BS EN 15534-1:2014 BSI Standards Publication Composites made from cellulose-based materials and thermoplastics (usually called wood-polymer composites (WPC) or natural fibre composites (NFC)) Part 1: Test methods for characterisation of compounds and products BS EN 15534-1:2014 BRITISH STANDARD National foreword This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 15534-1:2014 It supersedes DD CEN/TS 15534-1:2007 which is withdrawn The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee PRI/42, Fibre reinforced thermosetting plastics and prepregs A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract Users are responsible for its correct application © The British Standards Institution 2014 Published by BSI Standards Limited 2014 ISBN 978 580 79503 ICS 79.080; 83.080.01; 83.140.99 Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations This British Standard was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 March 2014 Amendments issued since publication Date Text affected BS EN 15534-1:2014 EN 15534-1 EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPÉENNE EUROPÄISCHE NORM January 2014 ICS 79.080; 83.080.01; 83.140.99 Supersedes CEN/TS 15534-1:2007 English Version Composites made from cellulose-based materials and thermoplastics (usually called wood-polymer composites (WPC) or natural fibre composites (NFC)) - Part 1: Test methods for characterisation of compounds and products Composites base de matières cellulosiques et de thermoplastiques (communément appelés composites boispolymères (WPC) ou composites fibres d'origine naturelle (NFC)) - Partie 1: Méthodes d'essai pour la caractérisation des compositions et des produits Verbundwerkstoffe aus cellulosehaltigen Materialien und Thermoplasten (üblicherweise Holz-Polymer-Werkstoffe (WPC) oder Naturfaserverbundwerkstoffe (NFC) genannt) Teil 1: Prüfverfahren zur Beschreibung von Compounds und Erzeugnissen This European Standard was approved by CEN on November 2013 CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN member This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German) A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION COMITÉ EUROPÉEN DE NORMALISATION EUROPÄISCHES KOMITEE FÜR NORMUNG CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels © 2014 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members Ref No EN 15534-1:2014 E BS EN 15534-1:2014 EN 15534-1:2014 (E) Contents Page Foreword Introduction Scope Normative references Terms and definitions Test specimens 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Conditioning of test specimens General Reference conditioning Conditioning for factory production control and testing under other conditions 10 Conditioning for tests performed by third-parties 10 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 6.4.4 6.5 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3 6.5.4 6.6 6.6.1 6.6.2 6.6.3 6.6.4 Physical properties 10 Appearance (applicable to products) 10 Density 10 Moisture content 10 Slipperiness 11 General 11 Pendulum test 11 Inclination plan test 11 Dynamic coefficient of friction 12 Linear mass (applicable to profiles) 12 Apparatus 12 Test specimens 12 Procedure 13 Calculation and expression of results 13 Dimensional characteristics 13 Conditioning 13 Thickness, width and length (applicable to profiles, only) 13 Deviation from straightness (applicable to profiles, only) 13 Cupping 14 7.1 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3 7.2 7.3 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.4 7.4.1 7.4.2 7.5 7.5.1 7.5.2 7.5.3 Mechanical properties 14 Impact resistance 14 Impact resistance (applicable to compounds) 14 Falling mass impact resistance (applicable to products) 15 Extreme temperatures 18 Tensile properties (applicable to compounds) 18 Flexural properties 18 Flexural properties (applicable to compounds) 18 Flexural properties (applicable to non-load bearing products) 18 Creep behaviour (applicable to finished products for non-load bearing applications) 19 Known span in use 19 Unknown span in use 20 Resistance to indentation 21 Principle 21 Apparatus 21 Test specimens 21 BS EN 15534-1:2014 EN 15534-1:2014 (E) 7.5.4 7.6 7.7 Test method 21 Nail and screw withdrawal 22 Pull through resistance 22 8.1 8.1.1 8.1.2 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.4 8.5 8.5.1 8.5.2 8.5.3 8.5.4 8.5.5 8.5.6 8.6 Durability 23 Resistance to artificial weathering 23 Test methods for artificial weathering 23 Methods for assessing of the resistance to artificial weathering 23 Resistance to natural ageing (external use) 23 Test methods for natural ageing 23 Methods for assessing the resistance to natural ageing 24 Moisture resistance 24 Swelling and water absorption 24 Moisture resistance under cyclic conditions 26 Moisture resistance – Boiling test 27 Resistance against termites 27 Resistance against biological agents 28 Pre-treatment 28 Resistance against basidiomycetes 28 Resistance against soft rotting micro-fungi 31 Resistance against discolouring micro-fungi according to ASTM D 3273 32 Resistance against discolouring micro-fungi according to ISO 16869 34 Resistance against discolouring algae 35 Resistance to salt spray 35 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.4.1 9.4.2 9.4.3 9.4.4 9.4.5 9.4.6 9.5 9.6 9.6.1 9.6.2 9.6.3 Thermal properties 36 Heat deflection temperature (HDT) 36 Linear thermal expansion 36 Heat reversion 36 Heat build-up (applicable to products) 36 Principle 36 Apparatus 36 Test specimens 37 Procedure 37 Expression of results 38 Test report 39 Oxygen index (OI) 39 Reaction to fire 39 Single flame source test 39 Single burning item (SBI) test (applicable to cladding only) 39 Radiant heat source test (floorings) 46 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.3.1 10.3.2 10.3.3 10.3.4 10.3.5 10.3.6 Other properties 46 Degree of chalking (applicable to coated products, only) 46 Change of gloss 46 Peel strength (applicable to profiles with laminated foil) 46 Principle 46 Apparatus 47 Preparation of test pieces 47 Conditioning 48 Procedure 48 Test report 48 Annex A (normative) Determination of the modulus of elasticity in bending and bending strength of profiles 50 Bibliography 57 BS EN 15534-1:2014 EN 15534-1:2014 (E) Foreword This document (EN 15534-1:2014) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 249 “Plastics”, the secretariat of which is held by NBN This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by July 2014, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by July 2014 Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights This document supersedes CEN/TS 15534-1:2007 The significant changes that have been made since the previous edition are the following: — change of the status from Technical Specification to European Standard; — complete technical review of the test methods EN 15534 consists of the following parts: — EN 15534-1, Composites made from cellulose-based materials and thermoplastics (usually called woodpolymer composites (WPC) or natural fibre composites (NFC)) — Part 1: Test methods for characterization of compounds and products — prEN 15534-2, Composites made from cellulose-based materials and thermoplastics (usually called wood-polymer composites (WPC) or natural fibre composites (NFC)) — Part 2: Characterization of compounds 1) — EN 15534-4, Composites made from cellulose-based materials and thermoplastics (usually called woodpolymer composites (WPC) or natural fibre composites (NFC)) — Part 4: Specifications for decking profiles and tiles — EN 15534-5, Composites made from cellulose-based materials and thermoplastics (usually called woodpolymer composites (WPC) or natural fibre composites (NFC)) — Part 5: Specifications for cladding profiles and tiles — prEN 15534-6, Composites made from cellulose-based materials and thermoplastics (usually called wood-polymer composites (WPC) or natural fibre composites (NFC)) — Part 6: Specifications for fencing profiles and systems1) — prEN 15534-7, Composites made from cellulose-based materials and thermoplastics (usually called wood-polymer composites (WPC) or natural fibre composites (NFC)) — Part 7: Specifications for general purpose profiles in external applications1) According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom 1) In preparation BS EN 15534-1:2014 EN 15534-1:2014 (E) Introduction The denomination “wood-polymer composites”, WPC, is usually used to designate materials or products consisting of one or more natural fibres or flours and one or a mixture of polymer(s) Natural fibres and flours come from different plant sources (e.g wood, hemp, flax, sisal, coconut, cotton, kenaf, jute, abaca, banana leaf fibres, bamboo, rice, wheat straw or other fibrous material) and different polymers, virgin or recycled, are used Currently, the most commonly used polymers are poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) WPC materials can be processed by different techniques, as extrusion for profiles, calendering for films and sheets, injection moulding or compression moulding The contents of natural fibres and polymers depend on the application and the processing techniques WPC materials may be considered neither as filled plastics nor as a special kind of wood They should be considered as different materials having their own characteristics For the moment, the main applications of WPC products are decking, cladding, panelling and fencing and furniture BS EN 15534-1:2014 EN 15534-1:2014 (E) Scope This European Standard specifies test methods for the determination of properties of composites made from cellulose-based materials and thermoplastics, usually called wood-polymer composites (WPC) or natural fibre composites (NFC) NOTE For editorial reasons, in EN 15534 the abbreviation “WPC” is used for “composites made from cellulose-based materials and thermoplastics” This part of EN 15534 is applicable to cellular or non-cellular compounds and products, made from cellulosebased materials and thermoplastics, intended to be or being processed through plastics processing techniques, without threshold for the cellulose-based material content All the properties listed in this part of EN 15534 are not necessarily assessed for a given application Test parameters and requirements of the test methods for a given application are specified in the relevant part of EN 15534 Profiles for the management of electrical power cables, communication cables and power track systems used for the distribution of electrical power, profiles for windows or doors and profiles for guttering are not covered ) by EN 15534 Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application For dated references, only the edition cited applies For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies EN 84:1997, Wood preservatives - Accelerated ageing of treated wood prior to biological testing - Leaching procedure EN 117:2012, Wood preservatives - Determination of toxic values against Reticulitermes species (European termites) (Laboratory method) EN 152:2011, Wood preservatives - Determination of the protective effectiveness of a preservative treatment against blue stain in wood in service - Laboratory method EN 317, Particleboards and fibreboards - Determination of swelling in thickness after immersion in water EN 321:2001, Wood-based panels - Determination of moisture resistance under cyclic test conditions EN 322:1993, Wood-based panels - Determination of moisture content EN 477:1995, Unplasticized polyvinylchloride (PVC-U) profiles for the fabrication of windows and doors Determination of the resistance to impact of main profiles by falling mass EN 479, Unplasticized polyvinylchloride (PVC-U) profiles for the fabrication of windows and doors Determination of heat reversion EN 927-3, Paints and varnishes - Coating materials and coating systems for exterior wood - Part 3: Natural weathering test 2) Profiles that are excluded are in the scopes of standards prepared by CEN/TC 33, CENELEC/TC 213 or CEN/TC 128 BS EN 15534-1:2014 EN 15534-1:2014 (E) EN 927-6, Paints and varnishes - Coating materials and coating systems for exterior wood - Part 6: Exposure of wood coatings to artificial weathering using fluorescent UV lamps and water EN 1383, Timber structures - Test methods - Pull through resistance of timber fasteners ENV 12038:2002, Durability of wood and wood-based products - Wood-based panels - Method of test for determining the resistance against wood-destroying basidiomycetes EN 13446, Wood-based panels - Determination of withdrawal capacity of fasteners EN 13823, Reaction to fire tests for building products - Building products excluding floorings exposed to the thermal attack by a single burning item EN 13893, Resilient, laminate and textile floor coverings - Measurement of dynamic coefficient of friction on dry floor surfaces CEN/TS 15083-2:2005, Durability of wood and wood-based products - Determination of the natural durability of solid wood against wood-destroying fungi, test methods - Part 2: Soft rotting micro-fungi EN 16472, Plastics - Method for accelerated photoageing using medium pressure mercury vapour lamps EN 20105-A02, Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part A02: Grey scale for assessing change in colour (ISO 105-A02) CEN/TS 15676, Wood flooring - Slip resistance - Pendulum test EN ISO 75-1, Plastics - Determination of temperature of deflection under load - Part 1: General test method (ISO 75-1) EN ISO 75-2, Plastics - Determination of temperature of deflection under load - Part 2: Plastics and ebonite (ISO 75-2) EN ISO 178:2010, Plastics - Determination of flexural properties (ISO 178:2010) EN ISO 179-1, Plastics - Determination of Charpy impact properties - Part 1: Non-instrumented impact test (ISO 179-1) EN ISO 291, Plastics - Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing (ISO 291) EN ISO 472:2013, Plastics - Vocabulary (ISO 472:2013) EN ISO 527-2, Plastics - Determination of tensile properties - Part 2: Test conditions for moulding and extrusion plastics (ISO 527-2) EN ISO 877-2, Plastics - Methods of exposure to solar radiation - Part 2: Direct weathering and exposure behind window glass (ISO 877-2) EN ISO 1183-1, Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics - Part 1: Immersion method, liquid pyknometer method and titration method (ISO 1183-1) EN ISO 1183-3, Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics - Part 3: Gas pyknometer method (ISO 1183-3) EN ISO 2813, Paints and varnishes - Determination of specular gloss of non-metallic paint films at 20°, 60° and 85° (ISO 2813) BS EN 15534-1:2014 EN 15534-1:2014 (E) EN ISO 4589-2, Plastics - Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index - Part 2: Ambient-temperature test (ISO 4589-2) EN ISO 4628-6, Paints and varnishes - Evaluation of degradation of coatings - Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance - Part 6: Assessment of degree of chalking by tape method (ISO 4628-6) EN ISO 4892-2:2013, Plastics - Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources - Part 2: Xenon-arc lamps (ISO 4892-2:2013) EN ISO 9227, Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests (ISO 9227) EN ISO 9239-1, Reaction to fire tests for floorings - Part 1: Determination of the burning behaviour using a radiant heat source (ISO 9239-1) EN ISO 11507:2007, Paints and varnishes - Exposure of coatings to artificial weathering - Exposure to fluorescent UV lamps and water (ISO 11507:2007) EN ISO 11925-2, Reaction to fire tests - Ignitability of products subjected to direct impingement of flame - Part 2: Single-flame source test (ISO 11925-2) ISO 7724-1, Paints and varnishes - Colorimetry - Part 1: Principles ISO 7724-2, Paints and varnishes - Colorimetry - Part 2: Colour measurement ISO 7724-3, Paints and varnishes - Colorimetry - Part 3: Calculation of colour differences ISO 11359-2, Plastics - Thermomechanical analysis (TMA) - Part 2: Determination of coefficient of linear thermal expansion and glass transition temperature ISO 16869, Plastics - Assessment of the effectiveness of fungistatic compounds in plastics formulations ASTM D3273–00(2005), Standard Test Method for resistance to Growth of Mold on the Surface of Interior Coatings in an Environmental Chamber CIE 3) Publication 51, A method for assessing the quality of daylight simulators for colorimetry Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN ISO 472:2013 and the following apply 3.1 wood-polymer composite WPC or natural fibre composite NFC material or product made thereof being the result of the combination of one or several cellulose-based material(s) with one or several thermoplastics, intended to be or being processed through plastic processing techniques 3) Commission internationale de l'éclairage, Central Bureau, Kegelgasse 27, A-1030, Vienna, Austria BS EN 15534-1:2014 EN 15534-1:2014 (E) Table 15 — Validity of the test results for profiles directly fixed on spacers with an air gap End use application parameter Position Vertical Type of fixing Mechanical fixing a Glued Other orientation Mechanical fixing Rules III, V, VI, VII and VIII Rules III, IV, VI and VII a Glued a Influence on SBI test results Rules V, VI, VII and VIII Rules IV, VI and VII Fixing by screws, nails or staples Rule III: The results from vertical orientation are applicable to the same product used in any other orientation Rule IV: The results from any product tested with mechanical fixings are applicable to the same product glued Rule V: The test result (classification) with a distance between two consecutive fixings, d, shall be valid, without test, for the same type of WPC profiles mounted with a distance between two consecutive fixings less than d, all other parameters and orientation being identical Rule VI: The test result (classification) with an air gap, e, shall be valid, without test, for the same type of WPC profiles mounted with an air gap less than e or without air gap (directly on the wall), all other parameters and orientation being identical Rule VII: The results on wood spacers are valid for the product on spacers of equal or higher reaction to fire class than that of the wood Rule VIII: The results from any product with one type of mechanical fixing (i.e screws) are applicable to the same product fixed with any mechanical system 9.6.3 Radiant heat source test (floorings) The burning behaviour of products using a radiant heat source shall be assessed according to EN ISO 9239-1 10 Other properties 10.1 Degree of chalking (applicable to coated products, only) The degree of chalking of products shall be designated and rated according to EN ISO 4628-6 10.2 Change of gloss The specular gloss of products shall be determined according to EN ISO 2813 The 60° geometry is recommended 10.3 Peel strength (applicable to profiles with laminated foil) 10.3.1 Principle A tear strip of the laminated foil of a profile is subjected to a longitudinal force, perpendicular to the profile surface, either at a constant-speed or under a constant-load 46 BS EN 15534-1:2014 EN 15534-1:2014 (E) 10.3.2 Apparatus Peel strength apparatus, capable of applying a load to a tear strip of a laminated test piece, either by static masses or by tension at a constant-speed using a tensile testing machine, as shown in Figure or comparable Key profile test piece laminated foil Figure — Peel strength apparatus 10.3.3 Preparation of test pieces Four test pieces either (20 ± 1) mm wide (for the constant-speed tensile test) or (25 ± 1) mm wide (for the constant-load tensile test) at least 100 mm long shall be cut from the sight surface of a profile with laminated foil Notching along the cut edge shall be avoided The laminated foil (for clamping purposes) of approximately 50 mm long shall be separated from the substrate (profile) by a suitable procedure The same result may be achieved during lamination by inserting a contact blocking material (e.g polyethylene foil) between the profile and the laminated foil If only finished profiles with laminated foil are available, the test pieces shall be prepared as follows: a) Cut the sight surface of the profile from the core over the entire width of the profile Cut the separated sight surface into 200 mm long test pieces b) Place either a (200 ± 2) mm × (20 ± 1) mm metal template (for the constant-speed tensile test) or a (200 ± 2) mm × (25 ± 1) mm metal template (for the constant-load tensile test) lengthways on the sight surface of the test piece, midway between the sides c) Using a blade, cut through the laminated foil along the long sides of the template 47 BS EN 15534-1:2014 EN 15534-1:2014 (E) d) Mill away the back wall of the profile surface to a thickness of 0,5 mm along a line midway between the test piece short sides and transverse to its longitudinal axis Be careful not to cut into the substrate too deep so as to avoid damaging the laminated foil Then mill away (also to a thickness of 0,5 mm) the entire back wall of the test piece along the two lines cut in the laminated foil from one end of the test piece as far as the transverse line Break off the material on either of the 100 mm × 20 mm (for the constant-speed tensile test) or 100 mm × 25 mm (for the constant-load tensile test) milled by gently bending the test piece 10.3.4 Conditioning Condition the test pieces for a minimum of 72 h after lamination, at (23 ± 5) °C The test pieces shall not be tested within 72 h after lamination 10.3.5 Procedure Constant-speed tensile test Carry out testing at (23 ± 5) °C using the following procedure: a) Set up the test piece (20 ± 1) mm wide in the peel strength apparatus and connect the laminated foil to the jaw such that the load is applied perpendicular to the main axis of the profile b) Extend the test piece by applying a rate of displacement of the driven grip of the test machine of (10 ± 1) mm/min If the foil breaks before peeling occurs, the tensile strength at break of the foil shall be reported The test results shall be expressed in newtons per millimetre For the determination of the peel strength after ageing, the constant-speed tensile test shall be used if it is used for testing non-aged profiles Constant-load tensile test Carry out testing at (23 ± 5) °C using the following procedure: a) Set up the test piece (25 ± 1) mm wide in the peel strength apparatus, supported by free running rollers and connect the laminated foil to the jaw such that the load is applied perpendicular to the main axis of the profile b) Apply smoothly during one minute to the test piece a constant load of (5 ± 0,01) kg (i.e 2,0 N/mm), either by slowly releasing the load or by gradually applying the equivalent force by means of the tensile testing machine Measure the peeled length occurring between the foil and the profile either before the foil stretches and shears or when the constant load is applied The test shall be stopped at maximum 25 mm of peeling For the determination of the peel strength after ageing, the constant-load tensile test shall be used if it is used for testing non-aged profiles 10.3.6 Test report The test report shall include the following information: 48 BS EN 15534-1:2014 EN 15534-1:2014 (E) a) reference to this subclause of EN 15534-1; b) all details necessary for complete identification of the test pieces; c) number of test pieces; d) width of the test pieces, in millimetres; e) test method used [constant-speed tensile test ( or constant-load tensile test (]; f) type of separation of the laminated foil; g) result of the constant-speed tensile test (; h) 1) individual peel strength values in newtons per millimetre; 2) if the foil breaks, the tensile strength at break of the foil in newtons; result of the constant-load tensile test ( 1) peeled length in millimetres; i) any factors which may have affected the results, such as any incidents or any operating details not specified in this part of EN 15534; j) date of the test 49 BS EN 15534-1:2014 EN 15534-1:2014 (E) Annex A (normative) Determination of the modulus of elasticity in bending and bending strength of profiles A.1 Principle The test specimen rests on two supports and is deflected by means of loading head between the supports The test specimen is deflected at a constant rate at midspan until the maximum load is obtained (A.5.2) or until rupture occurs (A.5.3) During the procedure, the force applied to the test specimen and the resulting deflection at midpoint is measured NOTE This method is based on EN 310:1993 [6] The modulus of elasticity in bending is calculated by using the slope of the linear region of the load-deflection curve obtained in the test under standard conditions (see A.6.1) NOTE The value calculated is the apparent modulus of elasticity, not the true modulus of elasticity, because the test method includes shear as well as bending The bending strength is calculated by determining the ratio of the bending moment at the maximum load, obtained in the test under conditions defined by the manufacturer (see A.6.2) to the section moment of its full cross-section NOTE In case of hollow profiles, the bending strength is the apparent bending strength, because the test method includes shear as well as bending and the applying bending force deforms the profile cross section which causes a significant change of the section moment A.2 Apparatus A.2.1 Testing apparatus (Figure A.1), having the following essential components: a) Two parallel, cylindrical, roller-bearing supports of length exceeding the width of the test specimen and of (15 ± 0,5) mm diameter The distance between the supports shall be adjustable b) Cylindrical loading head, of the same length than the supports and of (30 ± 0,5) mm in diameter, placed parallel to the supports and equidistant from them c) Suitable instrument capable of measuring the deflection of the test specimen at midspan with an accuracy of 0,1 mm d) Suitable load measurement system capable of measuring the load applied to the test specimen with an accuracy of % of the measured value e) Air oven, thermostatically controlled such that it operates at the temperature as specified in A.4 The air oven shall be equipped with a thermostat capable of maintaining the specified temperature to a permissible deviation of ± °C 50 BS EN 15534-1:2014 EN 15534-1:2014 (E) f) Cold room, thermostatically controlled such that it operates at the temperature as specified in A.4 The freezer shall be equipped with a thermostat capable of maintaining the specified temperature to a permissible deviation of ± °C A.2.2 Measuring instruments a) Micrometer with circular anvils of a diameter (16 ± 1) mm, capable to exert a force at the measurement faces of (4 ± 1) N, allowing a reading within 0,01 mm b) Vernier calliper with jaw width of at least mm, graduated to allow a reading within 0,1 mm Key test specimen F load h thickness of test specimen b width of the test specimen l1 span l2 length of the test specimen Figure A.1 — Position of the test specimen at start of the test The contact of the test specimen with the supports and the cylindrical loading head shall be continuous If necessary, appropriate spacers may be set between the test specimen and the roller-bearing supports and the cylindrical loading head Additional details shall be given in the reference standard, where relevant A.3 Test specimens The test specimens shall be cut rectangular to the longitudinal direction of the profiles The cross section of the test specimens shall be the full cross section of the profiles from which they are cut For the test under standard conditions (A.5.2), the length of the test specimen l2 shall be 20 times the nominal thickness h plus 100 mm 51 BS EN 15534-1:2014 EN 15534-1:2014 (E) For the test under conditions defined by the manufacturer (A.5.3), the length of the test specimen l2 shall be the span defined by the manufacturer plus 100 mm The span defined by the manufacturer is equal to the distance between the axes of the supports The number of test specimens shall be as specified in the reference standard A.4 Atmosphere for conditioning and testing The test specimens shall be conditioned according to Clause The test specimens shall be tested in the standard atmosphere 23/50, unless otherwise agreed upon the interested parties Optionally, the test specimens may be tested in one of the following atmospheres: a) T1 = −20 °C ± °C, 50 % RH (cold climate) Before testing at T1, the specimens shall remain in the cold room) at T1 for at least h The test shall be performed in the cold room or started within of being removed from the cold room b) T2 = 50 °C ± °C, 50 % RH (warm climate) Before testing at T2, the specimens shall remain in the air oven at T2 for at least h The test shall be performed in the air oven) or started within of being removed from the air oven A.5 Procedure A.5.1 Measure the thickness h of each test specimen at the mid-length For test specimens made from solid profiles with rectangular cross section, measure the width b of each test specimen at the mid-length A.5.2 For the test under standard conditions: a) Adjust the distance between the centres of the supports (span) l1, within mm, to 20 times the thickness h of the test specimen The distance shall be not less than 100 mm b) Measure the distance between the centres of the supports to the nearest 0,5 mm c) Place the test specimen flat on the supports, with its longitudinal axis at right angles to those of the supports with the centre point under the load (Figure A.1) d) Apply the load at a constant rate of cross-head movement throughout the test The specimens shall be loaded at a constant strain rate of (1 ± 0,1) % per minute Average time to failure for each test configuration shall be recorded A constant rate of % per minute is achieved by using a constant rate of the test cross head speed v, in millimetres per minute, given by Formula (A.1): v = 0,00185 × where 52 (20 × h )2 = 0,74 × h l12 = 0,00185 × h h (A.1) BS EN 15534-1:2014 EN 15534-1:2014 (E) l1 is the span, expressed in millimetres; h is the thickness of the test specimen, expressed in millimetres e) Measure the deflection of the test specimen at midspan (below the loading head) to an accuracy of 0,1 mm and plot this value against the corresponding loads measured to an accuracy of % of the measured value If deflection is determined by incremental readings, at least six pairs of readings shall be used f) Record the maximum load Fmax to an accuracy of % of the measured value g) Test five test specimens with the exposable side upwards If the profile may be used on both sides, the two sides of the test specimens shall be tested A.5.3 a) For the test under conditions defined by the manufacturer: Adjust the distance between the centres of the supports (span) l1, within mm, to the span defined by the manufacturer Measure the distance between the centres of the supports to the nearest 0,5 mm If the deflection of the test specimen is such that the rupture does not occur, the span shall be reduced b) Place the test specimen flat on the supports, with its longitudinal axis at right angles to those of the supports with the centre point under the load (Figure A.1) c) Apply a preload of 50 N Then, apply a load, until the rupture, at a constant rate of cross-head movement throughout the test d) Measure the deflection of the test specimen at midspan (below the loading head) to an accuracy of 0,1 mm and plot this value against the corresponding loads measured to an accuracy of % of the measured value If deflection is determined by incremental readings, at least six pairs of readings shall be used e) Record the maximum load F'max to an accuracy of % of the measured value f) Test five test specimens with the exposable side upwards If the profile may be used on both sides, the two sides of the test specimens shall be tested A.6 Expression of results A.6.1 Modulus of elasticity in bending A.6.1.1 Solid profiles with rectangular cross section Calculate the modulus of elasticity in bending, Em, in megapascals, for each test specimen, using Formula (A.2): Em = l13 ⋅ ( F2 − F1 ) ⋅ b ⋅ h3 ⋅ ( a − a1 ) (A.2) where l1 is the span, in millimetres; 53 BS EN 15534-1:2014 EN 15534-1:2014 (E) F2 - F1 is the increment of load, in newtons, on the straight line portion of the load-deflection curve obtained in A.5.2 (Figure A.2) F1 shall be approximately 10 % and F2 shall be approximately 20 % of the maximum load Fmax; b is the width, in millimetres, of the test specimen; h is the thickness, in millimetres, of the test specimen; a2 - a1 is the increment of deflection, in millimetres, at the mid-length of the test specimen (corresponding to F2 – F1) Key X deflection Y load Figure A.2 — Load-deflection curve within the range of elastic deformation The modulus of elasticity in bending Em for each test specimen shall be expressed to three significant figures Calculate the arithmetic mean of the test results, expressed to three significant figures A.6.1.2 Other shape of profiles Calculate the modulus of elasticity in bending, Em, in megapascals, for each test specimen, using Formula (A.3): l13 ⋅ ( F2 − F1 ) Em = 48 ⋅ J x ⋅ ( a − a1 ) (A.3) where: l1 is the span, in millimetres; F2 - F1 is the increment of load, in newtons, on the straight line portion of the load-deflection curve obtained in A.5.2 (Figure A.2) F1 shall be approximately 10 % and F2 shall be approximately 20 % of the maximum load Fmax; Jx is the second moment of area, in mm , as specified by the manufacturer; a2 - a1 is the increment of deflection, in millimetres, at the mid-length of the test specimen (corresponding to F2 – F1) The modulus of elasticity in bending Em for each test specimen shall be expressed to three significant figures 54 BS EN 15534-1:2014 EN 15534-1:2014 (E) Calculate the arithmetic mean of the test results, expressed to three significant figures A.6.2 Bending strength A.6.2.1 Solid profiles with rectangular cross section Calculate the bending strength σm, in megapascals, of each test specimen, using Formula (A.4.1) or (A.4.2), as relevant: σm = σm = ⋅ Fmax ⋅ l1 ⋅ b ⋅ h2 ' ⋅ l1 ⋅ Fmax ⋅ b ⋅ h2 (A.4.1) (A.4.2) where Fmax is the maximum load, in newtons, obtained in A.5.2; F'max is the maximum load, in newtons, obtained in A.5.3; l1 is the span, in millimetres; b is the width, in millimetres, of the test specimen; h is the thickness, in millimetres, of the test specimen The bending strength σm for each test specimen shall be expressed to two significant figures Calculate the arithmetic mean of the test results, expressed to two significant figures A.6.2.2 Other shape profiles Calculate the bending strength σm, in megapascals, of each test specimen, using Formula (A.5.1) or (A.5.2), as relevant: M B Fmax ⋅ l1 = Wx ⋅ Wx (A.5.1) ' ⋅ l1 Fmax M B' σ = = m Wx ⋅ Wx (A.5.2) σ = m where MB is the bending moment, in newtons millimetres, at the maximum load Fmax, obtained in A.5.2; Fmax is the maximum load, in newtons, obtained in A.5.2; M'B is the bending moment, in newtons millimetres, at the maximum load F'max, obtained in A.5.3; F'max is the maximum load, in newtons, obtained in A.5.3; l1 is the span, in millimetres; Wx is the section moment, as specified by the manufacturer For profiles with a symmetrical cross section, calculate Wx using Formula (A.6): 55 BS EN 15534-1:2014 EN 15534-1:2014 (E) Wx = Jx h (A.6) where Jx is the moment of inertia, in mm , as specified by the manufacturer; h is the thickness, in millimetres, of the test specimen This formula is not applicable for hollow profiles with unsymmetrical cross section Wx is depending on the distance from the centre of the area It may be determined according the parallel-axis theorem, e.g with appropriate software The bending strength σm for each test specimen shall be expressed to two significant figures Calculate the arithmetic mean of the test results, expressed to two significant figures A.7 Test report The test report shall include the following information: a) reference to this part of EN 15534; b) all the information necessary for identification of the profile tested, including type (solid or hollow profile), source, manufacturer's code number, form and previous history where these are known; c) dimensions of the test specimens used for the determination of the modulus of elasticity in bending; d) dimensions of the test specimens used for the determination of the bending strength; e) span used for the determination of the modulus of elasticity in bending; f) span used for the determination of the bending strength; g) method of preparing the specimens; h) conditioning and test conditions; i) moisture content of the test specimens; j) number of specimens tested; k) test speed; l) accuracy grading of the test machine; m) values and arithmetic means values deflection at the mid-length of the test specimens; n) moment of inertia and section moment of the profile, if applicable; o) individual values and arithmetic means values for the modulus of elasticity in bending; p) individual values and arithmetic means values for the maximum load and the bending strength; q) mean values for the modulus of elasticity in bending and the bending strength 56 BS EN 15534-1:2014 EN 15534-1:2014 (E) Bibliography [1] EN 323, Wood-based panels - Determination of density [2] EN 13451-1:2011, Swimming pool equipment - Part 1: General safety requirements and test methods [3] EN 1534:2010, Wood flooring - Determination of resistance to indentation - Test method [4] WMO N°8,2008, Guide to meteorological instruments and methods of observation, Seventh edition, World Meteorological Organisation, Seventh edition, Geneva [5] EN 13245-2:2008, Plastics - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) profiles for building applications - Part 2: PVC-U profiles and PVC-UE profiles for internal and external wall and ceiling finishes [6] EN 310:1993, Wood-based panels - Determination of modulus of elasticity in bending and of bending strength 57 This page deliberately left blank This page deliberately left blank NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW British 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