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S T D - A P I I P E T R O SRCH NAT-ENGL 299b W 0732290 05b8847 587 National Used Oil Collection Study August 1997 Addendum `,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale ~ ~ SRCH N A T - E N G L 19% 2 0 b ~ 1 81115 m `,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - STD.API/PETRO Let%Do It Main Call your local Recychg Coordinator or any participating fidl service gasoline station for more information about recycling your used motor oil A message brought to you on behalf of us ail by the American Petroleum institute Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale American Petroleum Institute ~~ ~ ~~ S T D A P I / P E T R O S R C H N A T - E N G L L ï ï b m 2 05b881i7 `,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Put It To Good Use Uain Call your local Recycling Coorhator or any participating fidl service gasohe station for more information about recycling your used motor oil A message brought to you on behalf of us all by the American Petroleum hstitute Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale American Petroleum Institute i COMING SOON Consumer Materials: Mini-Posters c2et’s Do It Again ’’ and “Put It To Good Use Again” Colorful x 11 mini-posters for dealers, service stations, retail outlets, etc to promote recycling of used oil These posters can be imprinted with an “800” number or a specific drop-off location address Decals Colorful peel-off decals promoting the recycling effort can be placed on doors, windows, etc **See sample pictures `,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale STD.API/PETRO SRCH N A T - E N G L L77b = 2 05bLiLi5L T O T D On Page 30 of the May 1996 “National Used Oil Collection Study” edition, titled “Table 13 - States with Oil Collection Hotlines”, the state of Texas has a new “Hotline” number The correct number is: 888-TXCRUDE (888-892-7833) `,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale - S T D - A P I I P E T R O SRCH N A T - E N G L ỵ b 0732290 05bâơ52 b m Alabama Terry Shipman (334) 271-7700 Alaska No name or number currently available Arkansas No name or number currently available California Sue Tracy (916) 324-1780 Connecticut George Dews (860) 424-3572 Hawaii John Harder (808) 586-4240 Illinois Mark Schallenberger (217) 524-3307 Indiana Lee Parsons (317) 232-4402 Missouri John Beard (573) 751-3176 Montana Rick Thompson (406) 444-4323 Nebraska Dave Johnson (402) 471-4210 New Jersey Voice Mail Option #1 (609) 292-8341 Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale `,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - On Page 53 of the May 1996 “National Used Oil Collection Study” edition, titled “Table 19 - Used Oil Filter Regulation Summary”, the following list of states has new contact persons and/or new phone num bers: ~ STD.API/PETRO SRCH NAT-ENGL 199b ~ ~ ~ 0732290 0568853 882 New Mexico - Cathy Tyson (505) 827-2860 New York - Bill Morabile (518) 485-8988 North Carolina - Jim Edwards (919) 733-4996 Oklahoma - Kevin Samson (405) 745-7106 Oregon - Rick Volpel (503) 229-6753 Tennessee - No name or number currently available Texas - Jane Scheidler (512) 239-6156 Utah - Sharrel Prau1 (801) 538-6170 Virginia - No name or number currently available `,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale - ~~ STD.API/PETRO S R C H NAT-ENGL L99b m 11732290 b 8 q 719 On Pages 227 thru 243 of the May 1996 “National Used Oil Collection Study” edition, the educational materials shown are no longer available The newly designed “Used Oil T-Shirt”, made of recycled materials, is shown in the attached picture along with an order form `,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale STD.API/PETRO SRCH NAT-ENGL L77b 0732290 05bôô55 b55 I T H E USED OIL T-SHIRT” Recycle Used Oil T o d , For Tomorrow! I `,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - $18.00 per shirt? S 15.00 per shirt for orders of I O or more Promote your used oil recycling program by wearing a uniquely designed T-shirt made from recycled material 100% SzS *All APi Members will receive a 2û% discount Oniy one discount applies per order Current? anilable in Size X i only (Other sizes may be made anilable if ordering a hrge qrnntiy by ailing (202) 682-8220.) Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 5ANot for Resale 4) STD.API/PETRO SRCH 0732290 05bdd5b 591 W NAT-ENGL L 9 b API Publications Order Form Ship TO - (UPS will not deliver CO o P.O Box) Prepaid and CreCitt Card Orders DO NOT Pay Shipping and Handling to US.and Canadian Dettinations Piene biU m P.O NO k œ n e r A-t Used O11T-ShM (XL) No S18.m `,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Shipping & HanQing @ Phone -(202) 682-8375 & Fax Orderilo -(202) 962-4776 Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS ASaOa14069ó 5B Not for Resale ~ A P I T I T L E * N A T 9b m 0732290 05540b0 I T Please print clearly the 800 number and/or address you wish to add to the copy: TEXTFOR ADS About 60 percent of all Americans change the oil in their cars themselves Yet the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency reports that just 10 percent of do-ityourselfers take used motor oil to collection centers after draining their crankcases And that simple step dropping off your used oil at a collection center and getting it into the recycling system -can help prevent pollution ixvl conserve a valuable energy resource Ityou change your own oil, take it to an approved collection center Be part of the solution, not part of the problem For more information on used motor oil recycling, and the location of the used motor oil collection center near YOU, call ~ - ~ ~ ~ - x x x - x x x x 230 Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS m `,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - ~ Not for Resale API TITLErNAT ỵ b m Consumer materials 0732270 5 b L 034 m CATALOG WE€r-f forkcalpomatknofusedmotordliecyclhg Bumper sticker Camera-ready artwork is available lor this direct message bumper sticker to print in the three logo colors-PMS 313 blue, PMS 375 green and black Size is 12' x 4' Specialty use logo art Camera-ready artwork of the Put Used Oil in Its Place logo is available for use on specialty items such as key rings, coffee mugs, labels, notepads, book marks, etc Please note when ordering which artwork you require- the onecolor or the threecolor version Standard size available is illustratedabove as one-color art Button Camera-ready artwork for a rectangular button, / x - 314 ", is available to print in the three colors- PMS 313 blue, PMS 375 green, and black 1_1_1 i Order form I I II Please type or print clearly X807-20020 X807-20021 t 807-20022 i807-20023 Please send m e the lollowing camera-ready arlboards: %xially Bumper slicker art board @ $75.00- Name -s I I I I I I I I I I City I Stale I Zip I I Send completed order form with payment to: Used 011 Recycling Program Amerlcan Pslioleum Instituts 1220 1Street, NW Washington OC 20005 (Prices may change withoufnotice.) Telephone I Tax1.D t I L œ œ -lœ-. lœ lœ-l lœ- `,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - 231 Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Bunon art board0 $ 75.00- (Each package contains art board with intlruclloni for prlntlng) I Address I Three-color arl Q $30.00 - Total Price Title I logo: One color art @ $ 20.00- Not for Resale I I A P I T I T L E r N A T 96 W O732290 05540b2 T70 Consumer materials CATALOG SHEET-I forlocal~onofusedmotoroilrecyciing AVAILABLE IN LOTS OF 50 A cotton T-shirt available in 50% COttOnAO% polyester blend, silk-screened In the three logo colors (PMS 313 blue, PMS 375 green, and black), and with short sleeves,this shirt is a great promotional tool Front, with pocket sized logo r"""""""""'""-"""""-' ; Order form X807-20003 I please iype or prinl clearly II Name I Titie I I Address I Please send me the followlng: T-shirts (in quantities of 50 or more) I Small x Medium Large I CW I Stale / Zip I _-,-.L-._ I TaxlDI I $ll.OO= -t Send completed order form with paymrnl to: I Used Oll Recycilnp Program Amerlcan Petroleum Intitvti 1220 1Strait, WW Warhlnolon DC MW5 Pnces m a y chame wiMouf noirce.) API Collects tax in the following stales: AL, AK, CT, DC MO, NE, NJ, NY, NC, ND, OH, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, VT, VA, FA GA, IL, IN, IO, KS,KY, ME, MD, MA MI MN WV, WI Please Include appropriate lax 233 Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS X-Large Not for Resale I I I I I I I Total Rica I i back `,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - I I I I I I A P I TITLErNAT ïb O732290 055VOb3 907 CATALOG SHEET4 Educational materials forkcal~ofusedmotordlrecyc#ng Recycleusedoil Today, for tomomw! form I Order I I Piease type or print clearly I Name iI807-20014 Please send me the following camera-ready ailbosrds: Poster tormat mechanicalwith instructions $95.00 (P~tceincluda shipping and handling) I I (Piclripa conlalns i d botrd and lnalfudlonrloi pilnllnp) Title I Address I I City I State / Zip I I leiLpnoii: I TaxlDt 7-8 . _ I I I I'Send comDlaled order tom wHh mvment to: _ I Uied Oll fiacycllnp Pmpnm Americen Petroleum Inalltute 1220 1Stmet, NW Withlnninn DE 2ûüílS API collects tax in the following states AL, AK, CT, DC, MO, NE, NJ, NY, NC, ND, OH, PA, Al, SC, TN, TX, U,VA, FA, GA, IL, IN, IO KS KY, ME, MO, MA, MI, MN, WV, WI Please include appropriate tax 235 Not for Resale _ / P r i m mv chanae t b i h ì n d h 1, ~ LIœ-.œl.œlœ.-lœœ.llœ-œœœ œœœœ-œœ,œ~-œœœœ œ,œ~ Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS I I I I I I I I Q @ R ~ C MPaper `,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - ~ API T I T L E * N A T 9b Oil retailer materials ~~ 2 05540b4 843 W CATALOG S H E E T forlocalprorotlonofused~oilreicycling Counter card Provide vital information at the point of sale with this effective display This informational brochure outlines the used motor oil pollution problem and lists practical steps everyone can take to protect our environment It is a great handout for environmental groups, civic organizations, scouts, etc It is a great envelope stuifer fits easily in a standard business envelope and in the pocket of the counter card, at leR The size is (3" x 7') Space is provided so that the brochure can be customized with your collection center address or phone number pocket for holding promotion retailers inyour area who sell motor oil Customers will receive uselul informationabout proper used motor oil recycling Text of the brochure appears on the back of this lorm The type in italics indicates text that can be customized lor your state; when ordering this brochure, please follow the instructions on lhe back of this form to include your customized text alterations Please note: Changes to this brochure are available on& in a specific area nofed by italic type color counter card ; Order form X807-20012 X807-20013 I Please type of print clearly I I Name Tille Please send me lhe followinp camem-ready artboards: Counler card wilh built-in pocket @ $ 75 I 00 -a =$-I = Retailers brochure @ $ 75.00 Total Prke -f (Package conlains ait board and instructionslor prinllng) I Address I i cib/ State / zip Telsphon.9 Tax1.0 t Sand completed order Iorm with payment to: Used Oil Recycling Program Amsilcan Patrolsum Indltute 1220 1Slrset, NW Washington DC 20005 (Prices may chanpe without nofice `,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - 237 Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale I I I I I I I I I I A P I TITLE*NAT 9b W 0732290 0554065 T Americans aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty That’s particularlytrue when it comes to working on their cars and trucks: 60 percent of Americans change their own motor oil The US Environmental Protection Agency reports that just 10 percent of the people who change their own motor oil take it to collection ceniersand get it into the recycling system Much of the 200 million gallons of used motor oil generated by do-it-yourselferseach year is dumped down sewers, drains or on the ground To protect the environment and preserve valuable natural resources, the state has established a voluntary used motor oil recyclingprogram Snce it is voluntary, we need your help to make it work All you need to is take your used motor oil to a collection center This simple step can have a big payoff: you’ll be helping to protectthe environment ûecause the oil gets recycled, you’ll help the nation get more out of its energy resources Promoteconservation and prevent pollution by following these steps to prepare used motor oil for recycling: Afler draining the oil from your car’s engine, put it in a clean plastic bottle -with a lid that screws on tightly -such as the kind used for milk Do not use paint cans and other metal containers, or plastic bottles once used for bleach, cleaners, antifreeze, gasoline or solvents Their residue can conlaminate the oil Take your container of used motor oil l o a designated colleclion cenler In some areas, special stickers or signs identify such centers Drain oil fillers completely and dispose of them properly To locafe a used oil collection center near you, check the list included in this brochure Or call the toll-freeused oil hotline 238 `,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale A P I T I T L E x N A T 96 0732290 05540bb bLb CATALOG SHEET-1 Collection center materials INSIDE Participation brochure This.û-panel brochure, available as cameraready art boards customized for your state, has a tear-olf return panel to mke it easier for potential participants to sign up for your used oil collection program It gives vital information to anyone consideringbecoming a collection center The brochure answers commonly asked questions and gives step-by-step guidance on setting up a lpcai used motor oil collection center The flat size of the brochure is 16' X Y, folding to 4' X Y I Text of the brochure appears on the back of this form The type in italics indicates text that can be customized for your state; when ordering this brochure, please follow the instructionson the back 01 this form to include your customized text alterations r"""""""""' Order form I I I Please type or prinl clearly 1111111111111 11-,11-,-1œœ- #807-20011 Brochure $250.00 i Name Total Price i Title (Package contalnt rit board and Inttnictlonr lor prlnllnp) I I I I Please send me the iollowlng camera-ready aifboaids: I I I I I I Send comoletsd order lorm with Davmant to: Used Oll Recycllnp Program Amsrlcan Petroleum Instltute 1220 1Street, NW Warhlngton, OC 20005 (Prices may change wifhout notice,.) I API Collects tax in the following States: AL, AK, CT, DC, MO, NE, NJ, NY, NC, ND, OH, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX VI, VA, FA, GA, IL, IN, IO, KS, KY, ME, M D , MA, MI, MN, WV, WI Please include appropriate tax 239 Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale i I @ Recycled Paper I I I `,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - OUTSIDE A P I T I T L E l r N A T 96 M 0732290 0554067 552 Every year, millions of gallons of used automobile lubricating oil are dumped in backyards, landfills and storm drains by do-it-yourselfers.Because used motor oil can be reused for a variety of purposes, this practice wastes a valuable natural resource Improperlydisposed used motor oil can pose potentially serious environmental problems @ To help protect the environment and preserve a valuable resource, (name ofstate) has established a voluntary used oil recycling program to Collect used motor oil from do-it-yourselfers and ensure that it is recycled The success of this program depends on establishinga network of convenient, easily accessible used oil collection centers throughout (name of stale)where do-it-yourselfers can take used motor oil for recycling Because this program is voluntary, (name of state agency) is depending on other state agencies, local this program work We're looking for governments, environmentally friendly organizations and businessesthat have facilities for changing volunteer collection centers What are the benefits of participating? D O Participants in the used oil collection program receive a number of benefits, including: o A better envlionment By joining this statewide effort, you'll help protect (name ofstate)'senvironrnent and make (name0fstate)a better place to live *A porltlve public Image The public will identify your business or organization as one of those working to improve the environment COnSUmer surveys show that people like doing business with such "environmentally friendly" companies o *Freepublicity (Name olstale) will maintain a loll-free number thal lists the names and addresses of all used motor oil collection centers When consumers Have oil lo bring in for recycling, they can call this toll free number lor the location of nearby collectioncenters Businesses that Sell motor oil will also be required to provlde a !ist of nearby used oil collection centers This increased publicity can mean increased business *Potential lor Increased burlneso Being a used oil collection center means you may be receiving more foot-traffic than usual And more foot-traffic can translate into more sales What I need to to participate? o The requirementsfor participatingin (name of state)k used oil program are simple and straight lorward m First, you'll need to let (nameh$stateagency)know you want to participate We've included a form for you to this As a collection center, you need to have a suitable collection facility The requirements include: (This is the place whereyou can add your state requirements for lankage, installation, siting, signage, registration,hours, staffing?training, operational standards, transporter requirements, record-keeping and any other local regulationsthat may apply) PLEASE NOTE- Up io 100 words available lo fi// Lis area of boclturs What about liability? You should accept only used oil that has not been knowingly polluted with other substances, such as pesticides, paints, solvents or household cleaners Experience in other states with similar programs shows that contaminatedoil is rarely a problem-but it can happen u h If your used oil colleciion center does not knowingly violate the management standards set out here, il will not be held liable for receiving used oil that has been so contaminatedit cannot be recycled The costs of disposing of this contaminatedused oil will be reimbursed by (name of state agency) If you need to know more If you have particular questions or need more information,please contact: o Name of State Agency Address Ci&, State Zip Code Name o/ Contact Phone Number of Contact Instructions When providing your customized copy, please use the letter code next to the italic area to identify its placement in text Please limit your text changes to the length indicated `,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - 240 Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale ~ A P I TITLE*NAT 0732290 0554068 LI99 W 9b These signs Identify collection centers These three versions give you an opportunity to vary the way in which a collection center is identitied The eye-catching graphics are clear and concise and print in blue, green and black The size of these window signs is 20' X 24" `,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - The arlboards come with printing instructions and with some room for you to personalize the sign We recommend that the sign be printed on an appropriate recycled paper and that the recycled symbol be imprinted in the boltom right-hand corner Please note on the order form below which version you are ordering A There is a time and place for everything Il This is the place! C iI Order form I Piease iype or prinl clearly I I Name i Title I Address I $ 120 00 SignBO $ 120 00 Sign c O $95.00 SignAO X 807-20008 I TolalPrice -s =$-I = spi = I I I I $- I I (Package contains arl board and Instructions for prlnting) i Telephone I I Please send me the following camera-ready arlboards: # 807-20006 # 807-20007 Tax I D t I Sand completed order lorm with Damient to: Used Oll Recycling Program American Petroleum Initltule 1220 L Street, NW Warhinfllon, DC 20005 (Prices may change without nofice.) I API collects tax in the following states: AL, AK, CT, OC MO, NE, NJ NY, NC, NO, OH, PA, RI, SC,TN, TX, VT, VA, FA, GA, IL, IN, IO KS, KY, ME,MO, MA, MI, MN, WV, WI Please include appropriate tax 24 Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale I I II @ Recycled Paper A P I T I T L E * N A T 96 m 0732290 0554069 325 m CATALOG S H E E T Collection center materials - ' `,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Let the public see where you are Identify your collection center elliciently and effectively with this decal and sticker Strong visual identificationis the strength of both of these items, available as cameraready artwork The decal is suitable for applicationto glass With its attention-getting graphics, it plainly Identifiesan authorized collection center The size is 8-1R X 6-IR inches Service centers can show their support for used oil recycling by displaying this decai The sticker, also with strong graphic appeal, is designed lo adhere to lhe collectiou tank itself Deposit used oil HERE & sucker iii -œæ- Please send me lhe following camera-ready artboards: mai o $75.00 Slicker I' $ 75.00 = =$-I rola/ Pries Title -s I .-. (Package contains ar( board with photo(s) and instructions lor printing) I mress I I City I Stale I Zip I Telephone Send completed order form with payment to: Utad 011 RecyclingProgram I 1axI.D # American Petroleum inalllute 1220 1Street, NW Washington, OC 20003 (Prices may change without notice.) I API collects tax in the following states: AL, AK, CT, I TX, VT, VA, FA, GA, IL IN, IO, KS, KY, ME, MD, MA, ii ii-i lœœIœI -œœœœ~ _ _ _ MO, NE, NJ, NY, NC, ND, OH,PA, RI, SC, TN, MN, WV, WI Please include appropriate tax 243 Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale I I I I I I I I I I I I @ Recycled Paper ~ A P I T I T L E U N A T 96 0732290 0554070 047 `,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS FROM THE FILTER MANUFACTURERS COUNCIL 245 Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale A P I TITLE*#NAT 96 `,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 0732290 5 Tô3 247 Not for Resale ~~ A P I T I T L E x N A T 96 W 0732290 0554072 ỵ L T i@ `,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS 248 Not for Resale m -~ ~~ ~~ API TITLE*NAT ïh -~~ 2 0 5 856 `,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - PG-014130-4í96-1.5M (4 Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale - % , \ ~ _ I , - - \ r Additional copias available from API Publicationsand Distribution: (202) 682-8375 informationabout API Publications,Programsand Sewices is available on the World Wide Web at Mtpij’wvw.api.org Order No 818301 `,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,` - Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with API No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS \ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ Not for Resale - -~~~ ~- % ~~