Slide 1 Unit 13 Activities Lesson 2 A 3,5 – P 131 133 Wednesday, 19th, March 2008 Unit 13 Activities Please write the adjectives you know Example good I Vocabulary Lesson 2 A 3,5 – P 131 133 Wednesday[.]
Wednesday, 19th, March 2008 Unit 13: Activities Lesson 2: A 3,5 – P 131 -133 Unit 13 :Activities Wednesday, 19th, March 2008 Lesson 2: A 3,5 – P 131 -133 Please write the adjectives you know Example: good I Vocabulary skillful (adj): điêu luyện Unit 13 :Activities Wednesday, 19th, March 2008 Lesson 2: A 3,5 – P 131 -133 Please write the adjectives you know Example: good I Vocabulary skillful(adj):điêu luyện slow (adj): chậm chạp Unit 13: Activities Wednesday, 19th, March 2008 Lesson 2: A 3,5 – P 131 -133 Please write the adjectives you know Example: good I Vocabulary skillful(adj): điêu luyện slow(adj): chậm chạp sudden (adj) : ®ét nhiªn Unit 13: Activities Wednesday, 19th, March 2008 Lesson 2: A 3,5 – P 131 -133 Please write the adjectives you know Example: good I Vocabulary skillful(adj): điêu luyện slow(adj) : chậm chạp sudden(adj): Safe (adj): an toµn Unit 13: Activities Wednesday, 19th, March 2008 Lesson 2: A 3,5 – P 131 -133 Please write the adjectives you know Example: good I Vocabulary skillful(adj): điêu luyện slow(adj): chậm chạp sudden(adj): safe(adj):an toàn careful (adj): cn thậnn thậnn Unit 13: Activities Wednesday, 19th, March 2008 Lesson 2: A 3,5 – P 131 -133 Please write the adjectives you know Example: good I Vocabulary skillful(adj): điêu luyện slow(adj): chậm chạp sudden(adj): safe(adj): an toàn careful (adj): cẩn thậnn thậnn careless (adj): kh«ng cẩn thậnn thậnn Unit 13: Activities Wednesday, 19th, March 2008 Lesson 2: A 3,5 – P 131 -133 Please write the adjectives you know Example: good I Vocabulary skillful(adj): điêu luyện slow(adj): chậm chạp sudden(adj): safe(adj): an toàn careful (adj): cn thậnn thậnn careless (adj): không cẩn thậnn thậnn strict (adj): nghiªm khắcc Unit 13: Activities Lesson 2: A 3,5 – P 131 -133 Please write the adjectives you know Example: good I Vocabulary skillful(adj): điêu luyện slow(adj): chậm chạp sudden(adj): safe(adj): an toàn careful (adj): cn thnn thnn careless (adj): không cẩn thậnn thậnn strict (adj): nghiêm khắc skillful skillfully s1:He is a good soccer player Wednesday, 19th, March 2008 Unit 13: Activities Lesson 2: A 3,5 – P 131 -133 Please write the adjectives you know Example: good I Vocabulary skillful(adj):điêu luyện slow(adj) :chậm chạp sudden(adj) : safe(adj): an toàn careful (adj): cn thnn thậnn careless (adj): không cẩn thậnn thậnn strict (adj): nghiêm khắc skillful skillfully s1:He is a good soccer player s2: yes, he plays well Wednesday, 19th, March 2008 Unit 13: Activities Lesson 2: A 3,5 – P 131 -133 Please write the adjectives you know Example: good I Vocabulary skillful(adj): điêu luyện slow(adj): chậm chạp sudden(adj): safe(adj): an toµn careful (adj): cẩn thậnn thậnn careless (adj): khơng cẩn thậnn thậnn strict (adj): nghiêm khắc skillful skillfully s1: He is a good soccer player s2: yes, he plays well Form: s + be + (a/an) + adj + n s + be + v + adv Wednesday, 19th, March 2008 Unit 13: Activities Lesson 2: A 3,5 – P 131 -133 Please write the adjectives you know Example: good I Vocabulary skillful(adj): điêu luyện slow(adj): chậm chạp sudden(adj) : safe(adj): an toàn careful (adj): cn thậnn thậnn careless (adj): không cẩn thậnn thậnn strict (adj): nghiêm khắc skillful skillfully s1:He is a good soccer player s2:yes, he plays well Form : s + be +(a/an) + adj + n s + be + v + adv II : Practice good / well / soccer / player Wednesday, 19th, March 2008 Unit 13: Activities Wednesday, 19th, March 2008 Lesson 2: A 3,5 – P 131 -133 Please write the adjectives you know Example: good I Vocabulary skillful(adj):điêu luyện slow(adj):chậm chạp sudden(adj) : safe(adj) : an toµn careful (adj):cẩn thậnn thậnn careless (adj): khơng cẩn thậnn thậnn strict (adj): nghiêm khắc skillful skillfully s1:He is a good soccer player s2:yes ,he plays well Form : s + be +(a/an) +adj + n s + be + v + adv II : Practice good /well /soccer /player slow /slowly swimmer Unit 13: Activities Wednesday, 19th, March 2008 Lesson 2: A 3,5 – P 131 -133 Please write the adjectives you know Example: good I Vocabulary skillful(adj):điêu luyện slow(adj) :chậm chạp sudden(adj) : safe(adj) :an toµn careful (adj):cẩn thậnn thậnn careless (adj): khơng cẩn thậnn thậnn strict (adj): nghiêm khắc skillful skillfully s1:He is a good soccer player s2:yes ,he plays well Form : s + be +(a/an) + n s + be + v + adv II : Practice good /well /soccer /player quick / quickly/ runner slow /slowly swimmer Unit 13: Activities Wednesday, 19th, March 2008 Lesson 2: A 3,5 – P 131 -133 Please write the adjectives you know Example: good I Vocabulary skillful(adj):điêu luyện slow(adj) :chậm chạp sudden(adj) : safe(adj) :an toàn careful (adj):cn thnn thnn careless (adj): không cẩn thậnn thậnn strict (adj): nghiêm khắc skillful skillfully s1:He is a good soccer player s2:yes ,he plays well Form : s + be +(a/an) + adj + n s + be + v + adv II Practice good /well /soccer /player slow /slowly swimmer quick / quickly/ runner safe /safely /cyclist Unit 13: Activities Wednesday, 19th, March 2008 Lesson 2: A 3,5 – P 131 -133 Please write the adjectives you know Example: good I Vocabulary skillful(adj):điêu luyện slow(adj) :chậm chạp sudden(adj) : safe(adj) :an toµn careful (adj):cẩn thậnn thậnn careless (adj): khơng cẩn thậnn thậnn strict (adj): nghiêm khắc Skillful skillfully s1:He is a good soccer player s2:yes ,he plays well Form: s + be +(a/an) + adj + n s + be + v + adv II Practice good /well /soccer /player quick / quickly/ runner bad /badly / tennis player slow /slowly swimmer safe /safely /cyclist III Further pactice