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Bsi bs au 187 2000

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BRITISH STANDARD | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Tow rope assemblies for towing passenger cars and light vans | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | IC S 43 040 70 ; 43 0 | | | | | | | | NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW | | | | | BS AU 187:2000 BS AU 187:2000 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Automobile Standards Committee (AUE/) to Technical Committee AUE/9, Automobile Details and Accessories, upon which the following bodies were represented: Automobile Association Consumer Policy Committee of BSI Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions Department of Trade and Industry Garage Equipment Association Institute of Trading Standards Administration National Trailer and Towing Association Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Engineering Sector Committee, was published under the authority of the Standards Committee and comes into effect on October 2000 © BSI 0-2000 First published February 983 Second edition November 2000 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference AUE/9 Draft for comment 99/71 7665 DC ISBN 580 33225 X Amendments issued since publication Amd No Date Comments BS AU 187:2000 Contents Page Committees responsible Foreword Scope Definitions Length Shape and size Material Finish Resistance to snatch load Warning device Packaging Marking Annex A Method of test for resistance to snatch load BSI 0-2 000 ii 10 © Inside front cover i B S A U 87:2 000 F o re wo rd This British Standard has been prepared, under the direction of the Automobile Standards Committee, at the request of the Society for Motor Manufacturers and Traders It supersedes BS AU 187 : 1983, which is withdrawn The purpose of this standard is to establish the minimum requirements for tow rope assemblies (i.e the ropes and the fittings, if any) which may be used for towing passenger cars and light vans in an emergency (e.g after a breakdown) The strength of the assembly is specified by a requirement for resistance to a snatch load to ensure that the assembly will survive specified take-up shocks The materials to be used are not specified as it is considered that these should be left to the discretion of the manufacturer, but requirements relating to the shape and size are included to take account of ISO 5422, Ro ad vehicles Ð Ancho rages fo r to w ing ro pes, cab les o r b ars , prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, of the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application C o mp lianc e wi t h a B ritis h S tandard doe s not o f its e lf c o nfe r im m un it y fro m le gal o b ligatio ns S um m ary o f p age s This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, pages to and a back cover The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued ii © BSI 0-2000 B S A U 87: 000 S cope This B ritish p ackaging S tandard s p e c ifie s fo r fle xib le to w re quire me nts , ro p e ass e mb lie s inc luding fo r to wing tho se fo r c e rtain mo to r ve hic le s dime ns io ns , having p e rfo rmanc e a maximum gro ss and mas s of to nne s D e fin itio n s Fo r the p urp o se o f this B ritis h S tandard the fo llo wing de finitio ns ap p ly 2.1 t o w ro p e as s e m b ly the co mp le te artic le use d fo r to wing mo to r ve hicle s, co ns is ting o f a ro p e and fittings, if any 2.2 fittin gs c o mp o ne nts o f me tal, p las tic s o r o the r suitab le mate rial, inc o rp o rate d in the to w ro p e as se mb ly 2.3 ro p e the ro p e , c o rd, we b b ing, s trap o r o the r similar fle xib le mate rial us e d in the to w ro p e as se mb ly L e n gt h The o ve rall than m 00 0, le ngth o f the no r mo re +20 info rmatio n N e wto ns is to w ro p e than m and no t give n, made with ass e mb ly, The fro m attachme nt p o int to me asure me nt s hall up in a lo o p acc o rdance o f le ngth be with 0 mm made the with attachme nt the manufac ture r' s fo rme d at e ach p o int asse mb ly s hall be no t unde r a te nsio n ins truc tio ns o r, whe re le s s of this e nd S h ap e an d s iz e The s hap e to w ro p e N O TE and s iz e o f the ass e mb ly to The s hap e and s iz e fittings a fitting o f the and having fittings and ro p e shall be a ho le + , ro p e are le ft to suc h the that it s hall mm disc re tio n in be p o s sib le to attac h e ac h e nd o f the diame te r o f the manufac ture r M ate rial To w use ro p e s s hall be made at te mp e rature s fro m ranging mate rials fro m 20 that are C to + 50 re s is tant to mo is ture and hydro carb o ns and be suitab le fo r C F in is h All The mate rials e nds shall o f the be ro p e fre e fro m s hall be any b urrs tre ate d o r flashing o r o the rwis e that c o uld p ro te c te d c aus e to wo und p re ve nt o r ab ras io n fraying R e s is tan c e to s n atc h lo ad The to w te st the ro p e to w a) the b) with p o ints c) © BSI the as se mb ly s hall ro p e ass e mb ly shall the be asse mb ly s hall te nsio n be te s te d cap ab le re le ase d 0-2 00 o f the to the the use ass e mb ly shall to s natc h fo llo wing o f sup p o rting fro m o f attac hme nt witho ut the s urface s fo r re s is tanc e co nfo rm the 00 kg as se mb ly it s hall o f to o ls co nfo rm lo ad in ac c o rdanc e with anne x A Afte r the re quire me nts : be mass ; p o ss ib le to dis co nne c t the ass e mb ly fro m the o r o the r imp le me nts; to the re quire me nts of BS AU 187:2000 Warning device To w ro p e s e nsuring a) s hall this a c o lo ure d to w ro p e be made s uc h vis ib ility s hall and b) b rightly c o lo ure d c) fixe d are a o f 00 sq c m The flag de vic e ro p e ; and c o mp rise have a minimum to o ne o r similar warning s hall any p e rs o n o r mo re de vic e using o f the attache d the ro ad The me tho d of fo llo wing: at the middle are a o f 0 s q c m vie we d le ngth having o f the fro m the le ngth side ; o f the or or c o nsp ic uo us vie we d c le arly visib le p e rmane nt and c o nsp ic uo us ass e mb ly co lo ure d that the y are be fro m marke rs the alo ng the o f the ro p e a minimum to tal p ro j e c te d side Packaging The to w ro p e inc o rp o rate as se mb ly s hall the a) ins truc tio n b) mas s on the c) re c o mme ndatio ns o f ve hic le damage d to w on be in a p ackage suitab le fo r sto ring the ass e mb ly The p ackaging s hall fo llo wing: me tho d whic h on o f attac hme nt may the be c are to ve hic le s ; to we d; and mainte nanc e o f the ass e mb ly and the dange rs o f us ing fraye d or ro p e s/attac hme nts ; d) advic e the p rinc ip le s e) a s tate me nt drawing o f to wing; atte ntio n to lo cal le gis latio n on to wing e g us e o f an ªon to wº s ign 10 Marking E ac h to w ro p e as se mb ly p urp o rting p e rmane ntly and 1) a) a re gis te re d b) numb e r and Marking the BS 87 trade name , date o f this trade to p ro duc t me e ts S uc h a de claratio n is to with no t c o nfo rm the S tandard, a p ro duc t the to to the fo llo wing re quire me nts be c o nfuse d o f ide ntificatio n i e B S AU 87: 0 re p re s e nts re quire me nts a manufac ture r' s o f the with o f this B ritish S tandard s hall be info rmatio n: mark o r o the r me ans B ritish o n o r in re latio n manufac ture r that the re sp o nsib ility AU le gib ly marke d standard The 1) de c laratio n ac curacy third-p arty c e rtific atio n o f the manufac ture r; o f c o nfo rmity, o f the c laim is i e a claim s o le ly the by or on b e half o f c laimant' s o f c o nfo rmity © BSI 0-2 00 BS AU 187:2000 Annex A Method of test for resistance to snatch load A Ap p aratus A A support structure A A test mass 00 internal diameter 30, A A steel bar, from it on the A ± kg to 00, there the top dynamic load applied to the tow rope is not reduced of which is fixed an mm diameter steel bar formed into a loop of + 25 mm with a loop rope, contact with the of such rigidity that the ground during A , as described in is m clearance under the rigidly supported at a height such, mass The fitting should be with the raised if the mass mass suspended makes test Proce dure A Attach one instructions or, end of the where engagement point of the A Attach the point of the free tow rope assembly to this information is not given, fitting on the end of the fitting on the the bar (see with a loop A ) in accordance with the manufacturer's of length 300 mm formed at the end Mark the rope assembly to the test mass as described in A and mark the engagement rope A Allow the test mass to A Raise the A C heck against the hang freely test mass m and allow it to marks on the rope, fall freely the engagement points of the fittings at each end, and adj ust the assembly as necessary A Repeat procedure A E xamine © BSI 0-2 00 the in A to A nine assembly for conformance times (i e a total of drops) to the requirements of clause BS AU 187:2000 | | | | | | | | | BSI Ð British Standards Institution | | | | | | | BSI is the independent national body responsible for preparing British Standards It | | | | | | | presents the UK view on standards in E urope and at the international level It is incorporated by Royal Charter Revisions | | | | British Standards are updated by amendment or revision Users of British Standards should make sure that they possess the latest amendments or editions | | | It is the constant aim of BSI to improve the quality of our products and services We | | | | | | | | would be grateful if anyone finding an inaccuracy or ambiguity while using this British 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Ngày đăng: 13/04/2023, 18:49