THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines MANAGEMENT PRACTICES OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING PARTNERSHIPS BETWEEN SELECTED COLLEGES AND ENTERPRISES IN VINHPHUC PROVINCE: BASES FOR IMPROVING THE VOCATIONAL TRAINING AND INDUSTRY RELATIONSHIPS A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School Southern Luzon State University, Lucban, Quezon, Philippines in Collaboration with Thai Nguyen University, Socialist Republic of Vietnam In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management NGUYEN TIEN TUNG (TRUDY) Thai Nguyen, 2014 II APPROVAL SHEET In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Education al Management program, this research study entitled Management practices on vocational training partnerships between selected Colleges and Enterprises in Vinhphuc province: Bases for improving the vocational training and industry relationships has been submitted by Nguyen Tien Tung (Trudy) and is hereby recommended for oral examination PROF Dr WALBERTO A MACARAAN Research Adviser Approved by the Oral Examination Committee, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management offered by Southern Luzon State University, Republic of the Philippines in collaboration with Thai Nguyen University, Socialist Republic of Vietnam (NAME OF PROFESSOR) (NAME OF PROFESSOR) Member Member (NAME OF PROFESSOR) Chairman Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management offered by Southern Luzon State University, Republic of the Philippines in collaboration with Thai Nguyen University, Socialist Republic of Vietnam APOLONIA AESPINOSA, Ph.D WALBERTO A MACARAAN, Dean, Graduate School Ed.D Vice President, Academic Affairs Date _ III ACKNOWLEDGMENT In grateful recognition and sincerest thanks for the encouragement, guidance and unselfish sharing of their knowledge, time, effort and skills, and for the untiring motivation that leads to the completion of this study, the Researcher acknowledges the following: DR CECILIA N GASCON, Ph.D., President of the Southern Luzon State University in the Republic of the Philippines, for her untiring effort and belief that this collaboration is possible thus enabling us to pursue the Ed.D degree; DR DANG XUAN BINH, Ph.D., Director of the International Training Center, Thai Nguyen University of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, for his enormous pursuit to provide the Vietnamese people an opportunity to grow through education; DR WALBERTO A MACARAAN, Ed.D., his adviser, for guidance and endless support for the improvement of this study ITC STAFF, for providing the necessary research materials; ADMINISTRATIVE CHIEF AND STAFF, PRINCIPAL OF COLLEGES IN VINHPHUC PROVINCE, ENTERPRISES MANAGMENTS my Respondents, for their patience and cooperation in answering the questionnaire and for other data given; MY FAMILY and FRIENDS, for the love and support in one way or the other; and TO ALL who have contributed to make this study a success Nguyen Tien Tung (Trudy) IV DEDICATION This research is healthfully dedicated to my family and to all my relatives, my colleagues, friends, classmates, administrators, staffs and employees for Colleges in Vinhphuc province Nguyen Tien Tung (Trudy) V TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Page Approval Sheet II Acknowledgment III Dedication IV Table of Contents V List of Figures List of Table Abstracts Chapter I Introduction VIII Ĩ XI Introduction Background of the study Objectives of the study Null Hypothesis Significance of the study Scope and limitations Definition of terms Chapter II Review of literatures and studies Related literature and studies Types of partnership between Enterprises and Colleges 17 Influences of partnership between Colleges and Enterprises on improving quality of Vocational training 22 Factors influence on partnership between Colleges and Enterprises 25 Management activities to strengthen partnership with Enterprises in vt of Colleges 26 Research paradigm 27 Chapter III Methodology Locale of the study 29 29 VI Title page Page Research design 36 Population and sampling 36 Sampling design and techniques 36 Research instrument 37 Validation of the instrument 38 Data gathering procedure 38 Data processing method 39 Statistical treatment 40 41 Chapter IV Results and discussions Profile of respondents 41 Cooperation between Colleges and Enterprises in vocational training in Vinhphuc 50 Assessment about quality of graduate students in Colleges 53 Positive effectiveness and what advantages that Colleges and students got from the cooperation between Colleges and Enterprises in training 54 Factors influence on partnership between Colleges and Enterprises 58 Assess about management activities of the Colleges in Vinhphuc to enhance cooperation between Colleges and Enterprises in training 61 Testing a significance differences in the perceived by the groups of respondents (Colleges and Enterprises) about management activities of the cooperation between Colleges and Enterprises 67 Proposed formation measures cooperation between Colleges Enterprises in vocational training 72 Chapter Summary, Recommendations to in strengthen Vinhphuc Findings, Conclusions the and and 76 Summary 76 Findings 78 VII Title page Page Conclusions 82 Recommendations 85 Bibliography 87 Vietnamese documents 87 English documents 90 Appendix A: Questionaire Checklist 91 Curriculum Vitae 109 VIII LIST OF FIGURES Figures Title Page 2.1 Factors of training process 13 2.2 Colleges and Enterprises are independent units model 17 2.3 College is a part of Enterprises model 18 2.4 Enterprises is a part of College model 20 2.5 Training Cooperation in parallel method 21 2.6 Training Cooperation in turn method 21 2.7 Training cooperation in succession method 21 2.8 The Schematic Presentation of independent variables and dependent variables and the result of research 27 3.1 Location of respondent Colleges in Vinhphuc province 32 3.2 Location of respondent Enterprises in Vinhphuc Province 33 3.3 Location of respondent Enterprises in Hanoi city 34 3.4 Location of respondent Enterprises in Bacninh province 35 IX LIST OF TABLES Tables Title Page 3.1 List of the Colleges in Vinhphuc 29 3.2 List of the respondent Enterprises 30 3.3 Ratting scale for respondent's perception 37 3.4 Type of data and methods of gatherning and processing 40 4.1 Frequency Distribution Profile of Principal and Management Staff as Indicated by Age, Gender, and Education Attainment and Position 41 4.2 Frequency Distribution Profile of College as Indicated by Year of Foundation, Number of training course, Number of teacher, The number of graduate student, The number of current student 43 4.3 Frequency Distribution Profile of Enterprice management's Respondent as Indicated by Age, Gender, and Education attainment and Position 45 4.4 Frequency Distribution Profile of College as Indicated by Year of foundation, Mode of Enterprises, Fields of manufacture, Labor resource 47 Frequency Distribution Profile ofAdministrative Chief 4.5 and Staff on Training Manager's Respondent as Indicated by Age, Gender, attainment and Position and 49 Education 4.6 Frequency Distribution of Enterprises and Colleges as Indicated by model, method and level cooperate between Enterprises and College 50 4.7 Mean Distribution of Responses on the level of quality on graduated students of Vinh Phuc Colleges 53 4.8 4.9 Mean Distribution of Responses on the level of the Following elements have positive effectiveness to the technical training in this market and integration mechanisms Mean Distribution of Responses on the what advantages that Colleges and students got from 55 56 X Tables Title Page the cooperation between Colleges and Enterprises 4.10 Mean Distribution of Responses on the existing level of the which of the following factors effected on the current cooperation between Collegess and Enterprises 59 4.11 Mean Distribution of Responses on the level of following management activities are cooperated between Colleges and Enterprises 61 4.12.1 Significance differences in the perceived by the 4.12.2 groups of respondents (Colleges and Enterprises) on the level of management activities of the 4.12.3 cooperation between Vinhphuc's Colleges and 4.12.4 Enterprises 4.12.5 4.13 67 68 69 70 71 Content of Formation specific measures to strengthen the cooperation between Colleges in Vinhphuc and Enterprises in vocational raining 72 96 No Elements Scale of assessment 5 College’s leaders having visits or meetings with Enterprises to exchange experience Inviting leaders, professionals, alumni working at Enterprises to give a special talk Objectives and content of the curriculum are close to requirements of Enterprises Inviting representatives from Enterprises to take part in building objectives and content of curriculum Sending teachers to visit and attend training course in applying new technology to meet requirements of Enterprises 10 Inviting experts of new technology application from Enterprises or outside to foster Colleges’s teachers 11 Adding learning materials which have suitable contents with reality manufacture of Enterprises 12 Use of Enterprises’s documents as references for students 13 Enlisting finance, facilities, learning equipment of Enterprises 14 The linkage with job consultancy centers 15 Proposing recommendations for state agencies to create cooperation mechanisms with Enterprises 97 Q6 Assess about which of the following factors effected on the current cooperation between Collegess and Enterprises? No Scale of assessment Elements Policies of the Government Cooperation environment Requirements and competence of each part Information about each other Competency of the leader (individual) Goal and content of training program Characteristics of Enterprises’ manufacture Thank you for your cooperation! 98 SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE For Enterprises Managments PART I: PROFILE OF THE RESPONDENTS Direction: Please answer the questionnaire checklist by putting a checkmark () on the item that corresponds to your choice or by filling in the answer on the space provided Rest assured that any information will be treated with trust and confidentiality Profile of respondents: Age: Below 25 25 – 29 45 – 49 30 – 34 50 – 54 35 – 39 Gender: 40 – 44 Above 50 Male Female Educational attainment: University Bachelor Master Doctor Position: Rector Department Head Vice Rector Division Head Enterprises’s name and address: …………………………………………………………………………………… Some informations of Enterprises (only for Enterprises’s Rector or Vice Rector): Year of foundation: – 10 years 21 – 30 years 11 – 20 years Above 30 99 Mode of Enterprises: State-owned Enterprises Private Enterprises Foreign-invested Enterprises Fields of manufacture: Mechanic Information Technology Automotive Technology Building Materials Electronic Equipment Other sectors Labor resource: 10 – 50 workers 51 – 300 workers Above 300 workers PART II PERSONAL RESPONSES Direction: Below is a list of items for you to answer as honestly as possible Please check () the column that you think and believe is the most appropriate rating for each statement using the only choice or point scale interpreted as follows: Level Choice scale Strongly Agree Agree Status Equivalent Verbal Interpretation Excellent 100% the systems is implemented, effective and efficient Good 80% the system is effective and efficient implemented, Neither Agree nor Disagree Average 50% the system is effective and efficient implemented, Disagree Poor 80% the system is not implemented, not effective and not efficient Strongly Disagree Very Poor Is not implemented, not efficient and not effective 100 Q1 Has your Enterprises had any cooperation plan with Colleges? Yes No 1.1 What is the cooperation model of cooperating in training between your College and Enterprises?: College and Enterprises are independent units model College is a part of Enterprises model Enterprises is a part of College model 1.2 What is the cooperation method of cooperating in training between your College and Enterprises?: Training cooperation in parallel method Training cooperation in turn method Training cooperation in succession method 1.3 What is the cooperation level of cooperating in training between your College and Enterprises?: Comprehensive cooperation level Limited cooperation level Incoherent cooperation level Q2 Assess about quality on graduated students of Vinh Phuc Colleges? No Elements Scale of assessment Theoretical knowledge Skill Attitude 101 Q3 Assess about which of the following elements have positive effectiveness to the technical training in this market and integration mechanisms? No Elements Scale of assessment Students’ input competency Learning and teaching materials, facilities Financial resources Teaching and administrative staff Training methodology 3 Training objectives and curriculum Training close to practice, college connect with Enterprises Q4 Assess about what advantages that Colleges and students got cooperation between Colleges and Enterprises in training? No Elements Scale of assessment Renovating the College’s training management Training objectives and curriculum meet the requirements of socio Enhancing the quality of teacher and administrative staff Developing facilities and finance for Colleges Improve the quality assessment Motivating student's motivation in studying Helping students with their creative and adapting abilities Rise the percent of students who are recruited into Enterprises from the 102 Q5 Assess the level of following management activities are cooperated between Colleges and Enterprises? No Elements Scale of assessment Establishing an in-charge department to find out and evaluate information on demands and requirements of Enterprises Making survey to leaders, managers, and graduates working in Enterprises to have research or predict on human resource of the market development Setting up a Website to advertise for the Colleges Strengthen advertisement for the training capacity of Colleges College’s leaders having visits or meetings with Enterprises to exchange experience Inviting leaders, professionals, alumni working at Enterprises to give a special talk Objectives and content of the curriculum are close to requirements of Enterprises Inviting representatives from Enterprises to take part in building objectives and content of curriculum Sending teachers to visit and attend training course in applying new technology to meet requirements of Enterprises 10 Inviting experts of new technology application from Enterprises or outside to foster Colleges’s teachers 11 Adding learning materials which have suitable contents with reality manufacture of Enterprises 12 Use of Enterprises’s documents as references for students 13 Enlisting finance, facilities, learning equipment of Enterprises 103 No Elements Scale of assessment 14 The linkage with job consultancy centers 15 Proposing recommendations for state agencies to create cooperation mechanisms with Enterprises Q6 Assess about which of the following factors effected on the current cooperation between Collegess and Enterprises? No Elements Scale of assessment Policies of the Government Cooperation environment Requirements and competence of each part Information about each other Competency of the leader (individual) Goal and content of training program Characteristics of Enterprises’ manufacture Thank you for your cooperation! 104 SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE For Administrative Chief and Staff on Training Managers PART I: PROFILE OF THE RESPONDENTS Direction: Please answer the questionnaire checklist by putting a checkmark () on the item that corresponds to your choice or by filling in the answer on the space provided Rest assured that any information will be treated with trust and confidentiality Profile of respondents: Age: Below 25 25 – 29 45 – 49 30 – 34 50 – 54 35 – 39 Gender: 40 – 44 Above 50 Male Female Educational attainment: University Bachelor Master Doctor Position: Rector Division Head Vice Rector Senior Staff Department Head Junior Staff Office address: ………………………………………………………………………………… Phone number/Fax:………………………………………………………… 105 PART II PERSONAL RESPONSES Direction: Below is a list of items for you to answer as honestly as possible Please check () the column that you think and believe is the most appropriate rating for each statement using the only choice or point scale interpreted as follows: Level Choice scale Status Strongly Agree Agree Equivalent Verbal Interpretation Excellent 100% the systems is implemented, effective and efficient Good 80% the system is effective and efficient implemented, Neither Agree nor Disagree Average 50% the system is effective and efficient implemented, Disagree Poor 80% the system is not implemented, not effective and not efficient Strongly Disagree Very Poor Is not implemented, not efficient and not effective Q1 Assess about quality on graduated students of Vinh Phuc Colleges? No Elements Scale of assessment Theoretical knowledge Skill Attitude 106 Q2 Assess about which of the following elements have positive effectiveness to the technical training in this market and integration mechanisms? No Elements Scale of assessment Students’ input competency Learning and teaching materials, facilities Financial resources Teaching and administrative staff Training methodology 3 Training objectives and curriculum Training close to practice, college connect with Enterprises Q3 Assess about what advantages that Colleges and students got cooperation between Colleges and Enterprises in training? No Elements Scale of assessment Renovating the College’s training management Training objectives and curriculum meet the requirements of socio Enhancing the quality of teacher and administrative staff Developing facilities and finance for Colleges Improve the quality assessment Motivating student's motivation in studying Helping students with their creative and adapting abilities Rise the percent of students who are recruited into Enterprises from the 107 Q4 Assess the level of following management activities are cooperated between Colleges and Enterprises? No Elements Scale of assessment Establishing an in-charge department to find out and evaluate information on demands and requirements of Enterprises Making survey to leaders, managers, and graduates working in Enterprises to have research or predict on human resource of the market development Setting up a Website to advertise for the Colleges Strengthen advertisement for the training capacity of Colleges College’s leaders having visits or meetings with Enterprises to exchange experience Inviting leaders, professionals, alumni working at Enterprises to give a special talk Objectives and content of the curriculum are close to requirements of Enterprises Inviting representatives from Enterprises to take part in building objectives and content of curriculum Sending teachers to visit and attend training course in applying new technology to meet requirements of Enterprises 10 Inviting experts of new technology application from Enterprises or outside to foster Colleges’s teachers 11 Adding learning materials which have suitable contents with reality manufacture of Enterprises 12 Use of Enterprises’s documents as references for students 13 Enlisting finance, facilities, learning equipment of Enterprises 14 The linkage with job consultancy centers 15 Proposing recommendations for state agencies to create cooperation mechanisms with Enterprises 108 Q5 Assess about which of the following factors effected on the current cooperation between Collegess and Enterprises? No Elements Scale of assessment Policies of the Government Cooperation environment Requirements and competence of each part Information about each other Competency of the leader (individual) Goal and content of training program Characteristics of Enterprises’ manufacture Thank you for your cooperation! 109 CURRICULUM VITAE I PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: NGUYỄN TIẾN TÙNG English name: TRUDY Birthday: April, 16th, 1971 Birthplace: Sonla Province Nationality: Vietnamese Sex/ Marriage status: Male/ Marriage Contact Address: Phuc Yen College of Industry, No.1, Trung Nhi ward, Phuc Yen town, Vinh Phuc Province Current residence: Nam Viem ward, Phuc Yen town, Vinh Phuc Province Phone: +84.913038428 Email Address: II EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Institution Year to year Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained Hanoi Pedagogical University No.2 Institute of Mathematics 1988-1992 Bachelor in Mathematics 1997-1999 Master in Mathematics III EXPERIENCES: Organization Year to year Posittion Professional Secondary School of Industry III 1992-2002 Teacher Professional Secondary School of Industry III 2003-2004 Vice Dean of Electronics – Informatics Faculty 110 Professional Secondary School of Industry III 2004-2006 Dean of Information Technology Faculty Phuc Yen College of Industry 2006-2007 Head of Scientific management and International relations Department Phuc Yen College of Industry 2007-6/2013 Vice Rector Phuc Yen College of Industry 7/2013-now Rector IV SCIENTIFIC WORKS: Year to year Role Project: “Setting up National standards of vocational skills in the field of Computer Network Management", Ministry of Industry and Trade 2011 Head of Project Project: “Setting up standards of vocational skills in the field of Laptop Repairing and Assembling”, Ministry of Industry and Trade 2009 Head of Project 2007 Author of Report 2007 Member of research group Title Report: “Assessment of learning outcomes by objective tests at Phuc Yen College of Industry”, Journal of Education No 160 (Term 1-4/2007) Page 33-34 Research: “Research on subsidence curves of construction works over time, subsidence rate and other parameters related to the sustainability of the works”, Ministry of Industry and Trade Agency name and Address: Phuc Yen College of Industry, Trung Nhi ward, Phuc Yen town, Vinh Phuc province, Viet Nam Email: Hand phone: +84.913.038.428 ... Education and Training of Vinhphuc, Professional Training officials of Department of Education and Training of Vinhphuc; rectors of Colleges in Vinhphuc province, Head of Training Departments of Colleges, ... of Vinhphuc, Professional Training officials of Department of Education and Training of Vinhphuc; rectors of Colleges in Vinhphuc province, Head of Training Departments of Colleges, 42 Head of. .. PRACTICES OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING PARTNERSHIPS BETWEEN SELECTED COLLEGES AND ENTERPRISES IN VINHPHUC PROVINCE: BASES FOR IMPROVING THE VOCATIONAL TRAINING AND INDUSTRY RELATIONSHIPS" The study''s