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Asme b16 30 1969 scan (american society of mechanical engineers)

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U S S A T A N D A R D Unfired Pressure Vessel Flange Dimensions Sponsors Mechanical Contractors Association of America Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Published b y THE AMERICAN 345 East 47th Street S O C I E T Y O F M E C H A N I CEANLG I N E E R S United Engineering Center New York, N.Y 10017 OFFICIAL APPhOVW COPY COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers Licensed by Information Handling Services USA STANDARD This USA Standard is one of nearly 3000 staqdads approved a s American Standards by &e American Standards Association On August 24, 1966, the ASA was reconstituted as the United States of America Standards Institute Standards approved as American Standards an now designated USA Standards There is nochangein theirindex identification or technicalcontent Copyrilht 1969 b y T H E A M E R I C A N SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Printed in U S A ii COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers Licensed by Information Handling Services USASTANDARDS COMMITTEE 816 STANDARDIZATION OF PIPE FLANGES AND FITTINGS OFFICERS L H Carr, Chainncn R V Wanick, Secretary STANDARDS COMMITTEE (os of April, 1966) AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE R A Groy, Jr., Mueller Brass Co Port Huron, Mich M W Gorlond, Frick Company, Wayneaboro, Pa f Reed, Alternate, Air Conditioning h Refrigeration Institute, Arlington, Va AMERICAN BOILER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION AND AFFILIATED INDUSTRIES J M Guy, Erie City Iron Works, Erie, Pa AMERICAN BUREAU O F SHIPPING A N Narter, American Bureau of Shipping, New York, N.Y AMERICAN GAS ASSOCIATION J H Miller, Public Service Electric & G a s Co., Newark, N J M Milden, Alternate, American Gas Association, New York, N.Y AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE Division of Refining f Ca//onen Mobil Oil Corp., New York N.Y W Motter, Esso Research h Engineering Co., Florham Park, N.J J Mmney, Alternate, American Petroleum Institute, New Yo&, N.Y Division of Production H H List, Shell Pipeline Corp Houston, T e x a s J E Ubben, Alternate, American Petroleum Institute, Dallas, Texas AMERICAN SOCIETY O F HEATING, REFRIGERATING AND AIR-CONDITIONMG ENGINEERS tC W Hudzietz, Henry Valve Co., New York, N.Y AMERICAN SOCIETY O F MECHANICAL ENGINEERS H A Hoffer, Consultant, Havertown, Pa J T Plmstrom, Consolidated Edison Co of N.Y Inc., New York, N.Y Arthur Roberts, Jr., Lynchburg Foundry, Lynchburg, Va R V Worrick, Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, New Yo&, N.Y AMERICAN SOCIETY OF SANITARY ENGINEERING J C Church, Consultant, Mamaroneck, N.Y Steven Esnn, Jr., Nibco, Inc., Elkhart, Indiana L M Reading, Alternate, Bureau of Plumbing, City of Detroit, Detroit, Wch t Deceased V COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers Licensed by Information Handling Services AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS J E Lotion, Taylor Forge & P i p e Works, Chicago, Ill AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION W J Burns, Dept of Water & Power, Los Angeles, Calif M C Todd, Bur of Engng., Chicago, Ill AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY H A Sosnin, Consulting Engineer, Jenkintown, Pa ASSOCIATION O F AMERICAN RAILROADS Engineering Division H E Grahom, Illinois Central Railroad, Chicago, Ill ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER GROUP G C G i v e n s , Pennsylvania Power & Light, Allentown, Pa G A Olson, Alternote, Edison Electric Institute, 750 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y E C Pandorf, Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co., Cincinnati, Ohio CAST IRON P I P E RESEARCH ASSOCIATION W T M i l l e r , T h e C a s t Iron Pipe Research Assn., Chicago, Ill COPPER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION, INC A Hcim, Copper Development Association, Inc., NewYork, N.Y C H Ellwonger, Alternate, Copper Development Association, Inc., New York, N.Y FLUID COftTROLS INSTITUTE J P Morgan, Robertshaw Controls Company, Knoxville, Tenn GEORGIA ICE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION C T Baker, Consulting Engineer, Atlanta, Ga HYDRAULIC INSTITUTE, THE W c Orborn, Goulds Pumps, Inc., Seneca Falls, N.Y INSTRUMENT SOCIETY O F AMERICA C A, Prior, E I duPont deNemours & Co., k c , Wilmington, Del J E French,Alternate, Instrument Society of America, Pittsburgh, Pa MALLEABLE FOUNDERS’ SOCIETY H J Heine, Malleable Founders’ Society, Cleveland, Ohio MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION H E Atkinson, E I duPont deNemours & Co., Inc.,Wilmington, Del Meode McArdle, Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp., New Haven, Conn MANUFACTURERS STANDARDIZATION SOCIETY O F T H E VALVE AND FITTINGS INDUSTRY H M Burns, Stockham Valves & Fittings, Inc.,Birmingham, Ala Wm H e i l i g , T h e Wm Powell Company, Cincinnati, Ohio E C P e t r i e , Crane Co., 4100 So Kedzie Ave., Chicago, Ill C H Simon, Darling Valve & Mfg Co., Williamsport, Pa MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION O F AMERICA, INC E Thomson Best, Frank A McBride Co., Paterson, N J P A Bourquin, Wolff & Munier, Inc., New York, N.Y L B Kromer, Jr., Alternate, Mechanical Contractors Assn of America, Inc., New York, N.Y MECHANICAL PACKING ASSOCIATION, INC H H Dunkle, Johns-Manville Corp., New York, N.Y NATIONAL ASSOCIATION O F PLUMBING CONTRACTORS W J Murphy, J L Murphy, I n c New York, N.Y NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REFRIGERATED WAREHOUSES A W Ookley, Hudson Refrigeration Co., Jersey City, N.J NATIONAL AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER & FIRE CONTROL ASSOCIATION, I N C J R Welshman, G r i m e l l Corp., Providence, R.I vi COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers Licensed by Information Handling Services NEW ENGLAND WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION J Porter Hennings, Portland Water District Portland, Me F J Turnbull, Fay, Spofford Ik Thorndike, Inc., Boston, Mass P I P E FABRICATION INSTITUTE A B Donkerslcy, Grinnell Corp., Providence, R.I RUBBER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION Richard G Rcmsdell, Parker Seal Company, Culver City, Calif William Johnson, Alternate, Goshen Rubber Co., Inc., Goshen, Ind SOCIETY O F NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND MARINE ENGINEERS A N Norter, American Bureau of Shipping, New York, N.Y SOCIETY OF PLASTICS ENGINEERS, INC Fronk W Reinhart, Silver Spring, Md Bryce N Batrer, Plastiline, Inc., Pompano Beach, Fla C o l i n C Conpbell, Alternote, Society of Plastics Engineers, Inc., Stamford, Conn SOCIETY OF THE PLASTICS INDUSTRY, THE D W Boird, Cabot Corp., Santa Ana, Calif C R Owen, R 8s G Sloane Manufacturing Div., West Caldwell, N.J Fronk W Reinhort, Silver Spring, Md U.S COAST GUARD Lt J L Howard, U.S Coast Guard Headquarters, Washington, U.S DEPARTMENT O F THE NAVY D T Pepper, Naval Ships Engineering Center, Washington, INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS L H Corr, San Luis Obispo, Calif D K Greenwold, Ladish Co., Cudahy Wis J H Rickermon, The M W Kellogg Co., New York, N.Y vii COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers Licensed by Information Handling Services D.C D.C USA STANDARD UNFIRED PRESSURE VESSEL FLANGE DIMENSIONS to similar 2.3 flanges Loosetype ASME U P V code illustratidn UA 48-la are limited to a maximum vessel wall thickness of 0.50 inches Scooe 1.1 To providedimensionsforunfiredpressure vessel flanges based on the ASME Unified P r e s s u r e Vessel (UPV) code formulas and specifi2.4 Welded-type flanges similar to AWE U P V code illustration UA 48-8a are limited to a maxications and on proportions established by design mum flange thickness of inches practices of many large industrial users 1.2 To provideenoughsizeandpressure choicestoincludethemajority of thevesselsrange used 2.6 Flanges listed cover the requirements for the listed operating conditions and gasket seating pressure requirements 1.3 To providethe consistent operation most economicalflanges with satisfactory installation and Where flanges are subject to other stresses s u c h as bending due to wind l o d on a tower o r induct work applications, stress calculations must be m a d e and an appropriately heavier flange selected 1.4 To provide a design which permits the use of a wide variety of gasket materials 1.5 To establish interchangeability among loosetype (example: ASME UPV code illustration UA-48- la)* and welded-type(example: ASME UPV illustration UA 48-8a) for equivalent vesseldiameters and operating pressures Sizes, Allowable Stresses 3.1 Thestandardisbasedonanallowable working stress for the flange material of 13,750 pounds per square inch Pressures and L i m i t s 2.1 F l a n g e s for v e s s e l s with outside diameters given in inches of , 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60, 63, 66, 69, 72, 75, 78, 81, 84, 87, 90, 93, 96, 99, 102, 105, 108, 111, 114, 117 and 120 are listed for working as pressuresgiveninparagraph2.2andlimited specified in paragraphs 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5 3.2 Thestandard is basedonanallowable working s t r e s s for the vessel material of 11,687 (13,750 x 85 percent weld factor) 3.3 Vesselshellthicknessesarecalculated by theformulasgiveninthe ASME U P V code UG 27 2.2 Flanges for v e s s e l s with workingpressures in pounds per square inch of 50, 100, 150, 200, 4oo, 450, 550, 6oo, 650, 700, 250, 3oo, 3.4 Materialswhichmatch the s t r e s s e s u s e d inthestandardincludesuch commonly usedplate m a t e r i a l s a s SA-20 l A , SA-285C, and bar material from -20 A 306 Grade 55 intemperatureranges to 650 F Some carbon-silicon and stainless alloysarehigherin thes.e temperatureranges Where special alloyortemperatureconditions markedly affect the strength it will be necessary to considerthisdifferenceinthechoiceof a flange.Corrosionallowancesarenormally rew i r e d in thevesselshellbutarenotincluded in 750, and 800 25 and 75 pounds per square inch pressures are included for v e s s e l s 48 inches outside diameter and larger Frrpurnt reference is made to the ASME B o i l e r and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Unfired PresBure Ves8els1 in thia text Therereferences arechsrncterized by the initi.,s ,,upv,, md to p.mgt.pkr carryiq the U A UG, or U N C calculations the COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers Licensed by Information Handling Services 2.5 All flangesarelimitedto a bolt diameter of 5/8 inchesthrough 1-5/8 inches USA STANDARD Bolting,Allowable for Bolts and Nuts outside diameter of the raised face which leaves a clearance of 1/8 inchesbetweengasketoutof thecentered sidediameterandinsideedge bolts See Fig Stress andSpecifications 4.1 T h e number of bolts usedwastaken as the largest multiple of contained in the number of inches in the outside diameterof the vessel 5.3 Thebasicgasketseatingwidth bo is taken a s N/2 with flange facings asshown in the AShlE UPV Code Table UA 49.2 la and lb The effectivegasketseatingwidth b i s calculated from the formula b = 0.5 Go 4.2 The bolt circle was selected based on the following considerations a)Aclearance of 1/8 inchesbetween centered gasket and centered bolts 5.4 T h e u s e of thesestandardflanges with b) Nointerferencebetween outside diameter othergaskettypesrequiresthefollowing adofwrenchsocketoncenteredboltandtoe of justments ASME U P V Code minimum weldonwelded-type a) The dimensions of the alternate gasket flanges (UA 48-8a) are to be adjusted so that the factor (2b x 3.14 c) A clearance of at l e a s t 1/8 inches b e G m P ) in UA 49 formula i s no greater than it is when rn = 2.5 a s used in this standard of tween centered socket wrench and the comer the nut on the next centered bolt b) The dimensions of the alternate gasket 4.3 The standard is based on a maximum bolt s t r e s s of 20,000 psi are to be adjusted so thatthe minimum initial boltloadrequiredto seat the gasket a s determined by UA 49 formula ( W m z = 3.14bCy) is no greater than it is when y = 2;900 a s u s e d in this standard Boltingmaterialswhichmeetthestress 87 for -20 to requirement include SA-193 Grade 800 F c) The diameter of the alternate gasket is to beadjusted so that h , , theradialdistance to the bolt circle, from thegasketloadreaction is no greater than that used in this Standard (See 5.3 which establishes b which determines hc) 4.4 The standard is based on bolt thRading specified as UNC-2A for inchandsmallerand 8N-2A for larger sizes All threads a s per USA StandardB1.1' If otherthreading is usedthe variationinneteffectivecrosssectional area must be considered a) The dimensions of the gasket are to be adjusted as required by the nature of the gasket contactsurfaces as' shownin Table UA 49.2 which dictates bo, b and k 4.5 Nuts to be A 194 C l a s s 2H o r equivalent T h e u s e of washers is optional.Clearance is providedfortheuse of high strength structural washers ASTM 325 A medium carbon steel, quenched and tempered e ) Additional thickness is to be added to theflangethicknessgivenin this standard to compensate for materialremovedwhenmachining for ring joint or tongue and groove gaskets 4.6 The flange design bolt load is calculated from UA 49 formula4whichrecognizesthatthe bolts are usually slightly oversize and provides a margin againstabuse of theflange from over bo1tin g Note that in all cases for loose-type flanges,Fig UA-48 requires that hc be taken atmid-point of contactbetweenflangeandlap independentofgasketlocation.Thismustbe considered in choosing alternate gasketing to be sure that gasket diameters and widths are appropriately established Gaskets 5.1 Thestandardisbased on gasketfactor = 2.5 and minimum design seating stress y = 2,900 rn When spiral-wound type gaskets are used, the following proportions are recommended: 5.2 Thestandardisbasedongasketswith inside diameters equal to the vessel inside diametersandoutsidediametersequaltothe Outerguideringoutsidediameter (O.D.) equal bolt circle (B.C.) minus one bolt diameter Gasket O.D maximum equal raised face diameter minus !/1 inch (I.D.) maximum equal Gasketinsidediameter gasket O.D minus inch ' U S A Standard Bl.1-1960 U n i f i e d Screw Threads, published by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers New York City COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers Licensed by Information Handling Services OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF FLANGE ~ I DIAMETER OF BOLT CIRCLE I BOLT DIAMETER PLUS 1/a INCH FLANGE THICKNESS, INTEGRAL (Not including Height of Raised Face) VESSEL OUTSIDE DIAMETER FLANGE BORE, INTEGRAL (Minimum for Assembly but not to exceedBore for o lo s e type) WELDING REQUIREMENTS PER ASME CODE SECTION Vlll (SAME AS INTEGRAL TYPE FLANGE FIG.UA - 48 ( E d ASME CODE SECTION VIII) OLT DIAMETER ICKNES OF LAP EQUAL OR GREATER THAN FLANGE THICKNESS, TWO TIMES CLEARANCE LOOSE TYPE FLANGE (SAME AS FIG UA -48 (la) ASME CODE SECTION VIII) Figure COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers Licensed by Information Handling Services USA STANDARD 7.3 To assure satisfactoryoperation,care must be taken in the welding and machining of the flange, the choice of thepropergasketand the final assembly of gasketandflanges.Bolts should be tightened to the proper loading and a proper sequence of tightening should be observed Gasket I.D minimum equalgasket O.D minus 1% inchesbutnever less thanvessel I.D plus % inch Inner ring L D maximum equal gasket I.D minus Inches Innerring I.D minimum equalvessel I.D p l u s 2, inches 7.4 In all cases bolt circlediameters are kept as s m a l l a s possibleconsistentwithrequired wrench clearances and gasket widths adequate forhandlingandsafety from blowout This minimizes the moment ann h~ and reduces thethickness of theflange,thusassuringan economical design 5.5 'In case of doubt it is recommendedthat thegasketmanufacturer be contactedtodeter mine gasket characteristics and application recommendations Marking 6.1 Each flangeshallbestamped on the edge withfiguresnot less than % inchhigh which gives the following information: 7.5 A largeselectionofvessel sizes and designpressures is given T h i s permits each u s e r to choose from thelargenumbergiven a smaller group whichwillcoverhisparticular needsandwhichwillafford maximum economy and standardization a) Vessel outside diameterin inches inch F b) Design pressure in pounds per square c) Operating temperature limits in degrees 7.6 Hubtypeflangeswhichwouldslipover the outside of the vessel and be used as a loosetypeflange(Fig UA-48 and 3) werenotincluded in this standard since wrench clearances requiredby t h e e x i s t e n c e of the hub forced the bolt circle out and matedally increased the size of t h e flange Weldingneckflangeswhichhave t h e same inside diameter a s the vessel and butt weld to the vessel wall are especially desirable and find wide application in the higher pressure and temperature ranges a) Flange material specification number e) Manufacturers name or trademark General Considerations 7.1 Assembly clearances for loose-type flangeswerechosen as 0.06 inches for flanges up to 39 inchvesseloutsidedianeter, 0.09 inches for 39 inches through 66 inches and 0.13 inchesabove 66 inches;allgiven as radius clearances (The differences between flange insidediameterandvesseloutsidediameter are 0.13 inch, 0.19 inch and 0.25 inch, respectively.) 7.7 ASME UPVCode UA-48, paragraph 3, permitsflangeswhich are welded to the v e s s e l to be sizedaccording to the loose-typeflange caladations provided none of the following values is exceeded go = inch; B / g o = 300; P = 300 psi;operatingtemperature = 700 F go = thickness of the hub at the small end (in t h i s case the vessel wall thickness); B = inside diameter of the flange (in this case the vessel inside diameter); P = design pressure, pounds per squareinch.Theseoption@flangeswerenot included 7.2 The contacting faces between the top of t h e l o o s e t y p e f l a n g e and the bottom of the vessel lap must both be machined to a s s u r e uniform flange to lap contact Also the top of the v e s s e l lap flangemust be machinedforuniformity of gasketloading.Thetop,innercomer of the l o o s e t y p e f l a n g e is to be machined with a bevel or radius to avoid bearing on the radius of the vessel-lap connection COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers Licensed by Information Handling Services UNFIRED PRESSURE VESSEL FLANGE DIMENSIONS Unfired Pressure Vessel Flange Dimensions Outside Diameter Pressure of Flange Diameter Diameter of of Bolt Bolts Circle Flange Bore Flanee Thickness lnt@g18l I ~ootr Vessel Vessel Raised Face Wall Inside Outside Thickness Diameter Diameter Vessel Outside Diameter, 26 Inches, 24 Bolts 0.13 25.75 27.75 26.13 1.69 1.90 28.63 2.00 28.63 2.38 28.83 29.01 2.69 29.18 2.94 50 100 150 200 250 30.13 30.13 30.58 31.07 31.18 300 350 400 450 500 3.06 31.680.33 25.34 29.4328.18 26.13 32.34 29.84 0.38 25.2328.46::26.13 3.38 32.49 29.99 17 3.6 33.14 0.49 26.13 3.94 IO.3925.0128.8914 33.30 30.55 29.05 1?4 24.91 550 600 650 700 33.95 34.10 34.75 34.90 30.95 31.10 1.50 31.65 750 800 35.55 35.70 32.05 32.20 1Yr 1B 134 154 1.8 2.19 2.50 2.8 3.19 3.44 3.69 3.94 4.06 26.13 26.13 26.13 26.13 27.75 27.83 27.94 28.05 25.75 25.67 25.56 25.45 0.13 0.17 0.22 0.28 0.44 25.12 28.62 26.1.3 0.55 4.31 4.50 4.69 4.88 29.32 29.47 29.75 29.90 24.80 24.69 24.59 24.48 0.60 0.65 0,71 0.76 5.06 5.19 30.18 30.32 24.37 24.27 0.81 0.87 28.75 28.84 28.96 29.07 26.75 26.66 26.54 26.43 0.13 0.17 0.23 0.29 29.22 27.13 27.13 29.51 0.46 26.09 29.66 27.13 0.5125.98 29.95 26.31 26.20 0.34 0.40 30.39 30.67 30.83 31.11 31.26 25.75 25.64 25.53 25.42 25.31 0.62 0.68 0.73 0.79 0.84 29.75 29.86 27.75 27.64 0.13 0.18 Vessel Outside Diameter, 27 Inches, 24 Bolts 50 100 150 200 250 31.13 0.13 29.63 26.75 28.75 27.13 '4 1.69 1.94 2.06 31.13 29.63 31.59 2.44 29.84 32.08 30.08 2.75 lL 3.06 32.57 30.32 300 350 400 450 500 32.72 33.38 33.54 34.20 34.860.57 30.47 30.88 31.04 31.45 31.86 25.86 550 600 650 700 750 35.0 35.67 35.8 36.48 36.6 32.0 32.42 32.58 32.98 33.14 jf SL '?4 3.31 3.56 3.7 30.23 1% 4.25 'r/r 4.44 4.69 4.8 5.06 5.19 $ 154 1.88 2.25 2.56 288 3.19 3.50 3.8 27.13 27.13 27.13 27.13 Vessel Outside Diameter, 28 Inches,28 Bolts 50 100 150 200 250 30.63 32.13 30.63 32.13 30.86 32.6 31.10 33.10 ;I, 33.22 0.30 31.22 27.41 30.09 28.13 L 3.00 2.00 2.13 2.50 2.8 3.13 0.131.7527.7529.7528.13 28.13 1.9 2.31 28.13 2690.2427.52 29.98 28.13 COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers Licensed by Information Handling Services USA STANDARD Outside - Unfired Pressure Vessel Flange Dimensions (Cont.) D iameter Diameter oi FI ange Circle Bolt Diameter of Flange Thickness Integral I Looso Flange Bore Loose Raised Face Oukide Diameter Vessel Vessel Inside Wall Diameter Thickness Vessel Outside Diameter, 28 Inches, 28 Bolts (Cont.) 300 350 400 450 500 33.76 34.42 34.59 35.25 35.42 31.51 31.92 32.09 32.50 32.6 3.3 3.38 3.6 3.69 la/ 'I4 28.13 3.943.88 4.13 1$ 1% 4.3 550 600 650 700 36-08 36.24 36.90 37.07 33.08 33.24 33.65 33.0 750 37.7 37.89 34.23 34.39 aoo 30.71 1.00 31.17 27.29 27.17 27.05 26.94 26.82 0.36 0.41 0.47 0.53 0.59 11g'5 4.56 4.75 4.94 5.13 31.45 31.62 31.90 32.07 26.7 26.59 26.48 26.36 0.65 0.70 0.76 0.8 lS& 5.31 5.50 32.35 3251 26.25 26.13 0.88 0.93 13L 154 30.2628.13 30.55 28.13 Vessel Outside Diameter, 30 Inches, 28 Bolts 50 100 150 200 250 34.13 34.13 34.63 35.13 35.65 32.63 32.6 32.88 33.13 33.40 2.06 2.25 2.6 3.00 3.31 300 350 400 450 500 35.83 36.51 37.18 37.36 38.03 33-58 32.33 30.13 3.50 34.0 1% 34.43 32.9 34.6 33.11 1% 35.0 134 3.56 88 4.13 4.38 4.6 550 600 650 700 750 30.21 38.88 39.06 39.73 39.90 35.21 35.63 35.8 36.23 36.40 4.8 5.06 '" lH 154 1.8 2.00 2.44 2.8 3.19 30.13 30.13 30.13 30.13 30.13 31.75 31.76 31.811 32.0-1 32.15 29.75 29.74 29.62 29.49 29.36 0.13 0.13 0.19 0.25 0.32 3.8 32.6 30.13 3 33.4 29.24 29.11 28.99 28.86 28.74 0.38 0.44 0.5 0.57 0.63 33.58 33.88 34.06 34.36 34.53 28.6 28.49 28.37 28.25 28.12 0.69 0.75 0.82 0.88 0.94 31.75 1.73 31.59 31.46 31.32 0.13 0.14 0.20 0.27 0.34 31.19 31.05 30.92 30.79 30.65 0.4 0.47 0.54 0.6 0.67 5.44 5.63 Vessel Outside Diameter, 32 Inches, 32 Bolts 50 100 150 200 250 36.13 36.15 36.66 37.17 37.7 34.6 :f 2.13 34.6533.77 32.13 34.9 i 35.17 ' A 3.00 34.21 32.131 " 3.30 35.46 300 350 400 450 500 37.90 38.59 39.20 39.4735.22 40.15 35.65 36.09 36.53 36.72 37.15 35.5 33.75 32.13 1.88 2.13 2.38 2.6 2.8 3.19 3.50 3.7 34.732.134.06 4.06 'I41% 4-38 1% 4.56 ' 4.88 3.7 34.40 32.1.3 34.04 35.03 COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers Licensed by Information Handling Services 32.13 33.91 3213 34.13 UNFIRED PRESSURE VESSEL FLANGE DIMENSIONS Unfired Pressure Vessel Flange Dimensions (Cont.1 Pressure Outside Diameter of Flange Diameter of Bo1t Circle Diameter of Bolts Flange Thickness Integral I ~ooso Flange Bore Loose Raised Face Outside Diameter 1 Vessel Inside Vessel Wall Thickness Diameter Vessel Outside Diameter, 32 Inches, 32 Bolts (Cont.) 550 600 650 700 750 40.34 1.0 41.21 41.90 42.0 37.34 37.70 37.96 38.40 38.58 ”’ 1H 154 SA 30.52 30.39 30.26 30.13 30.00 0.74 0.80 0.87 0.94 1.00 32.75 32.72 32.58 32.44 32.30 0.13 0.14 0.2 0.28 0.35 36.59 32.16 32.02 1.89 1.75 31.61 0.42 0.49 0.56 0.63 0.69 37.60 37.80 1.48 31.34 31.2037.29 1.07 30.94 0.76 0.83 0.90 0.97 1.0 33.75 33.7 33.57 33.42 33.20 0.13 0.14 0.22 0.29 0.36 33.14 32.99 32.85 32.71 32.57 0.43 0.50 0.57 0.64 0.72 32.43 32.29 32.15 32.01 0.79 0.06 0.92 0.99 35.72 36.03 36.21 36.52 36.7 5.06 5.31 5.44 5.69 5.88 Vessel Outside Diameter, 33 Inches, 32 Bolts 35.24 37.13 2.13 50 37.162.4 100 150 2.6 37.672.88 200 38.19 3.44 3.56 250 38.74 33.13 35.63 35.66 34.70 33.13 35.92 36.1935.06 33.13 3.06 3.25 36.49 ;’ 300 350 400 36.27 450 500 39.44 39.6 40.33 40.52 41.21 35.56 33.13ll& 3.88 36.94 37.13 35.76 33.13 4.19 l% 37.58 1% 37.17 134 38.21 550 600 650 700 750 41.41 42.10 42.29 42.98 43.17 38.41 38.85 39.04 39.48 39.61 5.13 5.44 1.88 34.75 33.13 2.19 34.92 33.13 154 3.88 4.19 4.44 4.69 4.94 36.08 5.8 6.00 Vessel Outside Diameter, 34 Inches, 32 Bolts 50 38.13 100 38.16 150 2.1 30.602.94 200 39.20 250 39.773.6 3.94 38.62 39.72 40.56 37.91 40.47 300 350 38.17 40.6736.80 41.31 400 39.07 450 42.07 39.27 500 42.27 35.75 36.6 34.13 1.88 2.19 36.6635.79 34.13 2.25 2.50 36.93 3.19 3.31 37.20 36.08 34.13 37.52 36.27 34.13 1’ it 4.00 42.97 550 600 39.9243.1738.17 650 40.3743.07 44.06 700 ’”11%’4 1% 4.25 4.56 4.88 5.06 lSh 5.56 5.81 5.94 I*’ 37.45 37.65 ’’ 35.93 34.13 3.56 37.12 38.49 38.69 COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers Licensed by Information Handling Services USA STANDARD Unfircd Pressure Vessel Flange Dimensions (Cont.1 Pressure , I Outside Diameter of Diameter of Bolt Circle Flange Flange Thickness Bolts tntrgrr~ Loose Of Loose Bore Raised Vessel Vessel Face Inside Outside Diameter Diameter Thickness Vessel Outside Diameter, 36 Inches, 36 Bolts 50 100 150 20 250 40.13 40.18 40.7 41.24 1.83 300 350 40 450 42.54 42.76 43.47 43.68 500 550 600 44.39 45.10 45.31 38.6 38.68 38.96 39.24 39.58 2.2 2.5 3.06 3.50 3.8 1 40.04 36.13 4.19 38.67 40.26 38.88 l'A liA 40.7 1% 39.43 40.93 1% 41.39 1.85 42.06 1' A lH 1% 2.00 2.38 2.88 3.31 3.1 36.13 36.13 36.13 36.13 36.13 4.19 4.44 4.75 5.00 37.75 31.81 37.96 38.11 38.33 39.22 39.77 40.10 40.31 5.3 5.56 5.75 35.75 35.69 35.54 35.39 35.24 0.13 0.15 0.23 0.31 0.38 35.09 34.93 34.78 34.63 0.46 0.53 0.61 0.68 34.49 34.34 34.19 0.76 0.83 0.91 37.75 37.68 37.51 31.35 37.19 0.13 0.16 0.24 0.32 0.40 0.48 0.56 0.64 0.72 Vessel Outside Diameter, 38 Inches, 36 Bolts 39.99 38.13 39.82 42.13 40.63 38.13 I2.00 50 39.75 /c 38.13100 2.50 42.202.69 40.70 42.74 3.06 150 3.25 40.99 43.27 41.27 rL 20 43.89 40.39 41.64 38.13 13.94 250 ? 2.31 3.6 4.00 3.50 40.15 38.13 300 350 40 450 44.62 40.74 42.1238.13 42.59 41.09 45.34 42.8 45.56 43.29 46.29 14.38 1% 1!4 ~ 4.38 4.69 5.00 5.3 41.31 41.66 37.03 36.88 36:72 36.56 50 550 47.0 47.23 1% 1% 5.56 5.8 42.0 42.23 36.40 36.24 0.80 0.88 38.75 38.67 38.50 38.34 38.17 0.13 0.17 0.25 0.33 0.41 0.50 0.58 0.66 0.14 0.82 0.90 43.76 43.98 Vessel Outside Diameter, 39 Inches, 36 Bolts 39.19 50 2.50 100 150 20 250 43.13 43.58 44.12 44.69 44.92 300 350 400 450 45.65 46.38 47.11 41.34 500 550 48.07 48.30 41.63 39.19 40.75 41.83 42.12 42.44 42.67 p 2.00 2.31 2.75 A 41.003.3 139.19 3.56 3.69 14.00 4.06 43.1541.78 39.191iA 4.50 1% 43.6 42.4944.1 44.34 =A '" 44.82 45.05 COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers Licensed by Information Handling Services 1% 1H 3.06 41.42 39.19 39.19 1.19 4.44 4.8 5.13 5.38 42.72 38.01 37.85 37.68 37.52 5.69 5.94 43.07 43.30 37.36 37.20 42.13 UNFIRED PRESSURE VESSEL FLANGE DIMENSIONS Unfired Pressure Vessel Flange D i m c n s i m (Coat.) Pressure Outside Diameter Diameter of of Bolt Circle Flange 50 100 150 200 250 44.13 44.22 44.1 45.30 45.95 42.63 42.72 43.0 43.30 43.1 300 350 40 450 46.69 47.42 47.66 48.40 44.19 44.67 44.9 45.40 500 48.63 49.36 45.63 46.11 550 Diameter of Bolts Flange Thickness I Raised Face Outside Diameter 40.19 40.19 40.19 40.19 40.19 41.75 41.84 4201 42.18 42.45 39.75 39.66 39.49 39.32 39.15 0.13 0.11 0.26 0.34 0.42 38.98 38.82 38.65 38.48 0.51 0.59 0.68 0.76 ~ooro Vessel Outside Diameter, I lncbes, 40 Bolts lntrgrrl Vessel Vessel Wal Inside Diameter Thickness Flange Bore Loose 2.38 2.8 3.38 3.75 4.19 4.56 ‘4 ” 5.50 42.8 43.17 43.41 43.77 15 5.75 6.00 44.00 44.36 38.32 38.15 0.84 0.92 43.15 43.86 44.04 44.26 44.63 41.75 41.64 41.46 41.29 41.11 0.13 0.18 0.27 0.36 0.45 44.88 45.26 45.63 45.88 46.25 40.93 40.76 40.58 40.41 40.23 0.53 0.62 0.71 0.80 0.88 46.75 46.88 47.07 47.33 47.72 44.75 44.62 44.43 44.24 44.05 0.13 0.19 0.29 0.38 0.48 47.99 48.38 4.77 49.04 43.86 43.67 43.48 43.29 0.51 0.61 0.76 0.85 48.19 49.15 48.19 47.75 49.75 49.81 49.91 48.19 50.11 41.75 0.13 0.13 0.15 0.20 0.31 74 ”’ 2.06 2.6 3.19 3.69 4.13 Vessel Outside Diameter, 42 Inches, 40 Bolts 50 100 150 200 250 46.13 46.6 47.16 47.76 48.5 44.6 44.86 45.16 45.5 46.0 300 48.76 49.5 50.26 50.50 51.25 46.26 46.16 41.26 7.50 48.00 350 400 50 500 1 2.38 2.94 3.50 3.9 4.38 1% 4.15 5.06 5.44 5.69 6.00 s/ $ ’ ’” l’ 1’4 2.06 2.69 3.31 3.8 4.31 42.19 42.19 42.19 42.19 42.19 Vessel Outside Diameter, 45 Inches, 44 Bolts 50 100 150 200 250 49.13 49.6 50.20 50.83 1.60 41.63 47.88 48.20 48.58 49.10 300 350 400 50 51.87 52.63 53.40 53.66 49.37 49.88 50.40 50.66 2.13 43.50 4.06 1I lU 1” 2.50 3.13 3.69 4.19 4.6 2.88 4.6 45.19 45.19 45.19 45.19 45.19 5.00 5.38 5.75 6.00 Vessel Outside Diameter, 48 Inches, 18 Bolts 25 50 15 100 150 52.13 52.13 52.18 52.66 53.24 50.63 50.6 50.68 50.9 51.24 s h2.25 2.56 2.25 2.56 48.19 2.69 2.94 3.3148.19 3.06 ?4 3.88 3.1 :f c COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers Licensed by Information Handling Services 47.69 41.59 47.39 USA STANDARD Unfired Pressure Vessel Flange Dimensions (Cont.) Pressure Outside Diameter Diameter of Bo It of Circle Flange Diamete, Flange Thickness Of Bolts Integral I Loose Flange Bore Loose Raised Face Outside Diameter Vessel Vessel Wall Inside Diameter Thickness Vessel Outside Diameter, 48 Inches, 48 Bolts (Cont.) 52.72 52.19 53.0 200 250 300 50 4053.54 53.90 54.69 55.47 55.76 56.54 1 1.65 50.81 4.3 4.38 4.88 1v4 3h 1 5.63 6.00 55.13 55.13 55.20 55.68 56.28 200 250 55.83 300 56.38 350 54.73 56.98 57.78 58.58 59.38 53.63 53.63 53.70 53.93 54.28 ;L 55.28 53.90 llh 54.33 1% 54.76 13 2.6 2.6 3.06 3.44 4.13 4.6 5.13 5.56 6.00 2.25 2.3 2.8 3.25 3.94 51.19 51.19 51.19 51.19 51.19 4.6 53.48 51.19 Vessel Outside Diameter, 25 50 75 100 150 58.13 58.13 sa 22 58.71 59.31 I 56.6 h 2.3 56.63 55.75 54.19:L 2.44 56.72 56.96 57.31 '4 200 56.99 250 300 60.05 60.87 61.69 57.80 58.37 58.94 i 1% 61.13 1.13 1.24 61.74 150 60.35 62.35 63.62 200 61.46 63.96 250 59.63 58.75 57.19 :h 2.38 59.6 h 59.74 58.86 57.19 3.13 59.99 52.75 52.75 52.83 52.93 53.15 50.75 50.75 50.67 50.57 50.35 0.1.3 0.13 0.16 0.22 0.33 50.13 49.92 49.70 49.49 0.43 0.54 0.65 0.75 53.75 53.75 53.65 53.54 53.31 0.13 0.13 0.17 0.23 0.34 53.08 52.85 52.63 0.46 0.57 0.69 56.75 56.75 56.64 56.5 0.13 0.13 0.18 0.24 56.27 56.03 55.79 0.36 0.48 0.60 54 Inches, 52 Bolts 2.69 2.69 3.00 3.25 3.6 3.38 4.3 56.19 54.194.19 55.75 54.19 54.19 54.19 4.856.55 54.194.88 5.38 5.8 Vessel Outside Diameter, 25 50 75 100 0.41 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 51 Inches, 48 Bolts Vessel Outside Diameter, 25 50 75 100 150 51.51 1.92 47.18 46.98 46.78 46.58 46.38 50.40 48.19 55.85 55.96 57.44 57 Inches, 56 Bolts 2.75 2.8 158.75 57.192.56 3.38 58.99 3.81 57.19 3.56 59.23 57.19' h 4.38 4.50 1.12 59.75 57.19 5.13 5.13 60.08 1h 5.63 Vessel Outside Diameter, 60 Inches, 60 Bolts 60.19 60.19 3.25 2.50 2.88 2562.63 64.13 64.13 50 62.63 75 3.50 62.88 64.63 100 63.0 64.76 ! i ?4 1.75 61.76 60.19 2.69 2.94 4.00 62.0160.19 3.75 10 COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers Licensed by Information Handling Services 59.75 59.74 59.62 59.49 0.13 Q.13 0.19 0.26 UNFIRED PRESSURE VESSEL FLANGE DIMENSIONS Unfired Pressure Vessel Pressure Outside Diameter Diameter of Diameter of Bolt of Bolts Circle Flange Flange Dimensions (Cont.1 Flange Thickess I ~ntrgra~ ~ o o r r Flange Bore Loose Raised Face Outside Diameter Vessel Vessel Wall Inside Diameter Thickness Vessel Outside Diameter, 60 Inches, 60 Bolts (Cont.) 150 62.82 200 250 65.83 66.69 67.55 63.58 62.33 60.191 4.56 64.19 114 64.80 1% 4.69 5.38 5.94 63.30 59.23 58.98 58.73 0.38 0.51 0.64 64.75 64.77 64.90 62.75 62.73 62.60 0.13 0.13 0.20 62.46 62.20 1.93 0.27 0.40 0.54 65.75 65.72 65.58 0.13 0.14 0.21 65.44 65.16 64.88 0.28 0.42 0.56 70.79 70.94 68.75 68.71 68.56 0.13 0.15 0.22 1.09 1.50 68.41 68.12 67.83 0.29 0.44 0.59 Vessel Outside Diameter, 63 Inches, 60 Bolts 25 50 75 67.13 67.14 67.6 65.63 65.64 65.90 2.88 3.06 3.69 2.50 2.8 3.38 63.19 63.19 63.19 100 150 200 68.16 68.89 69.76 65.89 66.1665.04 63.19 ' b 3.88 4.13 66.64 4.8 4.88 67.26 5.56 65.3963.19 % Vessel Outside Diameter, 25 50 75 70.13 70.16 70.67 68.63 68.66 68.92 100 150 200 1.19 1.94 72.84 69.19 68.06 66.19 '4 4.06 4.31 69.69 68.44 66.191 5.06 5.06 70.34 68.96 '4 5.75 3.00 3.19 3.8 66 Inches, 64 Bolts 2.56 2.9 3.56 5/ 73.13 3.17 13.69 1.63 1.67 1.94 100 150 200 74.21 75.00 75.9 72.21 ' A69.254.25 4.50 69.255.25 5.25 2.75 73.41 72.03 l4 6.00 b % 3.0 670.75 69.252.63 3.00 3.31 3.69 4.00 Vessel Outside Diameter, 25 50 75 76.13 76.18 76.7 74.63 74.68 74.96 100 150 17.24 78.05 75.24 75.80 67.75 67.78 67.92 69 Inches, 68 Bolts Vessel Outside Diameter, 25 50 75 66.19 66.19 66.19 69.25 69.25 72 Inches, 72 Bolts 54 % 3.13 3.50 4.13 2.69 3.13 3.8 72.25 2.25 12.25 73.75 73.8 1 3.96 1.75 1.69 71.54 0.13 0.15 0.23 'b 4.6 5.50 4.38 5.50 72.25 72.25 74.11 14.55 1.39 1.08 0.31 0.46 11 COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers Licensed by Information Handling Services USA STANOARD Unfired Pressure Vessel Flange Dimensions (Cont.1 Pressure Outside Diameter of Diameter Bolt of Circle Flanp Diameter of Bolts ' Flange Thickness ~ntogrr~ ~oorr I Bore Loose Raised Face Outside Diameter Vessel Inside Vessel Wall Thickness Diameter Vessel Outside Diameter, 75 Inches, 72 Bolts 25 50 15 19.13 19.20 19.13 100 150 80.26' 1.10 - 11.63 11.70 77.98 18.26 18.85 'A 3.13 3.6 4.31 2.69 3.25 4.00 15.25 15.25 15.25 16.15 16.82 76.98 14.15 14.68 14.52 0.13 0.16 0.24 4.8 5.69 4.56 5.69 15.25 15.25 11.14 11.60 14.36 14.04 0.32 0.48 Vessel Outside Diameter, 73 Inches, 76 Bolts 25 50 15 2.13 82.21 82.15 80.63 80.1 1.00 100 150 83.29 84.66 1.29 82.16 I b 3.19 3.1 4.44 2.1 3.44 4.13 78.25 18.25 18.25 19.15 19.83 80.00 11.15 11.61 11.50 0.13 0.11 0.25 ?L 4.9 5.94 4.15 5.94 18.25 78.25 80.17 80.18 11.33 11.00 0.33 0.50 81.25 82.15 80.15 81.25 81.25 83.02 83.19 80.48 80.31 0.13 0.11 0.26 0.35 1'A Vessel Outside Diameter, 111 Inches, 80 Bolts 25 50 15 100 85.13 85.22 85.11 6.32 $ 3.6 83.12 84.02 84.32 2.0 3.56 4.31 4.9 3.31 80.65 82.853.8881.25 4.56 5.13 I Vessel Oukide Diameter, 84 Inches, 84 Bolts 25 50 15 100 88.13 88.23 88.79 89.34 86.6 86.13 81.04 87.34 0.13 2.8 03.15 3.38 85.1584.25 3.69 4.00 4.15 4.44 5.13 L 5.25 84.25 84.25 84.25 85.86 0.18 83.64 86.04 0.21 83.46 86.22 0.36 83.28 Vessel Outside Diameter, 87 Inches, 84 Bolts 25 50 15 100 91.13 1.25 1.8 92.31 89.63 89.15 90.06 90.37 I A ?L 3.38 4.13 4.88 5.44 81.25 2.88 0.19 3.8 86.63 88.8787.25 4.63 89.06 87.25 81.25 5.3 88.15 86.15 0.13 89.24 86.44 86.26 0.28 0.37 91.15 91.88 92.08 92.21 89.15 89.62 89.42 09.23 0.13 0.19 0.29 Vessel Outside Diameter, 90 Inches, 88 Bolts 25 50 15 100 94.13 94.26 95.20 95.39 92.63 92.16 3.20 93.39 2.94 3.94 4.69 5.50 3.44 4.25 OO 5.56 12 COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers Licensed by Information Handling Services 90.25 90.25 90.25 90.25 0.38 UNFIRED PRESSURE VESSEL FLANGE DIMENSIONS Unfind Pressure Outside Diameter Diameter of Bolt of Circle Flange Pressure Vessel Flange Dimensions (Cmnt.1 Diameter of Flange Thickness lntrgrrl [ Loose ' Raised Face Outside Diameter Bore Loose Inside Vessel Vessel Wal Thickness Diameter Vessel Outside Diameter, 93 Inches, 92 Bolts 25 50 75 100 97.13 97.65 98.22 98.42 95.63 95.90 96.22 96.42 SL3.00 ic ;b b 3.50 4.31 5.13 5.7 95.29 92.75 9260 2.40 92.21 0.13 0.20 0.30 0.40 97.75 97.91 98.ii 98.4 95.75 95.59 5.39 95.18 0.13 0.20 0.31 0.41 100.92 101.44 98.75 98.58 98.37 98.16 0.13 0.2 0.32 0.42 103.75 103.94 104.15 10 1.75 10 156 10 1.35 0.13 0.22 0.33 1-04.75 104.55 104.33 0.13 0.22 0.34 107.75 107.54 107.31 0.13 0.23 0.35 110.75 110.53 110.29 0.13 0.24 0.36 93.25 4.00 93.25 4.88 95.10 93.25 93.25 5.69 94.75 94.90 Vessel Outside Diameter, 96 Inches, 96 Bolts 25 50 75 100 100.13 100.66 101.24 10 1.91 98.63 98.9 99.24 9.66 3.06 4:13 5.00 3.56 4.44 7b Si25 5.8 5.94 - 96.25 96.25 96.25 96.25 Vessel Outside Diameter, 99 Inches, 96 Bolts 25 50 75 100 103.13 103.67 104.26 104.94 10 1.63 101.92 102.26 102.69 L5.19 3.6 4.56 5.44 3.06 4.25 6.00 100.75 99.25 99.25 1.13 99.25 10 99.25 Vessel Outside Diameter, 102 Inches, 100 Bolts 25 50 75 106.13 106.69 107.28 3.13 4.38 5.31 3.69 4.69 5.56 104.63 104.94 105.28 102.25 102.25 102.25 Vessel Outside Diameter, 105 Inches, 25 50 75 109.13 109.70 110.30 3.75 4.8 5.69 107.6 107.95 108.30 3.19 4.50 5.50 104 Bolts 105.25 105.25 105.25 Vessel Outside Diameter, 108 Inches, 108 25 50 75 112.13 112.7 113.32 110.63 110.96 111.32 L 3.7 4.94 5.8 3.25 4.63 5.63 108.25 108.25 108.25 106.75 106.95 107.17 Bolts 109.75 109.96 110.19 Vessel Outside Diameter, 111 Inches, 108 Bolts 25 50 75 115.13 115.72 116.34 113.63 113.97 114.34 $5.81 L 3.8 5.06 5.94 3.38 4.75 13 COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers Licensed by Information Handling Services 111.25 111.25 111.25 1.12.75 112.97 113.21 USA STANDARD Unfired Pressure Vessel Flange Dimensions (Cent.) Pressure Outside Diameter Diameter of of Bolt Circle Flange Diameter of Bolts Flange Thickness Intelrrt I Flange Loose Raised Face Outside Diameter Vessel Vessel Inside BoreWall Diameter Thickness Vessel Outside Diameter, 114 Inches, 112 Bolts 25 50 75 118.13 118.74 119.35 116.6 116.99 117.35 4.88 2' h 3.88 5.19 3.44 5.94 VesselOutsideDiameter, 25 50 121.13 121.75 3.9 5.3 119.63 120.00 114.25 114.25 114.25 115.75 115.99 116.23 113.75 113.51 113.27 0.13 0.24 0.36 118.75 119.00 116.75 116.50 0.13 0.25 119.74 119.49 0.13 0.26 117 Inches, 116 Bolts 3.50 5.00 117.25 117.25 Vessel Outside Diameter, 120 Inches, 120 Bolts 25 50 124.13 124.76 122.63 123.01 3.63 5.13 4.06 5.44 14 COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers Licensed by Information Handling Services 120.25 120.25 121.76 122.01 USA STANDARDS FOR PIPING PIPE FLANGES AND FITTINGS TITLE OF STANDARD Pipe Threads(Except Dryseal) 82.1-1968 Dryseal PipeThreads B2.2-1968 HoseCoupling Screw Th&ads B2.4-1966 Cast-Iron Pipe Flanges & Flanged Fittings , 125, 250, 800 lb B16.1-1967 Malleable-Iron Screwed Fittings 150 and300 lb B16.3-1963 Cast-Iron Screwed Fittings 125 and 250 lb B16.4-1963 Steel Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings 150, 300, 400, 600, 900, 1500, and Z O O l b (with Appendices) B16.5-1968 Wrought SteelButtwelding Fittings B16.9-1964 Face-to-Face Dimensions of Ferrous Flanged and Welding End Valves B16.10-1957 Forged-Steel Fittings, Socket Weldingand Threaded B16.11-1966 Cast-Iron Threaded Drainage Fittings 816.12-1965 Ferrous Pipe Plugs, Bushings, and Locknuts with Pipe Threads B16.14-1965 Cast-Bronze Screwed Fittings 125 and250 lb B16.15-1964 B16.18-1963 with 1967 Addendum Cast-Bronze Solder-Joint P r e s s u r e Fittings Ring-Joint Gaskets and Grooves for Steel Pipe Flanges B16.20-1963 Nonmetallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges B16.21-1962 Wrought-Copper and Wrought-Bronze Solder-Joint Pressure Fittings B16.22-1963 Cast-Bronze Solder-Joint Drainage Fittings B16.23-1969 Bronze Flanges & Flanged Fittings 150 and 300 lb 816.24-1962 ButtweldingEnds 816.25-1964 Cast-Bronze Fittings for Flared Copper Tubes B16.26-1967 Plastic Insert Fittings for Flexible Polyethylene Pipe 816.27-1962 Wrought-Steel Buttwelding Short Radius Elbows and Returns B16.28-1964 Wrought-Copper and Wrought-Copper Alloy Solder-J0ir.t Drainage Fittings B16.29-1966 Code for Pressure Piping Power Piping 831.1.0-1967 Fuel Gas Piping B31.2-1968 Petrqleum Refinery Pipink B31.3-1966 Liquid Petroleum Transportation Piping Systems B31.4-1966 with 1968 Addendum Refrigeration Piping B31.5-1966 with 1%8 Addendum Nuclear Power Piping ~ (February 1968 Draft) Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems B31.8-1968 Wrought-Steeland Wrought-Iron Pipe B36.10-1959 Stainless Steel Pipe B36.19-1965 - - - - - Binders for holding standards are available A complete list of USA Standards published by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers obtainable upon request COPYRIGHT American Society of Mechanical Engineers Licensed by Information Handling Services

Ngày đăng: 14/04/2023, 12:15

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