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Thi HS Giỏi PHÒNG GDĐT HUYỆN Q T ĐỀ HỌC DINH GIỎI KHỐI 11 VÒNG TRƯỜNG TRƯỜNG PTTH M L N NĂM HỌC 2007 2008 Thời gian 120 phút I Find ONE suitable and fill in each of the blank Before the Nobel Prize in[.]

PHÒNG GDĐT HUYỆN Q.T TRƯỜNG PTTH M L N ĐỀ HỌC DINH GIỎI KHỐI 11 - VÒNG TRƯỜNG NĂM HỌC 2007-2008 Thời gian: 120 phút I Find ONE suitable and fill in each of the blank Before the Nobel Prize in literature was awarded to John Steinbeck in 1962, only five Americans had been previously thus honoured, the (1) recent being Ernest Hemingway in 1954 and William Faulkner in 1949 Steinbeck had been considered (2) these occasions and also in 1945 (3) .the honour is by far the greatest any writer can receive, Steinbeck was elated (phan khdi) The feeling of (4) .was tempered slightly, however, by the observation expressed by Steinbeck in 1956, that recipients of the Nobel Prize seldom write anything (5) value afterwards He cited Hemingway and Faulkner as (6) ., minimising the point that by the (7) .of their selection most writers had already (8) their best work At the age of sixty, (9) .received the award himself, Steinbeck wrote to a friend that he would not have accepted the award (10) he not believed that he would continue to write well II Write complete sentences, using the cues given bus / from / fare / High Street / Station Road / 60p /is me / it / hour / took / translate / this/into / article/Vietnamese she / had / stay / to / bed / several / days take / tablets / two / hours / every / four I / prefer / watch / basket ball / volley ball III Rewrite these sentences in such a way that the emaning is retained Mum's career as a TV announcer began five years ago Mum has I find it so difficult to make both ends meet living on my own in Hanoi I have so Shall we say good bye to Linda, dear? It’s high time It’s advisable to be modest enough to learn from your colleagues I’d rather The flight to London lasted three hours and a half It took ……………………………………………………………………………… IV Write a paragraph in 200 words about William Shakespeare, using these cues Born 1564 at Stratford-upon-Avon — son of prosperous tradesman — educated at Stratford Grammar School — joined company of actors in 1589 at Globe Theatre in London — probably wrote 37 plays such as "Twelfth Night", "Much Ado About Nothing", "As you Like it" — wrote many historical plays, such as "Henry IV", "Henry V — best loved still today for great tragedies: "Romeo and Juliet", "Hamlet", "Othello" — wrote many sonnets and poems — considered to be the world best playwright — died 1616, aged 52 V Read the following passage and make the best option (A or B, C, D) In town everything seems to be made for the comfort and convenience of the inhabitants Do you wish to go from one spot to another? You have at your disposal numerous and fast means of communica tion: omnibuses, tramways, taxi-cabs, underground railways, etc If one evening you not know what to and you not feel inclined to read, you may go to moving pictures, which, in one moment, will transport you to the farthest regions of the globe and unroll before your eyes the most picturesque scenes If that pastime seems too childish to you, you may go to the theatre and hear the greatest actors or actresses Select the best title for the passage A The Means of Transport in a Town B The Benefits of Town Life C Entertainments in Town D How to Live in Town? According to the passage, we can travel to the farthest corners of the earth by A using a fast means of transport B looking at moving pictures C going to the theatre D reading in our leisure time Which sentence is not true according to the passage? Page A Going to the theatre is not a childish pastime B Moving pictures carry us to far-away lands C People living in towns not like to read D A town provides us with many forms of entertainment From the passage, we can learn that A the author prefers books to moving pictures B we had better go to the movies if we have enough time C nothing is more pleasant than going to the theatre D when we don’t want to read, we may go to the theatre “In town everything seems to be made for the comfort of the inhabitants.” By the above sentence, what the author really means is that A townspeople like comfort B there are many facilities provided for townspeople C town life makes everything comfortable D many things seem to be comfortable because they are made in town VI Choose ONE of these words and fill in each of the blanks thoughts - impediment - confidence - freedom - proof distance - languages – benefits - opposition - change attainment - interchange - tone - humanity - tongue The greatest (1) .to free intercourse between nations is neither (2) .nor the difference of mental habits, nor the (3) .of national interests; it is simply the imperfect manner in which languages are usually acquired, and the lazy contentment of mankind with a low degree of (4) .in a foreign tongue, when a much higher degree of attainment would be necessary to any efficient (5) .of ideas It seems probable that much of the future happiness of (6) .will depend upon a determination to learn foreign languages more thoroughly Foreigners not open their minds to one who blunders about their meanings- their (7) .is only to be won by a demonstration of something like equality in intelligence, and nobody can give (8) of this unless he has the means of making his (9) intelligible, and even of assuming, when the occasion presents itself, a somewhat bold and authoritative (10) VII Find ONE suitable word and fill in each of the blanks of the following passage THE OLYMPICS The word 'Olympics' comes from the name of the town Olympia in Greece, where the ancient Olympic Games were always held The first (1) Olympic Games were held in 776 B.C.; the Games took place every four year after that date until they were abolished by a Roman emperor in A.D 394 It was not until 1875, when .(2) discovered the ruins of the Olympic Stadium in Greece, that interest in the Games was renewed Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a French scholar and educator, (3) that the Games should be revived as an .(4) competition to encourage both sport and world peace The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896 Like their classical predecessors, the athletes were men only; women were .(5) to the Games in 1900 Since that time, the Games have been held at four-year in intervals as in ancient Greece However, Pierre de Coubertin's dream of world peace has not been realized The two World Wars prevented those of 1916, 1940, and 1944 from being held The Olympic Games have been confined to amateur athletes despite a few recent (6) There are .(7) on the Olympic authorities to admit other professionals to the Games Such a step would damage the entire concept of the Olympics The (8) words appear on the Scoreboard at every Olympic (9): "The most important thing is not to win but to take part." In contrast, the aim of every .(10) is to win RECORD ARCHEOLOGY NATION ADMIT PRESS FOLLOW open 10 PROFESSION Page PROPOSE EXCEPT IX There are errors left in the following paragraph Find and correct them Example: Line Error Correction (1) woman women Line (1) In 1949, 31.8 percent of American woman worked outside (2) the home In 1984, 53.5 percent of women were working (3) outside the home, and three out of every five woman with (4) children was working However, it is surprised that the (5) United States did not have a well-equip day careful system to (6) meet the childcare need of working parents Ruth Sidel (7) claims this disturbing fact has occurred because of American (8) are concerned about day rare and also because they have (9) seen day care as a service offered to the poors IX Look at the graph below and write a paragraph aboyt 100 words to describe it WORLD POPULATION IN 2001 ĐÁP ÁN I most on Examples Time II Because / Since done / finished pride / elation having of 10 had The bus fare from High Street to Station Road is 60p It took me an hour to translate this article into Vietnamese She had to stay in bed for several days You should take two tablets every four hours I prefer watching basket-ball to volley ball III Mum has worked as a TV announcer for five years now I hav so much difficulty in making both ends meet living on my own in Hanoi It’s high time we said goodbye to Linda, dear I’d rather you were modest enough to learn from your colleagues It took (us) three and a half hours to fly to London IV William Shakespeare, born at Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564, was the son of a prosperous tradesman and was educated at Stratford Grammar School He joined a company of actors in 1589 at the Globe Theatre in London He probably wrote 37 plays such as "Twelfth Night", "Much Ado About Nothing", "As You Like It" He also wrote many historical plays such as "Henry IV", "Henry V"; but he is best loved still today for Page his great tragedies: "Romeo and Juliet", "Hamlet" and "Othello" He also wrote sonnets and poems He has been considered to be the world's best playwright He died in 1616 at the age of 52 (106 words) V B VI impediment interchange humanity VII recorded admitted exceptions professional VIII IX B C distance confidence opposition proof archeologists pressures Line (3) (4) (4) (5) (5) (7) (7) (9) C proposed following Error woman was surprised well-equip careful American because of poors B attainment thoughts international opening 10 Correction women were surprising well-equipped care Americans because poor The pie-chart gives information on the world population figures in 2001 Overall, almost three-quarters of the world’s population live in Asia and Africa Asia is by far the biggest region, with 3721 million people The second largest area is Africa, with 813 million, less than a quarter of Asia’s population Europe has three quarters of a billion people Together, Latin America and North America have about 840 million Finally, Australia and New Zealand have less than 31 million As can be seen, the greatest concentration of the world’s population is in Asia, with Africa far behind (96 words) Page

Ngày đăng: 13/04/2023, 07:24

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