reference: Table 2-2 Tapping Screw Point U PIN21 T PIN21 01 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 AA AB AD AG AK AL AM U PIN18 060 073 086 099 112 125 138 151 164 190 216 250 312 375 438 500 Table B-152 Bridge to Table 3-6 for C, D, F, G, T A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A8 AA AD AG AK AL AM PIN21 PIN18 MC ME MG MJ MK MM MP MR MS 228 291 351 421 481 551 631 802 952 PIN18 Table B-151 Bridge to Table 3-6 for AB, B, BF, BP, BT PIN21 Table B-148 Cross Reference: Table 2-2 Tapping Screw Point G PIN18 Table B-153 Bridge to Table 3-7 for AB, B, BF, BT PIN18 08B 09B 11B 12B 13B 16B 19B 25B 31B 37B 43B 50B Table B-154 Bridge to Table 3-7 for D, F, T PIN21 PIN18 GF MB MD MF MG MH ML MN MR MT 10Z 204 254 305 356 407 508 06A 08B 10C Table B-155 Bridge to Table 3-10 PIN21 PIN18 060 073 084 094 112 126 136 164 190 250 312 375 438 500 625 750 875 01 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A8 AA AD AG AK AL AM AP AR AS Table B-156 Bridge to Table 3-12 PIN21 060 073 086 099 112 125 138 151 164 177 190 216 242 268 294 320 372 01 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AF AH AJ Table B-157 Bridge to Table 3-13 PIN21 AA AD AG AK AL AM AR AS B0 B1 B2 PIN18 190 250 312 375 438 500 750 875 A00 A12 A25 Table B-158 Cross Reference: Table 7-9 Washer Component PIN21 H PIN18 1 Table B-159 Cross Reference: Table 7-9 Washer Component PIN21 H 141 PIN18 PIN18 2 Table B-160 Cross Reference: Table 7-9 Washer Component PIN21 H PIN18 3 Table B-161 Cross Reference: Table 7-9 Washer Component PIN21 H PIN18 4 Table B-162 Cross Reference: Table 7-9 Washer Component PIN21 H PIN18 5 Table B-163 Cross Reference: Table 7-9 Washer Component PIN21 H PIN18 6 Table B-164 Cross Reference: Table 7-9 Washer Component PIN21 H PIN18 7 Table B-165 Cross Reference: Table 7-9 Washer Component PIN21 H PIN18 8 ASME B18.24-2004 NONMANDATORY APPENDIX B Table B-166 Cross Reference: Table 7-9 Washer Component PIN21 H PIN18 H PIN21 9 H Table B-167 Cross Reference: Table 7-9 Washer Component 10 PIN21 Table B-168 Cross Reference: Table 7-9 Washer Component 11 PIN18 PIN18 B B Table B-169 Cross Reference: Table 7-9 Washer Component 12 PIN21 A A H Table B-170 Bridge to Table 3-11 PIN21 PIN18 A4 A5 A6 A8 AA AB AD AG AK 112 125 13B 16B 190 21B 25B 31B 375 PIN18 C C Table B-171 Bridge to Table 3-4 PIN21 FE FF FG FK FN FP FR GF ML MN MR MU MW MY ZM Table B-172 Bridge to Table 7-10 PIN18 012 012 012 016 020 020 024 010 50M 60M 80M 012 016 020 024 PIN21 Table B-Index B18.24 Legacy Table References From B18.24.1, B18.24.2, and B18.24.3 B18.24 Table Cancelled Source Cancelled Source reference B-1 B18.24.1, B18.24.2, B18.24.3 B18.24.1 B18.24.2, B18.24.3 B18.24.1 B18.24.2 B18.24.1 B18.24.2 B18.24.1 B18.24.2 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.2 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.1 pg 1, B18.24.2 pg 1, and B18.24.3 pg pgs 1-2 and pgs 5-20 B18.24.2 pg pgs 3-5, B18.24.3 pg pgs 3-6 pg pg pg 21 pg pg 23 pg pg 24 pgs 21-22 pg 23 pg 24 pg pg 7, upper left quadrant, Size pg 7, upper left quadrant, Length pg 7, upper right quadrant, Size # pg 8, upper left quadrant, Size # pg 8, upper right quadrant, Size # pg 8, upper right quadrant, Length pg 8, lower left quadrant, Size # pg 8, lower left quadrant, Length pg 9, upper left quadrant, Size pg 9, upper left quadrant, Length pg 10, upper left quadrant, Size pg 10, upper left quadrant, Length pg 10, upper right quadrant, Size pg 11, upper left quadrant, Size pg 11, upper left quadrant, Length pg 12, upper left quadrant, Size pg 12, upper left quadrant, Length pg 13, upper left quadrant, Size pg 13, upper left quadrant, Length pg 14, upper left quadrant, Size pg 14, upper left quadrant, Length pg 15, upper left quadrant, Size pg 15, upper left quadrant, Length B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 B-11 B-12 B-13 B-14 B-15 B-16 B-17 B-18 B-19 B-20 B-21 B-22 B-23 B-24 B-25 B-26 B-27 B-28 B-29 B-30 B-31 B-32 B-33 B-34 B-35 B-36 B-37 142 PIN18 P NONMANDATORY APPENDIX B ASME B18.24-2004 Table B-Index B18.24 Legacy Table References from B18.24.1, B18.24.2, and B18.24.3 (Cont’d) B18.24 Table B-38 B-39 B-40 B-41 B-42 B-43 B-44 B-45 B-46 B-47 B-48 B-49 B-50 B-51 B-52 B-53 B-54 B-55 B-56 B-57 B-58 B-59 B-60 B-61 B-62 B-63 B-64 B-65 B-66 B-67 B-68 B-69 B-70 B-71 B-72 B-73 B-74 B-75 B-76 B-77 B-78 B-79 B-80 B-81 B-82 B-83 B-84 B-85 B-86 B-87 B-88 B-89 B-90 B-91 B-92 B-93 B-94 B-95 B-96 B-97 B-98 Cancelled Source Cancelled Source reference B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 pg 16, upper left quadrant, Size pg 16, upper left quadrant, Length pg 17, upper left quadrant, Size pg 17, upper left quadrant, Length pg 18, upper left quadrant, Size pg 18, upper left quadrant, Length pg 19, upper left quadrant, Shnk Dia pg 19, upper left quadrant, OD pg 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26, upper left quadrant, Length pg 26, upper right quadrant, Size pg 26, upper right quadrant, Length pg 27, upper left quadrant, Size pg 27, upper left quadrant, Length pg 27, upper right quadrant, Size pg 27, upper right quadrant, Length pg 28, upper left quadrant, Size pg 28, upper left quadrant, Length pg 28, upper right quadrant, Size pg 28, upper right quadrant, Length pg 29, upper left quadrant, Size pg 29, upper left quadrant, Length pg 29, upper right quadrant, Size pg 29, upper right quadrant, Length pg 30, upper left quadrant, Size pg 30, upper left quadrant, Length pg 30, upper right quadrant, Size pg 30, upper right quadrant, Length pg 31, upper left quadrant, Size pg 31, upper left quadrant, Length pg 31, upper right quadrant, Size pg 32, upper left quadrant, Size pg 32, upper right quadrant, Size 143 ASME B18.24-2004 NONMANDATORY APPENDIX B Table B-Index B18.24 Legacy Table References from B18.24.1, B18.24.2, and B18.24.3 (Cont’d) B18.24 Table B-99 B-100 B-101 B-102 B-103 B-104 B-105 B-106 B-107 B-108 B-109 B-110 B-111 B-112 B-113 B-114 B-115 B-116 B-117 B-118 B-119 B-120 B-121 B-122 B-123 B-124 B-125 B-126 B-127 B-128 B-129 B-130 B-131 B-132 B-133 B-134 B-135 B-136 B-137 B-138 B-139 B-140 B-141 B-142 B-143 B-144 B-145 B-146 B-147 B-148 B-149 B-150 B-151 B-152 B-153 B-154 B-155 B-156 B-157 B-158 Cancelled Source Cancelled Source reference B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.3 B18.24.1, B18.24.3 B18.24.2 B18.24.1, B18.24.2, B18.24.3 B18.24.1 B18.24.2 B18.24.3 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 pg 33, upper left quadrant, Size pg 33, upper right quadrant, Size pg 33, lower right quadrant, Size pg 33, lower left quadrant, Size pg 34, upper left quadrant, Size pg 34, upper right quadrant, Size pg 35, upper left quadrant, Size pg 35, upper right quadrant, Size pg 35, lower right quadrant, Size pg 35, lower left quadrant, Size pg 36, upper left quadrant, Size pg 36, upper right quadrant, Size pg 37, upper left quadrant, Size pg 37, upper right quadrant, Size pg 38, upper left quadrant, Size pg 38, upper left quadrant, Length pg 39, upper left quadrant, Size pg 40, upper left quadrant, Size pg 40, upper left quadrant, Length pg 41, upper left quadrant, Size pg 41, upper right quadrant, Size pg 42, upper left quadrant, Size pg 42, upper right quadrant, Size pg 43, upper left quadrant, Size pg 43, upper right quadrant, Size pg 44, upper left quadrant, Size pg 45, upper left quadrant, Size pg 46, upper left quadrant, Size pg 47, upper left quadrant, Size pg 48, upper left quadrant, Size pg 48, upper right quadrant, Size pg 49, upper left quadrant, Size pg 49, upper right quadrant, Size pg 50, upper left quadrant, Size pg 50, upper left quadrant, Size B18.24.1 pgs 25-35, B18.24.3 pgs 51-61 pgs 6-15 B18.24.1 pgs 36-38, B18.24.2 pgs 15-19, B18.24.3 pgs 62-64 pg pg pg pgs 8-18, Tapping Screw to AES*A pgs 8-18, Tapping Screw to AES*B pgs 8-18, Tapping Screw to AES*L pgs 8-18, Tapping Screw to AES*P pgs 8-18, Tapping Screw to AES*R pgs 8-18, Tapping Screw to AES*C pgs 8-18, Tapping Screw to AES*D pgs 8-18, Tapping Screw to AES*F pgs 8-18, Tapping Screw to AES*G pgs 8-18, Tapping Screw to AES*T pgs 8-18, Tapping Screw to AES*U pg 21, Inch Size pg 21, Inch Size pg 23, Metric Size pg 23, Metric Size pg 21, Inch Size pg 21, Inch Size pg 21, Inch Size pgs 18-20, Sems 144 NONMANDATORY APPENDIX B ASME B18.24-2004 Table B-Index B18.24 Legacy Table References from B18.24.1, B18.24.2, and B18.24.3 (Cont’d) B18.24 Table B-159 B-160 B-161 B-162 B-163 B-164 B-165 B-166 B-167 B-168 B-169 B-170 B-171 B-172 Cancelled Source Cancelled Source reference B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 B18.24.1 pgs 18-20, Sems pgs 18-20, Sems pgs 18-20, Sems pgs 18-20, Sems pgs 18-20, Sems pgs 18-20, Sems pgs 18-20, Sems pgs 18-20, Sems pgs 18-20, Sems pgs 18-20, Sems pgs 18-20, Sems pg 21, Inch Size pg 23, Metric Size pg 8, Wood Screws 145 ASME B18.24-2004 M18604